Fix bug where a wiki page could be reverted in not logged in 2, a=chris

Author Chris Pollett <>
Author date 2022-11-04 19:Nov:th
Author local date 2022-11-04 12:Nov:th -0700
Committer Chris Pollett <>
Committer date 2022-11-04 19:Nov:th
Committer local date 2022-11-04 12:Nov:th -0700
Commit b0e13de9e30a8dcbf154722820a7e012b1e02cfa
Tree 9e3059d5ac51a06f3d98aa18a92e461a86af195d
Parent 1a172f65b49ca49025cc6f10bf6c577602bc9bc0
Fix bug where a wiki page could be reverted in not logged in 2, a=chris
Affected files: