viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for configs/default_crawl.ini: 5981ae17a623b631613321dbf564e67aa94d7271

continued code reorganization, getting rid of globals, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2015-07-05 06:Jul:th]
continued code reorganization, getting rid of globals, a=chris
;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;  (at your option) any later version.
;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
; default_crawl.ini
; This is an example of a crawl.ini configuration file. If you mess up
; the crawl.ini you can simply delete it and this one will be used to recreate
; it
arc_dir = "";
arc_type = "";
crawl_order = 'ad';
crawl_type = 'ax';
page_range_request = '50000';
page_recrawl_frequency = '-1';
restrict_sites_by_url = false;
summarizer_option = 'dl';
max_description_len = '2000';

extensions[] = 'unknown';
extensions[] = 'bmp';
extensions[] = 'doc';
extensions[] = 'docx';
extensions[] = 'csv';
extensions[] = 'tab';
extensions[] = 'tsv';
extensions[] = 'txt';
extensions[] = 'epub';
extensions[] = 'asp';
extensions[] = 'aspx';
extensions[] = 'cgi';
extensions[] = 'cfm';
extensions[] = 'cfml';
extensions[] = 'do';
extensions[] = 'htm';
extensions[] = 'html';
extensions[] = 'jsp';
extensions[] = 'php';
extensions[] = 'pl';
extensions[] = 'py';
extensions[] = 'shtml';
extensions[] = 'gif';
extensions[] = 'xml';
extensions[] = 'java';
extensions[] = 'jpg';
extensions[] = 'jpeg';
extensions[] = 'pdf';
extensions[] = 'png';
extensions[] = 'ppt';
extensions[] = 'pptx';
extensions[] = 'py';
extensions[] = 'rss';
extensions[] = 'rtf';
extensions[] = 'svg';
extensions[] = 'xlsx';
extensions[] = 'xml';

url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';

url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';

url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';;
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
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url[] = '';
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url[] = '';
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url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';
url[] = '';


plugins[] = "";