viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for src/library/LinearHashTable.php: 2addb500315b7393a90fe66431d7832b1e7386c7

Adjust copyrights years

Chris Pollett [2024-01-03 21:Jan:rd]
Adjust copyrights years
 * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2022  Chris Pollett
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2022
 * @filesource
namespace seekquarry\yioop\library;

use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;

 * Loads crawlLog functions if needed
require_once __DIR__ . "/Utility.php";
 * This class implements a linear hash table for storing records that use
 * PackedTableTools for their format
 * @author Chris Pollett
class LinearHashTable
     * Name of staging partition used for rows before they are added to the
     * main linear hash table
    const ACTIVE_INDEX = "active";
     * Compression strategy used to compress blob and serial columns
    const DEFAULT_COMPRESSOR = C\NS_COMPRESSORS . "NonCompressor";
     * Default parameters to use when constructing a LinearHashTable
        "FORMAT" => ["PRIMARY KEY" => "KEY", "VALUE" => "BLOB"],
        "SAVE_PARTITION" => 0, "ACTIVE_COUNT" => 0
     * File extension to use for hash index files for partitions
     * These are the file buckets which have names based on portions of hash
     * key values and store records for keys matching the bit pattern
    const HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION = ".hix";
     * Maximum number of indexes to partitions to cache for reads
    const INDEX_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
     * For each archive partition, the file with the list of keys (not hashes
     * of keys) that were added for this partition will be prefixed this string.
    const KEY_PREFIX = "key_";
     * Default maximum number of records to store in a hash table partition
    const MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE = 16384;
     * File name of file used to store the parameters of this
     * LinearHashTable
    const PARAMETERS_FILE = "lht_parameters.txt";
     * Prefix to file names of LinearHashTable partition files
    const PARTITION_PREFIX = "partition_";
     * Maximum number of bytes a partition can have before a split.
     * Notice this implies a maximum file size to store
     * in BLOB columns
    const PARTITION_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 2147483648;
     * In memory copy of the active partition index. key => packed_row pairs
     * for the active partition.
     * @var index
    public $active_index;
     * Field variable used as a cache for the file handle, file name, and
     * time of the last archive file for a partition added to
     * @var array
    public $add_archive_cache = [null, "", -1];
     * Field variable used as a cache for the file handle, file name, and
     * time of the last key index file for a partition added to
     * (the key index file is just a sorted file of the keys that appear
     * in a hash table partition). Its intended use is to aid in
     * the creation of additional index structures on top of the linear
     * hash table
     * @var array
    public $add_key_archive_cache = [null, "", -1];
     * Field variable used as a cache for the file handle, file name, and
     * time of the last index hash bucket file was added to
     * @var array
    public $add_index_cache = ["", [], -1];
     * Field variable used as a cache for the file handle, file name, and
     * time of the last archive file for a partition accessed for a value
     * @var array
    public $get_archive_cache = [null, "", -1];
     * Array of column names for the columns in a LinearHashTable which
     * are of type BLOB or SERIAL
     * @var array
    public $blob_columns;
     * The seekquarry\yioop\library\compressors\Compressor object used to
     * compress record files and blob items.
     * @var object
    public $compressor;
     * Folder path where the LinearHashTable is stored
     * @var string
    public $folder;
     * Used to cached hash_buck_path => contents_of_hash_bucket pairs in
     * to speed up retrieval and update.
     * @var array
    public $index_buffer;
     * Used to keep track of when this instance was created, as part of managing
     * file handles expiration (could be set/updated externally to reflect
     * some other instance using the table)
     * @var int
    public $instance_time;
     * Name of primary key column for records
     * @var string
    public $key_field;
     * Stores the constructor parameters used to create this
     * LinearHashTable
     * @var array
    public $parameters;
     * Array of column names for the columns in a PartitionDocumentBundle which
     * are of type SERIAL
     * @var array
    public $serial_columns;
     * The PackedTableTools object used to pack and unpack records in
     * LinearHashTable
     * @var object
    public $table_tools;
     * Creates/Loads LinearHashTable having specified folder and parameters
     * @param string $folder is the folder for storing the LinearHashTable files
     * @param array $format the column names, keys and types for this
     *  LinearHashTable object
     * @param int $max_items_per_file maximum number of items to store
     *  in a partition before making the next partition
     * @param int $partition_size_threshold maximum length of a partition
     *  file in bytes before a new partition file should be started
     * @param object $compressor_type
     *  seekquarry\yioop\library\compressors\Compressor object used to
     *  compress index files and blob items.
     * @param bool $with_key_archive whether to create and add to a key archive
     *  when doing inserts
    public function __construct($folder, $format =
        $max_items_per_file = self::MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE,
        $partition_size_threshold = self::PARTITION_SIZE_THRESHOLD,
        $compressor_type = self::DEFAULT_COMPRESSOR,
        $with_key_archive = false)
        $initial_parameters = self::DEFAULT_PARAMETERS;
        $initial_parameters["PARTITION_SIZE_THRESHOLD"] =
        $initial_parameters["MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE"] = $max_items_per_file;
        $initial_parameters["COMPRESSOR"] = $compressor_type;
        $this->compressor = new $compressor_type();
        $initial_parameters["FORMAT"] = $format;
        $initial_parameters["HAS_KEY_ARCHIVE"]= $with_key_archive;
        $this->instance_time = hrtime(true);
        $this->folder = $folder;
        $folder_paths = [$folder];
        $changed_parameters = false;
        foreach ($folder_paths as $folder_path) {
            if (!file_exists($folder_path)) {
                $changed_parameters = true;
                if(!mkdir($folder_path)) {
                    return null;
        $this->parameters = self::getParameterInfo($folder);
        foreach (self::DEFAULT_PARAMETERS as $field => $value) {
            if (!isset($this->parameters[$field])) {
                $this->parameters[$field] = $initial_parameters[$field];
                $changed_parameters = true;
        $format = $this->parameters["FORMAT"];
        $packed_table_format = [];
        $this->blob_columns = [];
        $this->serial_columns = [];
        $this->index_buffer = [];
        $this->key_field = null;
        foreach ($format as $field_name => $type) {
            $upper_field_name = strtoupper($field_name);
            $upper_type = strtoupper($type);
            if ($upper_field_name == "PRIMARY KEY") {
                $packed_table_format["PRIMARY KEY"] = $type;
                $this->key_field = $type;
            } else  if (in_array($upper_type, ["BLOB", "SERIAL"])) {
                $this->blob_columns[] = $field_name;
                if ($upper_type == "SERIAL") {
                    $this->serial_columns[] = $field_name;
                $packed_table_format[$field_name] = "INT";
            } else if (isset(PackedTableTools::TYPE_SYNONYMS[$upper_type])) {
                $packed_table_format[$field_name] =
            } else {
                return null;
        if (empty($this->key_field)) {
            return null;
        if (!empty($this->blob_columns)) {
            $packed_table_format["LAST_BLOB_LEN"] = "INT";
            $packed_table_format["PARTITION"] = "INT";
        $this->table_tools = new PackedTableTools($packed_table_format);
        if ($changed_parameters) {
     * Returns the record associated with the given $key in the
     * LinearHashTable
     * @param string $key a key to look up
     * @param array $fields which fields (columns) from the record to return
     * @param bool $is_hash_key has the supplied $key already been hash using
     *  the LinearHashTable's hash function (the function used to determine
     *  the partition a key should be in)
     * @return mixed array containing unpacked record associated with $key if
     *  it exists in the table, false otherwise
    public function get($key, $fields = [], $is_hash_key = false)
        $hash_key = ($is_hash_key) ? $key : $this->hashKey($key);
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        $active_info = $this->getIndexInfo(self::ACTIVE_INDEX);
        $index_data_raw = false;
        if (!empty($active_info) && !empty($active_info[1])) {
            list($index_path, $index) = $active_info;
            $index_data_raw = $table_tools->find($index, $hash_key);
        if (empty($index_data_raw)) {
            $index_info = $this->getIndexInfo($hash_key);
            if (empty($index_info) || empty($index_info[1])) {
                return false;
            list($index_path, $index) = $index_info;
            $index_data_raw = $table_tools->find($index, $hash_key);
        if (empty($index_data_raw)) {
            return false;
        if (!empty($fields)) {
            if (isset($fields[0]) && $fields == array_values($fields)) {
                $fields = array_combine($fields, $fields);
        $index_data = $table_tools->unpack($index_data_raw)[0];
        if (!empty($this->blob_columns)) {
            $num_blob_columns = count($this->blob_columns);
            $offset = intval($index_data[$this->blob_columns[0]]);
            $partition = $index_data["PARTITION"];
            $partition_filename = $this->getPartition($partition);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_blob_columns; $i++) {
                $column_name = $this->blob_columns[$i];
                $len = ($i + 1 < $num_blob_columns) ?
                    intval($index_data[$this->blob_columns[$i + 1]]) :
                if (empty($fields) || isset($fields[$column_name])) {
                    $index_data[$column_name] = ($len == 0) ? "" :
                        $this->getArchive($partition_filename, $offset, $len);
                $offset += $len;
            unset($index_data["LAST_BLOB_LEN"], $index_data["PARTITION"]);
        if (empty($fields)) {
            foreach ($this->serial_columns as $field_name) {
                $index_data[$field_name] = unserialize(
            $index_data[$this->key_field] = $key;
            $out_data = $index_data;
        } else {
            $out_data = [];
            if (isset($fields[$this->key_field])) {
                $out_data[$fields[$this->key_field]] = $key;
            foreach ($fields as $in_name => $out_name) {
                if (isset($index_data[$in_name])) {
                    if (in_array($in_name, $this->serial_columns)) {
                        $out_data[$out_name] = unserialize(
                    } else {
                        $out_data[$out_name] = $index_data[$in_name];
        return $out_data;
     * Returns the blob item from $archive_filename at $offset of length $len,
     * uncompress the result
     * @param string $archive_filename path to an archive node file for this
     *  LinearHashTable
     * @param int $offset byte offset into archive node file file
     * @param int $len length of blob item
     * @return string uncompressed blob item from $archive_filename
    public function getArchive($archive_filename, $offset, $len)
        list($fh, $previous_archive_filename, $previous_instance_time) =
        $compressor = $this->compressor;
        if (!$fh || $previous_archive_filename != $archive_filename ||
            $previous_instance_time != $this->instance_time) {
            if ($fh) {
            $fh = fopen($archive_filename , "r");
            $previous_archive_filename = $archive_filename;
            $previous_instance_time = $this->instance_time;
        $value = false;
        if (fseek($fh, $offset) == 0) {
            $compressed_file = fread($fh, $len);
            $value = $compressor->uncompress($compressed_file);
        $this->get_archive_cache = [$fh, $previous_archive_filename,
        return $value;
     * Returns the path to the archive file for the partition $i
     * (file used to store blob and serial columns)
     * @return string path to partition $i archive file
    public function getPartition($i)
        return $this->folder . "/" . self::PARTITION_PREFIX .
            $i . $this->compressor->fileExtension();
     * Returns the path to the key index file for the partition $i
     * (file used to store blob and serial columns)
     * @return string path to partition $i key index file
    public function getKeyPartition($i)
        return $this->folder . "/" . self::KEY_PREFIX .
            $i . self::HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION;
     * Returns the path to the index file for the active partition (the
     * key value pairs not yet stored in the main LinearHashTable)
     * @return string path to active partition
    public function getActiveIndex()
        return $this->folder . "/" . self::ACTIVE_INDEX .
     * Checks if a key exists in the linear hash table
     * @param string $key key to check
     * @param bool $compute_hash whether the key has already had the linear
     *  hash table's hash function applied or not
     * @param bool $check_active whether to check the active index of
     *  buffered key values that have not yet been put into the main table
     * @return bool whether the $key exists in the linear hash table
    public function exists($key, $compute_hash = true, $check_active = true)
        if ($compute_hash) {
            $hash_key = $this->hashKey($key);
        } else {
            $hash_key = $key;
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        if ($check_active) {
            $active_info = $this->getIndexInfo(self::ACTIVE_INDEX);
            if (!empty($active_info) && !empty($active_info[1])) {
                list($index_path, $index) = $active_info;
                $row = $table_tools->find($index, $hash_key);
                if ($row != null) {
                    return true;
        list($hash_path, $index) = $this->getIndexInfo($hash_key);
        if ($index) {
            $row = $table_tools->find($index, $hash_key);
            if ($row != null) {
                return true;
        return false;
     * Used to add a new record or an array of new records to the
     * LinearHashTable
     * @param array $row_or_rows either array of record with fields given
     *  by this LinearHashTable's signature or an array of rows.
     * @param bool $is_hash_key whether or not the key_field in the row or rows
     *  has already been hash to a string suitable for storage in this
     *  LinearHashTable
     * @param bool $allow_duplicates whether to allow multiple records with
     *  same key or not. If allow then a find will return the most recent.
     * @return bool success (true) or not (false) for the insert
    public function put($row_or_rows, $is_hash_key = false,
        $allow_duplicates = true)
        $rows = (empty($row_or_rows[$this->key_field])) ?
             $row_or_rows : [$row_or_rows];
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        $num_rows = count($rows);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            crawlTimeoutLog("..still adding pages linear hash table. Added %s"
                . " of %s.", $i, $num_rows);
            $key = $row[$this->key_field] ?? false;
            if ($key === false) {
                crawlLog("LinearHashTable Put Failed A");
                return false;
            $value = $row;
            $hash_key = ($is_hash_key) ? $key : $this->hashKey($key);
            if (!$allow_duplicates && $this->exists($hash_key, false)) {
                crawlLog("LinearHashTable Put Failed B");
                return false;
            $save_partition = $this->parameters["SAVE_PARTITION"];
            $save_partition_name = $this->getPartition($save_partition);
            $active_index_name = $this->getActiveIndex();
            if (($this->parameters['ACTIVE_COUNT'] >
                $this->parameters["MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE"]) || (
                file_exists($save_partition_name) &&
                filesize($save_partition_name) >
                $this->parameters["PARTITION_SIZE_THRESHOLD"])) {
            $blob_columns = $this->blob_columns ?? [];
            $serial_columns = $this->serial_columns ?? [];
            $format = $this->parameters["FORMAT"];
            unset($format['PRIMARY KEY']);
            $format_keys = array_keys($format);
            $out_value = [];
            foreach ($format_keys as $format_key) {
                $out_value[$format_key] = $value[$format_key] ?? null;
            if (!empty($blob_columns)) {
                $old_offset = 0;
                $first = true;
                $has_key_archive = $this->parameters["HAS_KEY_ARCHIVE"] ??
                foreach ($blob_columns as $blob_column) {
                    $blob = $out_value[$blob_column] ?? "";
                    if (in_array($blob_column, $serial_columns)) {
                        $blob = serialize($blob);
                    if (($add_info = $this->addArchive($blob)) === false) {
                        crawlLog("LinearHashTable Put Failed C");
                        return false;
                    list($offset, $len, $partition) = $add_info;
                    if ($first && $has_key_archive) {
                        $first = false;
                    $out_value[$blob_column] = $offset - $old_offset;
                    $old_offset = $offset;
                $out_value["LAST_BLOB_LEN"] = $len;
                $out_value["PARTITION"] = $partition;
            $out_value = $table_tools->pack($out_value);
            if (empty($this->save_partition_handle) || !is_resource(
                $this->save_partition_handle)) {
                $this->save_partition_handle = fopen($active_index_name, "c+");
                fseek($this->save_partition_handle, 0, SEEK_END);
            $this->active_index = [];
            /* the above forces getIndexInfo to reload active index on a look up
            if ($table_tools->add($this->save_partition_handle,
                $hash_key, $out_value, PackedTableTools::ADD_FILE_HANDLE)) {
            } else {
                crawlLog("LinearHashTable Put Failed D");
                return false;
        return true;
     * Save the active partition to $new_save_partition and advances the
     * next save partition to be $new_save_partition + 1. If
     * $new_save_partition ==0, $this->parameters["SAVE_PARTITION"] + 1 is
     * used for $new_save_partition . If
     * $new_save_partition <= $this->parameters["SAVE_PARTITION"], then
     * this function returns false. Saving the active partition means
     * moving key => record entries from the active index to their appropriate
     * linear hash table buckets. The Archive file for the save partition is
     * closed, and a new file handle for the next save partition file is opened.
     * @param int $new_save_partition index of the save partition when starting
     *  a new one.
     * @return bool success (true) or failure (false)
    public function advanceSavePartition($new_save_partition = 0)
        $save_partition = $this->parameters["SAVE_PARTITION"];
        $new_save_partition = (($new_save_partition) > 0) ?
            $new_save_partition : $save_partition + 1;
        if ($new_save_partition <= $save_partition) {
            return false;
        $active_index_name = $this->getActiveIndex();
        $active_index_info = $this->getIndexInfo(self::ACTIVE_INDEX);
        if (!empty($active_index_info) && !empty($active_index_info[1])) {
            list(, $active_index) = $active_index_info;
            foreach ($active_index as $active_key => $active_row) {
                $this->putIndex($active_key, $active_row, true, 0, true);
            $this->addIndex("", "");
        if (!empty($this->save_partition_handle) &&
            is_resource($this->save_partition_handle)) {
        if (file_exists($active_index_name)) {
        $save_partition = $new_save_partition;
        $this->parameters["SAVE_PARTITION"] = $save_partition;
        $this->parameters['ACTIVE_COUNT'] = 0;
        return true;
     * Deletes a key or set of keys and their associated values from the
     * linear hash table
     * @param mixed $key_or_keys either the string of a key or an array of
     *  strings of keys to delete
     * @param bool $is_hash_key whether or not the key or keys have already
     *  been hash using the linear hash table's hash function
     * @return bool success (true) or failure (false) for deletion
    public function delete($key_or_keys, $is_hash_key = false)
        $keys = (is_array($key_or_keys)) ? $key_or_keys : [$key_or_keys];
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            $hash_key = ($is_hash_key) ? $key : $this->hashKey($key);
            $active_info = $this->getIndexInfo(self::ACTIVE_INDEX);
            $is_active = false;
            $index_data_raw = false;
            $found = false;
            if (!empty($active_info) && !empty($active_info[1])) {
                list($hash_path, $index) = $active_info;
                $index_data_row = $table_tools->find($index, $hash_key);
            if (!empty($index_data_row)) {
                if (!empty($this->save_partition_handle) &&
                    is_resource($this->save_partition_handle)) {
                $is_active = true;
            } else {
                $index_info = $this->getIndexInfo($hash_key);
                if (empty($index_info) || empty($index_info[1])) {
                    return false;
                list($hash_path, $index) = $index_info;
                if ($index) {
                    $index_data_row = $table_tools->find($index, $hash_key);
                if (empty($index_data_row)) {
                    return false;
            $table_tools->delete($index, $hash_key);
            if (empty($index)) {
            } else {
                $table_tools->save($hash_path . self::HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION,
            if ($is_active) {
                $this->active_index = $index;
            } else {
                $this->index_buffer[$hash_path] = $index;
                $max_items_per_file = $this->parameters["MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE"];
                if ($this->checkSplitMerge(
                    $this->parameters['COUNT'] - 1) < 0) {
        return true;
     * Computes the fixed length hash value of a $key for the purposes of
     * storing the key associated with a value in this lienar hash table.
     * @param string $key to hash
     * @return string fixed length result of hashing
    public function hashKey($key)
        return md5($key, true);
     * Gets the file path for the bucket associated with $hash_key,
     * assuming the number of items in the linear hash table is $count,
     * $max_items_per_file is the maximum number of items per file.
     * @param string $hash_key LHT hash of a key value
     * @param int number of items to assume in table (defaults to the number
     *  currently stored)
     * @param int $max_items_per_file maximum number of items per bucket
     *  (defaults to this parameter for the current LHT)
     * @param bool $mkdir_if_not_exists make folders along path that don't
     *  exist already if true.
     * @return string path to bucket
    public function getHashPath($hash_key, $count = -1,
        $max_items_per_file = -1, $mkdir_if_not_exists = false)
        static $old_hash_key = null;
        static $old_count = -1;
        static $old_max_items_per_file = -1;
        static $old_mkdir_if_not_exists = false;
        static $old_path = "";
        if ($old_hash_key == $hash_key && $old_count == $count &&
            $old_max_items_per_file == $max_items_per_file &&
            (!$mkdir_if_not_exists ||
            $old_mkdir_if_not_exists == $mkdir_if_not_exists)) {
            return $old_path;
        $old_hash_key = $hash_key;
        $old_count = $count;
        $old_max_items_per_file = $max_items_per_file;
        $old_mkdir_if_not_exists = $mkdir_if_not_exists;
        $pack_hash = str_pad(substr($hash_key, 0, 8), 8, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $hash_int = unpack("J", $pack_hash)[1];
        $count = ($count == -1) ? $this->parameters['COUNT'] : $count;
        $max_items_per_file = max(1, ($max_items_per_file == -1) ?
            $this->parameters['MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE'] : $max_items_per_file);
        list($num_files, $max_num_bits, $pow_max, $threshold) =
            $this->bitStatistics($count, $max_items_per_file);
        $masked_int = ($hash_int & ($pow_max - 1));
        $num_bits = (($masked_int < $threshold)) ? $max_num_bits :
            $max_num_bits - 1;
        $mask = ($num_bits == 0) ? 0 : (1 << ($num_bits)) - 1;
        $init_prefix = "";
        if ($num_files == 1 && $max_items_per_file != 1) {
            $init_prefix = "z";
        $prefix = $this->folder ?? ".";
        for ($i = 56, $j = 0; $i > 0; $i -= 8, $j++) {
            if ($num_bits > $i) {
                $prefix .= "/" . ord($pack_hash[$j]);
                if ($mkdir_if_not_exists && !file_exists($prefix) ) {
        $old_path = $prefix . "/" . $init_prefix .
            sprintf("%'.0{$num_bits}b",($hash_int & $mask));
        return $old_path;
     * Given an item $count, and a maximum number of items in a bucket for the
     * LHT determines, the number of buckets, the maximum number of bits
     * to be used from the hash function to determine bucket, 2^max_bits -1,
     * and a threshold on when to use this number of bit versus one less.
     * @param int $count number of items in LHT
     * @param int $max_items_per_file max items per bucket
     * @return array 4-tuple [num files, max_num_bit, 2^max_bits -1, threshold]
    public function bitStatistics($count, $max_items_per_file)
        $num_files = max(1, ceil($count/$max_items_per_file));
        $max_num_bits = ceil(log($num_files + 1, 2));
        $pow_max = 1 << ($max_num_bits - 1);
        $threshold = $num_files - $pow_max;
        return [$num_files, $max_num_bits, $pow_max, $threshold];
     * Creates a new counter $field to be maintained
     * @param string $field field of info struct to add a counter for
    public function initCountIfNotExists($field = "COUNT")
        $this->parameters[$field] ??= 0;
     * Add $num to maintained counter $field
     * @param int $num number of items to add to current count
     * @param string $field field of info struct to add to the count of
    public function addCount($num, $field = "COUNT")
        $this->parameters[$field] ??= 0;
        $this->parameters[$field] += $num;
     * Save the operating parameters of this LinearHashTable
    public function saveParameters()
        $parameter_path = $this->folder . "/" . self::PARAMETERS_FILE;
        file_put_contents($parameter_path, serialize($this->parameters),
     * Returns the parameters (such as its signature, max number of
     * documents per partition and counts) used to configure the
     * LinearHashTable stored at $folder
    public static function getParameterInfo($folder)
        $parameter_path = $folder . "/" . self::PARAMETERS_FILE;
        if(file_exists($parameter_path)) {
            return unserialize(file_get_contents($parameter_path));
        } else {
            return [];
     * Assuming a $value record where blob items have already been replaced by
     * their integer offsets into the archive partition, inserts in the LHT
     * a $value record according to this LHT's signature for $key.
     * @param string $key key to use for insert
     * @param string $value record accordin to this LHT's signature
     * @param bool $is_hash_key whether or not $key has already been hash using
     *  this LHT's hash function
     * @param int $change_count for much the size of the LHT should change by
     * @param bool $bulk_insert whether the current insert is one of many
     * (affects how long items are kept in memory flushing)
     * @return bool success of insert (true) or failure (false)
    protected function putIndex($key, $value, $is_hash_key = false,
        $change_count = 0, $bulk_insert = false)
        $hash_key = ($is_hash_key) ? $key : $this->hashKey($key);
        $split = false;
        if ($change_count == 0) {
            $count = $this->parameters['COUNT'];
            if ($count > 1 &&
                $this->checkSplitMerge($count + 1) > 0) {
                $this->addIndex("", "");
            $count = $this->parameters['COUNT'];
        } else {
            $count = $change_count;
        //the next line actually creates directories if needed
        $hash_path = $this->getHashPath($hash_key, $count,
            -1, true);
        if ($this->addIndex($hash_key, $value, $count, $bulk_insert)) {
            return true;
        return false;
     * Handles merging two buckets into one, which might happen after a delete
     * on the LHT
    protected function mergeMigrate()
        list(,$migrate_to_path_low, $migrate_to_path_high) =
        $new_count = $this->parameters['COUNT'] - 1;
        $this->insertRecordsFromIndex($migrate_to_path_low, $new_count);
        $this->insertRecordsFromIndex($migrate_to_path_high, $new_count);
     * Handles splitting one bucket into two, which might happen after an
     * insert on the LHT
    protected function splitMigrate()
        list($migrate_from_path,) = $this->computeMigratePaths();
     * Unlinks the index file at the given $hash_path if it exists
     * @param string $hash_path path to index file
    protected function unlinkHashPath($hash_path)
        $index_file_name = $hash_path . self::HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION;
        if (file_exists($index_file_name)) {
     * Given $count items in LHT with bucket size $max_items_per_file, and
     * assuming a split/merge just occurred, returns the path of the
     * two new buckets if a split, and the one new merged bucket if a merge
     * @param int $count number of items in LHT
     * @param int $max_items_per_file maximum number of items/bucket
     * @return array [path to merge bucket, path to split bucket low,
     *  path to split bucket high]
    protected function computeMigratePaths($count = -1,
        $max_items_per_file = -1)
        $count = ($count == -1) ? $this->parameters['COUNT'] : $count;
        $max_items_per_file = max(1, ($max_items_per_file == -1) ?
            $this->parameters['MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE'] : $max_items_per_file);
        list($num_files, $max_num_bits, $pow_max, $threshold) =
            $this->bitStatistics($count, $max_items_per_file);
        $migrate_from_path = ($threshold >= 0) ?
            $this->getHashPath(pack("J", $threshold),
            $count, $max_items_per_file) : false;
        $migrate_to_path_high = $this->getHashPath(pack("J", $pow_max +
            $threshold - 1), $count + 1, $max_items_per_file);
        if ($threshold == 0) {
            $migrate_to_path_low = $this->getHashPath(
                pack("J", ($pow_max -1) >>1), $count + 1, $max_items_per_file);
        } else {
            $migrate_to_path_low = $this->getHashPath(pack("J", $threshold - 1),
                $count + 1, $max_items_per_file);
        return [$migrate_from_path, $migrate_to_path_low,
     * Reads in index records from $hash_path, then reinserts them into LHT
     * under the assumption that the size of the LHT is $new_count
     * (defaults to current size + 1)
     * @param string $hash_path location of bucket to read records from
     * @param int $new_count size of LHT to assume when reinserting records
    protected function insertRecordsFromIndex($hash_path, $new_count = -1)
        $new_count = ($new_count == -1) ? $this->parameters['COUNT'] + 1 :
        $index_path = $hash_path . self::HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION;
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        $index = (!empty($this->index_buffer[$hash_path])) ?
            $this->index_buffer[$hash_path] : $table_tools->load($index_path);
        if (!empty($index)) {
            foreach ($index as $hash_key => $value) {
                $hash_path = $this->getHashPath($hash_key, $new_count,
                    -1, true);
                $this->addIndex($hash_key, $value, $new_count, true);
            $this->addIndex("", "");
     * Add a $value to save partition of this linear hash table
     * @param string $value value to add
     * @return array [offset into archive, length data saved,
     *  index of partition]
    protected function addArchive($value)
        list($fh, $previous_partition_filename,
            $previous_instance_time) =  $this->add_archive_cache;
        $compressor = $this->compressor;
        $save_partition = $this->parameters["SAVE_PARTITION"];
        $partition_filename = $this->getPartition($save_partition);
        if (!is_resource($fh) ||
            $partition_filename != $previous_partition_filename ||
            $previous_instance_time != $this->instance_time) {
            if (!empty($fh) && is_resource($fh)) {
            $fh = fopen($partition_filename , "c+");
            $previous_partition_filename = $partition_filename;
            $previous_instance_time = $this->instance_time;
        fseek($fh, 0, SEEK_END);
        $offset = ftell($fh);
        $compressed_value = $compressor->compress($value);
        $len = strlen($compressed_value);
        fwrite($fh, $compressed_value, $len);
        $this->add_archive_cache = [$fh, $previous_partition_filename,
        return [$offset, $len, $save_partition];
     * Add a key (not its hash) to the archive file for keys for the
     * current save partition. This is used to keep track of all the keys
     * stored in a partition. Note a key archive is only created if the
     * constructor $with_key_archive parameter was called with value true
     * @param string $key key to add
    protected function addKeyArchive($key)
        list($fh, $previous_key_filename, $previous_instance_time) =
        $save_partition = $this->parameters["SAVE_PARTITION"];
        $key_filename = $this->getKeyPartition($save_partition);
        $separator = "\xFF";
        if (!is_resource($fh) || $key_filename != $previous_key_filename ||
            $previous_instance_time != $this->instance_time) {
            if (is_resource($fh)) {
            if (!file_exists($key_filename)) {
                $separator = "";
            $fh =  fopen($key_filename , "c+");
            $previous_key_filename = $key_filename;
            $previous_instance_time = $this->instance_time;
        fseek($fh, 0, SEEK_END);
        $encode = $separator . encode255($key);
        $this->add_key_archive_cache = [$fh, $previous_key_filename,
        fwrite($fh, $encode, strlen($encode));
     * Adds the $hash_key, $value pair to the linear hash table bucket
     * (index file) for $hash_key under the assumption that $count items are
     * in the hash table. If bulk_mode is enabled then the index file
     * is kept in memory rather than immediately flushed to disk.
     * @param string $hash_key key to determine hash table bucket (index file)
     * @param string $value packed table data to associate with key
     * @param int $count number of items to assume in linear hash table.
     *  If -1 then use based on the saved parameter count
     * @param bool $bulk_mode whether to immediately flush index/bucket to disk
     * @return bool success (true) or failure (false) of addition
    protected function addIndex($hash_key, $value, $count = -1,
        $bulk_mode = false)
        list($previous_hash_path, $previous_index, $previous_instance_time) =
        $hash_path = $this->getHashPath($hash_key, $count);
        $table_tools = $this->table_tools;
        if (!empty($previous_hash_path)) {
            if ($previous_hash_path == $hash_path && $hash_key !== "" &&
                $previous_instance_time == $this->instance_time) {
                $index = $previous_index;
            } else {
                $table_tools->save($previous_hash_path .
                    self::HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION, $previous_index);
                $previous_index = [];
                $previous_hash_path = "";
                $previous_instance_time = $this->instance_time;
        if (empty($hash_key)) { // this case used to flush old value
            $this->add_index_cache = [$previous_hash_path, $previous_index,
            return true;
        if (empty($index)) {
            $index_info = $this->getIndexInfo($hash_key, $count);
            list($hash_path, $index) = $index_info;
        if ($index) {
            $hash_key_info = $table_tools->find($index, $hash_key);
        } else {
            $index = [];
            $hash_key_info = null;
        if (!$hash_key_info) {
            $table_tools->add($index, $hash_key, $value);
            if ($bulk_mode) {
                $previous_index = $index;
                $previous_hash_path = $hash_path;
            } else {
                $table_tools->save($hash_path .
                    self::HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION, $index);
                $previous_index = [];
                $previous_hash_path = "";
            $this->index_buffer[$hash_path] = $index;
            $this->add_index_cache = [$previous_hash_path, $previous_index,
            return true;
        $this->add_index_cache = [$previous_hash_path, $previous_index,
        return false;
     * Computes the path to the hash partition that would contain $hash_key
     * as well as the contents of that partition
     * @param string $hash_key key to find partition for
     * @param int $count number of items assumed to be stored in table, if -1
     *  uses $this->parameters['COUNT']
     * @return array [hash_partition_path, hash_partition_contents] if
     *  $count is not -1, then the partition might not exists in which case
     *  the second component might be -1
    protected function getIndexInfo($hash_key, $count = -1)
        if ($hash_key == self::ACTIVE_INDEX) {
            $index_path = $this->getActiveIndex();
            $hash_path = substr($index_path, 0, -4);
            if (!empty($this->active_index)) {
                return [$hash_path, $this->active_index];
        } else {
            $count = ($count == -1) ? $this->parameters['COUNT'] : $count;
            $hash_path = $this->getHashPath($hash_key, $count);
            $index_path = $hash_path . self::HASH_INDEX_EXTENSION;
            if (!empty($this->index_buffer[$hash_path])) {
                return [$hash_path, $this->index_buffer[$hash_path]];
        if (!file_exists($index_path)) {
            return [$hash_path, false];
        $index_data = $this->table_tools->load($index_path);
        if ($hash_key == self::ACTIVE_INDEX) {
            $this->active_index = $index_data;
            return [$hash_path, $this->active_index];
        } else {
            if (count($this->index_buffer) > self::INDEX_CACHE_SIZE) {
                $this->index_buffer = [];
            $this->index_buffer[$hash_path] = $index_data;
        return [$hash_path, $index_data];
     * Checks if $new_count many stored items would entail splitting
     * one of the hash partitions of this linear hash table (> 0),
     * require no change in the number of hash partitions (0), or
     * require two partitions to be merges (< 0)
     * @param int $new_count new item count
     * @return int change (<0 merge, >0split) or no change required (0).
    protected function checkSplitMerge($new_count)
        $count = $this->parameters['COUNT'];
        $max_items_per_file = $this->parameters['MAX_ITEMS_PER_FILE'];
        $current_expected_num_files = ceil($count/$max_items_per_file);
        $next_expected_num_files = ceil($new_count/$max_items_per_file);
        return $next_expected_num_files - $current_expected_num_files;