viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]
<?php /** * SeekQuarry/Yioop -- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 Chris Pollett * * LICENSE: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * END LICENSE * * @author Chris Pollett * @package seek_quarry * @subpackage bin * @license GPL3 * @link * @copyright 2009 - 2014 * @filesource */ if(php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();} /** Calculate base directory of script @ignore*/ define("BASE_DIR", substr( dirname(realpath($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])), 0, -strlen("/bin"))); ini_set("memory_limit","2000M"); /* reindex sometimes takes more than the default 128M, 850 to be safe */ /** This tool does not need logging*/ define("LOG_TO_FILES", false); /** Load in global configuration settings */ require_once BASE_DIR.'/configs/config.php'; if(!PROFILE) { echo "Please configure the search engine instance by visiting" . "its web interface on localhost.\n"; exit(); } /** NO_CACHE means don't try to use memcache*/ define("NO_CACHE", true); /** USE_CACHE false rules out file cache as well*/ define("USE_CACHE", false); /** Load the class that maintains our URL queue */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/web_queue_bundle.php"; /** Load word->{array of docs with word} index class */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/index_archive_bundle.php"; /** To be able to determine info about word in a index dictionary*/ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/index_bundle_iterators/word_iterator.php"; /** Used by word_iterator.php*/ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/index_manager.php"; /** Load the iterator classes for non-yioop archives*/ foreach(glob(BASE_DIR."/lib/archive_bundle_iterators/*_iterator.php") as $filename) { require_once $filename; } /** Used for manipulating urls*/ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/url_parser.php"; /** For crawlHash function */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/utility.php"; /** Get the database library based on the current database type */ require_once BASE_DIR."/models/datasources/".DBMS."_manager.php"; /** Load FetchUrl, used by the MediaWiki archive iterator */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/fetch_url.php"; /** Loads common constants for web crawling*/ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/crawl_constants.php"; /* * We'll set up multi-byte string handling to use UTF-8 */ mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); mb_regex_encoding("UTF-8"); /** * Command line program that allows one to examine the content of * the WebArchiveBundles and IndexArchiveBundles of Yioop crawls. * For now it supports returning header information about bundles, * as well as pretty printing the page/summary contents of the bundle. * * The former can be gotten from a bundle by running arc_tool with a * command like: * php arc_tool.php info bundle_name * * The latter can be gotten from a bundle by running arc_tool with a * command like: * php arc_tool.php list bundle_name start_doc_num num_results * * @author Chris Pollett (non-yioop archive code derived from earlier * stuff by Shawn Tice) * @package seek_quarry */ class ArcTool implements CrawlConstants { /** * The maximum number of documents the arc_tool list function * will read into memory in one go. */ const MAX_BUFFER_DOCS = 200; /** * Initializes the ArcTool, for now does nothing */ function __construct() { } /** * Runs the ArcTool on the supplied command line arguments */ function start() { global $argv; if(!isset($argv[1]) || (!isset($argv[2]) && $argv[1] != "list") || (!isset($argv[3]) && ($argv[1] == "dict" || $argv[1] == "posting"))) { $this->usageMessageAndExit(); } if($argv[1] != "list") { $path = $bundle_name = UrlParser::getDocumentFilename($argv[2]); if($path == $argv[2] && !file_exists($path)) { $path = CRAWL_DIR."/cache/".$path; if(!file_exists($path)) { $path = CRAWL_DIR."/archives/".$argv[2]; } } } switch($argv[1]) { case "list": $this->outputArchiveList(); break; case "info": $this->outputInfo($path); break; case "shard": $this->outputShardInfo($path, $argv[3]); break; case "dict": $this->outputDictInfo($path, $argv[3]); break; case "posting": $num = (isset($argv[5])) ? $argv[5] : 1; $this->outputPostingInfo($path, $argv[3], $argv[4], $num); break; case "rebuild": $this->rebuildIndexArchive($path); break; case "reindex": $this->reindexIndexArchive($path); break; case "mergetiers": if(!isset($argv[3])) { $this->usageMessageAndExit(); } $this->reindexIndexArchive($path, $argv[3]); break; case "show": if(!isset($argv[3])) { $this->usageMessageAndExit(); } if(!isset($argv[4])) { $argv[4] = 1; } $this->outputShowPages($path, $argv[3], $argv[4]); break; default: $this->usageMessageAndExit(); } } /** * Lists the Web or IndexArchives in the crawl directory */ function outputArchiveList() { $yioop_pattern = CRAWL_DIR."/cache/*{".self::archive_base_name.",". self::index_data_base_name."}*"; $archives = glob($yioop_pattern, GLOB_BRACE); $archives_found = false; if(is_array($archives) && count($archives) > 0) { $archives_found = true; echo "\nFound Yioop Archives:\n"; echo "=====================\n"; foreach($archives as $archive_path) { echo $this->getArchiveName($archive_path)."\n"; } } $nonyioop_pattern = CRAWL_DIR."/archives/*/arc_description.ini"; $archives = glob($nonyioop_pattern); if(is_array($archives) && count($archives) > 0 ) { $archives_found = true; echo "\nFound Non-Yioop Archives:\n"; echo "=========================\n"; foreach($archives as $archive_path) { $len = strlen("/arc_description.ini"); $path = substr($archive_path, 0, -$len); echo $this->getArchiveName($path)."\n"; } } if(!$archives_found) { echo "No archives currently in crawl directory \n"; } echo "\n"; } /** * Determines whether the supplied path is a WebArchiveBundle or * an IndexArchiveBundle or non-Yioop Archive. Then outputs * to stdout header information about the * bundle by calling the appropriate sub-function. * * @param string $archive_path the path of a directory that holds * WebArchiveBundle,IndexArchiveBundle, or non-Yioop archive data */ function outputInfo($archive_path) { $bundle_name = $this->getArchiveName($archive_path); echo "Bundle Name: ".$bundle_name."\n"; $archive_type = $this->getArchiveKind($archive_path); echo "Bundle Type: ".$archive_type."\n"; if($archive_type === false) { $this->badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_path); } if(in_array($archive_type, array("IndexArchiveBundle", "WebArchiveBundle"))) { $call = "outputInfo".$archive_type; $info = $archive_type::getArchiveInfo($archive_path); $this->$call($info, $archive_path); } } /** * Prints the IndexDictionary records for a word in an IndexArchiveBundle * * @param string $archive_path the path of a directory that holds * an IndexArchiveBundle * @param string $word to look up dictionary record for */ function outputDictInfo($archive_path, $word) { $bundle_name = $this->getArchiveName($archive_path); echo "\nBundle Name: $bundle_name\n"; $archive_type = $this->getArchiveKind($archive_path); echo "Bundle Type: $archive_type\n"; if(strcmp($archive_type,"IndexArchiveBundle") != 0) { $this->badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_path, "index"); } $index_timestamp = substr($archive_path, strpos($archive_path, self::index_data_base_name) + strlen(self::index_data_base_name)); $mask = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; $hash_key = crawlHashWord($word, true, $mask) ; $info = IndexManager::getWordInfo($index_timestamp, $hash_key, 0, $mask, 1); if(!$info) { //fallback to old word hashes $info = IndexManager::getWordInfo($index_timestamp, crawlHash($word, true), 0, "", 1); if(!$info) { echo "\n$word does not appear in bundle!\n\n"; exit(); } } echo "Dictionary Tiers: "; $index = IndexManager::getIndex($index_timestamp); $tiers = $index->dictionary->active_tiers; foreach($tiers as $tier) { echo " $tier"; } echo "\nBundle Dictionary Entries for '$word':\n"; echo "====================================\n"; $i = 1; foreach($info as $record) { echo "RECORD: $i\n"; echo "GENERATION: {$record[0]}\n"; echo "FIRST WORD OFFSET: {$record[1]}\n"; echo "LAST WORD OFFSET: {$record[2]}\n"; echo "NUMBER OF POSTINGS: {$record[3]}\n\n"; $i++; } } /** * Prints information about the number of words and frequencies of words * within the $generation'th index shard in the bundle * * @param string $archive_path the path of a directory that holds * an IndexArchiveBundle * @param int $generation which index shard to use */ function outputShardInfo($archive_path, $generation) { ini_set("memory_limit","2000M"); /*reading in a whole shard might take a bit more memory */ $bundle_name = $this->getArchiveName($archive_path); echo "\nBundle Name: $bundle_name\n"; $archive_type = $this->getArchiveKind($archive_path); echo "Bundle Type: $archive_type\n"; if(strcmp($archive_type,"IndexArchiveBundle") != 0) { $this->badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_path, "index"); } $index_timestamp = substr($archive_path, strpos($archive_path, self::index_data_base_name) + strlen(self::index_data_base_name)); $index = IndexManager::getIndex($index_timestamp); $index->setCurrentShard($generation); $num_generations = $index->generation_info["ACTIVE"] + 1; echo "Number of Generations: $num_generations\n"; echo "\nShard Information for Generation $generation\n"; echo "====================================\n"; $shard = $index->getCurrentShard(); echo "Number of Distinct Terms Indexed: ".count($shard->words)."\n"; echo "Number of Docs in Shard: ".$shard->num_docs."\n"; echo "Number of Link Items in Shard: ".$shard->num_link_docs."\n"; echo "Total Links and Docs: ".($shard->num_docs + $shard->num_link_docs)."\n\n"; echo "Term histogram for shard\n"; echo "------------------------\n"; $word_string_lens = array(); foreach($shard->words as $word => $posting) { $word_string_lens[] = intval(ceil(strlen($posting)/4)); } $word_string_lens = array_count_values($word_string_lens); krsort($word_string_lens); $i = 1; echo "Freq Rank\t# Terms with Rank\t# Docs Term Appears In\n"; foreach($word_string_lens as $num_docs => $num_terms) { echo "$i\t\t\t$num_terms\t\t\t$num_docs\n"; $i += $num_terms; } } /** * Prints information about $num many postings beginning at the * provided $generation and $offset * * @param string $archive_path the path of a directory that holds * an IndexArchiveBundle * @param int $generation which index shard to use * @param int $offset offset into posting lists for that shard * @param int $num how many postings to print info for */ function outputPostingInfo($archive_path, $generation, $offset, $num = 1) { $bundle_name = $this->getArchiveName($archive_path); echo "\nBundle Name: $bundle_name\n"; $archive_type = $this->getArchiveKind($archive_path); echo "Bundle Type: $archive_type\n"; echo "Generation: $generation\n"; echo "Offset: $offset\n"; if(strcmp($archive_type,"IndexArchiveBundle") != 0) { $this->badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_path, "index"); } $index_timestamp = substr($archive_path, strpos($archive_path, self::index_data_base_name) + strlen(self::index_data_base_name)); $index = IndexManager::getIndex($index_timestamp); $index->setCurrentShard($generation, true); $shard = $index->getCurrentShard(); $next = $offset >> 2; $raw_postings = array(); $doc_indexes = array(); $documents = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $dummy_offset = 0; $posting_start = $next; $posting_end = $next; $old_offset = $next << 2; $old_start = $next << 2; $old_end = $next << 2; $tmp = $shard->getPostingAtOffset( $next, $posting_start, $posting_end); $next = $posting_end + 1; if(!$tmp) break; $documents = array_merge($documents, $shard->getPostingsSlice($old_offset, $old_start, $old_end, 1)); $raw_postings[] = $tmp; $post_array = unpackPosting($tmp, $dummy_offset); $doc_indexes[] = $post_array[0]; } $end_offset = $next << 2; echo "Offset After Returned Results: $end_offset\n\n"; if(!$documents || ($count = count($documents)) < 1) { echo "No documents correspond to generation and offset given\n\n"; exit(); }; $document_word = ($count == 1) ? "Document" : "Documents"; echo "$count $document_word Found:\n"; echo str_pad("", $count + 1, "=")."================\n"; $j = 0; foreach($documents as $key => $document) { echo "\nDOC ID: ".toHexString($key); echo "\nTYPE: ".(($document[self::IS_DOC]) ? "Document" : "Link"); echo "\nDOC INDEX: ".$doc_indexes[$j]; $summary_offset = $document[self::SUMMARY_OFFSET]; echo "\nSUMMARY OFFSET: ".$summary_offset; echo "\nSCORE: ".$document[self::SCORE]; echo "\nDOC RANK: ".$document[self::DOC_RANK]; echo "\nRELEVANCE: ".$document[self::RELEVANCE]; echo "\nPROXIMITY: ".$document[self::PROXIMITY]; echo "\nHEX POSTING:\n"; echo "------------\n"; echo wordwrap(toHexString($raw_postings[$j]), 80); if(isset($document[self::POSITION_LIST])) { echo "\nTERM OCCURRENCES IN DOCUMENT (Count starts at title):"; echo "\n-------------------------". "----------------------------\n"; $i = 0; foreach($document[self::POSITION_LIST] as $position) { printf("%09d ",$position); $i++; if($i >= 5) { echo "\n"; $i = 0; } } if($i != 0) { echo "\n"; } } $page = @$index->getPage($summary_offset); if(isset($page[self::TITLE])) { echo "SUMMARY TITLE:\n"; echo "--------------\n"; echo wordwrap($page[self::TITLE], 80)."\n"; } if(isset($page[self::DESCRIPTION])) { echo "SUMMARY DESCRIPTION:\n"; echo "--------------\n"; echo $page[self::DESCRIPTION]."\n"; } $j++; } } /** * Given a complete path to an archive returns its filename * * @param string $archive_path a path to a yioop or non-yioop archive * @return string its filename */ function getArchiveName($archive_path) { $start = CRAWL_DIR."/archives/"; if(strstr($archive_path, $start)) { $start_len = strlen($start); $name = substr($archive_path, $start_len); } else { $name = UrlParser::getDocumentFilename($archive_path); } return $name; } /** * Used to recompute the dictionary of an index archive -- either from * scratch using the index shard data or just using the current dictionary * but merging the tiers into one tier * * @param string $path file path to dictionary of an IndexArchiveBundle * @param int $max_tier tier up to which the dictionary tiers should be * merge (typically a value greater than the max_tier of the * dictionary) */ function reindexIndexArchive($path, $max_tier = -1) { if($this->getArchiveKind($path) != "IndexArchiveBundle") { echo "\n$path ...\n". " is not an IndexArchiveBundle so cannot be re-indexed\n\n"; exit(); } $shards = glob($path."/posting_doc_shards/index*"); if(is_array($shards)) { if($max_tier == -1) { $dbms_manager = DBMS."Manager"; $db = new $dbms_manager(); $db->unlinkRecursive($path."/dictionary", false); IndexDictionary::makePrefixLetters($path."/dictionary"); } $dictionary = new IndexDictionary($path."/dictionary"); if($max_tier == -1) { $max_generation = 0; foreach($shards as $shard_name) { $file_name = UrlParser::getDocumentFilename($shard_name); $generation = (int)substr($file_name, strlen("index")); $max_generation = max($max_generation, $generation); } for($i = 0; $i < $max_generation + 1; $i++) { $shard_name = $path."/posting_doc_shards/index$i"; echo "\nShard $i\n"; $shard = new IndexShard($shard_name, $i, NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION, true); $dictionary->addShardDictionary($shard); } $max_tier = $dictionary->max_tier; } echo "\nFinal Merge Tiers\n"; $dictionary->mergeAllTiers(NULL, $max_tier); $db->setWorldPermissionsRecursive($path."/dictionary"); echo "\nReindex complete!!\n"; } else { echo "\n$path ...\n". " does not contain posting shards so cannot be re-indexed\n\n"; } } /** * Outputs to stdout header information for a IndexArchiveBundle * bundle. * * @param array $info header info that has already been read from * the description.txt file * @param string $archive_path file path of the folder containing the bundle */ function outputInfoIndexArchiveBundle($info, $archive_path) { $more_info = unserialize($info['DESCRIPTION']); unset($info['DESCRIPTION']); $info = array_merge($info, $more_info); echo "Description: ".$info['DESCRIPTION']."\n"; $generation_info = unserialize( file_get_contents("$archive_path/generation.txt")); $num_generations = $generation_info['ACTIVE']+1; echo "Number of generations: ".$num_generations."\n"; echo "Number of stored links and documents: ".$info['COUNT']."\n"; echo "Number of stored documents: ".$info['VISITED_URLS_COUNT']."\n"; $crawl_order = ($info[self::CRAWL_ORDER] == self::BREADTH_FIRST) ? "Bread First" : "Page Importance"; echo "Crawl order was: $crawl_order\n"; echo "Seed sites:\n"; foreach($info[self::TO_CRAWL] as $seed) { echo " $seed\n"; } if($info[self::RESTRICT_SITES_BY_URL]) { echo "Sites allowed to crawl:\n"; foreach($info[self::ALLOWED_SITES] as $site) { echo " $site\n"; } } echo "Sites not allowed to be crawled:\n"; if(is_array($info[self::DISALLOWED_SITES])) { foreach($info[self::DISALLOWED_SITES] as $site) { echo " $site\n"; } } echo "Page Rules:\n"; if(isset($info[self::PAGE_RULES])) { foreach($info[self::PAGE_RULES] as $rule) { echo " $rule\n"; } } echo "\n"; } /** * Outputs to stdout header information for a WebArchiveBundle * bundle. * * @param array $info header info that has already been read from * the description.txt file * @param string $archive_path file path of the folder containing the bundle */ function outputInfoWebArchiveBundle($info, $archive_path) { echo "Description: ".$info['DESCRIPTION']."\n"; echo "Number of stored documents: ".$info['COUNT']."\n"; echo "Maximum Number of documents per partition: ". $info['NUM_DOCS_PER_PARTITION']."\n"; echo "Number of partitions: ". ($info['WRITE_PARTITION']+1)."\n"; echo "\n"; } /** * Used to list out the pages/summaries stored in a bundle at * $archive_path. It lists to stdout $num many documents starting at $start. * * @param string $archive_path path to bundle to list documents for * @param int $start first document to list * @param int $num number of documents to list */ function outputShowPages($archive_path, $start, $num) { $fields_to_print = array( self::URL => "URL", self::IP_ADDRESSES => "IP ADDRESSES", self::TIMESTAMP => "DATE", self::HTTP_CODE => "HTTP RESPONSE CODE", self::TYPE => "MIMETYPE", self::ENCODING => "CHARACTER ENCODING", self::DESCRIPTION => "DESCRIPTION", self::PAGE => "PAGE DATA"); $archive_type = $this->getArchiveKind($archive_path); if($archive_type === false) { $this->badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_path); } $nonyioop = false; //for yioop archives we set up a dummy iterator $iterator = (object) array(); $iterator->end_of_iterator = false; if($archive_type == "IndexArchiveBundle") { $info = $archive_type::getArchiveInfo($archive_path); $num = min($num, $info["COUNT"] - $start); $generation_info = unserialize( file_get_contents("$archive_path/generation.txt")); $num_generations = $generation_info['ACTIVE']+1; $archive = new WebArchiveBundle($archive_path."/summaries"); } else if ($archive_type == "WebArchiveBundle") { $info = $archive_type::getArchiveInfo($archive_path); $num = min($num, $info["COUNT"] - $start); $num_generations = $info["WRITE_PARTITION"]+1; $archive = new WebArchiveBundle($archive_path); } else { $nonyioop = true; $num_generations = 1; //for non-yioop archives we set up a real iterator $iterator = $this->instantiateIterator($archive_path, $archive_type); if($iterator === false) { $this->badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_path); } } if(!$nonyioop) { if(isset($this->tmp_results)) unset($this->tmp_results); } $num = max($num, 0); $total = $start + $num; $seen = 0; $generation = 0; while(!$iterator->end_of_iterator && $seen < $total && $generation < $num_generations) { if($nonyioop) { $partition = (object) array(); $partition->count = 1; $iterator->seekPage($start); if($iterator->end_of_iterator) { break; } $seen += $start; } else { $partition = $archive->getPartition($generation, false); if($partition->count < $start && $seen < $start) { $generation++; $seen += $partition->count; continue; } } $seen_generation = 0; while($seen < $total && $seen_generation < $partition->count) { if($nonyioop) { $num_to_get = min(self::MAX_BUFFER_DOCS, $total - $seen); $objects = $iterator->nextPages($num_to_get); $seen += count($objects); } else { $num_to_get = min($total - $seen, $partition->count - $seen_generation, self::MAX_BUFFER_DOCS); $objects = $partition->nextObjects($num_to_get); $seen += $num_to_get; $seen_generation += $num_to_get; } $num_to_get = count($objects); if($seen >= $start) { $num_to_show = min($seen - $start, $num_to_get); $cnt = 0; $first = $num_to_get - $num_to_show; foreach($objects as $pre_object) { if($cnt >= $first) { $out = ""; if($nonyioop) { $object = $pre_object; } else { if(!isset($pre_object[1])) continue; $object = $pre_object[1]; } if(isset($object[self::TIMESTAMP])) { $object[self::TIMESTAMP] = date("r", $object[self::TIMESTAMP]); } foreach($fields_to_print as $key => $name) { if(isset($object[$key])) { $out .= "[$name]\n"; if($key != self::IP_ADDRESSES) { $out .= $object[$key]."\n"; } else { foreach($object[$key] as $address) { $out .= $address."\n"; } } } } $out .= "==========\n\n"; echo "BEGIN ITEM, LENGTH:".strlen($out)."\n"; echo $out; } $cnt++; } } if($objects == NULL) break; } $generation++; } if(isset($this->tmp_results)) { //garbage collect savepoint folder for non-yioop archives $dbms_manager = DBMS."Manager"; $db = new $dbms_manager(); $db->unlinkRecursive($this->tmp_results); } } /** * Used to recompute both the index shards and the dictionary * of an index archive. The first step involves re-extracting the * word into an inverted index from the summaries' web_archives. * Then a reindex is done. * * @param string $archivepath file path to a IndexArchiveBundle */ function rebuildIndexArchive($archive_path) { $archive_type = $this->getArchiveKind($archive_path); if($archive_type != "IndexArchiveBundle") { $this->badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_path); } $info = $archive_type::getArchiveInfo($archive_path); $tmp = unserialize($info["DESCRIPTION"]); $video_sources = $tmp[self::VIDEO_SOURCES]; $generation_info = unserialize( file_get_contents("$archive_path/generation.txt")); $num_generations = $generation_info['ACTIVE']+1; $archive = new WebArchiveBundle($archive_path."/summaries"); $seen = 0; $generation = 0; $keypad = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; while($generation < $num_generations) { $partition = $archive->getPartition($generation, false); $shard_name = $archive_path."/posting_doc_shards/index$generation"; crawlLog("Processing partition $generation"); if(file_exists($shard_name)) { crawlLog("..Unlinking old shard $generation"); @unlink($shard_name); } $shard = new IndexShard($shard_name, $generation, NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION, true); $seen_partition = 0; while($seen_partition < $partition->count) { $num_to_get = min($partition->count - $seen_partition, 8000); $offset = $partition->iterator_pos; $objects = $partition->nextObjects($num_to_get); $cnt = 0; foreach($objects as $object) { $cnt++; $site = $object[1]; if(isset($site[self::TYPE]) && $site[self::TYPE] == "link"){ $is_link = true; $doc_keys = $site[self::HTTP_CODE]; $site_url = $site[self::TITLE]; $host = UrlParser::getHost($site_url); $link_parts = explode('|', $site[self::HASH]); if(isset($link_parts[5])) { $link_origin = $link_parts[5]; } else { $link_origin = $site_url; } $meta_ids = PhraseParser::calculateLinkMetas($site_url, $host, $site[self::DESCRIPTION], $link_origin); $link_to = "LINK TO:"; } else { $is_link = false; $site_url = str_replace('|', "%7C", $site[self::URL]); $host = UrlParser::getHost($site_url); $doc_keys = crawlHash($site_url, true) . $site[self::HASH]."d". substr(crawlHash( $host."/",true), 1); $meta_ids = PhraseParser::calculateMetas($site, $video_sources); $link_to = ""; } $so_far_cnt = $seen_partition + $cnt; $time_out_message = "..still processing $so_far_cnt ". "of {$partition->count} in partition $generation.". "\n..Last processed was: ". ($seen + 1).". $link_to$site_url. "; crawlTimeoutLog($time_out_message); $seen++; $word_lists = array(); /* self::JUST_METAS check to avoid getting sitemaps in results for popular words */ $lang = NULL; if(!isset($site[self::JUST_METAS])) { $host_words = UrlParser::getWordsIfHostUrl($site_url); $path_words = UrlParser::getWordsLastPathPartUrl( $site_url); if($is_link) { $phrase_string = $site[self::DESCRIPTION]; } else { $phrase_string = $host_words." ".$site[self::TITLE] . " ". $path_words . " " . $site[self::DESCRIPTION]; } if(isset($site[self::LANG])) { $lang = guessLocaleFromString( mb_substr($site[self::DESCRIPTION], 0, AD_HOC_TITLE_LENGTH), $site[self::LANG]); } $word_lists = PhraseParser::extractPhrasesInLists($phrase_string, $lang); $len = strlen($phrase_string); if(PhraseParser::computeSafeSearchScore($word_lists, $len) < 0.012) { $meta_ids[] = "safe:true"; $safe = true; } else { $meta_ids[] = "safe:false"; $safe = false; } } if(isset($site[self::USER_RANKS]) && count($site[self::USER_RANKS]) > 0) { $score_keys = ""; foreach($site[self::USER_RANKS] as $label => $score) { $score_keys .= packInt($score); } if(strlen($score_keys) % 8 != 0) { $score_keys .= $keypad; } $doc_keys .= $score_keys; } $shard->addDocumentWords($doc_keys, $offset, $word_lists, $meta_ids, PhraseParser::$materialized_metas, true, false); $offset = $object[0]; } $seen_partition += $num_to_get; } $shard->save(false, true); $generation++; } $this->reindexIndexArchive($archive_path); } /** * Used to create an archive_bundle_iterator for a non-yioop archive * As these iterators sometimes make use of a folder to store savepoints * We create a temporary folder for this purpose in the current directory * This should be garbage collected elsewhere. * * @param string $archive_path path to non-yioop archive * @param string $iterator_type name of archive_bundle_iterator used to * iterate over archive. * @param return an ArchiveBundleIterator of the correct type using * a temporary folder to store savepoints */ function instantiateIterator($archive_path, $iterator_type) { $iterate_timestamp = filectime($archive_path); $result_timestamp = strval(time()); $this->tmp_results = WORK_DIRECTORY.'/temp/TmpArchiveExtract'. $iterate_timestamp; $dbms_manager = DBMS."Manager"; $db = new $dbms_manager(); if(file_exists($this->tmp_results)) { $db->unlinkRecursive($this->tmp_results); } @mkdir($this->tmp_results); $iterator_class = "{$iterator_type}Iterator"; $iterator = new $iterator_class($iterate_timestamp, $archive_path, $result_timestamp, $this->tmp_results); $db->setWorldPermissionsRecursive($this->tmp_results); return $iterator; } /** * Given a folder name, determines the kind of bundle (if any) it holds. * It does this based on the expected location of the description.txt file, * or arc_description.ini (in the case of a non-yioop archive) * * @param string $archive_path the path to archive folder * @return string the archive bundle type, either: WebArchiveBundle or * IndexArchiveBundle */ function getArchiveKind($archive_path) { if(file_exists("$archive_path/description.txt")) { return "WebArchiveBundle"; } if(file_exists("$archive_path/summaries/description.txt")) { return "IndexArchiveBundle"; } $desc_path = "$archive_path/arc_description.ini"; if(file_exists($desc_path)) { $desc = parse_ini_with_fallback($desc_path); if(!isset($desc['arc_type'])) { return false; } return $desc['arc_type']; } return false; } /** * Outputs the "hey, this isn't a known bundle message" and then exit()'s. * @param string $archive_name name or path to what was supposed to be * an archive */ function badFormatMessageAndExit($archive_name, $allowed_archives = "web or index") { echo <<< EOD $archive_name does not appear to be a $allowed_archives archive bundle EOD; exit(); } /** * Outputs the "how to use this tool message" and then exit()'s. */ function usageMessageAndExit() { echo <<< EOD arc_tool is used to look at the contents of WebArchiveBundles and IndexArchiveBundles. It will look for these using the path provided or will check in the Yioop! crawl directory as a fall back. The available commands for arc_tool are: php arc_tool.php dict bundle_name word // returns index dictionary records for word stored in index archive bundle. php arc_tool.php info bundle_name // return info about documents stored in archive. php arc_tool.php list /* returns a list of all the archives in the Yioop! crawl directory, including non-Yioop! archives in the /archives sub-folder.*/ php arc_tool.php mergetiers bundle_name max_tier // merges tiers of word dictionary into one tier up to max_tier php arc_tool.php posting bundle_name generation offset or php arc_tool.php posting bundle_name generation offset num /* returns info about the posting (num many postings) in bundle_name at the given generation and offset */ php arc_tool.php rebuild bundle_name /* re-extracts words from summaries files in bundle_name into index shards then builds a new dictionary */ php arc_tool.php reindex bundle_name // reindex the word dictionary in bundle_name using existing index shards php arc_tool.php shard bundle_name generation /* Prints information about the number of words and frequencies of words within the generation'th index shard in the bundle */ php arc_tool.php show bundle_name start num /* outputs items start through num from bundle_name or name of non-Yioop archive crawl folder */ EOD; exit(); } } $arc_tool = new ArcTool(); $arc_tool->start(); ?>