viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for lib/wiki_parser.php: 9ff742e4cc2ef0dba312dd0c5f642890b6945730

First pass at converting files to use autoloading! Take care if you have an old yioop system you are upgrading, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2015-07-01 02:Jul:st]
First pass at converting files to use autoloading! Take care if you have an old yioop system you are upgrading, a=chris
 *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @package seek_quarry
 * @subpackage library
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2014
 * @filesource
if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
/** Used to load common constants among crawl components */
require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/crawl_constants.php";
/** For close dangling tags */
require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/processors/text_processor.php";
 * Class with methods to parse mediawiki documents, both within Yioop, and
 * when Yioop indexes mediawiki dumps as from Wikipedia.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @package seek_quarry
 * @subpackage library

class WikiParser implements CrawlConstants
     * Used to initialize the arrays of match/replacements used to format
     * wikimedia syntax into HTML (not perfectly since we are only doing
     * regexes)
     * @param string $base_address base url for link substitutions
    function __construct($base_address = "", $add_substitutions = array())
        //assume substitutions are applied after htmlentities called on string
        $substitutions = array(
                "\n<h1 id='$2'>$2</h1>"),
                "\n<h2 id='$2'>$2</h2>"),
                "\n<h3 id='$2'>$2</h3>"),
                "\n<h4 id='$2'>$2</h4>"),
                "\n<h5 id='$2'>$2</h5>"),
                "\n<h6 id='$2'>$2</h6>"),
                "<div class='indent'>(<a href=\"".
            array("/{{See also\s*\|(.+?)(\|.+)?}}/i",
                "<div class='indent'>(<a href=\"".
                "<div class='indent'>(<a href=\"".
            array("/{{\s*Related articles\s*\|(.+?)\|(.+?)}}/si",
                "<div class='indent'>(<a href=\"".
                $base_address . "$1\">$1?</a>)</div>"),
                "<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>"),
                "<a href=\"{$base_address}$1\">$2</a>"),
                "<a href=\"{$base_address}$1\">$1</a>"),
                "[<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>]"),
            array("/\[(http[^\]\s]+)\s*\]/","(<a href=\"$1\">&rarr;</a>)"),
                "&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;/s", "<b><i>$1</i></b>"),
            array("/&#039;&#039;&#039;(.+?)&#039;&#039;&#039;/s", "<b>$1</b>"),
            array("/&#039;&#039;(.+?)&#039;&#039;/s", "<i>$1</i>"),
            array('/{{center\|(.+?)}}/s', "<div class='center'>$1</div>"),
            array('/{{left\|(.+?)}}/s', "<div class='align-left'>$1</div>"),
            array('/{{right\|(.+?)}}/s', "<div class='align-right'>$1</div>"),
            array('/{{smallcaps\|(.+?)}}/s', "<small>$1</small>"),
            array('/{{Hatnote\|(.+?)}}/si', "($1)"),
            array("/{{fraction\|(.+?)\|(.+?)}}/si", "<small>$1/$2</small>"),
            array("/{{lang[\||\-](.+?)\|(.+?)}}/si", "$1 &rarr; $2"),
            array("/{{convert\|(.+?)\|(.+?)\|(.+?)}}/si", "$1$2"),
            array("/{{IPA-(.+?)\|(.+?)}}/si", "(IPA $2)"),
            array("/{{dablink\|(.+?)}}/si", "($1)"),
            array("/&lt;pre&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/pre&gt;/s", "<pre>$1</pre>"),
            array("/&lt;tt&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/tt&gt;/s", "<tt>$1</tt>"),
            array("/&lt;u&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/u&gt;/s", "<u>$1</u>"),
            array("/&lt;s&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/s&gt;/s", "<s>$1</s>"),
            array("/&lt;ins&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/ins&gt;/s", "<ins>$1</ins>"),
            array("/&lt;del&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/del&gt;/s", "<del>$1</del>"),
            array("/&lt;sub&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/sub&gt;/s", "<sub>$1</sub>"),
            array("/&lt;sup&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/sup&gt;/s", "<sup>$1</sup>"),
            array("/&lt;math&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/math&gt;/s", "`$1`"),
            array("/&lt;br(\s*\/)?&gt;/", "<br />"),
            array("/&amp;nbsp;/", "&nbsp;"),
            array('/(\A|\n)\*(.+)(\n|\Z)/', "\n<li>$2</li>\n"),
            array('/(\A|\n)\*(.+)(\n|\Z)/', "\n<li>$2</li>\n"),
            array('/(\A|[^>])\n<li>/', "$1\n<ul>\n<li>"),
            array('@</li>\n(\Z|[^<])@', "</li>\n</ul>\n$1"),
            array('@</li>\n<li>\*@', "\n**"),
            array('/\n\*\*(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/\n\*\*(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/([^>])\n<li>/', "$1\n<ul>\n<li>"),
            array('@</li></li>@', "</li>\n</ul>\n</li>"),
            array('/(\A|\n)\#(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$2</li>\n"),
            array('/(\A|\n)\#(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$2</li>\n"),
            array('/(\A|[^>])\n<li>/', "$1\n<ol>\n<li>"),
            array('@</li>\n<li>\#@', "\n##"),
            array('/\n\#\#(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/\n\#\#(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/([^>])\n<li>/', "$1\n<ol>\n<li>"),
            array('@</li></li>@', "</li>\n</ol>\n</li>"),
            array('@</li>\n<li>\*@', "\n**"),
            array('/\n\*\*(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/\n\*\*(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/([^>])\n<li>/', "$1\n<ul>\n<li>"),
            array('@</li></li>@', "</li>\n</ul>\n</li>"),
            array('@</li>\n<li>\#@', "\n##"),
            array('/\n\#\#(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/\n\#\#(.+?)(\n|\Z)/s', "\n<li>$1</li>\n"),
            array('/([^>])\n<li>/', "$1\n<ol>\n<li>"),
            array('@</li></li>@', "</li>\n</ol>\n</li>"),
            array('/(\A|\n):\s/', "\n<span class='indent1'>&nbsp;</span>"),
            array('/(\A|\n)::\s/', "\n<span class='indent2'>&nbsp;</span>"),
            array('/(\A|\n):::\s/', "\n<span class='indent3'>&nbsp;</span>"),
            array('/(\A|\n)::::\s/', "\n<span class='indent4'>&nbsp;</span>"),
                "\n<span class='indent5'>&nbsp;</span>"),
            array('/(\A|\n)----/', "$1<hr />"),
            array('/\r/', ""),
        $this->matches = array();
        $this->replaces = array();
        $this->base_address = $base_address;
        if($add_substitutions != array()) {
            $substitutions = array_merge($add_substitutions, $substitutions);
        foreach($substitutions as $substitution) {
            list($this->matches[], $this->replaces[]) = $substitution;
     *  Parses a mediawiki document to produce an HTML equivalent
     *  @param string $document a document which might have mediawiki markup
     *  @param bool $parse_head_vars header variables are an extension of
     *      mediawiki syntax used to add meta variable and titles to
     *      the head tag of an html document. This flag controls whether to
     *      supprot this extension or not
     *  @param bool $handle_big_files for indexing purposes Yioop by default
     *      truncates long documents before indexing them. If true, this
     *      method does not do this default truncation. The true value
     *      is more useful when using Yioop's built-in wiki.
     *  @return string HTML document obtained by parsing mediawiki
     *      markup in $document
    function parse($document, $parse_head_vars = true,
        $handle_big_files = false)
        $head = "";
        if($parse_head_vars) {
        $document_parts = explode("END_HEAD_VARS", $document);
            if(count($document_parts) > 1) {
                $head = $document_parts[0];
                $document = $document_parts[1];
        $document = preg_replace_callback(
            "base64EncodeCallback", $document);
        $toc = $this->makeTableOfContents($document);
        list($document, $references) = $this->makeReferences($document);
        $document = preg_replace_callback('/(\A|\n){\|(.*?)\n\|}/s',
            "makeTableCallback", $document);
        if($handle_big_files) {
            if(strlen($document) < MAX_GROUP_PAGE_LEN) {
                $document = preg_replace($this->matches,
                    $this->replaces, $document);
            } else {
                $num_matches = count($this->matches);
                for($i = 0; $i < $num_matches; $i++) {
                    crawlTimeoutLog("..Doing wiki substitutions..");
                    $document = preg_replace($this->matches[$i],
                        $this->replaces[$i], $document);
        } else {
            if(strlen($document) > 0.9 * MAX_GROUP_PAGE_LEN) {
                $document = substr($document, 0, 0.9*MAX_GROUP_PAGE_LEN);
            $document =
                preg_replace($this->matches, $this->replaces, $document);
        $document = preg_replace_callback("/((href=)\"([^\"]+)\")/",
            "fixLinksCallback", $document);
        $doc_parts = preg_split("/\n\n+/", $document);
        $document = "";
        $space_like = array(" ", "\t");
        foreach($doc_parts as $part) {
            if(trim($part) == "") {
            $start = substr($part, 0, 2);
            if(in_array($start[0], $space_like)) {
                $document .= "\n<pre>\n".ltrim($part)."\n</pre>\n";
            } else {
                $document .= "\n<div>\n".$part. "\n</div>\n";
        $document = $this->insertReferences($document, $references);
        $document = $this->insertTableOfContents($document, $toc);
        $document = preg_replace_callback(
            "base64DecodeCallback", $document);
        if($head != "" && $parse_head_vars) {
            $document = $head . "END_HEAD_VARS" . $document;
        if(!$handle_big_files && strlen($document) > 0.9*MAX_GROUP_PAGE_LEN) {
            $document = substr($document, 0, 0.9*MAX_GROUP_PAGE_LEN);
            $document .="...";
        return $document;
     * Used to make a table of contents for a wiki page based on the
     * level two headings on that page.
     *  @param string $page a wiki document
     *  @return string HTML table of contents to be inserted after wiki
     *      page processed
    function makeTableOfContents($page)
        $toc= "";
        $matches = array();
        $min_sections_for_toc = 4;
        preg_match_all('/(\A|\n)==\s*([^=]+)\s*==/', $page, $matches);
        if(isset($matches[2]) && count($matches[2]) >= $min_sections_for_toc) {
            $toc .= "<div style='border: 1px ridge #000; width:280px;".
                "background-color:#EEF; padding: 3px; margin:6px;'><ol>\n";
            foreach($matches[2] as $section) {
                $toc .= "<li><a href='#".addslashes($section)."'>".
            $toc .= "</ol></div>\n";
        return $toc;
     * Used to make a reference list for a wiki page based on the
     * cite tags on that page.
     *  @param string $page a wiki document
     *  @return string HTML reference list to be inserted after wiki
     *      page processed
    function makeReferences($page)
        $base_address = $this->base_address;
        $references= "\n";
        $matches = array();
        preg_match_all('/{{v?cite(.+?)}}/si', $page, $matches);
        citeCallback(NULL, 1);
        $page = preg_replace_callback('/{{v?cite?a?t?i?o?n?(.+?)}}/si',
            "citeCallback", $page);
        if(isset($matches[1])) {
            $i = 1;
            $wiki_fields = array("title", "publisher", "author", "journal",
                "book", "quote");
            foreach($matches[1] as $reference) {
                $ref_parts = explode("|", $reference);
                $references .= "<div id=\"ref_$i\">$i.".
                    "<a href=\"#cite_$i\">^</a>.";
                crawlTimeoutLog("..Making wiki references outer..");
                if(count($ref_parts) > 0) {
                    $ref_data = array();
                    $type = trim(strtolower($ref_parts[0]));
                    foreach($ref_parts as $part) {
                        crawlTimeoutLog("..Making wiki references inner..");
                        $part_parts = explode("=", $part);
                            $field = strtolower(trim($part_parts[0]));
                            $value = trim($part_parts[1]);
                            if(in_array($field, $wiki_fields)) {
                                $value = preg_replace($this->matches,
                                    $this->replaces, $value);
                                $value = strip_tags($value,
                            $ref_data[$field] = $value;
                    if(!isset($ref_data['author']) && isset($ref_data['last'])
                        && isset($ref_data['first'])) {
                        $ref_data['author'] = $ref_data['last'].", ".
                    if(isset($ref_data['authorlink']) ) {
                        if(!isset($ref_data['author'])) {
                            $ref_data['author'] = $ref_data['authorlink'];
                        $ref_data['author'] = "<a href=\"$base_address".
                    if(!isset($ref_data['title']) && isset($ref_data['url'])) {
                        $ref_data['title'] = $ref_data['url'];
                    if(isset($ref_data['title']) && isset($ref_data['url'])) {
                        $ref_data['title'] = "<a href=\"{$ref_data['url']}\">".
                    if(isset($ref_data['quote'])) {
                        $references .= '"'.$ref_data['quote'].'". ';
                    if(isset($ref_data['author'])) {
                        $references .= $ref_data['author'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['title'])) {
                        $references .= '"'.$ref_data['title'].'". ';

                    if(isset($ref_data['accessdate']) &&
                        !isset($ref_data['archivedate'])) {
                        $references .= '('.$ref_data['accessdate'].') ';
                    if(isset($ref_data['archivedate'])) {
                        if(isset($ref_data['archiveurl'])) {
                            $ref_data['archivedate'] = "<a href=\"".
                        $references .= '('.$ref_data['archivedate'].') ';
                    if(isset($ref_data['journal'])) {
                         $references .= "<i>{$ref_data['journal']}</i> ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['location'])) {
                         $references .= $ref_data['location'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['publisher'])) {
                         $references .= $ref_data['publisher'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['doi'])) {
                         $references .= "doi:".$ref_data['doi'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['isbn'])) {
                         $references .= "ISBN:".$ref_data['isbn'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['jstor'])) {
                         $references .= "JSTOR:".$ref_data['jstor'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['oclc'])) {
                         $references .= "OCLC:".$ref_data['oclc'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['volume'])) {
                         $references .= "<b>".$ref_data['volume'].
                            "</b> ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['issue'])) {
                         $references .= "#".$ref_data['issue'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['date'])) {
                         $references .= $ref_data['date'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['year'])) {
                         $references .= $ref_data['year'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['page'])) {
                         $references .= "p.".$ref_data['page'].". ";
                    if(isset($ref_data['pages'])) {
                         $references .= "pp.".$ref_data['pages'].". ";
                $references .="</div>\n";
        return array($page, $references);
     *  After regex processing has been done on a wiki page this function
     *  inserts into the resulting page a table of contents just before
     *  the first h2 tag, then returns the result page
     *  @param string $page page in which to insert table of contents
     *  @param string $toc HTML table of contents
     *  @return string resulting page after insert
    function insertTableOfContents($page, $toc)
        $pos = strpos($page, "<h2");
        if($pos !== false) {
            $start = substr($page, 0, $pos);
            $end = substr($page, $pos);
            $page = $start . $toc. $end;
        return $page;
     *  After regex processing has been done on a wiki page this function
     *  inserts into the resulting page a reference at
     *  {{reflist locations, then returns the result page
     *  @param string $page page in which to insert the reference lists
     *  @param string $toc HTML table of contents
     *  @return string resulting page after insert
    function insertReferences($page, $references)
        $page = preg_replace('/{{reflist(.+?)}}/si', $references, $page);
        return $page;
 * Callback used by a preg_replace_callback in nextPage to make a table
 * @param array $matches of table cells
function makeTableCallback($matches)
    $table = str_replace("\n!","\n|#",$matches[2]);
    $table = str_replace("!!","||#",$table);
    $table = str_replace("||","\n|",$table);
    $row_data = explode("|", $table);
    $first = true;
    $out = $matches[1];
    $state = "";
    $skip = false;
    $type = "td";
    $old_type = "td";
    $table_cell_attributes = array("align", "colspan", "style", "scope",
        "rowspace", "valign");
    foreach($row_data as $item) {
        crawlTimeoutLog("..Making Wiki Tables..");
        if($first) {
            $item = trim(str_replace("\n", " ", $item));
            $item = str_replace("&quot;", "\"", $item);
            $item = stripAttributes($item, array('id', 'class', 'style'));
            $out .= "<table $item >\n<tr>";
            $first = false;
            $old_line = true;
        if($item == "" || $item[0] == "-") {
            if($out[strlen($out) - 2] != "r") {
                $out .= "</$old_type>";
            $out .= "</tr>\n<tr>";

        if($item[0] == "+") {
            $type= "caption";
            $old_type = $type;
            $item = substr($item, 1);
        if($item[0] == "#") {
            $type= "th";
            $old_type = $type;
            $item = substr($item, 1);
        $trim_item = trim($item);
        $attribute_trim = str_replace("\n", " ", $trim_item);
        $attribute_trim = str_replace("&quot;", "\"", $attribute_trim);
        if(!$skip && $state = trim(
            stripAttributes($attribute_trim, $table_cell_attributes))) {
            $old_type = $type;
            $skip = true;
        $skip = false;
        if($out[strlen($out) - 2] != "r") {
            $out .= "</$old_type>";
        $out .= "<$type $state>\n$trim_item";
        $state = "";
        $old_type = $type;
        $type = "td";
    $out .= "</$old_type></tr></table>";
    return $out;
 * Used to convert {{cite }} to a numbered link to a citation
 * @param array $matches from regular expression to check for {{cite }}
 * @param int init used to initialize counter for citations
 * @return string a HTML link to citation in current document
function citeCallback($matches, $init = -1)
    static $ref_count = 1;
    if($init != -1) {
        $ref_count = $init;
        return "";
    $out = "<sup>(<a id=\"cite_$ref_count\" ".
    return $out;
 * Used to changes spaces to underscores in links generated from our earlier
 * matching rules
 * @param array $matches from regular expression to check for links
 * @return string result of correcting link
function fixLinksCallback($matches)
    $out = $matches[2].'"'.str_replace(" ", "_", $matches[3]).'"';
    return $out;
 * Callback used to base64 encode the contents of nowiki tags so they
 * won't be manipulated by wiki replacements.
 * @param array $matches[1] should contain the contents of a nowiki tag
 * @return string base 64 encoded contents surrounded by an escaped nowiki tag.
function base64EncodeCallback($matches)
    return "&lt;nowiki&gt;".base64_encode($matches[1])."&lt;/nowiki&gt;";

 * Callback used to base64 decode the contents of previously base64 encoded
 * (@see base64EncodeCallback) nowiki tags after all mediawiki substitutions
 * have been done
 * @param array $matches[1] should contain the contents of a nowiki tag
 * @return string base 64 decoded contents surrounded by a pre-formatted tag.
function base64DecodeCallback($matches)
    return "<pre>".base64_decode($matches[1])."</pre>";