viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]
<?php /** * SeekQuarry/Yioop -- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015 Chris Pollett * * LICENSE: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * END LICENSE * * @author Chris Pollett * @package seek_quarry * @subpackage controller * @license GPL3 * @link * @copyright 2009 - 2015 * @filesource */ if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();} /** * Load crawlHash and timing functions */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/utility.php"; /** * For getting mail message timing statistics if present */ require_once BASE_DIR.'/lib/analytics_manager.php'; /** * Base class for models which might be used by a Controller */ require_once BASE_DIR."/models/model.php"; /** * Base class for components which might be used by a Controller */ require_once BASE_DIR."/controllers/components/component.php"; /** * Base class for views which might be used by a View */ require_once BASE_DIR."/views/view.php"; /** * Base controller class for all controllers on * the SeekQuarry site. * * @author Chris Pollett * @package seek_quarry * @subpackage controller */ abstract class Controller { /** * Array of instances of views used by this controller * @var array */ var $view_instances = array(); /** * Array of instances of models used by this controller * @var array */ var $model_instances; /** * Says which activities (roughly methods invoke from the web) this * controller will respond to * @var array */ var $activities = array(); /** * Components are collections of activities (a little like traits) which * can be reused. * * @var array */ var $component_activities = array(); /** * Associative array of activity => component activity is on, used * by @see Controller::call method to actually invoke a given activity * on a given component * @var array */ var $activity_component = array(); /** * Says which post processing indexing plugins are available * @var array */ var $indexing_plugins = array(); /** * Sets up component activities, instance array, and plugins. * * @param array $indexing_plugins which post processing indexing plugins * are available */ function __construct($indexing_plugins = array()) { global $INDEXED_FILE_TYPES, $COMPONENT_ACTIVITIES; foreach($COMPONENT_ACTIVITIES as $component => $activities) { foreach($activities as $activity) { $this->activity_component[$activity] = $component; $this->activities[] = $activity; } } $this->component_activities = $COMPONENT_ACTIVITIES; $this->component_instances = array(); $this->indexing_plugins = $indexing_plugins; $this->model_instances = array(); $this->view_instances = array(); } /** * This function should be overriden to web handle requests */ public abstract function processRequest(); /** * Dynamic loader for Component objects which might live on the current * Component * * @param string $component name of model to return */ function component($component) { if(!isset($this->component_instances[$component])) { if(file_exists(APP_DIR . "/controllers/components/" . $component."_component.php")) { require_once APP_DIR . "/controllers/components/" . $component."_component.php"; } else { require_once BASE_DIR . "/controllers/components/" . $component."_component.php"; } $component_name = ucfirst($component)."Component"; $this->component_instances[$component] = new $component_name($this); } return $this->component_instances[$component]; } /** * Dynamic loader for Model objects which might live on the current * Controller * * @param string $model name of model to return */ function model($model) { if(!isset($this->model_instances[$model])) { if(file_exists(APP_DIR."/models/".$model."_model.php")){ require_once APP_DIR."/models/".$model."_model.php"; } else { require_once BASE_DIR."/models/".$model."_model.php"; } $model_name = ucfirst($model)."Model"; $this->model_instances[$model] = new $model_name(); } return $this->model_instances[$model]; } /** * Dynamic loader for Plugin objects which might live on the current * Controller * * @param string $plugin name of Plugin to return */ function plugin($plugin) { if(!isset($this->plugin_instances[$plugin])) { if(file_exists(APP_DIR. "/lib/indexing_plugins/".$plugin."_plugin.php")){ require_once APP_DIR. "/lib/indexing_plugins/".$plugin."_plugin.php"; } else { require_once BASE_DIR . "/lib/indexing_plugins/".$plugin."_plugin.php"; } $plugin_name = ucfirst($plugin)."Plugin"; $this->plugin_instances[$plugin] = new $plugin_name(); } return $this->plugin_instances[$plugin]; } /** * Dynamic loader for View objects which might live on the current * Controller * * @param string $view name of view to return */ function view($view) { if(!isset($this->view_instances[$view])) { if(file_exists(APP_DIR."/views/".$view."_view.php")){ require_once APP_DIR."/views/".$view."_view.php"; } else { require_once BASE_DIR."/views/".$view."_view.php"; } $view_name = ucfirst($view)."View"; $this->view_instances[$view] = new $view_name(); } return $this->view_instances[$view]; } /** * Send the provided view to output, drawing it with the given * data variable, using the current locale for translation, and * writing mode * * @param string $view the name of the view to draw * @param array $data an array of values to use in drawing the view */ function displayView($view, $data) { $data['LOCALE_TAG'] = getLocaleTag(); $data['LOCALE_DIR'] = getLocaleDirection(); $data['BLOCK_PROGRESSION'] = getBlockProgression(); $data['WRITING_MODE'] = getWritingMode(); if(QUERY_STATISTICS) { $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array(); $machine = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? htmlentities($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) : "localhost"; $machine_uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : "/"; $protocol = (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) ? "https://" : "http://"; if($machine == '::1') { //IPv6 :( $machine = "[::1]/"; //used if the fetching and queue serving on the same machine } $data['YIOOP_INSTANCE'] = $protocol . $machine . $machine_uri; $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] = 0; foreach($this->model_instances as $model_name => $model) { $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array_merge( $model->db->query_log, $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] ); $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] += $model->db->total_time; } $locale_info = getLocaleQueryStatistics(); $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array_merge( $locale_info['QUERY_LOG'], $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] ); $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] += $locale_info['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME']; $mail_total_time = AnalyticsManager::get("MAIL_TOTAL_TIME"); $mail_messages = AnalyticsManager::get("MAIL_MESSAGES"); if($mail_total_time && $mail_messages) { $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array_merge($mail_messages, $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] ); $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] += $mail_total_time; } } $data['c'] = isset($_REQUEST['c']) ? $_REQUEST['c'] : NULL; if(isset($_SESSION['DISPLAY_MESSAGE'])) { $data['DISPLAY_MESSAGE'] = $_SESSION['DISPLAY_MESSAGE']; unset($_SESSION['DISPLAY_MESSAGE']); } $this->view($view)->render($data); } /** * Does a 301 redirect to the given location, sets a session variable * to display a message when get there. * * @param string $message message to write * @param string $copy_field $_REQUEST fields to copy for redirect */ function redirectWithMessage($message, $copy_fields=false) { $default_fields = array("just_thread", "just_group_id", "just_user_id", "group_id", "user_id", "role_id", "limit", "num"); if($copy_fields) { $copy_fields = array_merge($default_fields, $copy_fields); } else { $copy_fields = $default_fields; } $c = $this->clean($_REQUEST['c'], "string"); $a = $this->clean($_REQUEST['a'], "string"); $a = ($a) ? "&a=$a" : ""; $token = $this->clean($_REQUEST[CSRF_TOKEN], "string"); $token = ($token) ? "&".CSRF_TOKEN . "=$token" : ""; $location = "?c=$c$a$token"; foreach($copy_fields as $field) { if(isset($_REQUEST[$field])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST[$field])){ $array_params_cleaned = $_REQUEST[$field]; foreach ($array_params_cleaned as $key => $value) { $location .= "&$field"."[" . $this->clean($key,"string") ."]" . "=" . $this->clean($value,"string") ; } } else{ $location .= "&$field=".$this->clean($_REQUEST[$field], "string"); } } } if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == "XMLHttpRequest") { e("go$location"); } else { header("Location: $location"); } if($message) { $_SESSION['DISPLAY_MESSAGE'] = $message; } else { unset($_SESSION['DISPLAY_MESSAGE']); } exit(); } /** * When an activity involves displaying tabular data (such as rows of * users, groups, etc), this method might be called to set up $data * fields for next, prev, and page links, it also makes the call to the * model to get the row data sorted and restricted as desired. For some * data sources, rather than directly make a call to the model to get the * data it might be passed directly to this method. * * @param array& $data used to send data to the view will be updated by * this method with row and paging data * @param mixed $field_or_model if an object, this is assumed to be a model * and so the getRows method of this model is called to get row data, * sorted and restricted according to $search_array; if a string * then the row data is assumed to be in $data[$field_or_model] and * pagingLogic itself does the sorting and restricting. * @param string $output_field output rows for the view will be stored in * $data[$output_field] * @param int $default_show if not specified by $_REQUEST, then this will * be used to determine the maximum number of rows that will be * written to $data[$output_field] * @param array $search_array used to sort and restrict in * the getRows call or the data from $data[$field_or_model]. * Each element of this is a quadruple name of a field, what comparison * to perform, a value to check, and an order (ascending/descending) * to sort by * @param string $var_prefix if there are multiple uses of pagingLogic * presented on the same view then $var_prefix can be prepended to * to the $data field variables like num_show, start_row, end_row * to distinguish between them * @param array $args additional arguments that are passed to getRows and * in turn to selectCallback, fromCallback, and whereCallback that * might provide user_id, etc to further control which rows are * returned */ function pagingLogic(&$data, $field_or_model, $output_field, $default_show, $search_array = array(), $var_prefix = "", $args = NULL) { $data_fields = array(); $r = array(); $request_fields = array('num_show' => DEFAULT_ADMIN_PAGING_NUM, 'start_row' => 0, 'end_row' => DEFAULT_ADMIN_PAGING_NUM); foreach($request_fields as $field => $default) { if(isset($_REQUEST[$var_prefix . $field])) { $r[$field] = $_REQUEST[$var_prefix . $field]; } else { $r[$field] = $default; } } if($r['start_row'] + $r['num_show'] != $r['end_row']) { $r['end_row'] = $r['start_row'] + $r['num_show']; } $d = array(); $data_fields = array('NUM_TOTAL', 'NUM_SHOW', 'START_ROW', 'END_ROW', 'NEXT_START', 'NEXT_END', 'PREV_START', 'PREV_END'); $var_field = strtoupper($var_prefix); foreach($data_fields as $field) { $d[$field] = $var_prefix . $field; } $num_show = (isset($r['num_show']) && isset($this->view("admin")->helper("pagingtable")->show_choices[ $r['num_show']])) ? $r['num_show'] : $default_show; $data[$d['NUM_SHOW']] = $num_show; $data[$d['START_ROW']] = isset($r['start_row']) ? max(0, $this->clean($r['start_row'],"int")) : 0; if(is_object($field_or_model)) { $data[$output_field] = $field_or_model->getRows( $data[$d['START_ROW']], $num_show, $num_rows, $search_array, $args); } else { $num_rows = count($data[$field_or_model]); if($search_array != array()) { $out_data = array(); foreach($data[$field_or_model] as $name => $field_data) { $checks_passed = true; foreach($search_array as $search_data) { list($column_name, $comparison, $search_value, $sort) = $search_data; if($search_value == "") {continue; } if(isset($args[$column_name])) { $column_name = $args[$column_name]; } $row_value = is_object($field_data) ? $field_data->$column_name: $field_data[$column_name]; $cmp = strcmp($search_value, $row_value); if(($cmp == 0 && $comparison == "=") || ($cmp != 0 && $comparison == "!=") ) { continue; } $pos = strpos($row_value, $search_value); $len_row = strlen($row_value); $len_search = strlen($search_value); if(($comparison == "CONTAINS" && $pos !== false) || ($comparison == "BEGINS WITH" && $pos === 0) || ($comparison == "ENDS WITH" && $pos === $len_row - $len_search)) { continue; } $checks_passed = false; break; } if($checks_passed) { $out_data[$name] = $field_data; } } foreach($search_array as $search_data) { list($column_name, $comparison, $search_value, $sort) = $search_data; if($sort == "NONE") { continue; } if(isset($args[$column_name])) { $column_name = $args[$column_name]; } $values = array(); foreach($out_data as $name => $field_data) { $values[$name] = is_object($field_data) ? $field_data->$column_name: $field_data[$column_name]; } $sort = ($sort=="DESC") ? SORT_DESC: SORT_ASC; array_multisort($values, $sort, $out_data); } } else { $out_data = $data[$field_or_model]; } $data[$output_field] = array_slice($out_data, $data[$d['START_ROW']], $num_show); } $data[$d['START_ROW']] = min($data[$d['START_ROW']], $num_rows); $data[$d['END_ROW']] = min($data[$d['START_ROW']] + $num_show, $num_rows); if(isset($r['start_row'])) { $data[$d['END_ROW']] = max($data[$d['START_ROW']], min($this->clean($r['end_row'],"int"), $num_rows)); } $data[$d['NEXT_START']] = $data[$d['END_ROW']]; $data[$d['NEXT_END']] = min($data[$d['NEXT_START']] + $num_show, $num_rows); $data[$d['PREV_START']] = max(0, $data[$d['START_ROW']] - $num_show); $data[$d['PREV_END']] = $data[$d['START_ROW']]; $data[$d['NUM_TOTAL']] = $num_rows; } /** * Used to invoke an activity method of the current controller or one * its components * * @param $activity method to invoke */ function call($activity) { if(isset($this->activity_component[$activity])) { return $this->component( $this->activity_component[$activity])->$activity(); } return $this->$activity(); } /** * Generates a cross site request forgery preventing token based on the * provided user name, the current time and the hidden AUTH_KEY * * @param string $user username to use to generate token * @return string a csrf token */ function generateCSRFToken($user) { $time = time(); $_SESSION['OLD_CSRF_TIME'] = (isset($_SESSION['CSRF_TIME'])) ? $_SESSION['CSRF_TIME'] : 0; $_SESSION['CSRF_TIME'] = $time; return crawlHash($user.$time.AUTH_KEY)."|$time"; } /** * Checks if the form CSRF (cross-site request forgery preventing) token * matches the given user and has not expired (1 hour till expires) * * @param string $token_name attribute of $_REQUEST containing CSRFToken * @param string $user user id * @return bool whether the CSRF token was valid */ function checkCSRFToken($token_name, $user) { $token_okay = false; if(isset($_REQUEST[$token_name]) && strlen($_REQUEST[$token_name]) == 22) { $token_parts = explode("|", $_REQUEST[$token_name]); if(isset($token_parts[1]) && $token_parts[1] + ONE_HOUR > time() && crawlHash($user.$token_parts[1].AUTH_KEY) == $token_parts[0]) { $token_okay = true; } } return $token_okay; } /** * Checks if the timestamp in $_REQUEST[$token_name] * matches the timestamp of the last CSRF token accessed by this user * for the kind of activity for which there might be a conflict. * This is to avoid accidental replays of postings etc if the back button * used. * * @param string $token_name name of a $_REQUEST field used to hold a * CSRF_TOKEN * @param string name of current action to check for conflicts * @return bool whether a conflicting action has occurred. */ function checkCSRFTime($token_name, $action = "") { $token_okay = false; if(isset($_REQUEST[$token_name])) { $token_parts = explode("|", $_REQUEST[$token_name]); if(isset($token_parts[1])) { $timestamp_to_check = $token_parts[1]; if($action == "") { if(isset($_SESSION['OLD_CSRF_TIME']) && $token_parts[1] == $_SESSION['OLD_CSRF_TIME']) { $token_okay = true; } } else { if(!isset($_SESSION['OLD_ACTION_STAMPS'][$action]) || (isset($_SESSION['OLD_ACTION_STAMPS'][$action]) && $_SESSION['OLD_ACTION_STAMPS'][$action] <= $timestamp_to_check)) { $_SESSION['OLD_ACTION_STAMPS'][$action] = $timestamp_to_check; $token_okay = true; $cull_time = time() - ONE_HOUR; foreach($_SESSION['OLD_ACTION_STAMPS'] as $act => $time) { if($time < $cull_time) { unset($_SESSION['OLD_ACTION_STAMPS'][$act]); } } } } } } return $token_okay; } /** * Used to clean strings that might be tainted as originate from the user * * @param mixed $value tainted data * @param string $type type of data in value: one of int, hash, or string * @param mixed $default if $value is not set default value is returned, * this isn't used much since if the error_reporting is E_ALL * or -1 you would still get a Notice. * @return string the clean input matching the type provided */ function clean($value, $type, $default = NULL) { $clean_value = NULL; switch($type) { case "boolean": case "bool": if(isset($value)) { if(!is_bool($value)) { $clean_value = false; if($value == "true" || $value != 0) { $clean_value = true; } } } else if ($default != NULL) { $clean_value = $default; } else { $clean_value = false; } break; case "color": if(isset($value)) { $colors = array("black", "silver", "gray", "white", "maroon", "red", "purple", "fuchsia", "green", "lime", "olive", "yellow", "navy", "blue", "teal", "aqua", "orange", "aliceblue", "antiquewhite", "aquamarine", "azure", "beige", "bisque", "blanchedalmond", "blueviolet", "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue", "cornsilk", "crimson", "darkblue", "darkcyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgray", "darkgreen", "darkgrey", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dimgray", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "floralwhite", "forestgreen", "gainsboro", "ghostwhite", "gold", "goldenrod", "greenyellow", "grey", "honeydew", "hotpink", "indianred", "indigo", "ivory", "khaki", "lavender", "lavenderblush", "lawngreen", "lemonchiffon", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightcyan", "lightgoldenrodyellow", "lightgray", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "lightslategray", "lightslategrey", "lightsteelblue", "lightyellow", "limegreen", "linen", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumblue", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumslateblue", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred", "midnightblue", "mintcream", "mistyrose", "moccasin", "navajowhite", "oldlace", "olivedrab", "orangered", "orchid", "palegoldenrod", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "papayawhip", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "rosybrown", "royalblue", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen", "seashell", "sienna", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategray", "slategrey", "snow", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "wheat", "whitesmoke", "yellowgreen", "rebeccapurple" ); if(in_array($value, $colors) || preg_match('/^#[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]'. '([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])?$/', trim($value))) { $clean_value = trim($value); } else { $clean_value = "#FFF"; } } else if ($default != NULL) { $clean_value = $default; } else { $clean_value = "#FFF"; } break; case "double": if(isset($value)) { $clean_value = doubleval($value); } else if ($default != NULL) { $clean_value = $default; } else { $clean_value = 0; } break; case "float": if(isset($value)) { $clean_value = floatval($value); } else if ($default != NULL) { $clean_value = $default; } else { $clean_value = 0; } break; case "hash"; if(isset($value)) { if(strlen($value) == strlen(crawlHash("A")) && base64_decode($value)) { $clean_value = $value; } } else { $clean_value = $default; } break; case "int": if(isset($value)) { $clean_value = intval($value); } else if ($default != NULL) { $clean_value = $default; } else { $clean_value = 0; } break; case "string": if(isset($value)) { $value2 = str_replace("&", "&", $value); $clean_value = @htmlentities($value2, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); } else { $clean_value = $default; } break; } return $clean_value; } /** * Converts an array of lines of strings into a single string with * proper newlines, each line having been trimmed and potentially * cleaned * * @param array $arr the array of lines to be process * @param string $endline_string what string should be used to indicate * the end of a line * @param bool $clean whether to clean each line * @return string a concatenated string of cleaned lines */ function convertArrayLines($arr, $endline_string="\n", $clean = false) { $output = ""; $eol = ""; foreach($arr as $line) { $output .= $eol; $out_line = trim($line); if($clean) { $out_line = $this->clean($out_line, "string"); } $output .= trim($out_line); $eol = $endline_string; } return $output; } /** * Cleans a string consisting of lines, typically of urls into an array of * clean lines. This is used in handling data from the crawl options * text areas. # is treated as a comment * * @param string $str contains the url data * @param string $line_type does additional cleaning depending on the type * of the lines. For instance, if is "url" then a line not beginning * with a url scheme will have http:// prepended. * @return $lines an array of clean lines */ function convertStringCleanArray($str, $line_type="url") { $pre_lines = preg_split('/\n+/', $str); $lines = array(); foreach($pre_lines as $line) { $pre_line = trim($this->clean($line, "string")); if(strlen($pre_line) > 0) { if($line_type == "url") { $start_line = substr($pre_line, 0, 6); if(!in_array($start_line, array("file:/", "http:/", "domain", "https:", 'gopher')) && $start_line[0] != "#") { $pre_line = "http://". $pre_line; } } $lines[] = $pre_line; } } return $lines; } /** * Checks the request if a request is for a valid activity and if it uses * the correct authorization key * * @return bool whether the request was valid or not */ function checkRequest() { if(!isset($_REQUEST['time']) || !isset($_REQUEST['session']) || !in_array($_REQUEST['a'], $this->activities)) { return; } $time = $_REQUEST['time']; // request must be within an hour of this machine's clock if(abs(time() - $time) > ONE_HOUR) { return false;} $session = $_REQUEST['session']; if(md5($time . AUTH_KEY) != $session) { return false; } return true; } /** * Used to parse head meta variables out of a data string provided either * from a wiki page or a static page. Meta data is stored in lines * before the first occurrence of END_HEAD_VARS. Head variables * are name=value pairs. An example of head * variable might be: * title = This web page's title * Anything after a semi-colon on a line in the head section is treated as * a comment * * @param object $view View on which page data will be rendered * @param string $page_name a string name/id to associate with page. For * example, might have 404 for a page about 404 errors * @param string $page_data this is the actual content of a wiki or * static page */ function parsePageHeadVars($view, $page_name, $page_data) { $page_parts = explode("END_HEAD_VARS", $page_data); $view->head_objects[$page_name] = array(); if(count($page_parts) > 1) { $head_lines = preg_split("/\n\n/", array_shift($page_parts)); $view->page_objects[$page_name] = implode("END_HEAD_VARS", $page_parts); foreach($head_lines as $line) { $semi_pos = (strpos($line, ";")) ? strpos($line, ";"): strlen($line); $line = substr($line, 0, $semi_pos); $line_parts = explode("=",$line); if(count($line_parts) == 2) { $view->head_objects[$page_name][ trim(addslashes($line_parts[0]))] = addslashes(trim($line_parts[1])); } } } else { $view->page_objects[$page_name] = $page_parts[0]; } } /** * If advertisements present in the output of this controller * this function can be used to initialize the field variables used * to write the appropriate Javascripts * * @param array &$data data to be used in drawing the view */ function initializeAdFields(&$data, $ads_off = false) { if(AD_LOCATION != "none") { $data["AD_LOCATION"] = ($ads_off) ? "none" : AD_LOCATION; $ad_fields = array('TOP_ADSCRIPT', 'SIDE_ADSCRIPT', 'GLOBAL_ADSCRIPT'); foreach($ad_fields as $ad_field) { $ad = html_entity_decode(constant($ad_field), ENT_QUOTES); $ad = preg_replace("[(]","(",$ad); $data[$ad_field] = preg_replace("[)]",")",$ad); } } } } ?>