Switching Mime Type for Path Terms in Description Sources, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2022-11-28 03:Nov:th]
Switching Mime Type for Path Terms in Description Sources, a=chris
diff --git a/src/configs/Createdb.php b/src/configs/Createdb.php
index 990a5f8b8..973e87af8 100755
--- a/src/configs/Createdb.php
+++ b/src/configs/Createdb.php
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ $media_sources = [
         '############enclosure###Public@Podcast Examples/Ted/%Y-%m-%d %F',
-    ['100000006', 'IMDB', 'description_source', 'video',
+    ['100000006', 'IMDB', 'description_source', 'TV Shows, video',
         "Year/Rating | //ul[contains(@data-testid," .
             "'hero-title-block__metadata')]/li/a\n" .
@@ -988,9 +988,9 @@ $media_sources = [
         "//a[contains(@class,'pc-metadata-list-summary-item__t')]###" .
         "############" .
-        "Catch me if you can.mp4\n" .
-        "Inception.mp4\n" .
-        "Wrong Turn.mp4", 'en-US']
+        "TV Shows/Catch me if you can.mp4\n" .
+        "TV Shows/Inception.mp4\n" .
+        "TV Shows/Wrong Turn.mp4", 'en-US']
     SOURCE_URL, AUX_INFO, LANGUAGE) VALUES  (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
diff --git a/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php b/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php
index 37dc7f3b3..a5b4715e3 100644
--- a/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php
+++ b/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php
@@ -2584,6 +2584,8 @@ toc=true


 END_HEAD_VARS=Yioop Wiki Syntax=

 : Wiki syntax is a lightweight way to markup a text document so that
@@ -3175,7 +3177,7 @@ desired.
 no grouping of resources by name is done. In this way you can keep track of exactly what
 resources are available for a page.

-==Page Settings, Page Type==
+==Page Settings, Page Type, Page Meta Information==

 : In edit mode for a wiki page, next to the page name, is a ⚙ link which can be used
 to toggle settings controls. Clicking this link expands a form which can be used to
@@ -3184,9 +3186,14 @@ page type, another drop down for the type of border for the page in non-logged i
 a dropdown that let's you select from the available CSS themes for wiki pages on the
 site (new themes can be created by Admin users with access to the Appearance Activity),
 a checkbox for whether a table of contents should be auto-generated from level 2
-and level three headings and then text
-fields or areas for the page title, author, meta robots, and page description.
-Beneath this one can specify another wiki page to be used as a header for this
+and level three headings and then text fields or areas for the page title, author,
+meta robots, and meta page description. This is followed by a text area where you
+can set other meta properties of a page such as open graph properties using the format:
+name_of_property|content_of_property. This maps to a meta tag in the head of the HTML
+generated for your wiki
+ <meta name="name_of_property" content="content_of_property" />
+Beneath the meta properties textarea, there is a dropdown
+ one can specify another wiki page to be used as a header for this
 page and also specify another wiki page to be used as a footer for this page.

 : The contents of the page title is displayed in the browser title when the
@@ -3853,9 +3860,12 @@ page type, another drop down for the type of border for the page in non-logged i
 a dropdown that let's you select from the available CSS themes for wiki pages on the
 site (new themes can be created by Admin users with access to the Appearance Activity),
 a checkbox for whether a table of contents should be auto-generated from level 2
-and level three headings and then text
-fields or areas for the page title, author, meta robots, and page description.
-Beneath this one can specify another wiki page to be used as a header for this
+and level three headings and then text fields or areas for the page title,
+author, meta robots, and page description. Beneath this there is a dropdown used to
+control which descriptions amongst the page resource description should be
+looked up using description search sources. The default is none, but one can also
+choose to look up files, folders, or both. Finally, below this dropdown, there are
+two text field where one can specify another wiki page to be used as a header for this
 page and also specify another wiki page to be used as a footer for this page.

 : The contents of the page title is displayed in the browser title when the
@@ -42989,7 +42999,7 @@ toc=true



 END_HEAD_VARS'''Media Sources''' are used to specify how Yioop should handle news feeds, podcast, and trending value sites. The '''Add Media Source''' form lets you add new media sources. What this form looks like depends on the '''Type''' dropdown chosen. Below we describe the form for each of the possible choices of type:

@@ -43125,12 +43135,12 @@ Here there is only one capture group (\d+\.\d+), so searching on trending:stocks

 <br />

-A '''Description Source''' is used to update the description of wiki page resources based on the resource's name. The '''Name''' field is used to give a name to this search source. The '''URL''' field is used to provide the url of web page along with any required query parameters in order to look up resource using its name. The '''Language''' field is used to specify the locale to be used at search site given they support it. The '''Mime Type''' field is used to specify mime type of file format of resources to be processed. The '''Info Xpaths''' field is used to specify the details of HTML tags containing the required information to be collected as the description of the resources. The '''Item Xpath''' field is used to specify tag name and optionally attribute with value that aids to uniquely identify the HTML elements that completely contain all the details of a single search result, mostly this will be a <tr> tag. The '''Title Xpath''' field is used to specify the details of HTML tag within the '''Item Xpath''' that contains the text representing the title of search result in the similar format as '''Item Xpath'''. The '''Url Xpath''' field is used to specify details of HTML tag within '''Item Xpath''' that contains the URL of details page about the search result. The '''Test Values''' field is used to provide test values to be used while in the test mode of search source. Below is the example of search source for IMDB site
+A '''Description Source''' is used to update the description of wiki page resources based on the resource's name. The '''Name''' field is used to give a name to this search source. The '''URL''' field is used to provide the url of web page along with any required query parameters in order to look up resource using its name. The '''Language''' field is used to specify the locale to be used at search site given they support it. The '''Path Terms''' field is used to specify a comma separated list of terms to check against the resource. If any of the path terms are contained in the wiki page name, resource path, or resource item's mimetype (both major and whole mimetype), the description source will be used. The '''Info XPaths''' field is used to specify the details of HTML tags containing the required information to be collected as the description of the resources. The '''Item XPath''' field is used to specify tag name and optionally attribute with value that aids to uniquely identify the HTML elements that completely contain all the details of a single search result, mostly this will be a <tr> tag. The '''Title XPath''' field is used to specify the details of HTML tag within the '''Item XPath''' that contains the text representing the title of search result in the similar format as '''Item XPath'''. The '''Url XPath''' field is used to specify details of HTML tag within '''Item XPath''' that contains the URL of details page about the search result. The '''Test Values''' field is used to provide test values to be used while in the test mode of search source. Below is the example of search source for IMDB site
  Name: IMDB
  URL: https://www.imdb.com/find?q=
  Language: English
- Mime Type: VIDEO
+ Path Terms: TV Shows, Movies, Video
  Info Xpaths:
   Year/Rating | //ul[contains(@data-testid,'hero-title-block__metadata')]/li/a
   Plot | //span[contains(@data-testid,'plot-l')]
diff --git a/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php b/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
index c61bdf7fc..ae4ea53ba 100644
--- a/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
+++ b/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
@@ -62,12 +62,6 @@ class SocialComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
      *  successfully uploaded
     const UPLOAD_SUCCESS = 1;
-    /**
-     * File to tell DescriptionUpdateJob that a wiki resource needs a
-     * description
-     */
-        C\APP_DIR . "/resources/needs_descriptions.txt";
      * Used to handle the manage group activity.
@@ -3919,14 +3913,10 @@ EOD;
             $data['INCLUDE_SCRIPTS'][] =  "wiki";
             $data['RESOURCES_INFO'] =
-                    $data['PAGE_ID'], $sub_path);
+                    $data['PAGE_ID'], $sub_path,
+                    needs_descriptions_format:
+                    $data["HEAD"]['update_description']);
             $thumb_folder = $data['RESOURCES_INFO']['thumb_folder'];
-            if (!empty($thumb_folder) &&
-                !empty($data["HEAD"]['update_description'])) {
-                $fp = fopen(self::NEEDS_DESCRIPTION_FILE, "a");
-                fwrite($fp, $thumb_folder . "\n");
-                fclose($fp);
-            }
             $scroll_id = "scroll-container-" .
                 L\crawlHash($data['PAGE_ID'] . $sub_path);
@@ -4999,6 +4989,12 @@ EOD;
         $data['page_themes'] = array_merge(
             ["" => tl('social_component_no_auxiliary_theme')],
             array_combine($page_themes , $page_themes));
+        $data['update_descriptions'] = [
+            "no-lookup" => tl('social_component_no_lookup'),
+            "files-only" => tl('social_component_files_only'),
+            "folders-only" => tl('social_component_folders_only'),
+            "files-and-folders" => tl('social_component_files_and_folders')
+        ];
         $data['resource_actions'] = [
             tl('social_component_actions') => "",
             "new-folder" => tl('social_component_new_folder'),
diff --git a/src/data/public_default.db b/src/data/public_default.db
index 0561398f9..fca4e6de9 100644
Binary files a/src/data/public_default.db and b/src/data/public_default.db differ
diff --git a/src/library/WebSite.php b/src/library/WebSite.php
index 2f63540b5..968ed8e3d 100644
--- a/src/library/WebSite.php
+++ b/src/library/WebSite.php
@@ -1016,8 +1016,8 @@ class WebSite
             $finfo = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
             $mime_type = $finfo->file($file_name);
         } else {
-            $last_chars = strtolower(substr($file_name,
-                strrpos($file_name, ".")));
+            $last_chars = trim(strtolower(substr($file_name,
+                strrpos($file_name, "."))));
             $mime_types = [
                 ".aac" => "audio/aac",
                 ".aif" => "audio/aiff",
diff --git a/src/library/media_jobs/DescriptionUpdateJob.php b/src/library/media_jobs/DescriptionUpdateJob.php
index 6d4c60b96..7074d2877 100644
--- a/src/library/media_jobs/DescriptionUpdateJob.php
+++ b/src/library/media_jobs/DescriptionUpdateJob.php
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 namespace seekquarry\yioop\library\media_jobs;

 use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
+use seekquarry\yioop\models\GroupModel;
 use seekquarry\yioop\library as L;
 use seekquarry\yioop\library\FetchUrl;
 use seekquarry\yioop\library\UrlParser;
@@ -133,10 +134,11 @@ class DescriptionUpdateJob extends MediaJob
     public function doTasks($tasks)
-        $this->thumb_folder_paths = explode("\n",
+        $this->page_id_thumb_folder_paths = explode("\n",
-        $this->thumb_folder_paths = array_unique($this->thumb_folder_paths);
-        if (!is_array($tasks) || !is_array($this->thumb_folder_paths)) {
+        $this->page_id_thumb_folder_paths = array_unique(
+            $this->page_id_thumb_folder_paths);
+        if (!is_array($tasks) || !is_array($this->page_id_thumb_folder_paths)) {
                 "---- This media updater is NOT responsible for " .
                 "any description update! ----");
@@ -144,18 +146,19 @@ class DescriptionUpdateJob extends MediaJob
         L\crawlLog("---- This media updater is responsible for " .
             "the description updates ----");
-        $thumb_folder_paths = $this->thumb_folder_paths;
-        foreach ($thumb_folder_paths as $thumb_folder_path) {
+        $page_id_thumb_folder_paths = $this->page_id_thumb_folder_paths;
+        foreach ($page_id_thumb_folder_paths as $page_id_thumb_folder_path) {
             $time = time();
             if ($time - $this->update_time >= C\ONE_HOUR) {
                 L\crawlLog("---- Runtime limit exceeded, saving the current " .
                     "state and yielding the processor ----");
                 file_put_contents(self::NEEDS_DESCRIPTION_FILE, implode(PHP_EOL,
-                    $this->thumb_folder_paths));
+                    $this->page_id_thumb_folder_paths));
-            $this->updateResourcesDescription($tasks, $thumb_folder_path);
-            array_shift($this->thumb_folder_paths);
+            $this->updateResourcesDescription($tasks,
+                $page_id_thumb_folder_path);
+            array_shift($this->page_id_thumb_folder_paths);
         file_put_contents(self::NEEDS_DESCRIPTION_FILE, "");
@@ -174,8 +177,19 @@ class DescriptionUpdateJob extends MediaJob
      * @return string if $test_mode true
     public function updateResourcesDescription($sources,
-        $thumb_folder_path = "", $test_mode = false)
+        $page_id_thumb_folder_path = "", $test_mode = false)
+        $page_name = "";
+        $thumb_folder_path = "";
+        $page_path_parts = explode(":", $page_id_thumb_folder_path, 2);
+        if (count($page_path_parts) == 2) {
+            list($page_id, $thumb_folder_path) = $page_path_parts;
+            $group_model = new GroupModel();
+            $page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByPageId($page_id);
+            $page_name = $page_info['PAGE_NAME'] ?? "";
+        } else if (!$test_mode) {
+            return false;
+        }
         if (!$test_mode && !file_exists($thumb_folder_path)) {
             return false;
@@ -194,31 +208,32 @@ class DescriptionUpdateJob extends MediaJob
         if (!$test_mode) {
             $log_function("---- Processing file $file_path ----");
-        $resources_detail = !$test_mode ? ( file_exists($file_path) ?
-            explode("\n", file_get_contents($file_path)) : [] ) :
+        $resource_details = !$test_mode ?
+            (file_exists($file_path) ? file($file_path) : [] ) :
             explode("\n", $sources[0]['TEST_DATA']);
         $i = 1;
-        $resources_detail = array_filter($resources_detail);
-        $resources_detail_copy = $resources_detail;
-        foreach ($resources_detail as $resource_detail) {
+        $resource_details = array_filter($resource_details);
+        $resource_details_copy = $resource_details;
+        foreach ($resource_details as $resource_detail) {
             $time = time();
             if (!$test_mode && $time - $this->update_time >= C\ONE_HOUR) {
                 file_put_contents($file_path, implode(PHP_EOL,
-                    $resources_detail_copy));
+                    $resource_details_copy));
                 return true;
             $log_function("Processing $i - $resource_detail", "h3");
-            array_shift($resources_detail_copy);
-            $resource_name = $resource_detail;
-            $resource_name = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $resource_name));
-            $mime_type = explode("/", L\mimeType($resource_name, true))[0];
+            array_shift($resource_details_copy);
+            $resource_detail = trim($resource_detail);
+            $resource_name = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $resource_detail));
             $resource_name = pathinfo($resource_name)['filename'];
             $resource_name = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $resource_name);
             $max_score = 0;
             $details_page_url = "";
             foreach ($sources as $source) {
                 $source_name = $source['NAME'];
-                if ($source['CATEGORY'] == $mime_type) {
+                if ($this->matchResourceSourcePathTerms(
+                    $page_name . "/". $thumb_folder_path . "/" .
+                    $resource_detail, $source['CATEGORY'])){
                     $log_function("*** Using search source <b>$source_name" .
                         "</b> to find description ***", "p");
                     $search_page_url = $source['SOURCE_URL'] . $resource_name;
@@ -276,6 +291,35 @@ class DescriptionUpdateJob extends MediaJob
         return $test_mode ? $test_results : true;
+    /**
+     * Checks if the terms wiki page name followed by a path to a wiki resource
+     * contain the terms in a description search source string which would
+     * trigger that search source to get used
+     * @param string $page_name_folder_path path to check terms against search
+     *  search source trigger terms. The mimetype of the resource is also added
+     *  to the list of terms to check
+     * @param string $source_term_string a comma separated list of terms
+     *  used by a description source to see if it can supply a description of
+     *  the given resource.
+     * @return bool whether the path contained any of the source trigger terms
+     */
+    public function matchResourceSourcePathTerms($page_name_resource_path,
+        $source_term_string)
+    {
+        $mime_type = L\mimeType($page_name_resource_path, true);
+        $mime_type_major = explode("/", $mime_type)[0];
+        $check_parts = explode("/", mb_strtolower($page_name_resource_path));
+        $source_terms = preg_split("/\s*,\s*/u", trim(mb_strtolower(
+            $source_term_string)));
+        $check_parts[] = $mime_type;
+        $check_parts[] = $mime_type_major;
+        foreach($check_parts as $check_part) {
+            if (in_array($check_part, $source_terms)) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
      * Processes $item, a DOMElement representing a search result for
      * a description for the wiki resource $name, extracting a title and
@@ -400,8 +444,7 @@ class DescriptionUpdateJob extends MediaJob
                 $log_function("<span class='red'>Could not fetch value".
                     " for <b>$detail_name</b></span>", "pre");
             } else {
-                $details .= "\n$detail_name\n".
-                str_pad("",strlen($detail_name), "-")."\n" . $sub_details;
+                $details .= "= $detail_name =\n" . $sub_details . "\n";
         return [wordwrap($details), $test_results];
diff --git a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
index 7c45325d3..706e0bf9c 100755
--- a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "خالص"
 social_component_dashed = "متقطع"
 social_component_none = "لا شيء"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "لا يوجد موضوع مساعد"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "إجراءات"
 social_component_new_folder = "مجلد جديد"
 social_component_new_text_file = "ملف نص جديد"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "خصائص ميتا (مثل الرسم البي
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "سطر واحد لكل عقار بالتنسيق : الاسم |المحتوى"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "الموارد المسار:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "ترك فارغا لاستخدام الافتراضي"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "رأس الصفحة اسم:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "تذييل الصفحة اسم:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "إلى أرشيف a صفحة الإيطالية ليس بوصة ابحث النتائج حذف نص و حفظ."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "العمل"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "نوع:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "اللغة:"
 searchsources_element_category = "الفئة:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "تنتهي:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "اسم المجلد"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "الاستعلام:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "تحرير الإعلام المصدر"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "إضافة مصدر الوسائط"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "الاسم:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "توفير مسارات xpath إلى تغذية المكونات أدناه:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "أدخل تغذية regexes. Regexes باستثناء البند فاصل يجب أن يكون 1 القبض على المجموعة."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "البند:"
diff --git a/src/locale/bn/configure.ini b/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
index c8749b09f..ef7851e27 100755
--- a/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "কঠিন"
 social_component_dashed = "ড্যাশ"
 social_component_none = "কেউ"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "কোন অক্জিলিয়ারী থিম"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "কর্ম"
 social_component_new_folder = "নতুন ফোল্ডার"
 social_component_new_text_file = "নতুন টেক্সট ফাইল"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "মেটা বৈশিষ্ট্য (যে
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "বিন্যাসে সম্পত্তি প্রতি এক লাইন : নাম | বিষয়বস্তু"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "রিসোর্স পাথ:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "ফাঁকা ছেড়ে দিন ব্যবহার করার জন্য ডিফল্ট"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "হেডার পৃষ্ঠা নাম:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "পাদলেখ, পৃষ্ঠা নাম:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "যাও আর্কাইভ, একটি পৃষ্ঠা, তাই এটি জিতেছে&amp;#039;t প্রদর্শিত অনুসন্ধান ফলাফল মুছে তার টেক্সট এবং সংরক্ষণ করুন."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "কর্ম"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "প্রকার:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "ভাষা:"
 searchsources_element_category = "বিভাগ:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "মেয়াদ শেষ:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL-এ:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "ফোল্ডার নাম"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "ক্যোয়ারী:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "সম্পাদনা মিডিয়া উত্স"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "অ্যাড মিডিয়া উত্স"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "নাম:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "প্রদান xpaths ভোজন উপাদান নীচের:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "লিখতে ফিড regexes. Regexes ছাড়া আইটেম বিভাজক আছে উচিত 1 ক্যাপচার গ্রুপ."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "আইটেম:"
diff --git a/src/locale/de/configure.ini b/src/locale/de/configure.ini
index 8d6080210..fa210b869 100755
--- a/src/locale/de/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/de/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Solid"
 social_component_dashed = "Gestrichelte"
 social_component_none = "Keiner"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Kein Hilfsthema"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "Aktionen"
 social_component_new_folder = "Neuen Ordner"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Neue Text-Datei"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta-Eigenschaften (wie Open Graph)"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Eine Zeile pro Eigenschaft im Format: Name|Inhalt"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Ressourcen-Pfad:"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "So archivieren Sie eine Seite, damit es gewann&amp;#039;t in den Suchergebnissen angezeigt, l&ouml;schen Sie den text und speichern."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Aktion"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Typ:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Sprache:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Kategorie:"
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@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Query:"
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 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Hinzuf&uuml;gen Von Medien Quelle"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Name:"
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 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Bieten xpaths zu ern&auml;hren folgenden Komponenten:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Geben Sie feed-regexes. Regexes au&szlig;er Element separator sollte haben 1 capture-Gruppe."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Artikel:"
diff --git a/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini b/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini
index fc7679aad..613e3c489 100644
--- a/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Στερεό"
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 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Δεν υπάρχει βοηθητικό θέμα"
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@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Μετα-ιδιότητες ( όπως ανοι
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "Όνομα σελίδας υποσέλιδου:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Για να αρχειοθετήσετε μια σελίδα ώστε να μην εμφανίζεται στα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης, διαγράψτε το κείμενό της και αποθηκεύστε."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Ενέργεια"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Τύπος:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Γλώσσα:"
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@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Ερώτηση:"
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 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Προσθήκη πηγής πολυμέσων"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Όνομα:"
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 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Παρέχετε xpaths στα στοιχεία τροφοδοσίας παρακάτω:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Εισαγάγετε regexes ροής. Τα Regexe εκτός από το διαχωριστικό στοιχείου πρέπει να έχουν 1 ομάδα λήψης."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Είδος:"
diff --git a/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini b/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
index 5944cf6dc..d28f654f1 100644
--- a/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Solid"
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+social_component_files_and_folders = "Files and Folders"
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@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta Properties (such as Open Graph)"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "To archive a page so it won&#039;t appear in search results delete its text and save."
@@ -1309,13 +1313,13 @@ searchsources_element_trending_stop_regex = "Trending Stop Term Regex:"
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@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Action"
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 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Language:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Category:"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "Expires:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Folder Name"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Query:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Edit Media Source"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Add Media Source"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Name:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = "Comma Spearated Resource Path Terms"
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Provide xpaths to feed components below:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Enter feed regexes. Regexes except Item separator should have 1 capture group."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Item:"
diff --git a/src/locale/es/configure.ini b/src/locale/es/configure.ini
index c85d70b1d..799cb9dbd 100755
--- a/src/locale/es/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/es/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "S&oacute;lido"
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@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Propiedades meta (como Open Graph )"
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "Pie De P&aacute;gina Nombre De La P&aacute;gina:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Para archivar una p&aacute;gina as&iacute; es que no&amp;#039;t aparecer en los resultados de b&uacute;squeda de eliminar de su texto y guardar."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Acci&oacute;n"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Tipo:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Idioma:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Categor&iacute;a:"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "Expira:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "El Nombre De La Carpeta"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Consulta:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Editar Fuente De Medios De Comunicaci&oacute;n"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Agregar Fuente De Medios De Comunicaci&oacute;n"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Nombre:"
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 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Proporcionar xpath para alimentar a los componentes a continuaci&oacute;n:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Introduzca alimentaci&oacute;n de expresiones regulares. Expresiones regulares, a excepci&oacute;n del Punto separador debe tener 1 captura de grupo."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Elemento:"
diff --git a/src/locale/fa/configure.ini b/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
index 05f77ec58..faaacb29b 100755
--- a/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "جامد"
 social_component_dashed = "نقش برآب"
 social_component_none = "هیچ کدام"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "بدون تم کمکی"
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 social_component_new_text_file = "فایل متنی جدید"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "خواص متا ( مانند نمودار باز
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "بالا و پایین صفحه نام و نام خانوادگی:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "برای بایگانی کردن یک صفحه پس از آن برنده&amp;#039;t به نظر می رسد در نتایج جستجو و حذف آن, متن و ذخیره کنید."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "فرمان"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "نوع:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "زبان:"
 searchsources_element_category = "دسته بندی:"
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 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "نام پوشه"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "پرس و جو:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "ویرایش منبع رسانه"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "منبع رسانه&zwnj;ای اضافه کن"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "نام:"
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 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "ارائه xpaths برای تغذیه قطعات زیر:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "وارد خوراک regexes. Regexes به جز آیتم جدا کننده باید 1 ضبط ، "
 searchsources_element_item_text = "مورد:"
diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini b/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
index d96dc9eac..e255765f1 100755
--- a/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Solide"
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 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Pas de thème auxiliaire"
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+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
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 social_component_new_folder = "Nouveau dossier"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Nouveau fichier texte"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Propriétés Méta ( telles que Open Graph)"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "Pour archiver une page afin qu&#039;elle n&#039;apparaisse pas dans les r&eacute;sultats de recherche supprimer son texte et enregistrer"
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Action"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Type:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Langue:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Cat&eacute;gorie:"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "Date d&#039;expiration:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Nom de dossier"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Requ&ecirc;te:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Modifier la m&eacute;dia source"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Ajouter la m&eacute;dia source"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Nom:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Fournir des requ&ecirc;tes Xpath pour nourrir les composants ci-dessous:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Entr&eacute;e d&#039;alimentation regexes. Regexes &agrave; l&#039;exception de l&#039;&Eacute;l&eacute;ment s&eacute;parateur doit avoir 1 groupe de capture."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Article:"
diff --git a/src/locale/he/configure.ini b/src/locale/he/configure.ini
index a0bd0a5e6..8a4c589a9 100755
--- a/src/locale/he/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/he/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "מוצק"
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 social_component_none = "אף אחד"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "אין נושא עזר"
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+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "פעולות"
 social_component_new_folder = "תיקייה חדשה"
 social_component_new_text_file = "קובץ טקסט חדש."
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "מאפייני מטא ( כגון גרף פתוח
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 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "השאר ריק כדי להשתמש כברירת מחדל"
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "Footer שם הדף:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "לארכיון הדף אז זה לא&amp;#039;לא מופיעות בתוצאות החיפוש למחוק את הטקסט שלה ולשמור."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "פעולה"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "סוג:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "שפה:"
 searchsources_element_category = "קטגוריה:"
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@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "שאילתה:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "עריכה מקור מדיה"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "הוסף מדיה מקור"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "שם:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "לספק xpaths להאכיל את הרכיבים שלהלן:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "הזן להאכיל regexes. Regexes חוץ פריט מפריד צריך 1 ללכוד את הקבוצה."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "פריט:"
diff --git a/src/locale/hi/configure.ini b/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
index 20967660c..efb00454a 100755
--- a/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "ठोस"
 social_component_dashed = "धराशायी"
 social_component_none = "कोई नहीं"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "कोई सहायक विषय नहीं"
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 social_component_new_folder = "नया फ़ोल्डर"
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@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "मेटा गुण (जैसे ओपन
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "प्रारूप में प्रति संपत्ति एक पंक्ति: नाम |सामग्री"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "संग्रह करने के लिए एक पेज तो यह जीत&amp;#039;टी खोज परिणामों में प्रकट हटाने के अपने पाठ और बचाने के लिए."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "कार्रवाई"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "प्रकार:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "भाषा में:"
 searchsources_element_category = "श्रेणी:"
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 searchsources_element_url = "यूआरएल:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "फ़ोल्डर का नाम"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "क्वेरी:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "संपादित मीडिया स्रोत"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "जोड़ें मीडिया स्रोत"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "नाम:"
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 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "प्रदान xpaths फ़ीड करने के लिए नीचे घटकों:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "प्रवेश फ़ीड regexes. Regexes को छोड़कर आइटम विभाजक होना चाहिए 1 पर कब्जा समूह."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "मद:"
diff --git a/src/locale/id/configure.ini b/src/locale/id/configure.ini
index bd17a0326..b1cd6bdb1 100755
--- a/src/locale/id/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/id/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Solid"
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@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Properti Meta (seperti grafik terbuka )"
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@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Aksi"
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 searchsources_element_category = "Kategori:"
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 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Nama Folder"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Query:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Sunting Sumber Media"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Tambahkan Sumber Media"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Nama:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Memberikan xpaths untuk komponen pakan di bawah ini:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Masukkan feed regexes. Regexes kecuali Item pemisah harus memiliki 1 menangkap kelompok."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Item:"
diff --git a/src/locale/it/configure.ini b/src/locale/it/configure.ini
index ce186e0af..3c8674f55 100755
--- a/src/locale/it/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/it/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Solido"
 social_component_dashed = "Tratteggiata"
 social_component_none = "Nessuno"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Nessun tema ausiliario"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "Azioni"
 social_component_new_folder = "Nuova Cartella"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Nuovo File Di Testo"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta Proprietà (come Open Graph)"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Una riga per proprietà in formato: nome |contenuto"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Percorso Di Risorse:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Lasciare Vuoto per Usare di Default"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Intestazione Nome Della Pagina:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Pi&egrave; Di Pagina Nome:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Per archiviare una pagina in modo che ha vinto&amp;#039;t essere visualizzato nei risultati di ricerca, eliminare il testo e risparmiare."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Azione"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Tipo:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Lingua:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Categoria:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Scadenza:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Nome Della Cartella"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Query:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Modifica Sorgente Multimediale"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Aggiungi Media Fonte"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Nome:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Fornire xpath per alimentare i componenti qui di seguito:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Inserire feed espressioni regolari. Espressioni regolari ad eccezione di Elemento separatore deve avere 1 acquisizione di gruppo."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Oggetto:"
diff --git a/src/locale/ja/configure.ini b/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
index 06f25fe4d..faf082620 100755
--- a/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "固体"
 social_component_dashed = "疾走"
 social_component_none = "なし"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "補助テーマなし"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "行動"
 social_component_new_folder = "新しいフォルダ"
 social_component_new_text_file = "新しいテキストファイル"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Open Graph)などのメタプロパティ("
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "書式:名前|コンテンツのプロパティごとに1行"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "リソースパス:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "空白の場合にデフォルトの利用"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "ヘッダのページ名:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "フッターのページ名:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "アーカイブのページです&amp;#039;tが検索結果の削除は、テキストおよび保存します。"
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "行動"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "タイプ:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "言語:"
 searchsources_element_category = "カテゴリ:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "限:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "フォルダの名前"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "クエリ:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "編集メディアソース"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "追加メディアソース"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "名前:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "提供xpaths飼料成分。"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "入飼料regexes. Regexes以外の項目のセパレーターは1を捕ます。"
 searchsources_element_item_text = "項目:"
diff --git a/src/locale/kn/configure.ini b/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
index c6ca9c45a..2863a0572 100755
--- a/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "ಘನ"
 social_component_dashed = "ಬಿಡಿ"
 social_component_none = "ಯಾವುದೂ"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "ಸಹಾಯಕ ಥೀಮ್ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "ಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳು"
 social_component_new_folder = "ಹೊಸ ಫೋಲ್ಡರ್"
 social_component_new_text_file = "ಹೊಸ ಪಠ್ಯ ಫೈಲ್"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "ಮೆಟಾ ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು (
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "ಪ್ರತಿ ಆಸ್ತಿಗೆ ಒಂದು ಸಾಲು ಸ್ವರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ: ಹೆಸರು| ವಿಷಯ"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲ ಮಾರ್ಗ:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "ಖಾಲಿ ಬಿಡಿ ಬಳಸಲು ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "ಅಡಿಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ ಪುಟ ಹೆಸರು:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "ಆರ್ಕೈವ್ ಪುಟ ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ ಇದು ಸಾಧಿಸಿದೆ&amp;#039;t appear in search results ಅಳಿಸಲು ಅದರ ಪಠ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಉಳಿಸಲು."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "ಕ್ರಮ"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "ಕೌಟುಂಬಿಕತೆ:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "ಭಾಷೆ:"
 searchsources_element_category = "ವರ್ಗ:"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "ಅವಧಿಯು:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL ಅನ್ನು:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "ಫೋಲ್ಡರ್ ಹೆಸರು"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ಮೂಲ"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "ಮಾಧ್ಯಮ ಸೇರಿಸಿ ಮೂಲ"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "ಹೆಸರು:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "ಒದಗಿಸಲು xpaths ಫೀಡ್ ಅಂಶಗಳನ್ನು ಕೆಳಗೆ:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "ನಮೂದಿಸಿ ಫೀಡ್ regexes. Regexes ಹೊರತುಪಡಿಸಿ ಐಟಂ ಸಪರೇಟರ್ ಇರಬೇಕು 1 ಹಿಡಿಯಲು ಗುಂಪು."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "ಐಟಂ:"
diff --git a/src/locale/ko/configure.ini b/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
index 2d5439816..7f49c7159 100755
--- a/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "솔리드"
 social_component_dashed = "점선"
 social_component_none = "없음"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "보조 테마 없음"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
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+social_component_folders_only = ""
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 social_component_actions = "행동"
 social_component_new_folder = "새로운 폴더"
 social_component_new_text_file = "새로운 텍스트 파일"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "오픈 그래프와 같은 메타 속성()"
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "바닥글 페이지 이름:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "아카이브 페이지래&amp;#039;t 에 나타나 검색결과를 삭제합의 텍스트를 저장합니다."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "작"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "유형:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "언어:"
 searchsources_element_category = "카테고리:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "은 만료됩니다:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "폴더 이름"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "쿼리:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "미디어 소스 편집"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "미디어 소스를 추가"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "이름:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "제공 xpath 을 먹 아래의 구성 요소:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "입력 공급의 정규표현식. 정규표현식을 제외한 품목을 구분해야 1 캡쳐 그룹입니다."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "품목:"
diff --git a/src/locale/nl/configure.ini b/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
index 156de816f..25fb74bef 100644
--- a/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "solide"
 social_component_dashed = "Binnen"
 social_component_none = "geen"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Geen hulpthema"
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 social_component_new_text_file = "Nieuw Tekst Bestand"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta-eigenschappen (zoals Open Graph )"
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 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Bron-Pad:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Laat Leeg om de Standaard"
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 wiki_element_page_header = "Header Pagina Naam:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Footer Pagina Naam:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Om een pagina te archiveren, zodat het niet zal verschijnen in de zoekresultaten van de tekst te verwijderen en op te slaan."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "actie"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Type:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "taal:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Categorie:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Verloopt:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "mapnaam"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Query:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Media bewerken Bron"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Voeg Media Source"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "naam:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Bieden xpaths naar nieuwsfeed onderdelen hieronder:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Voer feed regexes. Regexes behalve scheider moet 1 vastleggen van de groep."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Item:"
diff --git a/src/locale/pl/configure.ini b/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
index 8e3c52108..e28156602 100755
--- a/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Stałe"
 social_component_dashed = "Pognał"
 social_component_none = "Nie"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Brak tematu pomocniczego"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
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+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "Działania"
 social_component_new_folder = "Nowy Folder"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Nowy Plik Tekstowy"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Właściwości Meta (, takie jak Open Graph )"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Jedna linia na właściwość w formacie : nazwa |treść"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Ścieżka Do Zasobu:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Pozostaw puste, aby użyć domyślnej"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Tytuł Tytuł Strony:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Tytuł Strony W Stopce:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Archiwum strony, więc on wygrał&amp;#039;T być wyświetlane w wynikach wyszukiwania i usunąć tekst i zapisać."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Akcja"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Typ:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Język:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Kategorie:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Wygasa:"
 searchsources_element_url = "Adres URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Nazwa Folderu "
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Zapytanie:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Edycja Oryginalnego Nośnika "
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Dodaj Źr&oacute;dło Medi&oacute;w "
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Nazwa:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Zapewnić język XPath do podawania składnik&oacute;w poniżej:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Wprowadź paszy wyrażenia regularne. Wyrażenia regularne, za wyjątkiem separator powinien mieć 1 grupy roboczej."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Polecenie:"
diff --git a/src/locale/pt/configure.ini b/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
index ee26c9bb3..0e6fbdd6e 100755
--- a/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "S&oacute;lidos"
 social_component_dashed = "Tracejada"
 social_component_none = "Nenhum"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Sem tema auxiliar"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "A&ccedil;&otilde;es"
 social_component_new_folder = "Nova Pasta"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Novo Arquivo De Texto"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta propriedades (tais como Open Graph )"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Uma linha por propriedade no formato : Nome | conteúdo"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Recurso Caminho:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Deixe em Branco para Usar Padr&atilde;o"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Cabe&ccedil;alho Nome Da P&aacute;gina:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Rodap&eacute; Do Nome Da P&aacute;gina:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Para arquivar uma p&aacute;gina para que n&atilde;o&amp;#039;t aparecer nos resultados de busca eliminar o seu texto e salve."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "A&ccedil;&atilde;o"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Tipo:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Idioma:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Categoria:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Expira:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Nome De Pasta"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Consulta:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Editar Origem De M&iacute;dia De"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Adicionar Origem De M&iacute;dia De"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Nome:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Fornecer xpaths para alimentar os componentes abaixo:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Introduza alimenta&ccedil;&atilde;o regexes. Regexes exceto separador de Item deve ter 1 grupo de captura."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Item:"
diff --git a/src/locale/ru/configure.ini b/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
index 50c8b930d..c867531eb 100755
--- a/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Твердые"
 social_component_dashed = "Накатал"
 social_component_none = "Нет"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Нет вспомогательной темы"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "Действия"
 social_component_new_folder = "Новая Папка"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Новый Текстовый Файл"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Мета-свойства (, такие как
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Одна строка на свойство в формате: имя|содержимое"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Путь К Ресурсу:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Оставьте пустым, чтобы использовать по умолчанию"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Заголовок Название Страницы:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Название Страницы В Футере:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "В архиве страницы, поэтому он выиграл&amp;#039;Т отображаться в результатах поиска удалить текст и сохранить."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Действие"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Тип:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Язык:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Категории:"
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+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Истекает:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL-адрес:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Имя Папки "
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Запрос:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Редактирование Исходного Носителя "
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Добавить Источник Медиа "
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Имя:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Обеспечить язык XPath для подачи компонентов ниже:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Введите корма регулярные выражения. Регулярные выражения, за исключением разделитель должен иметь 1 группу захвата."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Пункт:"
diff --git a/src/locale/te/configure.ini b/src/locale/te/configure.ini
index ec403579a..ba9bf6d57 100644
--- a/src/locale/te/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/te/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "ఘన"
 social_component_dashed = " "
 social_component_none = "ఏమీలేదు"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "సంఖ్య సహాయక థీమ్"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "యాక్సన్ లు"
 social_component_new_folder = "కొత్త ఫోల్డర్"
 social_component_new_text_file = "కొత్త టెక్స్ట్ ఫైల్"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "మెటా గుణాలు (ఓపెన్
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "ఫార్మాట్ లో ఆస్తి ప్రతి ఒక లైన్: పేరు|కంటెంట్"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "వనరుల మార్గం:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Leave Blank to Use Default"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "హెడర్ పేజ్ నేమ్:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "ఫుటరు పేజ్ నేమ్:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "ఆర్కైవ్ పేజీ so it won&amp;#039;t appear in search results తొలగించండి. దాని టెక్స్ట్ మరియు సేవ్."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "చర్య"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "రకం:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "భాష:"
 searchsources_element_category = "వర్గం:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "గడువు ముగుస్తుంది:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "ఫోల్డర్ పేరు"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "ప్రశ్న:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "మార్చు మీడియా మూలం"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "మీడియా జోడించండి మూలం"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "పేరు:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "అందించేందుకు xpaths తిండికి భాగాలు below:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "ఎంటర్ feed regexes. Regexes తప్ప అంశం విభజించడానికి కలిగి ఉండాలి 1 పట్టుకుని గ్రూప్."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "అంశం:"
diff --git a/src/locale/th/configure.ini b/src/locale/th/configure.ini
index 0e921861d..13374c55e 100755
--- a/src/locale/th/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/th/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Solid"
 social_component_dashed = "พุ่ง"
 social_component_none = "ไม่มีใคร"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "ไม่มีธีมเสริม"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "การกระทำ"
 social_component_new_folder = "โฟลเดอร์ใหม่"
 social_component_new_text_file = "แฟ้มข้อความใหม่"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "คุณสมบัติของเมตา
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "หนึ่งบรรทัดต่อคุณสมบัติในรูปแบบ:ชื่อ|เนื้อหา"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "ทรัพยากรแหน่งจัดเก็บเอกสาร:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "ทิ้งว่างเปล่าลองมองไปใช้ค่าปริยาย"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "ส่วนหัวหน้าชื่อ:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "ท้ายกระดาษหน้าชื่อ:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "ต้องแฟ้มจัดเก็บหน้าดังนั้นมันชนะ&amp;#039;ท.ปรากฎในผลการค้นหาลบอข้อความของมันและบันทึก."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "การกระทำ"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "ประเภท:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "ภาษา:"
 searchsources_element_category = "หมวดหมู่:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "หมดอายุ:"
 searchsources_element_url = "ที่อยู่ URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "ชื่อโฟลเดอร์"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "กับการค้นหา:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "แก้ไขแหล่งของสื่อ"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "เพิ่มแหล่งของสื่อ"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "ชื่อ:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "ให้ xpaths ต้องแหล่งป้อนส่วนประกอบด้านล่างนี้:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "ป้อนแหล่งป้อน regexes. Regexes ยกเว้นรายการเครื่องหมายแยกเลขหลักน่าจะได้ 1 ถูกจับกลุ่ม"
 searchsources_element_item_text = "รายการ:"
diff --git a/src/locale/tl/configure.ini b/src/locale/tl/configure.ini
index 513afb7b8..1af188fe5 100644
--- a/src/locale/tl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/tl/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Solid"
 social_component_dashed = "Dashed"
 social_component_none = "Wala"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Walang pandiwang pantulong na tema"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "Aksyon"
 social_component_new_folder = "Bagong Folder"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Bagong Mga File Ng Teksto"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Mga katangian ng Meta (tulad ng Open Graph )"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Isang linya sa bawat ari-arian sa format : Pangalan |nilalaman"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Mapagkukunan Ng Landas:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Iwanang Blangko upang Gamitin ang Default"
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+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Header Ng Pangalan Ng Pahina:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Footer Ng Mga Pangalan Ng Pahina:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Sa pag-archive ng isang pahina sa gayon ito ay&amp;#039;t lumitaw sa mga resulta ng paghahanap ng tanggalin nito ang teksto at i-save."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Aksyon"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Uri:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Wika:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Kategorya:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "E-expire:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Pangalan Ng Folder"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Query:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "I-Edit Ang Mga Media Source"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Magdagdag Ng Media Source"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Pangalan:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Magbigay ng xpaths sa feed ang mga bahagi sa ibaba:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Magpasok ng mga feed regexes. Regexes maliban Item separator ay dapat na magkaroon ng 1 makuha ng mga grupo."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Item:"
diff --git a/src/locale/tr/configure.ini b/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
index f05f72e34..e11de9476 100755
--- a/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Katı"
 social_component_dashed = "Kesik"
 social_component_none = "Yok"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Yardımcı tema yok"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "Eylemler"
 social_component_new_folder = "Yeni Klas&ouml;r"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Yeni Metin Dosyası"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Open Graph ) gibi Meta Özellikler ("
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Biçimdeki özellik başına bir satır : ad | içerik"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Kaynak Yolu:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Bırakın Boş Varsayılan Kullanmak i&ccedil;in "
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Başlık Sayfa Adı:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Altbilgi Sayfa Adı:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Bir sayfa arşivi bu kadar&amp;#039 değil;t arama sonu&ccedil;ları metnini silmek ve kaydetmek g&ouml;r&uuml;n&uuml;r."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Eylem"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "T&uuml;r&uuml;:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Dil:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Kategori:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "S&uuml;resi:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Klas&ouml;r Adı"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "Sorgu:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "D&uuml;zen Medya Kaynağı"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Medya Kaynak Ekle "
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Adı:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Sağlamak aşağıdaki bileşenleri beslemek i&ccedil;in xpaths:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Yem regexes girin. &Ouml;ğe ayırıcısı dışında Regexes 1 &ccedil;ekim grubu olmalıdır."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Madde:"
diff --git a/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini b/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
index 4e58aa37f..fadb3f735 100755
--- a/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "Rắn"
 social_component_dashed = "Tiêu tan"
 social_component_none = "Không có"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "Không có chủ đề phụ trợ"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "H&agrave;nh động"
 social_component_new_folder = "Thư Mục Mới"
 social_component_new_text_file = "Văn Bản Mới Tập Tin"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Các Thuộc tính Meta ( như Open Graph )"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Một dòng cho mỗi thuộc tính ở định dạng : tên |nội dung"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "T&agrave;i Nguy&ecirc;n Đường:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Để Trống để Sử dụng Định"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Ti&ecirc;u Đề Trang T&ecirc;n:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Cuối Trang T&ecirc;n:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Để lưu trữ một trang như vậy, n&oacute; sẽ&#039;t xuất hiện trong kết quả t&igrave;m kiếm sạch văn bản của n&oacute;, v&agrave; tiết kiệm."
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Hành động"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Loại:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Ngôn ngữ:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Mục:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Hết hạn:"
 searchsources_element_url = "DẪN:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Thư Mục Tên"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "C&acirc;u hỏi:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Chỉnh Sửa Nguồn Phương Tiện Truyền Thông"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Thêm Nguồn Phương Tiện Truyền Thông"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "Tên:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Cung cấp xpaths để nuôi thành phần dưới:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "Vào thức ăn regexes. Regexes ngoại trừ Mục tách nên có 1 chụp nhóm."
 searchsources_element_item_text = "Mục:"
diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
index 870ba47f6..cd744f219 100755
--- a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
@@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ social_component_solid = "固体"
 social_component_dashed = "虚"
 social_component_none = "没有"
 social_component_no_auxiliary_theme = "没有辅助主题"
+social_component_no_lookup = ""
+social_component_files_only = ""
+social_component_folders_only = ""
+social_component_files_and_folders = ""
 social_component_actions = "元素活動"
 social_component_new_folder = "新的文件夹"
 social_component_new_text_file = "新的文本的文件"
@@ -1202,7 +1206,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "元属性([2][8]),如开放图([2][9])
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "格式为:名称|内容的每个属性一行"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "资源的路径:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "留下的空白使用默认值"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
+wiki_element_resource_lookup = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "标题页名称:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "脚页名称:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "要存档页面,使其不会出现在搜索结果中,请删除其文本并保存。"
@@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "动作"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "类型:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "语言:"
 searchsources_element_category = "类别:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = ""
+searchsources_element_path_terms = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "期满:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "文件夹的名字"
@@ -1344,6 +1348,7 @@ searchsources_element_query = "查询:"
 searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "编辑的媒体来源"
 searchsources_element_add_media_source = "增加的媒体来源"
 searchsources_element_sourcename = "名称:"
+searchsources_element_comma_separated = ""
 searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "提供xpath饲料组件如下:"
 searchsources_element_regex_instruct = "该喂regex. Regex除了项目分离器应该有1捕组。"
 searchsources_element_item_text = "项目:"
diff --git a/src/models/GroupModel.php b/src/models/GroupModel.php
index a34bd8449..80ffbac28 100644
--- a/src/models/GroupModel.php
+++ b/src/models/GroupModel.php
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ class GroupModel extends Model implements MediaConstants
      * Directory to tell WikiThumbDetailJob that a wiki resource needs a thumb
     const NEEDS_THUMBS_DIR = C\APP_DIR . "/resources/needs_thumbs";
+    /**
+     * File to tell DescriptionUpdateJob that a wiki resource folder might
+     * have files that need descriptions
+     */
+        C\APP_DIR . "/resources/needs_descriptions.txt";
      * Associations of the form
      *     name of field for web forms => database column names/abbreviations
@@ -4015,13 +4021,17 @@ EOD;
      *      resource has a thumb)
     public function getGroupPageResourceUrls($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path ="",
-        $create = false)
+        $create = false, $needs_descriptions_format = null)
         $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id,
             $sub_path, $create);
         if (!$folders) {
             return false;
+        $find_files_descriptions = (in_array($needs_descriptions_format,
+            ['files-only', 'files-and-folders'])) ? true : false;
+        $find_folders_descriptions = (in_array($needs_descriptions_format,
+            ['folders-only', 'files-and-folders'])) ? true : false;
         list($folder, $thumb_folder) = $folders;
         $folder_len = strlen($folder) + 1;
         $pre_resources = glob(preg_quote($folder) . "/*");
@@ -4137,6 +4147,10 @@ EOD;
                     $subfolder_counts[$pre_resource] = $resource['num_files'];
                     $subfolder_counts_change = true;
+                if ($find_folders_descriptions && !empty($thumb_folder) &&
+                    !file_exists($thumb_folder . "/" . $name . ".txt")) {
+                    $needs_description_string .= "$name\n";
+                }
             } else {
                 $mime_type = L\mimeType($pre_resource);
                 $mime_parts = explode('/', $mime_type);
@@ -4155,7 +4169,7 @@ EOD;
                         $might_have_animated_thumb = true;
-                if (!empty($thumb_folder) &&
+                if ($find_files_descriptions && !empty($thumb_folder) &&
                     !file_exists($thumb_folder . "/" . $name . ".txt")) {
                     $needs_description_string .= "$name\n";
@@ -4210,7 +4224,18 @@ EOD;
-        if ($create && !empty($needs_description_file)) {
+        if (!empty($needs_descriptions_format) &&
+            $needs_descriptions_format != 'no-lookup' &&
+            !empty($needs_description_file)) {
+            // record folder missing descriptions in global needs file
+            $needs_description_data = file_exists(self::NEEDS_DESCRIPTION_FILE)?
+                file_get_contents(self::NEEDS_DESCRIPTION_FILE) : "";
+            if (!str_contains($needs_description_data,
+                "$page_id:$thumb_folder")) {
+                $needs_description_data .= "$page_id:$thumb_folder\n";
+                file_put_contents(self::NEEDS_DESCRIPTION_FILE,
+                    $needs_description_data);
+            }
diff --git a/src/views/elements/SearchsourcesElement.php b/src/views/elements/SearchsourcesElement.php
index 1b44332fb..41b1fef84 100644
--- a/src/views/elements/SearchsourcesElement.php
+++ b/src/views/elements/SearchsourcesElement.php
@@ -246,14 +246,12 @@ class SearchsourcesElement extends Element
                     <b><?=($is_feed || $is_trending_value) ?
                         tl('searchsources_element_category') :
                             (($source['TYPE'] == "description_source") ?
-                            tl('searchsources_element_file_format') :
+                            tl('searchsources_element_path_terms') :
                                 tl('searchsources_element_expires')); ?></b>
                     if (in_array($source['TYPE'], ["feed_podcast",
                         "scrape_podcast"])) {
-                    } else if ($source['TYPE'] == "description_source") {
-                        e($data['MEDIA_MIME_TYPE'][$source['CATEGORY']]);
                     } else {
                     }?><br />
@@ -434,20 +432,19 @@ class SearchsourcesElement extends Element
                 channel_string +'</textarea>' + channel_required;
             stype = stype.options[stype.selectedIndex].value;
             let source_form_ids = ["alt-link-text", "aux-url-xpath",
-                "category-text", "channel-path", "channel-text",
-                "description-path", "description-text", "expires-text",
-                "image-xpath", "instruct", "instruct-regex",
-                "item-text-regex", "item-path", "item-text", "item-text-label",
-                "link-path", "link-text", "link-text-label",
-                "link-xpath-text", "locale-text",
-                "path-label", "source-category", "source-expires",
-                "source-locale-tag", "source-thumbnail", "title-path",
-                "title-text", "title-text-label", "trend-text",
+                "category-text", "channel-path", "channel-text", "class-text",
+                "description-path", "description-text", "description-xpath",
+                "expires-text", "image-xpath", "info-xpaths", "instruct",
+                "instruct-regex", "item-text-regex", "item-path", "item-text",
+                "item-text-label", "item-xpath", "link-path", "link-text",
+                "link-text-label", "link-xpath-text", "locale-text",
+                "path-label", "path-terms", "path-terms-text",
+                "source-category", "source-expires", "source-locale-tag",
+                "source-thumbnail", "test-data", "test-text", "title-path",
+                "title-text", "title-text-label", "title-xpath", "trend-text",
                 "trend-text-label", "trend-stop-string", "trend-category-group",
-                "trending-xpath", "wiki-page-text", "xpath-text", "format-text",
-                "file-format", "class-text", "description-xpath",
-                "test-data", "test-text", "row-tag", "row-title", "row-url",
-                "description-text-label"
+                "trending-xpath", "wiki-page-text", "xpath-text",
+                "url-xpath", "description-text-label"
             let on_ids;
             if (stype == "html" || stype == 'json' || stype == 'regex') {
@@ -496,12 +493,14 @@ class SearchsourcesElement extends Element
                     elt('source-category').value = "";
             } else if (stype == "description_source") {
-                on_ids = [ "format-text", "file-format", "title-text-label",
-                    "description-xpath", "path-label", "row-tag",
-                    "item-path", "row-title", "title-path", "row-url",
-                    "channel-path", "locale-text", "source-locale-tag",
-                    "test-data", "test-text", "description-path",
-                    "description-text-label", "item-text-label"];
+                on_ids = [ "channel-path", "description-path",
+                    "description-text-label", "description-xpath",
+                    "info-xpaths", "item-xpath", "item-path",
+                    "item-text-label", "locale-text", "path-label",
+                    "path-terms", "path-terms-text", "source-locale-tag",
+                    "title-path", "title-xpath", "test-data", "test-text",
+                    "title-text-label", "url-xpath"
+                    ];
                 elt('channel-aux').innerHTML = aux_inner;
                 elt('source-category').value = "";
             } else {
@@ -587,7 +586,10 @@ class SearchsourcesElement extends Element
         <form id="add-source-form" method="post"><?php
         if ($data["SOURCE_FORM_TYPE"] == "editsource") { ?>
-            <h2><?= tl('searchsources_element_edit_media_source')?></h2>
+            <h2><?= tl('searchsources_element_edit_media_source')?>
+            <?= $this->view->helper("helpbutton")->render(
+                "Media Sources", $data[C\CSRF_TOKEN]) ?>
+            </h2>
         } else {
@@ -667,12 +669,14 @@ class SearchsourcesElement extends Element
             "expires", $data['PODCAST_EXPIRES'],
              $data['CURRENT_SOURCE']['category']); ?></td></tr>
-        <tr><td><label id="format-text" for="file-format"><b><?php
-            e(tl('searchsources_element_file_format'));
-            ?></b></label></td><td><?php
-            $this->view->helper("options")->render("file-format",
-            "format", $data['MEDIA_MIME_TYPE'],
-             $data['CURRENT_SOURCE']['category']); ?></td></tr>
+        <tr><td><label id="path-terms-text" for="path-terms"><b><?php
+            e(tl('searchsources_element_path_terms'));
+            ?></b></label></td><td><input type="text"
+                id="path-terms" name="category"
+                value="<?= ($data["SOURCE_FORM_TYPE"] == "editsource") ?
+                    $data['CURRENT_SOURCE']['category'] : "" ?>"
+                maxlength="<?= $sub_aux_len ?>"
+                class="wide-field" /></td></tr>
         <tr><td colspan="2" class="instruct"><span id='instruct'><?=
             ?></span><span id='instruct-regex'><?=
@@ -722,9 +726,10 @@ class SearchsourcesElement extends Element
                 ?><span class='red'>*</span><?php
-        <tr><td><label id="description-text-label" for="description-path"><b>
+        <tr><td><label id="urlxpath-label" for="url-xpath"><b>
             <span id="description-text"><?=
-            tl('searchsources_element_descpath')?></span><span id="url-xpath">
+                tl('searchsources_element_descpath')?></span>
+            <span id="url-xpath">
             <input type="text" id="description-path" name="description_path"
diff --git a/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php b/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php
index b9880f967..e9662d3e4 100644
--- a/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php
+++ b/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php
@@ -657,15 +657,11 @@ class WikiElement extends Element implements CrawlConstants
             <div class="top-margin">
             <label for="update-description"><b><?=
-            tl('wiki_element_update_resource_desc') ?></b></label>
-            <input type="checkbox" name="update_description" value="true"
-                <?php
-                    $checked = (isset($data['update_description'])
-                        && $data['update_description']) ?
-                        'checked="checked"' : '';
-                    e( $checked );
-                ?> id='update-description' />
-            </div>
+            tl('wiki_element_resource_lookup') ?></b></label><?php
+            $this->view->helper("options")->render("update-description",
+                "update_description", $data['update_descriptions'],
+                $data['update_description'] ?? "no-lookup");
+            ?></div>
             <div class="top-margin">
             <label for="page-header"><b><?=tl('wiki_element_page_header')
             ?></b></label><input type="text" id='page-header'