First pass at moving crawl and query stats into admin controller, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2016-11-20 03:Nov:th]
First pass at moving crawl and query stats into admin controller, a=chris
diff --git a/src/configs/Createdb.php b/src/configs/Createdb.php
index 7f1fd9150..12a730952 100755
--- a/src/configs/Createdb.php
+++ b/src/configs/Createdb.php
@@ -249,12 +249,12 @@ $activities = [
     "manageCrawls" => ['db_activity_manage_crawl',
-            "en-US" => 'Manage Crawl',
+            "en-US" => 'Manage Crawls',
             "fa" => 'مدیریت خزش‌ها',
             "fr-FR" => 'Modifier les indexes',
             "ja" => '検索管理',
             "ko" => '크롤 관리',
-            "nl" => 'Beheer Crawl',
+            "nl" => 'Beheer Crawls',
             "vi-VN" => 'Quản lý sự bò',
     "groupFeeds" => ['db_activity_group_feeds',
diff --git a/src/controllers/StatisticsController.php b/src/controllers/StatisticsController.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 20068a12b..000000000
--- a/src/controllers/StatisticsController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
- * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2016  Chris Pollett
- *
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- *
- * @author Chris Pollett
- * @license GPL3
- * @link
- * @copyright 2009 - 2016
- * @filesource
- */
-namespace seekquarry\yioop\controllers;
-use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
-use seekquarry\yioop\library\CrawlConstants;
-use seekquarry\yioop\library\UrlParser;
-use seekquarry\yioop\library\processors\PageProcessor;
-C\nsdefine("NO_FEEDS", true);
- * Responsible for handling requests about global crawl statistics for
- * a web crawl. These statistics include: httpd code distribution,
- * filetype distribution, num hosts, language distribution,
- * os distribution, server distribution, site distribution, file size
- * distribution, download time distribution, etc
- *
- * @author Chris Pollett
- */
-class StatisticsController extends Controller implements CrawlConstants
-    /**
-     * Machines (string urls) which may have portions of the web crawl
-     * statistics are being generated for
-     * @var array
-     */
-    public $machine_urls = [];
-    /**
-     * Timestamp of crawl statistics are being generated for
-     * @var string
-     */
-    public $index_time_stamp;
-    /**
-     * File name of file to cache generated statistic into
-     * @var string
-     */
-    public $stats_file;
-    /**
-     * For size and time distrbutions the number of times the miminal
-     * recorded interval (DOWNLOAD_SIZE_INTERVAL for size) to check for
-     * pages with that size/download time
-     */
-    const NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL = 50;
-    /**
-     * While computing the statistics page, number of seconds until a
-     * page refresh and save of progress so far occurs
-     */
-    /**
-     * Main handler for requests coming into this controller for web crawl
-     * statistics. Checks for the presence of a statistics file, if not
-     * found performs the necessary queries to generate crawl statistics and
-     * writes that file. Then creates a $data variable which it passes to
-     * a StatisticsView to actually render the results
-     *
-     */
-    public function processRequest()
-    {
-        $view = "statistics";
-        $data = [];
-        $is_admin = false;
-        if (isset($_SESSION['USER_ID'])) {
-            $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
-            $token_okay = $this->checkCSRFToken(C\CSRF_TOKEN, $user_id);
-            $is_admin = true;
-            if ($token_okay === false) {
-                unset($_SESSION['USER_ID']);
-                $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-                $is_admin = false;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $user_id = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-        }
-        $data['ACTIVITY'] = 'index';
-        if ($user_id == C\ROOT_ID && !empty($_REQUEST['a']) &&
-            $_REQUEST['a'] == 'query') {
-            $this->computeQueryStatistics($data);
-            $data['ACTIVITY'] = 'query';
-            $data[C\CSRF_TOKEN] = $this->generateCSRFToken($user_id);
-            $this->view("statistics")->head_objects["robots"] =
-                "NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW";
-            $this->displayView($view, $data);
-            return;
-        }
-        $this->machine_urls = $this->model("machine")->getQueueServerUrls();
-        if (isset($_REQUEST['its'])) {
-            $this->index_time_stamp = substr(
-                $this->clean($_REQUEST['its'], "string"), 0, C\TIMESTAMP_LEN);
-            //validate timestamp against list
-            //(some crawlers replay deleted crawls)
-            $crawls = $this->model("crawl")->getCrawlList(false, true,
-                $this->machine_urls, true);
-            $found_crawl = false;
-            foreach ($crawls as $crawl) {
-                if ($this->index_time_stamp == $crawl['CRAWL_TIME']) {
-                    $found_crawl = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (!$found_crawl) {
-                unset($_SESSION['its']);
-                include(C\BASE_DIR."/error.php");
-                exit(); //bail
-            }
-        }
-        if (!isset($this->index_time_stamp) || $this->index_time_stamp == "") {
-            $this->index_time_stamp =
-                $this->model("crawl")->getCurrentIndexDatabaseName();
-        }
-        if ($this->index_time_stamp == 0) {
-            unset($_SESSION['its']);
-            include(C\BASE_DIR."/error.php");
-            exit(); //bail
-        }
-        $this->stats_file = C\CRAWL_DIR."/cache/".self::statistics_base_name.
-                $this->index_time_stamp.".txt";
-        $stats_file_exists = file_exists($this->stats_file);
-        if ($stats_file_exists) {
-            $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->stats_file));
-        }
-        $computing = false;
-        if ((!$stats_file_exists || isset($data["UNFINISHED"])) &&
-            $user_id != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
-            //check if user allowed to make statistics
-            $activities = $this->model("user")->getUserActivities($user_id);
-            $allowed_to_make_statistics = false;
-            foreach ($activities as $activity) {
-                if ($activity['METHOD_NAME'] == "manageCrawls") {
-                    $allowed_to_make_statistics = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            // check that no one else is making statistics on the same index
-            if (isset($data["UNFINISHED"])) {
-                if (!isset($data['user_id']) ||$data['user_id'] != $user_id ||
-                    !isset($data['REMOTE_ADDR']) ||
-                    $data['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) {
-                    $_REQUEST['p'] = "409";
-                    include(BASE_DIR."/error.php");
-                    exit(); //bail
-                }
-            }
-            $data['user_id'] = $user_id;
-            $data['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
-            $this->computeStatistics($data);
-            $computing = true;
-        }
-        if (!$stats_file_exists && !$computing) {
-            unset($_SESSION['its']);
-            include(C\BASE_DIR."/error.php");
-            exit(); //bail
-        }
-        $data[C\CSRF_TOKEN] = $this->generateCSRFToken($user_id);
-        $data['GENERAL_STATS'] = [
-            tl("statistics_controller_description") => $data["DESCRIPTION"],
-            tl("statistics_controller_timestamp") => $data["TIMESTAMP"],
-            tl("statistics_controller_crawl_date") =>
-                date("r",$data["TIMESTAMP"]),
-            tl("statistics_controller_pages") => $data["VISITED_URLS_COUNT"],
-            tl("statistics_controller_url") => $data["COUNT"]
-        ];
-        if (isset($data["HOST"]["DATA"]["all"])) {
-            $data['GENERAL_STATS'][tl("statistics_controller_number_hosts")] =
-                $data["HOST"]["DATA"]["all"];
-        }
-        $data["STAT_HEADINGS"] = [
-            tl("statistics_controller_error_codes") => "CODE",
-            tl("statistics_controller_sizes") => "SIZE",
-            tl("statistics_controller_links_per_page") => "NUMLINKS",
-            tl("statistics_controller_page_date") => "MODIFIED",
-            tl("statistics_controller_dns_time") => "DNS",
-            tl("statistics_controller_download_time") => "TIME",
-            tl("statistics_controller_top_level_domain") => "SITE",
-            tl("statistics_controller_file_extension") => "FILETYPE",
-            tl("statistics_controller_media_type") => "MEDIA",
-            tl("statistics_controller_language") => "LANG",
-            tl("statistics_controller_server") => "SERVER",
-            tl("statistics_controller_os") => "OS",
-        ];
-        if ($is_admin) {
-            $data['ADMIN'] = true;
-        }
-        $data["its"] = $this->index_time_stamp;
-        $this->view("statistics")->head_objects["robots"] = "NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW";
-        $this->displayView($view, $data);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Runs the queries neccessary to determine httpd code distribution,
-     * filetype distribution, num hosts, language distribution,
-     * os distribution, server distribution, site distribution, file size
-     * distribution, download time distribution, etc for the web crawl
-     * set in $this->index_time_stamp. If these queries take to long it
-     * saves partial results and returns with the field $data["UNFINISHED"]
-     * set to true.
-     *
-     * @param array& $data associative array which will have all the statistics
-     *     data collected.
-     */
-    public function computeStatistics(&$data)
-    {
-        PageProcessor::initializeIndexedFileTypes();
-        if (!isset($data["COUNT"])) {
-            $tmp =  $this->model("crawl")->getInfoTimestamp(
-                $this->index_time_stamp, $this->machine_urls);
-            $tmp["user_id"] = $data["user_id"];
-            $tmp["REMOTE_ADDR"] = $data["REMOTE_ADDR"];
-            $data = $tmp;
-            $data["TIMESTAMP"] = $this->index_time_stamp;
-            $data["stars"] = "*";
-            if (!isset($data["COUNT"])) {
-                include(C\BASE_DIR."./error.php");
-                exit();
-            }
-            $data["UNFINISHED"] = true;
-            file_put_contents($this->stats_file, serialize($data));
-            return $data;
-        }
-        $data["TIMESTAMP"] = $this->index_time_stamp;
-        $queries = [
-            "CODE" => [100, 101, 102, 103, 122, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204,
-                205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307,
-                308, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410,
-                411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 420, 422, 423, 424,
-                425, 426, 428, 429, 431, 444, 449, 450, 499, 500, 501, 502,
-                503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 598, 599],
-            "FILETYPE" => PageProcessor::$indexed_file_types,
-            "HOST" => ["all"],
-            "LANG" => [ 'aa', 'ab', 'ae', 'af', 'ak', 'am', 'an', 'ar',
-                'as', 'av', 'ay', 'az', 'ba', 'be', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bm',
-                'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'ce', 'ch', 'co', 'cr', 'cs',
-                'cu', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'dv', 'dz', 'ee', 'el', 'en',
-                'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'ff', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fr',
-                'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gu', 'gv', 'ha', 'he', 'hi',
-                'ho', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig',
-                'ii', 'ik', 'in', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'iw', 'ja', 'ji',
-                'jv', 'jw', 'ka', 'kg', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn',
-                'ko', 'kr', 'ks', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'lg',
-                'li', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'mg', 'mh', 'mi', 'mk',
-                'ml', 'mn', 'mo', 'mr', 'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'na', 'nb', 'nd',
-                'ne', 'ng', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'nr', 'nv', 'ny', 'oc', 'oj',
-                'om', 'or', 'os', 'pa', 'pi', 'pl', 'ps', 'pt', 'qu', 'rm',
-                'rn', 'ro', 'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'sc', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh',
-                'si', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'ss', 'st',
-                'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl',
-                'tn', 'to', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt', 'tw', 'ty', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur',
-                'uz', 've', 'vi', 'vo', 'wa', 'wo', 'xh', 'yi', 'yo', 'za',
-                'zh', 'zu'],
-            "MEDIA" => ["image", "text", "video"],
-            "OS" => ["asianux", "centos", "clearos", "debian", "fedora",
-                "freebsd", "gentoo", "linux", "netware", "solaris", "sunos",
-                "ubuntu", "unix"],
-            "SERVER" => ["aolserver", "apache", "bigip", "boa", "caudium",
-                "cherokee", "gws", "goahead-webs", "httpd", "iis",
-                "ibm_http_server", "jetty", "lighttpd", "litespeed",
-                "microsoft-iis", "nginx", "resin", "server", "sun-java-system",
-                "thttpd", "tux", "virtuoso", "webrick", "yaws", "yts",
-                "zeus", "zope"],
-            "SITE" => [".aero", ".asia", ".biz", ".cat", ".com", ".coop",
-                ".edu", ".gov", ".info", ".int", ".jobs", ".mil", ".mobi",
-                ".museum", ".name", ".net", ".org", ".pro", ".tel", ".travel",
-                ".xxx", ".ac", ".ad", ".ae", ".af", ".ag", ".ai", ".al", ".am",
-                ".ao", ".aq", ".ar", ".as", ".at", ".au", ".aw", ".ax", ".az",
-                ".ba", ".bb", ".bd", ".be", ".bf", ".bg", ".bh", ".bi", ".bj",
-                ".bm", ".bn", ".bo", ".br", ".bs", ".bt", ".bw", ".by", ".bz",
-                ".ca", ".cc", ".cd", ".cf", ".cg", ".ch", ".ci", ".ck", ".cl",
-                ".cm", ".cn", ".co", ".cr", ".cu", ".cv", ".cx", ".cy", ".cz",
-                ".de", ".dj", ".dk", ".dm", ".do", ".dz", ".ec", ".ee", ".eg",
-                ".er", ".es", ".et", ".eu", ".fi", ".fj", ".fk", ".fm", ".fo",
-                ".fr", ".ga", ".gd", ".ge", ".gf", ".gg", ".gh", ".gi", ".gl",
-                ".gm", ".gn", ".gp", ".gq", ".gr", ".gs", ".gt", ".gu", ".gw",
-                ".gy", ".hk", ".hm", ".hn", ".hr", ".ht", ".hu", ".id", ".ie",
-                ".il", ".im", ".in", ".io", ".iq", ".ir", ".is", ".it", ".je",
-                ".jm", ".jo", ".jp", ".ke", ".kg", ".kh", ".ki", ".km", ".kn",
-                ".kp", ".kr", ".kw", ".ky", ".kz", ".la", ".lb", ".lc", ".li",
-                ".lk", ".lr", ".ls", ".lt", ".lu", ".lv", ".ly", ".ma", ".mc",
-                ".md", ".me", ".mg", ".mh", ".mk", ".ml", ".mm", ".mn", ".mo",
-                ".mp", ".mq", ".mr", ".ms", ".mt", ".mu", ".mv", ".mw", ".mx",
-                ".my", ".mz", ".na", ".nc", ".ne", ".nf", ".ng", ".ni", ".nl",
-                ".no", ".np", ".nr", ".nu", ".nz", ".om", ".pa", ".pe", ".pf",
-                ".pg", ".ph", ".pk", ".pl", ".pm", ".pn", ".pr", ".ps", ".pt",
-                ".pw", ".py", ".qa", ".re", ".ro", ".rs", ".ru", ".rw", ".sa",
-                ".sb", ".sc", ".sd", ".se", ".sg", ".sh", ".si", ".sk", ".sl",
-                ".sm", ".sn", ".so", ".sr", ".ss", ".st", ".sv", ".sy", ".sz",
-                ".tc", ".td", ".tf", ".tg", ".th", ".tj", ".tk", ".tl", ".tm",
-                ".tn", ".to", ".tr", ".tt", ".tv", ".tw", ".tz", ".ua", ".ug",
-                ".uk", ".us", ".uy", ".uz", ".va", ".vc", ".ve", ".vg", ".vi",
-                ".vn", ".vu", ".wf", ".ws", ".ye", ".za", ".zm", ".zw" ],
-        ];
-        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL; $i++) {
-            $queries["SIZE"][] = $i * C\DOWNLOAD_SIZE_INTERVAL;
-        }
-        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL; $i++) {
-            $queries["TIME"][] = $i * C\DOWNLOAD_TIME_INTERVAL;
-        }
-        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL; $i++) {
-            $queries["DNS"][] = $i * C\DOWNLOAD_TIME_INTERVAL;
-        }
-        for ($i = 0; $i <= C\MAX_LINKS_PER_SITEMAP; $i++) {
-            $queries["NUMLINKS"][] = $i;
-        }
-        $date = date("Y");
-        for ($i = 1969; $i <= $date; $i++) {
-            $queries["MODIFIED"][] = $i;
-        }
-        $sort_fields = ["CODE", "FILETYPE", "LANG", "MEDIA", "OS",
-            "SERVER", "SITE"];
-        $time = time();
-        $data["stars"] = (isset($_REQUEST["stars"]) ) ?
-            $this->clean($_REQUEST["stars"], "string") . "*" : "*";
-        if (isset($data["UNFINISHED"])) {
-            unset($data["UNFINISHED"]);
-        }
-        foreach ($queries as $group_description => $query_group) {
-            $total = 0;
-            foreach ($query_group as $query) {
-                if (isset($data["SEEN"][$group_description][$query])) {
-                    if (isset($data[$group_description]["DATA"][$query])) {
-                        $total += $data[$group_description]["DATA"][$query];
-                    }
-                    continue;
-                }
-                $count =
-                    $this->countQuery(strtolower($group_description)
-                        .":".$query);
-                $data["SEEN"][$group_description][$query] = true;
-                if ($count >= 0) {
-                    $data[$group_description]["DATA"][$query] = $count;
-                    $total += $count;
-                }
-                if (time() - $time > self::STATISTIC_REFRESH_RATE) {
-                    $data["UNFINISHED"] = true;
-                    break 2;
-                }
-            }
-            if (isset($data[$group_description]["DATA"])) {
-                if (in_array($group_description, $sort_fields)) {
-                    arsort($data[$group_description]["DATA"]);
-                }
-                $data[$group_description]["TOTAL"] = $total;
-            }
-        }
-        $data["OS"]["DATA"]["windows"] = 0;
-        if (isset($data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["iis"])) {
-            $data["OS"]["DATA"]["windows"] = $data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["iis"];
-        }
-        if (isset($data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["microsoft-iis"])) {
-            $data["OS"]["DATA"]["windows"] +=
-                $data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["microsoft-iis"];
-        }
-        arsort($data["OS"]["DATA"]);
-        file_put_contents($this->stats_file, serialize($data));
-        return $data;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Runs the queries neccessary to determine recent query activity
-     * across all indices on a Yioop installation
-     *
-     * @param array& $data associative array which will have all the statistics
-     *     data collected.
-     */
-    public function computeQueryStatistics(&$data)
-    {
-        $impression_model = $this->model("impression");
-        $periods = [C\ONE_HOUR, C\ONE_DAY, C\ONE_MONTH, C\ONE_YEAR,
-            C\FOREVER];
-        $filter = (empty($_REQUEST['filter'])) ? "" :
-            $this->clean($_REQUEST['filter'], 'string');
-        $data['FILTER'] = $filter;
-        foreach ($periods as $period) {
-            $data["STATISTICS"][$period] =
-                $impression_model->getStatistics(C\QUERY_IMPRESSION,
-                    $period, $filter);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Performs the provided $query of a web crawl (potentially distributed
-     * across queue servers). Returns the count of the number of results that
-     * would be returned by that query.
-     *
-     * @param string $query to use and count the results of
-     * @return int number of results that would be returned by the given query
-     */
-    public function countQuery($query)
-    {
-        $results = $this->model("phrase")->getPhrasePageResults(
-            "$query i:{$this->index_time_stamp}", 0,
-            1, true, null, false, 0, $this->machine_urls);
-        return (isset($results["TOTAL_ROWS"])) ? $results["TOTAL_ROWS"] : -1;
-    }
diff --git a/src/controllers/components/CrawlComponent.php b/src/controllers/components/CrawlComponent.php
index 1b5b3c3ca..c481f5dee 100644
--- a/src/controllers/components/CrawlComponent.php
+++ b/src/controllers/components/CrawlComponent.php
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ class CrawlComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
         $parent = $this->parent;
         $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
         $possible_arguments =
-            ["start", "resume", "delete", "stop", "index", "options"];
+            ["delete", "index", "options", "queryStats", "resume", "start",
+            "statistics", "stop"];
         $data["ELEMENT"] = "managecrawls";
         $data['SCRIPT'] = "doUpdate();";
         $request_fields = ['start_row', 'num_show', 'end_row'];
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ class CrawlComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
         if (isset($_REQUEST['arg']) &&
             in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
             $machine_urls = $parent->model("machine")->getQueueServerUrls();
             $num_machines = count($machine_urls);
             if ($num_machines <  1 || ($num_machines ==  1 &&
@@ -88,25 +87,48 @@ class CrawlComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
                 $machine_urls = null;
             switch ($_REQUEST['arg']) {
-                case "start":
-                    $this->startCrawl($data, $machine_urls);
+                case "delete":
+                    if (isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])) {
+                         $timestamp = substr($parent->clean(
+                            $_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int"), 0,
+                            C\TIMESTAMP_LEN);
+                         $crawl_model->deleteCrawl($timestamp,
+                            $machine_urls);
+                        return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                            tl('crawl_component_delete_crawl_success'),
+                            $request_fields);
+                     } else {
+                        return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                            tl('crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail'),
+                            $request_fields);
+                     }
+                    break;
+                case "index":
+                    $timestamp = substr($parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'],
+                        "int"), 0,  C\TIMESTAMP_LEN);
+                    $crawl_model->setCurrentIndexDatabaseName($timestamp);
                     return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                        tl('crawl_component_starting_new_crawl'),
+                        tl('crawl_component_set_index'),
-                case "stop":
-                    $crawl_param_file = C\CRAWL_DIR .
-                        "/schedules/crawl_params.txt";
-                    if (file_exists($crawl_param_file)) {
-                        unlink($crawl_param_file);
+                case "options":
+                    $this->editCrawlOption($data, $machine_urls);
+                    break;
+                case "queryStats":
+                    $data["ELEMENT"] = "querystats";
+                    $data["leftorright"] = (L\getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr') ?
+                        "right": "left";
+                    $impression_model = $parent->model("impression");
+                    $periods = [C\ONE_HOUR, C\ONE_DAY, C\ONE_MONTH, C\ONE_YEAR,
+                        C\FOREVER];
+                    $filter = (empty($_REQUEST['filter'])) ? "" :
+                        $this->clean($_REQUEST['filter'], 'string');
+                    $data['FILTER'] = $filter;
+                    foreach ($periods as $period) {
+                        $data["STATISTICS"][$period] =
+                            $impression_model->getStatistics(C\QUERY_IMPRESSION,
+                                $period, $filter);
-                    $info = [];
-                    $info[self::STATUS] = "STOP_CRAWL";
-                    $filename = C\CRAWL_DIR.
-                        "/schedules/NameServerMessages.txt";
-                    file_put_contents($filename, serialize($info));
-                    $crawl_model->sendStopCrawlMessage($machine_urls);
-                    return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                        tl('crawl_component_stop_crawl'), $request_fields);
+                    break;
                 case "resume":
                     $crawl_params = [];
                     $crawl_params[self::STATUS] = "RESUME_CRAWL";
@@ -135,31 +157,60 @@ class CrawlComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
                         null, $machine_urls);
                     return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
                         tl('crawl_component_resume_crawl'), $request_fields);
-                case "delete":
-                    if (isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])) {
-                         $timestamp = substr($parent->clean(
-                            $_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int"), 0,
-                            C\TIMESTAMP_LEN);
-                         $crawl_model->deleteCrawl($timestamp,
-                            $machine_urls);
-                        return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                            tl('crawl_component_delete_crawl_success'),
-                            $request_fields);
-                     } else {
+                case "start":
+                    $this->startCrawl($data, $machine_urls);
+                    return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                        tl('crawl_component_starting_new_crawl'),
+                        $request_fields);
+                case "statistics":
+                    $data["ELEMENT"] = "statistics";
+                    $data["leftorright"] = (L\getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr') ?
+                        "right": "left";
+                    $index = (empty($_REQUEST['its'])) ? "" :
+                        substr($parent->clean($_REQUEST['its'], "string"), 0,
+                        C\TIMESTAMP_LEN);
+                    /*
+                       validate timestamp against list
+                      (some crawlers replay deleted crawls)
+                     */
+                    if ($index) {
+                        $crawls = $crawl_model->getCrawlList(false, true,
+                            $machine_urls, true);
+                        $found_crawl = false;
+                        foreach ($crawls as $crawl) {
+                            if ($index == $crawl['CRAWL_TIME']) {
+                                $found_crawl = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $index = ($found_crawl) ? $index : false;
+                    }
+                    if (!$index) {
+                        include(C\BASE_DIR."/error.php");
+                        exit(); //bail
+                    }
+                    $data['its'] = $index;
+                    $this->crawlStatistics($data, $machine_urls);
+                    if (!empty($_REQUEST['recompute'])) {
                         return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                            tl('crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail'),
-                            $request_fields);
-                     }
+                            tl('crawl_component_recomputing_stats',
+                            $data['its']));
+                    }
-                case "index":
-                    $timestamp = substr($parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'],
-                        "int"), 0,  C\TIMESTAMP_LEN);
-                    $crawl_model->setCurrentIndexDatabaseName($timestamp);
+                case "stop":
+                    $crawl_param_file = C\CRAWL_DIR .
+                        "/schedules/crawl_params.txt";
+                    if (file_exists($crawl_param_file)) {
+                        unlink($crawl_param_file);
+                    }
+                    $info = [];
+                    $info[self::STATUS] = "STOP_CRAWL";
+                    $filename = C\CRAWL_DIR.
+                        "/schedules/NameServerMessages.txt";
+                    file_put_contents($filename, serialize($info));
+                    $crawl_model->sendStopCrawlMessage($machine_urls);
                     return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                        tl('crawl_component_set_index'),
-                        $request_fields);
-                case "options":
-                    $this->editCrawlOption($data, $machine_urls);
+                        tl('crawl_component_stop_crawl'), $request_fields);
         return $data;
@@ -575,6 +626,79 @@ class CrawlComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
         return $data;
+    /**
+     * Called from @see manageCrawls to read in the file with statistics
+     * information about a crawl. This file is computed by @see AnalyticsJob
+     *
+     * @param array& $data an array of info to supply to AdminView
+     * @param array $machine_urls machines that are being used in crawl
+     * Yioop name server on which to perform the crawl
+     */
+    public function crawlStatistics(&$data, $machine_urls)
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
+        $pre_stats_file = C\CRAWL_DIR."/cache/pre_".self::statistics_base_name.
+            $data['its'].".txt";
+        $stats_file = str_replace("pre_", "", $pre_stats_file);
+        $data["HAS_STATISTICS"] = true;
+        $data["STATISTICS_SCHEDULED"] = false;
+        if (!empty($_REQUEST['recompute'])) {
+            restore_error_handler();
+            @unlink($stats_file);
+            set_error_handler(C\NS_LIB . "yioop_error_handler");
+        }
+        if (!file_exists($stats_file)) {
+            $info = $crawl_model->getInfoTimestamp($data['its'],
+                $machine_urls);
+            if (!$info) {
+                include(C\BASE_DIR."/error.php");
+                exit(); //bail
+            }
+            $info["TIMESTAMP"] = $data['its'];
+            $data = array_merge($data, $info);
+            $data["HAS_STATISTICS"] = false;
+        } else {
+            $data = array_merge($data, unserialize(
+                file_get_contents($stats_file)));
+        }
+        $data['GENERAL_STATS'] = [
+            tl("crawl_component_description") => $data["DESCRIPTION"],
+            tl("crawl_component_timestamp") => $data["TIMESTAMP"],
+            tl("crawl_component_crawl_date") => date("r",$data["TIMESTAMP"]),
+            tl("crawl_component_pages") => $data["VISITED_URLS_COUNT"],
+            tl("crawl_component_url") => $data["COUNT"]
+        ];
+        if (!$data["HAS_STATISTICS"]) {
+            if (!empty($info)) {
+                if (file_exists($pre_stats_file)) {
+                    $data["STATISTICS_SCHEDULED"] = true;
+                } else {
+                    file_put_contents($pre_stats_file, serialize($info));
+                    chmod($pre_stats_file, 0777);
+                }
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        if (isset($data["HOST"]["DATA"]["all"])) {
+            $data['GENERAL_STATS'][tl("crawl_component_number_hosts")] =
+                $data["HOST"]["DATA"]["all"];
+        }
+        $data["STAT_HEADINGS"] = [
+            tl("crawl_component_error_codes") => "CODE",
+            tl("crawl_component_sizes") => "SIZE",
+            tl("crawl_component_links_per_page") => "NUMLINKS",
+            tl("crawl_component_page_date") => "MODIFIED",
+            tl("crawl_component_dns_time") => "DNS",
+            tl("crawl_component_download_time") => "TIME",
+            tl("crawl_component_top_level_domain") => "SITE",
+            tl("crawl_component_file_extension") => "FILETYPE",
+            tl("crawl_component_media_type") => "MEDIA",
+            tl("crawl_component_language") => "LANG",
+            tl("crawl_component_server") => "SERVER",
+            tl("crawl_component_os") => "OS",
+        ];
+    }
      * Handles admin requests for creating, editing, and deleting classifiers.
diff --git a/src/css/search.css b/src/css/search.css
index 08afec9fb..f33203ea7 100755
--- a/src/css/search.css
+++ b/src/css/search.css
@@ -89,6 +89,14 @@ p
+    font-size:20pt;
+    font-weight:normal;
     margin: 0;
diff --git a/src/library/PhraseParser.php b/src/library/PhraseParser.php
index 76a0aead0..47ff40b2e 100755
--- a/src/library/PhraseParser.php
+++ b/src/library/PhraseParser.php
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ class PhraseParser
         $maximal_terms_start_time = microtime(true);
         $phrase_and_sentences = self::extractMaximalTermsAndFilterPhrases(
             $string, $lang, C\ENABLE_QUESTION_ANSWERING);
+        $phrase_and_sentences["TERMS_AND_PHRASES"] = [];
         $phrase_list['TIMES']['MAXIMAL_TERMS'] =
diff --git a/src/library/WebArchive.php b/src/library/WebArchive.php
index d6786021b..bcda039be 100755
--- a/src/library/WebArchive.php
+++ b/src/library/WebArchive.php
@@ -339,8 +339,10 @@ class WebArchive
                         ? substr($this->storage, $offset + $compressed_int_len,
                         : fread($fh, $len);
+                    restore_error_handler();
                     $file = $this->compressor->uncompress($compressed_file);
                     $object = @unserialize($file);
+                    set_error_handler(C\NS_LIB . "yioop_error_handler");
                     $offset += $compressed_int_len + $len;
                     $objects[] = [$offset, $object];
                 } else {
diff --git a/src/library/media_jobs/AnalyticsJob.php b/src/library/media_jobs/AnalyticsJob.php
index 5d2d6a3cf..a7baac965 100644
--- a/src/library/media_jobs/AnalyticsJob.php
+++ b/src/library/media_jobs/AnalyticsJob.php
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ namespace seekquarry\yioop\library\media_jobs;
 use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
 use seekquarry\yioop\library as L;
 use seekquarry\yioop\library\CrawlConstants;
+use seekquarry\yioop\library\processors\PageProcessor;
 use seekquarry\yioop\models\ImpressionModel;
+use seekquarry\yioop\models\MachineModel;
+use seekquarry\yioop\models\PhraseModel;

  * A media job used to periodically calculate summary statistics about
@@ -42,14 +45,41 @@ use seekquarry\yioop\models\ImpressionModel;
 class AnalyticsJob extends MediaJob
-     * Time in current epoch when news last updated
+     * Time in current epoch when analytics last updated
      * @var int
     public $update_time;
+     * Used to get statistics from DBMS about wiki and thread views
+     *
      * @var object
     public $impression_model;
+    /**
+     *  Used to get crawl statistics about the number of various HTTP response
+     * requests seen during a crawl
+     *
+     * @var object
+     */
+    public $phrase_model;
+    /**
+     * Used to determine which queue servers are available and which might
+     * have information about a crawl
+     *
+     * @var object
+     */
+    public $machine_model;
+    /**
+     * For size and time distrbutions the number of times the miminal
+     * recorded interval (DOWNLOAD_SIZE_INTERVAL for size) to check for
+     * pages with that size/download time
+     */
+    const NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL = 50;
+    /**
+     * While computing the statistics page, number of seconds until a
+     * page refresh and save of progress so far occurs
+     */
      * Initializes the time of last analytics update
@@ -59,6 +89,9 @@ class AnalyticsJob extends MediaJob
         $this->name_server_does_client_tasks = true;
         $this->name_server_does_client_tasks_only = true;
         $this->impression_model = new ImpressionModel();
+        $this->phrase_model = new PhraseModel();
+        $this->machine_model = new MachineModel();
+        PageProcessor::initializeIndexedFileTypes();
      * Only update if its been more than an hour since the last update
@@ -96,6 +129,207 @@ class AnalyticsJob extends MediaJob
     public function doTasks($tasks)
+        $this->computeCrawlStatistics();
+    /**
+     * Runs the queries neccessary to determine httpd code distribution,
+     * filetype distribution, num hosts, language distribution,
+     * os distribution, server distribution, site distribution, file size
+     * distribution, download time distribution, etc for a web crawl
+     * for which statistics have been requested but not yet computed.
+     * If these queries take too long it saves partial results and returns.
+     *
+     * @param array& $data associative array which will have all the statistics
+     *     data collected.
+     */
+    public function computeCrawlStatistics()
+    {
+        $stats_requests =
+            glob(C\CRAWL_DIR."/cache/pre_" .
+            self::statistics_base_name . "*.txt");
+        if (empty($stats_requests)) {
+            L\crawlLog("No statistics for particular crawls requested");
+            return;
+        }
+        $pre_stats_file = $stats_requests[0];
+        $stats_file = str_replace("pre_", "", $pre_stats_file);
+        $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($pre_stats_file));
+        if (empty($data["TIMESTAMP"])) {
+            L\crawlLog("Request " . $pre_stats_file . " could not be ".
+                "processed. Deleting request file.");
+            unlink($pre_stats_file);
+            return;
+        }
+        L\crawlLog("Starting to compute statistics for for timestamp index".
+            $data["TIMESTAMP"]);
+        $machine_urls = $this->machine_model->getQueueServerUrls();
+        $num_machines = count($machine_urls);
+        if ($num_machines <  1 || ($num_machines ==  1 &&
+            UrlParser::isLocalhostUrl($machine_urls[0]))) {
+            $machine_urls = null;
+        }
+        $queries = [
+            "CODE" => [100, 101, 102, 103, 122, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204,
+                205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307,
+                308, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410,
+                411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 420, 422, 423, 424,
+                425, 426, 428, 429, 431, 444, 449, 450, 499, 500, 501, 502,
+                503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 598, 599],
+            "FILETYPE" => PageProcessor::$indexed_file_types,
+            "HOST" => ["all"],
+            "LANG" => [ 'aa', 'ab', 'ae', 'af', 'ak', 'am', 'an', 'ar',
+                'as', 'av', 'ay', 'az', 'ba', 'be', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bm',
+                'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'ce', 'ch', 'co', 'cr', 'cs',
+                'cu', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'dv', 'dz', 'ee', 'el', 'en',
+                'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'ff', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fr',
+                'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gu', 'gv', 'ha', 'he', 'hi',
+                'ho', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig',
+                'ii', 'ik', 'in', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'iw', 'ja', 'ji',
+                'jv', 'jw', 'ka', 'kg', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn',
+                'ko', 'kr', 'ks', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'lg',
+                'li', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'mg', 'mh', 'mi', 'mk',
+                'ml', 'mn', 'mo', 'mr', 'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'na', 'nb', 'nd',
+                'ne', 'ng', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'nr', 'nv', 'ny', 'oc', 'oj',
+                'om', 'or', 'os', 'pa', 'pi', 'pl', 'ps', 'pt', 'qu', 'rm',
+                'rn', 'ro', 'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'sc', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh',
+                'si', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'ss', 'st',
+                'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl',
+                'tn', 'to', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt', 'tw', 'ty', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur',
+                'uz', 've', 'vi', 'vo', 'wa', 'wo', 'xh', 'yi', 'yo', 'za',
+                'zh', 'zu'],
+            "MEDIA" => ["image", "text", "video"],
+            "OS" => ["asianux", "centos", "clearos", "debian", "fedora",
+                "freebsd", "gentoo", "linux", "netware", "solaris", "sunos",
+                "ubuntu", "unix"],
+            "SERVER" => ["aolserver", "apache", "bigip", "boa", "caudium",
+                "cherokee", "gws", "goahead-webs", "httpd", "iis",
+                "ibm_http_server", "jetty", "lighttpd", "litespeed",
+                "microsoft-iis", "nginx", "resin", "server", "sun-java-system",
+                "thttpd", "tux", "virtuoso", "webrick", "yaws", "yts",
+                "zeus", "zope"],
+            "SITE" => [".aero", ".asia", ".biz", ".cat", ".com", ".coop",
+                ".edu", ".gov", ".info", ".int", ".jobs", ".mil", ".mobi",
+                ".museum", ".name", ".net", ".org", ".pro", ".tel", ".travel",
+                ".xxx", ".ac", ".ad", ".ae", ".af", ".ag", ".ai", ".al", ".am",
+                ".ao", ".aq", ".ar", ".as", ".at", ".au", ".aw", ".ax", ".az",
+                ".ba", ".bb", ".bd", ".be", ".bf", ".bg", ".bh", ".bi", ".bj",
+                ".bm", ".bn", ".bo", ".br", ".bs", ".bt", ".bw", ".by", ".bz",
+                ".ca", ".cc", ".cd", ".cf", ".cg", ".ch", ".ci", ".ck", ".cl",
+                ".cm", ".cn", ".co", ".cr", ".cu", ".cv", ".cx", ".cy", ".cz",
+                ".de", ".dj", ".dk", ".dm", ".do", ".dz", ".ec", ".ee", ".eg",
+                ".er", ".es", ".et", ".eu", ".fi", ".fj", ".fk", ".fm", ".fo",
+                ".fr", ".ga", ".gd", ".ge", ".gf", ".gg", ".gh", ".gi", ".gl",
+                ".gm", ".gn", ".gp", ".gq", ".gr", ".gs", ".gt", ".gu", ".gw",
+                ".gy", ".hk", ".hm", ".hn", ".hr", ".ht", ".hu", ".id", ".ie",
+                ".il", ".im", ".in", ".io", ".iq", ".ir", ".is", ".it", ".je",
+                ".jm", ".jo", ".jp", ".ke", ".kg", ".kh", ".ki", ".km", ".kn",
+                ".kp", ".kr", ".kw", ".ky", ".kz", ".la", ".lb", ".lc", ".li",
+                ".lk", ".lr", ".ls", ".lt", ".lu", ".lv", ".ly", ".ma", ".mc",
+                ".md", ".me", ".mg", ".mh", ".mk", ".ml", ".mm", ".mn", ".mo",
+                ".mp", ".mq", ".mr", ".ms", ".mt", ".mu", ".mv", ".mw", ".mx",
+                ".my", ".mz", ".na", ".nc", ".ne", ".nf", ".ng", ".ni", ".nl",
+                ".no", ".np", ".nr", ".nu", ".nz", ".om", ".pa", ".pe", ".pf",
+                ".pg", ".ph", ".pk", ".pl", ".pm", ".pn", ".pr", ".ps", ".pt",
+                ".pw", ".py", ".qa", ".re", ".ro", ".rs", ".ru", ".rw", ".sa",
+                ".sb", ".sc", ".sd", ".se", ".sg", ".sh", ".si", ".sk", ".sl",
+                ".sm", ".sn", ".so", ".sr", ".ss", ".st", ".sv", ".sy", ".sz",
+                ".tc", ".td", ".tf", ".tg", ".th", ".tj", ".tk", ".tl", ".tm",
+                ".tn", ".to", ".tr", ".tt", ".tv", ".tw", ".tz", ".ua", ".ug",
+                ".uk", ".us", ".uy", ".uz", ".va", ".vc", ".ve", ".vg", ".vi",
+                ".vn", ".vu", ".wf", ".ws", ".ye", ".za", ".zm", ".zw" ],
+        ];
+        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL; $i++) {
+            $queries["SIZE"][] = $i * C\DOWNLOAD_SIZE_INTERVAL;
+        }
+        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL; $i++) {
+            $queries["TIME"][] = $i * C\DOWNLOAD_TIME_INTERVAL;
+        }
+        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::NUM_TIMES_INTERVAL; $i++) {
+            $queries["DNS"][] = $i * C\DOWNLOAD_TIME_INTERVAL;
+        }
+        for ($i = 0; $i <= C\MAX_LINKS_PER_SITEMAP; $i++) {
+            $queries["NUMLINKS"][] = $i;
+        }
+        $date = date("Y");
+        for ($i = 1969; $i <= $date; $i++) {
+            $queries["MODIFIED"][] = $i;
+        }
+        $sort_fields = ["CODE", "FILETYPE", "LANG", "MEDIA", "OS",
+            "SERVER", "SITE"];
+        $time = time();
+        if (isset($data["UNFINISHED"])) {
+            unset($data["UNFINISHED"]);
+        }
+        foreach ($queries as $group_description => $query_group) {
+            $total = 0;
+            foreach ($query_group as $query) {
+                if (isset($data["SEEN"][$group_description][$query])) {
+                    if (isset($data[$group_description]["DATA"][$query])) {
+                        $total += $data[$group_description]["DATA"][$query];
+                    }
+                    continue;
+                }
+                $count =
+                    $this->countQuery(strtolower($group_description)
+                        .":".$query, $data["TIMESTAMP"], $machine_urls);
+                $data["SEEN"][$group_description][$query] = true;
+                if ($count >= 0) {
+                    $data[$group_description]["DATA"][$query] = $count;
+                    $total += $count;
+                }
+                if (time() - $time > self::STATISTIC_REFRESH_RATE) {
+                    $data["UNFINISHED"] = true;
+                    break 2;
+                }
+            }
+            if (isset($data[$group_description]["DATA"])) {
+                if (in_array($group_description, $sort_fields)) {
+                    arsort($data[$group_description]["DATA"]);
+                }
+                $data[$group_description]["TOTAL"] = $total;
+            }
+        }
+        $data["OS"]["DATA"]["windows"] = 0;
+        if (isset($data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["iis"])) {
+            $data["OS"]["DATA"]["windows"] = $data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["iis"];
+        }
+        if (isset($data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["microsoft-iis"])) {
+            $data["OS"]["DATA"]["windows"] +=
+                $data["SERVER"]["DATA"]["microsoft-iis"];
+        }
+        arsort($data["OS"]["DATA"]);
+        if (empty($data["UNFINISHED"])) {
+            unlink($pre_stats_file);
+            file_put_contents($stats_file, serialize($data));
+            chmod($stats_file, 0777);
+            L\crawlLog("Done computing crawl statistics in " . $stats_file);
+        } else {
+            file_put_contents($pre_stats_file, serialize($data));
+            chmod($pre_stats_file, 0777);
+            L\crawlLog("Saving partial crawl statistics in " . $pre_stats_file);
+        }
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Performs the provided $query of a web crawl (potentially distributed
+     * across queue servers). Returns the count of the number of results that
+     * would be returned by that query.
+     *
+     * @param string $query to use and count the results of
+     * @param array $machine_urls queue servers on which the count is to be
+     *      computed
+     * @param string $index_timestamp timestamp of index to compute query
+     *      count for
+     * @return int number of results that would be returned by the given query
+     */
+    public function countQuery($query, $index_timestamp, $machine_urls)
+    {
+        $results = $this->phrase_model->getPhrasePageResults(
+            "$query i:$index_timestamp", 0,
+            1, true, null, false, 0, $machine_urls);
+        echo $query."\n";
+        print_r($results);
+        return (isset($results["TOTAL_ROWS"])) ? $results["TOTAL_ROWS"] : -1;
+    }
diff --git a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
index 1b82e9a0b..39bbce6e8 100755
--- a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "بدء تشغيل تتبع الارتباطات الجديدة!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "حذف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "وقف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "حذف فشل الزحف!!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "وضع الزحف لاستخدامها كمؤشر"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "استئناف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "حذف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "بدء تشغيل تتبع الارتباطات الجديدة!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "حذف فشل الزحف!!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "وقف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "تصفية تحديث الصفحات!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "نتيجة تحديث الصفحة يحتاج إلى تحديد عنوان URL!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "تحديث الصفحة النتيجة!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "تحميل الصفحة!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "إضافة عمليات تتبع الارتباطات"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "عدد من النتائج"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "الوزن"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "إجراءات"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "إضافة استعلام"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "الزحف ميكس التغييرات المحفوظة!"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "Admin"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "خروج السيارات في دقيقة واحدة!!"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "حاليا بتجهيز"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "الوصف:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "بدء تشغيل تتبع الارتباطات الجديدة..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "لوقف الزحف"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "استئناف الزحف"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "لوقف الزحف"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "إيقاف قائمة الانتظار..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "إغلاق القاموس الزحف..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "تشغيل وظيفة تجهيز الإضافات..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "لوقف الزحف"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "تعيين كفهرس"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "البحث عن الفهرس"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "تغيير خيارات تتبع الارتباطات"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "لا تتبع الارتباطات النشطة"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "الطابع الزمني:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "الوقت بدأ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "الذاكرة الذروة المفهرس:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "ذروةجدولةالذاكرة:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "ذروة خادم الذاكرة:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "لا توجد ذاكرة البيانات حتى الآن"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "ذروة ميزة جلب الذاكرة:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "لا توجد ذاكرة البيانات حتى الآن"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "ذروة التطبيق ويب الذاكرة:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "لا توجد ذاكرة البيانات حتى الآن"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "زار عناوين Url لكل ساعة:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "زار عدد عناوين Url:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "عدد عناوين Url التي ينظر إليها:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "ميزة جلب أحدث:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "لا توجد ميزة جلب الاستعلامات بعد"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "محددات مواقع المعلومات الأكثر حداثة"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "لا توجد محددات مواقع المعلومات الأخيرة"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "تتبع الارتباطات السابقة"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "الوصف:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "الطابع الزمني:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "زار استخراج عناوين Url:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "إجراءات"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = "الإحصاءات"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "استئناف"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "مغلقة"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "تعيين كفهرس"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "البحث عن الفهرس"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "حذف"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "لا توجد عمليات تتبع الارتباطات السابقة"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = "حفظ"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = "تحرير صفحة النتيجة"
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "تسجيل الدخول"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "تسجيل الخروج"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = "أكثر"
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "البحث"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = "مزيد من الإحصاءات"
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s ثوان."
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "عرض  %s- %s من  %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "مؤقتاً"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "فيونبسب;as&nbsp;text"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "مماثلة"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "Inlinks"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "رتبة: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "ق Rel:%"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "ق Prox:%"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "نقاط: %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = "بي إتش بي محرك البحث-يوب!"
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = "الإحصاءات"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = "حساب... يرجى أن يكون المريض."
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = "معلومات الفهرس العام"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/bn/configure.ini b/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
index f2c163b63..bd71cd1ef 100755
--- a/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/bn/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
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 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
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 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
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+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
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+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = ""
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
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-; SearchView.php line: 165
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-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
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-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
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-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
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-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
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-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
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 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
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 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
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diff --git a/src/locale/de/configure.ini b/src/locale/de/configure.ini
index d2f3f5df2..3302344e6 100755
--- a/src/locale/de/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/de/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
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 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Suche"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini b/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
index b70e644fe..1af7abc3e 100644
--- a/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = "Ad status changed!"
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = "Advertisement Updated"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Starting New Crawl!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Deleting Crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Stopping crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Delete Crawl Failed!!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Resuming crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Deleting Crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Starting New Crawl!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Delete Crawl Failed!!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = "Recomputing Statistics for Index %s!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Stopping crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "No Description for Crawl"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Use Yioop defaults"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Previous Crawl:"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = "Urls injected on %s."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = "User suggested URLS added!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = "No new urls in suggest data"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "Breadth First"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "Page Importance"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = "Urls injected on %s."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = "Urls Injected!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Updating Seed Site Info!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = "Index Description:"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = "Timestamp:"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = "Crawl Start Time:"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = "Downloaded Pages:"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = "Seen Urls:"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = "Hostnames Seen:"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = "Error Codes Seen"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = "File Sizes Downloaded"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = "Average Links per Page"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = "Page Modified Dates"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = "DNS Lookup Time"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = "Page Download Time"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = "Top Level Domains"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = "File Extension"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = "Media Type"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = "Web Page Language"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = "Web Server"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = "Operating System (if detected)"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = "New classifier created."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = "A classifier with that name already exists."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = "Classifier deleted."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = "No classifier with that name."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = "No classifier with that name."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "Finalizing classifier."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "Finalizing classifier."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = "A classifier with that name already exists."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = "Failed to load documents"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = "Loading"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = "Added {1} {2} examples"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = "Failed to update labels."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = "Updating"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = "Failed to update accuracy"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = "N/A"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = "No documents"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = "{1}{2} documents"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = "In Class"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = "Not In Class"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = "Skip"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = "Prediction: {1}"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = "{1}%% confidence, {2}%% disagreement"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Use Yioop defaults"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = "Never"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 days"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 days"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 days"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 days"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 days"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = "Basic"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = "Centroid"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = "Centroid-Weighted"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = "Graph-Based"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = "Page Options Updated!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = "Running Tests!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = "Missing Scraper Fields!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = "Scraper added!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = "Scraper not deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = "Scraper deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = "Scraper Updated!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filter Pages Updated!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = "Select a Previously Edited URL"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Result Page Update needs to Specify the URL!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "Result Page Updated!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "Page Loaded!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = "Media Kind"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = "Video"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = "JSON Feed"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = "Html Feed"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex Feed"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = "Index/Mix to Use"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = "Type of Source Not Set!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = "Must set media type!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = "Invalid URL!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = "All Fields Need to be Filled!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = "Media Source Added!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = "All Fields Need to be Filled!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = "Subsearch Added!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = "Source Was Not Deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "Media Source Deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = "Source Was Not Deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "Subsearch Deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = "Subsearch Updated!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = "Media Source Updated!"
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = "Not a member or can&#039;t read that group. Switching to public group!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "No Posts Yet"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = "Please log in to an account with access to this group!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = "Please log in to an account with access to this group!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = "Back"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = "Historical Version of %s from %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = "Back"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = "%s line differences between %s and %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki Page Has Been Edited Since Your Version. Loading Changed Version!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = "Revert to %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = "Page Reverted!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = "Error Reverting Page!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = "Main"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = "Missing Fields!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki Page Has Been Edited Since Your Version. Loading Changed Version!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = "Resource Saved!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = "Resource Not Saved!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki Page Has Been Edited Since Your Version. Loading Changed Version!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = "%s Wiki Page Created!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
 social_component_page_discuss_here = "Discuss the page in this thread!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = "Page Saved!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = "Resource Deleted!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = "Resource Not Deleted! "
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = "Resource Extracted!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = "Resource Not Extracted!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = "Clip Folder Set!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = "Clip Folder Copy Failed!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = "Clip Folder Copy Succeeded!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = "Resource Renamed!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = "Resource not Renamed!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = "Resource Created!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = "Resource Not Created!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = "Need to Save Page Before Using Resources!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = "%s Wiki Page Created!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
 social_component_page_discuss_here = "Discuss the page in this thread!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = "Resource Uploaded!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = "Upload Error!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = "Doc Sections"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = "Doc Sections"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
 social_component_standard_page = "Standard"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
 social_component_page_alias = "Page Alias"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = "Media List"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = "Presentation"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = "Solid"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = "Dashed"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = "None"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = "Actions"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = "New Folder"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = "New File"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = "Search"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
 wiki_js_small = "Small"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
 wiki_js_medium = "Medium"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
 wiki_js_large = "Large"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
 wiki_js_search_size = "Size"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = "Header row:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = "Example"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = "Table Title"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
 wiki_js_submit = "Submit"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
 wiki_js_cancel = "Cancel"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
 wiki_js_bold = "Bold text"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
 wiki_js_italic = "Italic text"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
 wiki_js_underline = "Underlined text"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
 wiki_js_strike = "Striked text"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
 wiki_js_heading = "Heading"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = "Level 1 Heading"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
 wiki_js_heading2 = "Level 2 Heading"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
 wiki_js_heading3 = "Level 3 Heading"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
 wiki_js_heading4 = "Level 4 Heading"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
 wiki_js_bullet = "Unordered list item"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
 wiki_js_enum = "Ordered list item"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
 wiki_js_nowiki = "Insert non-formatted text here"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
 wiki_js_add_search = "Add Search Bar Form"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
 wiki_js_search_size = "Size"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = "Add Wiki Table"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
 wiki_js_for_table_cols = "Column Count:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
 wiki_js_for_table_rows = "Row Count:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
 wiki_js_add_hyperlink = "Add Hyperlink"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
 wiki_js_link_text = "Text:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = "URL:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
 wiki_js_placeholder = "Search Placeholder Text"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = "This text is centered."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
 wiki_js_rightaligned = "This text is right-aligned."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
 wiki_js_leftaligned = "This text is left-aligned."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
 wiki_js_definitionlist_item = "Item"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
 wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = "Definition"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
 wiki_js_slide_sample_title = "Title"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = "Slide Item"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = "Resource Description for "
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = "Crawl Mix Created!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = "Mix Name in Use or Invalid!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Invalid Timestamp!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = "Crawl Mix Deleted!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix to Delete Does not Exist!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = "Mix Successfully Imported!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = "Shared Mix Has An Invalid Timestamp"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = "Try out this crawl mix!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = "%s is sharing the crawl mix %s!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Invalid Timestamp!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = "Not Mix Owner!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "Add Crawls"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "Results Shown"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = "Remove"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "Weight"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = "Name"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = "Keywords"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "Actions"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "Add Query"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = "Delete"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = "Too Many Search Result Fragments!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "Crawl Mix Changes Saved!"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful"
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = "Yioop - %s"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = "Index Description"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = "Timestamp"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = "Crawl Start Time"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = "Downloaded Pages"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = "Seen Urls"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = "Hostnames Seen"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = "Error Codes Seen"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = "File Sizes Downloaded"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = "Average Links per Page"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = "Page Modified Dates"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = "DNS Lookup Time"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = "Page Download Time"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = "Top Level Domains"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = "File Extension"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = "Media Type"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = "Web Page Language"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = "Web Server"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = "Operating System (if detected)"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "Admin"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "Currently Processing"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "Description:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Starting New Crawl..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Stop Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Resuming Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Stop Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Shutting Down Queue..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Closing Crawl Dictionary..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Running Post Processing Plugins..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Stop Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Set as Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Search Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Change Crawl Options"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "No active crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Timestamp:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Time started:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Indexer Peak Memory:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Scheduler Peak Memory:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Server Peak Memory:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No Memory Data Yet"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "Fetcher Peak Memory:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No Memory Data Yet"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "Web App Peak Memory:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No Memory Data Yet"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "Visited Urls/Hour:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "Visited Urls Count:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Total Urls Seen:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Most Recent Fetcher:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "No Fetcher Queries Yet"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "Most Recent Urls"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "No Recent Urls (Could mean only link data)"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "Previous Crawls"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = "Query Statistics"
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "Description:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Timestamp:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "Visited/Extracted Urls:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "Actions"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = "Statistics"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "Resume"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "Closed"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Set as Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Search Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "Delete"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "No Previous Crawls"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = "Test Process Page"
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = "Save"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = "Search Query Statistics"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = "Filter"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = "Go"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = "Last Hour"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = "Last Day"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = "Last Month"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = "Last Year"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = "All Time"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = "No Activity"
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = "Edit Result Page"
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "Sign In"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "Sign Out"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = "Crawl Statistics"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = "Recompute"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = "Crawl statistics have been scheduled to be computed next time MediaUpdater run. "
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = "Crawl statistics have already been scheduled to be computed next time MediaUpdater run. "
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = "More"
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Search"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = "No Default Index Set"
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = "More Statistics"
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s seconds."
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "Showing %s - %s of %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = "Thesaurus Results"
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = "Possible Answer:"
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = "Words:"
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "Cached"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "View&nbsp;as&nbsp;text"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "Similar"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "Inlinks"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "Rank:%s "
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "Rel:%s "
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "Prox:%s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = "Thesaurus: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "Score:%s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = "PHP Search Engine - Yioop!"
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = "Places:"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = "Statistics"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = "Calculating... Please be patient."
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = "General Index Info"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = "View Global Query Statistics"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = "Query Statistics"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = "Filter:"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = "Go"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = "Last Hour"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = "Last Day"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = "Last Month"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = "Last Year"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = "All Time"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = "No Activity"
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = "Suggest A URL"
diff --git a/src/locale/es/configure.ini b/src/locale/es/configure.ini
index d6b8ed206..58431535f 100755
--- a/src/locale/es/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/es/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Iniciando nuevo rastreo"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Eliminando el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Deteniendo el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Eliminar el rastreo no tuvo &eacute;xito"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "Usar el rastreo como &iacute;ndice"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Reanundando el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Eliminando el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Iniciando nuevo rastreo"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Eliminar el rastreo no tuvo &eacute;xito"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "Usar el rastreo como &iacute;ndice"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Deteniendo el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "No hay descripci&oacute;n para el rastreo"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Utilizar Yioop! por defecto"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Rastreo anterior:"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "Breadth First"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "Importancia de p&aacute;gina"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = "Urls inyectadas!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Utilizar Yioop! por defecto"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = "Nunca"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 d&iacute;a"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 d&iacute;as"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 d&iacute;as"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 d&iacute;as"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 d&iacute;as"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filtrar P&aacute;ginas Actualizadas!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = "Seleccionar una URL previamente editada"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Resultados de la actualizaci&oacute;n de la p&aacute;gina debe especificar la URL!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "P&aacute;gina Actualizada!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "P&aacute;gina Cargada!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
 social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
 social_component_page_alias = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = "Acciones"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
 wiki_js_small = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
 wiki_js_medium = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
 wiki_js_large = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
 wiki_js_submit = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
 wiki_js_cancel = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
 wiki_js_bold = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
 wiki_js_italic = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
 wiki_js_underline = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
 wiki_js_strike = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
 wiki_js_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
 wiki_js_heading2 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
 wiki_js_heading3 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
 wiki_js_heading4 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
 wiki_js_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
 wiki_js_enum = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
 wiki_js_nowiki = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
 wiki_js_add_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
 wiki_js_for_table_cols = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
 wiki_js_for_table_rows = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
 wiki_js_add_hyperlink = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
 wiki_js_link_text = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
 wiki_js_placeholder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
 wiki_js_rightaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
 wiki_js_leftaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
 wiki_js_definitionlist_item = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
 wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
 wiki_js_slide_sample_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = "Rastreo Mix creado!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = "Rastreo Mix eliminado!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix para eliminar (borrar) no existe!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "A&ntilde;adir Rastreos"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "N&uacute;mero de Resultados"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "Tama&ntilde;o"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "Acciones"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "Agregar consulta"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "Guardados los Cambios del Rastreo Mix!"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "Administrador"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-cerrar la sesi&oacute;n en un minuto!"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "Actualmente Processando"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "Descripci&oacute;n:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Iniciando Rastreo..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Detener Rastreo"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Reanudando rastreo"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Detener Rastreo"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Cerrando la cola..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Cerrando Rastreo del Diccionario..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Ejectando plugins de procesamiento posterior..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Detener Rastreo"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Establecer como &Iacute;ndice"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "&Iacute;ndice de b&uacute;squeda"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Cambiar Opciones de Rastreo"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "Rastreo Inactivo"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca de tiempo:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Hora de inicio:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Indexador de Memoria Peak:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Programador de Memoria Peak:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Servidor de Memoria Peak:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No hay datos de la memoria todav&iacute;a"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No hay datos de la memoria todav&iacute;a"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No hay datos de la memoria todav&iacute;a"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "URLs visitadas/hora:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "Cuenta de URLs visitadas:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Total URLs Vistas:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Fetcher m&aacute;s reciente:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "No hay consultas del Fetcher todav�a"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "URLs m&aacute;s recientes"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "URLs no recientes"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "Rastreos Anteriores"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "Descripci&oacute;n:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca de tiempo:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "URLs Visitadas / Extra&iacute;das:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "Acciones"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = "Estad&iacute;sticas"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "Reanudar"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "Cerrado"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Establecer como &Iacute;ndice"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "&Iacute;ndice de b&uacute;squeda"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "Eliminar"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "Rastreos noanteriores"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Buscar"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/fa/configure.ini b/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
index 9ec541210..584a5d64a 100755
--- a/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/fa/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "در حال آغاز خزش جدید!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "در حال حذف کردن خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "در حال متوقف کردن خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "حذف خزش شکست خورد!!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "قرار دادن خزش به عنوان نمایه"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "در حال از سرگیری خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "در حال حذف کردن خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "در حال آغاز خزش جدید!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "حذف خزش شکست خورد!!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "قرار دادن خزش به عنوان نمایه"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "در حال متوقف کردن خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "شرحی برای خزش نیست"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "از گزینه&zwnj;های زیر استفاده کن"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "از پیش&zwnj;فرض&zwnj;های Yioop! استفاده کن"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "از گزینه&zwnj;های زیر استفاده کن"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "خزش قبلی:"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "اول سطح"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "اهمیت صفحه"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = "urlها وارد شدند."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "در حال به روز آوری اطلاعات seed site "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "از گزینه&zwnj;های زیر استفاده کن"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "پالایه صفحات به روز شد!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = "یک URL که قبلن ویرایش شده انتخاب کنید"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "به روز رسانی صفحهٔ نتایج احتیاج به تعیین URL دارد! "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "صفحهٔ نتایج به روز آوری شد!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "صفحه بارگذاری شد!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = "نوع رسانه"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "زیر جستجو حذف شد!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ترکیبی که می&zwnj;خواهید حذف کنید وجود ندارد!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "تغییرات ترکیب خزش ذخیره شد!"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "مدیر"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "خروج خودکار تا یک دقیقهٔ دیگر!!"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "در حال پردازش"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "شرح:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "در حال آغاز خزش جدید ..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "خزش را متوقف کن"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "خزش را متوقف کن"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "در حال بستن صف ..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "در حال بستن لغت&zwnj;نامهٔ خزش... "
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "در حال اجرای پلاگین&zwnj;های پس از پردازش..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "نمایهٔ جستجو"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "تنظیمات خزش را تغییر بده"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "هیچ خزش فعالی نیست"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "برچسب&zwnj;زمان:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "زمان شروع:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ نمایه&zwnj;ساز:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ برنامه&zwnj;ریز:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ سرور:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "اطلاعات حافظه موجود نیست"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ واکش:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "اطلاعات حافظه موجود نیست"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ برنامهٔ وب:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "اطلاعات حافظه موجود نیست"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "URL های بازدید شده بر ساعت:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "تعداد URLهای بازدید شده:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "کل URLهای دیده شده:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "جدیدترین واکش:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "هیچ پرسمان واکشی موجود نیست"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "جدیدترین URLها"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "هیچ URL جدیدی نیست (ممکن است فقط اطلاعات لینک&zwnj;ها باشد)"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "خزش&zwnj;های قبلی"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "شرح:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "برچسب&zwnj;زمان:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "URLهای بازدید شده بر استخراج شده:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "فرمان&zwnj;ها"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = "آمار"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "از سر بگیر"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "بسته"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "برای نمایه قرار بده"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "نمایهٔ جستجو"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "حذف کن"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "هیچ خزش قبلی موجود نیست"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = "ذخیره"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = "ویرایش صفحه نتایج"
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "ورود"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "خروج"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = "بیشتر"
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "جستجو"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = "آمار بیشتر"
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s ثانیه"
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "در حال نمایش %s - %s از %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "کش شده"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "مشاهده به صورت متنی"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "مشابه"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "پیوندهای داخلی"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "رتبه: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "ارتباط: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "نزدیکی: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "امتیاز: %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = "موتور جستجوی PHP - Yioop!"
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = "آمار"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = "در حال محاسبه ... لطفن صبور باشید."
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = "اطلاعات کلی نمایه"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini b/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
index 0ba374e90..52374bfdb 100755
--- a/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
 social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
 wiki_js_cancel = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
 wiki_js_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
 wiki_js_placeholder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "Administration"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "Connexion"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "D&eacute;connexion"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = "Plus"
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Rechercher"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = "Plus de statistiques"
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s secondes."
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "Affichage de %s - %s sur %s r&eacute;sultats"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "En&nbsp;Cache"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "Version&nbsp;texte"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "Pages&nbsp;similaires"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "Liens retour"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "Rang: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "Pertinence: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "Proximit&eacute;: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "Total: %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/he/configure.ini b/src/locale/he/configure.ini
index e533970df..f01c4f92e 100755
--- a/src/locale/he/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/he/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = " השתמש כבררת מחדל כמנוע חיפוש"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = " השתמש כבררת מחדל כמנוע חיפוש"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
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 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
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 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ":זמן התחלה"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "תאור"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "מחק"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "חפש"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/hi/configure.ini b/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
index 959ca1625..ae35b637f 100755
--- a/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/hi/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "क्रॉल पुनः आरंभ करें"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
 social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
 social_component_page_alias = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
 wiki_js_medium = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
 wiki_js_large = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
 wiki_js_submit = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
 wiki_js_cancel = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
 wiki_js_bold = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
 wiki_js_italic = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
 wiki_js_underline = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
 wiki_js_strike = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
 wiki_js_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
 wiki_js_heading2 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
 wiki_js_heading3 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
 wiki_js_heading4 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
 wiki_js_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
 wiki_js_add_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
 wiki_js_for_table_cols = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
 wiki_js_for_table_rows = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
 wiki_js_link_text = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
 wiki_js_placeholder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "साइन इन करें"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "साइन आउट करें"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "खोज"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/in_ID/configure.ini b/src/locale/in_ID/configure.ini
index e5c940fb9..9d22102f7 100755
--- a/src/locale/in_ID/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/in_ID/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
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 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
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 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "Administratif"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "Masuk"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "Keluar"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Cari"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "Hasil"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "Urutan"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/it/configure.ini b/src/locale/it/configure.ini
index 14b6ed966..6c5a0927d 100755
--- a/src/locale/it/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/it/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Starting New Crawl!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Scansione cancellata... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Scansione finita... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Cancellazione Scansione fallita!!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "Usa Scansione come indice"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Scansione ripresa... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Scansione cancellata... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Starting New Crawl!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Cancellazione Scansione fallita!!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "Usa Scansione come indice"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Scansione finita... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "Nessuna descrizione per la scansione"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Usa predefiniti Yioop!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Scansione precedente:"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "Ampiezza prima"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "Importanza Pagina"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = "URL aggiunti!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Aggiornamento info sito di partenza!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Usa predefiniti Yioop!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = "Mai"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 giorno"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 giorni"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 giorni"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 giorni"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 giorni"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = "Opzioni Pagina aggiornate!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filtro Pagina aggiornato!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = "Seleziona un URL precedentemente modificato"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Aggiornamento pagina dei risultati necessita specificare URL!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "Pagina dei risultatai aggiornata!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "Pagina caricata!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
 social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
 social_component_page_alias = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = "Azioni"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
 wiki_js_small = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
 wiki_js_medium = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
 wiki_js_large = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
 wiki_js_submit = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
 wiki_js_cancel = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
 wiki_js_bold = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
 wiki_js_italic = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
 wiki_js_underline = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
 wiki_js_strike = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
 wiki_js_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
 wiki_js_heading2 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
 wiki_js_heading3 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
 wiki_js_heading4 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
 wiki_js_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
 wiki_js_enum = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
 wiki_js_nowiki = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
 wiki_js_add_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
 wiki_js_for_table_cols = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
 wiki_js_for_table_rows = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
 wiki_js_add_hyperlink = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
 wiki_js_link_text = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
 wiki_js_placeholder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
 wiki_js_rightaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
 wiki_js_leftaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
 wiki_js_definitionlist_item = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
 wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
 wiki_js_slide_sample_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = "Seleziona Scansione"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = "Seleziona Scansione"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = "Unione Scansioni creata!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = "Unione Scansioni cancellata!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Unione Scansioni da cancellare inesistente!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "Aggiungi scansione"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "Numero di risultati"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "Peso"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "Azioni"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "Aggiungi Ricerca"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "Cambiamenti Unione Scansioni effettuati!"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "Amministratore"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Fine Accesso in un minuto!!"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "In fase di elaborazione"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "Descrizione:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Inizio nuova Scansione..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Ferma Scansione"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Riprendi Scansione"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Ferma Scansione"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Chiusura Coda..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Chiusura dizionario Scansione..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Esecuzione PlugIn..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Ferma Scansione"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Usa come Indice"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Cerca Indice"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Modifica opzioni Scansione"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "Nessuna Scansione attiva"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca Temporale:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Ora di inizio:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Picco memoria Indicizzatore:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Picco memoria prevista:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Picco memoria Server:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Dati memoria non disponibili"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "Picco memoria Acquisitore:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Dati memoria non disponibili"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "Picco memoria Applicazione Web:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Dati memoria non disponibili"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "URL visitati all&#039;ora:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "URL visitati finora:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Totale URL visti:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Acquisitori pi&ugrave; recenti:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "Ancora nessuna Acquisizione"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "URL pi&ugrave; recenti"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "Nessun URL recente"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "Scansioni precedenti"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "Descrizione:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca Temporale:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "URL visitati/estratti:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "Azioni"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = "Statistiche"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "Riprendi"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "Chiusa"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Usa come Indice"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Cerca Indice"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "Cancella"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "Nessuna Scansione precedente"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = "Salva"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = "Modifica Pagina risultati"
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "Accedi"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "Esci"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = "Pi&ugrave;"
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Cerca"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = "Altre statistiche"
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "Calccolati in %s secondi."
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "Mostra risultati %s - %s di %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "Archivio"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "Vedi&nbsp;come&nbsp;testo"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "Simile"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "Inlink"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "Pos.: %s "
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "Rel: %s "
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "Pros: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "Punteggio %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = "Yioop! Motore di Ricerca in PHP"
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = "Statistiche"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = "Calcolo in corso... si prega di aspettare."
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = "Info generari Indice"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/ja/configure.ini b/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
index 25b912e63..03e83ec26 100755
--- a/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ja/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "新しい検索を始まります"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "検索を削除する。ちょっと待ってください。"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "検索を停止する。ちょっと待ってください。"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "検索削除を失敗しました"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "指数のための検索設定する。"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "検索を再会する。ちょっと待ってください。"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "検索を削除する。ちょっと待ってください。"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "新しい検索を始まります"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "検索削除を失敗しました"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "指数のための検索設定する。"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "検索を停止する。ちょっと待ってください。"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "検索の説明ありません"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "幅優先"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "ページの重要性"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "シッド情報の更新"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
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 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "管理"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "自動なログアウト一分ぐらい"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "現在処理しています"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "説明"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "検索の停止"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "検索の停止"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "指数の設定する。"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "検索指数"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "検索は続いていません。"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "全部URL"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "最新フェッチャ"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "フェッチャキュエリはまだありません"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "最新URL"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "最近URLはありません"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "さっきの検索"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "説明"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "アクション"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "再会"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "指数の設定する。"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "検索指数"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "削除"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "さっきの検索はありません"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "サインイン"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "ログアウト"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "検索"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s分で計算しました。"
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "結果表示%s ー %s の %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "キャッシューしました。"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "テクストビュー"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "同じビュー"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "ランク:%s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "関連:%s"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "近さ: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "スコア %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/kn/configure.ini b/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
index 7f482727b..0b943b32f 100755
--- a/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/kn/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "ಹೊಸ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ್  ಪ್ರಾರಂಬಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು "
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ!! "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "ಸೂಚಿಕೆಯಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಮರುಚಾಲಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "ಹೊಸ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ್  ಪ್ರಾರಂಬಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ!! "
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "ಸೂಚಿಕೆಯಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಿನ ವಿವರಣೆ ಇಲ್ಲ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "ಯೂಪ್ ನ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ನಿಗದಿಗಳನ್ನು ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "ಮೊದಲಿನ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ:"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "ಅಗಲ ಮೊದಲಾಗಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "ಪುಟ ಪ್ರಾಮುಖ್ಯತೆ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "ಮೂಲ ವೆಬ್ ಸೈಟಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಪರಿಷ್ಕರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "ಯೂಪ್ ನ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ನಿಗದಿಗಳನ್ನು ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಗಳ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಸೃಜಿಸಲಾಯಿತು"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ಅಳಿಸಬೇಕಾದ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "ಗೌರವ"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "ಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳು"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ್ ಮಿಶ್ರಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "ಒಳಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿ"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಮಿಸಿ"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "ಹುಡುಕು"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "ಲೆಕ್ಕಾಚಾರದ ಸಮಯ %s ಸೆಕೆಂಡು"
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತಿರುವ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು %s - %s ಆಫ್ %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "ಸಿದ್ಧ ಸ್ಮೃತಿಕೋಶದಿಂದ ನೋಡಿ"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "ಪಠ್ಯ ರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಿ"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "ಸಮಾನರೂಪದ"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "ಒಳ ಕೊಂಡಿ"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "ಸ್ಥಾನ: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "ಪ್ರಾಸ್ತಾವಿಕ: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "ಸಾನಿಧ್ಯ: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "ಅಂಕ: %s "
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/ko/configure.ini b/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
index 40d2b9938..867a375f7 100755
--- a/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "크롤 시작!!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "크롤을 삭제합니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "크롤 삭제 실패!!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "크롤을 인덱스로써 사용하기 지정"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "크롤을 다시 시작합니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "크롤을 삭제합니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "크롤 시작!!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "크롤 삭제 실패!!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "크롤을 인덱스로써 사용하기 지정"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "크롤에 대한 설명이 존재 하지 않습니다."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "너비 우선"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "씨드 사이트 업데이트"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "관리자"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "1 분내에 자동 로그 아웃 됍니다."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "현재 실행중"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "설명:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "인덱스로 정하기"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "검색 인덱스"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "활동하는 크롤이 존재하지 않습니다."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "타임 스탬프:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "시작한 시간:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "방문한 주소들 합계:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "지금까지 본 총 합계 주소들:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "현재까지 본 주소들 합계: "
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "아직 호출 퀘리가 없습니다."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "가장 최근 주소들"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "최근 주소들이 없습니다."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "예전 크롤들 "
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "설명:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "타임 스탬프:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "방문한 또는 추출한 주소들"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "활동들:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "재개"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "인덱스로 정하기"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "검색 인덱스"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "삭제"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "전 크롤들이 없습니다."
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "로그 인"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "로그 아웃"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "검색"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s 초 결과 완료"
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "결과 %s - %s 의 %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "캐시 됀것"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "일반 텍스트로써 보기"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "유사성"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "인링크"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "랭크: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "관련성: %s "
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "점수 %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/nl/configure.ini b/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
index d08ab2541..dc8f1f5c2 100644
--- a/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Vanaf Nieuw Crawl!"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Verwijderen Crawl. . .Dit Zal even duren om te vernieuwen."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Stoppen kruipen. . .Dit Zal even duren om te vernieuwen."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Wis Crawl!! mislukt"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "Instellen Crawl om te gebruiken als Index"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Hervatten kruipen. . .Dit Zal even duren om te vernieuwen."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Verwijderen Crawl. . .Dit Zal even duren om te vernieuwen."
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Vanaf Nieuw Crawl!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Wis Crawl!! mislukt"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "Instellen Crawl om te gebruiken als Index"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Stoppen kruipen. . .Dit Zal even duren om te vernieuwen."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "Geen beschrijving voor Crawl"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "Gebruik onderstaande opties"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Gebruik Yioop! defaults"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "Gebruik onderstaande opties"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Vorige Crawl:"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = "Urls ge&iuml;njecteerd op %s."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = "Gebruiker gesuggereerd URLs toegevoegd!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = "Geen nieuwe urls in gegevens suggereren"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "breedte eerste"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "pagina Belang"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = "Urls ge&iuml;njecteerd op %s."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = "Urls Injected!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Updating Seed Site Info!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = "Nieuwe classifier gemaakt."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = "Een classifier met die naam al bestaat."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = "Classifier verwijderd."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = "Geen classifier met die naam."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = "Geen classifier met die naam."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "Finaliseren classifier."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "Finaliseren classifier."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = "Een classifier met die naam al bestaat."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = "Verzuimd om documenten te laden"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = "het laden"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = "Toegevoegd {1} {2} voorbeelden"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = "Nagelaten om labels te werken."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = "updating"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = "Nagelaten om de nauwkeurigheid te werken"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = "N / A"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = "geen documenten"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = "{1} {2} documenten"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = "in klasse"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = "Niet In Klasse"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = "overslaan"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = "Voorspelling: {1}"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = "{1} %% vertrouwen, {2} %% onenigheid"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "Gebruik onderstaande opties"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Gebruik Yioop! defaults"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "Gebruik onderstaande opties"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = "nooit"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 dagen"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 dagen"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 dagen"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 dagen"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 dagen"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = "fundamenteel"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = "zwaartepunt"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = "Opties voor de pagina Bijgewerkt!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = "Uitvoeren van tests!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filter Paginas Bijgewerkt!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = "Selecteer een Eerder Bewerkt URL"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Resultaat Pagina update nodig heeft om de URL opgeven!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "Resultaat Pagina bijgewerkt!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "Page Loaded!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = "media Kind"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = "video"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = "Html Feed"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = "Index / Mix te gebruiken"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = "Type Bron onbekend!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = "Moet mediatype ingesteld!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = "Ongeldige URL!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = "Alle velden moeten worden ingevuld!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = "Media Source toegevoegd!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = "Alle velden moeten worden ingevuld!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = "Subsearch toegevoegd!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = "Bron niet is verdwenen!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "Media Source Deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = "Bron niet is verdwenen!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "Subsearch Deleted!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = "Subsearch Bijgewerkt!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = "Media Source Bijgewerkt!"
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = " %s toegetreden tot %s!"
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = "Op %s, die u bij de groep %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = "Geen lid is of kan die groep niet lezen. Overschakelen op openbare groep!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "Geen berichten Toch"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = "terug"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = "Historische versie van %s van %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = "terug"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = " %s lijn verschillen tussen %s en %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki pagina is bewerkt Sinds Uw versie. Laden Changed versie!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = "Terugkeren naar %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = "Pagina bekeerd!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = "Fout terugzet pagina!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = "hoofd-"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = "Ontbrekende velden!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki pagina is bewerkt Sinds Uw versie. Laden Changed versie!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki pagina is bewerkt Sinds Uw versie. Laden Changed versie!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = " %s Wiki pagina gemaakt!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
 social_component_page_discuss_here = "Bespreek de pagina in deze thread!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = "Opgeslagen!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = "Resource Deleted!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = "Resource niet verwijderd!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = "Resource Omgedoopt!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = "Bron niet Omgedoopt!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = "Moeten Pagina opslaan Voordat gebruik van middelen!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = " %s Wiki pagina gemaakt!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
 social_component_page_discuss_here = "Bespreek de pagina in deze thread!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = "Resource geupload!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = "Upload Fout!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
 social_component_page_alias = "pagina Alias"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = "Lijst media"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = "presentatie"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = "solide"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = "Binnen"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = "geen"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = "acties"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = "zoeken"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
 wiki_js_small = "klein"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
 wiki_js_large = "groot"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = "Kopregel:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = "voorbeeld"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = "tabel Titel"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
 wiki_js_submit = "voorleggen"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
 wiki_js_cancel = "annuleren"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
 wiki_js_bold = "Vette tekst"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
 wiki_js_italic = "cursieve tekst"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
 wiki_js_underline = "onderstreepte tekst"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
 wiki_js_strike = "doorgehaalde tekst"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
 wiki_js_heading = "titel"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = "Rubriek 1"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
 wiki_js_heading2 = "Rubriek 2"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
 wiki_js_heading3 = "Rubriek 3"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
 wiki_js_heading4 = "Rubriek 4"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
 wiki_js_bullet = "Ongeordende lijst object"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
 wiki_js_enum = "Bestelde item in de lijst"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
 wiki_js_nowiki = "Plaats hier de niet-opgemaakte tekst"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
 wiki_js_add_search = "Voeg Search Bar Vorm"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
 wiki_js_search_size = "grootte"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = "Voeg Wiki Tabel"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
 wiki_js_for_table_cols = "Column Count:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
 wiki_js_for_table_rows = "Rij Count:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
 wiki_js_add_hyperlink = "Hyperlink toevoegen"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
 wiki_js_link_text = "tekst:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = "URL:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
 wiki_js_placeholder = "Zoek plaatsaanduidingstekst"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = "Deze tekst is gecentreerd."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
 wiki_js_rightaligned = "Deze tekst is rechts uitgelijnd."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
 wiki_js_leftaligned = "Deze tekst is links uitgelijnd."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
 wiki_js_definitionlist_item = "item"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
 wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = "definitie"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
 wiki_js_slide_sample_title = "titel"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = "slide Item"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = "Resource Description voor"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = "Selecteer Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = "standaard Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = "Selecteer Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = "standaard Crawl"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = "Crawl Mix Gemaakt!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = "Meng Naam in Use of ongeldig!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Ongeldige Timestamp!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = "Crawl Mix Deleted!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mengen om te verwijderen bestaat niet!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = "Meng ge&iuml;mporteerd!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = "Instellen Crawl om te gebruiken als Index"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = "Fout in commentaar data!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = "Shared Mix heeft een ongeldige tijdstempel"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = "Kan niet posten naar die groep!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = "Probeer deze crawl mix!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = " %s is het delen van de crawl mix %s!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = "Draad Gemaakt!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Ongeldige Timestamp!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = "Niet Meng de eigenaar!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "Voeg Crawls"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "resultaten getoond"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = "verwijderen"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "gewicht"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = "naam"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = "trefwoorden"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "acties"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "Zoekopdracht toevoegen"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = "verwijderen"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = "Too Many Zoekresultaat Fragmenten!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "Crawl Mix Wijzigingen opgeslagen!"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = "Afmelden Succesvolle"
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = "Yioop! -%S"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "admin"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Automatisch uitloggen in One Minute!!"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "momenteel wordt verwerkt"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "beschrijving:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Vanaf New Crawl ..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "stop Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "hervatten Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "stop Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Afsluiten Queue ..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Het sluiten van Crawl Woordenboek ..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Hardlopen Post Processing Plugins ..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "stop Crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Instellen als Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "zoeken Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Verandering Crawl Opties"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "Geen actieve crawl"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "timestamp:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Tijd begon:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Indexer Peak Geheugen:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Scheduler Peak Geheugen:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Server Peak Geheugen:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Nee Geheugen Gegevens Toch"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "Fetcher Peak Geheugen:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Nee Geheugen Gegevens Toch"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "Web App Peak Memory:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Nee Geheugen Gegevens Toch"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "Bezochte URL / uur:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "Bezochte URL Count:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Totaal Urls Seen:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Meest recente ophalen:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "Geen Fetcher Queries Toch"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "Meest recente Urls"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "Geen recente URLs (kon betekenen enige link gegevens)"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "vorige Crawls"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "beschrijving:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "timestamp:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "Bezocht / Ge&iuml;xtraheerd Urls:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "acties"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = "statistiek"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "hervatten"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "gesloten"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Instellen als Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "zoeken Index"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "verwijderen"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "Geen Vorige Crawls"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = "Test Process Pagina"
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = "Opslaan"
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = "Resultaat Pagina bewerken"
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "Aanmelden"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "uitloggen"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = "meer"
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "zoeken"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = "Geen Standaard Index Set"
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = "meer Statistiek"
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = " %s seconden."
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "Toont %s - %s van %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = "thesaurus Resultaten"
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = "woorden:"
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "gecached"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "Bekijk & nbsp; als & nbsp; tekst"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "soortgelijk"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "inlinks"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "Rang: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "Rel: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "Prox: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = "Thesaurus: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "Score: %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = "PHP Search Engine - Yioop!"
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = "statistiek"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = "Berekenen ... Even geduld aub."
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = "General Index Info"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = "Suggereren Een URL"
diff --git a/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt b/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt
index b7bf160b2..fec045de2 100644
--- a/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt
+++ b/src/locale/nl/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/pl/configure.ini b/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
index 7ef2aad05..405b8effe 100755
--- a/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/pl/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
 social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
 social_component_page_alias = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
 wiki_js_small = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
 wiki_js_submit = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
 wiki_js_cancel = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
 wiki_js_italic = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
 wiki_js_underline = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
 wiki_js_strike = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
 wiki_js_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
 wiki_js_heading3 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
 wiki_js_heading4 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
 wiki_js_link_text = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Szukaj"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/pt/configure.ini b/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
index 194f45e51..a7e886865 100755
--- a/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
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 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
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 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
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 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
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+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
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+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Pesquisa"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
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-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
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-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
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-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/ru/configure.ini b/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
index 9e5d70e5a..ed4e11207 100755
--- a/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
 wiki_js_add_hyperlink = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
 wiki_js_link_text = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
 wiki_js_placeholder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
 wiki_js_rightaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
 wiki_js_leftaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
 wiki_js_definitionlist_item = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
 wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
 wiki_js_slide_sample_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Поиск"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/te/configure.ini b/src/locale/te/configure.ini
index eb0894b71..b6af4fbdc 100644
--- a/src/locale/te/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/te/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "కొత్త క్రాల్ మొదలు అవుతున్నది"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "క్రాల్ తొలగించ బడుతోంది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆగుతున్నది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "డిలీట్ క్రాల్ విజయవంతం కాలేదు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "క్రాల్ ని సూచిక గా ఉపయోగించడానికి ఏర్పాటు చేయబడినది"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "క్రాల్ తిరిగి  మొదలు అవుతున్నది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "క్రాల్ తొలగించ బడుతోంది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "కొత్త క్రాల్ మొదలు అవుతున్నది"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "డిలీట్ క్రాల్ విజయవంతం కాలేదు"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "క్రాల్ ని సూచిక గా ఉపయోగించడానికి ఏర్పాటు చేయబడినది"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆగుతున్నది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "క్రాల్ కు వివరణ లేదు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సన్స్ ఉపయొగిచండి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "యూప్ డిఫాల్టస్ ఉపయొగిచండి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సన్స్ ఉపయొగిచండి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "ముందటి క్రాల్"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = "యుఆరెల్స్ దీని పై  ఇంజెక్ట్ చేయబడినవి %s."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = "యూజర్ సజెస్ట్ చేసిన యుఆరెల్స్ ఆడ్ చేయబడినవి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = "సూచించిన డేటా లో క్రొత్త యుఆరెల్స్ ఏమీ లేవు "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "బ్రెడ్త్-ఫస్ట్"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "పేజ్ ప్రాముఖ్యత"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = "యుఆరెల్స్ దీని పై  ఇంజెక్ట్ చేయబడినవి %s."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = "యుఆరెల్స్ ఇంజెక్ట్ చేయబడినవి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "అప్డేటింగ్ సీడ్ సైట్ ఇన్ఫో!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = "క్రొత్త క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ సృష్టించబడినది."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఇంతకుముందే వుంది."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = "క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఏమీ లేదు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఏమీ లేదు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఖరారు చేయబడినది."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఖరారు చేయబడినది."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఇంతకుముందే వుంది."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = "డాక్యుమెంట్స్ లోడ్  ఫెయిల్ అయినది"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = "లోడ్ అవుతోంది"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = "జోడించిన {1}{2} ఉదాహరణలు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = "లేబెల్స్ అప్డేట్ చెయ్యబడలేదు."
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = "అప్డేట్ అవుతోంది"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = "అప్డేట్ ఆక్యురసీ ఫెయిల్ అయినది "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = "N/A"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = "డాక్యుమెంట్స్ ఎమీ లేవు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = "{1}{2} డాక్యుమెంట్స్"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = "ఇన్ క్లాస్"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = "నాట్ ఇన్ క్లాస్"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = "దాట వేయి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = "అంచనా: {1}"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = "{1}%% విశ్వాసం,{2}%% అసమ్మతి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సన్స్ ఉపయొగిచండి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "యూప్ డిఫాల్టస్ ఉపయొగిచండి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సన్స్ ఉపయొగిచండి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = "ఎప్పుడూ కాదు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 రోజు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 రోజులు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 రోజులు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 రోజులు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 రోజులు"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = "ప్రాథమిక"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = "సెన్ట్రోయిడ్"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = "పేజ్ ఆప్షన్లు అప్డేట్ అయినవి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = "టెస్ట్లు నడుస్తున్నవి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "ఫిల్టర్ పేజీలు నవీకరించబడినవి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = "ఇంతకముందు ఎడిట్ చేసిన యుఆరెల్ ని ఎంచుకోండి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "ఫలితాల పేజీ అప్డేట్ కోసం యుఆర్ఎల్ పేర్కొనండి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "ఫలితాల పేజీలు అప్డేట్ అయినవి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "పేజ్ లోడ్ అయినది!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = "మీడియా రకం"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = "వీడియో "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = "ఆర్ ఎస్ ఎస్ "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = "హెచ్ టి యమ్ ఎల్ ఫీడ్ "
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = "సూచిక/మిక్స్ ఉపయోగించడానికి"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = "సోర్స్ టైపు ఇంకా సెట్ చేయలేదు!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = "మీడియా సెట్ టైప్ చేయాలి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = "చెల్లని యుఆర్ఎల్!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = "అన్ని ఖాళీలను భర్తీ చేయాలి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = "మీడియా సోర్సు ఆడ్ చేయడమైనది!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = "అన్ని ఖాళీలను భర్తీ చేయాలి!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = "సబ్ సెర్చ్ ఆడ్ చేయడమైనది!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = "సోర్స్ డిలీట్ చెయ్యబడలేదు!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "మీడియా సోర్సు డిలీట్ చేయడమైనది!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = "సోర్స్ డిలీట్ చెయ్యబడలేదు!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "సబ్ సెర్చ్ డిలీట్ చేయడమైనది!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = "సబ్ సెర్చ్ అప్డేట్ చేయడమైనది!"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = "మీడియా సోర్సు అప్డేట్ చేయడమైనది!"
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = "%s చేరారు %s!"
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = "ఈ తేదిన %s, మీరు %s గ్రూప్ లో చేరారు."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = "సభ్యుడు కాదు లేదా ఆ గ్రూప్ ని చదవలేరు.పబ్లిక్ గ్రూప్ కి మార్చండి!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "ఇంకా పోస్ట్లు ఏవీ లేవు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = "వెనుకకు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = "చారిత్రక వెర్షన్ %s నుండి %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = "వెనుకకు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
 social_component_diff_page = "%s లైన్ తేడాలు%s మరియు %s మధ్"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "మీ వెర్షన్ తరువాత వికీ పేజీ సవరించబడింది.మార్చబడిన వెర్షన్ లోడ్ అవుతోంది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
 social_component_page_revert_to = "తిరిగి వెనుకకు %s"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = "పేజీ వెనుకకు మార్చబడింది!&quot;"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = "పేజీ వెనుకకు మార్చుటలో లోపం!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = "ప్రధాన"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = "కొన్ని ఫీల్డ్స్ మిస్ అయినవి!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "మీ వెర్షన్ తరువాత వికీ పేజీ సవరించబడింది.మార్చబడిన వెర్షన్ లోడ్ అవుతోంది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "మీ వెర్షన్ తరువాత వికీ పేజీ సవరించబడింది.మార్చబడిన వెర్షన్ లోడ్ అవుతోంది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
 social_component_page_created = "%s వికీ పేజ్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
 social_component_page_discuss_here = "ఈ థ్రెడ్ లో పేజీ గురించి చర్చించండి!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
 social_component_page_saved = "పేజ్ సేవ్ చేయబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
 social_component_resource_deleted = "రిసోర్స్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = "రిసోర్స్ డిలీట్ చేయబడలేదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = "రిసోర్స్ పేరు మార్చబడింది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = "రిసోర్స్ పేరు మార్చలేదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
 social_component_resource_save_first = "రిసోర్సెస్ వాడే ముందు పేజ్ సేవ్ చేయాలి!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = "%s వికీ పేజ్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
 social_component_page_discuss_here = "ఈ థ్రెడ్ లో పేజీ గురించి చర్చించండి!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = "రిసోర్స్ అప్ లోడ్ అయినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = "అప్ లోడ్ పొరపాటు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
 social_component_media_list = "మీడియా జాబితా"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
 social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
 social_component_dashed = " "
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = "యాక్సన్ లు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = "శోధన"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
 wiki_js_small = "చిన్న"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
 wiki_js_example = "ఉదాహరణ"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = "లెవెల్ 1 హెడ్డింగ్"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
 wiki_js_for_table_cols = "కాలమ్ కౌంట్:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
 wiki_js_add_hyperlink = "హైపర్ లింక్ ఆడ్ చెయ్యండి"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
 wiki_js_link_url = "యుఆర్ఎల్:"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
 wiki_js_centeraligned = "ఈ టెక్స్ట్ మధ్య సమలేఖనమైంది."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
 wiki_js_rightaligned = "ఈ టెక్స్ట్ కుడి సమలేఖనమైంది. "
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
 wiki_js_leftaligned = "ఈ టెక్స్ట్ ఎడమ సమలేఖనమైంది."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = "స్లయిడ్ అంశము"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = "క్రాల్ మిక్స్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = "మిక్స్ పేరు వాడుక లో వుంది లేదా చెల్లదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్ వేలిడ్ కాదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = "క్రాల్ మిక్స్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "తొలగించవలసిన మిక్స్ లేదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = "మిక్స్ విజయవంతంగా దిగుమతి చేయబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = "సూచికగా ఉపయోగించడానికి క్రాల్ సెట్ చేస్తోంది  "
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = "వ్యాఖ్య డేటాలో పొరపాటు ఉన్నది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = "షేర్డ్ మిక్స్ టైమ్ స్టాంప్ చెల్లదు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = "ఆ గ్రూప్ కు పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = "ఈ క్రాల్ మిక్స్ ప్రయత్నించండి!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = "%s పంచుకుంటున్నారు  క్రాల్ మిక్స్%sని!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = "థ్రెడ్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్ వేలిడ్ కాదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = "మిక్స్ యజమాని కాదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "క్రాల్ లు జోడించుము"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "ఫలితాలను చూపించాయి"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = "తొలగించు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "బరువు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = "పేరు "
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = "కీ పదాలు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "యాక్సన్ లు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "క్వెరి జోడించుము"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = "తొలగించు"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = "చాలా శోధన ఫలిత శకలాలు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "క్రాల్ మిక్స్ మార్పులు సేవ్ చేయబడినవి!"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = "లాగ్అవుట్ విజయ
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = "Yioop! -%s"
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "అడ్మిన్ "
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "ఒక నిమిషం లో ఆటో లాగ్అవుట్ అవుతుంది!!"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "ప్రస్తుతం ప్రాసెస్ అవుతున్నవి "
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "వివరణ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "క్రొత్త క్రాల్ మొదలవుతుంది..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆపటానికి"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "క్రాల్ మరలా ప్రారంభం అవుతుంది "
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆపటానికి"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "క్రాల్ నిఘంటువు మూసివేయబడుతున్నది..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆపటానికి"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "శోధన సూచిక"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "క్రాల్ ఆప్షన్లు మార్చండి"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = "ఏ క్రాల్ నూ ఆక్టివ్ గా లేదు "
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "మొదలుపెట్టిన సమయము:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "సూచిక పీక్ మెమరీ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "షెడ్యూలర్ పీక్ మెమరీ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "సర్వర్ పీక్ మెమరీ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "ఇంకా ఎటువంటి మెమరీ డేటా లేదు"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "పీక్ మెమరీ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "ఇంకా ఎటువంటి మెమరీ డేటా లేదు"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "పీక్ మెమరీ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "ఇంకా ఎటువంటి మెమరీ డేటా లేదు"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "సందర్శించిన యుఆర్ఎల్స్/గంట:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "సందర్శించిన యుఆర్ఎల్స్ లెక్క:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "మొత్తం చూసిన యుఆర్ఎల్స్:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "ఇటీవలి ఫెట్చెర్:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "ఇంకా ఎటువంటి ఫెట్చెర్ క్వొర్రీస్ లేవు"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "ఇటీవలి యుఆర్ఎల్స్"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "మునుపటి క్రాల్స్ "
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "వివరణ:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "సందర్శించిన/సేకరించిన యుఆర్ఎల్స్:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "చర్యలు"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = "గణాంకాలు"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "పునఃప్రారంభం"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "మూసివేయబడింది"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "శోధన సూచిక"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "తొలగించు"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "మునుపటి క్రాల్స్ ఏమి లేవు"
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "సైన్ ఇన్ "
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "సైన్ ఔట్ "
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "అన్వేషించు"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = "డిఫాల్ట్ సూచిక సెట్ చేసి లేదు"
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = "మరిన్ని గణాంకాలు"
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s సెకన్లు"
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "చూపించేది %s - %s of %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = "థెసారస్ ఫలితాలు"
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = "వర్డ్స్:"
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "కేష్ చేయబడినవి"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "టెక్ష్ట్ లాగ చూపించు"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "ఒకే రకం"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = "ఇన్ లింక్స్"
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "రేంక్:%s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "సంబంధిత:%s"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "సామీప్యత:%s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = "థెసారస్: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "స్కోర్:%s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = "PHP సెర్చ్ ఇంజిన్ - Yioop!"
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = "స్టాటిస్టిక్స్"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = "సాధారణ సూచిక సమాచారం"
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = "యుఆర్ఎల్ ని సూచించండి"
diff --git a/src/locale/th/configure.ini b/src/locale/th/configure.ini
index d2fc9fcc7..b3d2a6c25 100755
--- a/src/locale/th/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/th/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
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+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = ""
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/tr/configure.ini b/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
index 49236a946..53c96deda 100755
--- a/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/tr/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = ""
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
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 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = ""
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "Ara"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
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-; SearchView.php line: 165
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-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
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-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = ""
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
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-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini b/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
index 5228d79a2..71d274cc6 100755
--- a/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/vi_VN/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Bắt đầu sự b&ograve; mới"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "X&oacute;a thu thập dữ liệu th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Ngừng thu thập dữ liệu"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "X&oacute;a thu thập dữ liệu kh&ocirc;ng th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "Thiết lập thu thập dữ liệu để sử dụng l&agrave;m chỉ mục"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Tiếp tục thu thập dữ liệu"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "X&oacute;a thu thập dữ liệu th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Bắt đầu sự b&ograve; mới"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "X&oacute;a thu thập dữ liệu kh&ocirc;ng th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "Thiết lập thu thập dữ liệu để sử dụng l&agrave;m chỉ mục"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Ngừng thu thập dữ liệu"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "Kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; sự m&ocirc; tả n&agrave;o"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Sử dụng mặc định"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "trước thu thập dữ liệu"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "Bề rộng đầu ti&ecirc;n"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Cập nhật th&ocirc;ng tin trang mạng lươi hạt giống"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "Sử dụng mặc định"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
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-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "Cộng th&ecirc;m thu thập"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "Số kết quả"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "Trọng lượng"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "H&agrave;nh động"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "Cộng th&ecirc;m truy vấn"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = "Kết hợp đ&atilde; được lưu dữ"
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
-statistics_controller_pages = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
-statistics_controller_dns_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "Quản trị"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Tự động tho&aacute;t trong một ph&uacute;t"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "Hiện tại đang tiến h&agrave;nh"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = "M&ocirc; tả:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Bắt đầu thu thập dữ liệu mới ..."
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Dừng thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Nối lại thu thập dữ liệu"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Dừng thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Đ&oacute;ng h&agrave;ng đợi"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Đ&oacute;ng từ điển thu thập dữ liệu"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Dừng thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "C&agrave;i l&agrave;m mục lục"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "T&igrave;m mục lục"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Thời gian bắt đầu:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
 crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = "M&ocirc; tả:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = "Những h&agrave;nh động:"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = "Bắt đầu trở lại"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = "C&agrave;i l&agrave;m mục lục"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = "T&igrave;m mục lục"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = "Xo&aacute;"
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "Đăng nhập"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "Tho&aacute;t"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "T&igrave;m Kiếm"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "%s gi&acirc;y."
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "Cho kết quả tứ %s - %s của %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = "Trang&nbsp;gốc"
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = "Trang&nbsp;Web&nbsp;Bắng Chữ"
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "Tương&nbsp;Tự"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "Thứ Tự: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "Th&iacute;ch hợp: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = "Gần: %s"
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "Điểm: %s"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
index 23243daf5..2f2d858f9 100755
--- a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
@@ -360,262 +360,319 @@ advertisement_component_status_changed = ""
 ; AdvertisementComponent.php line: 368
 advertisement_component_ad_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 93
-crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "開始新的搜尋"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 97
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "刪除搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 108
-crawl_component_stop_crawl = "停止搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 101
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "刪除搜尋失敗"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 136
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 110
+crawl_component_set_index = "設置索引"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
 crawl_component_resume_crawl = "回復搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 145
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "刪除搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 162
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "開始新的搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 149
-crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "刪除搜尋失敗"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 195
+crawl_component_recomputing_stats = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 158
-crawl_component_set_index = "設置索引"
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 212
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "停止搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 190
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 241
 crawl_component_no_description = "沒有任何項目"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 340
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 391
 crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 341
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 392
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "使用者預設"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 344
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 395
 crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 348
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 399
 crawl_component_previous_crawl = "前一搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 420
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 471
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 434
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 485
 crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 489
 crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 486
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 537
 crawl_component_breadth_first = "深度優先"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 488
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 539
 crawl_component_page_importance = "網頁重要性"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 552
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 603
 crawl_component_added_urls = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 562
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 613
 crawl_component_urls_injected = "插入網址"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 572
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 623
 crawl_component_update_seed_info = "更新種子資訊"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 627
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 665
+crawl_component_description = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 666
+crawl_component_timestamp = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 667
+crawl_component_crawl_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 668
+crawl_component_pages = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 669
+crawl_component_url = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 683
+crawl_component_number_hosts = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 687
+crawl_component_error_codes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 688
+crawl_component_sizes = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 689
+crawl_component_links_per_page = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+crawl_component_page_date = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 691
+crawl_component_dns_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 692
+crawl_component_download_time = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 693
+crawl_component_top_level_domain = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 694
+crawl_component_file_extension = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 695
+crawl_component_media_type = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 696
+crawl_component_language = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 697
+crawl_component_server = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 698
+crawl_component_os = ""
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 751
 crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 631
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 755
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 657
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 781
 crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 661
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 785
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 672
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 796
 crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 690
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 739
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 863
 crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 789
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 913
 crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 798
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 922
 crawl_component_load_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 800
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 924
 crawl_component_loading = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 802
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 926
 crawl_component_added_examples = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 804
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 928
 crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 806
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 930
 crawl_component_updating = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 808
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 932
 crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 934
 crawl_component_na = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 812
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 936
 crawl_component_no_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 814
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 938
 crawl_component_num_docs = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 816
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 940
 crawl_component_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 818
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 942
 crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 820
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 944
 crawl_component_skip = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 822
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 946
 crawl_component_prediction = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 824
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 948
 crawl_component_scores = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 861
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 985
 crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 862
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 986
 crawl_component_use_defaults = "使用者預設"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 864
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 988
 crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 872
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 996
 crawl_component_recrawl_never = "取消重新搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 873
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 997
 crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "每日重新搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 874
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 998
 crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "兩日重新搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 875
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 999
 crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "三日重新搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 876
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1000
 crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "一週重新搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 877
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1001
 crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "兩週重新搜尋"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 885
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1009
 crawl_component_basic = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 886
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1010
 crawl_component_centroid = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 888
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1012
 crawl_component_centroid_weighted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 889
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1013
 crawl_component_graph_based = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1181
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1305
 crawl_component_page_options_updated = "更新頁面選項"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1209
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1333
 crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1424
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1549
 crawl_component_scraper_missing = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1432
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1557
 crawl_component_scraper_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1438
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1563
 crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1444
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1569
 crawl_component_scraper_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1479
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1604
 crawl_component_scraper_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1518
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1643
 crawl_component_results_editor_update = "編輯者更新結果"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1533
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1658
 crawl_component_edited_pages = "編輯頁面"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1546
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1671
 crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "需要網址"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1553
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1678
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "更新頁面"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1567
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1692
 crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "載入頁面"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1598
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1723
 crawl_component_media_kind = "多媒體類別"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1599
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1724
 crawl_component_video = "影片"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1600
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1725
 crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1601
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1726
 crawl_component_json_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1602
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1727
 crawl_component_html_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1603
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
 crawl_component_regex_feed = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1618
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1743
 crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1674
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1799
 crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1689
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1814
 crawl_component_missing_type = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1703
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1828
 crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1710
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1835
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1728
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1853
 crawl_component_media_source_added = "增加多媒體"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1741
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1866
 crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1749
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1874
 crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1755
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1880
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1761
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1886
 crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "刪除多媒體"
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1768
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1893
 crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1775
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1900
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1810
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 1935
 crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
-; CrawlComponent.php line: 1898
+; CrawlComponent.php line: 2023
 crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 91
@@ -984,358 +1041,358 @@ social_component_join_group = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1449
 social_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1808
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1916
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1914
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1919
 social_component_signin_to_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1978
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1983
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1979
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1984
 social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2014
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2019
 social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2015
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2020
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2029
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2034
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2037
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2042
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2046
 social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2045
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2050
 social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2203
 social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2564
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2576
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2580
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
 social_component_resource_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2585
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2590
 social_component_resource_not_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2603
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2711
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2707
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2712
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2727
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2732
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2744
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2749
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2756
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
 social_component_resource_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2761
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2766
 social_component_resource_not_extracted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2777
 social_component_clip_folder_set = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
 social_component_copy_fail = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2788
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2793
 social_component_copy_success = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2803
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2808
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2813
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2818
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
 social_component_resource_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2823
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2828
 social_component_resource_not_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2832
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2837
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2844
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2849
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2846
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2851
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2850
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
 social_component_resource_uploaded = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2855
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2860
 social_component_upload_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2997
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3002
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3083
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3088
 social_component_doc_sections = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3185
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3190
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3186
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3187
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3188
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3191
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
 social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3192
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3193
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
 social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3196
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3201
 social_component_actions = "元素活動"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3197
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3202
 social_component_new_folder = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3198
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3203
 social_component_new_file = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3200
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3205
 social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
 wiki_js_small = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3390
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3391
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3392
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3393
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3394
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3395
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
 wiki_js_table_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3396
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
 wiki_js_submit = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3398
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3399
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3400
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3402
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3403
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3404
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3405
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
 wiki_js_heading3 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3406
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3407
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3408
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3409
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3410
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3411
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3412
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3413
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3414
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
 wiki_js_for_table_rows = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3415
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3416
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3417
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3422
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3418
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3419
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3424
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3421
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3426
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3423
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3425
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3430
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3427
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3432
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3429
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3434
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3431
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3436
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3469
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
 social_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3470
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3475
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3472
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3477
 social_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3474
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3479
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3504
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3509
 social_component_mix_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3507
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3512
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3515
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3520
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3524
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3529
 social_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3545
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3550
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3553
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3558
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3571
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3576
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3588
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3593
 social_component_comment_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3594
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3599
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 3612
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3617
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3621
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3618
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3623
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3628
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3687
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3692
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3697
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3702
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3707
 social_component_add_crawls = "增加索引"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3704
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
 social_component_num_results = "結果數量"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3706
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3708
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
 social_component_weight = "元素重量"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3709
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3714
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3713
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3718
 social_component_actions = "元素活動"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3715
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3720
 social_component_add_query = "增加查詢"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3716
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3721
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3766
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3771
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 3783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 3788
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -1785,60 +1842,6 @@ static_controller_logout_successful = ""
 ; StaticController.php line: 146
 static_controller_complete_title = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 182
-statistics_controller_description = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 183
-statistics_controller_timestamp = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 184
-statistics_controller_crawl_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 186
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 187
-statistics_controller_url = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 190
-statistics_controller_number_hosts = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 194
-statistics_controller_error_codes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 195
-statistics_controller_sizes = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 196
-statistics_controller_links_per_page = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 197
-statistics_controller_page_date = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 198
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-; StatisticsController.php line: 199
-statistics_controller_download_time = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 200
-statistics_controller_top_level_domain = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 201
-statistics_controller_file_extension = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 202
-statistics_controller_media_type = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 203
-statistics_controller_language = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 204
-statistics_controller_server = ""
-; StatisticsController.php line: 205
-statistics_controller_os = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views
 ; AdminView.php line: 75
@@ -1847,133 +1850,136 @@ admin_view_admin = "管理者"
 ; AdminView.php line: 96
 adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 57
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 61
 crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 58
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 62
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
 crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 66
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 70
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
 crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 74
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 78
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 82
 crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 81
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 85
 crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 84
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 88
 crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 92
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 96
 managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 100
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 104
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 103
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 107
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 110
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 114
 crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 112
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 116
 crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 117
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 121
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 119
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 123
 crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 125
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 129
 crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 127
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 131
 crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 130
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 134
 crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 135
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 139
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 143
 crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 144
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 148
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 147
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 151
 crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 152
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 156
 crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 155
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 159
 crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 163
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
 crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 167
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 171
 crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 170
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 174
 crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 179
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 183
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 187
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-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 193
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 197
 crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 196
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 200
 crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 207
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 202
+crawlstatus_view_query_stats = ""
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 213
 crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 210
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 216
 crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 211
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 217
 crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 215
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 221
 crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 226
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 232
 crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 242
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 248
 crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 244
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 250
 crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 251
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 257
 crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 254
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 260
 crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 261
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 267
 crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; CrawlstatusView.php line: 269
+; CrawlstatusView.php line: 275
 crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
 ; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/yioop/src/views/elements
@@ -3688,6 +3694,36 @@ pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
 ; PageoptionsElement.php line: 489
 pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 59
+querystats_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 61
+querystats_element_query_statistics = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 65
+querystats_element_filter = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 73
+querystats_element_go = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 77
+querystats_element_last_hour = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 78
+querystats_element_last_day = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 79
+querystats_element_last_month = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 80
+querystats_element_last_year = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 81
+querystats_element_all_time = ""
+; QuerystatsElement.php line: 94
+querystats_element_no_activity = ""
 ; ResultseditorElement.php line: 52
 resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
@@ -4063,6 +4099,21 @@ signin_element_signin = "登入"
 ; SigninElement.php line: 81
 signin_element_signout = "登出"
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 60
+statistics_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 62
+statistics_element_crawl_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 68
+statistics_element_recompute_stats = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 80
+statistics_element_stats_scheduled = ""
+; StatisticsElement.php line: 83
+statistics_element_already_scheduled = ""
 ; SubsearchElement.php line: 70
 subsearch_element_more = ""
@@ -4916,49 +4967,46 @@ search_view_search = "搜尋"
 ; SearchView.php line: 155
 search_view_no_index_set = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 165
-search_view_more_statistics = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 202
+; SearchView.php line: 192
 search_view_calculated = "總計: %s 秒"
-; SearchView.php line: 204
+; SearchView.php line: 194
 search_view_results = "結果"
-; SearchView.php line: 230
+; SearchView.php line: 220
 search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 342
+; SearchView.php line: 332
 search_view_possible_answer = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 351
+; SearchView.php line: 341
 search_view_word_cloud = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 392
+; SearchView.php line: 382
 search_view_cache = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 394
+; SearchView.php line: 384
 search_view_as_text = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 405
+; SearchView.php line: 395
 search_view_similar = "相似"
-; SearchView.php line: 414
+; SearchView.php line: 404
 search_view_inlink = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 432
+; SearchView.php line: 422
 search_view_rank = "排名: %s 名"
-; SearchView.php line: 434
+; SearchView.php line: 424
 search_view_relevancy = "關聯度:  %s 趴"
-; SearchView.php line: 436
+; SearchView.php line: 426
 search_view_proximity = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 440
+; SearchView.php line: 430
 search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
-; SearchView.php line: 449
+; SearchView.php line: 439
 search_view_score = "分數"
 ; SettingsView.php line: 66
@@ -5021,45 +5069,6 @@ static_view_title = ""
 ; StaticView.php line: 105
 static_view_places = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 80
-statistics_view_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 86
-statistics_view_calculating = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 101
-statistics_view_general_info = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 110
-statistics_view_see_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 151
-statistics_view_query_statistics = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 155
-statistics_view_filter = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 163
-statistics_view_go = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 167
-statistics_view_last_hour = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 168
-statistics_view_last_day = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 169
-statistics_view_last_month = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 170
-statistics_view_last_year = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 171
-statistics_view_all_time = ""
-; StatisticsView.php line: 184
-statistics_view_no_activity = ""
 ; SuggestView.php line: 69
 suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
diff --git a/src/models/ImpressionModel.php b/src/models/ImpressionModel.php
index b9739b791..67406acb6 100644
--- a/src/models/ImpressionModel.php
+++ b/src/models/ImpressionModel.php
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class ImpressionModel extends Model
                 $where = " AND IIS.ITEM_ID = G.GROUP_ID";
             case C\QUERY_IMPRESSION:
-                $select = ", MIN(QI.QUERY AS ITEM_NAME";
+                $select = ", MIN(QI.QUERY) AS ITEM_NAME";
                 $from = ", QUERY_ITEM QI";
                 $where = " AND IIS.ITEM_ID = QI.ID ";
                 if (!empty($filter)) {
diff --git a/src/views/CrawlstatusView.php b/src/views/CrawlstatusView.php
index 1863dae4d..e32efec01 100755
--- a/src/views/CrawlstatusView.php
+++ b/src/views/CrawlstatusView.php
@@ -51,9 +51,13 @@ class CrawlstatusView extends View
     public function renderView($data) {
         $admin_url = htmlentities(B\controllerUrl('admin', true));
-        $statistics_url = htmlentities(B\controllerUrl('statistics', true));
         $base_url = "{$admin_url}a=manageCrawls&amp;".
+        $filter = (empty($data['FILTER'])) ? "" :
+            "&amp;filter=" . $data['FILTER'];
+        $query_stats_url = "{$base_url}queryStats$filter";
+        $statistics_url = "{$base_url}statistics&amp;";
+        //htmlentities(B\controllerUrl('statistics', true));
         <h2><?= tl('crawlstatus_view_currently_processing') ?></h2>
         <p><b><?= tl('crawlstatus_view_description') ?></b> <?php
@@ -194,7 +198,9 @@ class CrawlstatusView extends View

-        $data['TABLE_TITLE'] = tl('crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls');
+        $data['TABLE_TITLE'] = tl('crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls') .
+            " <span class='no-bold medium-large'>[<a href='$query_stats_url'>" .
+            tl('crawlstatus_view_query_stats') . "</a>]</span>";
         $data['ACTIVITY'] = 'manageCrawls';
         $data['VIEW'] = $this;
         $data['NO_FLOAT_TABLE'] = true;
diff --git a/src/views/SearchView.php b/src/views/SearchView.php
index 29a83077b..a22457b39 100755
--- a/src/views/SearchView.php
+++ b/src/views/SearchView.php
@@ -154,18 +154,8 @@ class SearchView extends View implements CrawlConstants
             } else {
-            } ?></b> <?php
-            if (!empty($data['INDEX_INFO']) &&
-                !empty($data["HAS_STATISTICS"])) {
-                $query_parts['its'] = $data['its'];
-                if(C\MOBILE) {
-                    e('<br />');
-                }
-                ?>[<a href="<?=B\controllerUrl('statistics', true) ?><?=
-                    http_build_query($query_parts, '', '&amp;')
-                ?>"><?= tl('search_view_more_statistics') ?></a>]<?php
-            }
-            ?></div><?php $this->element("footer")->render($data);?>
+            } ?></b>
+            </div><?php $this->element("footer")->render($data);?>

diff --git a/src/views/StatisticsView.php b/src/views/StatisticsView.php
deleted file mode 100644
index eac1acfa0..000000000
--- a/src/views/StatisticsView.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2016  Chris Pollett
- *
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- *
- * @author Chris Pollett
- * @license GPL3
- * @link
- * @copyright 2009 - 2016
- * @filesource
- */
-namespace seekquarry\yioop\views;
-use seekquarry\yioop as B;
-use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
- * Draws a view displaying statistical information about a
- * web crawl such as number of hosts visited, distribution of
- * file sizes, distribution of file type, distribution of languages, etc
- *
- * @author Chris Pollett
- */
-class StatisticsView extends View
-    /** This view is drawn on a web layout
-     * @var string
-     */
-    public $layout = "web";
-    /**
-     * Draws the web page used to display statistics about the default crawl
-     *
-     * @param array $data   contains anti CSRF token as well
-     *     statistics info about a web crawl
-     */
-    public function renderView($data)
-    {
-        $base_url = C\BASE_URL;
-        $delim = "?";
-        $logo = C\BASE_URL . C\LOGO;
-        $query_array = [];
-        $query_stats = (!empty($data["ACTIVITY"])
-            && $data["ACTIVITY"] == 'query');
-        if (!empty($data['ADMIN'])) {
-            $query_array[C\CSRF_TOKEN] = $data[C\CSRF_TOKEN];
-            $base_url = $base_url . "?" .http_build_query($query_array);
-            $delim = "&";
-        }
-        if (!$query_stats) {
-            $query_array['its'] = $data['its'];
-            $its_url = B\controllerUrl('statistics') . "?" .
-                http_build_query($query_array);
-        }
-        if (C\MOBILE) {
-            $logo = C\M_LOGO;
-        }
-        if (isset($data["UNFINISHED"])) {
-            ?><div class="landing" style="clear:both"><?php
-        }?>
-        <h1 class="stats logo"><a href="<?=$base_url
-            ?>"><img src="<?= $logo ?>" alt="<?= $this->logo_alt_text
-            ?>" /></a><span> - <?=tl('statistics_view_statistics')?></span></h1>
-        <div class="statistics">
-        <?php
-        if ($query_stats) {
-            $this->renderQueryStatistics($data);
-        } else if (isset($data["UNFINISHED"])) {
-            e("<h1 class='center'>".tl('statistics_view_calculating')."</h1>");
-            e("<h2 class='red center'>"
-                .$data["stars"]."</h2>");
-            ?>
-            <script type="text/javascript">
-                function continueCalculate()
-                {
-                    window.location = '<?=
-                        "$its_url&stars=".$data["stars"] ?>';
-                }
-                setTimeout("continueCalculate()", 2000);
-            </script>
-            <?php
-        } else {
-            ?>
-            <h2><?= tl("statistics_view_general_info") ?></h2><?php
-            if (!empty($_SESSION['USER_ID']) &&
-                $_SESSION['USER_ID'] == C\ROOT_ID) {
-                unset($query_array['its']);
-                $query_array[C\CSRF_TOKEN] = $data[C\CSRF_TOKEN];
-                $query_url = B\controllerUrl('statistics') . "?" .
-                    http_build_query($query_array) . "&amp;a=query";
-                ?>
-                <p><b>[<a href="<?=$query_url ?>"><?=
-                    tl('statistics_view_see_query_statistics')?></a>]</b></p>
-                <?php
-            }
-            foreach ($data['GENERAL_STATS'] as $stat_name => $stat_value) {
-                ?>
-                <p><b><?=$stat_name?></b>: <?=$stat_value ?></p><?php
-            }
-            foreach ($data["STAT_HEADINGS"] as $heading => $group_name) {
-                if (isset($data[$group_name]["TOTAL"])) { ?>
-                    <h2><?= $heading ?></h2>
-                    <table summary= "<?=$heading ?> TABLE" class="box">
-                        <?php
-                            $total = $data[$group_name]["TOTAL"];
-                            $lower_name = strtolower($group_name);
-                            foreach ($data[$group_name]["DATA"] as
-                                $name => $value) {
-                                $width = round(500 * $value / (max($total,1)));
-                                e("<tr><th><a href='".$base_url . $delim .
-                                    "q=$lower_name:$name' rel='nofollow'>".
-                                    "$name</a></th>".
-                                    "<td><div style='background-color:green;".
-                                        "width:{$width}px;' >$value</div>".
-                                    " </td></tr>");
-                            } ?>
-                    </table>
-                <?php
-                }
-            }
-        } ?>
-        </div>
-        <?php
-        if (isset($data["UNFINISHED"])) {
-            ?></div><div class='landing-spacer'></div><?php
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     */
-    public function renderQueryStatistics(&$data)
-    {
-        ?>
-        <h2><?=tl('statistics_view_query_statistics') ?></h2>
-        <form>
-        <div>
-        <b><label for='query-filter'><?=
-        tl('statistics_view_filter')?></label></b>
-        <input type="text" class="narrow-field" name='filter'
-            id='query-filter' value="<?=$data['FILTER']?>" />
-        <input type="hidden" name='<?=C\CSRF_TOKEN?>'
-            value='<?=$data[C\CSRF_TOKEN]?>' />
-        <input type="hidden" name='a' value='query' />
-        <input type="hidden" name='c' value='statistics' />
-        <button type='submit' name='filter_go'
-            class="button-box"><?=tl('statistics_view_go') ?></button>
-        </div></form>
-        <?php
-        $time_periods = [
-           C\ONE_HOUR => tl('statistics_view_last_hour'),
-           C\ONE_DAY => tl('statistics_view_last_day'),
-           C\ONE_MONTH => tl('statistics_view_last_month'),
-           C\ONE_YEAR => tl('statistics_view_last_year'),
-           C\FOREVER => tl('statistics_view_all_time'),
-        ];
-        foreach ($time_periods as  $time_period => $period_heading) {
-            if(!empty($data['STATISTICS'][
-                $time_period])) {
-                ?><h4><?=$period_heading ?>:</h4><?php
-                foreach ($data['STATISTICS'][
-                    $time_period] as $item_name => $item_data) {
-                    e("<p>$item_name: ". $item_data[0]['NUM_VIEWS'].
-                        "<p>");
-                }
-            } else {
-                e("<p><b>$period_heading</b>: ".
-                    tl('statistics_view_no_activity').
-                    "</p>");
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/views/elements/QuerystatsElement.php b/src/views/elements/QuerystatsElement.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53d36d61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/elements/QuerystatsElement.php
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2016  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2016
+ * @filesource
+ */
+namespace seekquarry\yioop\views\elements;
+use seekquarry\yioop as B;
+use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
+use seekquarry\yioop\library\CrawlConstants;
+ * Element responsible for displaying statistics about recent queries that
+ * have been run against the search engine
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ */
+class QuerystatsElement extends Element
+    /**
+     * Draws statistics about what queries have been recently run against the
+     * search engine
+     *
+     * @param array $data keys are generally the different setting that can
+     *     be set in the crawl.ini file
+     */
+    public function render($data)
+    {
+        $admin_url = htmlentities(B\controllerUrl('admin', true));
+        ?>
+        <div class="current-activity">
+        <div class="<?= $data['leftorright'] ?>">
+        <a href="<?=$admin_url ?>a=manageCrawls&amp;<?=
+            C\CSRF_TOKEN."=".$data[C\CSRF_TOKEN] ?>"  ><?=
+            tl('querystats_element_back_to_manage') ?></a>
+        </div>
+        <h2><?=tl('querystats_element_query_statistics') ?></h2>
+        <form>
+        <div>
+        <b><label for='query-filter'><?=
+        tl('querystats_element_filter')?></label></b>
+        <input type="text" class="narrow-field" name='filter'
+            id='query-filter' value="<?=$data['FILTER']?>" />
+        <input type="hidden" name='<?=C\CSRF_TOKEN?>'
+            value='<?=$data[C\CSRF_TOKEN]?>' />
+        <input type="hidden" name='a' value='query' />
+        <input type="hidden" name='c' value='statistics' />
+        <button type='submit' name='filter_go'
+            class="button-box"><?=tl('querystats_element_go') ?></button>
+        </div></form>
+        <?php
+        $time_periods = [
+           C\ONE_HOUR => tl('querystats_element_last_hour'),
+           C\ONE_DAY => tl('querystats_element_last_day'),
+           C\ONE_MONTH => tl('querystats_element_last_month'),
+           C\ONE_YEAR => tl('querystats_element_last_year'),
+           C\FOREVER => tl('querystats_element_all_time'),
+        ];
+        foreach ($time_periods as  $time_period => $period_heading) {
+            if(!empty($data['STATISTICS'][
+                $time_period])) {
+                ?><h4><?=$period_heading ?>:</h4><?php
+                foreach ($data['STATISTICS'][
+                    $time_period] as $item_name => $item_data) {
+                    e("<p>$item_name: ". $item_data[0]['NUM_VIEWS'].
+                        "<p>");
+                }
+            } else {
+                e("<p><b>$period_heading</b>: ".
+                    tl('querystats_element_no_activity').
+                    "</p>");
+            }
+        }
+        ?>
+        </div>
+    <?php
+    }
diff --git a/src/views/elements/StatisticsElement.php b/src/views/elements/StatisticsElement.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fddfded4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/elements/StatisticsElement.php
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2016  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2016
+ * @filesource
+ */
+namespace seekquarry\yioop\views\elements;
+use seekquarry\yioop as B;
+use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
+ * Draws an element displaying statistical information about a
+ * web crawl such as number of hosts visited, distribution of
+ * file sizes, distribution of file type, distribution of languages, etc
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ */
+class StatisticsElement extends Element
+    /**
+     * Draws the activity used to display statistics about a crawl
+     *
+     * @param array $data   contains anti CSRF token as well
+     *     statistics info about a web crawl
+     */
+    public function render($data)
+    {
+        $base_url = C\BASE_URL;
+        $admin_url = htmlentities(B\controllerUrl('admin', true));
+        $delim = "?";
+        ?>
+        <div class="current-activity">
+        <div class="<?= $data['leftorright'] ?>">
+        <a href="<?=$admin_url ?>a=manageCrawls&amp;<?=
+            C\CSRF_TOKEN."=".$data[C\CSRF_TOKEN] ?>"  ><?=
+            tl('statistics_element_back_to_manage') ?></a>
+        </div>
+        <h2><?= tl("statistics_element_crawl_stats") ?><?php
+        if (!empty($data['HAS_STATISTICS'])) {
+        ?>
+        <span class='no-bold medium-large'>[<a href="<?=$admin_url
+            ?>a=manageCrawls&amp;arg=statistics&amp;recompute=true&amp;its=<?=
+            $data['its']."&amp;".C\CSRF_TOKEN."=".$data[C\CSRF_TOKEN] ?>"  ><?=
+            tl('statistics_element_recompute_stats') ?></a>]</span>
+        <?php
+        }
+        ?>
+        </h2><?php
+        foreach ($data['GENERAL_STATS'] as $stat_name => $stat_value) {
+            ?>
+            <p><b><?=$stat_name?></b> <?=$stat_value ?></p><?php
+        }
+        if (empty($data['HAS_STATISTICS'])) {
+            if (empty($data["STATISTICS_SCHEDULED"])) {
+                e("<p class='green'>".
+                    tl("statistics_element_stats_scheduled") . "</p>");
+            } else {
+                e("<p class='green'>".
+                    tl("statistics_element_already_scheduled") . "</p>");
+            }
+            e("</div>");
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach ($data["STAT_HEADINGS"] as $heading => $group_name) {
+            if (isset($data[$group_name]["TOTAL"])) { ?>
+                <h2><?= $heading ?></h2>
+                <table summary= "<?=$heading ?> TABLE" class="box">
+                <?php
+                $total = $data[$group_name]["TOTAL"];
+                $lower_name = strtolower($group_name);
+                $data[$group_name]["DATA"] = array_filter(
+                    $data[$group_name]["DATA"]);
+                foreach ($data[$group_name]["DATA"] as $name => $value) {
+                    $width = round(500 * $value / (max($total, 1)));
+                    e("<tr><th><a href='".$base_url . $delim .
+                        "q=$lower_name:$name i:{$data['its']}' " .
+                        "rel='nofollow'>$name</a></th>".
+                        "<td><div style='background-color:green;".
+                            "width:{$width}px;' >$value</div>".
+                        " </td></tr>");
+                }
+                ?>
+                </table>
+            <?php
+            }
+        } ?>
+        </div>
+        <?php
+    }