Adds the ability to edit the information about a locale without need to delete and re-add it, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2014-05-02 18:May:nd]
Adds the ability to edit the information about a locale without need to delete and re-add it, a=chris
diff --git a/controllers/components/system_component.php b/controllers/components/system_component.php
index aaaf01218..ce1e7746d 100644
--- a/controllers/components/system_component.php
+++ b/controllers/components/system_component.php
@@ -338,10 +338,19 @@ class SystemComponent extends Component
         $parent = $this->parent;
         $locale_model = $parent->model("locale");
         $possible_arguments = array("addlocale", "deletelocale", "editlocale",
-            "search");
-        $search_array = array();
+            "editstrings", "search");
+        $search_array = array(array("tag", "", "", "ASC"));
         $data['SCRIPT'] = "";
         $data["ELEMENT"] = "managelocales";
+        $data['CURRENT_LOCALE'] = array("localename" => "",
+            'localetag' => "", 'writingmode' => '-1');
+        $data['WRITING_MODES'] = array(
+            -1 => tl('system_component_select_mode'),
+            "lr-tb" => "lr-tb",
+            "rl-tb" => "rl-tb",
+            "tb-rl" => "tb-rl",
+            "tb-lr" => "tb-lr"
+        );
         $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "addlocale";
         if(isset($_REQUEST['arg']) &&
             in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
@@ -350,7 +359,12 @@ class SystemComponent extends Component
             foreach($clean_fields as $field) {
                 $$field = "";
                 if(isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
-                    $$field = $parent->clean($_REQUEST[$field], "string");
+                    $tmp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST[$field], "string");
+                    if($field == "writingmode" && ($tmp == -1 ||
+                        !isset($data['WRITING_MODES'][$tmp]))) {
+                        $tmp = "lr-tb";
+                    }
+                    $$field = $tmp;
@@ -376,6 +390,39 @@ class SystemComponent extends Component

                 case "editlocale":
+                    if(!$locale_model->checkLocaleExists($selectlocale)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('system_component_localename_doesnt_exists').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                        return $data;
+                    }
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editlocale";
+                    $info = $locale_model->getLocaleInfo($selectlocale);
+                    $change = false;
+                    if(isset($localetag) && $localetag != "") {
+                        $info["LOCALE_TAG"] = $localetag;
+                        $change = true;
+                    }
+                    if(isset($writingmode) && $writingmode != "") {
+                        $info["WRITING_MODE"] = $writingmode;
+                        $change = true;
+                    }
+                    if(isset($localetag))
+                    $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['localename'] =
+                        $info["LOCALE_NAME"];
+                    $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['localetag'] =
+                        $selectlocale;
+                    $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['writingmode'] =
+                        $info["WRITING_MODE"];
+                    if($change) {
+                        $locale_model->updateLocaleInfo($info);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('system_component_locale_updated').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "editstrings":
                     if(!isset($selectlocale)) break;
                     $data["leftorright"] =
                         (getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr') ? "right": "left";
diff --git a/locale/ar/configure.ini b/locale/ar/configure.ini
index 4584cfc5e..542aefe44 100755
--- a/locale/ar/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ar/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = "آلة #039;s Servers Updated!"
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = "غير قادر على تنفيذ الإجراء!"
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "وأضاف لغة!"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "الإعدادات المحلية غير موجود!"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "حذف الإعدادات المحلية"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "الإعدادات المحلية غير موجود!"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = "حدد صفحة"
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = "تحديث الصفحة ثابتة!"
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "سلاسل لغة تحديث!"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "مشكلة في تحديث قاعدة البيانات!"
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "تحديث الشخصية!"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "كان هناك ملفتعريف تحديث المشكلة!"
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "يجب استخدام مسار مطلق لدليل العمل"
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "تعيين دليل العمل! قد تحتاج إلى إعادة تسجيل الدخول! "
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "الرجاء تسمية الروبوت الخاص بك"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "يعمل الدليل والشخصية التي تم إنشاؤها!"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "تعذر التحديث config.php الملف!"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "غير قادر على إنشاء الشخصية!"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "دليل العمل هو صالح! لا يمكن إنشاء الشخصية! "
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "دليل العمل هو صالح! لا يمكن إنشاء الشخصية! "
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "تحديث الشخصية!"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "كان هناك ملفتعريف تحديث المشكلة!"
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "يرجى وصف الروبوت الخاص بك"
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = "بي إتش بي الإصدار 5.3 أو أحدث"
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php ليس ملقم ويب للكتابة."
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = "دليل العمل يجب أن يكون قابل للكتابة من قبل ملقم ويب."
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = "pnp.ini ملف post_max_size متغيرينبغي أن يكون مالا يقل عن 32 م"
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = "مطلوب ما يلي العناصر في عداد المفقودين:  %s"
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = "كانت العناصر الاختيارية التالية مفقودة:  %s"
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "تمرير الاختيار."
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = "استخدام configs/local_config.php حتى تغيير دليل العمل أعلاه قد لا تعمل."
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = "تحرير الإعدادات المحلية:
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = "صفحات ثابتة:"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "تقديم"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "ترجمت في المائة"
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = "إضافة الإعدادات المحلية"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "اسم الإعدادات المحلية:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "العلامة لغة:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "وضع كتابة:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "تقديم"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = "اسم الإعدادات المحلية"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = "العلامة لغة"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = "وضعالكتابة"
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/bn/configure.ini b/locale/bn/configure.ini
index bc76047f3..ac96ad877 100755
--- a/locale/bn/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/bn/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/de/configure.ini b/locale/de/configure.ini
index c89aa6661..2865c1ab4 100755
--- a/locale/de/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/de/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/en-US/configure.ini b/locale/en-US/configure.ini
index af5a37069..a566ffa3f 100755
--- a/locale/en-US/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/en-US/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = "Machine&#039;s Servers Updated!"
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = "Unable to Perform Action!"
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = "Select Mode"
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "Locale Added!"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale Does Not Exist!"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "Locale Deleted"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale Does Not Exist!"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = "Locale Information Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = "Select a page"
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = "Static Page Updated!"
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "Locale Strings Updated!"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Problem Updating Database!"
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profile Updated!"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = "Disable Registration"
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = "No Activation"
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = "Email Activation"
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = "Admin Activation"
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = "Text Captcha"
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = "Hash Captcha"
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "Must use an Absolute path for Work Directory"
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = "Work Directory cannot be contained in Yioop folder!"
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "Work Directory Set! You may need to re-login!"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "Please Name Your robot"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Working Directory and Profile Created!"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "Unable to Update config.php File!"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "Unable to Create Profile!"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profile Updated!"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "Please Describe Your Robot"
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = "PHP Version 5.3 or Newer"
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php not web server writable."
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = "Work directory needs to be writable by web server. "
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = "php.ini file variable post_max_size should be at least 2M"
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = "The following required items were missing: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = "The following optional items were missing: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "Check Passed."
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = "Using configs/local_config.php so changing work directory above may not work."
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = "Edit Locale: %s"
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = "Static Pages:"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "Save"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Percent"
 managelocales_element_actions = "Actions"
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = "Edit"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = "Delete"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = "Add Locale Form"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = "Edit Locale"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = "Add Locale"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "Locale Name:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "Locale Tag:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "Writing Mode:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "Submit"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = "Search Locales"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = "Add Locale Form"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = "Name"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = "Tag"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = "Mode"
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/es/configure.ini b/locale/es/configure.ini
index 9f4734386..d5358eb36 100755
--- a/locale/es/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/es/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = "Servidores de M&aacute;quina&#039;s
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = "No se Puede Realizar la Acci&oacute;n!"
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional Agregada!"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional No Existe"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional Eliminada"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional No Existe"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = "Seleccionar P&aacute;gina"
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = "P&aacute;gina Est&aacute;tica Actualizada!"
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "Cadenas de Configuraci&oacute;n Regional Actualizada!"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Problema al actualizar la base de datos!"
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Perfil actualizado!"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "Hubo un problema al actualizar el perfil!"
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "Debe utilizar una ruta absoluta para el directorio de trabajo"
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "El trabajo conjunto de Directorio! Puede que tenga que volver a entrar!"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "Por favor, Nombre tu Robot"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Directorio de Trabajo y Perfil creados!"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "No se puede actualizar el archivo config.php!"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "No se puede crear el perfil!"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Directorio de trabajo es inv&aacute;lido! No se puede crear el perfil!"
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Directorio de trabajo es inv&aacute;lido! No se puede crear el perfil!"
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Perfil actualizado!"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "Hubo un problema al actualizar el perfil!"
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "Por favor describa su robot"
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = "PHP Version 5.3 o la M&aacute;s Reciente"
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php el servidor web no es escribible."
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = "Directorio de trabajo tiene que ser escribible por el servidor web"
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = "La variable post_max_size del archivo php.ini deber�a ser de al menos 32M"
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = "Los siguientes elementos necesarios (requeridos), no estaban: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = "Los siguientes elementos opcionales, no estaban: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "Entrada Aprobada"
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/fa/configure.ini b/locale/fa/configure.ini
index 5a5765eab..3bbea73b6 100755
--- a/locale/fa/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/fa/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = "سرورهای دستگاه به ر
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = "نمی&zwnj;توان این فرمان را اجرا کرد!"
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "زبان اضافه شد!"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "این زبان وجود ندارد!"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "زبان حذف شد"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "این زبان وجود ندارد!"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = "یک صفحه انتخاب کنید"
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = "صفحه ایستا به روز شد!"
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "رشته&zwnj;های زبان به روز شد!"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "در به روز رسانی پایگاه داده مشکلی پیش آمده است! "
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "پروفایل به روز شد!"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "در به روز رسانی پروفایل مشکلی پیش آمده است!"
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "باید از مسیر مطلق برای پوشهٔ کار استفاده کرد"
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = "پوشهٔ کار نمی&zwnj;تواند در پوشهٔ Yioop باشد."
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "پوشهٔ کار تنظیم شد! احتمالن لازم است دوباره وارد شوید.!"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "لطفن برای رباتتان نامی بگذارید"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "پوشهٔ کار و پروفایل ساخته شدند!"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "نمی&zwnj;توان فایل config.php را به روز کرد!"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "نمی&zwnj;توان پروفایل را ساخت!"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "پوشهٔ کار معتبر نیست! نمی&zwnj;توان پروفایل را ساخت!"
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "پوشهٔ کار معتبر نیست! نمی&zwnj;توان پروفایل را ساخت!"
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "پروفایل به روز شد!"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "در به روز رسانی پروفایل مشکلی پیش آمده است!"
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "لطفن رباتتان را توصیف کنید"
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = "PHP نسخهٔ ۳.۵ یا جدیدتر"
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = "وب سرور نمی&zwnj;تواند در configs/config.php بنویسد."
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = "وب سرور باید بتواند در پوشهٔ کار بنویسد."
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = "متغیر post_max_size در php.ini باید حداقل ۲ مگابایت باشد. "
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = "موارد لازم زیر خالی هستند: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = "موارد اختیاری زیر خالی هستند: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "در بررسی مشکلی پیدا نشد."
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = "از configs/local_config.php استفاده می&zwnj;شود، بنابراین ممکن است تغییر بالا عمل نکند."
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = "ویرایش زبان: %s"
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = "صفحات ایستا:"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "ارسال"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "درصد ترجمه شده"
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = "زبان اضافه کن"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "نام زبان:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "برچسب زبان:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "حالت نوشتار:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "ارسال"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = "نام زبان"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = "برچسب زبان"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = "حالت نوشتار"
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini b/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
index a94851512..5db94b38f 100755
--- a/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/he/configure.ini b/locale/he/configure.ini
index ee87f1f1d..ae39ef67c 100755
--- a/locale/he/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/he/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "פרופייל עודכן"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "בעיה עם עדכון הפרופייל"
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "פרופייל עודכן"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "בעיה עם עדכון הפרופייל"
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "הגש"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "הגש"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/hi/configure.ini b/locale/hi/configure.ini
index d71f3040d..f85f15e71 100755
--- a/locale/hi/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/hi/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/configure.ini b/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
index 3ff516916..e0c330e84 100755
--- a/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "Locale telah ditambah"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale tidak ditemukan"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "Locale telah dihapus"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale tidak ditemukan"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/it/configure.ini b/locale/it/configure.ini
index 592d110cb..997c8e92b 100755
--- a/locale/it/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/it/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = "Server macchina aggiornato!"
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = "Impossibile svolgere azione!"
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "Lingua aggiunta!"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Lingua inesistente!"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "Lingua cancellata"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Lingua inesistente!"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = "Seleziona una pagina"
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = "Pagina statica aggiornata!"
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "Stringa Lingua aggiornata!"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Problema aggiornamento database!"
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profilo aggiornato!"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&#039;&egrave; stato un problema nell&#039;aggiornamento Profilo!"
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "Devi usare un percorso assoluto per la Cartella di Lavoro"
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "Cartella di Lavoro creata! Potrebbe essere necessario ri-accedere!"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "Dai un nome al tuo Robot"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Cartella di Lavoro e Profilo creati!"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "Impossibile aggiornare il file config.php!"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "Impossibile creare Profilo!"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Cartella di Lavoro non valida! Impossibile creare Profilo!"
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Cartella di Lavoro non valida! Impossibile creare Profilo!"
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profilo aggiornato!"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&#039;&egrave; stato un problema nell&#039;aggiornamento Profilo!"
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "Descrivi il tuo Robot"
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = "PHP Versione 5.3 o maggiore"
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = "File configs/config.php non scrivibile dal web server."
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = "La Cartella di Lavoro deve essere scrivibile dal web server. "
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = "La variabile post_max_size nel file php.ini dovrebbe essere minimo 32M"
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = "I seguenti oggetti richiesti sono mancanti: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = "I seguenti oggetti opzionali sono mancanti: %s"
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "Controllo passato."
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = "Usando configs/local_config.php la Cartella di Lavoro sopra potrebbe non funzionare."
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = "Modifica Lingua: %s"
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = "Pagine statiche:"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "Invia"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Percentuale tradotta"
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = "Aggiungi Lingua"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "Nome Lingua:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "TAG Lingua:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "Modo scrittura:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "Invia"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = "Nome Lingua"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = "TAG Lingua"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = "Modo scrittura"
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/ja/configure.ini b/locale/ja/configure.ini
index d407f330f..5b3d9ef17 100755
--- a/locale/ja/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ja/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "ローケルが追加しました"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ローケルは存在しません"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "ローケルを削除しました"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ローケルは存在しません"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "ローケルストリングを編集しました"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "ディータベースの更新ない"
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "プロフィールの変更できました。"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "プロフィールの変更できない。"
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "作業ディレクトリの設定しました。もう一度ログインしてください。"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "ボット名を入力してください。"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "作業ディレクトリとプロフィールの作成しました。"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "config.phpファイルのできない。更新"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "プロフィールを作成できない。"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "無効な作業ディレクト。プロフィールを作成できない。"
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "無効な作業ディレクト。プロフィールを作成できない。"
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "プロフィールの変更できました。"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "プロフィールの変更できない。"
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "ロボットの説明してください。"
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = "ローケルの編集:%s"
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "サブミット"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "翻訳%"
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = "ローケルの追加"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "ローケル名"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "ローケルタッグ"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "書き込みモード"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "サブミット"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = "ローケル名"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = "ローケルのタッグ"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = "書き込みモード"
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/kn/configure.ini b/locale/kn/configure.ini
index b8f5e4ca8..d66e30157 100755
--- a/locale/kn/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/kn/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ "
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "ಪ್ರದೇಶ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆಯ ಅಕ್ಷರ ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ಪರಿಷ್ಕರಿಸಲಾಯಿತು"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ನಿಗದಿಪಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ!  ನೀವು ಮರು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಬೇಕಾಗಬಹುದು"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವರ್ ನಿಂದ ಬರೆಯಲು ಸಶಕ್ತವಲ್ಲ"
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = "ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಕೆ ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವರ್ ನಿಂದ ಬರೆಯಲು ಸಶಕ್ತವಾಗಿರಬೇಕು"
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = "php.ini ಕಡಿತದ ಚರಾಂಶ post_max_size ಕನಿಷ್ಠ ಪಕ್ಷ ೧೬ ಎಂ.ಬಿ. ಇರಬೇಕು"
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = "ಬರುವ ಅವಶ್ಯಕವಸ್ತುಗಳು ತಪ್ಪಿಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾವೆ:"
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = "ಬರುವ ಕಡ್ಡಾಯವಲ್ಲದ ವಸ್ತುಗಳು ತಪ್ಪಿಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾವೆ:"
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "ಪರಿಶೀಲನೆ ತೇರ್ಗಡೆಯಾಗಿದೆ"
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = "configs/local_config.php ಉಪಯೋಗದಲ್ಲಿದೆ, ಅದರಿಂದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಾವಣೆ ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯವಾಗಬಹುದು "
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/ko/configure.ini b/locale/ko/configure.ini
index 67ed672f9..160b9bd16 100755
--- a/locale/ko/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ko/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "로케일 추가!!"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "로케일이 존재하지 않습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "로케일을 삭제 하였습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "로케일이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "로케일 지정 문자열을 업데이트 하였습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "데이터베이스를 업데이트하는데 문제가 발생했습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "프로필을 업데이트 했습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "프로필을 업데이트하는데 문제가 발생했습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "작업 디렉토리가 지정 됐습니다. 다시 로그인이 필요할수 있습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "로봇 이름을 정해 주십시요."
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "작업 디렉토리와 프로필이 생성됐습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "config.php 파일을  업데이트 실패했습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "프로필을 생성할수 없습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "작업 디렉토리가 올바르지 않습니다. 프로필을 생성할수 없습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "작업 디렉토리가 올바르지 않습니다. 프로필을 생성할수 없습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "프로필을 업데이트 했습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "프로필을 업데이트하는데 문제가 발생했습니다."
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "당신의 로봇을 기술해 주십시요."
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = "로케일 편집: %s"
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "제출"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "번역됀 퍼센트"
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = "로케일 추가"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "로케일 이름:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "로케일 태그:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "쓰기 모드:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "제출"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = "로케일 이름"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = "로케일 태그"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = "쓰기 모드"
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/pl/configure.ini b/locale/pl/configure.ini
index 84c4f64aa..58c3bf074 100755
--- a/locale/pl/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/pl/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/pt/configure.ini b/locale/pt/configure.ini
index 4d633e6f6..4ffc664c5 100755
--- a/locale/pt/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/pt/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/ru/configure.ini b/locale/ru/configure.ini
index 0c6653272..1d6edea9c 100755
--- a/locale/ru/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ru/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/te/configure.ini b/locale/te/configure.ini
index 532fa069d..5aaab8613 100755
--- a/locale/te/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/te/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/th/configure.ini b/locale/th/configure.ini
index 0f031c409..1236e4773 100755
--- a/locale/th/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/th/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/tr/configure.ini b/locale/tr/configure.ini
index 700da8b86..977d949ad 100755
--- a/locale/tr/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/tr/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = ""
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = ""
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = ""
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini b/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
index e0e8a0cb4..8af7fd647 100755
--- a/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = ""
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "Miền địa phương th&ecirc;m v&agrave;o"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Miền địa phương kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "X&oacute;a miền địa phương"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Miền địa phương kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = ""
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = ""
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "Chuỗi Địa phương được cập nhật"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Vấn đề cập nhật cơ sở dữ liệu"
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Hồ sơ được cập nhật"
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&oacute; sự trở ngaị về việc cập nhật hồ sơ "
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "C&ocirc;ng việc thiết lập thư mục bị đ&ocirc;ng cứng (Bạn c&oacute; thể cần phải đăng nhập)"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "Đặt t&ecirc;n cho r&ocirc; b&ocirc; của bạn"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Thư mục l&agrave;m việc v&agrave; hồ sơ được tạo ra"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "Kh&ocirc;ng thể cập nhật hồ sơ config.php"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "Kh&ocirc;ng thể tạo hồ sơ"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "C&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c thư mục kh&ocirc;ng hợp lệ"
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "C&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c thư mục kh&ocirc;ng hợp lệ"
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = "Hồ sơ được cập nhật"
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&oacute; sự trở ngaị về việc cập nhật hồ sơ "
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = "Diễn tả r&ocirc; b&ocirc; của bạn"
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = ""
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = ""
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = ""
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = ""
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "Kiểm tra được th&ocirc;ng qua"
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = ""
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = ""
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Phần trăm đ&atilde; được phi&
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "C&aacute;ch thức viết:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = "C&aacute;ch thức viết"
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini b/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
index ade089b88..0f2024385 100755
--- a/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
@@ -879,109 +879,118 @@ system_component_machine_servers_updated = "服務更新"
 ; system_component.php line: 307
 system_component_machine_no_action = "無動作"
-; system_component.php line: 362
+; system_component.php line: 347
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 376
 system_component_locale_added = "增加語言"
-; system_component.php line: 368
+; system_component.php line: 382
 system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "語言不存在"
-; system_component.php line: 374
+; system_component.php line: 388
 system_component_localename_deleted = "刪除語言"
-; system_component.php line: 383
+; system_component.php line: 394
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "語言不存在"
+; system_component.php line: 419
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 430
 system_component_select_staticpages = "靜態頁面選取"
-; system_component.php line: 402
+; system_component.php line: 449
 system_component_staticpage_updated = "靜態頁面更新"
-; system_component.php line: 429
+; system_component.php line: 476
 system_component_localestrings_updated = "語言更新"
-; system_component.php line: 503
+; system_component.php line: 550
 system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; system_component.php line: 517
+; system_component.php line: 564
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 524
+; system_component.php line: 571
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 552
+; system_component.php line: 599
 system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
-; system_component.php line: 554
+; system_component.php line: 601
 system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 556
+; system_component.php line: 603
 system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 558
+; system_component.php line: 605
 system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
-; system_component.php line: 562
+; system_component.php line: 609
 serversettings_element_text_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 564
+; system_component.php line: 611
 serversettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
-; system_component.php line: 668
+; system_component.php line: 715
 system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "使用絕對路徑"
-; system_component.php line: 680
+; system_component.php line: 727
 system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
-; system_component.php line: 712
+; system_component.php line: 759
 system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "工作目錄配置"
-; system_component.php line: 726
+; system_component.php line: 773
 system_component_name_your_bot = "取名"
-; system_component.php line: 749
+; system_component.php line: 796
 system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "工作設置已建立"
-; system_component.php line: 762
+; system_component.php line: 809
 system_component_configure_no_set_config = "無設置"
-; system_component.php line: 774
+; system_component.php line: 821
 system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "未建立簡歷"
-; system_component.php line: 785
+; system_component.php line: 832
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 797
+; system_component.php line: 844
 system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; system_component.php line: 825
+; system_component.php line: 872
 system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
-; system_component.php line: 840
+; system_component.php line: 887
 system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; system_component.php line: 864
+; system_component.php line: 911
 system_component_describe_robot = ""
-; system_component.php line: 937
+; system_component.php line: 984
 system_component_php_version = "PHP版本"
-; system_component.php line: 945
+; system_component.php line: 992
 system_component_no_write_config_php = "PHP未寫入"
-; system_component.php line: 950
+; system_component.php line: 997
 system_component_no_write_work_dir = "未寫入目錄"
-; system_component.php line: 955
+; system_component.php line: 1002
 system_component_post_size_small = "張貼小容量"
-; system_component.php line: 961
+; system_component.php line: 1008
 system_component_missing_required = "缺少必要項目"
-; system_component.php line: 984
+; system_component.php line: 1031
 system_component_missing_optional = "缺少選擇項目"
-; system_component.php line: 989
+; system_component.php line: 1036
 system_component_check_passed = "通過檢查"
-; system_component.php line: 994
+; system_component.php line: 1041
 system_component_using_local_config = "使用當地語言"
 ; machine_controller.php line: 174
@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
 ; editlocales_element.php line: 76
 editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 112
+; editlocales_element.php line: 116
 editlocales_element_submit = "完成"
 ; editmix_element.php line: 58
@@ -2112,36 +2121,45 @@ managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
 managelocales_element_actions = ""
 ; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 105
 managelocales_element_delete = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
+; managelocales_element.php line: 127
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 130
 managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
+; managelocales_element.php line: 149
 managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 128
+; managelocales_element.php line: 161
 managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 132
+; managelocales_element.php line: 167
 managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 145
+; managelocales_element.php line: 175
 managelocales_element_submit = "完成"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 161
+; managelocales_element.php line: 195
 managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 162
+; managelocales_element.php line: 196
 managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 164
+; managelocales_element.php line: 198
 managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 165
+; managelocales_element.php line: 199
 managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 166
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
 managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
 ; managemachines_element.php line: 58
diff --git a/models/locale_model.php b/models/locale_model.php
index 480ff23bc..8067d293c 100755
--- a/models/locale_model.php
+++ b/models/locale_model.php
@@ -282,6 +282,25 @@ class LocaleModel extends Model
         return true;

+    /**
+     *   Returns the locale name, tag, and writing mode for tag $locale_tag
+     *
+     *   @param string $locale_tag to get name for
+     *   @return string name of locale
+     */
+    function getLocaleInfo($locale_tag)
+    {
+        $db = $this->db;
+        $params = array($locale_tag);
+        $sql = "SELECT * FROM LOCALE WHERE
+            LOCALE_TAG=? ";
+        $result = $db->execute($sql, $params);
+        if(!$row = $db->fetchArray($result) ) {
+            return "";
+        }
+        return $row;
+    }
      *   Returns the name of the locale for tag $locale_tag
@@ -323,7 +342,6 @@ class LocaleModel extends Model


      *  Remove a locale from the database
@@ -338,6 +356,30 @@ class LocaleModel extends Model

+    /**
+     *  Used to update the fields stored in a LOCALE row according to
+     *  an array holding new values
+     *
+     *  @param array $user updated values for a LOCALE row
+     */
+    function updateLocaleInfo($locale_info)
+    {
+        $locale_id = $locale_info['LOCALE_ID'];
+        unset($locale_info['LOCALE_ID']);
+        unset($locale_info['LOCALE_NAME']);
+        $sql = "UPDATE LOCALE SET ";
+        $comma ="";
+        $params = array();
+        foreach($locale_info as $field => $value) {
+            $sql .= "$comma $field=? ";
+            $comma = ",";
+            $params[] = $value;
+        }
+        $sql .= " WHERE LOCALE_ID=?";
+        $params[] = $locale_id;
+        $this->db->execute($sql, $params);
+    }
      *  Returns a list of the static pages thaat can be localized
diff --git a/views/elements/editlocales_element.php b/views/elements/editlocales_element.php
index a0d41b258..0ed3ba3b4 100644
--- a/views/elements/editlocales_element.php
+++ b/views/elements/editlocales_element.php
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class EditlocalesElement extends Element
         <input type="hidden" name="<?php e(CSRF_TOKEN); ?>" value="<?php
             e($data[CSRF_TOKEN]); ?>" />
         <input type="hidden" name="a" value="manageLocales" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="editlocale" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="editstrings" />
         <input type="hidden" name="selectlocale" value="<?php
             e($data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG']); ?>" />
         <div class="top-margin"><b><label for="static-pages"><?php
@@ -85,21 +85,25 @@ class EditlocalesElement extends Element
         <input type="hidden" name="<?php e(CSRF_TOKEN); ?>" value="<?php
             e($data[CSRF_TOKEN]); ?>" />
         <input type="hidden" name="a" value="manageLocales" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="editlocale" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="editstrings" />
         <input type="hidden" name="selectlocale" value="<?php
             e($data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG']); ?>" />
         <table class="translate-table">
         $mobile_tr = (MOBILE) ? "</tr><tr>" : "";
         foreach($data['STRINGS'] as $msg_id => $msg_string) {
+            $out_id = $msg_id;
+            if(MOBILE && strlen($out_id) > 33) {
+                $out_id = wordwrap($out_id, 30, "<br />\n", true);
+            }
             if(strlen($msg_string) > 0) {
-                e("<tr><td><label for='$msg_id'>$msg_id</label>".
+                e("<tr><td><label for='$msg_id'>$out_id</label>".
                     "</td>$mobile_tr<td><input type='text' title='".
                     "' id='$msg_id' name='STRINGS[$msg_id]' ".
                     "value='$msg_string' /></td></tr>");
             } else {
-                e("<tr><td><label for='$msg_id'>$msg_id</label></td>".
+                e("<tr><td><label for='$msg_id'>$out_id</label></td>".
                     "$mobile_tr<td><input class='highlight' type='text' ".
                     "' id='$msg_id' name='STRINGS[$msg_id]' ".
diff --git a/views/elements/managelocales_element.php b/views/elements/managelocales_element.php
index 5fea2d054..e2b48e81f 100644
--- a/views/elements/managelocales_element.php
+++ b/views/elements/managelocales_element.php
@@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ class ManagelocalesElement extends Element
             <th><?php e(tl('managelocales_element_percenttranslated'));?></th>
-            <th><?php e(tl('managelocales_element_actions'));?></th>
+            <th colspan="2"><?php e(tl('managelocales_element_actions'));?></th>
         $base_url = '?c=admin&amp;a=manageLocales&amp;'.CSRF_TOKEN."=".
         foreach($data['LOCALES'] as $locale) {
             e("<tr><td><a href='$base_url".
-                "&amp;arg=editlocale&amp;selectlocale=".$locale['LOCALE_TAG'].
+                "&amp;arg=editstrings&amp;selectlocale=".$locale['LOCALE_TAG'].
                 "' >". $locale['LOCALE_NAME']."</a></td>");
             if(!MOBILE) {
@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ class ManagelocalesElement extends Element
             e("<td class='align-right' >".
+            e("<td><a href='$base_url"
+                ."&amp;arg=editlocale&amp;selectlocale=".
+                $locale['LOCALE_TAG']."' >"
+                .tl('managelocales_element_edit')."</a></td>");
             e("<td><a href='$base_url"
                 $locale['LOCALE_TAG']."' >"
@@ -107,39 +111,65 @@ class ManagelocalesElement extends Element

+    /**
+     *  Draws the add locale and edit locale forms
+     *
+     *  @param array $data consists of values of locale fields set
+     *      so far as well as values of the drops downs on the form
+     */
     function renderLocaleForm($data)
+        $base_url = "?c=admin&amp;".CSRF_TOKEN."=".$data[CSRF_TOKEN].
+            "&amp;a=manageLocales";
+        $editlocale = ($data['FORM_TYPE'] == "editlocale") ? true: false;
+        if($editlocale) {
+            e("<div class='float-opposite'><a href='$base_url'>".
+                tl('manageloecales_element_add_locale_form')."</a></div>");
+            e("<h2>".tl('managelocales_element_locale_info'). "</h2>");
+        } else {
+            e("<h2>".tl('managelocales_element_add_locale'). "</h2>");
+        }
-        <h2><?php e(tl('managelocales_element_add_locale'))?></h2>
         <form id="addLocaleForm" method="post" action=''>
         <input type="hidden" name="c" value="admin" />
         <input type="hidden" name="<?php e(CSRF_TOKEN); ?>" value="<?php
             e($data[CSRF_TOKEN]); ?>" />
         <input type="hidden" name="a" value="manageLocales" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="addlocale" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="<?php
+            e($data['FORM_TYPE']);?>" />
+        <?php
+        if($editlocale) {
+        ?>
+            <input type="hidden" name="selectlocale" value="<?php
+                e($data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['localetag']);?>" /><?php
+        }
+        ?>
         <table class="name-table">
             <tr><td><label for="locale-name"><?php
                 <td><input type="text" id="locale-name"
-                    name="localename" maxlength="80" class="narrow-field"/>
+                    name="localename" maxlength="80" class="narrow-field"
+                    value="<?php e($data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['localename']); ?>"
+                    <?php
+                    if($editlocale) {
+                        e(' disabled="disabled" ');
+                    }
+                    ?> />
             <tr><td><label for="locale-tag"><?php
                 <td><input type="text" id="locale-tag"
-                name="localetag"  maxlength="80" class="narrow-field"/></td>
+                name="localetag"  maxlength="80"
+                value="<?php e($data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['localetag']); ?>"
+                class="narrow-field"/></td>
             <tr><td><?php e(tl('managelocales_element_writingmodelabel'))?></td>
-            <td><label for="locale-lr-tb">lr-tb</label><input type="radio"
-                id="locale-lr-tb" name="writingmode"
-                value="lr-tb" checked="checked" />
-            <label for="locale-rl-tb">rl-tb</label><input type="radio"
-                id="locale-rl-tb" name="writingmode" value="rl-tb" />
-            <label for="locale-tb-rl">tb-rl</label><input type="radio"
-                id="locale-tb-rl" name="writingmode" value="tb-rl" />
-            <label for="locale-tb-lr">tb-lr</label><input type="radio"
-                id="locale-tb-lr" name="writingmode" value="tb-lr" />
+            <td><?php $this->view->helper("options")->render(
+                        "writing-mode", "writingmode",
+                        $data['WRITING_MODES'],
+                        $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['writingmode']); ?>
             <tr><td></td><td class="center"><button class="button-box"
@@ -152,7 +182,11 @@ class ManagelocalesElement extends Element

+     *  Draws the search for locales forms
+     *  @param array $data consists of values of locale fields set
+     *      so far as well as values of the drops downs on the form
     function renderSearchForm($data)