made blogmixes_component social_component moves manage_group to social component, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2014-04-30 15:Apr:th]
made blogmixes_component social_component moves manage_group to social component, a=chris
diff --git a/configs/config.php b/configs/config.php
index f4cc7ffd3..222c0d5d0 100755
--- a/configs/config.php
+++ b/configs/config.php
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ if(!defined('TIME_ZONE')) {
     "accountaccess" => array("signin", "manageAccount", "manageUsers",
-        "manageRoles", "manageGroups"),
-    "blogmixes" => array("groupFeeds", "mixCrawls"),
+        "manageRoles"),
+    "social" => array("manageGroups", "groupFeeds", "mixCrawls"),
     "crawl" => array("manageCrawls", "manageClassifiers", "pageOptions",
         "resultsEditor", "searchSources"),
     "system" => array("manageMachines", "manageLocales",
diff --git a/controllers/admin_controller.php b/controllers/admin_controller.php
index fdad8a162..610fc2471 100755
--- a/controllers/admin_controller.php
+++ b/controllers/admin_controller.php
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ class AdminController extends Controller implements CrawlConstants
         $data['COMPONENT_ACTIVITIES'] = array();
         $component_translations = array(
             "accountaccess" => tl('admin_controller_account_access'),
-            "blogmixes" => tl('blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes'),
+            "social" => tl('admin_controller_social'),
             "crawl" => tl('admin_controller_crawl_settings'),
             "system" => tl('admin_controller_system_settings')
diff --git a/controllers/components/blogmixes_component.php b/controllers/components/blogmixes_component.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb6e47d8..000000000
--- a/controllers/components/blogmixes_component.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
- *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
- *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
- *
- *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
- *
- *
- *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- *
- * @author Chris Pollett
- * @package seek_quarry
- * @subpackage component
- * @license GPL3
- * @link
- * @copyright 2009 - 2014
- * @filesource
- */
-if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
- *  Provides activities to AdminController related to creating, updating
- *  blogs (and blog entries), static web pages, and crawl mixes.
- *
- *  @author Chris Pollett
- *  @package seek_quarry
- *  @subpackage component
- */
-class BlogmixesComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
-    /**
-     *  Used to support requests related to posting, editing, modifying,
-     *  and deleting group feed items.
-     *
-     *  @return array $data fields to be used by GroupfeedElement
-     */
-    function groupFeeds()
-    {
-        $parent = $this->parent;
-        $group_model = $parent->model("group");
-        $user_model = $parent->model("user");
-        $data["ELEMENT"] = "groupfeed";
-        $data['SCRIPT'] = "";
-        $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
-        $username = $user_model->getUsername($user_id);
-        if(isset($_REQUEST['num'])) {
-            $results_per_page = $this->clean($_REQUEST['num'], "int");
-        } else if(isset($_SESSION['MAX_PAGES_TO_SHOW']) ) {
-            $results_per_page = $_SESSION['MAX_PAGES_TO_SHOW'];
-        } else {
-            $results_per_page = NUM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
-        }
-        if(isset($_REQUEST['limit'])) {
-            $limit = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['limit'], "int");
-        } else {
-            $limit = 0;
-        }
-        if(isset($_SESSION['OPEN_IN_TABS'])) {
-            $data['OPEN_IN_TABS'] = $_SESSION['OPEN_IN_TABS'];
-        } else {
-            $data['OPEN_IN_TABS'] = false;
-        }
-        $clean_array = array( "title" => "string", "description" => "string",
-            "just_group_id" => "int", "just_thread" => "int",
-            "just_user_id" => "int");
-        foreach($clean_array as $field => $type) {
-            $$field = ($type == "string") ? "" : 0;
-            if(isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
-                $$field = $parent->clean($_REQUEST[$field], $type);
-            }
-        }
-        $possible_arguments = array("addcomment", "deletepost", "newthread",
-            "updatepost", "status");
-        if(isset($_REQUEST['arg']) &&
-            in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
-            switch($_REQUEST['arg'])
-            {
-                case "addcomment":
-                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ||
-                        !isset($_REQUEST['group_id'])) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_comment_error').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!$description) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_no_comment').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $parent_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['parent_id'], "int");
-                    $group_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_id'], "int");
-                    $group =
-                        $group_model->getGroupById($group_id,
-                        $user_id);
-                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
-                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_COMMENT &&
-                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
-                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_no_post_access').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if($parent_id >= 0) {
-                        $parent_item = $group_model->getGroupItem($parent_id);
-                        if(!$parent_item) {
-                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                                tl('blogmixes_component_no_post_access').
-                                "</h1>');";
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $parent_item = array(
-                            'TITLE' => tl('blogmixes_component_join_group',
-                                $username, $group['GROUP_NAME']),
-                            'DESCRIPTION' =>
-                                tl('blogmixes_component_join_group_detail',
-                                    date("r", $group['JOIN_DATE']),
-                                    $group['GROUP_NAME']),
-                            'ID' => -$group_id,
-                            'PARENT_ID' => -$group_id,
-                            'GROUP_ID' => $group_id
-                        );
-                    }
-                    $title = "-- ".$parent_item['TITLE'];
-                    $group_model->addGroupItem($parent_item["ID"],
-                        $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description);
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_comment_added'). "</h1>');";
-                break;
-                case "deletepost":
-                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_delete_error').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $post_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['post_id'], "int");
-                    $success=$group_model->deleteGroupItem($post_id, $user_id);
-                    if($success) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_item_deleted').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                    } else {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                    }
-                break;
-                case "newthread":
-                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['group_id'])) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_comment_error').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $group_id =$parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_id'], "int");
-                    if(!$description || !$title) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_need_title_description').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $group_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_id'], "int");
-                    $group =
-                        $group_model->getGroupById($group_id,
-                        $user_id);
-                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
-                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
-                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_no_post_access').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $group_model->addGroupItem(0,
-                        $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description);
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_thread_created'). "</h1>');";
-                break;
-                case "status":
-                    $data['REFRESH'] = "feedstatus";
-                break;
-                case "updatepost":
-                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_comment_error').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!$description || !$title) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_need_title_description').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $post_id =$parent->clean($_REQUEST['post_id'], "int");
-                    $items = $group_model->getGroupItems(0, 1, array(
-                        array("post_id", "=", $post_id, "")), $user_id);
-                    if(isset($items[0])) {
-                        $item = $items[0];
-                    } else {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_no_update_access').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $group_id = $item['GROUP_ID'];
-                    $group =  $group_model->getGroupById($group_id, $user_id);
-                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
-                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
-                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_no_update_access').
-                            "</h1>')";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $group_model->updateGroupItem($post_id, $title,
-                        $description);
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_post_updated'). "</h1>');";
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        $groups_count = 0;
-        $page = array();
-        if(!$just_user_id && (!$just_thread || $just_thread < 0)) {
-            $search_array = array(
-                array("group_id", "=", max(-$just_thread, $just_group_id), ""),
-                array("access", "!=", GROUP_PRIVATE, ""),
-                array("status", "=", ACTIVE_STATUS, ""),
-                array("join_date", "=","", "DESC"));
-            $groups = $group_model->getRows(
-                0, $limit + $results_per_page, $groups_count,
-                $search_array, array($user_id, false));
-            $pages = array();
-            foreach($groups as $group) {
-                $page = array();
-                $page[self::TITLE] = tl('blogmixes_component_join_group',
-                    $username, $group['GROUP_NAME']);
-                $page[self::DESCRIPTION] =
-                    tl('blogmixes_component_join_group_detail',
-                        date("r", $group['JOIN_DATE']), $group['GROUP_NAME']);
-                $page['ID'] = -$group['GROUP_ID'];
-                $page['PARENT_ID'] = -$group['GROUP_ID'];
-                $page['USER_NAME'] = "";
-                $page['USER_ID'] = "";
-                $page['GROUP_ID'] = $group['GROUP_ID'];
-                $page[self::SOURCE_NAME] = $group['GROUP_NAME'];
-                $page['MEMBER_ACCESS'] = $group['MEMBER_ACCESS'];
-                if($group['OWNER_ID'] == $user_id || $user_id == ROOT_ID) {
-                    $page['MEMBER_ACCESS'] = GROUP_READ_WRITE;
-                }
-                $page['PUBDATE'] = $group['JOIN_DATE'];
-                $pages[$group['JOIN_DATE']] = $page;
-            }
-        }
-        $search_array = array(
-            array("parent_id", "=", $just_thread, ""),
-            array("group_id", "=", $just_group_id, ""),
-            array("user_id", "=", $just_user_id, ""),
-            array('pub_date', "=", "", "DESC"));
-        $for_group = ($just_group_id) ? $just_group_id : -1;
-        $item_count = $group_model->getGroupItemCount($search_array, $user_id,
-            $for_group);
-        $group_items = $group_model->getGroupItems(0,
-            $limit + $results_per_page, $search_array, $user_id, $for_group);
-        $recent_found = false;
-        $time = time();
-        foreach($group_items as $item) {
-            $page = $item;
-            $page[self::TITLE] = $page['TITLE'];
-            unset($page['TITLE']);
-            $description = $page['DESCRIPTION'];
-            preg_match_all("/\[\[([^\:\n]+)\:mix(\d+)\]\]/", $description,
-                $matches);
-            $num_matches = count($matches[0]);
-            for($i = 0; $i < $num_matches; $i++) {
-                $match = preg_quote($matches[0][$i]);
-                $match = str_replace("@","\@", $match);
-                $replace = "<a href='?c=admin&amp;a=mixCrawls".
-                    "&amp;arg=importmix&amp;".CSRF_TOKEN."=".
-                    $parent->generateCSRFToken($user_id).
-                    "&amp;timestamp={$matches[2][$i]}'>".
-                    $matches[1][$i]."</a>";
-                $description = preg_replace("@".$match."@u", $replace,
-                    $description);
-                $page["NO_EDIT"] = true;
-            }
-            $page[self::DESCRIPTION] = $description;
-            unset($page['DESCRIPTION']);
-            $page[self::SOURCE_NAME] = $page['GROUP_NAME'];
-            unset($page['GROUP_NAME']);
-            if($item['OWNER_ID'] == $user_id || $user_id == ROOT_ID) {
-                $page['MEMBER_ACCESS'] = GROUP_READ_WRITE;
-            }
-            if(!$recent_found && $time - $item["PUBDATE"] <
-                5 * self::ONE_MINUTE) {
-                $recent_found = true;
-                $data['SCRIPT'] .= 'doUpdate();';
-            }
-            $pages[$item["PUBDATE"]] = $page;
-        }
-        krsort($pages);
-        $data['SUBTITLE'] = "";
-        if($just_thread != "" && isset($page[self::TITLE])) {
-            $title = $page[self::TITLE];
-            $data['SUBTITLE'] = trim($title, "\- \t\n\r\0\x0B");
-            $data['ADD_PAGING_QUERY'] = "&amp;just_thread=$just_thread";
-            $data['JUST_THREAD'] = $just_thread;
-        }
-        if($just_group_id && isset($page[self::SOURCE_NAME])) {
-            $data['SUBTITLE'] = $page[self::SOURCE_NAME];
-            $data['ADD_PAGING_QUERY'] = "&amp;just_group_id=$just_group_id";
-            $data['JUST_GROUP_ID'] = $just_group_id;
-        }
-        if($just_user_id && isset($page["USER_NAME"])) {
-            $data['SUBTITLE'] = $page["USER_NAME"];
-            $data['ADD_PAGING_QUERY'] = "&amp;just_user_id=$just_user_id";
-            $data['JUST_USER_ID'] = $just_user_id;
-        }
-        $pages = array_slice($pages, $limit , $results_per_page - 1);
-        $data['TOTAL_ROWS'] = $item_count + $groups_count;
-        $data['LIMIT'] = $limit;
-        $data['RESULTS_PER_PAGE'] = $results_per_page;
-        $data['PAGES'] = $pages;
-        $data['PAGING_QUERY'] = "?c=admin&amp;a=groupFeeds";
-        return $data;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles admin request related to the crawl mix activity
-     *
-     * The crawl mix activity allows a user to create/edit crawl mixes:
-     * weighted combinations of search indexes
-     *
-     * @return array $data info about available crawl mixes and changes to them
-     *      as well as any messages about the success or failure of a
-     *      sub activity.
-     */
-    function mixCrawls()
-    {
-        $parent = $this->parent;
-        $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
-        $user_model = $parent->model("user");
-        $possible_arguments = array(
-            "createmix", "deletemix", "editmix", "index", "importmix",
-            "search", "sharemix");
-        $data["ELEMENT"] = "mixcrawls";
-        $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
-        $data['mix_default'] = 0;
-        $machine_urls = $parent->model("machine")->getQueueServerUrls();
-        $num_machines = count($machine_urls);
-        if($num_machines <  1 || ($num_machines ==  1 &&
-            UrlParser::isLocalhostUrl($machine_urls[0]))) {
-            $machine_urls = NULL;
-        }
-        $crawls = $crawl_model->getCrawlList(false, true, $machine_urls);
-        $data['available_crawls'][0] = tl('blogmixes_component_select_crawl');
-        $data['available_crawls'][1] = tl('blogmixes_component_default_crawl');
-        $data['SCRIPT'] = "c = [];c[0]='".
-            tl('blogmixes_component_select_crawl')."';";
-        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "c[1]='".
-            tl('blogmixes_component_default_crawl')."';";
-        foreach($crawls as $crawl) {
-            $data['available_crawls'][$crawl['CRAWL_TIME']] =
-                $crawl['DESCRIPTION'];
-            $data['SCRIPT'] .= 'c['.$crawl['CRAWL_TIME'].']="'.
-                $crawl['DESCRIPTION'].'";';
-        }
-        $search_array = array();
-        $can_manage_crawls = $user_model->isAllowedUserActivity(
-                $_SESSION['USER_ID'], "manageCrawls");
-        $data['PAGING'] = "";
-        $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "";
-        if(isset($_REQUEST['arg']) &&
-            in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
-            switch($_REQUEST['arg'])
-            {
-                case "createmix":
-                    $mix['TIMESTAMP'] = time();
-                    if(isset($_REQUEST['NAME'])) {
-                        $mix['NAME'] = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['NAME'],
-                            'string');
-                    } else {
-                        $mix['NAME'] = tl('blogmixes_component_unnamed');
-                    }
-                    $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = array();
-                    $mix['OWNER_ID'] = $user_id;
-                    $mix['PARENT'] = -1;
-                    $crawl_model->setCrawlMix($mix);
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_mix_created')."</h1>');";
-                break;
-                case "deletemix":
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])||
-                        !$crawl_model->isMixOwner($_REQUEST['timestamp'],
-                            $user_id)) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        return $data;
-                    }
-                    $crawl_model->deleteCrawlMix($_REQUEST['timestamp']);
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_mix_deleted')."</h1>');";
-                break;
-                case "editmix":
-                    //$data passed by reference
-                    $this->editMix($data);
-                break;
-                case "importmix":
-                    $import_success = true;
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])) {
-                        $import_success = false;
-                    }
-                    $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
-                    $mix = $crawl_model->getCrawlMix($timestamp);
-                    if(!$mix) {
-                        $import_success = false;
-                    }
-                    if(!$import_success) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        return $data;
-                    }
-                    $mix['PARENT'] = $mix['TIMESTAMP'];
-                    $mix['OWNER_ID'] = $user_id;
-                    $mix['TIMESTAMP'] = time();
-                    $crawl_model->setCrawlMix($mix);
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_mix_imported')."</h1>');";
-                break;
-                case "index":
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_set_index')."</h1>');";
-                    $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
-                    if($can_manage_crawls) {
-                        $crawl_model->setCurrentIndexDatabaseName(
-                            $timestamp);
-                    } else {
-                        $_SESSION['its'] = $timestamp;
-                        $user_model->setUserSession($user_id, $_SESSION);
-                    }
-                break;
-                case "search":
-                    $search_array =
-                        $parent->tableSearchRequestHandler($data,
-                        array('name'));
-                break;
-                case "sharemix":
-                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['group_name'])) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_comment_error').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['timestamp']) ||
-                        !$crawl_model->isMixOwner($_REQUEST['timestamp'],
-                            $user_id)) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
-                    $group_model = $parent->model("group");
-                    $group_name =
-                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_name'], "string");
-                    $group_id = $group_model->getGroupId($group_name);
-                    $group = NULL;
-                    if($group_id) {
-                        $group =
-                            $group_model->getGroupById($group_id,
-                            $user_id);
-                    }
-                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
-                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
-                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                            tl('blogmixes_component_no_post_access').
-                            "</h1>');";
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    $user_name = $user_model->getUserName($user_id);
-                    $title = tl('blogmixes_component_share_title',
-                        $user_name);
-                    $description = tl('blogmixes_component_share_description',
-                        $user_name,"[[{$mix['NAME']}:mix{$mix['TIMESTAMP']}]]");
-                    $group_model->addGroupItem(0,
-                        $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description);
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_thread_created'). "</h1>');";
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        $parent->pagingLogic($data, $crawl_model, "available_mixes",
-            DEFAULT_ADMIN_PAGING_NUM, $search_array, "", true);
-        if(!$can_manage_crawls && isset($_SESSION['its'])) {
-            $crawl_time = $_SESSION['its'];
-        } else {
-            $crawl_time = $crawl_model->getCurrentIndexDatabaseName();
-        }
-        if(isset($crawl_time) ) {
-            $data['CURRENT_INDEX'] = (int)$crawl_time;
-        } else {
-            $data['CURRENT_INDEX'] = -1;
-        }
-        return $data;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles admin request related to the editing a crawl mix activity
-     *
-     * @param array $data info about the fragments and their contents for a
-     *      particular crawl mix (changed by this method)
-     */
-    function editMix(&$data)
-    {
-        $parent = $this->parent;
-        $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
-        $data["leftorright"] =
-            (getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr') ? "right": "left";
-        $data["ELEMENT"] = "editmix";
-        $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
-        $mix = array();
-        $timestamp = 0;
-        if(isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])) {
-            $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
-        } else if (isset($_REQUEST['mix']['TIMESTAMP'])) {
-            $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['mix']['TIMESTAMP'], "int");
-        }
-        if(!$crawl_model->isMixOwner($timestamp, $user_id)) {
-            $data["ELEMENT"] = "mixcrawls";
-            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                tl('blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner').
-                "</h1>');";
-            return;
-        }
-        $mix = $crawl_model->getCrawlMix($timestamp);
-        $owner_id = $mix['OWNER_ID'];
-        $parent_id = $mix['PARENT'];
-        $data['MIX'] = $mix;
-        $data['INCLUDE_SCRIPTS'] = array("mix");
-        //set up an array of translation for javascript-land
-        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "tl = {".
-            'blogmixes_component_add_crawls:"'.
-                tl('blogmixes_component_add_crawls') .
-            '",' . 'blogmixes_component_num_results:"'.
-                tl('blogmixes_component_num_results').'",'.
-            'blogmixes_component_del_frag:"'.
-                tl('blogmixes_component_del_frag').'",'.
-            'blogmixes_component_weight:"'.
-                tl('blogmixes_component_weight').'",'.
-            'blogmixes_component_name:"'.tl('blogmixes_component_name').'",'.
-            'blogmixes_component_add_keywords:"'.
-                tl('blogmixes_component_add_keywords').'",'.
-            'blogmixes_component_actions:"'.
-                tl('blogmixes_component_actions').'",'.
-            'blogmixes_component_add_query:"'.
-                tl('blogmixes_component_add_query').'",'.
-            'blogmixes_component_delete:"'.tl('blogmixes_component_delete').'"'.
-            '};';
-        //clean and save the crawl mix sent from the browser
-        if(isset($_REQUEST['update']) && $_REQUEST['update'] ==
-            "update") {
-            $mix = $_REQUEST['mix'];
-            $mix['TIMESTAMP'] = $timestamp;
-            $mix['OWNER_ID']= $owner_id;
-            $mix['PARENT'] = $parent_id;
-            $mix['NAME'] =$parent->clean($mix['NAME'],
-                "string");
-            $comp = array();
-            $save_mix = false;
-            if(isset($mix['FRAGMENTS'])) {
-                if($mix['FRAGMENTS'] != NULL && count($mix['FRAGMENTS']) <
-                    MAX_MIX_FRAGMENTS) {
-                    foreach($mix['FRAGMENTS'] as $fragment_id=>$fragment_data) {
-                        if(isset($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'])) {
-                            $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['RESULT_BOUND'] =
-                                $parent->clean($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'],
-                                    "int");
-                        } else {
-                            $mix['FRAGMENTS']['RESULT_BOUND'] = 0;
-                        }
-                        if(isset($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'])) {
-                            $comp = array();
-                            foreach($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'] as $component){
-                                $row = array();
-                                $row['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'] =
-                                    $parent->clean(
-                                        $component['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'], "int");
-                                $row['WEIGHT'] = $parent->clean(
-                                    $component['WEIGHT'], "float");
-                                $row['KEYWORDS'] = $parent->clean(
-                                    $component['KEYWORDS'],
-                                    "string");
-                                $comp[] =$row;
-                            }
-                            $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['COMPONENTS']=$comp;
-                        } else {
-                            $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['COMPONENTS'] =
-                                array();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $save_mix = true;
-                } else if(count($mix['FRAGMENTS']) >= MAX_MIX_FRAGMENTS) {
-                    $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                        tl('blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments')."</h1>');";
-                } else {
-                    $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
-                }
-            } else {
-                $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
-            }
-            if($save_mix) {
-                $data['MIX'] = $mix;
-                $crawl_model->setCrawlMix($mix);
-                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                    tl('blogmixes_component_mix_saved')."</h1>');";
-            }
-        }
-        $data['SCRIPT'] .= 'fragments = [';
-        $not_first = "";
-        foreach($mix['FRAGMENTS'] as $fragment_id => $fragment_data) {
-            $data['SCRIPT'] .= $not_first.'{';
-            $not_first= ",";
-            if(isset($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'])) {
-                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "num_results:".
-                    $fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'];
-            } else {
-                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "num_results:1 ";
-            }
-            $data['SCRIPT'] .= ", components:[";
-            if(isset($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'])) {
-                $comma = "";
-                foreach($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'] as $component) {
-                    $crawl_ts = $component['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'];
-                    $crawl_name = $data['available_crawls'][$crawl_ts];
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= $comma." [$crawl_ts, '$crawl_name', ".
-                        $component['WEIGHT'].", ";
-                    $comma = ",";
-                    $keywords = (isset($component['KEYWORDS'])) ?
-                        $component['KEYWORDS'] : "";
-                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "'$keywords'] ";
-                }
-            }
-            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "] }";
-        }
-        $data['SCRIPT'] .= ']; drawFragments();';
-    }
diff --git a/controllers/components/social_component.php b/controllers/components/social_component.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dea92d65c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/components/social_component.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+ *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage component
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ *  Provides activities to AdminController related to creating, updating
+ *  blogs (and blog entries), static web pages, and crawl mixes.
+ *
+ *  @author Chris Pollett
+ *  @package seek_quarry
+ *  @subpackage component
+ */
+class SocialComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
+    /**
+     * Used to handle the manage group activity.
+     *
+     * This activity allows new groups to be created out of a set of users.
+     * It allows admin rights for the group to be transfered and it allows roles
+     * to be added to a group. One can also delete groups and roles from groups.
+     *
+     * @return array $data information about groups in the system
+     */
+    function manageGroups()
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $group_model = $parent->model("group");
+        $possible_arguments = array("activateuser",
+            "addgroup", "banuser", "changeowner",
+            "creategroup", "deletegroup", "deleteuser", "editgroup",
+            "inviteusers", "joingroup", "memberaccess",
+            "registertype", "reinstateuser", "search", "unsubscribe"
+            );
+        $data["ELEMENT"] = "managegroups";
+        $data['SCRIPT'] = "";
+        $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "addgroup";
+        $data['MEMBERSHIP_CODES'] = array(
+            INACTIVE_STATUS => tl('social_component_request_join'),
+            INVITED_STATUS => tl('social_component_invited'),
+            ACTIVE_STATUS => tl('social_component_active_status'),
+            BANNED_STATUS => tl('social_component_banned_status')
+        );
+        $data['REGISTER_CODES'] = array(
+            NO_JOIN => tl('social_component_no_join'),
+            REQUEST_JOIN => tl('social_component_by_request'),
+            PUBLIC_JOIN => tl('social_component_public_join')
+        );
+        $data['ACCESS_CODES'] = array(
+            GROUP_PRIVATE => tl('social_component_private'),
+            GROUP_READ => tl('social_component_read'),
+            GROUP_READ_COMMENT => tl('social_component_read_comment'),
+            GROUP_READ_WRITE => tl('social_component_read_write')
+        );
+        $search_array = array();
+        $data['CURRENT_GROUP'] = array("name" => "","id" => "", "owner" =>"",
+            "register" => -1, "member_access" => -1);
+        $data['PAGING'] = "";
+        $name = "";
+        $data['visible_users'] = "";
+        /* start owner verify code / get current group
+           $group_id is only set in this block (except creategroup) and it
+           is only not NULL if $group['OWNER_ID'] == $_SESSION['USER_ID'] where
+           this is also the only place group loaded using $group_id
+        */
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['group_id']) && $_REQUEST['group_id'] != "") {
+            $group_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_id'], "string" );
+            $group = $group_model->getGroupById($group_id,
+                $_SESSION['USER_ID']);
+            if($group && ($group['OWNER_ID'] == $_SESSION['USER_ID'] ||
+                ($_SESSION['USER_ID'] == ROOT_ID && $_REQUEST['arg'] ==
+                "changeowner"))) {
+                $name = $group['GROUP_NAME'];
+                $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['name'] = $name;
+                $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['id'] = $group['GROUP_ID'];
+                $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['owner'] = $group['OWNER'];
+                $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['register'] =
+                    $group['REGISTER_TYPE'];
+                $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['member_access'] =
+                    $group['MEMBER_ACCESS'];
+            } else if(!in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], array("deletegroup",
+                "joingroup", "unsubscribe"))) {
+                $group_id = NULL;
+                $group = NULL;
+            }
+        } else if(isset($_REQUEST['name'])){
+            $name = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['name'], "string");
+            $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['name'] = $name;
+            $group_id = NULL;
+            $group = NULL;
+        } else {
+            $group_id = NULL;
+            $group = NULL;
+        }
+        /* end ownership verify */
+        $data['USER_FILTER'] = "";
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['arg']) &&
+            in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
+            switch($_REQUEST['arg'])
+            {
+                case "activateuser":
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editgroup";
+                    $user_id = (isset($_REQUEST['user_id'])) ?
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['user_id'], 'int'): 0;
+                    if($user_id && $group_id &&
+                        $group_model->checkUserGroup($user_id,
+                        $group_id)) {
+                        $group_model->updateStatusUserGroup($user_id,
+                            $group_id, ACTIVE_STATUS);
+                        $this->getGroupUsersData($data);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('accountaccess_component_user_activated').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('accountaccess_component_no_user_activated').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "addgroup":
+                    if(($add_id = $group_model->getGroupId($name)) > 0) {
+                        $register =
+                            $group_model->getRegisterType($add_id);
+                        if($add_id > 0 && $register && $register != NO_JOIN) {
+                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                tl('social_component_group_joined').
+                                "</h1>')";
+                            $join_type = ($register == REQUEST_JOIN &&
+                                $_SESSION['USER_ID'] != ROOT_ID) ?
+                                INACTIVE_STATUS : ACTIVE_STATUS;
+                            $group_model->addUserGroup(
+                                $_SESSION['USER_ID'], $add_id, $join_type);
+                        } else {
+                            $data['CURRENT_GROUP'] = array("name" => "",
+                                "id" => "", "owner" =>"", "register" => -1,
+                                "member_access" => -1);
+                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_groupname_unavailable').
+                                "</h1>')";
+                        }
+                    } else if ($name != ""){
+                        $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "creategroup";
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_name_available').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "banuser":
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editgroup";
+                    $user_id = (isset($_REQUEST['user_id'])) ?
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['user_id'], 'int'): 0;
+                    if($user_id && $group_id &&
+                        $group_model->checkUserGroup($user_id,
+                        $group_id)) {
+                        $group_model->updateStatusUserGroup($user_id,
+                            $group_id, BANNED_STATUS);
+                        $this->getGroupUsersData($data, $group_id);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_user_banned').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_user_banned').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "changeowner":
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "changeowner";
+                    if(isset($_REQUEST['new_owner'])) {
+                        $new_owner_name = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['new_owner'],
+                            'string');
+                        $new_owner = $parent->model("user")->getUser(
+                            $new_owner_name);
+                        if(isset($new_owner['USER_ID']) ) {
+                            if($group_model->checkUserGroup(
+                                $new_owner['USER_ID'], $group_id)) {
+                                $group_model->changeOwnerGroup(
+                                    $new_owner['USER_ID'], $group_id);
+                                $data['SCRIPT'] .=
+                                    "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                    tl('social_component_owner_changed').
+                                    "</h1>')";
+                                $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "changegroup";
+                                $data['CURRENT_GROUP'] = array("name" => "",
+                                    "id" => "", "owner" =>"", "register" => -1,
+                                    "member_access" => -1);
+                            } else {
+                                $data['SCRIPT'] .=
+                                    "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                    tl('social_component_not_in_group').
+                                    "</h1>')";
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                tl('social_component_not_a_user').
+                                "</h1>')";
+                        }
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "creategroup":
+                    if($group_model->getGroupId($name) > 0) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_groupname_exists').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $group_fields = array(
+                            "member_access" => array("ACCESS_CODES",
+                                GROUP_READ),
+                            "register" => array("REGISTER_CODES",
+                                REQUEST_JOIN)
+                        );
+                        foreach($group_fields as $field => $info) {
+                            if(!isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ||
+                                !in_array($_REQUEST[$field],
+                                array_keys($data[$info[0]]))) {
+                                $_REQUEST[$field] = $info[1];
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $group_model->addGroup($name,
+                            $_SESSION['USER_ID'], $_REQUEST['register'],
+                            $_REQUEST['member_access']);
+                        //one exception to setting $group_id
+                        $group_id = $group_model->getGroupId($name);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_groupname_added').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "addgroup";
+                    $data['CURRENT_GROUP'] = array("name" => "",
+                        "id" => "", "owner" =>"", "register" => -1,
+                        "member_access" => -1);
+                break;
+                case "deletegroup":
+                    $data['CURRENT_GROUP'] = array("name" => "",
+                        "id" => "", "owner" =>"", "register" => -1,
+                        "member_access" => -1);
+                    if( $group_id <= 0) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                          tl('social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else if(($group &&
+                        $group['OWNER_ID'] == $_SESSION['USER_ID']) ||
+                        $_SESSION['USER_ID'] == ROOT_ID) {
+                        $group_model->deleteGroup($group_id);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_group_deleted').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_delete_group').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "deleteuser":
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editgroup";
+                    $user_id = (isset($_REQUEST['user_id'])) ?
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['user_id'], 'int'): 0;
+                    if($group_model->deletableUser(
+                        $user_id, $group_id)) {
+                        $group_model->deleteUserGroup(
+                            $user_id, $group_id);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_user_deleted').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_delete_user_group').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                    $this->getGroupUsersData($data, $group_id);
+                break;
+                case "editgroup":
+                    if(!$group_id) { break;}
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editgroup";
+                    $update_fields = array(
+                        array('register', 'REGISTER_TYPE','REGISTER_CODES'),
+                        array('member_access', 'MEMBER_ACCESS', 'ACCESS_CODES')
+                        );
+                    $this->updateGroup($data, $group, $update_fields);
+                    $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['register'] =
+                        $group['REGISTER_TYPE'];
+                    $data['CURRENT_GROUP']['member_access'] =
+                        $group['MEMBER_ACCESS'];
+                    $this->getGroupUsersData($data, $group_id);
+                break;
+                case "inviteusers":
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "inviteusers";
+                    if(isset($_REQUEST['users_names'])) {
+                        $users_string = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['users_names'],
+                            "string");
+                        $pre_user_names = preg_split("/\s+|\,/", $users_string);
+                        $users_invited = false;
+                        foreach($pre_user_names as $user_name) {
+                            $user_name = trim($user_name);
+                            $user = $parent->model("user")->getUser($user_name);
+                            if($user) {
+                                if(!$group_model->checkUserGroup(
+                                    $user['USER_ID'], $group_id)) {
+                                    $group_model->addUserGroup(
+                                        $user['USER_ID'], $group_id,
+                                        INVITED_STATUS);
+                                    $users_invited = true;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if($users_invited) {
+                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                tl('social_component_users_invited').
+                                "</h1>')";
+                        } else {
+                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                tl('social_component_no_users_invited').
+                                "</h1>')";
+                        }
+                        $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editgroup";
+                        $this->getGroupUsersData($data, $group_id);
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "joingroup":
+                    $user_id = (isset($_REQUEST['user_id'])) ?
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['user_id'], 'int'): 0;
+                    if($user_id && $group_id &&
+                        $group_model->checkUserGroup($user_id,
+                        $group_id, INVITED_STATUS)) {
+                        $group_model->updateStatusUserGroup($user_id,
+                            $group_id, ACTIVE_STATUS);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_joined').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_unsubscribe').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "memberaccess":
+                    $update_fields = array(
+                        array('memberaccess', 'MEMBER_ACCESS', 'ACCESS_CODES'));
+                    $this->updateGroup($data, $group, $update_fields);
+                    $data['CURRENT_GROUP'] = array("name" => "",
+                        "id" => "", "owner" =>"", "register" => -1,
+                        "member_access" => -1);
+                break;
+                case "registertype":
+                    $update_fields = array(
+                        array('registertype', 'REGISTER_TYPE',
+                            'REGISTER_CODES'));
+                    $this->updateGroup($data, $group, $update_fields);
+                    $data['CURRENT_GROUP'] = array("name" => "",
+                        "id" => "", "owner" =>"", "register" => -1,
+                        "member_access" => -1);
+                break;
+                case "reinstateuser":
+                    $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editgroup";
+                    $user_id = (isset($_REQUEST['user_id'])) ?
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['user_id'], 'int'): 0;
+                    if($user_id && $group_id &&
+                        $group_model->checkUserGroup($user_id,
+                        $group_id)) {
+                        $group_model->updateStatusUserGroup($user_id,
+                            $group_id, ACTIVE_STATUS);
+                        $this->getGroupUsersData($data, $group_id);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_user_reinstated').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_user_reinstated').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "search":
+                    $data['ACCESS_CODES'][INACTIVE_STATUS * 10] =
+                        tl('social_component_request_join');
+                    $data['ACCESS_CODES'][INVITED_STATUS * 10] =
+                        tl('social_component_invited');
+                    $data['ACCESS_CODES'][BANNED_STATUS * 10] =
+                        tl('social_component_banned_status');
+                    $search_array =
+                        $parent->tableSearchRequestHandler($data,
+                        array('name', 'owner', 'register', 'access'),
+                        array('register', 'access'));
+                break;
+                case "unsubscribe":
+                    $user_id = (isset($_REQUEST['user_id'])) ?
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['user_id'], 'int'): 0;
+                    if($user_id && $group_id &&
+                        $group_model->checkUserGroup($user_id,
+                        $group_id)) {
+                        $group_model->deleteUserGroup($user_id,
+                            $group_id);
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_unsubscribe').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_unsubscribe').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                    }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        $current_id = $_SESSION["USER_ID"];
+        $browse = false;
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['browse']) && $_REQUEST['browse'] == 'true' &&
+            $_REQUEST['arg'] == 'search') {
+            $browse = true;
+            $data['browse'] = 'true';
+        }
+        $parent->pagingLogic($data, $group_model,
+            "GROUPS", DEFAULT_ADMIN_PAGING_NUM, $search_array, "",
+            array($current_id, $browse));
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     *  @param array &$data
+     *  @param int $group_id
+     */
+    function getGroupUsersData(&$data, $group_id)
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $group_model = $parent->model("group");
+        $data['visible_users'] = (isset($_REQUEST['visible_users']) &&
+            $_REQUEST['visible_users']=='true') ? 'true' : 'false';
+        if($data['visible_users'] == 'false') {
+            unset($_REQUEST['user_filter']);
+            unset($_REQUEST['user_limit']);
+        }
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['user_filter'])) {
+            $user_filter = $parent->clean(
+                $_REQUEST['user_filter'], 'string');
+        } else {
+            $user_filter = "";
+        }
+        $data['USER_FILTER'] = $user_filter;
+        $data['NUM_USERS_GROUP'] =
+            $group_model->countGroupUsers($group_id, $user_filter);
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['group_limit'])) {
+            $group_limit = min($parent->clean(
+                $_REQUEST['group_limit'], 'int'),
+                $data['NUM_USERS_GROUP']);
+            $group_limit = max($group_limit, 0);
+        } else {
+            $group_limit = 0;
+        }
+        $data['GROUP_LIMIT'] = $group_limit;
+        $data['GROUP_USERS'] =
+            $group_model->getGroupUsers($group_id, $user_filter,
+            $group_limit);
+    }
+    /**
+     *  Used by $this->manageGroups to check and clean $_REQUEST variables
+     *  related to groups, to check that a user has the correct permissions
+     *  if the current group is to be modfied, and if so, to call model to
+     *  handle the update
+     *
+     *  @param array &$data used to add any information messages for the view
+     *      about changes or non-changes to the model
+     *  @param array &$group current group which might be altered
+     *  @param array $update_field which fields in the current group might be
+     *      changed. Elements of this array are triples, the name of the
+     *      group field, name of the request field to use for data, and an
+     *      array of allowed values for the field
+     */
+    function updateGroup(&$data, &$group, $update_fields)
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $changed = false;
+        if(!isset($group["OWNER_ID"]) ||
+            $group["OWNER_ID"] != $_SESSION['USER_ID']) {
+            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                tl('social_component_no_permission')."</h1>');";
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach($update_fields as $row) {
+            list($request_field, $group_field, $check_field) = $row;
+            if(isset($_REQUEST[$request_field]) &&
+                in_array($_REQUEST[$request_field],
+                    array_keys($data[$check_field]))) {
+                if($group[$group_field] != $_REQUEST[$request_field]) {
+                    $group[$group_field] =
+                        $_REQUEST[$request_field];
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['change_filter'])) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_group_updated').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                    }
+                    $changed = true;
+                }
+            } else if(isset($_REQUEST[$request_field]) &&
+                $_REQUEST[$request_field] != "") {
+                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                    tl('social_component_unknown_access')."</h1>');";
+            }
+        }
+        if($changed) {
+            if(!isset($_REQUEST['change_filter'])) {
+                $parent->model("group")->updateGroup($group);
+            } else {
+                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                    tl('social_component_group_filter_users').
+                    "</h1>');";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     *  Used to support requests related to posting, editing, modifying,
+     *  and deleting group feed items.
+     *
+     *  @return array $data fields to be used by GroupfeedElement
+     */
+    function groupFeeds()
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $group_model = $parent->model("group");
+        $user_model = $parent->model("user");
+        $data["ELEMENT"] = "groupfeed";
+        $data['SCRIPT'] = "";
+        $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
+        $username = $user_model->getUsername($user_id);
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['num'])) {
+            $results_per_page = $this->clean($_REQUEST['num'], "int");
+        } else if(isset($_SESSION['MAX_PAGES_TO_SHOW']) ) {
+            $results_per_page = $_SESSION['MAX_PAGES_TO_SHOW'];
+        } else {
+            $results_per_page = NUM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
+        }
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['limit'])) {
+            $limit = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['limit'], "int");
+        } else {
+            $limit = 0;
+        }
+        if(isset($_SESSION['OPEN_IN_TABS'])) {
+            $data['OPEN_IN_TABS'] = $_SESSION['OPEN_IN_TABS'];
+        } else {
+            $data['OPEN_IN_TABS'] = false;
+        }
+        $clean_array = array( "title" => "string", "description" => "string",
+            "just_group_id" => "int", "just_thread" => "int",
+            "just_user_id" => "int");
+        foreach($clean_array as $field => $type) {
+            $$field = ($type == "string") ? "" : 0;
+            if(isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
+                $$field = $parent->clean($_REQUEST[$field], $type);
+            }
+        }
+        $possible_arguments = array("addcomment", "deletepost", "newthread",
+            "updatepost", "status");
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['arg']) &&
+            in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
+            switch($_REQUEST['arg'])
+            {
+                case "addcomment":
+                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ||
+                        !isset($_REQUEST['group_id'])) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_comment_error').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!$description) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_comment').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $parent_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['parent_id'], "int");
+                    $group_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_id'], "int");
+                    $group =
+                        $group_model->getGroupById($group_id,
+                        $user_id);
+                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
+                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_COMMENT &&
+                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
+                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_post_access').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if($parent_id >= 0) {
+                        $parent_item = $group_model->getGroupItem($parent_id);
+                        if(!$parent_item) {
+                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                tl('social_component_no_post_access').
+                                "</h1>');";
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $parent_item = array(
+                            'TITLE' => tl('social_component_join_group',
+                                $username, $group['GROUP_NAME']),
+                            'DESCRIPTION' =>
+                                tl('social_component_join_group_detail',
+                                    date("r", $group['JOIN_DATE']),
+                                    $group['GROUP_NAME']),
+                            'ID' => -$group_id,
+                            'PARENT_ID' => -$group_id,
+                            'GROUP_ID' => $group_id
+                        );
+                    }
+                    $title = "-- ".$parent_item['TITLE'];
+                    $group_model->addGroupItem($parent_item["ID"],
+                        $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description);
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_comment_added'). "</h1>');";
+                break;
+                case "deletepost":
+                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_delete_error').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $post_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['post_id'], "int");
+                    $success=$group_model->deleteGroupItem($post_id, $user_id);
+                    if($success) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_item_deleted').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_item_deleted').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "newthread":
+                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['group_id'])) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_comment_error').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $group_id =$parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_id'], "int");
+                    if(!$description || !$title) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_need_title_description').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $group_id = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_id'], "int");
+                    $group =
+                        $group_model->getGroupById($group_id,
+                        $user_id);
+                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
+                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
+                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_post_access').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $group_model->addGroupItem(0,
+                        $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description);
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_thread_created'). "</h1>');";
+                break;
+                case "status":
+                    $data['REFRESH'] = "feedstatus";
+                break;
+                case "updatepost":
+                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_comment_error').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!$description || !$title) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_need_title_description').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $post_id =$parent->clean($_REQUEST['post_id'], "int");
+                    $items = $group_model->getGroupItems(0, 1, array(
+                        array("post_id", "=", $post_id, "")), $user_id);
+                    if(isset($items[0])) {
+                        $item = $items[0];
+                    } else {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_update_access').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $group_id = $item['GROUP_ID'];
+                    $group =  $group_model->getGroupById($group_id, $user_id);
+                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
+                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
+                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_update_access').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $group_model->updateGroupItem($post_id, $title,
+                        $description);
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_post_updated'). "</h1>');";
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        $groups_count = 0;
+        $page = array();
+        if(!$just_user_id && (!$just_thread || $just_thread < 0)) {
+            $search_array = array(
+                array("group_id", "=", max(-$just_thread, $just_group_id), ""),
+                array("access", "!=", GROUP_PRIVATE, ""),
+                array("status", "=", ACTIVE_STATUS, ""),
+                array("join_date", "=","", "DESC"));
+            $groups = $group_model->getRows(
+                0, $limit + $results_per_page, $groups_count,
+                $search_array, array($user_id, false));
+            $pages = array();
+            foreach($groups as $group) {
+                $page = array();
+                $page[self::TITLE] = tl('social_component_join_group',
+                    $username, $group['GROUP_NAME']);
+                $page[self::DESCRIPTION] =
+                    tl('social_component_join_group_detail',
+                        date("r", $group['JOIN_DATE']), $group['GROUP_NAME']);
+                $page['ID'] = -$group['GROUP_ID'];
+                $page['PARENT_ID'] = -$group['GROUP_ID'];
+                $page['USER_NAME'] = "";
+                $page['USER_ID'] = "";
+                $page['GROUP_ID'] = $group['GROUP_ID'];
+                $page[self::SOURCE_NAME] = $group['GROUP_NAME'];
+                $page['MEMBER_ACCESS'] = $group['MEMBER_ACCESS'];
+                if($group['OWNER_ID'] == $user_id || $user_id == ROOT_ID) {
+                    $page['MEMBER_ACCESS'] = GROUP_READ_WRITE;
+                }
+                $page['PUBDATE'] = $group['JOIN_DATE'];
+                $pages[$group['JOIN_DATE']] = $page;
+            }
+        }
+        $search_array = array(
+            array("parent_id", "=", $just_thread, ""),
+            array("group_id", "=", $just_group_id, ""),
+            array("user_id", "=", $just_user_id, ""),
+            array('pub_date', "=", "", "DESC"));
+        $for_group = ($just_group_id) ? $just_group_id : -1;
+        $item_count = $group_model->getGroupItemCount($search_array, $user_id,
+            $for_group);
+        $group_items = $group_model->getGroupItems(0,
+            $limit + $results_per_page, $search_array, $user_id, $for_group);
+        $recent_found = false;
+        $time = time();
+        foreach($group_items as $item) {
+            $page = $item;
+            $page[self::TITLE] = $page['TITLE'];
+            unset($page['TITLE']);
+            $description = $page['DESCRIPTION'];
+            preg_match_all("/\[\[([^\:\n]+)\:mix(\d+)\]\]/", $description,
+                $matches);
+            $num_matches = count($matches[0]);
+            for($i = 0; $i < $num_matches; $i++) {
+                $match = preg_quote($matches[0][$i]);
+                $match = str_replace("@","\@", $match);
+                $replace = "<a href='?c=admin&amp;a=mixCrawls".
+                    "&amp;arg=importmix&amp;".CSRF_TOKEN."=".
+                    $parent->generateCSRFToken($user_id).
+                    "&amp;timestamp={$matches[2][$i]}'>".
+                    $matches[1][$i]."</a>";
+                $description = preg_replace("@".$match."@u", $replace,
+                    $description);
+                $page["NO_EDIT"] = true;
+            }
+            $page[self::DESCRIPTION] = $description;
+            unset($page['DESCRIPTION']);
+            $page[self::SOURCE_NAME] = $page['GROUP_NAME'];
+            unset($page['GROUP_NAME']);
+            if($item['OWNER_ID'] == $user_id || $user_id == ROOT_ID) {
+                $page['MEMBER_ACCESS'] = GROUP_READ_WRITE;
+            }
+            if(!$recent_found && $time - $item["PUBDATE"] <
+                5 * self::ONE_MINUTE) {
+                $recent_found = true;
+                $data['SCRIPT'] .= 'doUpdate();';
+            }
+            $pages[$item["PUBDATE"]] = $page;
+        }
+        krsort($pages);
+        $data['SUBTITLE'] = "";
+        if($just_thread != "" && isset($page[self::TITLE])) {
+            $title = $page[self::TITLE];
+            $data['SUBTITLE'] = trim($title, "\- \t\n\r\0\x0B");
+            $data['ADD_PAGING_QUERY'] = "&amp;just_thread=$just_thread";
+            $data['JUST_THREAD'] = $just_thread;
+        }
+        if($just_group_id && isset($page[self::SOURCE_NAME])) {
+            $data['SUBTITLE'] = $page[self::SOURCE_NAME];
+            $data['ADD_PAGING_QUERY'] = "&amp;just_group_id=$just_group_id";
+            $data['JUST_GROUP_ID'] = $just_group_id;
+        }
+        if($just_user_id && isset($page["USER_NAME"])) {
+            $data['SUBTITLE'] = $page["USER_NAME"];
+            $data['ADD_PAGING_QUERY'] = "&amp;just_user_id=$just_user_id";
+            $data['JUST_USER_ID'] = $just_user_id;
+        }
+        $pages = array_slice($pages, $limit , $results_per_page - 1);
+        $data['TOTAL_ROWS'] = $item_count + $groups_count;
+        $data['LIMIT'] = $limit;
+        $data['RESULTS_PER_PAGE'] = $results_per_page;
+        $data['PAGES'] = $pages;
+        $data['PAGING_QUERY'] = "?c=admin&amp;a=groupFeeds";
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles admin request related to the crawl mix activity
+     *
+     * The crawl mix activity allows a user to create/edit crawl mixes:
+     * weighted combinations of search indexes
+     *
+     * @return array $data info about available crawl mixes and changes to them
+     *      as well as any messages about the success or failure of a
+     *      sub activity.
+     */
+    function mixCrawls()
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
+        $user_model = $parent->model("user");
+        $possible_arguments = array(
+            "createmix", "deletemix", "editmix", "index", "importmix",
+            "search", "sharemix");
+        $data["ELEMENT"] = "mixcrawls";
+        $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
+        $data['mix_default'] = 0;
+        $machine_urls = $parent->model("machine")->getQueueServerUrls();
+        $num_machines = count($machine_urls);
+        if($num_machines <  1 || ($num_machines ==  1 &&
+            UrlParser::isLocalhostUrl($machine_urls[0]))) {
+            $machine_urls = NULL;
+        }
+        $crawls = $crawl_model->getCrawlList(false, true, $machine_urls);
+        $data['available_crawls'][0] = tl('social_component_select_crawl');
+        $data['available_crawls'][1] = tl('social_component_default_crawl');
+        $data['SCRIPT'] = "c = [];c[0]='".
+            tl('social_component_select_crawl')."';";
+        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "c[1]='".
+            tl('social_component_default_crawl')."';";
+        foreach($crawls as $crawl) {
+            $data['available_crawls'][$crawl['CRAWL_TIME']] =
+                $crawl['DESCRIPTION'];
+            $data['SCRIPT'] .= 'c['.$crawl['CRAWL_TIME'].']="'.
+                $crawl['DESCRIPTION'].'";';
+        }
+        $search_array = array();
+        $can_manage_crawls = $user_model->isAllowedUserActivity(
+                $_SESSION['USER_ID'], "manageCrawls");
+        $data['PAGING'] = "";
+        $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "";
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['arg']) &&
+            in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
+            switch($_REQUEST['arg'])
+            {
+                case "createmix":
+                    $mix['TIMESTAMP'] = time();
+                    if(isset($_REQUEST['NAME'])) {
+                        $mix['NAME'] = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['NAME'],
+                            'string');
+                    } else {
+                        $mix['NAME'] = tl('social_component_unnamed');
+                    }
+                    $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = array();
+                    $mix['OWNER_ID'] = $user_id;
+                    $mix['PARENT'] = -1;
+                    $crawl_model->setCrawlMix($mix);
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_mix_created')."</h1>');";
+                break;
+                case "deletemix":
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])||
+                        !$crawl_model->isMixOwner($_REQUEST['timestamp'],
+                            $user_id)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        return $data;
+                    }
+                    $crawl_model->deleteCrawlMix($_REQUEST['timestamp']);
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_mix_deleted')."</h1>');";
+                break;
+                case "editmix":
+                    //$data passed by reference
+                    $this->editMix($data);
+                break;
+                case "importmix":
+                    $import_success = true;
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])) {
+                        $import_success = false;
+                    }
+                    $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
+                    $mix = $crawl_model->getCrawlMix($timestamp);
+                    if(!$mix) {
+                        $import_success = false;
+                    }
+                    if(!$import_success) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_mix_doesnt_exists').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        return $data;
+                    }
+                    $mix['PARENT'] = $mix['TIMESTAMP'];
+                    $mix['OWNER_ID'] = $user_id;
+                    $mix['TIMESTAMP'] = time();
+                    $crawl_model->setCrawlMix($mix);
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_mix_imported')."</h1>');";
+                break;
+                case "index":
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_set_index')."</h1>');";
+                    $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
+                    if($can_manage_crawls) {
+                        $crawl_model->setCurrentIndexDatabaseName(
+                            $timestamp);
+                    } else {
+                        $_SESSION['its'] = $timestamp;
+                        $user_model->setUserSession($user_id, $_SESSION);
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "search":
+                    $search_array =
+                        $parent->tableSearchRequestHandler($data,
+                        array('name'));
+                break;
+                case "sharemix":
+                    if(!$parent->checkCSRFTime(CSRF_TOKEN)) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['group_name'])) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_comment_error').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['timestamp']) ||
+                        !$crawl_model->isMixOwner($_REQUEST['timestamp'],
+                            $user_id)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_invalid_timestamp').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
+                    $group_model = $parent->model("group");
+                    $group_name =
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST['group_name'], "string");
+                    $group_id = $group_model->getGroupId($group_name);
+                    $group = NULL;
+                    if($group_id) {
+                        $group =
+                            $group_model->getGroupById($group_id,
+                            $user_id);
+                    }
+                    if(!$group || ($group["OWNER_ID"] != $user_id &&
+                        $group["MEMBER_ACCESS"] != GROUP_READ_WRITE &&
+                        $user_id != ROOT_ID)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('social_component_no_post_access').
+                            "</h1>');";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $user_name = $user_model->getUserName($user_id);
+                    $title = tl('social_component_share_title',
+                        $user_name);
+                    $description = tl('social_component_share_description',
+                        $user_name,"[[{$mix['NAME']}:mix{$mix['TIMESTAMP']}]]");
+                    $group_model->addGroupItem(0,
+                        $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description);
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_thread_created'). "</h1>');";
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        $parent->pagingLogic($data, $crawl_model, "available_mixes",
+            DEFAULT_ADMIN_PAGING_NUM, $search_array, "", true);
+        if(!$can_manage_crawls && isset($_SESSION['its'])) {
+            $crawl_time = $_SESSION['its'];
+        } else {
+            $crawl_time = $crawl_model->getCurrentIndexDatabaseName();
+        }
+        if(isset($crawl_time) ) {
+            $data['CURRENT_INDEX'] = (int)$crawl_time;
+        } else {
+            $data['CURRENT_INDEX'] = -1;
+        }
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles admin request related to the editing a crawl mix activity
+     *
+     * @param array $data info about the fragments and their contents for a
+     *      particular crawl mix (changed by this method)
+     */
+    function editMix(&$data)
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
+        $data["leftorright"] =
+            (getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr') ? "right": "left";
+        $data["ELEMENT"] = "editmix";
+        $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
+        $mix = array();
+        $timestamp = 0;
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])) {
+            $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int");
+        } else if (isset($_REQUEST['mix']['TIMESTAMP'])) {
+            $timestamp = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['mix']['TIMESTAMP'], "int");
+        }
+        if(!$crawl_model->isMixOwner($timestamp, $user_id)) {
+            $data["ELEMENT"] = "mixcrawls";
+            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                tl('social_component_mix_not_owner').
+                "</h1>');";
+            return;
+        }
+        $mix = $crawl_model->getCrawlMix($timestamp);
+        $owner_id = $mix['OWNER_ID'];
+        $parent_id = $mix['PARENT'];
+        $data['MIX'] = $mix;
+        $data['INCLUDE_SCRIPTS'] = array("mix");
+        //set up an array of translation for javascript-land
+        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "tl = {".
+            'social_component_add_crawls:"'.
+                tl('social_component_add_crawls') .
+            '",' . 'social_component_num_results:"'.
+                tl('social_component_num_results').'",'.
+            'social_component_del_frag:"'.
+                tl('social_component_del_frag').'",'.
+            'social_component_weight:"'.
+                tl('social_component_weight').'",'.
+            'social_component_name:"'.tl('social_component_name').'",'.
+            'social_component_add_keywords:"'.
+                tl('social_component_add_keywords').'",'.
+            'social_component_actions:"'.
+                tl('social_component_actions').'",'.
+            'social_component_add_query:"'.
+                tl('social_component_add_query').'",'.
+            'social_component_delete:"'.tl('social_component_delete').'"'.
+            '};';
+        //clean and save the crawl mix sent from the browser
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['update']) && $_REQUEST['update'] ==
+            "update") {
+            $mix = $_REQUEST['mix'];
+            $mix['TIMESTAMP'] = $timestamp;
+            $mix['OWNER_ID']= $owner_id;
+            $mix['PARENT'] = $parent_id;
+            $mix['NAME'] =$parent->clean($mix['NAME'],
+                "string");
+            $comp = array();
+            $save_mix = false;
+            if(isset($mix['FRAGMENTS'])) {
+                if($mix['FRAGMENTS'] != NULL && count($mix['FRAGMENTS']) <
+                    MAX_MIX_FRAGMENTS) {
+                    foreach($mix['FRAGMENTS'] as $fragment_id=>$fragment_data) {
+                        if(isset($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'])) {
+                            $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['RESULT_BOUND'] =
+                                $parent->clean($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'],
+                                    "int");
+                        } else {
+                            $mix['FRAGMENTS']['RESULT_BOUND'] = 0;
+                        }
+                        if(isset($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'])) {
+                            $comp = array();
+                            foreach($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'] as $component){
+                                $row = array();
+                                $row['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'] =
+                                    $parent->clean(
+                                        $component['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'], "int");
+                                $row['WEIGHT'] = $parent->clean(
+                                    $component['WEIGHT'], "float");
+                                $row['KEYWORDS'] = $parent->clean(
+                                    $component['KEYWORDS'],
+                                    "string");
+                                $comp[] =$row;
+                            }
+                            $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['COMPONENTS']=$comp;
+                        } else {
+                            $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['COMPONENTS'] =
+                                array();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $save_mix = true;
+                } else if(count($mix['FRAGMENTS']) >= MAX_MIX_FRAGMENTS) {
+                    $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('social_component_too_many_fragments')."</h1>');";
+                } else {
+                    $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
+                }
+            } else {
+                $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
+            }
+            if($save_mix) {
+                $data['MIX'] = $mix;
+                $crawl_model->setCrawlMix($mix);
+                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                    tl('social_component_mix_saved')."</h1>');";
+            }
+        }
+        $data['SCRIPT'] .= 'fragments = [';
+        $not_first = "";
+        foreach($mix['FRAGMENTS'] as $fragment_id => $fragment_data) {
+            $data['SCRIPT'] .= $not_first.'{';
+            $not_first= ",";
+            if(isset($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'])) {
+                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "num_results:".
+                    $fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'];
+            } else {
+                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "num_results:1 ";
+            }
+            $data['SCRIPT'] .= ", components:[";
+            if(isset($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'])) {
+                $comma = "";
+                foreach($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'] as $component) {
+                    $crawl_ts = $component['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'];
+                    $crawl_name = $data['available_crawls'][$crawl_ts];
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= $comma." [$crawl_ts, '$crawl_name', ".
+                        $component['WEIGHT'].", ";
+                    $comma = ",";
+                    $keywords = (isset($component['KEYWORDS'])) ?
+                        $component['KEYWORDS'] : "";
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] .= "'$keywords'] ";
+                }
+            }
+            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "] }";
+        }
+        $data['SCRIPT'] .= ']; drawFragments();';
+    }
diff --git a/controllers/controller.php b/controllers/controller.php
index 83518cb60..7eefe89d6 100755
--- a/controllers/controller.php
+++ b/controllers/controller.php
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ abstract class Controller
                         if(isset($args[$column_name])) {
                             $column_name = $args[$column_name];
-                        $row_value = is_object($field_data) ?
+                        $row_value = is_object($field_data) ?
                         $cmp = strcmp($search_value, $row_value);
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ abstract class Controller
                     $values = array();
                     foreach($out_data as $name => $field_data) {
-                        $values[$name] = is_object($field_data) ?
+                        $values[$name] = is_object($field_data) ?
@@ -602,16 +602,11 @@ abstract class Controller
         if(!isset($_REQUEST['time']) ||
             !isset($_REQUEST['session']) ||
             !in_array($_REQUEST['a'], $this->activities)) { return; }
         $time = $_REQUEST['time'];
             // request must be within an hour of this machine's clock
         if(abs(time() - $time) > Model::ONE_HOUR) { return false;}
         $session = $_REQUEST['session'];
         if(md5($time . AUTH_KEY) != $session) { return false; }
         return true;
diff --git a/locale/ar/configure.ini b/locale/ar/configure.ini
index d0a671390..f83a9ca39 100755
--- a/locale/ar/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ar/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "توقفت عن تحديثات الح
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "حدد تتبع الارتباطات"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات الافتراضية"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "حدد تتبع الارتباطات"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات الافتراضية"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "لم يكشف عن اسمه الزحف"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = "الزحف ميكس إنشاؤها!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = "الزحف ميكس حذف!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ميكسحذف لاتوجد لا!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "إضافة عمليات تتبع الارتباطات"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "عدد من النتائج"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "الوزن"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "إجراءات"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "إضافة استعلام"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = "الزحف ميكس التغييرات المحفوظة!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "وقف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = "وأضاف سوبسيرتش!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "حذف سوبسيرتش!"
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "حدد تتبع الارتباطات"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات الافتراضية"
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "حدد تتبع الارتباطات"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات الافتراضية"
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "لم يكشف عن اسمه الزحف"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = "الزحف ميكس إنشاؤها!"
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = "الزحف ميكس حذف!"
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ميكسحذف لاتوجد لا!"
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "إضافة عمليات تتبع الارتباطات"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "عدد من النتائج"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "الوزن"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "إجراءات"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "إضافة استعلام"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = "الزحف ميكس التغييرات المحفوظة!"
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = "حدد الجهاز"
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/ar/statistics.txt b/locale/ar/statistics.txt
index 5f9a99dac..3bd9f6b04 100755
--- a/locale/ar/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/ar/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/bn/configure.ini b/locale/bn/configure.ini
index 448a10aa5..d316f94e1 100755
--- a/locale/bn/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/bn/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/de/configure.ini b/locale/de/configure.ini
index e8bf71d80..48b3d5575 100755
--- a/locale/de/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/de/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/en-US/configure.ini b/locale/en-US/configure.ini
index 45e1ee161..1b3f51198 100755
--- a/locale/en-US/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/en-US/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "Status updates have stopped."
 admin_controller_account_access = "Account Access"
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = "Blogs, Mixes"
+admin_controller_social = "Social"
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = "Crawls"
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = "Attempt to change access to unknown va
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = "Filtering Users!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = "Cannot post blank comment!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = "Comment Added!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = "Error Deleting Item"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = "Item Deleted!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = "No Item Deleted!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = "Need both title and description!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = "Need both title and description!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = "Cannot Update Post!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = "Cannot Update Post!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = "Post Updated!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "Unnamed Crawl"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = "Crawl Mix Created!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Invalid Timestamp!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = "Crawl Mix Deleted!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix to Delete Does not Exist!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = "Mix Successfully Imported!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = "Shared Mix Has An Invalid Timestamp"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = "Try out this crawl mix!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = "%s is sharing the crawl mix %s!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = "Not Mix Owner!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "Add Crawls"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "Results Shown"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = "Remove"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "Weight"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = "Name"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = "Keywords"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "Actions"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "Add Query"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = "Delete"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = "Too Many Search Result Fragments!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = "Crawl Mix Changes Saved!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Stopping crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = "Subsearch Added!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "Subsearch Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = "No One"
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = "By Request"
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = "Anyone"
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = "No Read"
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = "Read"
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = "Read Comment"
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = "Read Write"
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = "User activated!"
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = "User was not activated!"
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = "Group joined!"
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = "Group name unavailable!"
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = "Group name available!"
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = "User banned!"
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = "User was not banned!"
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = "Owner Changed!"
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = "User not in group!"
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = "Username does not exist!"
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = "Group Name Exists"
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = "Group Name Added"
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "Group Name does not exists"
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = "Group Deleted"
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = "Cannot Delete Group"
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = "User Deleted"
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = "Cannot Delete User from Group."
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = "Users Invited!"
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = "No Users Invited!!"
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = "Group Joined!"
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = "Could not Unsubscribe!"
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = "User reinstated!"
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = "User was not reinstated!"
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = "Successfully Unsubscribed!"
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = "Could not Unsubscribe!"
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = "Insufficient Access!"
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = "Group updated!"
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = "Attempt to change access to unknown value!"
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = "Filtering Users!"
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = "Cannot post blank comment!"
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = "Comment Added!"
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = "Error Deleting Item"
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = "Item Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = "No Item Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = "Need both title and description!"
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = "Need both title and description!"
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = "Cannot Update Post!"
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = "Cannot Update Post!"
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = "Post Updated!"
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "Unnamed Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = "Crawl Mix Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Invalid Timestamp!"
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = "Crawl Mix Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix to Delete Does not Exist!"
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = "Mix Successfully Imported!"
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = "Shared Mix Has An Invalid Timestamp"
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = "Try out this crawl mix!"
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = "%s is sharing the crawl mix %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = "Not Mix Owner!"
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "Add Crawls"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "Results Shown"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = "Remove"
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "Weight"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = "Name"
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = "Keywords"
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "Actions"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "Add Query"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = "Delete"
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = "Too Many Search Result Fragments!"
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = "Crawl Mix Changes Saved!"
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = "Select Machine"
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = "%s Group Feed"
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = "%s User Feed"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = "Comment"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = "Start New Thread"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = "Edit"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = "Delete"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = " (%s posts)"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = "Comment"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = "Start New Thread"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = "Add a Comment"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = "Save"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = "Start New Thread"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = "Subject"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = "Post"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = "Save"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = "Edit Post"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = "Subject"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = "Post"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = "Save"
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = "Group Feeds No Longer Updating!"
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/en-US/statistics.txt b/locale/en-US/statistics.txt
index 5a165df53..b6bef56f0 100755
--- a/locale/en-US/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/en-US/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/es/configure.ini b/locale/es/configure.ini
index 611b778d3..c62e7bbc0 100755
--- a/locale/es/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/es/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "Las actualizaciones se han detenido."
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "Rastreo sin nombre"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = "Rastreo Mix creado!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = "Rastreo Mix eliminado!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix para eliminar (borrar) no existe!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "A&ntilde;adir Rastreos"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "N&uacute;mero de Resultados"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "Tama&ntilde;o"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "Acciones"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "Agregar consulta"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = "Guardados los Cambios del Rastreo Mix!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Deteniendo el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "Rastreo sin nombre"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = "Rastreo Mix creado!"
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = "Rastreo Mix eliminado!"
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix para eliminar (borrar) no existe!"
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "A&ntilde;adir Rastreos"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "N&uacute;mero de Resultados"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "Tama&ntilde;o"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "Acciones"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "Agregar consulta"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = "Guardados los Cambios del Rastreo Mix!"
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = "Seleccionar M&aacute;quina"
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/es/statistics.txt b/locale/es/statistics.txt
index 9495d7029..91047a6e1 100755
--- a/locale/es/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/es/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fa/configure.ini b/locale/fa/configure.ini
index a1f623010..dae593377 100755
--- a/locale/fa/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/fa/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "به روز رسانی وضعیت م
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "یک خزش انتخاب کنید"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "خزش پیش&zwnj;فرض"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "یک خزش انتخاب کنید"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "خزش پیش&zwnj;فرض"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "خزش بی&zwnj;نام"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = "ترکیب خزش ساخته شد!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = "ترکیب خزش حذف شد!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ترکیبی که می&zwnj;خواهید حذف کنید وجود ندارد!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "خزش اضافه کن"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "تعداد نتایج"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "وزن"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "فرمان&zwnj;ها"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "پُرسمان اضافه کن"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = "تغییرات ترکیب خزش ذخیره شد!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "در حال متوقف کردن خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = "زیرجستجو اضافه شد!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "زیر جستجو حذف شد!"
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "یک خزش انتخاب کنید"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = "خزش پیش&zwnj;فرض"
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "یک خزش انتخاب کنید"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = "خزش پیش&zwnj;فرض"
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "خزش بی&zwnj;نام"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = "ترکیب خزش ساخته شد!"
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = "ترکیب خزش حذف شد!"
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ترکیبی که می&zwnj;خواهید حذف کنید وجود ندارد!"
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "خزش اضافه کن"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "تعداد نتایج"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "وزن"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "فرمان&zwnj;ها"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "پُرسمان اضافه کن"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = "تغییرات ترکیب خزش ذخیره شد!"
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = "یک دستگاه انتخاب کنید"
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/fa/statistics.txt b/locale/fa/statistics.txt
index ee5ff6afc..2e3c64c6e 100755
--- a/locale/fa/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/fa/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini b/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
index 113b371e0..7c3a0fe59 100755
--- a/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/he/configure.ini b/locale/he/configure.ini
index 35edf781a..f5278ac05 100755
--- a/locale/he/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/he/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/hi/configure.ini b/locale/hi/configure.ini
index c8a59f766..f6b1fe3f5 100755
--- a/locale/hi/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/hi/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/hi/statistics.txt b/locale/hi/statistics.txt
index d6e1ed4ce..ada6b5ac3 100755
--- a/locale/hi/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/hi/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/configure.ini b/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
index daa6c273a..68de43409 100755
--- a/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/it/configure.ini b/locale/it/configure.ini
index bb8b0c95a..87325514d 100755
--- a/locale/it/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/it/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "Aggiornamenti stato interrotti."
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Seleziona Scansione"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Seleziona Scansione"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "Scansione senza nome"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = "Unione Scansioni creata!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = "Unione Scansioni cancellata!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Unione Scansioni da cancellare inesistente!"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "Aggiungi scansione"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "Numero di risultati"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "Peso"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "Azioni"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "Aggiungi Ricerca"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = "Cambiamenti Unione Scansioni effettuati!"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Scansione finita... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "Seleziona Scansione"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "Seleziona Scansione"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "Scansione senza nome"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = "Unione Scansioni creata!"
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = "Unione Scansioni cancellata!"
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Unione Scansioni da cancellare inesistente!"
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "Aggiungi scansione"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "Numero di risultati"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "Peso"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "Azioni"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "Aggiungi Ricerca"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = "Cambiamenti Unione Scansioni effettuati!"
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = "Seleziona Macchina"
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/it/statistics.txt b/locale/it/statistics.txt
index 87b79e8b5..d655566cc 100755
--- a/locale/it/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/it/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ja/configure.ini b/locale/ja/configure.ini
index 3abc61b61..0f8dda2fa 100755
--- a/locale/ja/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ja/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "検索を停止する。ちょっと待ってください。"
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/ja/statistics.txt b/locale/ja/statistics.txt
index 763247d34..a1aadfcd7 100755
--- a/locale/ja/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/ja/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/kn/configure.ini b/locale/kn/configure.ini
index a9d6488af..604623fc9 100755
--- a/locale/kn/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/kn/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "ಹೆಸರಿಡದ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಗಳ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಸೃಜಿಸಲಾಯಿತು"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ಅಳಿಸಬೇಕಾದ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "ಗೌರವ"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "ಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳು"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ್ ಮಿಶ್ರಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು "
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "ಹೆಸರಿಡದ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಗಳ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಸೃಜಿಸಲಾಯಿತು"
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ಅಳಿಸಬೇಕಾದ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "ಗೌರವ"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "ಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳು"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ್ ಮಿಶ್ರಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು"
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/kn/statistics.txt b/locale/kn/statistics.txt
index 1bdc2c466..531e93b98 100755
--- a/locale/kn/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/kn/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ko/configure.ini b/locale/ko/configure.ini
index 7d0bbacf4..1b92d0e7a 100755
--- a/locale/ko/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ko/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/ko/statistics.txt b/locale/ko/statistics.txt
index 604edd026..763247d34 100755
--- a/locale/ko/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/ko/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/pl/configure.ini b/locale/pl/configure.ini
index 943fc9526..438ddb792 100755
--- a/locale/pl/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/pl/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/pt/configure.ini b/locale/pt/configure.ini
index 390e1912f..f32cddc4d 100755
--- a/locale/pt/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/pt/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/ru/configure.ini b/locale/ru/configure.ini
index 56e496697..f2f267cc8 100755
--- a/locale/ru/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/ru/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/te/configure.ini b/locale/te/configure.ini
index ecb22139e..6bf4439bc 100755
--- a/locale/te/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/te/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "పేరు లేని క్రాల్"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "క్రాల్ లు జోడించుము"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "బరువు"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "యాక్సన్ లు"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "క్వెరి జోడించుము"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆగుతున్నది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "పేరు లేని క్రాల్"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "క్రాల్ లు జోడించుము"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "బరువు"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "యాక్సన్ లు"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "క్వెరి జోడించుము"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/th/configure.ini b/locale/th/configure.ini
index 3cd5b647c..ff81aeba9 100755
--- a/locale/th/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/th/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/tr/configure.ini b/locale/tr/configure.ini
index f72bf4111..f065281bc 100755
--- a/locale/tr/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/tr/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini b/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
index 0c0037b79..e1230b5f0 100755
--- a/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Chọn thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "Chọn thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "V&ocirc; danh"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = "Tạo ra hỗn hợp "
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = "X&oacute;a kết hợp "
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Kết hợp n&agrave;y kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "Cộng th&ecirc;m thu thập"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "Số kết quả"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "Trọng lượng"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "H&agrave;nh động"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "Cộng th&ecirc;m truy vấn"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = "Kết hợp đ&atilde; được lưu dữ"
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Ngừng thu thập dữ liệu"
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "Chọn thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "Chọn thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "V&ocirc; danh"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = "Tạo ra hỗn hợp "
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = "X&oacute;a kết hợp "
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Kết hợp n&agrave;y kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "Cộng th&ecirc;m thu thập"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "Số kết quả"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "Trọng lượng"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "H&agrave;nh động"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "Cộng th&ecirc;m truy vấn"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = "Kết hợp đ&atilde; được lưu dữ"
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini b/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
index 8d247f5d2..48ff3aa6b 100755
--- a/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "管理員終止更新"
 admin_controller_account_access = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 261
-blogmixes_component_blogs_pages_mixes = ""
+admin_controller_social = ""
 ; admin_controller.php line: 262
 admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
@@ -363,156 +363,6 @@ accountaccess_component_unknown_access = ""
 ; accountaccess_component.php line: 1279
 accountaccess_component_group_filter_users = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 99
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 105
-blogmixes_component_no_comment = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 119
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 127
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 133
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 136
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 148
-blogmixes_component_comment_added = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 156
-blogmixes_component_delete_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 164
-blogmixes_component_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 168
-blogmixes_component_no_item_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 178
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 185
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 197
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 204
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 215
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 221
-blogmixes_component_need_title_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 232
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 242
-blogmixes_component_no_update_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 249
-blogmixes_component_post_updated = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 267
-blogmixes_component_join_group = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 270
-blogmixes_component_join_group_detail = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 390
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 391
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 393
-blogmixes_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 395
-blogmixes_component_default_crawl = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 417
-blogmixes_component_unnamed = "未命名"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 424
-blogmixes_component_mix_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 431
-blogmixes_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 437
-blogmixes_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 455
-blogmixes_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 465
-blogmixes_component_mix_imported = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 469
-blogmixes_component_set_index = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 490
-blogmixes_component_comment_error = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 498
-blogmixes_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 517
-blogmixes_component_no_post_access = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 522
-blogmixes_component_share_title = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 524
-blogmixes_component_share_description = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 529
-blogmixes_component_thread_created = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 575
-blogmixes_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 588
-blogmixes_component_add_crawls = "增加索引"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 590
-blogmixes_component_num_results = "結果數量"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 592
-blogmixes_component_del_frag = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 594
-blogmixes_component_weight = "元素重量"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 595
-blogmixes_component_name = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 597
-blogmixes_component_add_keywords = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 599
-blogmixes_component_actions = "元素活動"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 601
-blogmixes_component_add_query = "增加查詢"
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 602
-blogmixes_component_delete = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 650
-blogmixes_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; blogmixes_component.php line: 661
-blogmixes_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 91
 crawl_component_stop_crawl = "停止搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
@@ -711,6 +561,285 @@ crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
 ; crawl_component.php line: 1460
 crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 69
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 70
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 71
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 72
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 75
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 76
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 77
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 80
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 81
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 82
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 83
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 144
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 148
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 158
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 170
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 176
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 191
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 195
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 222
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 227
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 235
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 257
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 271
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 278
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 282
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 295
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 299
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 344
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 360
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 364
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 396
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 400
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 406
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 408
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 410
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 425
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 429
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 507
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 520
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 528
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 536
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 595
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 601
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 615
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 623
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 629
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 632
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 644
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 664
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 674
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 681
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 693
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 700
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 711
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 717
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 728
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 738
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 745
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 766
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 886
+social_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
+; social_component.php line: 887
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 889
+social_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
+; social_component.php line: 891
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 913
+social_component_unnamed = "未命名"
+; social_component.php line: 920
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 927
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 933
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 951
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 961
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 965
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 986
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 994
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1013
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1018
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1020
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1025
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1071
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1084
+social_component_add_crawls = "增加索引"
+; social_component.php line: 1086
+social_component_num_results = "結果數量"
+; social_component.php line: 1088
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1090
+social_component_weight = "元素重量"
+; social_component.php line: 1091
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1093
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1095
+social_component_actions = "元素活動"
+; social_component.php line: 1097
+social_component_add_query = "增加查詢"
+; social_component.php line: 1098
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1146
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1157
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; system_component.php line: 83
 system_component_select_machine = ""
@@ -1591,58 +1720,58 @@ groupfeed_element_group = ""
 ; groupfeed_element.php line: 88
 groupfeed_element_user = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 109
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 110
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 119
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 121
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 145
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 147
 groupfeed_element_edit = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 150
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 152
 groupfeed_element_delete = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 162
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 164
 groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 186
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 188
 groupfeed_element_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 192
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 195
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 265
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 268
 groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 270
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 273
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 296
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
 groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 299
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 302
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 304
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 307
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 309
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 312
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 338
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
 groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 341
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 344
 groupfeed_element_subject = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 346
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 349
 groupfeed_element_post = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 352
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 355
 groupfeed_element_save = ""
-; groupfeed_element.php line: 381
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 384
 groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
 ; machinelog_element.php line: 61
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/statistics.txt b/locale/zh-CN/statistics.txt
index 80636e031..8f6a89ac6 100755
--- a/locale/zh-CN/statistics.txt
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/statistics.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/mix.js b/scripts/mix.js
index 28e61aea1..e236e35a3 100644
--- a/scripts/mix.js
+++ b/scripts/mix.js
@@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ function drawFragment(fragment_num, num_results)
 function makeBlankMixTable(tbl, num_fragments, num_results)
     var tdata = "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><label for=\"add-crawls-"+num_fragments +
-        "\">"+tl['blogmixes_component_add_crawls']+"</label>"+
+        "\">"+tl['social_component_add_crawls']+"</label>"+
         drawCrawlSelect(num_fragments)+"</td><td><label for=\"num-results-"+
-        num_fragments+"\">"+tl['blogmixes_component_num_results']+"</label>"+
+        num_fragments+"\">"+tl['social_component_num_results']+"</label>"+
         drawNumResultSelect(num_fragments, num_results)+
             "<td><a href=\"javascript:removeFragment(" + num_fragments + ")\">"+
-            tl['blogmixes_component_del_frag']+'</a></td></tr>'+
-            "<tr><th>"+tl['blogmixes_component_weight']+'</th>'+
-            "<th>"+tl['blogmixes_component_name']+'</th>'+
-            "<th>"+tl['blogmixes_component_add_keywords']+'</th>'+
-            "<th>"+tl['blogmixes_component_actions']+"</th></tr>";
+            tl['social_component_del_frag']+'</a></td></tr>'+
+            "<tr><th>"+tl['social_component_weight']+'</th>'+
+            "<th>"+tl['social_component_name']+'</th>'+
+            "<th>"+tl['social_component_add_keywords']+'</th>'+
+            "<th>"+tl['social_component_actions']+"</th></tr>";
     tbl.innerHTML = tdata;

@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ function drawCrawl(i, j, ts, name, weight, keywords)
         "<td>"+drawWeightSelect(i, j, weight)+"</td><td>"+name+
         "</td><td><input type='hidden' name= \"mix[FRAGMENTS]["+i+
         "][COMPONENTS]["+j+"][CRAWL_TIMESTAMP]\"' value=\""+ts+"\" />"+
-        "<input title=\""+tl['blogmixes_component_add_query']+"\" "+
+        "<input title=\""+tl['social_component_add_query']+"\" "+
         "name=\"mix[FRAGMENTS]["+i+"][COMPONENTS]["+j+"][KEYWORDS]\" "+
         "value=\""+ keywords+"\" onchange=\"updateKeywords("+i+","+j+
         ", this.value)\""+
         "class=\"widefield\"/></td><td><a href=\""+
         "javascript:removeCrawl("+i+", "+j+");\">"+
-        tl['blogmixes_component_delete']+"</a></td>";
+        tl['social_component_delete']+"</a></td>";
