viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for lib/web_archive.php: 9ff742e4cc2ef0dba312dd0c5f642890b6945730

First pass at converting files to use autoloading! Take care if you have an old yioop system you are upgrading, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2015-07-01 02:Jul:st]
First pass at converting files to use autoloading! Take care if you have an old yioop system you are upgrading, a=chris
 *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @package seek_quarry
 * @subpackage library
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2014
 * @filesource
if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
 * Loads crawlLog functions if needed
require_once "utility.php";
 * Code used to manage web archive files
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @package seek_quarry
 * @subpackage library
class WebArchive
     * Filename used to store the web archive.
     * @var string
    var $filename;
     * Current offset into the web archive the iterator for the archive is at
     * (at most one iterator / archive -- oh well)
     * @var int
    var $iterator_pos;
     * Filter object used to compress/uncompress objects stored in archive
     * @var object
    var $compressor;
     * number of item in archive
     * @var int
    var $count;
     * version number of the current archive
     * @var float
    var $version;
     * Says whether the archive is a string archive
     * @var bool
    var $is_string;
     * If archive is stored as a string rather than persistently to disk
     * then $storage is used to hold the string
     * @var string
    var $storage;
     * Version number to use in the WebArchive header if constructing a new
     * archive
    const WEB_ARCHIVE_VERSION = 1.0;
     * Makes or initializes a WebArchive object using the supplied parameters
     * @param string $fname filename to use to store archive to disk
     * @param string $compressor what kind of Compressor object should be
     *      used to read and write objects in the archive
     * @param bool $fast_construct do we read the info block of the web
     *      archive as part of the constructing process
     * @param bool $is_string says whether the archive stores to string
     *      rather than a file
    function __construct($fname, $compressor, $fast_construct = false,
        $is_string = false)
        $this->filename = $fname;
        $this->compressor = $compressor;
        $this->is_string = $is_string;
        if($this->is_string) {
            $this->storage = "";
            $this->iterator_pos = 0;
            $this->count = 0;
        if(file_exists($fname)) {
            if(!$fast_construct) {
            $this->iterator_pos = 0;
        } else {
            $this->iterator_pos = 0;
            $this->count = 0;
            $fh =  fopen($this->filename, "w");
     * Read the info block associated with this web archive.
     * The info block is meta data for the archive stored at the end of
     * the WebArchive file. The particular meta is up to who is using
     * the web archive.
     * @return array the contents of the info block
    function readInfoBlock()
        if($this->is_string) return NULL;
        $fh =  fopen($this->filename, "r");
        $len = $this->seekEndObjects($fh);
        $info_string = fread($fh, $len);
        $info_block = unserialize($this->compressor->uncompress($info_string));
        $this->count = $info_block["count"];
        $this->version = $info_block["version"];
        if(isset($info_block["data"])) {
            return $info_block["data"];
        } else {
            return NULL;
     * Serializes and applies the compressor to an info block and write it at
     * the end of the web archive
     * The info block is meta data for the archive stored at the end of
     * the WebArchive file. The particular meta is up to who is using
     * the web archive; however, count and archive version number are always
     * stored
     * @param resource $fh resource for the web archive file. If null
     *      the web archive is open first and close when the data is written
     * @param array &$data data to write into the info block of the archive
    function writeInfoBlock($fh = NULL, &$data = NULL)
        if($this->is_string) return;
        $compressed_int_len = $this->compressor->compressedIntLen();
        $open_flag = false;
        if($fh == NULL) {
            $open_flag = true;
            $fh =  fopen($this->filename, "r+");
        $info_block = array();
        $info_block["version"] = self::WEB_ARCHIVE_VERSION;
        $info_block["count"] = $this->count;
        if($data != NULL) {
            $info_block['data'] = & $data;
        $info_string =
        $len = strlen($info_string) + $compressed_int_len;

        $offset = ftell($fh);
        ftruncate($fh, $offset);

        $out = $info_string.$this->compressor->compressInt($len);
        fwrite($fh, $out, $len);

        if($open_flag) {
     * Seeks in the WebArchive file to the end of the last Object.
     * The last $compressed_int_len bytes of a WebArchive say the length
     * of an info block in bytes
     * @param resource $fh resource for the WebArchive file
     * @return int offset length of info block
    function seekEndObjects($fh)
        if($this->is_string) {
            return strlen($this->storage);
        $compressed_int_len = $this->compressor->compressedIntLen();
        fseek($fh, - $compressed_int_len, SEEK_END);
        $len_block = $this->compressor->uncompressInt(
            fread($fh, $compressed_int_len));
        fseek($fh, - ($len_block), SEEK_END);
        return $len_block - $compressed_int_len;
     * Adds objects to the WebArchive
     * @param string $offset_field field in objects to return the byte offset
     *      at which they were stored
     * @param array &$objects references to objects that will be stored
     *      the offset field in these references will be adjusted if
     * @param array $data data to write in the WebArchive's info block
     * @param string $callback name of a callback
     *      $callback($data, $new_objects, $offset_field)
     *      used to modify $data before it is written
     *      to the info block. For instance, we can add offset info to data.
     * @param bool $return_flag if true rather than adjust the offsets by
     *      reference, create copy objects and adjust their offsets anf return
     * @return mixed adjusted objects or void
    function addObjects($offset_field, &$objects,
        $data = NULL, $callback = NULL, $return_flag = true)
        $is_string = $this->is_string;
        if(!$is_string) {
            $fh =  fopen($this->filename, "r+");
            $offset = ftell($fh);
            ftruncate($fh, $offset);
        } else {
            $offset = strlen($this->storage);
        $out = "";
        if($return_flag) {
            $new_objects = $objects;
        } else {
            $new_objects = & $objects;
        $num_objects = count($new_objects);
        $compressed_int_len = $this->compressor->compressedIntLen();
        for($i = 0; $i < $num_objects; $i++) {
            $new_objects[$i][$offset_field] = $offset;
            $file = serialize($new_objects[$i]);
            $compressed_file = $this->compressor->compress($file);
            $len = strlen($compressed_file);
            $out .= $this->compressor->compressInt($len) . $compressed_file;
            $offset += $len + $compressed_int_len;
        $this->count += $num_objects;
        if($is_string) {
            $this->storage .= $out;
        } else {
            fwrite($fh, $out, strlen($out));
        if($data != NULL && $callback != NULL) {
            $data = $callback($data, $new_objects, $offset_field);
        if(!$is_string) {
            $this->writeInfoBlock($fh, $data);
        if($return_flag) {
            return $new_objects;
        } else {
     * Open the web archive file associated with this WebArchive object.
     * @param string $mode read/write mode to open file with
     * @return resource a file resource for the web archive
    function open($mode = "r")
        if($this->is_string) {
            return "is_string";
        $fh = fopen($this->filename, $mode);
        return $fh;
     * Closes a file handle (which should be of a web archive)
    function close($fh)
        if($this->is_string) return;
     * Gets $num many objects out of the web archive starting at byte $offset
     * If the $next_flag is true the archive iterator is advance and if $fh
     * is not NULL then it is assumed to be an open resource pointing to the
     * archive (saving the time to open it).
     * @param int $offset a valid byte offset into a web archive
     * @param int $num number of objects to return
     * @param bool $next_flag whether to advance the archive iterator
     * @param resource $fh either NULL or a file resource to the archive
     * @return array the $num objects beginning at $offset
    function getObjects($offset, $num, $next_flag = true, $fh = NULL)
        $open_flag = false;
        if($fh == NULL) {
            $fh =  $this->open();
            $open_flag = true;
        $is_string = $this->is_string;
        $objects = array();
        $compressed_int_len = $this->compressor->compressedIntLen();
        if($is_string) {
            $storage_len = strlen($this->storage);
        if((!$is_string &&fseek($fh, $offset) == 0 ) || ($is_string
            && $offset < $storage_len)) {
            for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
                if(!$is_string && feof($fh)) {break; }
                if($is_string && $offset >= $storage_len) {break; }
                $object = NULL;
                $compressed_len = ($is_string)
                    ? substr($this->storage, $offset, $compressed_int_len)
                    : fread($fh, $compressed_int_len);
                $len = $this->compressor->uncompressInt($compressed_len);
                if($len > 0 && $len < MAX_ARCHIVE_OBJECT_SIZE) {
                    $compressed_file = ($is_string)
                        ? substr($this->storage, $offset + $compressed_int_len,
                        : fread($fh, $len);
                    $file = $this->compressor->uncompress($compressed_file);
                    $object = @unserialize($file);
                    $offset += $compressed_int_len + $len;
                    $objects[] = array($offset, $object);
                } else {
                    crawlLog("Web archive saw blank line ".
                        "when looked for offset $offset");
            if($next_flag) {
                $this->iterator_pos = $offset;
        if($open_flag) {
        return $objects;
     * Returns $num many objects from the web archive starting at the current
     * iterator position, leaving the iterator position unchanged
     * @param int $num number of objects to return
     * @return array an array of objects from the web archive
    function currentObjects($num)
        return $this->getObjects($this->iterator_pos, $num, false);
     * Returns $num many objects from the web archive starting at the
     * current iterator position. The iterator is advance to the object
     * after the last one returned
     * @param int $num number of objects to return
     * @return array an array of objects from the web archive
    function nextObjects($num)
        return $this->getObjects($this->iterator_pos, $num);
     * Resets the iterator for this web archive to the first object
     * in the archive
    function reset()
        $this->iterator_pos = 0;