Fixes issues with WeatherBot, and notice in AdminbarElement, adds back with grammar corrections wiki pages related to managing credits, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2022-10-29 22:Oct:th]
Fixes issues with WeatherBot, and notice in AdminbarElement, adds back with grammar corrections wiki pages related to managing credits, a=chris
diff --git a/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php b/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php
index c96485163..8adf5b168 100644
--- a/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php
+++ b/src/configs/PublicHelpPages.php
@@ -2568,8 +2568,12 @@ page_header=




@@ -3173,10 +3177,12 @@ resources are available for a page.

 ==Page Settings, Page Type==

-: In edit mode for a wiki page, next to the page name, is a link [Settings].
-Clicking this link expands a form which can be used to control global settings
-for a wiki page.  This form contains a drop down for the page type, another
-drop down for the type of border for the page in non-logged in mode,
+: In edit mode for a wiki page, next to the page name, is a ⚙ link which can be used
+to toggle settings controls. Clicking this link expands a form which can be used to
+control global settings for a wiki page.  This form contains a drop down for the
+page type, another drop down for the type of border for the page in non-logged in mode,
+a dropdown that let's you select from the available CSS themes for wiki pages on the
+site (new themes can be created by Admin users with access to the Appearance Activity),
 a checkbox for whether a table of contents should be auto-generated from level 2
 and level three headings and then text
 fields or areas for the page title, author, meta robots, and page description.
@@ -3214,9 +3220,677 @@ on a line by itself is used to separate one slide. If presentation type is a sel
 slide icon appears in the wiki edit bar allowing one to easily add new slides.
 When the Activity panel is not collapsed and you are reading a presentation, it just
 displays as a single page with all slides visible. Collapsing the Activity panel presents
-the slides as a typical slide presentation using the javascript program:
+the slides as a typical slide presentation using the Javascript program:

+: The '''Share Wall''' page type allows you to make a page with a public textarea where people
+can copy and paste text snippets for others to see. Above this text area is a formatted version
+of the text with line numbers.
+: The '''URL Shortener''' page type allows you to do a page alias to an external
+website rather than to a Yioop wiki page. The edit mode for this page lets you
+see a graphs of how frequently people are following your link.
+: Page types of the form '''template:''' . '''some_names''' these are template pages. Templates consists of simple web form used to create a wiki page of a given type. For example, a genealogy template might have fields to fill in information about a new person one wished to add to a collection of genealogy wiki pages.
+We describe how new templates (rather than pages built using an existing template) can be created in the next section.
+==Template Pages and Wiki Forms==
+: Template pages are wiki pages used to create other wiki pages. Any wiki page whose name begins with ''template:'' is a template page. All standard wiki page Syntax can be used on a template page. In addition,
+the following two notations have meaning:
+ {{text|name_of_text_field|placeholder_text_for_textfield}}
+ {{area|name_of_textarea|placeholder_text_for_textarea}}
+which we describe below. To use a template wiki page, a user can create a new wiki page with the name they desire. The user then selects settings for the pages, and chooses the template from the list of page types and clicks save. This will show the template page parsed to look like a web page. The {{text| notations will show as textfields, and the {{area| notations will be replaced with textareas. The user can then fill in these fields with the desired values for their new page, and click save. If this wiki page is now viewed in read rather than edit mode, one will see the template page, but where rather than see text fields and text areas, they will see the filled in values instead.
+: Template Page forms are designed to facilitate the creation of new wiki pages, not collect information from people in a group or the web. To do the latter one can use Wiki form syntaxes. These can be used on any wiki page. Below is a list of syntaxes and the form fields they correspond to:
+ {{`t`extfield|name of textfield| label for text field}}
+ {{`t`extarea|name of text area| label for text area}}
+ {{`c`heckbox|name of checkbox with box to the right of label| label for check box}}
+ {{l`c`heckbox|name of checkbox with box to the left of label| label for check box}}
+ {{`r`adio|name of radio button with button to the right of label| label for radio button}}
+ {{l`r`adio|name of radio button with button to the left of label| label for radio button}}
+ =Yioop Wiki Syntax=
+: Wiki syntax is a lightweight way to markup a text document so that
+it can be formatted and drawn nicely by Yioop.
+This page briefly describes the wiki syntax supported by Yioop.
+: In wiki syntax headings of documents and sections are written as follows:
+= Level 1 =
+== Level 2 ==
+=== Level 3 ===
+==== Level 4 ====
+===== Level 5 =====
+====== Level 6 ======
+and would look like:
+= Level 1 =
+== Level 2 ==
+=== Level 3 ===
+==== Level 4 ====
+===== Level 5 =====
+====== Level 6 ======
+: In Yioop two new lines indicates a new paragraph. You can control
+the indent of a paragraph by putting colons followed by a space in front of it:
+: some indent
+:: a little more
+::: even more
+:::: that's sorta crazy
+which looks like:
+: some indent
+:: a little more
+::: even more
+:::: that's sorta crazy
+==Horizontal Rule==
+: Sometimes it is convenient to separate paragraphs or sections with a horizontal
+rule. This can be done by placing four hyphens on a line by themselves:
+This results in a line that looks like:
+==Text Formatting Within Paragraphs==
+: Within a paragraph it is often convenient to make some text bold, italics,
+underlined, etc. Below is a quick summary of how to do this:
+===Wiki Markup===
+|<nowiki>'''''bold and italic'''''</nowiki>|'''''bold and italic'''''
+===HTML Tags===
+: Yioop also supports several html tags such as:
+|<nowiki><s>strike through</s> or
+<strike>strike through</strike> </nowiki>|<s>strike through</s>
+|<nowiki><sup>superscript</sup> and
+<sub>subscript</sub></nowiki>|<sup>superscript</sup> and
+===Spacing within Paragraphs===
+: The HTML entity
+<nowiki> </nowiki>
+can be used to create a non-breaking space. The tag
+can be used to produce a line break.
+==Preformatted Text and Unformatted Text==
+: You can force text to be formatted as you typed it rather
+than using the layout mechanism of the browser using the
+<nowiki><pre>preformatted text tag.</pre></nowiki>
+Alternatively, a sequence of lines all beginning with a
+space character will also be treated as preformatted.
+: Wiki markup within pre tags is still parsed by Yioop.
+If you would like to add text that is not parsed, enclosed
+it in <tt><`mbox{nowiki}`> </`mbox{nowiki}`></tt> tags.
+==Styling Text Paragraphs==
+: Yioop wiki syntax offers a number of templates for
+control the styles, and alignment of text for
+a paragraph or group of paragraphs:<br />
+`{{`left| some text`}}`,<br /> `{{`right| some text`}}`,<br />
+and<br />
+`{{`center| some text`}}`<br /> can be used to left-justify,
+right-justify, and center a block of text. For example,
+the last command, would produce:
+some text
+If you know cascading style sheets (CSS), you can set
+a class or id selector for a block of text using:<br />
+`{{`class="my-class-selector" some text`}}`<br />and<br />
+`{{`id="my-id-selector" some text`}}`.<br />
+You can also apply inline styles to a block of text
+using the syntax:<br />
+`{{`style="inline styles" some text`}}`.<br />
+For example, `{{`style="color:red" some text`}}` looks
+like {{style="color:red" some text}}.
+: The Yioop Wiki Syntax supported of ways of listing items:
+bulleted/unordered list, numbered/ordered lists, and
+definition lists. Below are some examples:
+===Unordered Lists===
+* Item1
+** SubItem 1
+** SubItem 2
+*** SubSubItem 1
+* Item 2
+* Item 3
+would be drawn as:
+* Item 1
+** SubItem 1
+** SubItem 2
+*** SubSubItem 1
+* Item 2
+* Item 3
+===Ordered Lists===
+# Item 1
+## SubItem 1
+## SubItem 2
+### SubSubItem 1
+# Item 2
+# Item 3
+# Item1
+## SubItem 1
+## SubItem 2
+### SubSubItem 1
+# Item 2
+# Item 3
+===Mixed Lists===
+# Item1
+#* SubItem 1
+#* SubItem 2
+#*# SubSubItem 1
+# Item 2
+# Item 3
+# Item1
+#* SubItem 1
+#* SubItem 2
+#*# SubSubItem 1
+# Item 2
+# Item 3
+===Definition Lists===
+;Term 1: Definition of Term 1
+;Term 2: Definition of Term 2
+;Term 1: Definition of Term 1
+;Term 2: Definition of Term 2
+: A table begins with {`|`  and ends with `|`}. Cells are separated with | and
+rows are separated with |- as can be seen in the following
+Headings for columns and rows can be made by using an exclamation point, !,
+rather than a vertical bar |. For example,
+Captions can be added using the + symbol:
+|+ My Caption
+|+ My Caption
+Finally, you can put a CSS class or style attributes (or both) on the first line
+of the table to further control how it looks:
+{| class="wikitable"
+|+ My Caption
+{| class="wikitable"
+|+ My Caption
+Within a cell attributes like align, valign, styles, and class can be used. For
+| style="text-align:right;"| a| b
+| lalala | lalala
+| style="text-align:right;"| a| b
+| lalala | lalala
+: Math can be included into a wiki document by either using the math tag:
+\sum_{i=1}^{n} i = frac{(n+1)(n)}{2}
+\sum_{i=1}^{n} i = frac{(n+1)(n)}{2}
+or by enclosing the math in backticks:
+`[[1, -2],[3,4]]`
+`[[1, -2],[3,4]]`.
+Rendering of math is done using [[|MathJax]], making use of the [[|ASCIImathml]] extensions.
+==Links and Relationships==
+: A hypertext link to another document can be inserted into a wiki page using
+the chain link icon in the GUI. Alternatively, there are several techniques
+for inserting a link into a page depending on whether the link is to a page
+within the same wiki group, is a link to a page on a different wiki
+group, or is a link to a different website. In addition to normal
+hypertext links, Yioop also supports relationship links.
+'''Intra-Group Wiki Links''' use the syntax:
+[[name_of_wiki_page|text for the link]]
+[[name_of_wiki_page#heading_or_id_on_page|text for the link]]
+for example, to make a link to this Syntax page one could write,
+[[Syntax|Yioop Wiki Syntax Page]]
+which would look like,
+[[Syntax|Yioop Wiki Syntax Page]]
+'''Inter-Group Wiki Links''' use the syntax:
+[[name_of-group@name_of_wiki_page|text for the link]]
+'''Different Website Links''' use the syntax:
+[[website_url|text for the link]]
+: Relationships are a generalized form of link. They are used to express
+a more complicated linking between two wiki pages and have the syntax:
+[[relationship_type|wiki_page_name|text for the link]]
+: In the navigation dropdown for a Yioop wiki page there are items for
+what links to the current page and what relates to the current page
+based on the links and relationships a page belongs to.
+==Recent Places Dropdowns==
+: You can add a dropdown that can allow users to navigate to recently visited
+wiki pages using the syntax:
+This looks like:
+==Adding Resources to a Page==
+: Yioop wiki syntax supports adding search bars, audio, images, and video to a
+page. The magnifying class edit tool icon can be used to add a search bar via
+the GUI. This can also be added by hand with the syntax:
+{{search:default|size:small|placeholder:Search Placeholder Text}}
+This syntax is split into three parts each separated by a vertical bar |. The
+first part search:default means results from searches should come from the
+default search index. You can replace default with the timestamp of a specific
+index or mix if you do not want to use the default. The second group size:small
+indicates the size of the search bar to be drawn. Choices of size are small,
+medium, and large. Finally, placeholder:Search Placeholder Text indicates the
+grayed out background text in the search input before typing is done should
+read: Search Placeholder Text. Here is what the above code outputs:
+{{search:default|size:small|placeholder:Search Placeholder Text}}
+: Image, video and other media resources can be associated with a page by dragging
+and dropping them in the edit textarea or by clicking on the link click to select
+link in the gray box below the textarea. This would add wiki code such as
+<sub>((resource`:`myphoto.jpg|Resource Description))</sub>
+to the page. Only saving the page will save this code and upload the resource to
+the server. In the above ''myphoto.jpg'' is the resource that will be inserted and
+Resource Description is the alternative text to use in case the viewing browser
+cannot display jpg files. To add a resource
+from a different wiki page belonging to the same group to the current wiki
+page one can use a syntax like:
+<sub>((resource`:`Documentation:ConfigureScreenForm1.png|The work directory form))</sub>
+Here Documentation would be the page and ConfigureScreenForm1.png the resource.
+You can also insert resources from a data-string using ''resource-data'' rather than
+''resource''. For example:
+<sub>((resource-data`:`image/jpeg;base64,/9j/ of image data...|Seekquarry Logo))</sub>
+could be used to inline an image like:
+((resource-|The Seekquarry Logo))
+be aware though that the default maximum wiki page size is 512Kb (this can be set in src/configs/Config.php).
+: Sometimes it is useful to edit the basic resource link
+above to make a link which is a thumbnail of the resource which points to a
+separate page containing that resource. This can be done using the syntax:
+<sub>((resource-thumb`:`myphoto.jpg|Resource Description))</sub>
+: Similarly, by default for resources like PDFs, epub's, etc., the resource tag inlines
+the whole resource into the page, if instead one wants a clickable link to a page where
+the resource is displayed one can use the syntax:
+<sub>((resource-link`:`my_document.pdf|Resource Description))</sub>
+: Comma separated value files (.csv or CSV files) are inlined into a page as a table. Which rows and columns of the CSV to present in this table can be controlled by the resource line. The general format for including
+a CSV resource is:
+<sub> ((resource`:`resource_name.csv#config#top_left_cell#bottom_right_cell|Resource Description))</sub>
+For example,
+<sub>((resource`:`resource_name.csv##B2#C3|Resource Description))</sub>
+might output
+((resource-data:text/csv;base64,LCwsLAosLTIsMywsCiw1LDQsLAosLCwsCiwsLCwK##B2#C3|Example CSV with Headings))
+I.e., just the portion of the CSV given by the rectangle between the cells B2 and C3. Using a config directive we can omit the spreadsheet row and column headings as follows:
+<sub>((resource`:`resource_name.csv#noheadings#B2#C3|Resource Description)) </sub>
+which might output
+((resource-data:text/csv;base64,LCwsLAosLTIsMywsCiw1LDQsLAosLCwsCiwsLCwK#noheadings#B2#C3|Example CSV without Headings))
+CSV spreadsheet files can also be used to output a variety of charts. The general format for the command to insert a chart resource is:
+<sub>((resource-chart_type`:`resource_name.csv#char_config#x_start#x_end#y_start#y_end|Resource Description))</sub>
+Here ''chart_type'' can be one of ''bargraph'',  ''linegraph'', or ''pointgraph''. For example, one might have a line like:
+<sub>((resource-bargraph`:`resource_name.csv##B1#B4#C1#C4|Quadratic Function)) </sub>
+which could produce a chart like
+((resource-bargraph:##(1,1)#(2,4)#(3,9)#(4,16)|Quadratic Function))
+In the above example, the values for the `x` coordinates would come from the cells B1, B2, B3, B4 from
+''resource_name.csv '' and the values for the `y` coordinates would come from cells C1, C2, C3, C4 from
+''resource_name.csv ''. Alternatively, rather than use a CSV to get out data we can just list the points we want to plot with a command like:
+<sub>((resource-bargraph`:`##(1,1)#(2,4)#(3,9)#(4,16)|Quadratic Function))</sub>
+: If the QRENCODE variable has been set in src/configs/LocalConfig.php to the path of a working
+copy of the qrencode command, then QR code resources can be displayed on wiki pages. Such a resource
+has the format:
+<sub>((resource-qr`:`url-to-qr-encode|A description of the qr code))</sub>
+For example, if Yioop has been appropriately configured below one should see a QR code for
+==Manipulating Page Resources==
+: A list of media that have already been associated with
+a page appears under the Page Resource heading below the textarea. This
+table allows the user to rename and delete resources as well as insert the
+same resource at multiple locations within the same document.
+: The resources section of the edit page can be thought of as similar to
+a folder in Windows or MacOS. One can have subfolders of the resource folder.
+: The '''Places''' dropdown at the top of the '''Page Resource''' section name has the
+name of the current subfolder of the resource folder one is in, and allows you to navigate
+up folders to the root resource folder.
+: The '''View''' selection gadget allows you to control whether you want to view the resource
+items in the current folder as a list, as a grid, or in a detail mode. If you are in detail mode
+then the currently selected appears in a "details" top panel; whereas, all other items in the folder
+appear beneath it in a horizontal list. the details item consists of an icon, size, modified date, etc details. One can also configure to have a short text description display under the item. To do this enter edit
+mode, click on an item and type the description.
+: The '''Sort''' dropdown (up-down arrows) allows you to control the order in which media lists items are presented.
+: The '''Filter''' textfield lets you enter a search string.
+Clicking '''Go''' then shows only those resources
+which contain that search string in their title.
+: The '''Clipboard ''' icon is used to toggle showing the user's clipboard. The clipboard can be
+used to move items around the folder structure. In edit mode, when a resource item is clicked on,
+it becomes a text field with three options: Rename, Copy Clipboard, and Cut Clipboard. The latter
+two can be used to either copy the item to the clipboard folder or to move it there. Once in the
+clipboard, the user can move to a different folder and paste the item as desired. Alternatively,
+the user can delete the clipboard's contents.
+: The '''Actions''' dropdown (labelled ...) can be used to create new folders, new text files, and new csv
+text files within the current page resource folder. These are initially named beginning
+with ''untitled'' followed by some number, and if applicable a file extension. In the dropdown there is also an option to upload a file to the current resource folder.
+: The '''Name''', '''Size''', '''Modified''' header links above the resources list
+control the sort order for the resource list. If a page is a media list page,
+then even in read mode, the sort order selected is remembered when drawing the
+media list.
+: Resources entries for the resources list consist first of an icon. In edit mode, when clicked on,
+they become a textfield with a name for the resource, followed by buttons for actions
+that can be done to that resource (Rename, Add to Page, Clip Cut, Clip Copy). If a resource is
+editable the icon will look like a plus sign together with a pencil. Clicking
+on the icon will then let you edit the resource.
+===Text and CSV Resources===
+: For normal text files clicking edit will bring up a textarea with the context of the text to edit.
+For CSV (comma separated value) files this will present the file as an editable spreadsheet.
+Yioop spreadsheets can have equation much like Excel spreadsheets. Clicking on a cell lets one
+edit its contents. For example, if in the cell A3
+one entered the equation:
+ = A1+A2
+then clicking out of the cell would cause it to refresh with the value of the sum of the contents of
+cells A1 and A2. In addition, to the standard arithmetic operators ['*', '/', '+', '-', '%'], the
+spreadsheet expressions can use float or integer literals, and can make use of the following table
+of built-in functions:
+{| class="wikitable"
+!Function Name!!Description
+!avg(x1,...,xn), avg(x1:xn)|| computes average of values of cells listed as arguments
+!ceil(x)|| rounds the value of x up to nearest integer
+!cell(i,j)|| returns the contents of the cell with column name of letter j, and row name i. For example, cell(2,'B') would return the contents of cell B2.
+!col(value, search_row, start_col, end_col)|| searches the row ''search_row'' between the columns
+''start_col'', ''end_col'' for ''value''. Returns the column name where this value was found or -1 if not found.
+For example, col(3, 2, "B", "D") might return C if the cell C2 had value 3.
+!exp(x)|| computes `e^x`
+!floor(x)|| rounds the value of x down to the nearest integer
+!log(x)|| computes `log x`
+!min(x1,...,xn), min(x1:xn)|| computes minimum value of cells listed as arguments
+!max(x1,...,xn), max(x1:xn)|| computes maximum value of cells listed as arguments
+!pow(x,y)|| computes `x^y`
+!row(value, search_col, start_row, end_row)|| searches the column ''search_col''
+between the rows ''start_row'', ''end_row'' for ''value''.
+Returns the row name where this value was found or -1 if not found.
+For example, row(3, "C", "1", "5") might return 2 if the cell C2 had value 3.
+!sqrt(x)|| computes `sqrt(x)`
+!sum(x1,...,xn), sum(x1:xn)|| computes sum of values of cells listed as arguments
+!username()|| returns username of the person using this CSV file
+===HTML, PDF and EPub Resources===
+: How HTML, PDF, EPub resources included on a page render depends on how the Yioop wiki software
+has been configured. If no special configuration has been done, then HTML and PDF documents
+will bbe rendered in an <iframe> tag within the current wiki page. In the EPub, case a link
+to download the resource will be given. If the wiki software detects the presence of the
+file APP_DIR/scripts/epubjs-reader ([[|epubjs-reader]]), the wiki
+system will render the resource in a Javascript viewer and will do things like remember reading
+===Video and Audio Resources===
+: Not all browsers support the same video and audio formats for playback. For this reason
+it sometimes is useful to have multiple video resources for the same video. For example,
+you might have a .ogv and .vp8 version of the same video recording. In read (non-edit)
+mode, the Yioop wiki system displays only one link for video or audio files that have
+the same name except for extension. It then includes the grouped file as separated <source>
+tags within either the <video> or <audio> html tag used to render the item in the browser.
+In this way, you can make your media take best advantages to whatever capabilities your
+client's browser has. If you don't feel like recoding your media in such a fancy way, a safe
+rule of thumb is that .mp3 audio will playback in all modern browser, and that .mp4 video
+will playback in all modern browser.
+: For video it is sometimes useful to add a subtitle or caption track. Yioop wiki supports
+[[|WebVTT]] format subtitles and captions. To see how
+Yioop wiki makes use of these files, suppose you included a resource ''foo.mp4'' in your
+wiki pages, and you also had a file named ''foo-captions-en-US.vtt'' then when the HTML
+page is generated from your wiki page, a <track> tag for the caption file would be added
+to the <video> tag. A user seeing this page would then see in the video player a closed caption
+symbol and be able to turn on/off (defaults off) the English captions. If you wanted
+named the file ''foo-subtitles-en-US.vtt'' instead, then Yioop wiki would include it as a
+subtitles track (defaults on). You can add captions/subtitle files for as many languages as
+: When viewing the page resources for a page in edit mode, one can see one file/resource and
+no grouping of resources by name is done. In this way you can keep track of exactly what
+resources are available for a page.
+==Page Settings, Page Type==
+: In edit mode for a wiki page, next to the page name, is a ⚙ link which can be used
+to toggle settings controls. Clicking this link expands a form which can be used to
+control global settings for a wiki page.  This form contains a drop down for the
+page type, another drop down for the type of border for the page in non-logged in mode,
+a dropdown that let's you select from the available CSS themes for wiki pages on the
+site (new themes can be created by Admin users with access to the Appearance Activity),
+a checkbox for whether a table of contents should be auto-generated from level 2
+and level three headings and then text
+fields or areas for the page title, author, meta robots, and page description.
+Beneath this one can specify another wiki page to be used as a header for this
+page and also specify another wiki page to be used as a footer for this page.
+: The contents of the page title is displayed in the browser title when the
+wiki page is accessed with the  Activity Panel collapsed or when not logged in.
+Similarly, in the collapsed or not logged in mode, if one looks as the HTML
+page source for the page,  in the head of document, <meta> tags for author,
+robots, and description are set according to these fields. These fields can
+be useful for search engine optimization. The robots meta tag can be
+used to control how search engine robots index the page. Wikipedia has more information on
+[[|Meta Elements]].
+: The '''Standard''' page type treats the page as a usual wiki page.
+: '''Page Alias''' type redirects the current page to another page name. This can
+be used to handle things like different names for the same topic or to do localization
+of pages. For example, if you switch the locale from English to French and
+you were on the wiki page dental_floss when you switch to French the article
+dental_floss might redirect to the page dentrifice.
+: '''Media List''' type means that the page, when read, should display just the
+resources in the page as a list of thumbnails and links. These links for the
+resources go to a separate pages used to display these resources.
+This kind of page is useful for a gallery of
+images or a collection of audio or video files. For videos, thumbnails will appear
+as animated gifs, provided the FFMPEG constant has been defined in the system's
+src/configs/LocalConfig.php and it is set to the path of an executable of ffmpeg.
+: '''Presentation''' type is for a wiki page whose purpose is a slide presentation. In this mode,
+on a line by itself is used to separate one slide. If presentation type is a selected a new
+slide icon appears in the wiki edit bar allowing one to easily add new slides.
+When the Activity panel is not collapsed and you are reading a presentation, it just
+displays as a single page with all slides visible. Collapsing the Activity panel presents
+the slides as a typical slide presentation using the Javascript program:

 : The '''Share Wall''' page type allows you to make a page with a public textarea where people
 can copy and paste text snippets for others to see. Above this text area is a formatted version
@@ -3226,6 +3900,36 @@ of the text with line numbers.
 website rather than to a Yioop wiki page. The edit mode for this page lets you
 see a graphs of how frequently people are following your link.

+: Page types of the form '''template:''' . '''some_names''' these are template pages. Templates consists of simple web form used to create a wiki page of a given type. For example, a genealogy template might have fields to fill in information about a new person one wished to add to a collection of genealogy wiki pages.
+We describe how new templates (rather than pages built using an existing template) can be created in the next section.
+==Template Pages and Wiki Forms==
+: Template pages are wiki pages used to create other wiki pages. Any wiki page whose name begins with ''template:'' is a template page. All standard wiki page Syntax can be used on a template page. In addition,
+the following two notations have meaning:
+ {{text|name_of_text_field|placeholder_text_for_textfield}}
+ {{area|name_of_textarea|placeholder_text_for_textarea}}
+which we describe below. To use a template wiki page, a user can create a new wiki page with the name they desire. The user then selects settings for the pages, and chooses the template from the list of page types and clicks save. This will show the template page parsed to look like a web page. The {{text| notations will show as textfields, and the {{area| notations will be replaced with textareas. The user can then fill in these fields with the desired values for their new page, and click save. If this wiki page is now viewed in read rather than edit mode, one will see the template page, but where rather than see text fields and text areas, they will see the filled in values instead.
+: Template Page forms are designed to facilitate the creation of new wiki pages, not collect information from people in a group or the web. To do the latter one can use Wiki form syntaxes. These can be used on any wiki page. Below is a list of syntaxes and the form fields they correspond to:<br>
+`{{`textfield|name of textfield| label for text field`}}`<br>
+`{{`textarea|name of text area| label for text area`}}`<br>
+`{{`checkbox|name of checkbox with box to the right of label| label for check box`}}`<br>
+`{{`lcheckbox|name of checkbox with box to the left of label| label for check box`}}`<br>
+`{{`radio|name of radio button with button to the right of label| label for radio button`}}`<br>
+`{{`lradio|name of radio button with button to the left of label| label for radio button`}}`<br>
+`{{`submit|name of submit button| value/text appearing on button`}}`<br>
+`{{`image-captcha|placeholder for captcha text field`}}`<br>
+`{{`username|name of hidden form field to store user's username in`}}`<br>
+`{{`date|name of form field to store date form sent to  end user to fill out`}}`<br>
+`{{`timestamp|name of form field to store Unix timestamp of when form sent to end user to fill out`}}`<br>
+If a form is to be processed by Yioop, at a minimum in needs to have an image-captcha and a submit button.
+For textfield's, textarea's, checkboxes, and radion button's each of the syntax also has a required variant beginning with either r- or required-. For example, `{{`r-textfield|name of textfield| label for text field`}}`. A user filling out a wiki field must provide a value for a required item for that form to be processed. When a user fills in and submits a Wiki page with a form on it, Yioop checks if the captcha was filled in correctly, if not the data is rejected. If it was filled in correctly, and values were given for all required fields, then a new row with the form data is added to the form_data.csv file in that Wiki page's list of page resources.
 $public_pages["en-US"]["ad_program_terms"] = <<< 'EOD'
@@ -3383,11 +4087,17 @@ url_shortener=
 END_HEAD_VARS== Suggest URL Timeout ==

 The number of allowed suggestion per day has been exceeded. Please wait till %s to make a new url suggestion.
+$public_pages["en-US"]["template:test"] = <<< 'EOD'
 $public_pages["en-US"]["terms"] = <<< 'EOD'
 =Terms of Service=

 Please write the terms for the services provided by this website.
+$public_pages["en-US"]["test"] = <<< 'EOD'
 $public_pages["es"]["400"] = <<< 'EOD'
@@ -41796,191 +42506,52 @@ page_footer=


-END_HEAD_VARSThe &#039;&#039;&#039;Edit Locale&#039;&#039;&#039; form can be used to specify how various message strings in Yioop are translated in different languages.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
-The edit locale table has two columns: a column of string identifiers and a column of translations. A string identifier refers to a location in the code marked as needing to be translated, the corresponding translation in that row is how it should be translated for the current locale. Identifiers typically specify the code file in which the identifier occurs. For example, the identifier&lt;br&gt;
- serversettings_element_name_server
-would appear in the file views/elements/ServerSettings.php . To see where this identifier occurs one could open that file and search for this string.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
-If no translation exists yet for an identifier the translation value for that row will appear in red. Hovering the mouse over this red field will show the translation of this field in the default locale (usually English). &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
-The &#039;&#039;&#039;Show Dropdown&#039;&#039;&#039; allows one to show either all identifiers or just those missing translations. The filter field let&#039;s one to see only identifiers that contain the filter as a substring.
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Editing_a_Crawl_Mix"] = <<< 'EOD'
-END_HEAD_VARSA crawl mix is built out of a list of &#039;&#039;&#039;search result fragments&#039;&#039;&#039;.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-A fragment has a &#039;&#039;&#039;Results Shown&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown which specifies up to how many results that given fragment is responsible for. If one that had three fragments, the first with this value set to 1 the next with it set to 5 and the last set to whatever. Then on a query the Yioop will try to get the first result from the first fragment, up to the next five results from the next fragment, and all remaining results from the last fragment. If a given fragment doesn&#039;t produce results the search engine skips to the  next fragment.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-The &#039;&#039;&#039;Add Crawls&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown can be used to add a crawl to the given fragment. Several crawl indexes can be added to a given fragment. When search results are computed for the fragment, the search is performed on all of these indexes and a score for each result is determined. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Weight&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown can then be set to specify how important a given indexes score of a result should be in the total score of a search result. The top totals scores are then returned by the fragment. If when performing the search on a given index you would like additional terms to be added to the query these can be specified in the &#039;&#039;&#039;Keywords&#039;&#039;&#039; field.
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Filtering_Search_Results"] = <<< 'EOD'
-END_HEAD_VARS==Filter Websites From Results Form==
-The textarea in this form is used to list hosts one per line which are to be removed from any search result page in which they might appear. Lines in the textarea must be hostnames not general urls. Listing a host name like:
-would prevent any urls from this site from appearing in search results. I.e., so for example, the URL
-would be prevented from appearing in search results.
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Indexing_Plugins"] = <<< 'EOD'
-END_HEAD_VARS&#039;&#039;&#039;Indexing Plugins&#039;&#039;&#039; are additional indexing processors that a document can be made to go through during the indexing process. Users who know how to code can create their own plugins using the plugin API. Plugins can be used to extract new &quot;micro-documents&quot; from a given document, do clustering, or can be used to control the indexing or non-indexing of web pages based on their content.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-The table below allows a user to select and configure which plugins should be used in the current crawl.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-{{right|[[;p=Documentation#Page%20Indexing%20and%20Search%20Options|Learn More..]]}}
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Kinds_of_Summarizers"] = <<< 'EOD'
-END_HEAD_VARSYioop uses a &#039;&#039;&#039;summarizer&#039;&#039;&#039; to extract from a downloaded, or otherwise acquired document, text that it will add to its index. This text is also used for search result snippet generation. Only terms which appear in this summary can be used to look up a document. Text region scores, such as sentence scores, determined when a summary is made are used in calculating the order of search results.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-The &lt;b&gt;Basic&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by proceeding top to bottom through the document looking for block level tags such as h1, div, p, etc. Based on the distance from the top of the document, the tag type, and the length of the tag&#039;s contents, a score for its contents is calculated. The highest scoring regions in the whole document up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-The &lt;b&gt;Centroid&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by stripping all tags from the document and then splitting the document into &quot;sentence&quot; units. For each sentence, a vector is made with components the terms appearing in the sentence, and with values the term frequency times the inverse sentence frequency of that term. Using the scores for each sentence, an average sentence vector is computed. Sentences are then ranked by their normalized inner product with the average sentence. Top scoring sentence up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-The &lt;b&gt;Centroid-Weighted&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by stripping all tags from the document and then splitting the document into &quot;sentence&quot; units. Then for each sentence it makes a normalized vector of term frequencies (no inverse sentence frequencies). It then computes a weighted average of these vectors where the weighting is based on distance from the start of the documents. The sentence closest to the average sentence based on inner product is determined. The components of this sentence are deleted from the average, and then the next best sentence is determined using the residual average. This process is continued until up-to-summary-length text has been extracted. Sentences found up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.
-&lt;br /&gt;
-The &lt;b&gt;Graph-Based&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by stripping all tags from the document and then splitting the document into &quot;sentence&quot; units. An weighted adjacency matrix between sentences is then computed. The distance between two sentences is calculated using a distortion measure. Using this adjacency matrix, a sentence rank is computed using the power method (similar to Google&#039;s Page rank). Top scoring sentence up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Knowledge_Wiki_Results"] = <<< 'EOD'
-END_HEAD_VARSKnowledge Wiki (Kwiki) Results appear as display boxes at the top of search results for a query. For example, one might search on Canada and have a display box to the side at the top of the search results with a brief description of the country Canada together with a like to the Wikipedia page for Canada.
+END_HEAD_VARSThe &#039;&#039;&#039;Edit Locale&#039;&#039;&#039; form can be used to specify how various message strings in Yioop are translated in different languages.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

-To create or edit a Kwiki Result, enter the query one would like to create or edit a display box for. Then use the Knowledge Wiki Page field to edit the entry and click save.
+The edit locale table has two columns: a column of string identifiers and a column of translations. A string identifier refers to a location in the code marked as needing to be translated, the corresponding translation in that row is how it should be translated for the current locale. Identifiers typically specify the code file in which the identifier occurs. For example, the identifier&lt;br&gt;
+ serversettings_element_name_server
+would appear in the file views/elements/ServerSettings.php . To see where this identifier occurs one could open that file and search for this string.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+If no translation exists yet for an identifier the translation value for that row will appear in red. Hovering the mouse over this red field will show the translation of this field in the default locale (usually English). &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+The &#039;&#039;&#039;Show Dropdown&#039;&#039;&#039; allows one to show either all identifiers or just those missing translations. The filter field let&#039;s one to see only identifiers that contain the filter as a substring.
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Locale_List"] = <<< 'EOD'
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Editing_a_Crawl_Mix"] = <<< 'EOD'
+END_HEAD_VARSA crawl mix is built out of a list of &#039;&#039;&#039;search result fragments&#039;&#039;&#039;.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+A fragment has a &#039;&#039;&#039;Results Shown&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown which specifies up to how many results that given fragment is responsible for. If one that had three fragments, the first with this value set to 1 the next with it set to 5 and the last set to whatever. Then on a query the Yioop will try to get the first result from the first fragment, up to the next five results from the next fragment, and all remaining results from the last fragment. If a given fragment doesn&#039;t produce results the search engine skips to the  next fragment.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The &#039;&#039;&#039;Add Crawls&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown can be used to add a crawl to the given fragment. Several crawl indexes can be added to a given fragment. When search results are computed for the fragment, the search is performed on all of these indexes and a score for each result is determined. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Weight&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown can then be set to specify how important a given indexes score of a result should be in the total score of a search result. The top totals scores are then returned by the fragment. If when performing the search on a given index you would like additional terms to be added to the query these can be specified in the &#039;&#039;&#039;Keywords&#039;&#039;&#039; field.

-$help_pages["en-US"]["Locale_Writing_Mode"] = <<< 'EOD'
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Filtering_Search_Results"] = <<< 'EOD'

@@ -41989,7 +42560,7 @@ page_border=solid-border




@@ -41997,27 +42568,54 @@ robots=


+END_HEAD_VARS==Filter Websites From Results Form==
+The textarea in this form is used to list hosts one per line which are to be removed from any search result page in which they might appear. Lines in the textarea must be hostnames not general urls. Listing a host name like:
+would prevent any urls from this site from appearing in search results. I.e., so for example, the URL
+would be prevented from appearing in search results.
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Indexing_Plugins"] = <<< 'EOD'



+END_HEAD_VARS&#039;&#039;&#039;Indexing Plugins&#039;&#039;&#039; are additional indexing processors that a document can be made to go through during the indexing process. Users who know how to code can create their own plugins using the plugin API. Plugins can be used to extract new &quot;micro-documents&quot; from a given document, do clustering, or can be used to control the indexing or non-indexing of web pages based on their content.

-END_HEAD_VARSThe last field on the form is to specify how the language is
-written. There are four options:
-# lr-tb -- from left-to-write from the top of the page to the bottom as in
-#  rl-tb from right-to-left from the top the page to the bottom as in Hebrew
-and Arabic.
-#  tb-rl from the top of the page to the bottom from right-to-left as in
-Classical Chinese.
-#  tb-lr from the top of the page to the bottom from left-to-right as in
-non-cyrillic Mongolian or American Sign Language.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The table below allows a user to select and configure which plugins should be used in the current crawl.
+&lt;br /&gt;

+{{right|[[;p=Documentation#Page%20Indexing%20and%20Search%20Options|Learn More..]]}}
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Machine_Information"] = <<< 'EOD'
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Kinds_of_Summarizers"] = <<< 'EOD'

@@ -42042,53 +42640,128 @@ page_footer=


-END_HEAD_VARSThe &#039;&#039;&#039;Machines&#039;&#039;&#039; section of the Manage Machines activity allows one to control and see the status of queue server, fetcher, and mirror processes associated with the current instance of Yioop. If one is running the media updater in distributed mode one can also see the status of this process for each machine. The &#039;+&#039; button next to Machines can be used to add a new machine. Each machine corresponds to the url of one location where an instance of Yioop is running that one wants to associate with the current name server. By default, the name server itself is only machine listed and it has one queue server and two fetcher statuses listed. Be aware tat in addition to adding the machine through this form, to properly associate a Yioop instance with a name server, you must also log in to the instance&#039;s web interface and configure its server settings to match the current name server.&lt;br&gt;
+END_HEAD_VARSYioop uses a &#039;&#039;&#039;summarizer&#039;&#039;&#039; to extract from a downloaded, or otherwise acquired document, text that it will add to its index. This text is also used for search result snippet generation. Only terms which appear in this summary can be used to look up a document. Text region scores, such as sentence scores, determined when a summary is made are used in calculating the order of search results.

 &lt;br /&gt;

-For each machine listed under Machines, there is a delete link to remove it from te list of managed machines, and then there are On/Off toggles for each process (such as queue server or fetcher) that it contains. These toggles are green if the process is currently running, yellow if the process was started but is not currently running correctly, and red, if the process is stopped. For each process, there is also a link to a log file which can be used to see recent activity (from most recent at top to less recent as one scrolls down) of that process.
+The &lt;b&gt;Basic&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by proceeding top to bottom through the document looking for block level tags such as h1, div, p, etc. Based on the distance from the top of the document, the tag type, and the length of the tag&#039;s contents, a score for its contents is calculated. The highest scoring regions in the whole document up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.

 &lt;br /&gt;

+The &lt;b&gt;Centroid&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by stripping all tags from the document and then splitting the document into &quot;sentence&quot; units. For each sentence, a vector is made with components the terms appearing in the sentence, and with values the term frequency times the inverse sentence frequency of that term. Using the scores for each sentence, an average sentence vector is computed. Sentences are then ranked by their normalized inner product with the average sentence. Top scoring sentence up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.

-{{right|[[;p=Documentation#GUI%20for%20Managing%20Machines%20and%20Servers| Learn More.]]}}
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The &lt;b&gt;Centroid-Weighted&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by stripping all tags from the document and then splitting the document into &quot;sentence&quot; units. Then for each sentence it makes a normalized vector of term frequencies (no inverse sentence frequencies). It then computes a weighted average of these vectors where the weighting is based on distance from the start of the documents. The sentence closest to the average sentence based on inner product is determined. The components of this sentence are deleted from the average, and then the next best sentence is determined using the residual average. This process is continued until up-to-summary-length text has been extracted. Sentences found up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The &lt;b&gt;Graph-Based&lt;/b&gt; summarizer computes a summary by stripping all tags from the document and then splitting the document into &quot;sentence&quot; units. An weighted adjacency matrix between sentences is then computed. The distance between two sentences is calculated using a distortion measure. Using this adjacency matrix, a sentence rank is computed using the power method (similar to Google&#039;s Page rank). Top scoring sentence up to the summary length are then returned in the order they appeared in the document as the summary.
-$help_pages["en-US"]["Main"] = <<< 'EOD'
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Knowledge_Wiki_Results"] = <<< 'EOD'




+END_HEAD_VARSKnowledge Wiki (Kwiki) Results appear as display boxes at the top of search results for a query. For example, one might search on Canada and have a display box to the side at the top of the search results with a brief description of the country Canada together with a like to the Wikipedia page for Canada.
+To create or edit a Kwiki Result, enter the query one would like to create or edit a display box for. Then use the Knowledge Wiki Page field to edit the entry and click save.
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Locale_List"] = <<< 'EOD'
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Locale_Writing_Mode"] = <<< 'EOD'




+END_HEAD_VARSThe last field on the form is to specify how the language is
+written. There are four options:
+# lr-tb -- from left-to-write from the top of the page to the bottom as in
+#  rl-tb from right-to-left from the top the page to the bottom as in Hebrew
+and Arabic.
+#  tb-rl from the top of the page to the bottom from right-to-left as in
+Classical Chinese.
+#  tb-lr from the top of the page to the bottom from left-to-right as in
+non-cyrillic Mongolian or American Sign Language.

+$help_pages["en-US"]["Machine_Information"] = <<< 'EOD'







+END_HEAD_VARSThe &#039;&#039;&#039;Machines&#039;&#039;&#039; section of the Manage Machines activity allows one to control and see the status of queue server, fetcher, and mirror processes associated with the current instance of Yioop. If one is running the media updater in distributed mode one can also see the status of this process for each machine. The &#039;+&#039; button next to Machines can be used to add a new machine. Each machine corresponds to the url of one location where an instance of Yioop is running that one wants to associate with the current name server. By default, the name server itself is only machine listed and it has one queue server and two fetcher statuses listed. Be aware tat in addition to adding the machine through this form, to properly associate a Yioop instance with a name server, you must also log in to the instance&#039;s web interface and configure its server settings to match the current name server.&lt;br&gt;

-END_HEAD_VARSCreating Main Page
+&lt;br /&gt;
+For each machine listed under Machines, there is a delete link to remove it from te list of managed machines, and then there are On/Off toggles for each process (such as queue server or fetcher) that it contains. These toggles are green if the process is currently running, yellow if the process was started but is not currently running correctly, and red, if the process is stopped. For each process, there is also a link to a log file which can be used to see recent activity (from most recent at top to less recent as one scrolls down) of that process.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+{{right|[[;p=Documentation#GUI%20for%20Managing%20Machines%20and%20Servers| Learn More.]]}}
 $help_pages["en-US"]["Manage_Advertisements"] = <<< 'EOD'
@@ -42171,6 +42844,46 @@ The &#039;&#039;&#039;Purchase&#039;&#039;&#039; button is used to complete the

 Beneath the Purchase form is the list of &#039;&#039;&#039;Ad Credit Transactions&#039;&#039;&#039; that have been made with your account.
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Manage_Details"] = <<< 'EOD'
+END_HEAD_VARS&#039;&#039;&#039;Manage Details&#039;&#039;&#039; form can be used to check if any details required by Stripe are yet pending from your side. Yioop does not store or use any of the information provided by you, all the information is processed by Stripe only.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+&lt;br /&gt;
+&#039;&#039;&#039;Start&#039;&#039;&#039; button will redirect you to Stripe site where you will be shown the details you have provided to Stripe and which details are still pending to be provided. When you have finished submitting your details, you will be asked to the Stripe Connected Account service agreements at which point you can redeem credits under the &#039;&#039;&#039;Redeem Credits&#039;&#039;&#039; tab. Yioop does not have any access to how any of your information been collected or used by the Stripe.
 $help_pages["en-US"]["Manage_Machines"] = <<< 'EOD'

@@ -42244,39 +42957,29 @@ sort=aname
 END_HEAD_VARSThe &#039;&#039;&#039;Max Depth&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown is used to limit what urls are allowed to be crawl by the number of hops they are from a seed site. For example, if the Max Depth was set to 2, then seed sites would be crawled, sites linked to seed sites would be crawled, and sites linked to sites linked to seed sites would be crawled. A depth 0 crawl only crawls the seed sites.
 $help_pages["en-US"]["Media_Sources"] = <<< 'EOD'












 END_HEAD_VARS&#039;&#039;&#039;Media Sources&#039;&#039;&#039; are used to specify how Yioop should handle news feeds, podcast, and trending value sites. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Add Media Source&#039;&#039;&#039; form lets you add new media sources. What this form looks like depends on the &#039;&#039;&#039;Type&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown chosen. Below we describe the form for each of the possible choices of type:

@@ -42399,8 +43102,6 @@ This url is then downloaded and a string matching  the pattern /window\.\_\_data
 ]+\}\;) is then converted to a JSON object, because of the json| in the Aux Url XPath. From this JSON object, we look at the video field, then the current subfields, its 0 subfield, and finally, the publicUrl field. This is the url we download next. Lastly, the download XPath is then used to actually get the final video link from this downloaded page.
 Once this video is downloaded, it is stored in the Podcasts page&#039;s resource folder of the the My Private Group wiki group in a file with a name in the format: %Y-%m-%d.mp4.

 A &#039;&#039;&#039;Trending value source&#039;&#039;&#039; is a value on a web page that one would like to track using Yioop&#039;s trending search mechanism. The Name field is the name to use for the trending value. The URL field should be the page with the periodically updated value. &#039;&#039;&#039;Category&#039;&#039;&#039; should be the trends category (a collection of trending values) one would like to track this value with. &#039;&#039;&#039;Group Within Category&#039;&#039;&#039; is the default name of the key that will be associated with the value found on this page. &#039;&#039;&#039;Trend Value Regex&#039;&#039;&#039; is a regular expression to match against the downloaded URL. If it matches and the expression has one capture group, then tat capture group will be used as the value for a particular download time. If it has two or more capture groups, the first two capture groups are used to give a key name, value pair for a particular download time. As an example,

  Name: Yioop Ticker
@@ -42412,24 +43113,6 @@ A &#039;&#039;&#039;Trending value source&#039;&#039;&#039; is a value on a web

 Here there is only one capture group (\d+\.\d+), so searching on trending:stocks, one would see all the hour, weekly, etc values for the trending values with that category. One such row would be Yioop Price whose values would be computed based on the numbers extracted according to this regex&#039;s (\d+\.\d+) capture group.

-A &#039;&#039;&#039;Description Source&#039;&#039;&#039; is used to update the description of wiki page resources by looking using the resources name. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Name&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to given logical name to the source. The &#039;&#039;&#039;URL&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to provide the url of web page along with any required query parameters in order to look up resource using its name. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Language&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to specify the locale to be used at search site given they support it. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Mime Type&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to specify mime type of file format of resources to be processed. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Required Info Tags&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to specify the details of HTML tags containing the required information to be collected as the description of the resources. The &#039;&#039;&#039;List Row Tag&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to specify tag name and optionally attribute with value that aids to uniquely identify the HTML elements that completely contain all the details of a single search result, mostly this will be a &lt;tr&gt; tag. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Row Title Tag&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to specify the details of HTML tag within the &#039;&#039;&#039;List Row Tag&#039;&#039;&#039; that contains the text representing the title of search result in the similar format as &#039;&#039;&#039;List Row Tag&#039;&#039;&#039;. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Row URL Tag&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to specify details of HTML tag within &#039;&#039;&#039;List Row Tag&#039;&#039;&#039; that contains the URL of details page about the search result. The &#039;&#039;&#039;Test Values&#039;&#039;&#039; field is used to provide test values to be used while in the test mode of search source. Below is the example of search source for IMDB site
- Name: IMDB
- URL:
- Language: English
- Mime Type: VIDEO
- Required Info Tags:
-  Storyline | div | data-testid = storyline-plot-summary
-  Details | div | data-testid = title-pc-wide-screen
- List Row Tag: tr | class = findResult
- Row Title Tag: td | class = result_text
- Row URL Tag: a
- Test Values:
-  Brahmastra Part One.mp4
-  House of the Dragon.mp4
 $help_pages["en-US"]["Media_Updater"] = <<< 'EOD'
@@ -42851,6 +43534,55 @@ their password on their own;
 * &#039;&#039;&#039;Email Link Password Recovery&#039;&#039;&#039;, a user can specify their login and get emailed a password change link;
 * &#039;&#039;&#039;Email Link and Check Questions Recovery&#039;&#039;&#039;, a user can specify their login and get emailed a password change link. The password change page requires the user correctly answers previously provided recovery questions.
+$help_pages["en-US"]["Redeem_Credits"] = <<< 'EOD'
+END_HEAD_VARS&#039;&#039;&#039;Redeem Credits&#039;&#039;&#039; form can be used to redeem ad credits back to US dollars. Yioop does not store or even have access to your debit card details.
+&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+The &#039;&#039;&#039;Quantity&#039;&#039;&#039; dropdown specifies the number of credits one wants to redeem at the shown price. If you are redeeming credits for the first time in any given month Stripe deducts $2 along with the certain transaction fees.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The &#039;&#039;&#039;Card Number&#039;&#039;&#039; field should be filled in with a valid debit card.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The &#039;&#039;&#039;CVC&#039;&#039;&#039; field you should put the three or four digit card verification number for your card.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The &#039;&#039;&#039;Expiration&#039;&#039;&#039; drop down is used to set your cards expiration date.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+The &#039;&#039;&#039;Redeem&#039;&#039;&#039; button is used to complete the redeem of Ad credit.
+&lt;br /&gt;
+Beneath the Redeem form is the list of &#039;&#039;&#039;Ad Credit Transactions&#039;&#039;&#039; that have been made with your account.
 $help_pages["en-US"]["Repeat_Type"] = <<< 'EOD'

diff --git a/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php b/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
index d976510f9..a9c3a0f67 100644
--- a/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
+++ b/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ class SocialComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
                         $data['CONTEXT'] = 'search';
                     $period = C\ONE_DAY;
-                    if (!in_array($_REQUEST['time'], [C\ONE_DAY, C\ONE_MONTH,
+                    if (in_array($_REQUEST['time'], [C\ONE_DAY, C\ONE_MONTH,
                         C\ONE_YEAR])) {
                         $period = $_REQUEST['time'];
@@ -5219,4 +5219,4 @@ EOD;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/css/search.css b/src/css/search.css
index 381d5691a..0fcd65a8c 100755
--- a/src/css/search.css
+++ b/src/css/search.css
@@ -3500,7 +3500,6 @@
     border: 1px ridge black;
-    min-width: 7in;
     padding: 3px;
 .mobile .admin-form-row
diff --git a/src/data/public_default.db b/src/data/public_default.db
index d7df7adbf..0561398f9 100644
Binary files a/src/data/public_default.db and b/src/data/public_default.db differ
diff --git a/src/examples/WeatherBot.php b/src/examples/WeatherBot.php
index 25332d985..806a4a9f6 100644
--- a/src/examples/WeatherBot.php
+++ b/src/examples/WeatherBot.php
@@ -35,12 +35,13 @@ namespace seekquarry\yioop\examples\weatherbot;
  * ChatBot APIs for Yioop Discussion Groups.
  * To use this bot:
  * (0) Move this file to some folder of a web server you have access to.
- *     Denote by some_url the url of this folder. If you point your
- *     browser at this folder you should see a message that begins with:
+ *     Denote by some_url the url of this folder/WeatherBot.php
+ *     If you point your browser at this url you should see a message that
+ *     begins with:
  *     There was a configuration issue with your query.
  * (1) Get an api key from and fill it in below.
  * (2) Create a new Yioop User.
- * (3) Under Manage Accounts, click on the lock symbol next to Account Details
+ * (3) Under Manage Accounts, click on the gear symbol next to Account Details
  * (4) Check the Bot User check box, click save.
  * (5) Two form variables should appear: Bot Unique Token and Bot Callback URL.
  *      Fill in a value for Bot Unique Token that matches the value set
@@ -152,11 +153,11 @@ class WeatherBot
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['bot_token'])) {
             $token_parts = explode("*", $_REQUEST['bot_token']);
-            $post = empty($_REQUEST["post"]) ? "" : $_REQUEST["post"];
+            $post = $_REQUEST["post"] ?? "";
             $hash = hash("sha256", self::ACCESS_TOKEN . $token_parts[1].
             if (isset($token_parts[1]) &&
-                abs(time() - $token_parts[1]) < self::TIME_WINDOW) {
+                abs(time() - intval($token_parts[1])) < self::TIME_WINDOW) {
                 // second check avoids timing attacks, works for > php 5.6
                 if ((!function_exists('hash_equals') &&
                     $hash == $token_parts[0]) ||
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ class WeatherBot
     function getRawWeatherData($location)
-        $url = self::WEATHER_URL . "?APPID=". self::API_KEY . "&units=".
+        $url = self::WEATHER_URL . "?appid=". self::API_KEY . "&units=".
             self::UNITS . "&q=" . urlencode($location);
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
diff --git a/src/library/indexing_plugins/WordfilterPlugin.php b/src/library/indexing_plugins/WordfilterPlugin.php
index e8833b880..e1b3cb151 100644
--- a/src/library/indexing_plugins/WordfilterPlugin.php
+++ b/src/library/indexing_plugins/WordfilterPlugin.php
@@ -257,17 +257,18 @@ EOD;
         $filter_fields = array_merge($filter_terms, $filter_lists);
         foreach ($filter_fields as $field_name) {
             /* if in form FILTER_LIST_SOMETHING concatenate
-               FILTER_LIST_SOMETHING to $title_description.
+               its  value to $title_description.
             if (in_array($field_name, $filter_lists) &&
                 !empty($summary[$field_name])) {
-                $title_description .= " " . $field_name;
+                $title_description .= " " . $summary[$field_name];
             } else if (!empty($summary[$field_name])) {
                    Otherwise, if it is of the form FILTER_TERM_SOMETHING
-                   concatenate its  value  to the $title_description
+                   concatenate FILTER_TERM_SOMETHING to the $title_description
-                $title_description .= " " . $summary[$field_name];
+                $title_description .= " " . $field_name;
         foreach ($rules as $rule) {
diff --git a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
index fc9f4009e..344ce6d41 100755
--- a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex تغذية"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "تغذية بودكاست"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "كشط بودكاست"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "تتجه القيمة"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "أبدا"
 crawl_component_one_day = "يوم واحد"
 crawl_component_one_week = "أسبوع واحد"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "خصائص ميتا (مثل الرسم البي
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "سطر واحد لكل عقار بالتنسيق : الاسم |المحتوى"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "الموارد المسار:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "ترك فارغا لاستخدام الافتراضي"
+wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "رأس الصفحة اسم:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "تذييل الصفحة اسم:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "إلى أرشيف a صفحة الإيطالية ليس بوصة ابحث النتائج حذف نص و حفظ."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url مسارات Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "تحميل Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "المجموعة ضمن الفئة:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "الاتجاه قيمة Regex:"
+searchsources_element_info_tags = ""
+searchsources_element_list_row_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_title_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_url_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_test_values = ""
 searchsources_element_media_sources = "مصادر إعلامية"
 searchsources_element_subsearches = "سوبسيرتشيس الحالي"
 searchsources_element_media_updater = "محدث الوسائط"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "العمل"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "نوع:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "اللغة:"
 searchsources_element_category = "الفئة:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "تنتهي:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "اسم المجلد"
diff --git a/src/locale/ar/statistics.txt b/src/locale/ar/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/ar/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/ar/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/bn/configure.ini b/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
index cd2f77abb..b35757141 100755
--- a/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex ফিড"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "পডকাস্ট ফিড"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "গেরো, পডকাস্ট"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "গতিবিধি মান"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "না"
 crawl_component_one_day = "এক দিন"
 crawl_component_one_week = "এক সপ্তাহ"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "মেটা বৈশিষ্ট্য (যে
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "বিন্যাসে সম্পত্তি প্রতি এক লাইন : নাম | বিষয়বস্তু"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "রিসোর্স পাথ:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "ফাঁকা ছেড়ে দিন ব্যবহার করার জন্য ডিফল্ট"
+wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "হেডার পৃষ্ঠা নাম:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "পাদলেখ, পৃষ্ঠা নাম:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "যাও আর্কাইভ, একটি পৃষ্ঠা, তাই এটি জিতেছে&amp;#039;t প্রদর্শিত অনুসন্ধান ফলাফল মুছে তার টেক্সট এবং সংরক্ষণ করুন."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "ডাউনলোড Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "গ্রুপ মধ্যে বিভাগ:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "প্রবণতা মান Regex:"
+searchsources_element_info_tags = ""
+searchsources_element_list_row_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_title_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_url_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_test_values = ""
 searchsources_element_media_sources = "মিডিয়া উত্স"
 searchsources_element_subsearches = "Subsearches"
 searchsources_element_media_updater = "মিডিয়া আপডেটার"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "কর্ম"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "প্রকার:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "ভাষা:"
 searchsources_element_category = "বিভাগ:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "মেয়াদ শেষ:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL-এ:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "ফোল্ডার নাম"
diff --git a/src/locale/bn/statistics.txt b/src/locale/bn/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/bn/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/bn/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/de/configure.ini b/src/locale/de/configure.ini
index eef6f6785..71109edbb 100755
--- a/src/locale/de/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/de/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex-Feed"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "Podcast Feed"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Kratzen Podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "Trending Wert"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "Nie"
 crawl_component_one_day = "Eines Tages"
 crawl_component_one_week = "Eine Woche"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta-Eigenschaften (wie Open Graph)"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Eine Zeile pro Eigenschaft im Format: Name|Inhalt"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Ressourcen-Pfad:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Leave Blank to Use Default"
+wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Seite Header Name:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Fu&szlig;zeile Seite Name:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "So archivieren Sie eine Seite, damit es gewann&amp;#039;t in den Suchergebnissen angezeigt, l&ouml;schen Sie den text und speichern."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux-Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "Download Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Gruppe Innerhalb Der Kategorie:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "Trend Wert-Regex:"
+searchsources_element_info_tags = ""
+searchsources_element_list_row_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_title_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_url_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_test_values = ""
 searchsources_element_media_sources = "Media-Quellen"
 searchsources_element_subsearches = "Subsearches"
 searchsources_element_media_updater = "Medien-Updater"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Aktion"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Typ:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Sprache:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Kategorie:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Ablauf:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Ordner Name"
diff --git a/src/locale/de/statistics.txt b/src/locale/de/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/de/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/de/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini b/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini
index 76deae1c7..183c66665 100644
--- a/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/el_GR/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Ροή Regex"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "Ροή Podcast"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Εξαγωγή Podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "Αξία Τάσης"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "Ποτέ"
 crawl_component_one_day = "Μία Ημέρα"
 crawl_component_one_week = "Μία Εβδομάδα"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Μετα-ιδιότητες ( όπως ανοι
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Μία γραμμή ανά ιδιότητα σε μορφή : όνομα |περιεχόμενο"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Διαδρομή πόρων:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Αφήστε κενό για χρήση προεπιλογής"
+wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Όνομα σελίδας κεφαλίδας:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Όνομα σελίδας υποσέλιδου:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Για να αρχειοθετήσετε μια σελίδα ώστε να μην εμφανίζεται στα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης, διαγράψτε το κείμενό της και αποθηκεύστε."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "XPaths Βοηθητικού Url:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "Κατέβασμα Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Ομάδα εντός κατηγορίας:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "Regex τιμής τάσης:"
+searchsources_element_info_tags = ""
+searchsources_element_list_row_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_title_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_row_url_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_test_values = ""
 searchsources_element_media_sources = "Πηγές Media"
 searchsources_element_subsearches = "Υποαναζητήσεις"
 searchsources_element_media_updater = "Ενημερωτής πολυμέσων"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Ενέργεια"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Τύπος:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Γλώσσα:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Κατηγορία:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Λήγει:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Ονομασία φακέλου"
diff --git a/src/locale/el_GR/statistics.txt b/src/locale/el_GR/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100644
--- a/src/locale/el_GR/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/el_GR/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini b/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
index 05e2d7e64..8a5258605 100644
--- a/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex Feed"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "Feed Podcast"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Scrape Podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "Trending Value"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "Never"
 crawl_component_one_day = "One Day"
 crawl_component_one_week = "One Week"
@@ -673,7 +674,6 @@ wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = "Slide Item"
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = "Resource Description for "
 wiki_element_list_icon = "≔List"
 wiki_element_grid_icon = "⊞ Grid"
-wiki_element_update_resource_desc = "Update Resource Description:"
 ; SystemComponent.php
 system_component_is_replica = "Replica Server"
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ managecredits_element_account_incomplete = "You have not provided all the requir
 managecredits_element_insufficient_balance = "You must have at least 500 credits to redeem"
 managecredit_element_debit_card_number = "Debit Card Number"
 managecredits_element_redeem_warning = "Using the Redeem button credits the above card the Quantity field&#039;s amount in US dollars and agrees to the "
-managecredits_element_credit_service_account = "Yioop uses Stripe services for redeeming credits into real money. Using below Start button will redirect to Stripe and agrees to the Stripe Service Agreements."
+managecredits_element_credit_service_account = "Yioop uses Stripe services to redeem credits into real money. Clicking the Start button below takes one to the Stripe website to start this process.  By clicking the Start Button you also agree to the Stripe Service Agreements."
 managecredits_element_details_complete = "Currently no additional details are required by Stripe."
 managecredits_element_details_due = "Additional details are required by Stripe. If you do not provide those details to Stripe then you will not be able to redeem credits at a certain point. Using the below Start button will redirect to Stripe and agrees to the Stripe Service Agreements."
 managecredits_element_search = "Search"
@@ -1197,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta Properties (such as Open Graph)"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "One line per property in format: name|content"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Resource Path:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Leave Blank to Use Default"
+wiki_element_update_resource_desc = "Update Resource Description:"
 wiki_element_page_header = "Header Page Name:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "Footer Page Name:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "To archive a page so it won&#039;t appear in search results delete its text and save."
@@ -1306,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "Download Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Group Within Category:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "Trend Value Regex:"
+searchsources_element_info_tags = "Required Info Tag:"
+searchsources_element_list_row_tag = "List Row Tag:"
+searchsources_element_row_title_tag = "Row Title Tag:"
+searchsources_element_row_url_tag = "Row URL Tag:"
+searchsources_element_test_values = "Test Values:"
 searchsources_element_media_sources = "Media Sources"
 searchsources_element_subsearches = "Subsearches"
 searchsources_element_media_updater = "Media Updater"
@@ -1316,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Action"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Type:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Language:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Category:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = "Mime Type:"
 searchsources_element_expires = "Expires:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Folder Name"
@@ -1345,12 +1352,6 @@ searchsources_element_landing_highlight = "Landing Priority:"
 searchsources_element_defaultquery = "Default Query:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category = "Category:"
 searchsources_element_search = "Search"
-searchsources_element_list_row_tag = "List Row Tag:"
-searchsources_element_row_title_tag = "Row Title Tag:"
-searchsources_element_row_url_tag = "Row URL Tag:"
-searchsources_element_file_format = "Mime Type:"
-searchsources_element_info_tags = "Required Info Tag:"
-searchsources_element_test_values = "Test Values:"
 ; SecurityElement.php
 security_element_session_captcha = "Session, Privacy, Captcha, and Recovery"
diff --git a/src/locale/en_US/statistics.txt b/src/locale/en_US/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/en_US/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/en_US/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/es/configure.ini b/src/locale/es/configure.ini
index e5e994563..ad69bd2ea 100755
--- a/src/locale/es/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/es/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex De Alimentaci&oacute;n"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "Feed Del Podcast"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Raspe Podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "Trending Valor"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "Nunca"
 crawl_component_one_day = "Un D&iacute;a"
 crawl_component_one_week = "Una Semana"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Propiedades meta (como Open Graph )"
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "Una línea por propiedad en formato : nombre |contenido"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Ruta De Acceso A Recursos:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "Dejar en Blanco para Usar por Defecto"
+wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "Encabezado Nombre De La P&aacute;gina:"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "Para archivar una p&aacute;gina as&iacute; es que no&amp;#039;t aparecer en los resultados de b&uacute;squeda de eliminar de su texto y guardar."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "Descargar Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Grupo Dentro De La Categor&iacute;a:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "El Valor De Tendencia Regex:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Acci&oacute;n"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Tipo:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Idioma:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Categor&iacute;a:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Expira:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "El Nombre De La Carpeta"
diff --git a/src/locale/es/statistics.txt b/src/locale/es/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/es/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/es/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/fa/configure.ini b/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
index 5c6f12c84..9f07551f8 100755
--- a/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex خوراک"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "خوراک پادکست"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "خراش پادکست"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "روند ارزش"
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "خواص متا ( مانند نمودار باز
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "دانلود Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "گروه در دسته:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "روند ارزش عبارت منظم:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "فرمان"
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 searchsources_element_dirname = "نام پوشه"
diff --git a/src/locale/fa/statistics.txt b/src/locale/fa/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/fa/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/fa/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini b/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
index 3b92dee80..9709f534e 100755
--- a/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex alimentation"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "Flux de podcast"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Gratter podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "La Tendance De La Valeur"
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 crawl_component_one_week = "Une semaine"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Propriétés Méta ( telles que Open Graph)"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "Pour archiver une page afin qu&#039;elle n&#039;apparaisse pas dans les r&eacute;sultats de recherche supprimer son texte et enregistrer"
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux URL des requ&ecirc;tes Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "T&eacute;l&eacute;charger Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Groupe Au Sein De La Cat&eacute;gorie:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "La Tendance De La Valeur De La Regex:"
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+searchsources_element_test_values = ""
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Action"
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diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/statistics.txt b/src/locale/fr_FR/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/fr_FR/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/he/configure.ini b/src/locale/he/configure.ini
index 3c33ad947..a65c149bc 100755
--- a/src/locale/he/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/he/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex להאכיל"
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 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "לגרד פודקאסט"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "במגמת ערך"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "אף פעם לא"
 crawl_component_one_day = "יום אחד"
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "מאפייני מטא ( כגון גרף פתוח
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "הורד Xpath:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "פעולה"
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 searchsources_element_url = "כתובת האתר:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "שם התיקייה"
diff --git a/src/locale/he/statistics.txt b/src/locale/he/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/he/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/he/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/hi/configure.ini b/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
index 58251270d..9f77050a8 100755
--- a/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex फ़ीड"
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 crawl_component_never = "कभी नहीं"
 crawl_component_one_day = "एक दिन"
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "मेटा गुण (जैसे ओपन
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 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "खाली छोड़ दें करने के लिए उपयोग डिफ़ॉल्ट"
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "पाद लेख पृष्ठ नाम:"
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux यूआरएल XPaths:"
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 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "प्रवृत्ति मूल्य Regex:"
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 searchsources_element_media_updater = "मीडिया Updater"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "कार्रवाई"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "प्रकार:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "भाषा में:"
 searchsources_element_category = "श्रेणी:"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "समाप्त हो रहा है:"
 searchsources_element_url = "यूआरएल:"
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diff --git a/src/locale/hi/statistics.txt b/src/locale/hi/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/hi/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/hi/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/id/configure.ini b/src/locale/id/configure.ini
index 39f22c194..fd703b92a 100755
--- a/src/locale/id/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/id/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex Pakan"
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 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Mengikis Podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "Tren Nilai"
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 crawl_component_never = "Tidak pernah"
 crawl_component_one_day = "Satu Hari"
 crawl_component_one_week = "Satu Minggu"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Properti Meta (seperti grafik terbuka )"
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Aksi"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "Berakhir:"
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 searchsources_element_dirname = "Nama Folder"
diff --git a/src/locale/id/statistics.txt b/src/locale/id/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/id/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/id/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/it/configure.ini b/src/locale/it/configure.ini
index ab016f2a1..525ae584f 100755
--- a/src/locale/it/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/it/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex Di Alimentazione"
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta Proprietà (come Open Graph)"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "Per archiviare una pagina in modo che ha vinto&amp;#039;t essere visualizzato nei risultati di ricerca, eliminare il testo e risparmiare."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "Scarica Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Gruppo All&#039;Interno Della Categoria:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "Valore Di Tendenza Regex:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Azione"
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diff --git a/src/locale/it/statistics.txt b/src/locale/it/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/it/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/it/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/ja/configure.ini b/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
index f447a2fbb..ee06e2c7a 100755
--- a/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex飼料"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "飼料Podcast"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "ひPodcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "おすすめの価値"
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 crawl_component_one_day = "一日"
 crawl_component_one_week = "一週間"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Open Graph)などのメタプロパティ("
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "ダウンロードXpath:"
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 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "流値Regex:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "行動"
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 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
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diff --git a/src/locale/ja/statistics.txt b/src/locale/ja/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/ja/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/ja/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/kn/configure.ini b/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
index e45841a57..a27639f41 100755
--- a/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "ರಿಜೆಕ್ಸ್ ಫೀಡ್"
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 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "ಉಜ್ಜುವುದು ಪಾಡ್ಕ್ಯಾಸ್ಟ್"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "ಟ್ರೆಂಡಿಂಗ್ ಮೌಲ್ಯ"
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 crawl_component_never = "ಎಂದಿಗೂ"
 crawl_component_one_day = "ಒಂದು ದಿನ"
 crawl_component_one_week = "ಒಂದು ವಾರ"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "ಮೆಟಾ ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು (
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "ಕ್ರಮ"
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index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/kn/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/kn/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/ko/configure.ini b/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
index 54f672883..102b31981 100755
--- a/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "오픈 그래프와 같은 메타 속성()"
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url Xpath:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "작"
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index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/ko/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/ko/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/nl/configure.ini b/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
index 4babf2eea..5de6c1fe9 100644
--- a/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Meta-eigenschappen (zoals Open Graph )"
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "actie"
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diff --git a/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt b/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100644
--- a/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/pl/configure.ini b/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
index a98d64be1..588496997 100755
--- a/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regularne Karmić"
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Właściwości Meta (, takie jak Open Graph )"
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Pomocniczy Język XPath Adres URL:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Akcja"
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diff --git a/src/locale/pl/statistics.txt b/src/locale/pl/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/pl/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/pl/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/pt/configure.ini b/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
index 1666bf5b3..fb6d15b9c 100755
--- a/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex Alimenta&ccedil;&atilde;o"
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url Xpath:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "A&ccedil;&atilde;o"
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diff --git a/src/locale/pt/statistics.txt b/src/locale/pt/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/pt/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/pt/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/ru/configure.ini b/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
index 29f647053..25125b0ac 100755
--- a/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Регулярное Кормить"
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Мета-свойства (, такие как
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Вспомогательный Язык X
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Действие"
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diff --git a/src/locale/ru/statistics.txt b/src/locale/ru/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/ru/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/ru/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/te/configure.ini b/src/locale/te/configure.ini
index ef0ed32a6..ae57ccdbf 100644
--- a/src/locale/te/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/te/configure.ini
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "మెటా గుణాలు (ఓపెన్
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "చర్య"
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diff --git a/src/locale/te/statistics.txt b/src/locale/te/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/te/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/te/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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index 2bb7a2d92..d889391da 100755
--- a/src/locale/th/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/th/configure.ini
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@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "คุณสมบัติของเมตา
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@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "A Button On A Remote Control อยู่
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 searchsources_element_category = "หมวดหมู่:"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "หมดอายุ:"
 searchsources_element_url = "ที่อยู่ URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "ชื่อโฟลเดอร์"
diff --git a/src/locale/th/statistics.txt b/src/locale/th/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/th/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/th/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/tl/configure.ini b/src/locale/tl/configure.ini
index 251687583..b12411013 100644
--- a/src/locale/tl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/tl/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex Feed"
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 crawl_component_never = "Hindi kailanman"
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 crawl_component_one_week = "Isang Linggo"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Mga katangian ng Meta (tulad ng Open Graph )"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "Sa pag-archive ng isang pahina sa gayon ito ay&amp;#039;t lumitaw sa mga resulta ng paghahanap ng tanggalin nito ang teksto at i-save."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "I-Download Xpath:"
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 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "Trend Na Halaga Regex:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Aksyon"
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diff --git a/src/locale/tl/statistics.txt b/src/locale/tl/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100644
--- a/src/locale/tl/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/tl/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/tr/configure.ini b/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
index 94c0e3546..038028dba 100755
--- a/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "D&uuml;zenli Besleme"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "Podcast Besleme "
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Kazımak Podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "Trending Değer"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
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 crawl_component_one_day = "Bir G&uuml;n"
 crawl_component_one_week = "Bir Hafta"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Open Graph ) gibi Meta Özellikler ("
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 wiki_element_alternative_path = "Kaynak Yolu:"
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 wiki_element_page_footer = "Altbilgi Sayfa Adı:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "Bir sayfa arşivi bu kadar&amp;#039 değil;t arama sonu&ccedil;ları metnini silmek ve kaydetmek g&ouml;r&uuml;n&uuml;r."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "İndir Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Kategori İ&ccedil;inde Grup:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "Trend Değeri İfade:"
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@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Eylem"
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 searchsources_element_category = "Kategori:"
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 searchsources_element_expires = "S&uuml;resi:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Klas&ouml;r Adı"
diff --git a/src/locale/tr/statistics.txt b/src/locale/tr/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/tr/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/tr/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini b/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
index fd5b9b04b..31fc150bb 100755
--- a/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Để Nuôi"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "Thức Ăn Podcast"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "Cạo Podcast"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "Xu Hướng Gi&aacute; Trị"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "Không bao giờ"
 crawl_component_one_day = "Một Ngày"
 crawl_component_one_week = "Một Tuần"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "Các Thuộc tính Meta ( như Open Graph )"
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 wiki_element_archive_info = "Để lưu trữ một trang như vậy, n&oacute; sẽ&#039;t xuất hiện trong kết quả t&igrave;m kiếm sạch văn bản của n&oacute;, v&agrave; tiết kiệm."
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url XPaths:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "Tải Về Khởi Động:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "Nh&oacute;m Trong Mục:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "Xu Hướng Gi&aacute; Trị Dịch:"
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 searchsources_element_media_sources = "Nguồn Phương Tiện Truyền Thông"
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 searchsources_element_media_updater = "Phương Tiện Truyền Thông Cập"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "Hành động"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "Loại:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Ngôn ngữ:"
 searchsources_element_category = "Mục:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "Hết hạn:"
 searchsources_element_url = "DẪN:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "Thư Mục Tên"
diff --git a/src/locale/vi_VN/statistics.txt b/src/locale/vi_VN/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/src/locale/vi_VN/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/vi_VN/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
index c31380fda..e95f8313d 100755
--- a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex料"
 crawl_component_feed_podcast = "喂播客"
 crawl_component_scrape_podcast = "刮播客"
 crawl_component_trending_value = "趋势值"
+crawl_component_description_source = ""
 crawl_component_never = "从来没有"
 crawl_component_one_day = "有一天"
 crawl_component_one_week = "一个星期"
@@ -1196,6 +1197,7 @@ wiki_element_meta_properties = "元属性([2][8]),如开放图([2][9])
 wiki_element_meta_property_format = "格式为:名称|内容的每个属性一行"
 wiki_element_alternative_path = "资源的路径:"
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = "留下的空白使用默认值"
+wiki_element_update_resource_desc = ""
 wiki_element_page_header = "标题页名称:"
 wiki_element_page_footer = "脚页名称:"
 wiki_element_archive_info = "要存档页面,使其不会出现在搜索结果中,请删除其文本并保存。"
@@ -1305,6 +1307,11 @@ searchsources_element_aux_url_xpath = "Aux Url Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_link_xpath_text = "下载Xpath:"
 searchsources_element_trend_category_group = "集团内的类别:"
 searchsources_element_trending_regex = "一趋势值Regex:"
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+searchsources_element_row_url_tag = ""
+searchsources_element_test_values = ""
 searchsources_element_media_sources = "媒体来源"
 searchsources_element_subsearches = "Subsearches"
 searchsources_element_media_updater = "媒体更新程序"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,7 @@ searchsources_element_action = "动作"
 searchsources_element_sourcetype = "类型:"
 searchsources_element_locale_tag = "语言:"
 searchsources_element_category = "类别:"
+searchsources_element_file_format = ""
 searchsources_element_expires = "期满:"
 searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
 searchsources_element_dirname = "文件夹的名字"
diff --git a/src/views/elements/AdminbarElement.php b/src/views/elements/AdminbarElement.php
index f98130032..d19b36887 100644
--- a/src/views/elements/AdminbarElement.php
+++ b/src/views/elements/AdminbarElement.php
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class AdminbarElement extends Element
                 C\CSRF_TOKEN . "=" . $data[C\CSRF_TOKEN] ?>"><img
             src="<?= $logo ?>" alt="<?= $this->view->logo_alt_text
                 ?>" /></a><span> - <?php
-            $is_account = $data['ACTIVITY_METHOD'] == 'manageAccount';
+            $is_account = ($data['ACTIVITY_METHOD'] ?? "") == 'manageAccount';
             $css_classes = ($is_account) ? "disabled" : "";
                 B\controllerUrl("admin", true) . $token_string .