viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for src/executables/CodeTool.php: 2addb500315b7393a90fe66431d7832b1e7386c7

Adjust copyrights years

Chris Pollett [2024-01-03 21:Jan:rd]
Adjust copyrights years
 * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2022  Chris Pollett
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Tool used to help coding with Yioop. Has commands to update copyright info,
 * clean trailing spaces, find long lines, and do global file searches and
 * replaces.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2022
 * @filesource
namespace seekquarry\yioop\executables;

use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
use seekquarry\yioop\models\Model;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\Utility;
use seekquarry\yioop\controllers\TestsController;

if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ||
    defined("seekquarry\\yioop\\configs\\IS_OWN_WEB_SERVER")) {
    echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();
/** Load in global configuration settings */
require_once __DIR__ . '/../configs/Config.php';
if (!C\PROFILE) {
    echo "Please configure the search engine instance by visiting " .
        "its web interface on localhost.\n";
 * We'll set up multi-byte string handling to use UTF-8
$no_instructions = false;
$model = new Model();
$db = $model->db;
$commands = ["comments", "copyright", "clean", "longlines", "needsdocs",
    "search", "replace", "unit"];
$change_extensions = ["php", "js", "ini", "css", "thtml", "xml", "h", "cpp",
    "java", "py"];
$exclude_paths_containing = ["/.", "/extensions/"];
$num_spaces_tab = 4;
if (isset($argv[1]) && in_array($argv[1], $commands)) {
    if ($argv[1] == 'comments') {
        $argv[1] = 'needsdocs';
    $command = C\NS_EXEC . $argv[1];
    $no_instructions = $command($argv);
if (!$no_instructions) {
    echo <<< EOD
CodeTool.php has the following command formats:

php CodeTool.php clean path
    Replaces all tabs with four spaces and trims all whitespace off ends of
    lines in the folder or file path. Removes trailing ?> from files
    Adds a space between if, for, foreach, etc and ( if not present

php CodeTool.php comments path
php CodeTool.php needsdocs path
    Prints out all lines in files in the folder or file path where code lacks

php CodeTool.php copyright path
    Adjusts all lines in the files in the folder at path (or if
    path is a file just that) of the form 2009 - \d\d\d\d to
    the form 2009 - this_year where this_year is the current year.

php CodeTool.php longlines path
    Prints out all lines in files in the folder or file path which are
    longer than 80 characters.

php CodeTool.php replace path pattern replace_string
php CodeTool.php replace path pattern replace_string effect
    Prints all lines matching the regular expression pattern followed
    by the result of replacing pattern with replace_string in the
    folder or file path. Does not change files.

php CodeTool.php replace path pattern replace_string interactive
    Prints each line matching the regular expression pattern followed
    by the result of replacing pattern with replace_string in the
    folder or file path. Then it asks if you want to update the line.
    Lines you choose for updating will be modified in the files.

php CodeTool.php replace path pattern replace_string change
    Each line matching the regular expression pattern is update
    by replacing pattern with replace_string in the
    folder or file path. This format doe not echo anything, it does a global
    replace without interaction.

php CodeTool.php search path pattern
    Prints all lines matching the regular expression pattern in the
    folder or file path.

php CodeTool.php unit list
    List available unit tests for Yioop

php CodeTool.php unit [test_class] [test_method]
    If test_class and test_method not supplied then runs all unit tests.
    If just test_class supplied then runs all the unit tets in test_class
    If both test_class and test_method supplied runs the unit tests given
    in test_method of test_class.

 * Used to clean trailing whitespace from files in a folder or just from
 * a file given in the command line. If also removes final ?> characters
 * to make php files conform with suggested coding guidelines. Similarly,
 * adds a space between if, for, foreach, etc and ( if not present to make
 * match PHP coding guidelines
 * @param array $args $args[0] contains path to sub-folder/file
 * @return bool $no_instructions false if should output CodeTool.php
 *     instructions
function clean($args)
    global $num_spaces_tab;
    $no_instructions = false;
    if (isset($args[0])) {
        $path = realpath($args[0]);
        $no_instructions = true;
        mapPath($path, C\NS_EXEC . "cleanLinesFile");
    return $no_instructions;
 * Updates the copyright info (assuming in Yioop docs format) on files
 * in supplied sub-folder/file. That is, it changes strings matching
 * /2009 - \d\d\d\d/ to 2009 - current_year in those files/file.
 * @param array $args $args[0] contains path to sub-folder/file
 * @return bool $no_instructions false if should output CodeTool.php
 *     instructions
function copyright($args)
    $no_instructions = false;
    if (isset($args[0])) {
        $path = realpath($args[0]);
        $year = date("Y");
        $out_year = "2009 - ".$year;
        replaceFile("", "/2009 \- \d\d\d\d/", $out_year, "change");
            // initialize callback
        mapPath($path, C\NS_EXEC . "replaceFile");
        $no_instructions = true;
    return $no_instructions;
 * Search and echos line numbers and lines for lines of length greater than 80
 * characters in files in supplied sub-folder/file,
 * @param array $args $args[0] contains path to sub-folder/file
 * @return bool $no_instructions false if should output CodeTool.php
 *     instructions
function longlines($args)
    global $change_extensions;
    $no_instructions = false;
    $change_extensions = array_diff($change_extensions, ["ini", "xml"]);
    if (isset($args[0])) {
        $path = realpath($args[0]);
        searchFile("", "/([^\n]){81}/u");// initialize callback
        mapPath($path, C\NS_EXEC . "searchFile");
        $no_instructions = true;
    return $no_instructions;
 * Search and echos line numbers and lines for lines of length greater than 80
 * characters in files in supplied sub-folder/file,
 * @param array $args $args[0] contains path to sub-folder/file
 * @return bool $no_instructions false if should output CodeTool.php
 *     instructions
function needsdocs($args)
    global $change_extensions;
    $no_instructions = false;
    $change_extensions = array_diff($change_extensions, ["ini", "xml", "js"]);
    if (isset($args[0])) {
        $path = realpath($args[0]);
        searchFile("", "/\/\*[\*|\s|\n]*\*\/|".
            // initialize callback
        mapPath($path, C\NS_EXEC . "searchFile");
        $no_instructions = true;
    return $no_instructions;
 * Performs a search and replace for given pattern in files in supplied
 * sub-folder/file
 * @param array $args $args[0] contains path to sub-folder/file,
 *     $args[1] contains the regex searching for, $args[2] contains
 *     what it should be replaced with, $args[3] (defaults to effect)
 *     controls the mode of operation. One of "effect", "change", or
 *     "interactive". effect shows line number and lines matching pattern,
 *     but commits no changes; interactive for each match, prompts user
 *     if should do the change, change does a global search and replace
 *     without output
 * @return bool $no_instructions false if should output CodeTool.php
 *     instructions
function replace($args)
    $no_instructions = false;
    if (isset($args[0]) && isset($args[1]) && isset($args[2])) {
        $path = realpath($args[0]);
        $no_instructions = true;
        $pattern = $args[1];
        $replace = $args[2];
        $mode = (isset($args[3])) ? $args[3] : "effect";
        $len = strlen($pattern);
        if ($len >= 2) {
            $pattern = preg_quote($pattern,"@");
            $pattern = "@$pattern@";
            replaceFile("", $pattern, $replace, $mode); // initialize callback

            mapPath($path, C\NS_EXEC . "replaceFile");
    return $no_instructions;
 * Performs a search for given pattern in files in supplied sub-folder/file
 * @param array $args $args[0] contains path to sub-folder/file,
 *     $args[1] contains the regex searching for
 * @return bool $no_instructions false if should output CodeTool.php
 *     instructions
function search($args)
    $no_instructions = false;
    if (isset($args[0]) && isset($args[1])) {
        $path = realpath($args[0]);
        $no_instructions = true;
        $pattern = $args[1];
        $len = strlen($pattern);
        if ($len >= 2) {
            $pattern = preg_quote($pattern, "@");
            $pattern = "@$pattern@";
            searchFile("", $pattern); // initialize callback
            mapPath($path, C\NS_EXEC . "searchFile");
    return $no_instructions;
 * Used to run or list Yioop unit tests given in $args
 * @param array $args - if empty run all tests, if $args[0] == 'list'
 *  then list available test. If $args[0] == name_of_particular then
 *  run just that test. If $args[1] == name_of_particular case, then
 *  just run that test case of the particular test.
 * @return bool whether $args made sense so could process
function unit($args)
    $tests_controller = new TestsController();
    $data = $tests_controller->listTests();
    $test_names = $data["TEST_NAMES"];
    if (!empty($args[0]) && $args[0] == "list") {
        if (!empty($args[1])) {
            return false;
        echo "Yioop Unit Test List\n====================\n";
        foreach ($test_names as $test_name) {
            echo "$test_name\n";
        return true;
    $_SERVER["NO_LOGGING"] = true;
    if (empty($args[0])) {
        $data = $tests_controller->runAllTests();
    } else {
        if (!empty($args[2])) {
            return false;
        if (!in_array($args[0], $test_names)) {
            echo "Test Class: {$args[0]} not found\n!";
            return true;
        $_REQUEST['test'] = $args[0];
        if (!empty($args[1])) {
            if (method_exists(C\NS_TESTS . $args[0], $args[1])) {
                $_REQUEST['method'] = $args[1];
            } else {
                echo "Test Class: {$args[0]} method {$args[1]} not found\n!";
                return true;
        $data = $tests_controller->runTest();
        $data["ALL_RESULTS"] = [$_REQUEST['test'] => $data["RESULTS"]];
    echo "\n\nYioop Unit Tests\n================\n\n";
    foreach ($data['ALL_RESULTS'] as
        $test_class_name => $test_methods) {
        echo $test_class_name . "\n" .
            str_pad("", strlen($test_class_name), "-") . "\n";
        if (!empty($test_methods['JS'])) {
            echo "JavascriptUnitTests not supported from command line!\n";
        foreach ($test_methods as $method_name => $method_time_tests) {
            list($method_tests, $elapsed_time) = $method_time_tests;
            $elapsed_time = sprintf("%.5e", $elapsed_time);
            $passed = 0;
            $count = 0;
            $failed_items = [];
            foreach ($method_tests as $item) {
                if ($item['PASS']) {
                } else {
                    $failed_items[] = $item;
            echo " $method_name: [$passed / $count] passed. " .
                "Time: {$elapsed_time}s.\n";
            if ($passed < $count) {
                foreach ($failed_items as $item) {
                    echo "  FAILED: ".$item['NAME']."\n";
    return true;
 * Callback function applied to each file in the directory being traversed
 * by @see copyright(). It checks if the files is of the extension of a code
 * file and if so trims whitespace from its lines and then updates the lines
 * of the form 2009 - \d\d\d\d to the supplied copyright year
 * @param string $filename name of file to check for copyright lines and updated
 * @param mixed $set_year if false then set the end of the copyright period
 *  to the current year, otherwise, if an int sets it to the value of the int
function changeCopyrightFile($filename, $set_year = false)
    global $change_extensions;
    static $year = 2014;
    if ($set_year) {
        $year = $set_year;
    $path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
    $extension = $path_parts['extension'];
    if (!excludedPath($filename) && in_array($extension, $change_extensions)) {
        $lines = file($filename);
        $out_lines = [];
        $num_lines = count($lines);

        $change = false;
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $new_line = preg_replace("/2009 \- \d\d\d\d/", $out_year,
            $out_lines[] = $new_line;
            if (strcmp($new_line, $line) != 0) {
                $change = true;
        $out_file = implode("\n", $out_lines);
        if ($change) {
            file_put_contents($filename, $out_file);
 * Callback function applied to each file in the directory being traversed
 * by @see clean().
 * @param string $filename name of file to clean lines for
function cleanLinesFile($filename)
    global $change_extensions;
    global $num_spaces_tab;
    $spaces = str_repeat(" ", $num_spaces_tab);
    $path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
    $extension = $path_parts['extension'];
    if (!excludedPath($filename) && in_array($extension, $change_extensions)) {
        $lines = file($filename);
        $out_lines = [];
        $change = false;
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $new_line = preg_replace("/\t/", $spaces, $line);
            $count = 0;
            $new_line = preg_replace('/(if|elseif|else|switch|case|".
                "while|foreach|for|catch)\(/', "$1 (", $new_line);
            $new_line = rtrim($new_line);
            $out_lines[] = $new_line;
            if (strcmp($new_line."\n", $line) != 0) {
                $change = true;
        $last_line = $i - 1;
        if ($new_line == '?>') {
            $change = true;
            $out_lines[$last_line] = "\n";
        $out_file = implode("\n", $out_lines);
        if ($change) {
            file_put_contents($filename, $out_file);
 * Callback function applied to each file in the directory being traversed
 * by @see search(). Searches $filename matching $pattern and outputs line
 *     numbers and lines
 * @param string $filename name of file to search in
 * @param mixed $set_pattern if not false, then sets $set_pattern in $pattern to
 *     initialize the callback on subsequent calls. $pattern here is the
 *     search pattern
function searchFile($filename, $set_pattern = false)
    global $change_extensions;
    static $pattern = "/";
    if ($set_pattern) {
        $pattern = $set_pattern;
    $path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
    if (!isset($path_parts['extension'])) {
    $extension = $path_parts['extension'];
    if (!excludedPath($filename) && in_array($extension, $change_extensions)) {
        $file_data = file_get_contents($filename);
        if (preg_match_all($pattern, $file_data, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)
            == false) {
        $no_output = true;
        foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
            $num = substr_count($file_data, "\n", 0, $match[1]);
            if ($no_output) {
                $no_output = false;
                echo "\nIn $filename:\n";
            echo "  Line $num: {$match[0]}\n";
 * Callback function applied to each file in the directory being traversed
 * by @see replace(). Searches $filename matching $pattern. Depending
 *     on $mode ($arg[2] as described in replace()), it outputs and
 *     replaces with $replace
 * @param string $filename name of file to search and replace in
 * @param mixed $set_pattern if not false, then sets $set_pattern in $pattern to
 *     initialize the callback on subsequent calls. $pattern here is the
 *     search pattern
 * @param mixed $set_replace if not false, then sets $set_replace in $replace to
 *     initialize the callback on subsequent calls.
 * @param mixed $set_mode if not false, then sets $set_mode in $mode to
 *     initialize the callback on subsequent calls.
function replaceFile($filename, $set_pattern = false,
    $set_replace = false, $set_mode = false)
    global $change_extensions;
    static $pattern = "/";
    static $replace = "";
    static $mode = "effect";

    $pattern = ($set_pattern) ? $set_pattern : $pattern;
    $replace = ($set_replace) ? $set_replace : $replace;
    $mode = ($set_mode) ? $set_mode : $mode;

    $path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
    if (!isset($path_parts['extension'])) {
    $extension = $path_parts['extension'];
    if (!excludedPath($filename) && in_array($extension, $change_extensions)) {
        $lines = file($filename);
        $out_lines = "";
        $no_output = true;
        $silent = false;
        if ($mode == "change") {
            $silent = true;
        $num = 0;
        $change = false;
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $new_line = $line;
            if (preg_match($pattern, $line)) {
                if ($no_output && !$silent) {
                    $no_output = false;
                    echo "\nIn $filename:\n";
                $new_line = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $line);
                if (!$silent) {
                    echo "  Line $num: $line";
                    echo "  Changes to: $new_line";
                if ($mode == "interactive") {
                    echo "Do replacement? (Yy - yes, anything else no): ";
                    $confirm = strtolower(readInput());
                    if ($confirm != "y") {
                        $new_line = $line;
                if (strcmp($new_line, $line) != 0) {
                    $change = true;
            $out_lines .= $new_line;
        if (in_array($mode, ["change", "interactive"])) {
            if ($change) {
                file_put_contents($filename, $out_lines);
 * Applies the function $callback to each file in $path
 * @param string $path to apply map $callback to
 * @param string $callback function name to call with filename of each file
 *     in path
function mapPath($path, $callback)
    global $db;
    if (is_dir($path)) {
        $db->traverseDirectory($path, $callback, true);
    } else {
 * Checks if $path is amongst a list of paths which should be ignored
 * @param $path a directory path
 * @return bool whether or not it should be ignored (true == ignore)
function excludedPath($path)
    global $exclude_paths_containing;

    foreach ($exclude_paths_containing as $exclude) {
        if (strstr($path, $exclude)) {
            return true;
    return false;