Reduce memory requirements of save without dictionary take II, a=chris

Author Chris Pollett <>
Author date 2018-06-19 03:Jun:th
Author local date 2018-06-18 20:Jun:th -0700
Committer Chris Pollett <>
Committer date 2018-06-19 03:Jun:th
Committer local date 2018-06-18 20:Jun:th -0700
Commit a4049066265b67787523c2e9a7854286604bbf74
Tree adcc18555c5cd3a83730c4fab583178f034ac56f
Parent 7f2e9c52f67ba68b402bfe9a2ed6837237847eac
Reduce memory requirements of save without dictionary take II, a=chris
Affected files: