viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for src/library/LSMTree.php: 88ba842636f692ac9bde972fed5a3cf6959d841b

Allows Arctool to rebuild/remerge a range of partitions, fixes term lookup bugs in WordIterator and IndexDocumentBundle

Chris Pollett [2024-02-04 02:Feb:th]
Allows Arctool to rebuild/remerge a range of partitions, fixes term lookup bugs in WordIterator and IndexDocumentBundle
 * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024  Chris Pollett
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2024
 * @filesource
namespace seekquarry\yioop\library;

use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
 * This class implements a Log Structured merge tree data structure suitable for
 * storing and retrieving sortable records
 * @author Chris Pollett
class LSMTree
    const BLOCK_FACTOR = 10000;
    const RECORD_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
    const DATA_FILE_PREFIX = "D";
    const FOLDER_PREFIX = "F";
    const INDEX_FILE = "index.txt";
    const MAX_FILE_SIZE = 32768;
    const MAX_TIER_FILENAME = "max_tier.txt";
    const TIER_PREFIX = "Tier";
     * @var string
    public $base_slot = "A";
     * @var string
    public $block_factor;
     * Folder for storing the LSMTree files
     * @var string
    public $folder;
     * @var int
    public $max_file_size;
     * @var Tier
    public $put_slot = null;
     * PackedTableTools used to pack/unpack key/values records
     * @var PackedTableTools
    public $table_tools;
     * The highest tiered index in the LSMTree
     * @var int
    public static $max_tier;
     * Creates/Loads LSM-Tree having specified folder and minimum_degree.
     * @param string $folder is the folder for storing the B+-Tree files
     * @param array $format the column names, keys and types for this
     *  LSTM  object
     * @param int $max_file_size
    public function __construct($folder, $format, $max_file_size =
        self::MAX_FILE_SIZE, $block_factor = self::BLOCK_FACTOR)
        if (empty($format['PRIMARY KEY'][1]) || $format['PRIMARY KEY'][1] < 0) {
            throw new \Exception(
                "LSMTree class requires fixed lengthed keys");
        $this->folder = $folder;
        if (!file_exists($folder)) {
            chmod($folder, 0777);
        $this->getMaxTier(); //computes max tier if not set yet
        $this->table_tools = new PackedTableTools($format);
        $this->max_file_size = $max_file_size;
        $this->block_factor = $block_factor;
     * @return string
    public function getTierFolder($tier)
        return $this->folder . "/" . self::TIER_PREFIX .
            sprintf("%'.04d", $tier);
     * @return bool
    public function occupiedTier($tier)
        return file_exists($this->getTierFolder($tier) . "/A");
     * Returns the highest occupied tier of the LSMTree
     * @param bool $recompute whether to return cache value if exists (false) or
     *  recompute it by examing the file system (true)
     * @return int the maximum tier
    public function getMaxTier($recompute = false)
        if (!$recompute && isset(self::$max_tier)) {
            return self::$max_tier;
        $max_path = $this->folder . "/" . self::MAX_TIER_FILENAME;
        if (!$recompute && file_exists($max_path)) {
            return self::$max_tier = intval(file_get_contents($max_path));
        $tier_path = $this->folder . "/" . self::TIER_PREFIX;
        $tiers = glob($tier_path . "*");
        $last_tier = (!empty($tiers) && count($tiers) > 0) ?
            $tiers[count($tiers) - 1] : $this->folder . "/" .
            self::TIER_PREFIX . "0";
        $max_tier = intval(substr($last_tier,
        file_put_contents($max_path, $max_tier);
        return self::$max_tier = $max_tier;
     * Within a tier select which of the two slots (A or B) to write
     * entry data to
    public function selectPutSlot($letter)
        $this->base_slot = ($letter == "A") ? "A" : "B";
        $this->put_slot = null;
    public function put($row)
        if (empty($this->put_slot)) {
            $put_folder = $this->getTierFolder(0) . "/" . $this->base_slot;
            $this->put_slot = new Tier($put_folder, $this->table_tools, "w",
                $this->max_file_size, $this->block_factor);
        $this->put_slot->put($row , false);
     * Flushes any in-memory data into the active slot at tier 0.
    public function flush()
        if (!empty($this->put_slot)) {
     * Merges any tiers with both slots filled in the LSTM into
     * a tier in a slot one level higher
    public function mergeTiers()
        crawlLog("..Begin LSMTiers Merging Tiers..");
        $max_tier = $this->getMaxTier();
        crawlLog("....begin Max Tier is: $max_tier");
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $max_tier; $i++)
            $tier_folder = $this->getTierFolder($i);
            if (file_exists($tier_folder . "/B")) {
                crawlLog("....Merging Tier $i");
            } else {
                crawlLog("....Tier $i doesn't need to be merged.");
        $max_tier = $this->getMaxTier(true);
        crawlLog("....end Max Tier is: $max_tier");
        crawlLog("..End LSMTiers Merging Tiers..");
     * Deletes tier $tier from the LSMTree
     * @param int $tier tier to delete from LSMTree
    public function emptyTier($tier)
        $tier_folder = $this->getTierFolder($tier);
        $db_class = C\NS_DATASOURCES . ucfirst(C\DBMS) . "Manager";
        $db = new $db_class();
        $db->unlinkRecursive($tier_folder, true);
     * Compares the keys in two LSMTree entries and returns
     * -1 is $entry_a < $entry_b, 0 if $entry_a == $entry_b,
     * and 1 if $entry_a > $entry_b
     * @param string $entry_a first LSMTree entry
     * @param string $entry_b first LSMTree entry
     * @return int result of comparison as described above
    public function compare($entry_a, $entry_b)
        $key_len = $this->table_tools->key_len;
        return strncmp($entry_a, $entry_b, $key_len);
     * Combines two LSMTree entries with the same key value into a single
     * entry. The values of an entry begin with number of items stored
     * followed by items in the format specified by the LSMTree constructor.
     * So the output items and the two number of items and concatenates the
     * items themselves.
     * @param string $entry_a first entry to combine
     * @param string $entry_b second entry to combine
     * @return string cobined entry
    public function mergeEntries($entry_a, $entry_b)
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        list($encoded_key, $values_a) =
            entryToKeyValues($entry_a, $table_tools);
        list(, $values_b)  = entryToKeyValues($entry_b, $table_tools);
        $out_values = $table_tools->mergeRowValues($values_a, $values_b);
        return $encoded_key . $out_values;
     * Merges two tier slots of the same tier $tier into a single tier slot
     * at tier $tier + 1. If fewer than two slots filled at a given tier
     * than does nothing.
     * @param int $tier tier to perform merging for
    public function mergeTier($tier)
        $tier_folder = $this->getTierFolder($tier);
        if (!file_exists($tier_folder . "/B")) {
        if (!file_exists($tier_folder . "/A")) {
            rename($tier_folder . "/B", $tier_folder . "/A");
        $a_tier = new Tier($tier_folder . "/A", $this->table_tools);
        $b_tier = new Tier($tier_folder . "/B", $this->table_tools);
        $next_tier_folder = $this->getTierFolder($tier + 1);
        $target_folder = ($this->occupiedTier($tier + 1)) ?
            $next_tier_folder . "/B" : $next_tier_folder . "/A";
        $target_tier = new Tier($target_folder, $this->table_tools, "w",
            $this->max_file_size, $this->block_factor);
        $a_row = $a_tier->next();
        $b_row = $b_tier->next();
        $cnt = 0;
        while(!empty($a_row) || !empty($b_row)) {
            if (empty($b_row) && !empty($a_row)) {
                $a_row = $a_tier->next();
            } else if (empty($a_row) && !empty($b_row)) {
                $b_row = $b_tier->next();
            } else if (!empty($a_row) && !empty($b_row)) {
                $cmp = $this->compare($a_row, $b_row);
                if ($cmp < 0) {
                    $a_row = $a_tier->next();
                } else if ($cmp > 0) {
                    $b_row = $b_tier->next();
                } else {
                    $target_tier->put($this->mergeEntries($a_row, $b_row));
                    $a_row = $a_tier->next();
                    $b_row = $b_tier->next();
            crawlTimeoutLog("......have merged $cnt items of Tier $tier.");
     * Returns the record associated with a $key as stored in the LSMTree.
     * If $key is not present in tree then returns null
     * @param string $key to look up in current LSMTree
     * @param int $offset starting record item associated with this key
     *      to return
     * @param int $limit maximum number of record items associated with this
     *      key to return, null == till end
     * @return array of items associated with this key in the LSMTree
    public function get($key, $offset = 0, $limit = null)
        $max_tier = $this->getMaxTier();
        $rows = [];
        $max_rows = $offset + ($limit ?? 0);
        for ($i = $max_tier; $i >= 0; $i--)
            $add_rows = $this->getTier($i, $key);
            if (is_array($add_rows)) {
                // use array_merge rather than + or get wrong results here
                $rows = array_merge($rows, $add_rows);
            if ($limit > 0 && count($rows) > $max_rows) {
        if ($offset > 0 || $limit > 0) {
            $rows = array_slice($rows, $offset, $limit);
        return $rows;
     * Returns the values associated with a key in a given Tier of the
     * LSMTree
     * @param int $tier tier to get values from
     * @param string $key key to look up values for
     * @return array values associated with $key (unpacked)
    public function getTier($tier, $key)
        $slot_folder = $this->getTierFolder($tier) . "/A";
        if (!file_exists($slot_folder)) {
            return null;
        $slot = new Tier($slot_folder, $this->table_tools);
        return $slot->get($key);
 * Splits a string containing one row of data for the LSMTree into the
 * key and a string for the values.
 * @param string $entry string encoded row to be split
 * @param PackedTableTools $table_tools which has the format used to
 *  encode the entry
 * @return array [$key, $values (as a string)]
function entryToKeyValues($entry, $table_tools)
    $key_len = $table_tools->key_len;
    $key = substr($entry, 0, $key_len);
    $values = substr($entry, $key_len);
    return [$key, $values];
 * Auxiliary Class used to manage a single Tier from the Logarithmic Merge Tree
 * structure
class Tier
     * how many data files should be in a block folder before making a
     * new block folder
     * @var int
    public $block_factor;
     * For data that has not been flushed to disk, the first key in sorted
     * order
     * @var string
    public $first_active_key;
     * File path to where data in this tier is to be stored
     * @var string
    public $folder;
     * @var int
    public $iterator_folder_index;
     * @var array
    public $iterator_folders;
     * @var int
    public $iterator_file_index;
     * @var array
    public $iterator_files;
     * @var int
    public $iterator_entry_index;
     * @var array
    public $iterator_entries;
     * @var int
    public $max_file_size;
     * Access mode for data in this tier: r - read, w - write
     * @var string
    public $mode;
     * @var PackedTableTools
    public $table_tools;
     * @var string
    private $records;
     * @var string
    private $active_filename;
     * @var array
    private static $cache = [];
    public function __construct($folder, $table_tools, $mode = "r",
        $max_file_size = LSMTree::MAX_FILE_SIZE,
        $block_factor = LSMTree::BLOCK_FACTOR)
        $this->folder = $folder;
        $this->table_tools = $table_tools;
        $this->mode = $mode;
        $this->max_file_size = $max_file_size;
        $this->block_factor = $block_factor;
        $folder_exists = file_exists($folder);
        if (!$folder_exists) {
            if ($mode == "w") {
            } else {
                return null;
        if ($mode == "w") {
            $this->records = "";
    public function flush()
        if ($this->mode != "w" || empty($this->first_active_key)) {
            return false;
        if (empty($this->records)) {
            return true;
        $old_cwd = getcwd();
        $tier_folders = glob(LSMTree::FOLDER_PREFIX . "*");
        $tiers_changed = false;
        if (empty($tier_folders)) {
            $active_folder = LSMTree::FOLDER_PREFIX .
            chmod($active_folder, 0777);
            $tier_folders = [$active_folder];
            $tiers_changed = true;
            $data_files = [];
        } else {
            $last_folder = $tier_folders[count($tier_folders) - 1];
            $data_files = glob(LSMTree::DATA_FILE_PREFIX . "*");
            if (empty($data_files)) {
                $data_files = [];
            $num_data_files = count($data_files);
            if ($num_data_files >= $this->block_factor) {
                $active_folder = LSMTree::FOLDER_PREFIX .
                $data_files = [];
                $tier_folders[] = $active_folder;
                $tiers_changed = true;
            } else {
                $active_folder = $last_folder;
        $active_path = $this->folder . "/" . $active_folder;
        $data_file = LSMTree::DATA_FILE_PREFIX . rawurlencode(
        $data_files[] = $data_file;
        file_put_contents("$active_path/$data_file", $this->records);
        $this->writeRecords("$active_path/" . LSMTree::INDEX_FILE, $data_files);
        if ($tiers_changed) {
            $this->writeRecords($this->folder . "/" . LSMTree::INDEX_FILE,
        $this->records = "";
        return true;
    public function get($key)
        $tier_folders = $this->readRecords(
            $this->folder . "/" . LSMTree::INDEX_FILE);
        $url_encoded_key = rawurlencode($key);
        $key_folder = $this->binarySearch(LSMTree::FOLDER_PREFIX .
            $url_encoded_key, $tier_folders);
        if (!$key_folder) {
            return false;
        $key_path = $this->folder . "/$key_folder";
        $data_files = $this->readRecords("$key_path/" . LSMTree::INDEX_FILE);
        $data_file = $this->binarySearch(LSMTree::DATA_FILE_PREFIX .
            $url_encoded_key, $data_files);
        if (!$data_file) {
            return false;
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        $key_len = $table_tools->key_len;
        $record_string = file_get_contents("$key_path/$data_file");
        $start = strpos($record_string, "\xFF$key");
        if ($start) {
        } else {
            if (strncmp($record_string, $key, $key_len) != 0) {
                return false;
            $start = 0;
        $end = strpos($record_string, "\xFF", $start);
        $end = ($end > 0) ? $end : strlen($record_string);
        $length = $end - $start;
        $record = decode255(substr($record_string, $start, $end));
        $values = substr($record, $key_len);
        return $table_tools->unpack($values);
    public function put($row, $is_packed = true)
        if($this->mode != "w") {
            return false;
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        if (!$is_packed) {
            $key = $row[$table_tools->key_field];
            $packed_row = $table_tools->pack($row);
            $entry = $key . $packed_row;
        } else {
            $entry = $row;
        $encoded_entry = encode255($entry);
        if (strlen($this->records) + strlen($encoded_entry) + 1 >
            $this->max_file_size) {
        if (empty($this->records)) {
            list($this->first_active_key,) = entryToKeyValues($entry,
        $separator = (strlen($this->records) > 0) ? "\xFF" : "";
        $this->records .= $separator . $encoded_entry;
        return true;
    public function binarySearch($needle, $haystack)
        $low = 0;
        $high = count($haystack) - 1;
        if ($high < 0 || strcmp($needle, $haystack[$low]) < 0) {
            return false;
        if (strcmp($needle, $haystack[$high]) >= 0) {
            return $haystack[$high];
        while ($high - $low > 1) {
            $mid = ($high + $low) >> 1;
            $cmp = strcmp($needle, $haystack[$mid]);
            if ($cmp == 0) {
                return $haystack[$mid];
            } else if ($cmp < 0) {
                $high = $mid;
            } else {
                $low = $mid;
        return $haystack[$low];
     * Returns the first entry as a packed string in the LSMTree tier. Also
     * resets iterator of this object.
     * @return string|bool first entry if exists, else false
    public function firstEntry()
        $folder = $this->folder;
        $this->iterator_folders = $this->readRecords("$folder/" .
        if (empty($this->iterator_folders) ||
            !is_array($this->iterator_folders)) {
            return false;
        $this->iterator_folder_index = 0;
        $iterator_folder = $this->iterator_folders[0];
        $file_path = "$folder/$iterator_folder";
        $this->iterator_files = $this->readRecords( "$file_path/" .
        if (empty($this->iterator_files) ||
            !is_array($this->iterator_files)) {
            return false;
        $this->iterator_file_index = 0;
        $iterator_file = $this->iterator_files[0];
        $this->iterator_entries = $this->readRecords(
            "$file_path/{$iterator_file}", "\xFF");
        if (empty($this->iterator_entries) ||
            !is_array($this->iterator_entries)) {
            return false;
        $this->iterator_entry_index = 0;
        return decode255($this->iterator_entries[0]);
     * Returns the next tier entry as a packed string iterated over by this
     * Tier object.
     * @return string|bool next entry if exists, else false
    public function next()
        if (empty($this->iterator_folders)) {
            return $this->firstEntry();
        $entry = $this->iterator_entries[$this->iterator_entry_index] ?? false;
        if ($entry) {
            return decode255($entry);
        $folder = $this->folder;
        $this->iterator_entry_index = 0;
        $file = $this->iterator_files[$this->iterator_file_index] ?? false;
        if ($file) {
            $iterator_folder = $this->iterator_folders[
            $file_path = "$folder/$iterator_folder/$file";
            $this->iterator_entries = $this->readRecords($file_path, "\xFF");
            return decode255($this->iterator_entries[0]) ?? false;
        $this->iterator_file_index = 0;
        $iterator_folder = $this->iterator_folders[
            $this->iterator_folder_index] ?? false;
        if (!$iterator_folder) {
            return false;
        $folder_path = "$folder/$iterator_folder";
        $this->iterator_files = $this->readRecords("$folder_path/" .
        if (empty($this->iterator_files) ||
            !is_array($this->iterator_files)) {
            return false;
        $file = $this->iterator_files[0];
        $file_path = "$folder_path/$file";
        $this->iterator_entries = $this->readRecords($file_path, "\xFF");
        return decode255($this->iterator_entries[0]) ?? false;
     * Resets to the first entry of the tier, the iterator associated with
     * the current Tier object.
    public function reset()
        $this->iterator_folder_index = 0;
        $this->iterator_folders = [];
        $this->iterator_file_index = 0;
        $this->iterator_files = [];
        $this->iterator_entry_index = 0;
        $this->iterator_entries = [];
     * Write a sequence of string records $lines into the file $filename,
     * separating records with delimiter $delimiter. Deletes file from LRU
     * cache of read files
     * @param string $filename name of file to write records to
     * @param array $lines records to write to $filename
     * @param string $delimiter string used to separate one records from the
     *  next
    function writeRecords($filename, $lines, $delimiter = "\n")
        file_put_contents($filename, implode($delimiter, $lines));
        $name_hash = crawlHash($filename);
     * Returns the contents of a file managed by this LSMTree
     * as a sequence of string records. Contents come from either
     * a cache or from the filesystem. Has logic for LRU cache
     * @param string $filename name of file to get records for
     * @param string $delimiter delimeter used to separate individual
     *   records
     * @return array of string records
    function readRecords($filename, $delimiter = "\n")
        $name_hash = crawlHash($filename);
        if (isset(self::$cache[$name_hash])) {
            $tmp = self::$cache[$name_hash];
            self::$cache[$name_hash] = $tmp; //move to end of array
            return $tmp;
        $record = explode($delimiter, file_get_contents($filename));
        self::$cache[$name_hash] = $record;
        if (count(self::$cache) >= LSMTree::RECORD_CACHE_SIZE ||
            memory_get_usage() >
        return $record;