viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for en-US/configure.ini: 226c078fecfa166a56ae69644ccc865d49cf4e67

Move seekquarry locale git to app dir, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2015-01-20 19:Jan:th]
Move seekquarry locale git to app dir, a=chris
;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Chris Pollett
;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;  (at your option) any later version.
;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
; configure.ini
; en-US configuration file
; Strings to translate on various pages
; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//controllers
; admin_controller.php line: 105
admin_controller_login_successful = "Login Successful!!"
; admin_controller.php line: 110
admin_controller_login_failed = "Username or Password Incorrect!"
; admin_controller.php line: 229
admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
; admin_controller.php line: 239
admin_controller_invalid_old_password = "Current password incorrect."
; admin_controller.php line: 246
admin_controller_change_password = "Password change successful!!"
; admin_controller.php line: 278
admin_controller_select_username = "Select Username"
; admin_controller.php line: 315
admin_controller_select_rolename = "Select Role"
; admin_controller.php line: 341
admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
; admin_controller.php line: 348
admin_controller_username_exists = "Cannot Create User As Username Exists"
; admin_controller.php line: 355
admin_controller_username_added = "User Created"
; admin_controller.php line: 364
admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 371
admin_controller_username_deleted = "User Deleted"
; admin_controller.php line: 378
admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 384
admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 390
admin_controller_rolename_added = "Role Name Added"
; admin_controller.php line: 401
admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 407
admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 417
admin_controller_rolename_deleted = "Role Name Deleted"
; admin_controller.php line: 446
admin_controller_select_rolename = "Select Role"
; admin_controller.php line: 481
admin_controller_select_activityname = "Select Activity"
; admin_controller.php line: 514
admin_controller_rolename_exists = "Role Name Exists"
; admin_controller.php line: 524
admin_controller_rolename_added = "Role Name Added"
; admin_controller.php line: 535
admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 543
admin_controller_rolename_deleted = "Role Name Deleted"
; admin_controller.php line: 549
admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 555
admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = "Activity Name Does not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 565
admin_controller_activity_added = "Activity Added"
; admin_controller.php line: 571
admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 578
admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = "Activity Name Does not Exist"
; admin_controller.php line: 590
admin_controller_activity_deleted = "Activity Deleted"
; admin_controller.php line: 618
admin_controller_select_localename = "Select Locale"
; admin_controller.php line: 661
admin_controller_locale_added = "Locale Added!"
; admin_controller.php line: 668
admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale Does Not Exist!"
; admin_controller.php line: 677
admin_controller_localename_deleted = "Locale Deleted"
; admin_controller.php line: 697
admin_controller_localestrings_updated = "Locale Strings Updated!"
; admin_controller.php line: 775
admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = "Work Directory Set! You may need to re-login!"
; admin_controller.php line: 797
admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = "Working Directory and Profile Created!"
; admin_controller.php line: 803
admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = "Unable to Update config.php File!"
; admin_controller.php line: 814
admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = "Unable to Create Profile!"
; admin_controller.php line: 824
admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
; admin_controller.php line: 835
admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
; admin_controller.php line: 887
admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = "Problem Updating Database!"
; admin_controller.php line: 901
admin_controller_configure_profile_change = "Profile Updated!"
; admin_controller.php line: 914
admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
; admin_controller.php line: 948
admin_controller_describe_robot = "Please Describe Your Robot"
; main_controller.php line: 92
search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful!!"
; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views
; admin_view.php line: 76
admin_view_admin = "Admin"
; admin_view.php line: 95
adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/elements
; activity_element.php line: 57
activity_element_activities = "Activities"
; configure_element.php line: 81
configure_element_work_directory = "Work Directory"
; configure_element.php line: 86
configure_element_load_or_create = "Load or Create"
; configure_element.php line: 99
configure_element_profile_settings = "Profile Settings"
; configure_element.php line: 101
configure_element_default_language = "Default Language:"
; configure_element.php line: 107
configure_element_debug_display = "Debug Display"
; configure_element.php line: 112
configure_element_error_info = "Error Info"
; configure_element.php line: 117
configure_element_query_info = "Query Info"
; configure_element.php line: 122
configure_element_test_info = "Test Info"
; configure_element.php line: 127
configure_element_database_setup = "Database Set-up"
; configure_element.php line: 129
configure_element_database_system = "System:"
; configure_element.php line: 135
configure_element_databasename = "Name:"
; configure_element.php line: 142
configure_element_databaseurl = "Url:"
; configure_element.php line: 148
configure_element_databaseuser = "User:"
; configure_element.php line: 155
configure_element_databasepassword = "Password:"
; configure_element.php line: 164
configure_element_queue_server = "Server Set-up"
; configure_element.php line: 166
configure_element_queue_server_key = "Server Key:"
; configure_element.php line: 175
configure_element_submit = "Submit"
; editlocales_element.php line: 62
editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
; editlocales_element.php line: 64
editlocales_element_edit_locale = "Edit Locale: %s"
; editlocales_element.php line: 95
editlocales_element_submit = "Submit"
; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
manageaccount_element_change_password = "Change Account Password"
; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
manageaccount_element_old_password = "Old Password: "
; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
manageaccount_element_new_password = "New Password: "
; manageaccount_element.php line: 76
manageaccount_element_retype_password = "Retype Password: "
; manageaccount_element.php line: 82
manageaccount_element_save = "Save"
; managelocales_element.php line: 59
managelocales_element_add_locale = "Add Locale"
; managelocales_element.php line: 69
managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "Locale Name:"
; managelocales_element.php line: 75
managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "Locale Tag:"
; managelocales_element.php line: 79
managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "Writing Mode:"
; managelocales_element.php line: 92
managelocales_element_submit = "Submit"
; managelocales_element.php line: 98
managelocales_element_delete_locale = "Delete Locale"
; managelocales_element.php line: 108
managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = "Locale Name:"
; managelocales_element.php line: 112
managelocales_element_submit = "Submit"
; managelocales_element.php line: 117
managelocales_element_locale_list = "Locale List"
; managelocales_element.php line: 120
managelocales_element_localename = "Locale Name"
; managelocales_element.php line: 121
managelocales_element_localetag = "Locale Tag"
; managelocales_element.php line: 122
managelocales_element_writingmode = "Writing Mode"
; managelocales_element.php line: 124
managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Percent Translated"
; manageroles_element.php line: 57
manageroles_element_add_role = "Add Role"
; manageroles_element.php line: 67
manageroles_element_rolename = "Role Name: "
; manageroles_element.php line: 71
manageroles_element_submit = "Submit"
; manageroles_element.php line: 76
manageroles_element_delete_role = "Delete Role"
; manageroles_element.php line: 86
manageusers_element_delete_rolename = "Role Name:"
; manageroles_element.php line: 90
manageroles_element_submit = "Submit"
; manageroles_element.php line: 94
manageroles_element_view_role_activities = "View Role Activities"
; manageroles_element.php line: 103
manageusers_element_select_role = "Role Name: "
; manageroles_element.php line: 123
manageusers_element_add_activity = "Add Activity:"
; manageroles_element.php line: 128
manageroles_element_submit = "Submit"
; manageusers_element.php line: 57
manageusers_element_add_user = "Add User"
; manageusers_element.php line: 67
manageusers_element_username = "Username: "
; manageusers_element.php line: 71
manageusers_element_password = "Password: "
; manageusers_element.php line: 75
manageusers_element_retype_password = "Retype Password: "
; manageusers_element.php line: 80
manageusers_element_submit = "Submit"
; manageusers_element.php line: 86
manageusers_element_delete_user = "Delete User"
; manageusers_element.php line: 96
manageusers_element_delete_username = "Username: "
; manageusers_element.php line: 100
manageusers_element_submit = "Submit"
; manageusers_element.php line: 105
manageusers_element_view_user_roles = "View User Roles"
; manageusers_element.php line: 114
manageusers_element_select_user = "Username: "
; manageusers_element.php line: 135
manageusers_element_add_role = "Add Role: "
; manageusers_element.php line: 140
manageusers_element_submit = "Submit"
; signin_element.php line: 59
signin_element_signin = "Sign In"
; signin_element.php line: 65
signin_element_admin = "Admin"
; signin_element.php line: 67
signin_element_signout = "Sign Out"
; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/layouts
; web_layout.php line: 72
web_layout_description = "SeekQuarry provides open source search technologies"
; web_layout.php line: 92
web_layout_query_statistics = "Query Statistics"
; web_layout.php line: 93
web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "Total Elapsed Time for Queries: %s seconds."
; web_layout.php line: 98
web_layout_query_time = "Time: %s seconds."
; main_view.php line: 70
main_view_home = "Home"
; main_view.php line: 71
main_view_demo = "Demo"
; main_view.php line: 73
main_view_downloads = "Downloads"
; main_view.php line: 75
main_view_documentation = "Documentation"
; main_view.php line: 77
main_view_resources = "Resources"
; main_view.php line: 79
main_view_about = "About"
; signin_view.php line: 62
signin_view_signin = "Signin"
; signin_view.php line: 69
signin_view_username = "Username"
; signin_view.php line: 75
signin_view_password = "Password"
; signin_view.php line: 84
signin_view_login = "Login"
; signin_view.php line: 91
signin_view_return_main = "Return to SeekQuarry"