viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for src/executables/Fetcher.php: 2addb500315b7393a90fe66431d7832b1e7386c7

Adjust copyrights years

Chris Pollett [2024-01-03 21:Jan:rd]
Adjust copyrights years
 * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2019  Chris Pollett
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2019
 * @filesource
namespace seekquarry\yioop\executables;

use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
use seekquarry\yioop\library as L;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\archive_bundle_iterators as A;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\Classifiers;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\CrawlConstants;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\CrawlDaemon;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\FetchUrl;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\FetchGitRepositoryUrls;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\IndexShard;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\PageRuleParser;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\PhraseParser;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\processors\PageProcessor;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\processors\ImageProcessor;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\UrlParser;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\WebArchiveBundle;

if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ||
    defined("seekquarry\\yioop\\configs\\IS_OWN_WEB_SERVER")) {
    echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();
ini_set("memory_limit", "1200M"); //so have enough memory to crawl sitemaps

/** for L\crawlHash and L\crawlLog and Yioop constants*/
require_once __DIR__ . "/../library/Utility.php";
if (!C\PROFILE) {
    echo "Please configure the search engine instance by visiting" .
        "its web interface on localhost.\n";
/** To guess language based on page encoding */
require_once __DIR__ . "/../library/LocaleFunctions.php";
 * We'll set up multi-byte string handling to use UTF-8
 * This class is responsible for fetching web pages for the
 * SeekQuarry/Yioop search engine
 * Fetcher periodically queries the queue server asking for web pages to fetch.
 * It gets at most MAX_FETCH_SIZE many web pages from the queue_server in one
 * go. It then fetches these  pages. Pages are fetched in batches of
 * downloaded pages (not including robot pages), the fetcher sends summaries
 * back to the machine on which the queue_server lives. It does this by making a
 * request of the web server on that machine and POSTs the data to the
 * yioop web app. This data is handled by the FetchController class. The
 * summary data can include up to four things: (1) robot.txt data, (2) summaries
 * of each web page downloaded in the batch, (3), a list of future urls to add
 * to the to-crawl queue, and (4) a partial inverted index saying for each word
 * that occurred in the current SEEN_URLS_BEFORE_UPDATE_SCHEDULER documents
 * batch, what documents it occurred in. The inverted index also associates to
 * each word document pair several scores. More information on these scores can
 * be found in the documentation for {@link buildMiniInvertedIndex()}
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @see buildMiniInvertedIndex()
class Fetcher implements CrawlConstants
     * Reference to a database object. Used since has directory manipulation
     * functions
     * @var object
    public $db;
     * Urls or IP address of the web_server used to administer this instance
     * of yioop. Used to figure out available queue_servers to contact
     * for crawling data
     * @var array
    public $name_server;
     * Array of Urls or IP addresses of the queue_servers to get sites to crawl
     * from
     * @var array
    public $queue_servers;
     * Index into $queue_servers of the server get schedule from (or last one
     * we got the schedule from)
     * @var int
    public $current_server;
     * An associative array of (mimetype => name of processor class to handle)
     * pairs.
     * @var array
    public $page_processors;
     * An associative array of (page processor => array of
     * indexing plugin name associated with the page processor). It is used
     * to determine after a page is processed which plugins'
     * pageProcessing($page, $url) method should be called
     * @var array
    public $plugin_processors;
     * Hash used to keep track of whether $plugin_processors info needs to be
     * changed
     * @var string
    public $plugin_hash;
     * Says whether the $allowed_sites array is being used or not
     * @var bool
    public $restrict_sites_by_url;
     * List of file extensions supported for the crawl
     * @var array
    public $indexed_file_types;
     * List of all known file extensions including those not used for crawl
     * @var array
    public $all_file_types;
     * Web-sites that crawler can crawl. If used, ONLY these will be crawled
     * @var array
    public $allowed_sites;
     * Web-sites that the crawler must not crawl
     * @var array
    public $disallowed_sites;
     * Microtime used to look up cache $allowed_sites and $disallowed_sites
     * filtering data structures
     * @var int
    public $allow_disallow_cache_time;
     * Holds the parsed page rules which will be applied to document summaries
     * before finally storing and indexing them
     * @var array
    public $page_rule_parser;
     * WebArchiveBundle used to store complete web pages and auxiliary data
     * @var object
    public $web_archive;
     * Timestamp of the current crawl
     * @var int
    public $crawl_time;
     * The last time the name server was checked for a crawl time
     * @var int
    public $check_crawl_time;
     * Contains the list of web pages to crawl from a queue_server
     * @var array
    public $to_crawl;
     * Contains the list of web pages to crawl that failed on first attempt
     * (we give them one more try before bailing on them)
     * @var array
    public $to_crawl_again;
     * Summary information for visited sites that the fetcher hasn't sent to
     * a queue_server yet
     * @var array
    public $found_sites;
     * Timestamp from a queue_server of the current schedule of sites to
     * download. This is sent back to the server once this schedule is completed
     * to help the queue server implement crawl-delay if needed.
     * @var int
    public $schedule_time;
     * The sum of the number of words of all the page descriptions for the
     * current crawl. This is used in computing document statistics.
     * @var int
    public $sum_seen_site_description_length;
     * The sum of the number of words of all the page titles for the current
     * crawl. This is used in computing document statistics.
     * @var int
    public $sum_seen_title_length;
     * The sum of the number of words in all the page links for the current
     * crawl. This is used in computing document statistics.
     * @var int
    public $sum_seen_site_link_length;
     * Number of sites crawled in the current crawl
     * @var int
    public $num_seen_sites;
     * Channel that queue server listens to messages for
     * @var int
    public $channel;
     * Stores the name of the ordering used to crawl pages. This is used in a
     * switch/case when computing weights of urls to be crawled before sending
     * these new urls back to a queue_server.
     * @var string
    public $crawl_order;
     * Maximum depth fetcher should extract need seed urls to
     * @var int
    public $max_depth;
     * Stores the name of the summarizer used for crawling.
     * Possible values are self::BASIC, self::GRAPH_BASED_SUMMARIZER,
     * @var string
    public $summarizer_option;
     * Indicates the kind of crawl being performed: self::WEB_CRAWL indicates
     * a new crawl of the web; self::ARCHIVE_CRAWL indicates a crawl of an
     * existing web archive
     * @var string
    public $crawl_type;
     * For an archive crawl, holds the name of the type of archive being
     * iterated over (this is the class name of the iterator, without the word
     * 'Iterator')
     * @var string
    public $arc_type;
     * For a non-web archive crawl, holds the path to the directory that
     * contains the archive files and their description (web archives have a
     * different structure and are already distributed across machines and
     * fetchers)
     * @var string
    public $arc_dir;
     * If an web archive crawl (i.e. a re-crawl) is active then this field
     * holds the iterator object used to iterate over the archive
     * @var object
    public $archive_iterator;
     * Keeps track of whether during the recrawl we should notify a
     * queue_server scheduler about our progress in mini-indexing documents
     * in the archive
     * @var bool
    public $recrawl_check_scheduler;
     * If the crawl_type is self::ARCHIVE_CRAWL, then crawl_index is the
     * timestamp of the existing archive to crawl
     * @var string
    public $crawl_index;
     * Whether to cache pages or just the summaries
     * @var bool
    public $cache_pages;
     * Which fetcher instance we are (if fetcher run as a job and more that one)
     * @var string
    public $fetcher_num;
     * Maximum number of bytes to download of a webpage
     * @var int
    public $page_range_request;
     * Max number of chars to extract for description from a page to index.
     * Only words in the description are indexed.
     * @var int
    public $max_description_len;
     * An array to keep track of hosts which have had a lot of http errors
     * @var array
    public $hosts_with_errors;
     * When processing recrawl data this says to assume the data has
     * already had its inks extracted into a field and so this doesn't
     * have to be done in a separate step
     * @var bool
    public $no_process_links;
     * Maximum number of bytes which can be uploaded to the current
     * queue server's web app in one go
     * @var int
    public $post_max_size;
     * Fetcher must wait at least this long between multi-curl requests.
     * The value below is dynamically determined but is at least as large
     * @var int
    public $minimum_fetch_loop_time;
     * Contains which classifiers to use for the current crawl
     * Classifiers can be used to label web documents with a meta word
     * if the classifiers threshold is met
     * @var array
    public $active_classifiers;
     * Contains an array of scrapers used to extract the import content
     * from particular kind of HTML pages, for example, pages generated by
     * a particular content management system.
     * @var array
    public $scrapers;
     * Contains which classifiers to use for the current crawl
     * that are being used to rank web documents. The score that the
     * classifier gives to a document is used for this ranking purposes
     * @var array
    public $active_rankers;
     * To keep track of total number of Git internal urls
     * @var int
    public $total_git_urls;
     * To store all the internal git urls fetched
     * @var array
    public $all_git_urls;
     * To map programming languages with their extensions
     * @var array
    public $programming_language_extension;
     * If this is not null and a .onion url is detected then this url will
     * used as a proxy server to download the .onion url
     * @var string
    public $tor_proxy;
     * an array of proxy servers to use rather than to directly download web
     * pages from the current machine. If is the empty array, then we just
     * directly download from the current machine
     * @var array
    public $proxy_servers;
     * Before receiving any data from a queue server's web app this is
     * the default assumed post_max_size in bytes
    const DEFAULT_POST_MAX_SIZE = 2000000;

     * constant indicating Git repository
    const REPOSITORY_GIT = 'git';
     * constant indicating Git repository
    const GIT_URL_CONTINUE = '@@@@';
     * An indicator to tell no actions to be taken
    const INDICATOR_NONE = 'none';
     * A indicator to represent next position after the access code in Git
     * tree object
     const HEX_NULL_CHARACTER = "\x00";
     * Sets up the field variables so that crawling can begin
    public function __construct()
        $this->processors = [];
        $db_class = C\NS_DATASOURCES . ucfirst(C\DBMS) . "Manager";
        $this->db = new $db_class();
        // initially same only one queueserver and is same as name server
        $this->name_server = C\NAME_SERVER;
        $this->queue_servers = [C\NAME_SERVER];
        $this->current_server = 0;
        $this->page_processors = PageProcessor::$mime_processor;
        $this->indexed_file_types = PageProcessor::$indexed_file_types;
        $this->all_file_types = PageProcessor::$indexed_file_types;
        $this->scrapers = [];
        $this->plugin_hash = "";
        $this->restrict_sites_by_url = false;
        $this->allowed_sites = [];
        $this->disallowed_sites = [];
        $this->allow_disallow_cache_time = microtime(true);
        $this->page_rule_parser = null;
        $this->hosts_with_errors = [];
        $this->web_archive = null;
        $this->crawl_time = null;
        $this->channel = 0;
        $this->check_crawl_time = null;
        $this->schedule_time = null;
        $this->crawl_type = self::WEB_CRAWL;
        $this->crawl_index = null;
        $this->recrawl_check_scheduler = false;
        $this->to_crawl = [];
        $this->to_crawl_again = [];
        $this->found_sites = [];
        $this->found_sites[self::CACHE_PAGE_VALIDATION_DATA] = [];
        $this->page_range_request = C\PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST;
        $this->max_description_len = C\MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN;
        $this->fetcher_num = false;
        $this->sum_seen_title_length = 0;
        $this->sum_seen_description_length = 0;
        $this->sum_seen_site_link_length = 0;
        $this->num_seen_sites = 0;
        $this->no_process_links = false;
        $this->cache_pages = true;
        $this->post_max_size = self::DEFAULT_POST_MAX_SIZE;
        $this->minimum_fetch_loop_time = C\MINIMUM_FETCH_LOOP_TIME;
        $this->active_classifiers = [];
        $this->active_rankers = [];
        $this->tor_proxy = "";
        $this->proxy_servers = [];
        $ip_array = gethostbynamel(gethostname());
        $this->total_git_urls = 0;
        $this->all_git_urls = [];
        $this->programming_language_extension = ['java' => 'java',
            'py' => 'py'];
        //we will get the correct crawl order from a queue_server
        $this->crawl_order = self::PAGE_IMPORTANCE;
        $this->max_depth = -1;
        $this->summarizer_option = self::BASIC_SUMMARIZER;
     * Return the fetcher's copy of a page processor for the given
     * mimetype.
     * @param string $type mimetype want a processor for
     * @return object a page processor for that mime type of false if
     *      that mimetype can't be handled
    public function pageProcessor($type)
        static $processor_cache = [];
        static $plugin_hash = "";
        if ($plugin_hash != $this->plugin_hash) {
            $processor_cache = [];
            $plugin_hash = $this->plugin_hash;
        if (isset($processor_cache[$type])) {
            return $processor_cache[$type];
        if (isset($this->page_processors[$type])) {
            $page_processor = C\NS_PROCESSORS . $this->page_processors[$type];
            $text_processor = C\NS_PROCESSORS . "TextProcessor";
        } else {
            $processor_cache[$type] = false;
            return false;
        if (isset($this->plugin_processors[$page_processor])) {
            $processor_cache[$type] = new $page_processor(
        } else {
            $processor_cache[$type] = new $page_processor([],
        if (L\generalIsA($page_processor, $text_processor)) {
            $processor_cache[$type]->text_data = true;
        } else {
            $processor_cache[$type]->text_data = false;
        return $processor_cache[$type];
     * This is the function that should be called to get the fetcher to start
     * fetching. Calls init to handle the command-line arguments then enters
     * the fetcher's main loop
    public function start()
        global $argv;
        $this->channel = (empty($argv[3])) ? 0 : min(C\MAX_CHANNELS,
        if (isset($argv[2]) ) {
            $arg2_parts = explode("-", $argv[2]);
            if (count($arg2_parts) > 1) {
                list($fetcher_num, $channel,) = $arg2_parts;
                $this->channel = abs(intval($channel));
                $this->fetcher_num = $fetcher_num;
            } else {
                $this->fetcher_num = intval($argv[2]);
                $argv[2] = $argv[2] . "-" . $this->channel;
        } else {
            $this->fetcher_num = 0;
            $argv[2] = "0-0";
        CrawlDaemon::init($argv, "Fetcher");
        $fetcher_name = $this->fetcher_num .
            "-" . $this->channel . "-Fetcher";
        L\crawlLog("\n\nInitialize logger..", $fetcher_name,
        L\crawlLog($this->fetcher_num . "-Fetcher using channel " .
     * Main loop for the fetcher.
     * Checks for stop message, checks queue server if crawl has changed and
     * for new pages to crawl. Loop gets a group of next pages to crawl if
     * there are pages left to crawl (otherwise sleep 5 seconds). It downloads
     * these pages, deduplicates them, and updates the found site info with the
     * result before looping again.
    public function loop()
        static $total_idle_time = 0;
        static $total_idle_previous_hour = 0;
        static $total_idle_two_hours = 0;
        static $oldest_record_time = 0;
        static $last_record_time = 0;
        L\crawlLog("In Fetch Loop");
        L\crawlLog("PHP Version in use: " . phpversion());
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num."-";
        if (!file_exists(C\CRAWL_DIR."/{$prefix}temp")) {
            mkdir(C\CRAWL_DIR . "/{$prefix}temp");
        $info[self::STATUS] = self::CONTINUE_STATE;
        $local_archives = [""];
        while (CrawlDaemon::processHandler()) {
            $start_time = microtime(true);
            $info = [];
            $fetcher_message_file = C\CRAWL_DIR.
            if (file_exists($fetcher_message_file)) {
                $info = unserialize(file_get_contents($fetcher_message_file));
                if (isset($info[self::STATUS]) &&
                    $info[self::STATUS] == self::STOP_STATE) {
            $switch_fetch_or_no_current = $this->checkCrawlTime();
            if ($switch_fetch_or_no_current) {  /* case (1) */
                L\crawlLog("MAIN LOOP CASE 1 --".
                    " SWITCH CRAWL OR NO CURRENT CRAWL");
                $info[self::CRAWL_TIME] = $this->crawl_time;
                if ($info[self::CRAWL_TIME] == 0) {
                    $info[self::STATUS] = self::NO_DATA_STATE;
                    $this->to_crawl = [];
                } else {
                   L\crawlLog("Crawl time is now " . $this->crawl_time);
            } else if ($this->crawl_type == self::ARCHIVE_CRAWL &&
                    $this->arc_type != "WebArchiveBundle" &&
                    $this->arc_type != "") { /* case (2) */
                // An archive crawl with data coming from the name server.
                $info = $this->checkArchiveScheduler();
                if ($info === false) {
                    L\crawlLog("No Archive Schedule Data...".
                        " will try again in ".C\FETCH_SLEEP_TIME." seconds.");
                    $total_idle_time +=  C\FETCH_SLEEP_TIME/C\ONE_HOUR;
            } else if ($this->crawl_time > 0) { /* case (3) */
                // Either a web crawl or a recrawl of a previous web crawl.
                if ($this->crawl_type == self::ARCHIVE_CRAWL) {
                    L\crawlLog("MAIN LOOP CASE 3 -- RECRAWL SCHEDULER");
                } else {
                    L\crawlLog("MAIN LOOP CASE 4 -- WEB SCHEDULER");
                $info = $this->checkScheduler();
                if ($info === false) {
                    L\crawlLog("Cannot connect to name server...".
                        " will try again in ".C\FETCH_SLEEP_TIME." seconds.");
                    $total_idle_time +=  C\FETCH_SLEEP_TIME/C\ONE_HOUR;
            } else {
                L\crawlLog("MAIN LOOP CASE 5 -- NO CURRENT CRAWL");
                $info[self::STATUS] = self::NO_DATA_STATE;
            $record_time = time();
            $diff_hours = ($record_time - $oldest_record_time)/C\ONE_HOUR;
            $diff_hours = ($diff_hours <= 0) ? 1 : $diff_hours;
            $idle_per_hour =
                ($total_idle_time - $total_idle_two_hours) /
            L\crawlLog("Percent idle time per hour: " .
                number_format($idle_per_hour * 100, 2) ."%");
            if ($record_time > $last_record_time + C\ONE_HOUR) {
                $total_idle_two_hours = $total_idle_previous_hour;
                $total_idle_previous_hour = $total_idle_time;
                $oldest_record_time = $last_record_time;
                if ($oldest_record_time == 0) {
                    $oldest_record_time = $record_time;
                $last_record_time = $record_time;
            /* case (2), case (3) might have set info without
               $info[self::STATUS] being set
            if (!isset($info[self::STATUS])) {
                if ($info === true) {$info = [];}
                $info[self::STATUS] = self::CONTINUE_STATE;
            if ($info[self::STATUS] == self::NO_DATA_STATE) {
                L\crawlLog("No data. Sleeping...");
                $total_idle_time += C\FETCH_SLEEP_TIME/C\ONE_HOUR;
            $tmp_base_name = (isset($info[self::CRAWL_TIME])) ?
                C\CRAWL_DIR."/cache/{$prefix}" . self::archive_base_name .
                    $info[self::CRAWL_TIME] : "";
            if (isset($info[self::CRAWL_TIME]) && ($this->web_archive == null ||
                    $this->web_archive->dir_name != $tmp_base_name)) {
                if (isset($this->web_archive->dir_name)) {
                    L\crawlLog("Old name: " . $this->web_archive->dir_name);
                if (is_object($this->web_archive)) {
                    $this->web_archive = null;
                $this->to_crawl_again = [];
                $this->found_sites = [];
                $this->web_archive = new WebArchiveBundle($tmp_base_name,
                $this->crawl_time = $info[self::CRAWL_TIME];
                $this->sum_seen_title_length = 0;
                $this->sum_seen_description_length = 0;
                $this->sum_seen_site_link_length = 0;
                $this->num_seen_sites = 0;
                L\crawlLog("New name: ".$this->web_archive->dir_name);
                L\crawlLog("Switching archive...");
                if (!isset($info[self::ARC_DATA])) {
            switch ($this->crawl_type) {
                case self::WEB_CRAWL:
                    $downloaded_pages = $this->downloadPagesWebCrawl();
                case self::ARCHIVE_CRAWL:
                    if (isset($info[self::ARC_DATA])) {
                        $downloaded_pages = $info[self::ARC_DATA];
                    } else {
                        $downloaded_pages = $this->downloadPagesArchiveCrawl();
            if (isset($downloaded_pages["NO_PROCESS"])) {
                $summarized_site_pages = array_values($downloaded_pages);
                $this->no_process_links = true;
            } else{
                $summarized_site_pages =
                $this->no_process_links = false;
            L\crawlLog("Number of summarized pages ".
            $force_send = (isset($info[self::END_ITERATOR]) &&
                $info[self::END_ITERATOR]) ? true : false;
            $this->updateFoundSites($summarized_site_pages, $force_send);
            $sleep_time = max(0, ceil($this->minimum_fetch_loop_time
                - L\changeInMicrotime($start_time)));
            if ($sleep_time > 0) {
                    "Ensure minimum loop time by sleeping..." . $sleep_time);
        } //end while
        L\crawlLog("Fetcher shutting down!!");
     * Get a list of urls from the current fetch batch provided by the queue
     * server. Then downloads these pages. Finally, reschedules, if
     * possible, pages that did not successfully get downloaded.
     * @return array an associative array of web pages and meta data
     * fetched from the internet
    public function downloadPagesWebCrawl()
        static $total_downloads_succeeded = 0;
        static $total_downloads_previous_hour = 0;
        static $total_downloads_two_hours = 0;
        static $last_record_time = 0;
        static $oldest_record_time = 0;
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $can_schedule_again = false;
        if (count($this->to_crawl) > 0)  {
            $can_schedule_again = true;
        $sites = $this->getFetchSites();
        L\crawlLog("Done getting list of ".count($sites)." to download...");
        if (!$sites) {
            L\crawlLog("No seeds to fetch...");
            sleep(max(0, ceil($this->minimum_fetch_loop_time
                - L\changeInMicrotime($start_time))));
            return [];
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num."-";
        $tmp_dir = C\CRAWL_DIR."/{$prefix}temp";
        $filtered_sites = [];
        $site_pages = [];
        foreach ($sites as $site) {
            $hard_coded_parts = explode("###!", $site[self::URL]);
            if (count($hard_coded_parts) > 1) {
                if (!isset($hard_coded_parts[2])) $hard_coded_parts[2] = "";
                $site[self::URL] = $hard_coded_parts[0];
                $title = urldecode($hard_coded_parts[1]);
                $description = urldecode($hard_coded_parts[2]);
                $site[self::PAGE] = "<html><head><title>{$title}".
                $site[self::HTTP_CODE] = 200;
                $site[self::TYPE] = "text/html";
                $site[self::ENCODING] = "UTF-8";
                $site[self::IP_ADDRESSES] = [""];
                $site[self::TIMESTAMP] = time();
                $site_pages[] = $site;
            } else {
                $filtered_sites[] = $site;
        $site_pages = array_merge($site_pages,
            FetchUrl::getPages($filtered_sites, true,
                $this->page_range_request, $tmp_dir, self::URL, self::PAGE,
                false, null, false, $this->tor_proxy, $this->proxy_servers) );
        L\crawlLog("..getPages call complete..");
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($site_pages); $j++) {
            if (isset($site_pages[$j][self::REPOSITORY_TYPE])) {
                $git_repository_url = $site_pages[$j][self::URL];
                $git_compressed_content = FetchGitRepositoryUrls::getGitdata(
                $git_uncompressed_content = gzuncompress(
                $length = strlen ($git_uncompressed_content);
                $git_hash_end = strpos($git_uncompressed_content,
                $git_uncompressed_content = substr($git_uncompressed_content,
                    $git_hash_end + 1, $length);
                $site_pages[$j][self::PAGE] = $git_uncompressed_content;
                $mime_type = UrlParser::guessMimeTypeFromFileName(
                $site_pages[$j][self::TYPE] = $mime_type;
        list($downloaded_pages, $schedule_again_pages) =
        $total_downloads_succeeded += count($downloaded_pages);
        if ($can_schedule_again == true) {
            //only schedule to crawl again on fail sites without crawl-delay
            L\crawlLog("  Scheduling again..");
            foreach ($schedule_again_pages as $schedule_again_page) {
                if (isset($schedule_again_page[self::CRAWL_DELAY]) &&
                    $schedule_again_page[self::CRAWL_DELAY] == 0) {
                    $tmp_again =
                    if (!empty($schedule_again_page[self::NO_RANGE])) {
                        $tmp_again[self::NO_RANGE] = true;
                    $this->to_crawl_again[] = $tmp_again;
                L\crawlLog("....reschedule count:".
        $record_time = time();
        $diff_hours = ($record_time - $oldest_record_time)/C\ONE_HOUR;
        $diff_hours = ($diff_hours <= 0) ? 1 : $diff_hours;
        $downloads_per_hour =
            ($total_downloads_succeeded - $total_downloads_two_hours) /
        L\crawlLog("...Downloads per hours: " . $downloads_per_hour);
        if ($record_time > $last_record_time + C\ONE_HOUR) {
            $total_downloads_two_hours = $total_downloads_previous_hour;
            $total_downloads_previous_hour = $total_downloads_succeeded;
            $oldest_record_time = $last_record_time;
            if ($oldest_record_time == 0) {
                $oldest_record_time = $record_time;
            $last_record_time = $record_time;
        L\crawlLog("Downloading complete");
        return $downloaded_pages;
     * Extracts NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES from the curent Archive Bundle that is
     * being recrawled.
     * @return array an associative array of web pages and meta data from
     *     the archive bundle being iterated over
    public function downloadPagesArchiveCrawl()
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num."-";
        $arc_name = "$prefix" . self::archive_base_name . $this->crawl_index;
        $base_name = C\CRAWL_DIR."/cache/$arc_name";
        $pages = [];
        if (!isset($this->archive_iterator->iterate_timestamp) ||
            $this->archive_iterator->iterate_timestamp != $this->crawl_index ||
            $this->archive_iterator->result_timestamp != $this->crawl_time) {
            if (!file_exists($base_name)){
                L\crawlLog("!!Fetcher web archive $arc_name  does not exist.");
                L\crawlLog("  Only fetchers involved in original crawl will ");
                L\crawlLog("  participate in a web archive recrawl!!");
                return $pages;
            } else {
                L\crawlLog("Initializing Web Archive Bundle Iterator.");
                $this->archive_iterator =
                    new A\WebArchiveBundleIterator($prefix, $this->crawl_index,
                if ($this->archive_iterator == null) {
                    L\crawlLog("Error creating archive iterator!!");
                    return $pages;
        if (!$this->archive_iterator->end_of_iterator) {
            L\crawlLog("Getting pages from archive iterator...");
            $pages = $this->archive_iterator->nextPages(C\NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES);
            L\crawlLog("...pages get complete.");
        return $pages;
     * Deletes any crawl web archive bundles not in the provided array of crawls
     * @param array $still_active_crawls those crawls which should not
     * be deleted, so all others will be deleted
     * @see loop()
    public function deleteOldCrawls(&$still_active_crawls)
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num . "-";
        $dirs = glob(C\CRAWL_DIR.'/cache/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);

        $full_base_name = $prefix . self::archive_base_name;
        foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
            if (strlen(
                $pre_timestamp = strstr($dir, $full_base_name)) > 0) {
                $time = substr($pre_timestamp,
                if (!in_array($time, $still_active_crawls) ){
        $files = glob(C\CRAWL_DIR . '/schedules/*');
        $names = [self::fetch_batch_name, self::fetch_crawl_info,
            self::fetch_closed_name, self::schedule_name,
            self::fetch_archive_iterator, self::save_point];
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $timestamp = "";
            foreach ($names as $name) {
                $full_name = $prefix . $name;
                if (strlen(
                    $pre_timestamp = strstr($file, $full_name)) > 0) {
                    $timestamp =  substr($pre_timestamp,
                        strlen($full_name), 10);
            if ($timestamp !== "" &&
                !in_array($timestamp, $still_active_crawls)) {
                if (is_dir($file)) {
                } else {
     * Makes a request of the name server machine to get the timestamp of the
     * currently running crawl to see if it changed
     * If the timestamp has changed save the rest of the current fetch batch,
     * then load any existing fetch from the new crawl; otherwise, set the crawl
     * to empty. Also, handles deleting old crawls on this fetcher machine
     * based on a list of current crawls on the name server.
     * @return bool true if loaded a fetch batch due to time change
    public function checkCrawlTime()
        static $saved_crawl_times = [];
        $name_server = $this->name_server;
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $time = time();
        $this->check_crawl_time = $time;
        $session = md5($time . C\AUTH_KEY);
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num . "-" . $this->channel ."-";
        $robot_instance = $prefix . C\ROBOT_INSTANCE;
        $time_change = false;
        $crawl_time = !is_null($this->crawl_time) ? $this->crawl_time : 0;
        if ($crawl_time > 0) {
            L\crawlLog("Checking name server:");
                "  $name_server to see if active crawl time has changed.");
        } else {
            L\crawlLog("Checking name server:");
            L\crawlLog("  $name_server to see if should start crawling");
        $request =
            $name_server . "?c=fetch&a=crawlTime&time=$time&session=$session" .
            "&robot_instance=" . $robot_instance . "&machine_uri=" . C\WEB_URI .
        L\crawlLog("Request was:" . $request);
        $info_string = FetchUrl::getPage($request, null, true);
        L\crawlLog("Start of response was:" . substr($info_string, 0, 256));
        $info = @unserialize(trim($info_string));
        if (isset($info[self::SAVED_CRAWL_TIMES])) {
            if (array_diff($info[self::SAVED_CRAWL_TIMES], $saved_crawl_times)
                != [] ||
                array_diff($saved_crawl_times, $info[self::SAVED_CRAWL_TIMES])
                != []) {
                $saved_crawl_times = $info[self::SAVED_CRAWL_TIMES];
        $check_cull_fields = [
            self::RESTRICT_SITES_BY_URL => "restrict_sites_by_url",
            self::ALLOWED_SITES => "allowed_sites",
            self::DISALLOWED_SITES => "disallowed_sites"];
        $cull_now_non_crawlable = false;
        foreach ($check_cull_fields as $info_field => $field) {
            if (isset($info[$info_field])) {
                if (!isset($this->$field) || $this->$field !=
                    $info[$info_field]) {
                    $cull_now_non_crawlable = true;
                $this->$field = $info[$info_field];
        if ($cull_now_non_crawlable) {
            L\crawlLog("Allowed/Disallowed Urls have changed");
            L\crawlLog("Checking if urls in to crawl lists need to be culled");
        if (isset($info[self::CRAWL_TIME])
            && ($info[self::CRAWL_TIME] != $this->crawl_time
            || $info[self::CRAWL_TIME] == 0)) {
            if ($info[self::CRAWL_TIME] > 0) {
                L\crawlLog("New Crawl Time Found: {$info[self::CRAWL_TIME]}");
            } else {
                L\crawlLog("Crawl Time Changing to 0 -- No Crawl");
            $dir = C\CRAWL_DIR . "/schedules";
            $time_change = true;
            /* Zero out the crawl. If haven't done crawl before, then scheduler
               will be called */
            $this->to_crawl = [];
            $this->to_crawl_again = [];
            $this->found_sites = [];
            if (isset($info[self::QUEUE_SERVERS])) {
                $count_servers = count($info[self::QUEUE_SERVERS]);
                if (!isset($this->queue_servers) ||
                    count($this->queue_servers) != $count_servers) {
                    L\crawlLog("New Queue Server List:");
                    $server_num = 0;
                    foreach ($info[self::QUEUE_SERVERS] as $server) {
                        L\crawlLog("($server_num) $server");
                $this->queue_servers = $info[self::QUEUE_SERVERS];
                if (!isset($this->current_server) ||
                    $this->current_server > $count_servers) {
                        prevent all fetchers from initially contacting same
                        queue servers
                    $this->current_server = rand(0, $count_servers - 1);
            if ($this->crawl_time > 0) {
                file_put_contents("$dir/$prefix" . self::fetch_closed_name .
                    "{$this->crawl_time}.txt", "1");
            /* Update the basic crawl info, so that we can decide between going
               to a queue server for a schedule or to the name server for
               archive data. */
            $this->crawl_time = $info[self::CRAWL_TIME];
            if ($this->crawl_time > 0 && isset($info[self::ARC_DIR]) ) {
                $this->crawl_type = $info[self::CRAWL_TYPE];
                $this->arc_dir = $info[self::ARC_DIR];
                $this->arc_type = $info[self::ARC_TYPE];
            } else {
                $this->crawl_type = self::WEB_CRAWL;
                $this->arc_dir = '';
                $this->arc_type = '';
            // Load any batch that might exist for changed-to crawl
            if (file_exists("$dir/$prefix" . self::fetch_crawl_info.
                "{$this->crawl_time}.txt") && file_exists(
                "$dir/$prefix" . self::fetch_batch_name .
                    "{$this->crawl_time}.txt")) {
                L\crawlLog("Loading old batches for ".
                $info = unserialize(file_get_contents(
                    "$dir/$prefix" . self::fetch_crawl_info.
                unlink("$dir/$prefix" . self::fetch_crawl_info.
                $this->to_crawl = unserialize(file_get_contents(
                if (file_exists("$dir/$prefix".self::fetch_closed_name .
                    "{$this->crawl_time}.txt")) {
                    unlink("$dir/$prefix".self::fetch_closed_name .
                } else {
                    $update_num = C\SEEN_URLS_BEFORE_UPDATE_SCHEDULER;
                    L\crawlLog("Fetch on crawl {$this->crawl_time} was not ".
                        "halted properly.");
                    L\crawlLog("  Dumping $update_num from old fetch ".
                        "to try to make a clean re-start.");
                    $count = count($this->to_crawl);
                    if ($count > C\SEEN_URLS_BEFORE_UPDATE_SCHEDULER) {
                        $this->to_crawl = array_slice($this->to_crawl,
                    } else {
                        $this->to_crawl = [];
            if (L\generalIsA(C\NS_ARCHIVE . $this->arc_type . "Iterator",
                C\NS_ARCHIVE . "TextArchiveBundleIterator")) {
                $result_dir = C\WORK_DIRECTORY . "/schedules/" .
                    $prefix.self::fetch_archive_iterator . $this->crawl_time;
                $iterator_name = C\NS_ARCHIVE . $this->arc_type . "Iterator";
                $this->archive_iterator = new $iterator_name(
                    false, $this->crawl_time, $result_dir);
        L\crawlLog("End Name Server Check");
        if ($time_change) {
            L\crawlLog("Crawl time has changed!");
        } else {
            L\crawlLog("Crawl time stayed same!");
        return $time_change;
     * Get status, current crawl, crawl order, and new site information from
     * the queue_server.
     * @return mixed array or bool. If we are doing
     *     a web crawl and we still have pages to crawl then true, if the
     *     scheduler page fails to download then false, otherwise, returns
     *     an array of info from the scheduler.
    public function checkScheduler()
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num . "-" . $this->channel . "-";
        $info = [];
        $to_crawl_count = count($this->to_crawl);
        $to_crawl_again_count = count($this->to_crawl_again);
        if ($this->recrawl_check_scheduler) {
            L\crawlLog("Archive Crawl checking ... Recrawl.");
        if ((count($this->to_crawl) > 0 || count($this->to_crawl_again) > 0) &&
           (!$this->recrawl_check_scheduler)) {
            L\crawlLog("  Current to crawl count:" . $to_crawl_count);
            L\crawlLog("  Current to crawl try again count:".
            L\crawlLog("So not checking scheduler.");
            return true;
        $this->recrawl_check_scheduler = false;
        $queue_server = $this->queue_servers[$this->current_server];
        L\crawlLog("Checking  $queue_server for a new schedule.");
        // hosts with error counts cleared with each schedule
        $this->hosts_with_errors = [];
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $time = time();
        $session = md5($time . C\AUTH_KEY);
        $request =
            $queue_server . "?c=fetch&a=schedule&time=$time&session=$session".
            "&robot_instance=" . $prefix . C\ROBOT_INSTANCE.
            "&machine_uri=" . C\WEB_URI . "&crawl_time=" . $this->crawl_time .
            "&check_crawl_time=" . $this->check_crawl_time;
        $info_string = FetchUrl::getPage($request, null, true);
        L\crawlLog("Making schedule request: " . $request);
        if ($info_string === false) {
            L\crawlLog("The request failed!!!!");
            return false;
        $info_string = trim($info_string);
        $tok = strtok($info_string, "\n");
        $decode_token = base64_decode($tok);
        L\crawlLog("First 256 bytes of first token in response:");
        L\crawlLog(substr($decode_token, 0, 256));
        if ($decode_token[0] != 'a' && $decode_token[1] != ':') {
            L\crawlLog("Error in decoding response, request failed!!!!");
            return false;
        $info = unserialize($decode_token);
        if (isset($info[self::SITES])) {
            $tok = strtok("\n"); //skip meta info
            $this->to_crawl = [];
            while($tok !== false) {
                $string = base64_decode($tok);
                $weight = L\unpackFloat(substr($string, 0 , 4));
                $delay = L\unpackInt(substr($string, 4 , 4));
                $url = substr($string, 8);
                $this->to_crawl[] = [$url, $weight, $delay];
                $tok = strtok("\n");
            $dir = C\CRAWL_DIR . "/schedules";
                self::fetch_batch_name . "{$this->crawl_time}.txt",
                self::fetch_batch_name . "{$this->crawl_time}.txt");
                self::fetch_crawl_info . "{$this->crawl_time}.txt",
        L\crawlLog("Time to check Scheduler " .
        return $info;
     * During an archive crawl this method is used to get from the name server
     * a collection of pages to process. The fetcher will later process these
     * and send summaries to various queue_servers.
     * @return array containing archive page data
    public function checkArchiveScheduler()
        $start_time = microtime(true);
            It's still important to switch queue servers, so that we send new
            data to each server each time we fetch
            new data from the name server.
        $chunk = false;
        if (L\generalIsA(C\NS_ARCHIVE . $this->arc_type . "Iterator",
            C\NS_ARCHIVE . "TextArchiveBundleIterator")) {
            $archive_iterator = $this->archive_iterator;
            $chunk = true;
            $info = [];
            $max_offset = A\TextArchiveBundleIterator::BUFFER_SIZE +
            if ($archive_iterator->buffer_fh &&
                $archive_iterator->current_offset < $max_offset) {
                L\crawlLog("Local Iterator Offset: ".
                L\crawlLog("Local Max Offset: ". $max_offset);
                $info[self::ARC_DATA] =
                L\crawlLog("Time to get archive data from local buffer ".
            if ($archive_iterator->buffer_fh
                && $archive_iterator->current_offset < $max_offset ) {
                return $info;
            if (isset($info[self::ARC_DATA]) && count($info[self::ARC_DATA])>0){
                $arc_data = $info[self::ARC_DATA];
            L\crawlLog("Done processing Local Buffer, requesting more data...");
        L\crawlLog("Fetching Archive data from name server with request:");
        $name_server = $this->name_server;
        $time = time();
        $session = md5($time . C\AUTH_KEY);
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num."-";
        $request =
        $response_string = FetchUrl::getPage($request, null, true);
        if ($response_string === false) {
            L\crawlLog("Request failed!");
            return false;
        if ($response_string) {
            $info = @unserialize($response_string);
        } else {
            $info = [];
            $info[self::STATUS] = self::NO_DATA_STATE;
        if (isset($info[self::DATA])) {
            /* Unpack the archive data and return it in the $info array; also
                write a copy to disk in case something goes wrong. */
            $pages = unserialize(gzuncompress(L\webdecode($info[self::DATA])));
            if ($chunk) {
                if (isset($pages[self::ARC_DATA]) ) {
                    if (isset($pages[self::INI])) {
                    if ($pages[self::ARC_DATA]) {
                    if (isset($pages[self::HEADER]) &&
                        is_array($pages[self::HEADER]) &&
                        $pages[self::HEADER] != []) {
                        $archive_iterator->header = $pages[self::HEADER];
                    if (!$pages[self::START_PARTITION]) {
                    if (isset($pages[self::PARTITION_NUM])) {
                        L\crawlLog("  Done get data".
                            " from file {$pages[self::PARTITION_NUM]}");
                    if (isset($pages[self::NUM_PARTITIONS])) {
                            "  of {$pages[self::NUM_PARTITIONS]} files.");
                if (isset($arc_data)) {
                    $info[self::ARC_DATA] = $arc_data;
            } else {
                $info[self::ARC_DATA] = $pages;
        } else if (isset($info['ARCHIVE_BUNDLE_ERROR'])) {
            L\crawlLog("  ".$info['ARCHIVE_BUNDLE_ERROR']);

        L\crawlLog("Time to fetch archive data from name server ".
        return $info;
     * Function to check if memory for this fetcher instance is getting low
     * relative to what the system will allow.
     * @return bool whether available memory is getting low
    public function exceedMemoryThreshold()
        return memory_get_usage() > (L\metricToInt(
            ini_get("memory_limit")) * 0.7);
     * At least once, and while memory is low picks at server at random and send
     * any fetcher data we have to it.
     * @param bool $at_least_once whether to send to the site info to at least
     *     queue server or to send only if memory is above threshold
    public function selectCurrentServerAndUpdateIfNeeded($at_least_once)
        $i = 0;
        $num_servers = count($this->queue_servers);
        /*  Make sure no queue server starves if to crawl data available.
            Try to keep memory foot print smaller.
        do {
            if (!$at_least_once) {
                $this->current_server = rand(0, $num_servers - 1);
            $cs = $this->current_server;
            if ($at_least_once ||
                (isset($this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL][$cs]) &&
                count($this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL][$cs]) > 0) ||
                isset($this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX][$cs])) {
                $at_least_once = false;
        } while($this->exceedMemoryThreshold() &&
            $i < $num_servers * ceil(log($num_servers)) );
            //coupon collecting expected i before have seen all
     * Sets parameters for fetching based on provided info struct
     * ($info typically would come from the queue server)
     * @param array& $info struct with info about the kind of crawl, timestamp
     * of index, crawl order, etc.
    public function setCrawlParamsFromArray(&$info)
        /* QUEUE_SERVERS and CURRENT_SERVER might not be set if info came
            from a queue_server rather than from name server
        if (isset($info[self::QUEUE_SERVERS])) {
            $this->queue_servers = $info[self::QUEUE_SERVERS];
        } else {
            $info[self::QUEUE_SERVERS] = $this->queue_servers;
        if (isset($info[self::CURRENT_SERVER])) {
            $this->current_server = $info[self::CURRENT_SERVER];
        } else {
            $info[self::CURRENT_SERVER] = $this->current_server;
        $update_fields = [
            self::ALLOWED_SITES => 'allowed_sites',
            self::CACHE_PAGES => 'cache_pages',
            self::CRAWL_INDEX => "crawl_index",
            self::CRAWL_ORDER => 'crawl_order',
            self::MAX_DEPTH => 'max_depth',
            self::CRAWL_TYPE => "crawl_type",
            self::DISALLOWED_SITES => 'disallowed_sites',
            self::INDEXED_FILE_TYPES => 'indexed_file_types',
            self::MINIMUM_FETCH_LOOP_TIME => 'minimum_fetch_loop_time',
            self::PROXY_SERVERS => 'proxy_servers',
            self::RESTRICT_SITES_BY_URL => 'restrict_sites_by_url',
            self::SUMMARIZER_OPTION => "summarizer_option",
            self::TOR_PROXY => 'tor_proxy'];
        $check_cull_fields = ["restrict_sites_by_url", "allowed_sites",
        $cull_now_non_crawlable = false;
        foreach ($update_fields as $info_field => $field) {
            if (isset($info[$info_field])) {
                if (in_array($info_field, $check_cull_fields) &&
                    (!isset($this->$field) || $this->$field !=
                    $info[$info_field]) ) {
                    $cull_now_non_crawlable = true;
                $this->$field = $info[$info_field];
        L\crawlLog("Minimum fetch loop time is: " .
            $this->minimum_fetch_loop_time . " seconds");
        if ($cull_now_non_crawlable) {
            L\crawlLog("Allowed/Disallowed Urls have changed");
            L\crawlLog("Checking if urls in to crawl lists need to be culled");
        if (!empty($info[self::ACTIVE_CLASSIFIERS_DATA])){
            $this->active_classifiers = isset($info[self::ACTIVE_CLASSIFIERS])
                 && is_array( $info[self::ACTIVE_CLASSIFIERS]) ?
                $info[self::ACTIVE_CLASSIFIERS] : [];
            $this->active_rankers = isset($info[self::ACTIVE_RANKERS])
                 && is_array($info[self::ACTIVE_RANKERS]) ?
                $info[self::ACTIVE_RANKERS] : [];
               The classifier data is set by the fetch controller for each
               active classifier, and is a compressed, serialized structure
               containing all of the objects needed for classification.
            $classifiers_data = $info[self::ACTIVE_CLASSIFIERS_DATA];
            $this->classifiers = [];
            foreach ($classifiers_data as $label => $classifier_data) {
                if ($classifier_data) {
                    $classifier = Classifier::newClassifierFromData(
                    $this->classifiers[] = $classifier;
                    L\crawlLog("Loading '{$label}' classifier/ranker.");
                    if (in_array($label, $this->active_classifiers)) {
                        L\crawlLog("  Using '{$label}' as a classifier.");
                    if (in_array($label, $this->active_rankers)) {
                        L\crawlLog("  Using '{$label}' as a ranker.");
                } else {
                    L\crawlLog("Skipping classifier '{$label}'; missing ".
                        "finalized data.");
        if (isset($info[self::PAGE_RULES]) ){
            $rule_string = implode("\n", $info[self::PAGE_RULES]);
            $rule_string = html_entity_decode($rule_string, ENT_QUOTES);
            $this->page_rule_parser =
                new PageRuleParser($rule_string);
        if (isset($info[self::INDEXING_PLUGINS]) &&
            $this->plugin_hash !=
            L\crawlHash(serialize($info[self::INDEXING_PLUGINS]) )) {
            $this->plugin_hash =
            $this->plugin_processors = [];
            foreach ($info[self::INDEXING_PLUGINS] as $plugin) {
                if ($plugin == "") { continue; }
                $plugin_name = C\NS_PLUGINS . $plugin . "Plugin";
                $processors = $plugin_name::getProcessors();
                $plugin_object = new $plugin_name();
                if (method_exists($plugin_name, "setConfiguration") &&
                    isset($info[self::INDEXING_PLUGINS_DATA][$plugin])) {
                foreach ($processors as $processor) {
                    $this->plugin_processors[C\NS_PROCESSORS .
                        $processor][$plugin_name] = $plugin_object;
            foreach ($this->indexed_file_types as $file_type) {
                $processor = C\NS_PROCESSORS . ucfirst($file_type)."Processor";
                $processor_path = C\BASE_DIR . "/library/processors/".
                if (!class_exists($processor)) {
                if (!isset($this->plugin_processors[$processor])) {
                    $this->plugin_processors[$processor] = [];
                $parent_processor = $processor;
                while(($parent_processor =
                    get_parent_class($parent_processor)) &&
                    $parent_processor != C\NS_PROCESSORS . "PageProcessor") {
                    if (isset($this->plugin_processors[$parent_processor])) {
                        $this->plugin_processors[$processor] +=
            foreach ($this->plugin_processors as $processor => $plugins) {
                $this->plugin_processors[$processor] = array_values($plugins);
        if (!empty($info[self::SCRAPERS]) ) {
            $this->scrapers = unserialize(base64_decode($info[self::SCRAPERS]));
        if (isset($info[self::POST_MAX_SIZE]) && ($this->post_max_size >
            $info[self::POST_MAX_SIZE] || !$this->post_max_size) ) {
            $this->post_max_size = $info[self::POST_MAX_SIZE];
        if (isset($info[self::SCHEDULE_TIME])) {
              $this->schedule_time = $info[self::SCHEDULE_TIME];
        if (isset($info[self::PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST])) {
            $this->page_range_request = $info[self::PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST];
        if (isset($info[self::MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN])) {
            $this->max_description_len = $info[self::MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN];
     * Prepare an array of up to NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES' worth of sites to be
     * downloaded in one go using the to_crawl array. Delete these sites
     * from the to_crawl array.
     * @return array sites which are ready to be downloaded
    public function getFetchSites()
        $web_archive = $this->web_archive;
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $seeds = [];
        $delete_indices = [];
        $num_items = count($this->to_crawl);
        if ($num_items > 0) {
            $crawl_source = & $this->to_crawl;
            $to_crawl_flag = true;
        } else {
            L\crawlLog("...Trying to crawl sites which failed the first time");
            $num_items = count($this->to_crawl_again);
            $crawl_source = & $this->to_crawl_again;
            $to_crawl_flag = false;
        if ($num_items > C\NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES) {
            $num_items = C\NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES;
        //DNS lookups take longer so try to get fewer in one go
        $num_ip_lookups = max($num_items/3, 2);
        $i = 0;
        $ip_lookup_cnt = 0;
        foreach ($crawl_source as $site_key => $site_value) {
            if ($i >= $num_items || $ip_lookup_cnt >= $num_ip_lookups) {
            $delete_indices[] = $site_key;
            if ($site_value[0] != self::DUMMY) {
                $host = UrlParser::getHost($site_value[0]);
                if (!strpos($site_value[0], "###")) {
                // only download if host doesn't seem congested
                if (!isset($this->hosts_with_errors[$host]) ||
                    $this->hosts_with_errors[$host] <
                        C\DOWNLOAD_ERROR_THRESHOLD) {
                    $url_to_check = $site_value[0];
                    $extension = UrlParser::getDocumentType($url_to_check);
                    $repository_indicator = FetchGitRepositoryUrls::
                    if ($repository_indicator == self::REPOSITORY_GIT) {
                        $git_internal_urls = FetchGitRepositoryUrls::
                            setGitRepositoryUrl($url_to_check, $i, $seeds,
                                $repository_indicator, $site_value,
                                    $this->total_git_urls, $this->all_git_urls);
                        $i = $git_internal_urls['position'];
                        $git_url_index = $git_internal_urls['index'];
                        $seeds = $git_internal_urls['seeds'];
                        $repository_indicator = $git_internal_urls['indicator'];
                        $this->total_git_urls = $git_internal_urls['count'];
                        $this->all_git_urls = $git_internal_urls['all'];
                    } else {
                        $seeds[$i][self::URL] = $site_value[0];
                        $seeds[$i][self::WEIGHT] = $site_value[1];
                        $seeds[$i][self::CRAWL_DELAY] = $site_value[2];
                        if (!empty($site_value[self::NO_RANGE])) {
                            $seeds[$i][self::NO_RANGE] = true;
                      Crawl delay is only used in scheduling on the QueueServer.
                      On the Fetcher, we only use crawl-delay to determine
                      if we will give a page a second try if it doesn't
                      download the first time
                    if (UrlParser::getDocumentFilename($seeds[$i][self::URL]) .
                        "." . UrlParser::getDocumentType($seeds[$i][self::URL])
                        == "robots.txt") {
                        $seeds[$i][self::ROBOT_PATHS] = [
                            self::ALLOWED_SITES => [],
                            self::DISALLOWED_SITES => []];
            } else {
        } //end for
        foreach ($delete_indices as $delete_index) {
            $git_set = false;
            if ($to_crawl_flag == true) {
                $extension = UrlParser::getDocumentType(
                $repository_type = FetchGitRepositoryUrls::checkForRepository(
                if ($repository_type != self::REPOSITORY_GIT) {
            } else {
                $extension = UrlParser::getDocumentType(
                $repository_type = FetchGitRepositoryUrls::checkForRepository(

            if ($repository_type == self::REPOSITORY_GIT) {
                if (!$git_set) {
                    $next_url_start = $url_to_check . self::GIT_URL_CONTINUE.
                    $git_set = true;
                    $this->to_crawl[$delete_index][0] = $next_url_start;
                if ($repository_indicator == self::INDICATOR_NONE) {
        L\crawlLog("Fetch url list to download time ".
        return $seeds;
     * Sorts out pages
     * for which no content was downloaded so that they can be scheduled
     * to be crawled again.
     * @param array& $site_pages pages to sort
     * @return an array conisting of two array downloaded pages and
     * not downloaded pages.
    public function reschedulePages(&$site_pages)
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $downloaded = [];
        $not_downloaded = [];
        foreach ($site_pages as $site) {
            if ( (isset($site[self::ROBOT_PATHS]) || isset($site[self::PAGE]))
                && (is_numeric($site[self::HTTP_CODE] ) &&
                $site[self::HTTP_CODE] > 0 && $site[self::HTTP_CODE] != 416) ) {
                $downloaded[] = $site;
            }  else {
                if ($site[self::HTTP_CODE] == 416) {
                    L\crawlLog("Range request not satisfiable...");
                    $site[self::NO_RANGE] = true;
                L\crawlLog("Rescheduling ". $site[self::URL]);
                $not_downloaded[] = $site;
        L\crawlLog("  Sort downloaded/not downloaded ".
        return [$downloaded, $not_downloaded];
     * Processes an array of downloaded web pages with the appropriate page
     * processor.
     * Summary data is extracted from each non robots.txt file in the array.
     * Disallowed paths and crawl-delays are extracted from robots.txt files.
     * @param array $site_pages a collection of web pages to process
     * @return array summary data extracted from these pages
    public function processFetchPages($site_pages)
        $page_processors = $this->page_processors;
        L\crawlLog("Start process pages... Current Memory:" .
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num . "-";
        $stored_site_pages = [];
        $summarized_site_pages = [];
        $num_items = $this->web_archive->count;
        $found_thumb_urls = false;
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($site_pages as $site) {
            $response_code = $site[self::HTTP_CODE];
            $was_error = false;
            if ($response_code < 200 || $response_code >= 300) {
                L\crawlLog($site[self::URL]." response code $response_code");
                $host = UrlParser::getHost($site[self::URL]);
                if (!isset($this->hosts_with_errors[$host])) {
                    $this->hosts_with_errors[$host] = 0;
                if (($response_code >= 400 && $response_code != 404) ||
                    $response_code < 100) {
                    // < 100 will capture failures to connect which are returned
                    // as strings
                    $was_error = true;
                /* we print out errors to std output. We still go ahead and
                   process the page. Maybe it is a cool error page, also
                   this makes sure we don't crawl it again
            // text/robot is my made up mimetype for robots.txt files
            $was_robot_error = false;
            if (isset($site[self::ROBOT_PATHS])) {
                if (!$was_error) {
                    $type = "text/robot";
                } else {
                    $type = $site[self::TYPE];
                    if ($response_code != 404) {
                            disallow crawling if robots.txt has any error other
                            that not found
                        $was_robot_error = true;
                            self::DISALLOWED_SITES][] = "/";
            } else if (isset($site[self::FILE_NAME])) {
                $extension = UrlParser::getDocumentType($site[self::FILE_NAME]);
                if ($extension ==
                    $this->programming_language_extension['java']) {
                    $type = "text/java";
                } else if ($extension ==
                    $this->programming_language_extension['py']) {
                    $type = "text/py";
                } else {
                    $type = $site[self::TYPE];
            } else {
                $type = $site[self::TYPE];
            $handled = false;
            /*deals with short URLs and directs them to the original link
              for robots.txt don't want to introduce stuff that can be
              mis-parsed (we follow redirects in this case anyway) */
            if (isset($site[self::LOCATION]) &&
                count($site[self::LOCATION]) > 0
                && strcmp($type, "text/robot") != 0) {
                array_unshift($site[self::LOCATION], $site[self::URL]);
                $tmp_loc = array_pop($site[self::LOCATION]);
                $tmp_loc = UrlParser::canonicalLink(
                    $tmp_loc, $site[self::URL]);
                $site[self::LOCATION] = array_push($site[self::LOCATION],
                $doc_info = [];
                $doc_info[self::LINKS][$tmp_loc] =
                $doc_info[self::LOCATION] = true;
                $doc_info[self::DESCRIPTION] = $site[self::URL]." => ".
                $doc_info[self::PAGE] = $doc_info[self::DESCRIPTION];
                $doc_info[self::TITLE] = $site[self::URL];
                $text_data = true;
                if (!isset($site[self::ENCODING])) {
                    $site[self::ENCODING] = "UTF-8";
                $handled = true;
            if (!$handled) {
                $processor = $this->pageProcessor($type);
                if (!$processor) {
                    L\crawlLog("No page processor for mime type: ".$type);
                    L\crawlLog("Not processing: ".$site[self::URL]);
                $text_data = $processor->text_data;
            if (isset($site[self::PAGE]) && !$handled) {
                if (!isset($site[self::ENCODING])) {
                    $site[self::ENCODING] = "UTF-8";
                //if not UTF-8 convert before doing anything else
                if (!empty($site[self::ENCODING]) &&
                    $site[self::ENCODING] != "UTF-8" && $text_data) {
                    if (!@mb_check_encoding($site[self::PAGE],
                        $site[self::ENCODING])) {
                        L\crawlLog("  MB_CHECK_ENCODING FAILED!!");
                    L\crawlLog("  Converting from encoding ".
                    //if HEBREW WINDOWS-1255 use ISO-8859 instead
                    if (stristr($site[self::ENCODING], "1255")) {
                        $site[self::ENCODING]= "ISO-8859-8";
                        L\crawlLog("  using encoding ".
                    if (stristr($site[self::ENCODING], "1256")) {
                        $site[self::PAGE] = L\w1256ToUTF8($site[self::PAGE]);
                        L\crawlLog("  using Yioop hack encoding ...");
                    } else {
                        $site[self::PAGE] =
                                "UTF-8", $site[self::ENCODING]);
                    set_error_handler(C\NS_CONFIGS . "yioop_error_handler");
                $page_processor = get_class($processor);
                L\crawlLog("  Using Processor..." . substr($page_processor,
                    strlen(C\NS_PROCESSORS)) . " for " . $site[self::URL]);
                if (isset($site[self::REPOSITORY_TYPE]) &&
                    $site[self::REPOSITORY_TYPE] == self::REPOSITORY_GIT) {
                    $tmp_url_store = $site[self::URL];
                    $site[self::URL] = $site[self::FILE_NAME];
                if (L\generalIsA($page_processor, C\NS_PROCESSORS.
                    "HtmlProcessor")) {
                    $processor->scrapers = $this->scrapers;
                if (!mb_check_encoding($site[self::PAGE], "UTF-8")) {
                    $site[self::PAGE] =
                        mb_convert_encoding($site[self::PAGE], "UTF-8");
                $page = $site[self::PAGE];
                $empty_image = false;
                if (L\generalIsA($page_processor, C\NS_PROCESSORS.
                    "ImageProcessor")) {
                    if (!empty($site[self::CONTENT_SIZE]) &&
                        !empty($site[self::SIZE]) && $site[self::CONTENT_SIZE] >
                        $site[self::SIZE]) {
                        $page = "";
                        $empty_image = true;
                if ($empty_image) {
                    $doc_info = null;
                } else {
                    $doc_info = $processor->handle($page,
                if (C\FETCHER_PROCESS_DELAY > 0 ) {
                if (isset($site[self::REPOSITORY_TYPE]) &&
                    $site[self::REPOSITORY_TYPE] == self::REPOSITORY_GIT) {
                    $site[self::URL] = $tmp_url_store;
                if (!$doc_info) {
                    L\crawlLog("  Processing Yielded No Data For: ".
                if ($page_processor != C\NS_PROCESSORS . "RobotProcessor" &&
                    !isset($doc_info[self::JUST_METAS])) {
                    $this->pruneLinks($doc_info, CrawlConstants::LINKS,
            } else if (!$handled) {
                $doc_info = false;
            $not_loc = true;
            if ($doc_info) {
                $site[self::DOC_INFO] =  $doc_info;
                if (isset($doc_info[self::LOCATION])) {
                    $site[self::HASH] = L\crawlHash(
                        L\crawlHash($site[self::URL], true). "LOCATION", true);
                        $not_loc = false;
                $site[self::ROBOT_INSTANCE] = $prefix . C\ROBOT_INSTANCE;
                if (!is_dir(C\CRAWL_DIR . "/cache")) {
                    mkdir(C\CRAWL_DIR . "/cache");
                    $htaccess = "Options None\nphp_flag engine off\n";
                if ($type == "text/robot" &&
                    isset($doc_info[self::PAGE])) {
                        $site[self::PAGE] = $doc_info[self::PAGE];
                if ($text_data) {
                    if (isset($doc_info[self::PAGE])) {
                        $site[self::PAGE] = $doc_info[self::PAGE];
                    } else {
                        $site[self::PAGE] = null;
                    if ($not_loc) {
                        $content =
                        $site[self::HASH] = FetchUrl::computePageHash(
                } else {
                    $site[self::HASH] = FetchUrl::computePageHash(
                if (isset($doc_info[self::WORD_CLOUD])) {
                        $site[self::WORD_CLOUD] = $doc_info[self::WORD_CLOUD];
                } else {
                    $site[self::WORD_CLOUD] = null;
                if (isset($doc_info[self::CRAWL_DELAY])) {
                    $site[self::CRAWL_DELAY] = $doc_info[self::CRAWL_DELAY];
                if (isset($doc_info[self::ROBOT_PATHS]) && !$was_error) {
                    $site[self::ROBOT_PATHS] = $doc_info[self::ROBOT_PATHS];
                if (!isset($site[self::ROBOT_METAS])) {
                    $site[self::ROBOT_METAS] = [];
                if (isset($doc_info[self::ROBOT_METAS])) {
                    $site[self::ROBOT_METAS] = array_merge(
                        $site[self::ROBOT_METAS], $doc_info[self::ROBOT_METAS]);
                //here's where we enforce NOFOLLOW
                if (in_array("NOFOLLOW", $site[self::ROBOT_METAS]) ||
                    in_array("NONE", $site[self::ROBOT_METAS])) {
                    $site[self::DOC_INFO][self::LINKS] = [];
                if (isset($doc_info[self::AGENT_LIST])) {
                    $site[self::AGENT_LIST] = $doc_info[self::AGENT_LIST];
                $this->copySiteFields($i, $site, $summarized_site_pages,
                $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::URL] =
                if (isset($site[self::REPOSITORY_TYPE]) &&
                    $site[self::REPOSITORY_TYPE] == self::REPOSITORY_GIT) {
                     $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::TITLE] =
                } else if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::TITLE])) {
                     $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::TITLE] = strip_tags(
                    // stripping html to be on the safe side
                } else {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::TITLE] =
                if (!isset($site[self::REPOSITORY_TYPE])) {
                    if ($was_robot_error) {
                        $site[self::DOC_INFO][self::DESCRIPTION] =
                            "There was an HTTP error in trying to download ".
                            "this robots.txt file, so all paths to this site ".
                            "were disallowed by Yioop.\n".
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::DESCRIPTION] =
                } else {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::DESCRIPTION] =
                if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::JUST_METAS]) ||
                    isset($site[self::ROBOT_PATHS])) {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::JUST_METAS] = true;
                if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::META_WORDS])) {
                    if (!isset($summarized_site_pages[$i][self::META_WORDS])) {
                        $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::META_WORDS] =
                    } else {
                        $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::META_WORDS] =
                if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::LANG])) {
                    if ($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::LANG] == 'en' &&
                        $site[self::ENCODING] != "UTF-8") {
                        $site[self::DOC_INFO][self::LANG] =
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::LANG] =
                if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::LINKS])) {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::LINKS] =
                if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::WORD_CLOUD])) {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::WORD_CLOUD] =
                if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::THUMB])) {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::THUMB] =
                if (isset($site[self::DOC_INFO][self::SUBDOCS])) {
                    $this->processSubdocs($i, $site, $summarized_site_pages,
                if (isset($summarized_site_pages[$i][self::LINKS])) {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::LINKS] =
                if (!empty($this->classifiers)) {
                        $this->classifiers, $this->active_classifiers,
                if ($this->page_rule_parser != null) {
                if (!empty($summarized_site_pages[$i][self::THUMB_URL]) &&
                    empty($summarized_site_pages[$i][self::THUMB])) {
                    $found_thumb_urls = true;
                $metas = isset($summarized_site_pages[$i][self::ROBOT_METAS]) ?
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::ROBOT_METAS] : [];
                if (array_intersect($metas,
                    ["NOARCHIVE", "NOINDEX", "JUSTFOLLOW", "NONE"]) != []) {
                    $stored_site_pages[$i] = false;
                $stored_site_pages[$i][self::INDEX] = $i;
        } // end for
        $num_pages = count($stored_site_pages);
        $filter_stored = array_filter($stored_site_pages);
        if (C\DEFAULT_CRAWL_FORMAT < 2 &&
            $num_pages > 0 && $this->cache_pages) {
            $cache_page_partition = $this->web_archive->addPages(
                self::OFFSET, $filter_stored);
        } else if ($num_pages > 0) {
            // In newer format fetcher archive only counts num cache pages
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_pages; $i++) {
            $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::INDEX] = $num_items + $i;
        foreach ($filter_stored as $stored) {
            if (!isset($stored[self::INDEX]) ) {
                if (C\DEFAULT_CRAWL_FORMAT >= 2) {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::PAGE] = "";
            $i = $stored[self::INDEX];
            if (C\DEFAULT_CRAWL_FORMAT < 2) {
                if (isset($stored[self::OFFSET])) {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::OFFSET] =
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::CACHE_PAGE_PARTITION] =
        if ($this->crawl_type == self::WEB_CRAWL && $found_thumb_urls) {
        L\crawlLog("  Process pages time: ".L\changeInMicrotime($start_time).
             " Current Memory: ".memory_get_usage());
        return $summarized_site_pages;
     * Adds thumbs for websites with a self::THUMB_URL field bby downloading the
     *  linked to images and making a thumb from it.
     * @param array& $sites associative array of web sites information to add thumbs
     *  for. At least one site in the array should have a self::THUMB_URL
     *  field that we want have the thumb of
    public function getPageThumbs(&$sites)
        L\crawlLog("Getting Thumbs for Downloaded Pages...");
        $num_sites = count($sites);
        $thumb_sites = [];
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_sites; $i++) {
            $thumb_sites[$i] = [];
            if (!empty($sites[$i][self::THUMB_URL])
                && empty($sites[$i][self::THUMB])) {
                $thumb_sites[$i][self::THUMB_URL] = $sites[$i][self::THUMB_URL];
        $thumb_sites = FetchUrl::getPages($thumb_sites, false,
            $this->page_range_request, null, self::THUMB_URL, self::DATA, true);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_sites; $i++) {
            if (!empty($thumb_sites[$i][self::DATA])) {
                $image = @imagecreatefromstring($thumb_sites[$i][self::DATA]);
                $thumb_string = ImageProcessor::createThumb($image);
                set_error_handler(C\NS_CONFIGS . "yioop_error_handler");
                if ($thumb_string) {
                    $sites[$i][self::THUMB] = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' .
     * Used to remove from the to_crawl urls those that are no longer crawlable
     * because the allowed and disallowed sites have changed.
    public function cullNoncrawlableSites()
        $count = count($this->to_crawl);
        $count_again = count($this->to_crawl_again);
        L\crawlLog("Culling noncrawlable urls after change in crawl ".
            "parameters; To Crawl Count: $count, To Crawl Again: ".
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $k = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            L\crawlTimeoutLog("..still culling to crawl urls. Examining ".
                "location %s in queue of %s.", $i, $count);
            if (empty($this->to_crawl[$i][0])) {
            } else {
                list($url, ) = $this->to_crawl[$i];
                if (!$this->allowedToCrawlSite($url) ||
                    $this->disallowedToCrawlSite($url)) {
        $this->allow_disallow_cache_time = microtime(true);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_again; $i++) {
            L\crawlTimeoutLog("..still culling to crawl again urls. Examining ".
                "location %s in queue of %s.", $i, $count);
            if (empty($this->to_crawl_again[$i][0])) {
            } else {
                list($url, ) = $this->to_crawl_again[$i];
                if (!$this->allowedToCrawlSite($url) ||
                    $this->disallowedToCrawlSite($url)) {
        L\crawlLog("...Removed $k cullable URLS  from to crawl lists in time: ".
     * Checks if url belongs to a list of sites that are allowed to be
     * crawled and that the file type is crawlable
     * @param string $url url to check
     * @return bool whether is allowed to be crawled or not
    public function allowedToCrawlSite($url)
        $doc_type = UrlParser::getDocumentType($url);
        if (!in_array($doc_type, $this->all_file_types)) {
            $doc_type = "unknown";
        if (!in_array($doc_type, $this->indexed_file_types)) {
            return false;
        if ($this->restrict_sites_by_url) {
           return UrlParser::urlMemberSiteArray($url, $this->allowed_sites,
                "a" . $this->allow_disallow_cache_time);
        return true;
     * Checks if url belongs to a list of sites that aren't supposed to be
     * crawled
     * @param string $url url to check
     * @return bool whether is shouldn't be crawled
    public function disallowedToCrawlSite($url)
        return UrlParser::urlMemberSiteArray($url, $this->disallowed_sites,
            "d" . $this->allow_disallow_cache_time);
     * Page processors are allowed to extract up to MAX_LINKS_TO_EXTRACT
     * This method attempts to cull from the doc_info struct the
     * best MAX_LINKS_PER_PAGE. Currently, this is done by first removing
     * links which of filetype or sites the crawler is forbidden from crawl.
     * Then a crude estimate of the informaation contained in the links test:
     * strlen(gzip(text)) is used to extract the best remaining links.
     * @param array& $doc_info a string with a CrawlConstants::LINKS subarray
     * This subarray in turn contains url => text pairs.
     * @param string $field field for links default is CrawlConstants::LINKS
     * @param int $member_cache_time says how long allowed and disallowed url
     *      info should be caches by urlMemberSiteArray
    public function pruneLinks(&$doc_info, $field = CrawlConstants::LINKS,
        $member_cache_time = 0)
        if (!isset($doc_info[self::LINKS])) {
        $links = [];
        $allowed_name = "a".$member_cache_time;
        $disallowed_name = "d".$member_cache_time;
        foreach ($doc_info[$field] as $url => $text) {
            $doc_type = UrlParser::getDocumentType($url);
            if (!in_array($doc_type, $this->all_file_types)) {
                $doc_type = "unknown";
            if (!in_array($doc_type, $this->indexed_file_types)) {
            if ($this->restrict_sites_by_url) {
                if (!UrlParser::urlMemberSiteArray($url, $this->allowed_sites,
                    $allowed_name)) {
            if (UrlParser::urlMemberSiteArray($url, $this->disallowed_sites,
                $disallowed_name)) {
            $links[$url] = $text;
        $doc_info[$field] = UrlParser::pruneLinks($links);
     * Copies fields from the array of site data to the $i indexed
     * element of the $summarized_site_pages and $stored_site_pages array
     * @param int $i index to copy to
     * @param array $site web page info to copy
     * @param array& $summarized_site_pages array of summaries of web pages
     * @param array& $stored_site_pages array of cache info of web pages
    public function copySiteFields($i, $site,
        &$summarized_site_pages, &$stored_site_pages)
        $stored_fields = [self::URL, self::HEADER, self::PAGE];
        $summary_fields = [self::IP_ADDRESSES, self::WEIGHT,
            self::TIMESTAMP, self::TYPE, self::ENCODING, self::HTTP_CODE,
            self::HASH, self::SERVER, self::SERVER_VERSION,
            self::OPERATING_SYSTEM, self::MODIFIED, self::ROBOT_INSTANCE,
            self::LOCATION, self::SIZE, self::TOTAL_TIME, self::DNS_TIME,
            self::ROBOT_PATHS, self::CRAWL_DELAY,
            self::AGENT_LIST, self::ROBOT_METAS, self::WARC_ID,
        foreach ($summary_fields as $field) {
            if (isset($site[$field])) {
                if (C\DEFAULT_CRAWL_FORMAT < 2) {
                    $stored_site_pages[$i][$field] = $site[$field];
                $summarized_site_pages[$i][$field] = $site[$field];
        foreach ($stored_fields as $field) {
            if (isset($site[$field])) {
                if (C\DEFAULT_CRAWL_FORMAT < 2) {
                    $stored_site_pages[$i][$field] = $site[$field];
                } else {
                    $summarized_site_pages[$i][$field] = $site[$field];
        $copy_doc_infos = array_diff(array_keys($site[self::DOC_INFO]),
            $summary_fields, $stored_fields);
        foreach ($copy_doc_infos as $field) {
            $summarized_site_pages[$i][$field] = $site[self::DOC_INFO][$field];
     * The pageProcessing method of an IndexingPlugin generates
     * a self::SUBDOCS array of additional "micro-documents" that
     * might have been in the page. This methods adds these
     * documents to the summaried_size_pages and stored_site_pages
     * arrays constructed during the execution of processFetchPages()
     * @param int& $i index to begin adding subdocs at
     * @param array $site web page that subdocs were from and from
     *     which some subdoc summary info is copied
     * @param array& $summarized_site_pages array of summaries of web pages
     * @param array& $stored_site_pages array of cache info of web pages
    public function processSubdocs(&$i, $site,
        &$summarized_site_pages, &$stored_site_pages)
        $subdocs = $site[self::DOC_INFO][self::SUBDOCS];
        foreach ($subdocs as $subdoc) {
            $this->copySiteFields($i, $site, $summarized_site_pages,
            $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::URL] =
            $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::TITLE] =
            $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::DESCRIPTION] =
            if (isset($site[self::JUST_METAS])) {
                $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::JUST_METAS] = true;
            if (isset($subdoc[self::LANG])) {
                $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::LANG] =
            if (isset($subdoc[self::LINKS])) {
                $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::LINKS] =
            if (isset($subdoc[self::SUBDOCTYPE])) {
                $summarized_site_pages[$i][self::SUBDOCTYPE] =
     * Updates the $this->found_sites array with data from the most recently
     * downloaded sites. This means updating the following sub arrays:
     * the self::ROBOT_PATHS, self::TO_CRAWL. It checks if there are still
     * more urls to crawl or if self::SEEN_URLS has grown larger than
     * SEEN_URLS_BEFORE_UPDATE_SCHEDULER. If so, a mini index is built and,
     * the queue server is called with the data.
     * @param array $sites site data to use for the update
     * @param bool $force_send whether to force send data back to queue_server
     *     or rely on usual thresholds before sending
    public function updateFoundSites($sites, $force_send = false)
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        L\crawlLog("  Updating Found Sites Array...");
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($sites); $i++) {
            $site = $sites[$i];
            if (!isset($site[self::URL])) {
            $host = UrlParser::getHost($site[self::URL]);
            if (isset($site[self::ROBOT_PATHS])) {
                if ($site[self::IP_ADDRESSES] == [""]) {
                    /* probably couldn't find site so this will block
                        from crawl
                    $site[self::ROBOT_PATHS][self::DISALLOWED_SITES] =
                //set same robots.txt for all redirects went through
                $locations = [$host];
                if (!empty($site[self::LOCATION])) {
                    $locations = array_merge($locations, $site[self::LOCATION]);
                foreach ($locations as $location) {
                    $h = UrlParser::getHost($location);
                    $this->found_sites[self::ROBOT_TXT][$h][self::ROBOT_PATHS] =
                    if (isset($site[self::CRAWL_DELAY])) {
                            self::CRAWL_DELAY] = $site[self::CRAWL_DELAY];
                if (isset($site[self::LINKS])
                    && $this->crawl_type == self::WEB_CRAWL) {
                    $num_links = count($site[self::LINKS]);
                    //robots pages might have sitemaps links on them
                    //which we want to crawl
                    $link_urls = array_values($site[self::LINKS]);
                        $site[self::WEIGHT], $site[self::HASH],
                        $site[self::URL], true);
                $this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS][] = $site;
            } else {
                $this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS][] = $site;
                if (isset($site[self::LINKS])
                    && $this->crawl_type == self::WEB_CRAWL) {
                    if (!isset($this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL])) {
                        $this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL] = [];
                    $link_urls = array_keys($site[self::LINKS]);
                    $this->addToCrawlSites($link_urls, $site[self::WEIGHT],
            } //end else
            //Add cache page validation data
            if (isset($site[self::CACHE_PAGE_VALIDATORS])) {
                $this->found_sites[self::CACHE_PAGE_VALIDATION_DATA][] =
                    [$site[self::URL], $site[self::CACHE_PAGE_VALIDATORS]];
            if (isset($this->hosts_with_errors[$host]) &&
                $this->hosts_with_errors[$host] > C\DOWNLOAD_ERROR_THRESHOLD) {
                    self::CRAWL_DELAY] = C\ERROR_CRAWL_DELAY;
                L\crawlLog("setting crawl delay $host");
            if (isset($this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL])) {
                $this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL] =
            if (isset($site[self::INDEX])) {
                $site_index = $site[self::INDEX];
            } else {
                $site_index = "[LINK]";
            $subdoc_info = "";
            if (isset($site[self::SUBDOCTYPE])) {
                $subdoc_info = "(Subdoc: {$site[self::SUBDOCTYPE]})";
            /* for log file get rid of non-utf-8 characters
               that latter make it hard to view the log
            L\crawlLog($site_index . ". $subdoc_info ".
                iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1//IGNORE", $site[self::URL]));
        } // end for
        L\crawlLog("  Done Update Found Sites Array Time ".
        if ($force_send || ($this->crawl_type == self::WEB_CRAWL &&
            count($this->to_crawl) <= 0 && count($this->to_crawl_again) <= 0) ||
                (isset($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS]) &&
                count($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS]) >
                ($this->archive_iterator &&
                $this->archive_iterator->end_of_iterator) ||
                    $this->exceedMemoryThreshold() ) {
            $start_time = microtime(true);
            L\crawlLog("  Start Update Server ");
            L\crawlLog("  Update Server Time " .
     * Used to add a set of links from a web page to the array of sites which
     * need to be crawled.
     * @param array $link_urls an array of urls to be crawled
     * @param int $old_weight_pair the weight and depth of the web page
     *      the links came from (high 3 bytes for former low byte latter)
     * @param string $site_hash a hash of the web_page on which the link was
     *     found, for use in deduplication
     * @param string $old_url url of page where links came from
     * @param bool $from_sitemap whether the links are coming from a sitemap
    public function addToCrawlSites($link_urls, $old_weight_pair, $site_hash,
        $old_url, $from_sitemap = false)
        // decode 3 bytes weight 1 byte depth
        list($old_weight, $old_depth) = L\decodeQueueWeightInfo(
            $old_weight_pair, $this->crawl_order);
        if ($this->max_depth > 0 && $old_depth + 1 >= $this->max_depth) {
            return; // reached max depth so don't add any urls
        $sitemap_link_weight = 0.25;
        $num_links = count($link_urls);
        $num_queue_servers = count($this->queue_servers);
        $common_weight = 1;
        $common_weight_info = L\encodeQueueWeightInfo($common_weight,
            $old_depth + 1, self::PAGE_IMPORTANCE);
        if ($from_sitemap) {
            $square_factor = 0;
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_links; $i++) {
                $square_factor += 1/($i*$i);
            $square_factor = ceil($square_factor);
        } else if ($this->crawl_order != self::BREADTH_FIRST) {
            $num_common =
            $num_different = $num_links - $num_common;
            if ($num_common > 0 && $num_different > 0) {
                $common_weight = (int)floor($old_weight/(2 * $num_links));
                $common_weight_info = L\encodeQueueWeightInfo($common_weight,
                    $old_depth + 1, self::PAGE_IMPORTANCE);
            $remaining_weight = $old_weight - $common_weight * $num_common;
            if ($num_different > 0 ) {
                $different_weight =
                    //favour links between different company level domains
                $different_weight_info = L\encodeQueueWeightInfo(
                    $different_weight, $old_depth + 1, self::PAGE_IMPORTANCE);
        $old_cld = UrlParser::getCompanyLevelDomain($old_url);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_links; $i++) {
            $url = $link_urls[$i];
            if (strlen($url) > 0) {
                $part = L\calculatePartition($url, $num_queue_servers,
                    C\NS_LIB . "UrlParser::getHost");
                if ($this->crawl_order == self::BREADTH_FIRST) {
                    $weight_info = L\encodeQueueWeightInfo(0, $old_depth + 1,
                    $this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL][$part][] =
                        [$url, $weight_info, $site_hash . $i];
                } else if ($from_sitemap) {
                    $weight_info = L\encodeQueueWeightInfo(
                        (int)floor($old_weight * $sitemap_link_weight /
                        (($i+1)*($i+1) * $square_factor)), $old_depth + 1,
                    $this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL][$part][] =
                        [$url, $weight_info, $site_hash . $i];
                } else { //page importance and default case
                    $cld = UrlParser::getCompanyLevelDomain($url);
                    if (strcmp($old_cld, $cld) == 0) {
                        $this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL][$part][] =
                            [$url, $common_weight_info, $site_hash . $i];
                    } else {
                        $this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL][$part][] =
                            [$url, $different_weight_info, $site_hash . $i];
     * Updates the queue_server about sites that have been crawled.
     * This method is called if there are currently no more sites to crawl or
     * if SEEN_URLS_BEFORE_UPDATE_SCHEDULER many pages have been processed. It
     * creates a inverted index of the non robot pages crawled and then
     * compresses and does a post request to send the page summary data, robot
     * data, to crawl url data, and inverted index back to the server. In the
     * event that the server doesn't acknowledge it loops and tries again after
     * a delay until the post is successful. At this point, memory for this data
     * is freed.
    public function updateScheduler()
        $current_server = $this->current_server;
        $queue_server = $this->queue_servers[$current_server];
        L\crawlLog("Updating machine: " . $queue_server);
        $prefix = $this->fetcher_num . "-" . $this->channel . "-";
        if (count($this->to_crawl) <= 0) {
            $schedule_time = $this->schedule_time;
            In what follows as we generate post data we delete stuff
            from $this->found_sites, to try to minimize our memory
        $byte_counts = ["TOTAL" => 0, "ROBOT" => 0, "SCHEDULE" => 0,
            "INDEX" => 0, "CACHE_PAGE_VALIDATION" => 0];
        $post_data = ['c'=>'fetch', 'a'=>'update',
            'crawl_time' => $this->crawl_time, 'machine_uri' => C\WEB_URI,
            'robot_instance' => $prefix . C\ROBOT_INSTANCE, 'data' => '',
            'check_crawl_time' => $this->check_crawl_time,
            'crawl_type' => $this->crawl_type];
        //handle robots.txt data
        if (isset($this->found_sites[self::ROBOT_TXT])) {
            $data = L\webencode(
            $bytes_robot = strlen($data);
            $post_data['data'] .= $data;
            L\crawlLog("..." . $bytes_robot . " bytes of robot data");
            $byte_counts["TOTAL"] += $bytes_robot;
            $byte_counts["ROBOT"] = $bytes_robot;
        //handle cache validation data
        if (isset($this->found_sites[self::CACHE_PAGE_VALIDATION_DATA])) {
            $cache_page_validation_data = L\webencode(
            $bytes_cache_page_validation = strlen($cache_page_validation_data);
            $post_data['data'] .= $cache_page_validation_data;
            L\crawlLog("..." . $bytes_cache_page_validation .
                " bytes of cache page validation data");
            $byte_counts["TOTAL"] += $bytes_cache_page_validation;
            $byte_counts["CACHE_PAGE_VALIDATION"] =
        //handle schedule data
        $schedule_data = [];
        if (isset($this->found_sites[self::TO_CRAWL][$current_server])) {
            $schedule_data[self::TO_CRAWL] = &
        $seen_cnt = 0;
        if (isset($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS]) &&
            ($seen_cnt = count($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS])) > 0 ) {
            $hash_seen_urls = [];
            foreach ($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS] as $site) {
                $hash_seen_urls[] =
                    L\crawlHash($site[self::URL], true);
            $schedule_data[self::HASH_SEEN_URLS] = $hash_seen_urls;
        if (!empty($schedule_data)) {
            if (isset($schedule_time)) {
                $schedule_data[self::SCHEDULE_TIME] = $schedule_time;
            $data = L\webencode(gzcompress(serialize($schedule_data)));
            $post_data['data'] .= $data;
            $bytes_schedule = strlen($data);
            L\crawlLog("..." . $bytes_schedule . " bytes of schedule data");
            $byte_counts["TOTAL"] += $bytes_schedule;
            $byte_counts["SCHEDULE"] = $bytes_schedule;
            $byte_counts["SCHEDULE_TIME"] = $this->schedule_time;
        //handle mini inverted index
        if ($seen_cnt > 0 ) {
        if (isset($this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX][$current_server])) {
            L\crawlLog("Saving Mini Inverted Index...");
            $this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX][$current_server] =
                    $current_server]->save(true, true);
            $compress_urls = $this->compressAndUnsetSeenUrls();
            $len_urls =  strlen($compress_urls);
            L\crawlLog("...Finish Compressing seen URLs.");
            $out_string = L\packInt($len_urls) . $compress_urls;
            $out_string .= $this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX][
            L\crawlLog(".....add inverted index string.");
            $data = L\webencode($out_string);
            L\crawlLog(".....web encode result.");
                // don't compress index data
            $post_data['data'] .= $data;
            $bytes_index = strlen($data);
            L\crawlLog("..." . $bytes_index . " bytes of index data");
            $byte_counts["TOTAL"] += $bytes_index;
            $byte_counts["INDEX"] = $bytes_index;
        if ($byte_counts["TOTAL"] <= 0) {
            L\crawlLog("No data to send aborting update scheduler...");
        //try to send to queue server
        $this->uploadCrawlData($queue_server, $byte_counts, $post_data);
        L\crawlLog("...  Current Memory:" . memory_get_usage());
        if ($this->crawl_type == self::WEB_CRAWL) {
            $dir = C\CRAWL_DIR . "/schedules";
            file_put_contents("$dir/$prefix" . self::fetch_batch_name .
                "{$this->crawl_time}.txt", serialize($this->to_crawl));
            $this->db->setWorldPermissionsRecursive("$dir/$prefix" .
                self::fetch_batch_name . "{$this->crawl_time}.txt");
     * Computes a string of compressed urls from the seen urls and extracted
     * links destined for the current queue server. Then unsets these
     * values from $this->found_sites
     * @return string of compressed urls
    public function compressAndUnsetSeenUrls()
        $current_server = $this->current_server;
        $compress_urls = "";
        if (!isset($this->found_sites[self::LINK_SEEN_URLS][
            $current_server])) {
            $this->found_sites[self::LINK_SEEN_URLS][$current_server] =
        if (isset($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS]) &&
            is_array($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS])) {
            $this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS] =
        } else {
            $this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS] =
        $this->found_sites[self::LINK_SEEN_URLS][$current_server] =
        if (isset($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS])) {
            $num_seen = count($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS]);
            $i = 0;
            while($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS] != []) {
                L\crawlTimeoutLog("..compressing seen url %s of %s",
                    $i, $num_seen);
                $site = array_shift($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS]);
                if (!isset($site[self::ROBOT_METAS]) ||
                 !in_array("JUSTFOLLOW", $site[self::ROBOT_METAS]) ||
                 isset($site[self::JUST_METAS])) {
                    $site_string = gzcompress(serialize($site));
                    $compress_urls .= L\packInt(strlen($site_string)) .
                } else {
                    L\crawlLog("..filtering " . $site[self::URL] .
                        " because of JUSTFOLLOW.");
        return $compress_urls;
     * Sends to crawl, robot, and index data to the current queue server.
     * If this data is more than post_max_size, it splits it into chunks
     * which are then reassembled by the queue server web app before being
     * put into the appropriate schedule sub-directory.
     * @param string $queue_server url of the current queue server
     * @param array $byte_counts has four fields: TOTAL, ROBOT, SCHEDULE,
     *     INDEX. These give the number of bytes overall for the
     *     'data' field of $post_data and for each of these components.
     * @param array $post_data data to be uploaded to the queue server web app
    public function uploadCrawlData($queue_server, $byte_counts, &$post_data)
        static $total_upload_bytes = 0;
        static $total_uploads_previous_hour = 0;
        static $total_uploads_two_hours = 0;
        static $last_record_time = 0;
        static $oldest_record_time = 0;
        $post_data['fetcher_peak_memory'] = memory_get_peak_usage();
        $post_data['byte_counts'] = L\webencode(serialize($byte_counts));
        $len = strlen($post_data['data']);
        $max_len = $this->post_max_size - 10 * 1024; // non-data post vars < 10K
        $post_data['num_parts'] = ceil($len/$max_len);
        $num_parts = $post_data['num_parts'];
        $data = & $post_data['data'];
        $post_data['hash_data'] = L\crawlHash($data);
        $offset = 0;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_parts; $i++) {
            $time = time();
            $session = md5($time . C\AUTH_KEY);
            $post_data['time'] = $time;
            $post_data['session'] = $session;
            $post_data['part'] = substr($data, $offset, $max_len);
            $post_data['hash_part'] = L\crawlHash($post_data['part']);
            $post_data['current_part'] = $i;
            $offset += $max_len;
            $part_len = strlen($post_data['part']);
            L\crawlLog("Sending Queue Server Part $i of $num_parts...");
            L\crawlLog("...sending about $part_len bytes.");
            $sleep = false;
            do {
                if ($sleep == true) {
                    L\crawlLog("Trouble sending to the scheduler at url:");
                    if (empty($info_string)) {
                        L\crawlLog("Response from server was empty");
                        L\crawlLog("Here is what was posted:");
                        L\crawlLog(print_r($post_data, true));
                    } else {
                        L\crawlLog("Response was:");
                    $info = @unserialize($info_string);
                    $time = time();
                    $session = md5($time . C\AUTH_KEY);
                    $post_data['time'] = $time;
                    $post_data['session'] = $session;
                    if (isset($info[self::STATUS]) &&
                        $info[self::STATUS] == self::REDO_STATE) {
                            "Server requested last item to be re-sent...");
                        if (isset($info[self::SUMMARY])) {
                        L\crawlLog("Trying again in " . C\FETCH_SLEEP_TIME
                            . " seconds...");
                    } else {
                        L\crawlLog("Trying again in " . C\FETCH_SLEEP_TIME
                            ." seconds. You might want");
                        L\crawlLog("to check the queue server url and server");
                        L\crawlLog("key. Queue Server post_max_size is:".
                    if ($i == 1 && !C\nsdefined('FORCE_SMALL') &&
                        $this->post_max_size > 1000000) {
                        /* maybe server has limited memory
                           and two high a post_max_size
                        L\crawlLog("Using smaller post size to see if helps");
                        C\nsdefine('FORCE_SMALL', true);
                        $this->post_max_size = 1000000;
                        $info[self::POST_MAX_SIZE] = 1000001;
                        /* set to small value before try again.
                $sleep = true;
                $info_string = FetchUrl::getPage($queue_server, $post_data,
                $info = unserialize(trim($info_string));
                if (isset($info[self::LOGGING])) {
                    L\crawlLog("Messages from Fetch Controller:");
                if (isset($info[self::POST_MAX_SIZE]) &&
                    $this->post_max_size > $info[self::POST_MAX_SIZE]) {
                    if (!C\nsdefined('FORCE_SMALL')) {
                        L\crawlLog("post_max_size has changed was ".
                            "{$this->post_max_size}. Now is ".
                        $this->post_max_size = $info[self::POST_MAX_SIZE];
                    } else {
                            "...Using Force Small Rule on Server Posting");
                    if ($max_len > $this->post_max_size) {
                        L\crawlLog("Restarting upload...");
                        if (isset($post_data["resized_once"])) {
                            L\crawlLog("Restart failed");
                        $post_data['data'] = $data;
                        $post_data["resized_once"] = true;
                        return $this->uploadCrawlData(
                            $queue_server, $byte_counts, $post_data);
            } while(!isset($info[self::STATUS]) ||
                $info[self::STATUS] != self::CONTINUE_STATE);
            if (!empty($info['REPEAT_TIME']) && !empty($this->schedule_time)
                && $info['REPEAT_TIME'] > $this->schedule_time) {
                /*  we are crawling using a double index archive and it has
                L\crawlLog("Queue Server Double Index Archive Swapped...");
                L\crawlLog("...deleting rest of to crawl batch");
                $this->to_crawl = [];
                $this->to_crawl_again = [];
                $this->found_sites = [];
            L\crawlLog("Queue Server info response code: ".$info[self::STATUS]);
            L\crawlLog("Queue Server's crawl time is: " .
            L\crawlLog("Web Server peak memory usage: ".
            L\crawlLog("This fetcher peak memory usage: ".
            "Updated Queue Server, sent approximately" .
            " {$byte_counts['TOTAL']} bytes:");
        $total_upload_bytes += $byte_counts['TOTAL'];
        $record_time = time();
        $diff_hours = ($record_time - $oldest_record_time)/C\ONE_HOUR;
        $diff_hours = ($diff_hours <= 0) ? 1 : $diff_hours;
        $uploads_per_hour =
            ($total_upload_bytes - $total_uploads_two_hours) /
        L\crawlLog("...  Upload bytes per hours: " . $uploads_per_hour);
        if ($record_time > $last_record_time + C\ONE_HOUR) {
            $total_uploads_two_hours = $total_uploads_previous_hour;
            $total_uploads_previous_hour = $total_upload_bytes;
            $oldest_record_time = $last_record_time;
            if ($oldest_record_time == 0) {
                $oldest_record_time = $record_time;
            $last_record_time = $record_time;
     * Builds an inverted index shard (word --> {docs it appears in})
     * for the current batch of SEEN_URLS_BEFORE_UPDATE_SCHEDULER many pages.
     * This inverted index shard is then merged by a queue_server
     * into the inverted index of the current generation of the crawl.
     * The complete inverted index for the whole crawl is built out of these
     * inverted indexes for generations. The point of computing a partial
     * inverted index on the fetcher is to reduce some of the computational
     * burden on the queue server. The resulting mini index computed by
     * buildMiniInvertedIndex() is stored in
     * $this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX]
    public function buildMiniInvertedIndex()
        $start_time = microtime(true);
        $keypad = "\x00\x00\x00\x00";
        L\crawlLog("  Start building mini inverted index ...  Current Memory:".
        $num_seen = count($this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS]);
        $this->num_seen_sites += $num_seen;
            for the fetcher we are not saving the index shards so
            name doesn't matter.
        if (!isset($this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX][
            $this->current_server])) {
            $this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX][$this->current_server] =
                new IndexShard("fetcher_shard_{$this->current_server}");
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_seen; $i++) {
            $interim_time = microtime(true);
            $site = $this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS][$i];
            if (!isset($site[self::HASH]) || (isset($site[self::ROBOT_METAS]) &&
                in_array("JUSTFOLLOW", $site[self::ROBOT_METAS]))) {
            $doc_rank = false;
            if ($this->crawl_type == self::ARCHIVE_CRAWL &&
                isset($this->archive_iterator)) {
                $doc_rank = $this->archive_iterator->weight($site);
            if (isset($site[self::TYPE]) && $site[self::TYPE] == "link") {
                $is_link = true;
                $doc_keys = $site[self::HTTP_CODE];
                $site_url = $site[self::TITLE];
                $host =  UrlParser::getHost($site_url);
                $link_parts = explode('|', $site[self::HASH]);
                if (isset($link_parts[5])) {
                    $link_origin = $link_parts[5];
                } else {
                    $link_origin = $site_url;
                $meta_ids = PhraseParser::calculateLinkMetas($site_url,
                    $host, $site[self::DESCRIPTION], $link_origin);
            } else {
                $is_link = false;
                $site_url = str_replace('|', "%7C", $site[self::URL]);
                $host = UrlParser::getHost($site_url);
                $doc_keys = L\crawlHash($site_url, true) .
                    $site[self::HASH] . "d". substr(L\crawlHash(
                    $host . "/", true), 1);
                $meta_ids =  PhraseParser::calculateMetas($site);
            $word_lists = [];
            $triplet_lists = [];
                self::JUST_METAS check to avoid getting sitemaps in results for
                popular words
            $lang = null;
            if (!isset($site[self::JUST_METAS])) {
                $host_words = UrlParser::getWordsInHostUrl($site_url);
                $path_words = UrlParser::getWordsLastPathPartUrl(
                if ($is_link) {
                    $phrase_string = $site[self::DESCRIPTION];
                } else {
                    if (isset($site[self::LANG])) {
                        if (isset($this->programming_language_extension[$site[
                            self::LANG]])) {
                            $phrase_string = $site[self::DESCRIPTION];
                        } else {
                            $phrase_string = $host_words . " .. ".
                                $site[self::TITLE] . " ..  ".
                                $path_words . " .. ". $site[self::DESCRIPTION];
                    } else {
                        $phrase_string = $host_words . " " .
                            $site[self::TITLE] . " ". $path_words . " ".
                if (empty($site[self::LANG])) {
                    $site[self::LANG] = C\DEFAULT_LOCALE;
                $lang = L\guessLocaleFromString(
                    mb_substr($site[self::DESCRIPTION], 0,
                    C\AD_HOC_TITLE_LENGTH), $site[self::LANG]);
                $word_and_qa_lists =
                    PhraseParser::extractPhrasesInLists($phrase_string, $lang);
                $word_lists = $word_and_qa_lists['WORD_LIST'];
                $len = strlen($phrase_string);
                if (isset($this->programming_language_extension[$lang]) ||
                    PhraseParser::computeSafeSearchScore($word_lists, $len) <
                        0.012) {
                    $meta_ids[] = "safe:true";
                    $safe = true;
                } else {
                    $meta_ids[] = "safe:false";
                    $safe = false;
            if (!$is_link) {
                //store inlinks so they can be searched by
                $num_links = count($site[self::LINKS]);
                if ($num_links > 0) {
                    $link_rank = false;
                    if ($doc_rank !== false) {
                        $link_rank = max($doc_rank - 1, 1);
                } else {
                    $link_rank = false;
            $num_queue_servers = count($this->queue_servers);
            if (isset($site[self::USER_RANKS]) &&
                count($site[self::USER_RANKS]) > 0) {
                $score_keys = "";
                foreach ($site[self::USER_RANKS] as $label => $score) {
                    $score_keys .= L\packInt($score);
                if (strlen($score_keys) % 8 != 0) {
                    $score_keys .= $keypad;
                $doc_keys .= $score_keys;
                ]->addDocumentWords($doc_keys, self::NEEDS_OFFSET_FLAG,
                $word_lists, $meta_ids, true, $doc_rank);
            if (isset($word_and_qa_lists['QUESTION_ANSWER_LIST'])) {
                $site[self::QUESTION_ANSWERS] =
                $this->found_sites[self::SEEN_URLS][$i] = $site;
                $this->no_process_links is set when doing things like
                mix recrawls. In this case links likely already will appear
                in what indexing, so don't index again. $site[self::JUST_META]
                is set when have a sitemap or robots.txt (this case set later).
                In this case link  info is not particularly useful for indexing
                and can greatly slow building inverted index.
            if (!$this->no_process_links && !isset($site[self::JUST_METAS]) &&
                !isset($this->programming_language_extension[$lang])) {
                $tokenizer = PhraseParser::getTokenizer($lang);
                $has_stopwords_remover =
                    method_exists($tokenizer, "stopwordsRemover");
                foreach ($site[self::LINKS] as $url => $link_text) {
                    /* this mysterious check means won't index links from
                      robots.txt. Sitemap will still be in TO_CRAWL, but that's
                      done elsewhere
                    if (strlen($url) == 0 || is_numeric($url)) {
                    $link_host = UrlParser::getHost($url);
                    if (strlen($link_host) == 0) {
                    $part_num = L\calculatePartition($link_host,
                    $summary = [];
                    if (!isset($this->found_sites[self::LINK_SEEN_URLS][
                        $part_num])) {
                    $elink_flag = ($link_host != $host) ? true : false;
                    $link_text = strip_tags($link_text);
                    if ($has_stopwords_remover) {
                        $useful_text = $tokenizer->stopwordsRemover($link_text);
                    } else {
                        $useful_text = $link_text;
                    if (mb_strlen($useful_text) < C\MIN_LINKS_TEXT_DOC) {
                    $ref = ($elink_flag) ? "eref" : "iref";
                    $url = str_replace('|', "%7C", $url);
                    $link_id =
                        "url|" . $url . "|text|" . urlencode($link_text) .
                        "|$ref|" . $site_url;
                    $elink_flag_string = ($elink_flag) ? "e" :
                    $link_keys = L\crawlHash($url, true) .
                        L\crawlHash($link_id, true) .
                        substr(L\crawlHash($host . "/", true), 1);
                    $summary[self::URL] =  $link_id;
                    $summary[self::TITLE] = $url;
                        // stripping html to be on the safe side
                    $summary[self::DESCRIPTION] =  $link_text;
                    $summary[self::TIMESTAMP] =  $site[self::TIMESTAMP];
                    $summary[self::ENCODING] = $site[self::ENCODING];
                    $summary[self::HASH] =  $link_id;
                    $summary[self::TYPE] = "link";
                    $summary[self::HTTP_CODE] = $link_keys;
                    $summary[self::LANG] = $lang;
                    $this->found_sites[self::LINK_SEEN_URLS][$part_num][] =
                    $link_lists =
                    $link_word_lists = $link_lists['WORD_LIST'];
                    $link_meta_ids = PhraseParser::calculateLinkMetas($url,
                        $link_host, $link_text, $site_url);
                    if (!isset($this->found_sites[self::INVERTED_INDEX][
                        $part_num])) {
                            new IndexShard("fetcher_shard_$part_num");
                            self::NEEDS_OFFSET_FLAG, $link_word_lists,
                            $link_meta_ids, false, $link_rank);
            $interim_elapse = L\changeInMicrotime($interim_time);
            if ($interim_elapse > 5) {
                L\crawlLog("..Inverting " . $site[self::URL] . "...took > 5s.");
            L\crawlTimeoutLog("..Still building inverted index. Have ".
                "processed %s of %s documents.\nLast url processed was %s.",
                $i, $num_seen, $site[self::URL]);
        if ($this->crawl_type == self::ARCHIVE_CRAWL) {
            $this->recrawl_check_scheduler = true;
        L\crawlLog("  Build mini inverted index time ".
 * Instantiate and runs the Fetcher
$fetcher =  new Fetcher();