viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for lib/thesaurus.php: 9ff742e4cc2ef0dba312dd0c5f642890b6945730

First pass at converting files to use autoloading! Take care if you have an old yioop system you are upgrading, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2015-07-01 02:Jul:st]
First pass at converting files to use autoloading! Take care if you have an old yioop system you are upgrading, a=chris
 *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Shailesh Padave
 * @package seek_quarry
 * @subpackage library
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2014
 * @filesource
/** For getTokenizer methods */
require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/phrase_parser.php";
 * Class used to reorder the last 10 links computed by PhraseModel based on
 * thesaurus semantic information. For English, thesaurus semantic information
 * can be provided by WordNet, a lexical English database
 * available at
 * To enable, you this have to define WORDNET_EXEC in your local_config file.
 * The idea behind thresaurus reordering is that given a query, it
 * is tagged for parts of speech. Each term is then looked up in thesaurus for
 * those parts of speech. Representative phrases for those term senses are
 * extracted from the ranked thesaurus output and a set of rewrites of the
 * original query are created. By looking up the number
 * of times these rewrites occur in the searched index the top two phrases
 * that represent the original query are computed.The BM25 similarity of these
 * phrases is then scored against each of the 10 output summaries of
 * PhraseModel and used to reorder the results.
 * To add thesaurus reordering for a different locale, two methods need to be
 * written in that locale tokenizer.php file
 *  tagPartsOfSpeechPhrase($phrase) which on an input phrase return a string
 *      where each term_i in the phrase has been replace with term_i~pos
 *      where pos is a two character part of speech NN, VB, AJ, AV, or NA (if
 *      none of the previous apply)
 *  scoredThesaurusMatches($term, $word_type, $whole_query) which takes
 *      a term from an original whole_query which has been tagged to be
 *      one of the types VB (for verb), NN (for noun), AJ (for adjective),
 *      AV (for adverb), or NA (for anything else), it outputs
 *      a sequence of  (score => array of thesaurus terms) associations.
 *      The score representing one word sense of term
 * Given that these methods have been implemented if the use_thesaurus field
 * of that language tokenizer is set to true, the thesaurus will be used.
class Thesaurus
     *  Extracts similar phrases to the input query using thesaurus results.
     *  Part of speech tagging is processed on input and the output is
     *  looked up in the thesaurus. USing this a ranked list of alternate
     *  query phrases is created.
     *  For those phrases, counts in the Yioop index are calculated
     *  and the top two phrases are selected.
     *  @param string $orig_query input query from user
     *  @param string $index_name selected index for search engine
     *  @param string $lang locale tag for the query
     *  @param integer $threshold once count in posting list for any word
     *      reaches to threshold then return the number
     *  @return array of top two words
    static function getSimilarPhrases($orig_query, $index_name,
        $lang, $threshold = 10)
        $num_docs = array();
        $scores = array();

        $suggested_queries =
            self::getInitialSuggestions($orig_query, $lang);
        foreach($suggested_queries as $suggestion) {
            $num_docs[$suggestion] =
                self::numDocsIndex($suggestion, $threshold, $index_name, $lang);
        $result = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach($num_docs as $k => $v) {
            $result[$i] = $k;
            if($i >= 2) { break; }
        return $result;
     * Gets array of BM25 scores for given input array of summaries
     * and thesaurus generated queries
     * @param array $similar_phrases an array of thesaurus generated queries
     * @param array $summaries an array of summaries which is generated
     *      during crawl time.
     * @return array of BM25 score for each document based on the thesaurus
     *  simimar phrases
    static function scorePhrasesSummaries($similar_phrases, $summaries)
        $score = array();
        //if there are no similar words then
        if(empty($similar_phrases)) {
            return array();
        } else {
            $num_phrases = count($similar_phrases);
            for($i = 0; $i < $num_phrases; $i++) {
                $phrase = $similar_phrases[$i];
                $terms = explode(' ', $phrase);
                $summaries = self::changeCaseOfStringArray($summaries);
                $idf = self::calculateIDF($summaries, $terms);
                $tf = self::calculateTFBM25($summaries, $terms);
                $num_summaries = count($summaries);
                $num_terms = count($terms);
                $bm25_result[$i] =
                    self::calculateBM25($idf, $tf, $num_terms, $num_summaries);
            if (count($bm25_result) == 1) {
                for($i = 0; $i < $num_summaries; $i++) {
                    $temp = 0;
                    $temp = $bm25_result[0][$i];
                    $score[$i] = $temp;
            } else {
                for($i = 0; $i < $num_summaries; $i++) {
                    $temp = 0;
                    $temp = $bm25_result[0][$i] * (2/3) +
                        $bm25_result[1][$i] * (1/3);
                    $score[$i] = $temp;
            return $score;
     *  Computes suggested related phrases from thesaurus based on part of
     *  speech  done on each query term.
     *  @param string $query query entered by user
     *  @param string $lang locale tag for the query
     *  @return string array $suggestion consisting of phrases suggested to
     *      be similar in meaning to some sens of the query
    static function getInitialSuggestions($query, $lang)
        $tokenizer = PhraseParser::getTokenizer($lang);
        $pos_query = $tokenizer->tagPartsOfSpeechPhrase($query);
        $max_len = 25;
        $replacement_phrases = array();
        $suggestions = array();
        $terms = preg_split("/\s+|\-/", trim($query));
        $pos_terms = preg_split("/\s+/",
            trim($pos_query), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $num_pos_terms = count($pos_terms);
        $word_type = NULL;
        $similar_words = array();
        $known_word_types = array("NN", "VB", "AJ", "AV");
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_pos_terms; $i++) {
            $pos = strpos($pos_terms[$i], '~');
            $word_type = trim(substr($pos_terms[$i], $pos + 1));
            if(!in_array($word_type, $known_word_types)) {
                $word_type = "NA";
            $current_word = substr($pos_terms[$i], 0, $pos);
            if($word_type != "NA") {
                $similar_phrases = $tokenizer->scoredThesaurusMatches(
                    $current_word, $word_type, $query);
                $highest_scoring_sense_phrases = ($similar_phrases) ?
                    array_shift($similar_phrases): false;
                if($highest_scoring_sense_phrases) {
                    $replacement_phrases[$current_word] =
        $i = 0;
        foreach($replacement_phrases as $words => $similar_phrases) {
            foreach ($similar_phrases as $phrase) {
                if(mb_strpos(trim($phrase), ' ') !== false) {
                    $phrase = preg_replace('/~[\w]+/', '', $phrase);
                $modified_query = preg_replace(
                    '/' . $words . '/', trim($phrase), $query);
                if(mb_strlen($modified_query) < $max_len &&
                    mb_strpos($modified_query, $query) === false) {
                    $suggestions[$i] = $modified_query;
        return $suggestions;
     *  Returns the number of documents in an index that a phrase occurs in.
     *  If it occurs in more than threshold documents then cut off search.
     *  @param string $phrase to look up in index
     *  @param int $threshold once count in posting list for any word
     *      reaches to threshold then return the number
     *  @param string $index_name selected index for search engine
     *  @param string $lang locale tag for the query
     *  @return int number of documents phrase occurs in
    static function numDocsIndex($phrase, $threshold, $index_name, $lang)
        PhraseParser::canonicalizePunctuatedTerms($phrase, $lang);
        $terms = PhraseParser::stemCharGramSegment($phrase, $lang);
        $num  = count($terms);
        if($index_name == NULL) {
            return 0;
        if(count($terms) > MAX_QUERY_TERMS) {
            $terms  = array_slice($terms, 0, MAX_QUERY_TERMS);
        $whole_phrase = implode(" ", $terms);
        return IndexManager::numDocsTerm($whole_phrase, $index_name,
     * Lower cases an array of strings
     * @param array $summary strings to put into lower case
     * @return array with strings converted to lower case
    static function changeCaseOfStringArray($summaries)
        return explode("-!-", mb_strtolower(implode("-!-", $summaries)));
     * Computes the BM25 of an array of documents given that the idf and
     * tf scores for these documents have already been computed
     * @param array $idf inverse doc frequency for given query array
     * @param array $tf term frequency for given query array
     * @param $num_terms number of terms that make up input query
     * @param $num_summaries count for input summaries
     * @returns array consisting of BM25 scores for each document
    static function calculateBM25($idf, $tf, $num_terms, $num_summaries)
        $scores = array();
        for($i = 0; $i < $num_terms; $i++) {
            for($j = 0; $j < $num_summaries; $j++) {
                $bm25_score[$i][$j] = $idf[$i] * $tf[$i][$j];
        for($i = 0; $i < $num_summaries; $i++) {
            $val = 0;
            for($j = 0; $j < $num_terms; $j++) {
                $val += $bm25_score[$j][$i];
            $scores[$i] = $val;
        return $scores;
     * Calculates the BM25 normalized term frequency of a set of terms in
     * a collection of text summaries
     * @param array $summaries list of summary strings to compute BM25TF w.r.t
     * @param array $terms we want the term frequency computation for
     * @return array $tfbm25 a 2d array with rows being indexed by terms and
     *      columns indexed by summaries and the values of an entry being
     *      the tfbm25 score for that term in that document
    static function calculateTFBM25($summaries, $terms)
        $k1 = 1.5;
        $b = 0.75;
        $tf_values = array();
        $tfbm25 = array();
        $doc_length = strlen(implode("", $summaries));
        $num_summaries = count($summaries);
        if($num_summaries!= 0) {
            $avg_length = $doc_length / $num_summaries;
        } else {
            $avg_length = 0;
        $avg_length = max($avg_length, 1);
        $tf_values = self::calculateTermFreq($summaries, $terms);
        $num_terms =count($terms);
        for($i = 0; $i < $num_terms; $i++) {
            for($j = 0; $j < $num_summaries; $j++) {
                $frequency = $tf_values[$i][$j];
                $tfbm25[$i][$j] =
                    ($frequency * ($k1 + 1))/($frequency + $k1 *
                    ((1 - $b) + $b * ($doc_length/$avg_length)));
        return $tfbm25;
     *  Computes a 2D array of the number of occurences of term i in document j
     *  @param array $summaries documents to compute frequencies in
     *  @param array $terms terms to compute frequencies for
     *  @return array 2D array as described above
    static function calculateTermFreq($summaries, $terms)
        $tf_values = array();
        $num_terms = count($terms);
        $num_summaries = count($summaries);
        for($i = 0; $i < $num_terms; $i++) {
            for($j = 0; $j < $num_summaries; $j++) {
                $frequency = substr_count($summaries[$j], $terms[$i]);
                $tf_values[$i][$j] = $frequency;
        return $tf_values;
     *  To get the inverse document frequencies for a collection of terms in
     *  a set of documents.
     *  IDF(term_i) = log_10(# of document / # docs term i in)
     * @param array $summaries documents to use in calculating IDF score
     * @param array $terms terms to compute IDF score for
     * @return array $idf 1D-array saying the inverse document frequency for
     *  each term
    static function calculateIDF($summaries, $terms)
        $N = count($summaries);
        $Nt = array();
        $term_count = 0;
        $num_terms = count($terms);
        for($i = 0; $i < $num_terms; $i++) {
            $cnt_Nt = 0;
            foreach($summaries as $summary)
                if(stripos($summary, $terms[$i]) !== false) {
            $Nt[$i] = $cnt_Nt;
            $idf[$i] = ($Nt[$i] != 0) ? log10($N / $Nt[$i]) : 0;
        return $idf;