viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]

Last commit for src/library/WebQueueBundle.php: 680f09c8f233d3ad2f87ff97fce8215b29c96466

First pass at Scheduler rewrite, also adds support for using ImageMagick to make thumbnails for PDFs in wiki system. Fixes several PHP Other notices and Warnings, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2022-04-25 19:Apr:th]
First pass at Scheduler rewrite, also adds support for using ImageMagick to make thumbnails for PDFs in wiki system. Fixes several PHP Other notices and Warnings, a=chris
 * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2019  Chris Pollett
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Chris Pollett
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2019
 * @filesource
namespace seekquarry\yioop\library;

use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\compressors\NonCompressor;

 * Used for the crawlHash function
require_once __DIR__.'/Utility.php';
 * Encapsulates the data structures needed to have a queue of to crawl urls
 * <pre>
 * (hash of url, weights) are stored in a PriorityQueue,
 * (hash of url, index in PriorityQueue, offset of url in WebArchive) is stored
 * in a HashTable
 * urls are stored in a WebArchive in an uncompressed format
 * </pre>
 * @author Chris Pollett
class WebQueueBundle implements Notifier
     * The folder name of this WebQueueBundle
     * @var string
    public $dir_name;
     * Number items that can be stored in a partition of the page exists filter
     * bundle
     * @var int
    public $filter_size;
     * number of entries the priority queue used by this web queue bundle
     * can store
     * @var int
    public $num_urls_ram;
     * whether polling the first element of the priority queue returns the
     * smallest or largest weighted element. This is set to a constant specified
     * in PriorityQueue
     * @var int
    public $min_or_max;
     * the PriorityQueue used by this WebQueueBundle
     * @var object
    public $to_crawl_queue;
     * the HashTable used by this WebQueueBundle
     * @var object
    public $to_crawl_table;
     * Current count of the number of non-read operation performed on the
     * WebQueueBundles's hash table since the last time it was rebuilt.
     * @var int
    public $hash_rebuild_count;
     * Number of non-read operations on the hash table before it needs to be
     * rebuilt.
     * @var int
    public $max_hash_ops_before_rebuild;
     * WebArchive used to store urls that are to be crawled
     * @var object
    public $to_crawl_archive;

     * BloomFilter used to keep track of which urls we've already seen
     * @var object
    public $url_exists_filter_bundle;
     * BloomFilter used to store which hosts whose robots.txt file we
     * have already download
     * @var object
    public $got_robottxt_filter;
     * host-ip table used for dns look-up, comes from robot.txt data and
     * deleted with same frequency
     * @var object
    public $dns_table;
     * HashTable used to store offsets into WebArchive that stores robot paths
     * @var object
    public $robot_table;
     * WebArchive used to store paths coming from robots.txt files
     * @var object
    public $robot_archive;
     * BloomFilter used to keep track of crawl delay in seconds for a given
     * host
     * @var object
    public $crawl_delay_filter;
     * Holds the B-Tree used for saving etag and expires http data
    public $etag_btree;
     * Associative array of (hash_url => index) pairs saying where a hash_url
     * has moved in the priority queue. These moves are buffered and later
     * re-stored in the hash table when notifyFlush called
     * @var array
    public $notify_buffer;
     * The largest offset for the url WebArchive before we rebuild it.
     * Entries are never deleted from the url WebArchive even if they are
     * deleted from the priority queue. So when we pass this value we
     * make a new WebArchive containing only those urls which are still in
     * the queue.
    const max_url_archive_offset = 200000000;
     * Number of bytes in for hash table key
    const HASH_KEY_SIZE = 8;
     * 4 bytes offset,  4 bytes index, 4 bytes flags
    const HASH_VALUE_SIZE = 12;
     * Length of an IPv6 ip address (IPv4 address are padded)
    const IP_SIZE = 16;
     * Url type flag
     const NO_FLAGS = 0;
     * Url type flag
     const ROBOT = 1;
     * Url type flag
     const SCHEDULABLE = 2;
    /** Size of int
    const INT_SIZE = 4;
    /** Size of notify buffer
    const NOTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE = 1000;
     * Makes a WebQueueBundle with the provided parameters
     * @param string $dir_name folder name used by this WebQueueBundle
     * @param int $filter_size size of each partition in the page exists
     *     BloomFilterBundle
     * @param int $num_urls_ram number of entries in ram for the priority queue
     * @param string $min_or_max when the priority queue maintain the heap
     *     property with respect to the least or the largest weight
    public function __construct($dir_name,
        $filter_size, $num_urls_ram, $min_or_max)
        $this->dir_name = $dir_name;
        $this->filter_size = $filter_size;
        $this->num_urls_ram = $num_urls_ram;
        $this->min_or_max = $min_or_max;
        if (!file_exists($this->dir_name)) {
            if we are resuming a crawl we discard the old priority queue and
            associated hash table and archive new queue data will be read in
            from any existing schedule
        // set up the priority queue... stores (hash(url), weight) pairs.
        $adjust_weight_callback = ($min_or_max == CrawlConstants::MIN) ? null :
            C\NS_LIB . "adjustWeightCallback";
        $this->to_crawl_queue = new PriorityQueue($dir_name."/queue.dat",
            $num_urls_ram, self::HASH_KEY_SIZE, $min_or_max, $this, 0,
        /* set up the hash table... stores (hash(url), offset into url archive,
          index in priority queue) triples.
        /*to ensure we can always insert into table, because of how deletions
          work we will periodically want to
          rebuild our table we will also want to give a little more than the
          usual twice the number we want to insert slack
        $this->to_crawl_table = $this->constructHashTable(
            $dir_name . "/hash_table.dat", 8 * $num_urls_ram);
        /* set up url archive, used to store the full text of the urls which
           are on the priority queue
        $url_archive_name = $dir_name . "/url_archive" .
        if (file_exists($url_archive_name)) {
        $this->to_crawl_archive = new WebArchive(
            $url_archive_name, new NonCompressor(), false, true);
        //timestamp for url filters (so can delete if get too old)
        if (!file_exists($dir_name."/url_timestamp.txt")) {
            file_put_contents($dir_name."/url_timestamp.txt", time());
        //filter bundle to check if we have already visited a URL
        $this->url_exists_filter_bundle = new BloomFilterBundle(
            $dir_name."/UrlExistsFilterBundle", $filter_size);
        //timestamp for robot filters (so can delete if get too old)
        if (!file_exists($dir_name . "/robot_timestamp.txt")) {
            file_put_contents($dir_name . "/robot_timestamp.txt", time());
        //filter to check if we have already have a copy of a robot.txt file
        if (file_exists($dir_name."/")) {
            $this->got_robottxt_filter = BloomFilterFile::load(
        } else {
            $this->got_robottxt_filter = new BloomFilterFile(
                $dir_name."/", $filter_size);
        /* Hash table containing DNS cache this is cleared whenever robot
           filters cleared
        if (file_exists($dir_name."/dns_table.dat")) {
            $this->dns_table = HashTable::load($dir_name . "/dns_table.dat");
        } else {
            $this->dns_table = new HashTable($dir_name . "/dns_table.dat",
                4 * $num_urls_ram, self::HASH_KEY_SIZE, self::IP_SIZE);
        //set up storage for robots.txt info
        $robot_archive_name = $dir_name . "/robot_archive" .
        $this->robot_archive = new WebArchive(
            $robot_archive_name, new NonCompressor(), false, true);
        if (file_exists($dir_name . "/robot.dat")) {
            $this->robot_table =
                HashTable::load($dir_name . "/robot.dat");
        } else {
            $this->robot_table =  new HashTable($dir_name.
                "/robot.dat", 16 * $num_urls_ram,
                 self::HASH_KEY_SIZE, self::INT_SIZE);
        //filter to check for and determine crawl delay
        if (file_exists($dir_name . "/")) {
            $this->crawl_delay_filter =
                BloomFilterFile::load($dir_name . "/");
        } else {
            $this->crawl_delay_filter =
                new BloomFilterFile($dir_name . "/",
        //Initialize B-Tree for storing cache page validation data
        $this->etag_btree = new BTree($dir_name . '/etag_expires_tree');
        $this->notify_buffer = [];
     * Adds an array of (url, weight) pairs to the WebQueueBundle.
     * @param array $url_pairs a list of pairs to add
    public function addUrlsQueue(&$url_pairs)
        $add_urls = [];
        $count = count($url_pairs);
        if ( $count < 1) { return; }
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $add_urls[$i][0] = & $url_pairs[$i][0];
        $objects = $this->to_crawl_archive->addObjects("offset", $add_urls);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            crawlTimeoutLog("..Scheduler: Adding url %s of %s ",
                $i, $count);
            $url = & $url_pairs[$i][0];
            $weight = $url_pairs[$i][1];
            if (isset($objects[$i]['offset'])) {
                $offset = $objects[$i]['offset'];
                $data = packInt($offset) . packInt(0) . packInt(self::NO_FLAGS);
                if ($this->insertHashTable(crawlHash($url, true), $data)) {
                       we will change 0 to priority queue index in the
                       notify callback
                    $loc = $this->to_crawl_queue->insert(
                        crawlHash($url, true), $weight);
                } else {
                    crawlLog("Error inserting $url into hash table !!");
            } else {
                crawlLog("Error inserting $url into web archive !!");
        if (isset($offset) && $offset > self::max_url_archive_offset) {
     * Check is the url queue already contains the given url
     * @param string $url what to check
     * @return bool whether it is contained in the queue yet or not
    public function containsUrlQueue(&$url)
        $hash_url = crawlHash($url, true);
        $lookup_url = $this->lookupHashTable($hash_url);
        return ($lookup_url == false) ? false : true;
     * Adjusts the weight of the given url in the priority queue by amount delta
     * In a page importance crawl. a given web page casts its votes on who
     * to crawl next by splitting its crawl money amongst its child links.
     * This entails a mechanism for adusting weights of elements in the
     * priority queue periodically is necessary. This function is used to
     * solve this problem.
     * @param string $url url whose weight in queue we want to adjust
     * @param float $delta change in weight (usually positive).
     * @param bool $flush
    public function adjustQueueWeight(&$url, $delta, $flush = true)
        $hash_url = crawlHash($url, true);
        $data = $this->lookupHashTable($hash_url);
        if ($data !== false)
            $queue_index = unpackInt(substr($data, 4 , 4));
            $this->to_crawl_queue->adjustWeight($queue_index, $delta);
            if ($flush) {
        } else {
          crawlLog("Can't adjust weight. Not in queue $url");
     * Sets the flag which provides additional information about the
     * kind of url, for a url already stored in the queue. For instance,
     * might say if it is a robots.txt url, or if the url has already
     * passed the robots.txt test, or if it has a crawl-delay
     * @param string $url url whose weight in queue we want to adjust
     * @param int $flag should be one of self::ROBOT, self::NO_FLAGS,
     *     self::SCHEDULABLE or self::SCHEDULABLE + crawl_delay
    public function setQueueFlag(&$url, $flag)
        $hash_url = crawlHash($url, true);
        $both =
            $this->lookupHashTable($hash_url, HashTable::RETURN_BOTH);
        if ($both !== false)
            list($probe, $data) = $both;
            $non_flag = substr($data, 0 , 8);
            $new_data = $non_flag . packInt($flag);
            $this->insertHashTable($hash_url, $new_data, $probe);
        } else {
          crawlLog("Can't set flag. Not in queue $url");
     * Removes a url from the priority queue.
     * This method would typical be called during a crawl after the given
     * url is scheduled to be crawled. It only deletes the item from
     * the bundles priority queue and hash table -- not from the web archive.
     * @param string $url the url or hash of url to delete
     * @param bool $isHash flag to say whether or not is the hash of a url
    public function removeQueue($url, $isHash = false)
        if ($isHash == true) {
            $hash_url = $url;
        } else {
            $hash_url = crawlHash($url, true);
        $both = $this->lookupHashTable($hash_url, HashTable::RETURN_BOTH);
        if (!$both) {
            crawlLog("Not in queue $url");
        list($probe, $data) = $both;
        $queue_index = unpackInt(substr($data, 4 , 4));
        $this->deleteHashTable($hash_url, $probe);
     * Gets the url and weight of the ith entry in the priority queue
     * @param int $i entry to look up
     * @param resource $fh a file handle to the WebArchive for urls
     * @return mixed false on error, otherwise the ordered 4-tuple in an array
    public function peekQueue($i = 1, $fh = null)
        $tmp = $this->to_crawl_queue->peek($i);
        if (!$tmp) {
            crawlLog("web queue peek error on index $i");
            return false;
        list($hash_url, $weight) = $tmp;
        $both = $this->lookupHashTable($hash_url, HashTable::RETURN_BOTH);
        if ($both === false ) {
            crawlLog("web queue hash lookup error $hash_url");
            return false;
        list($probe, $data) =  $both;
        $offset = unpackInt(substr($data, 0 , 4));
        $flag = unpackInt(substr($data, 8 , 4));
        $url_obj = $this->to_crawl_archive->getObjects($offset, 1, true, $fh,
            2 * C\MAX_URL_LEN);
        if (isset($url_obj[0][1][0])) {
            $url = $url_obj[0][1][0];
        } else {
            $url = "LOOKUP ERROR";
        return [$url, $weight, $flag, $probe];
     * Pretty prints the contents of the queue bundle in order
    public function printContents()
        $count = $this->to_crawl_queue->count;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
            list($url, $weight, $flag, $probe) = $this->peekQueue($i);
            print "$i URL: $url WEIGHT:$weight FLAG: $flag PROBE: $probe\n";
     * Gets the contents of the queue bundle as an array of ordered
     * url,weight, flag triples
     * @return array a list of ordered url, weight, falg triples
    public function getContents()
        $count = $this->to_crawl_queue->count;
        $contents = [];
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
            $contents[] = $this->peekQueue($i);
        return $contents;
     * Makes the weight sum of the to-crawl priority queue sum to $new_total
     * @param int $new_total amount weights should sum to. All weights will be
     *     scaled by the same factor.
    public function normalize($new_total = C\NUM_URLS_QUEUE_RAM)
        // we don't chance positions when normalize
        $this->to_crawl_queue->notify_buffer = [];
    //Filter and Filter Bundle Methods
     * Opens the url WebArchive associated with this queue bundle in the
     * given read/write mode
     * @param string $mode the read/write mode to open the archive with
     * @return resource a file handle to the WebArchive file
    public function openUrlArchive($mode = "r")
        return $this->to_crawl_archive->open($mode);
     * Closes a file handle to the url WebArchive
     * @param resource $fh a valid handle to the url WebArchive file
    public function closeUrlArchive($fh)
     * Adds the supplied url to the url_exists_filter_bundle
     * @param string $url url to add
    public function addSeenUrlFilter($url)
     * Removes all url objects from $url_array which have been seen
     * @param array& $url_array objects to check if have been seen
     * @param array $field_names an array of components of a url_array element
     * which contain a url to check if seen
    public function differenceSeenUrls(&$url_array, $field_names = null)
            $url_array, $field_names);
     * Adds the supplied $host to the got_robottxt_filter
     * @param string $host url to add
    public function addGotRobotTxtFilter($host)
     * Checks if we have a fresh copy of robots.txt info for $host
     * @param string $host url to check
     * @return bool whether we do or not
    public function containsGotRobotTxt($host)
        return $this->got_robottxt_filter->contains($host);
     * Adds all the paths for a host to the Robots Web Archive.
     * @param string $host name that the paths are to be added for.
     * @param array $paths an array with two keys CrawlConstants::ALLOWED_SITES
     *      and CrawlConstants::DISALLOWED_SITES. For each key
     *      one has an array of paths
    public function addRobotPaths($host, $paths)
        $paths_container = [$paths];
        $objects = $this->robot_archive->addObjects("offset", $paths_container);
        if (isset($objects[0]['offset'])) {
            $offset = $objects[0]['offset'];
            $data = packInt($offset);
            $this->robot_table->insert(crawlHash($host, true), $data);
     * Checks if the given $url is allowed to be crawled based on stored
     * robots.txt info.
     * @param string $url to check
     * @return bool whether it was allowed or not
    public function checkRobotOkay($url)
        // local cache of recent robot.txt stuff
        static $robot_cache = [];
        static $robot_cache_times = [];
        list($host, $path) = UrlParser::getHostAndPath($url, true, true);
        $path = urldecode($path);
        $key = crawlHash($host, true);
        if (isset($robot_cache[$key])) {
            $robot_object = $robot_cache[$key];
            $robot_cache_times[$key] = microtime(true);
        } else {
            $data = $this->robot_table->lookup($key);
            $offset = unpackInt($data);
            $robot_object = $this->robot_archive->getObjects($offset, 1,
                true, null, C\PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST);
            $robot_cache[$key] = $robot_object;
            $cache_now = microtime(true);
            $robot_cache_times[$key] = $cache_now;
            if (count($robot_cache) > C\SIZE_ROBOT_TXT_CACHE) {
                $evict_key = key($robot_cache_times);
        $robot_paths = (isset($robot_object[0][1])) ? $robot_object[0][1]
            : []; //these should have been urldecoded in RobotProcessor
        if (empty($robot_paths)) {
            $robots_okay = false;
            $robots_not_okay = true;
        } else {
            $robots_okay = true;
            $robots_not_okay = false;
        if (!empty($robot_paths[CrawlConstants::DISALLOWED_SITES])) {
            $robots_not_okay = UrlParser::isPathMemberRegexPaths($path,
            $robots_okay = !$robots_not_okay;
        if (!empty($robot_paths[CrawlConstants::ALLOWED_SITES])) {
            $robots_okay = UrlParser::isPathMemberRegexPaths($path,
        return $robots_okay || !$robots_not_okay;
     * Gets the timestamp of the oldest robot data still stored in
     * the queue bundle
     * @return int a Unix timestamp
    public function getRobotTxtAge()
        $time = time();
        if (file_exists($this->dir_name . "/robot_timestamp.txt")) {
            $creation_time = intval(
                file_get_contents($this->dir_name . "/robot_timestamp.txt"));
        } else {
            $creation_time = $time;
        return ($time - $creation_time);
     * Add an entry to the web_queue_bundles DNS cache
     * @param string $host hostname to add to DNS Lookup table
     * @param string $ip_address in presentation format (not as int) to add
     *     to table
    public function addDNSCache($host, $ip_address)
        $pad = "000000000000";
        $hash_host = crawlHash($host, true);
        $packed_ip = inet_pton($ip_address);
        if (strlen($packed_ip) == 4) {
            $packed_ip .= $pad;
        $this->dns_table->insert($hash_host, $packed_ip);
     * Add an entry to the web_queue_bundles DNS cache
     * @param string $host hostname to add to DNS Lookup table
     * @return value
    public function dnsLookup($host)
        $pad = "000000000000";
        $hash_host = crawlHash($host, true);
        $packed_ip = $this->dns_table->lookup($hash_host);
        if (!$packed_ip) return false;
        $maybe_pad = substr($packed_ip, 4);
        $maybe_ip4 = substr($packed_ip, 0, 4);
        if (strcmp($maybe_pad, $pad) == 0) {
            $ip_address = inet_ntop($maybe_ip4);
        } else {
            $ip_address = inet_ntop($packed_ip);
        if (strcmp($ip_address, "") == 0) {
            return false;
        return $ip_address;
     * Gets the timestamp of the oldest url filter data still stored in
     * the queue bundle
     * @return int a Unix timestamp
    public function getUrlFilterAge()
        $creation_time = intval(
        return (time() - $creation_time);
     * Sets the Crawl-delay of $host to passes $value in seconds
     * @param string $host a host to set the Crawl-delay for
     * @param int $value a delay in seconds up to 255
    public function setCrawlDelay($host, $value)
        $this->crawl_delay_filter->add("-1" . $host);
            //used to say a crawl delay has been set
        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
            if (($value & 1) == 1) {
            $value = $value >> 1;
     * Gets the Crawl-delay of $host from the crawl delay bloom filter
     * @param string $host site to check for a Crawl-delay
     * @return int the crawl-delay in seconds or -1 if $host has no delay
    public function getCrawlDelay($host)
        if (!$this->crawl_delay_filter->contains("-1".$host)) {
            return -1;
        $value = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
            if ($this->crawl_delay_filter->contains("$i".$host)) {
                $value += (1 << $i);
        return $value;
     * Mainly, a Factory style wrapper around the HashTable's constructor.
     * However, this function also sets up a rebuild frequency. It is used
     * as part of the process of keeping the to crawl table from having too
     * many entries
     * @param string $name filename to store the hash table persistently
     * @param int $num_values size of HashTable's arraya
     * @return object the newly built hash table
     * @see rebuildHashTable()
    public function constructHashTable($name, $num_values)
        $this->hash_rebuild_count = 0;
        $this->max_hash_ops_before_rebuild = floor($num_values/4);
        return new HashTable($name, $num_values,
            self::HASH_KEY_SIZE, self::HASH_VALUE_SIZE);
     * Looks up $key in the to-crawl hash table
     * @param string $key the things to look up
     * @param int $return_probe_value one of self::ALWAYS_RETURN_PROBE,
     *     self::RETURN_PROBE_ON_KEY_FOUND, self::RETURN_VALUE, or self::BOTH.
     *     Here value means the value associated with the key and probe is
     *     either the location in the array where the key was found or
     *     the first location in the array where it was determined the
     *     key could not be found.
     * @return mixed would be string if the value is being returned,
     *     otherwise, false if the key is not found
    public function lookupHashTable($key, $return_probe_value =
        if (!$this->to_crawl_table) {
            return false;
        return $this->to_crawl_table->lookup($key, $return_probe_value);
     * Removes an entries from the to crawl hash table
     * @param string $key usually a hash of a url
     * @param int $probe if the location in the hash table is already known
     *     to be $probe then this variable can be used to save a lookup
    public function deleteHashTable($key, $probe = false)
        $this->to_crawl_table->delete($key, $probe);
        if ($this->hash_rebuild_count > $this->max_hash_ops_before_rebuild) {
     * Inserts the $key, $value pair into this web queue's to crawl table
     * @param string $key intended to be a hash of a url
     * @param string $value intended to be offset into a webarchive for urls
     *     together with an index into the priority queue
     * @param int $probe if the location in the hash table is already known
     *     to be $probe then this variable can be used to save a lookup
     * @return bool whether the insert was a success or not
    public function insertHashTable($key, $value, $probe = false)
        if ($this->hash_rebuild_count > $this->max_hash_ops_before_rebuild) {
        return $this->to_crawl_table->insert($key, $value, $probe);
     * Makes a new HashTable without deleted rows
     * The hash table in Yioop is implemented using open addressing. i.e.,
     * We store key value pair in the table itself and if there is a collision
     * we look for the next available slot. Two codes are use to indicate
     * space available in the table. One to indicate empty never used, the
     * other used to indicate empty but previously used and deleted. The reason
     * you need two codes is to ensure that if somebody inserted an item B,
     * it hashes to the same value as A and we move to the next empty slot,
     * to store B, then if we delete A we should still be able to lookup B.
     * The problem is as the table gets reused a lot, it tends to fill up
     * with a lot of deleted entries making lookup times get more and more
     * linear in the hash table size. By rebuilding the table we mitigate
     * against this problem. By choosing the rebuild frequency appropriately,
     * the amortized cost of this operation is only O(1).
    public function rebuildHashTable()
        crawlLog("Rebuilding Hash table");
        $num_values = $this->to_crawl_table->num_values;
        $tmp_table = $this->constructHashTable(
            $this->dir_name."/tmp_table.dat", $num_values);
        $null = $this->to_crawl_table->null;
        $deleted = $this->to_crawl_table->deleted;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
            crawlTimeoutLog("..still rebuilding hash table. At entry %s of %s",
            $i, $num_values);
            list($key, $value) = $this->to_crawl_table->getEntry($i);
            if (strcmp($key, $null) != 0
                && strcmp($key, $deleted) != 0) {
                $tmp_table->insert($key, $value);
        $this->to_crawl_table = null;
        if (file_exists($this->dir_name."/hash_table.dat")) {
            if (file_exists($this->dir_name."/tmp_table.dat")) {
        $tmp_table->filename = $this->dir_name."/hash_table.dat";
        $this->to_crawl_table = $tmp_table;
    * Since offsets are integers, even if the queue is kept relatively small,
    * periodically we will need to rebuild the archive for storing urls.
    public function rebuildUrlTable()
        crawlLog("Rebuilding URL table");
        $dir_name = $this->dir_name;
        $count = $this->to_crawl_queue->count;
        $tmp_archive_name = $dir_name."/tmp_archive" .
        $url_archive_name = $dir_name."/url_archive" .
        $tmp_archive =
            new WebArchive($tmp_archive_name, new NonCompressor(), false, true);
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
            list($url, $weight, $flag, $probe) = $this->peekQueue($i);
            $url_container = [[$url]];
            $objects = $tmp_archive->addObjects("offset", $url_container);
            if (isset($objects[0]['offset'])) {
                $offset = $objects[0]['offset'];
            } else {
                crawlLog("Error inserting $url into rebuild url archive file");
            $hash_url = crawlHash($url, true);
            $data = packInt($offset).packInt($i).packInt($flag);

            $this->insertHashTable($hash_url, $data, $probe);
        $this->to_crawl_archive = null;
        $tmp_archive->filename = $url_archive_name;
        $this->to_crawl_archive =  $tmp_archive;
     * Delete the Bloom filters used to store robots.txt file info.
     * Then construct empty new ones.
     * This is called roughly once a day so that robots files will be
     * reloaded and so the policies used won't be too old.
     * @return string $message with what happened during empty process
    public function emptyRobotData()
        $message = "";
        $robot_archive_name = $this->dir_name."/robot_archive".
        $message = "Robot Emptier: Archive Name: $robot_archive_name\n";
        $this->crawl_delay_table = [];
        file_put_contents($this->dir_name."/robot_timestamp.txt", time());
        $this->got_robottxt_filter = null;
        $this->crawl_delay_filter = null;
        $this->robot_archive = null;
        $this->robot_table = null;
        $this->got_robottxt_filter =
            new BloomFilterFile(
                $this->dir_name."/", $this->filter_size);
        if ($this->got_robottxt_filter) {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: got_robottxt_filter empty now ".
                "and not null\n";
        } else {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: got_robottxt_filter could not be ".
        $this->crawl_delay_filter =
            new BloomFilterFile(
                $this->dir_name."/", $this->filter_size);
        if ($this->crawl_delay_filter) {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: crawl_delay_filter empty now ".
                "and not null\n";
        } else {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: crawl_delay_filter could not be ".
        $this->robot_archive = new WebArchive(
            $robot_archive_name, new NonCompressor(), false, true);
        if ($this->robot_archive) {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: robot_archive empty now ".
                "and not null\n";
        } else {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: robot_archive could not be ".
        $this->robot_table =  new HashTable($this->dir_name.
            "/robot.dat", 8 * $this->num_urls_ram,
             self::HASH_KEY_SIZE, self::HASH_VALUE_SIZE);
        if ($this->robot_table) {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: robot_table empty now ".
                "and not null\n";
        } else {
            $message .= "Robot Emptier: robot_table could not be ".
        return $message;
     * Delete the Hash table used to store DNS lookup info.
     * Then construct an empty new one.
     * This is called roughly once a day at the same time as
     * @see emptyRobotFilters()
     * @return string $message with what happened during empty process
    public function emptyDNSCache()
        $num_values = $this->dns_table->num_values;
        if (file_exists($this->dir_name."/dns_table.dat") ) {
        $this->dns_table = null;
        $this->dns_table = new HashTable($this->dir_name . "/dns_table.dat",
            $num_values, self::HASH_KEY_SIZE, self::IP_SIZE);
        if ($this->robot_table) {
            $message = "Robot Emptier: dns_table empty now ".
                "and not null\n";
        } else {
            $message = "Robot Emptier: dns_table could not be ".
        return $message;
     * Empty the crawled url filter for this web queue bundle; resets the
     * the timestamp of the last time this filter was emptied.
    public function emptyUrlFilter()
        file_put_contents($this->dir_name."/url_timestamp.txt", time());
     * Callback which is called when an item in the priority queue changes
     * position. The position is updated in the hash table.
     * The priority queue stores (hash of url, weight). The hash table
     * stores (hash of url, web_archive offset to url, index priority queue).
     * This method actually buffers changes in $this->notify_buffer,
     * they are applied when notifyFlush is called or when the buffer reaches
     * self::NOTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE.
     * @param int $index new index in priority queue
     * @param array $data (hash url, weight)
    public function notify($index, $data)
        $this->notify_buffer[$data[0]] = $index;
        if (count($this->notify_buffer) > self::NOTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE) {
            $this->notifyFlush(); //prevent memory from being exhausted
     * Used to flush changes of hash_url indexes caused by adjusting weights
     * in the bundle's priority queue to its hash table.
    public function notifyFlush()
        foreach ($this->notify_buffer as $hash_url => $index) {
            $both = $this->lookupHashTable($hash_url, HashTable::RETURN_BOTH);
            if ($both !== false) {
                list($probe, $value) = $both;
                $packed_offset = substr($value, 0 , 4);
                $packed_flag = substr($value, 8 , 4);
                $new_data = $packed_offset.packInt($index).$packed_flag;
                $this->insertHashTable($hash_url, $new_data, $probe);
            } else {
                crawlLog("NOTIFY LOOKUP FAILED. INDEX WAS $index. DATA WAS ".
        $this->notify_buffer = [];