Last commit for src/library/media_jobs/FeedsUpdateJob.php: 2addb500315b7393a90fe66431d7832b1e7386c7

Adjust copyrights years

Chris Pollett [2024-01-03 21:Jan:rd]
Adjust copyrights years
 * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
 * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2022  Chris Pollett
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @author Chris Pollett (initial MediaJob class
 *      and subclasses based on work of Pooja Mishra for her master's)
 * @license GPL3
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009 - 2022
 * @filesource
namespace seekquarry\yioop\library\media_jobs;

use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C;
use seekquarry\yioop\library as L;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\CrawlConstants;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\FetchUrl;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\FeedDocumentBundle;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\PhraseParser;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\UrlParser;
use seekquarry\yioop\library\processors\ImageProcessor;

 * A media job to download and index feeds from various search sources (RSS,
 * HTML scraper, etc). Idea is that this job runs once an hour to get the
 * latest news, movies, weather from those sources.
class FeedsUpdateJob extends MediaJob

     * Time in current epoch when feeds last updated
     * @var int
    public $update_time;
     * Datasource object used to run db queries related to fes items
     * (for storing and updating them)
     * @var object
    public $db;
     * The FeedDocumentBundle to put feed items into periodically
     * @var FeedDocumentBundle
    public $index_archive;
     * News Feed Items found from the current feed
     * @var array
    public $found_items;
     * Used to keep track of image urls of thumbnails to download
     * for feed items
     * @var array
    public $media_urls;
     * Mamimum number of feeds to download in one try
    const MAX_FEEDS_ONE_GO = 100;
     * Mamimum number of thumb_urls to download in one try
    const MAX_THUMBS_ONE_GO = 100;
     * how long in seconds before a feed item expires
    const OLD_ITEM_TIME = 4 * C\ONE_WEEK;
     * Initializes the last update time to far in the past so, feeds will get
     * immediately updated. Sets up connect to DB to store feeds items, and
     * makes it so the same media job runs both on name server and client
     * Media Updaters
    public function init()
        $this->update_time = 0;
        $this->media_urls = [];
        $this->name_server_does_client_tasks = true;
        $this->name_server_does_client_tasks_only = true;
        $db_class = C\NS_DATASOURCES . ucfirst(C\DBMS). "Manager";
        $this->db = new $db_class();
        C\nsconddefine("FEEDS_UPDATE_INTERVAL", C\ONE_HOUR);
     * Only update if its been more than an hour since the last update
     * @return bool whether its been an hour since the last update
    public function checkPrerequisites()
        $time = time();
        $something_updated = false;
        $delta = $time - $this->update_time;
        if ($delta > C\FEEDS_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
            $this->update_time = $time;
            L\crawlLog("Performing media feeds update");
            return true;
        L\crawlLog("Time since last update not exceeded, skipping feed
        return false;
     * Get the media sources from the local database and use those to run the
     * the same task as in the distributed setting
    public function nondistributedTasks()
        $db = $this->db;
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM MEDIA_SOURCE WHERE (TYPE='rss'
             OR TYPE='html' OR TYPE='json' OR TYPE='regex')";
        $result = $db->execute($sql);
        $feeds = [];
        while ($feed = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
            $feeds[] = $feed;
        $this->tasks = $feeds;
     * For each feed source downloads the feeds, checks which items are
     * new, and makes an array of them. Then calls the method to add these
     * items to both the IndexDocumentBundle for feeds
     * @param array $tasks array of feed info (url to download, paths to
     *  extract etc)
    public function doTasks($tasks)
        if (!is_array($tasks)) {
                "----This media updater is NOT responsible for any feeds!");
        $feeds = $tasks;
        L\crawlLog("----This media updater is responsible for the feeds:");
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
            L\crawlLog("----  $i. " . $feed["NAME"]);
        $index_archive = $this->getFeedBundle();
        $index_archive->feeds = $feeds;
        $num_feeds = count($feeds);
        $feeds_one_go = self::MAX_FEEDS_ONE_GO;
        $limit = 0;
        $this->found_items = [];
        while ($limit < $num_feeds) {
            $feeds_batch = array_slice($feeds, $limit, $feeds_one_go);
            $this->updateFoundItemsOneGo($feeds_batch, self::OLD_ITEM_TIME);
            $limit += $feeds_one_go;
        if(!$index_archive->updateDictionary()) {
            L\crawlLog("--- Building active inverted index");
        L\crawlLog("----Downloading Media Urls");
        $thumb_sites = [];
        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->media_urls); $i++) {
            if (count($thumb_sites) > self::MAX_THUMBS_ONE_GO) {
                $thumb_sites = [];
            if (!file_exists($this->media_urls[$i][self::FILE_NAME])) {
                $thumb_sites[] = $this->media_urls[$i];
        if (count($thumb_sites) > 0) {
        L\crawlLog("----Clearing Media Urls from Update");
        $this->media_urls = [];
     * Download images and create thumbnails for a list of image urls.
     * @param array $thumb_sites array of arrays. The sub-array should contain
     *  a field CrawlConstants::THUMB_URL with url to download.
     *  After download the thumb_nail is saved in the file
     * CrawlConstants::FILE_NAME.
    private function getThumbs($thumb_sites)
        $thumb_sites = FetchUrl::getPages($thumb_sites, false,
            C\PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST, null, self::THUMB_URL, self::DATA,
        foreach ($thumb_sites as $thumb_site) {
            if (!empty($thumb_site[self::DATA])) {
                $image = @imagecreatefromstring($thumb_site[self::DATA]);
                $thumb_string = ImageProcessor::createThumb($image);
                set_error_handler(C\NS_CONFIGS . "yioop_error_handler");
                if ($thumb_string) {
     * Handles the request to get the  array of feed sources which hash to
     * a particular value i.e. match with the index of requesting machine's
     * hashed url/name from array of available machines hash
     * @param int $machine_id id of machine making request for feeds
     * @param array $data not used but inherited from the base MediaJob
     *      class as a parameter (so will always be null in this case)
     * @return array of feed urls and paths to extract from them
    public function getTasks($machine_id, $data = null)
        $parent = $this->controller;
        if (!$parent) {
        $source_model = $parent->model("source");
        $current_machine = $machine_id;
        $machine_hashes = $source_model->getMachineHashUrls();
        $machine_index_match = array_search($current_machine, $machine_hashes);
        if ($machine_index_match === false) {
            return [];
        $num_machines = count($machine_hashes);
        $pre_feeds = $source_model->getMediaSources("rss");
        $pre_feeds = array_merge($pre_feeds,
        $pre_feeds = array_merge($pre_feeds,
        $pre_feeds = array_merge($pre_feeds,
        if (!$pre_feeds) {
            return false;
        $feeds = [];
        foreach ($pre_feeds as $pre_feed) {
            if (!isset($pre_feed['NAME'])) {
            $hash_int = unpack("N", L\crawlHash($pre_feed['NAME']));
            if (!isset($hash_int[1])) {
            $hash_index = ($hash_int[1]) % $num_machines;
            if ($machine_index_match != $hash_index) {
            $feeds[] = $pre_feed;
        return $feeds;
     * Downloads one batch of $feeds_one_go feed items for @see updateFeedItems
     * For each feed source downloads the feeds, checks which items are
     * not in the database, adds them. This method does not update
     * the inverted index shard.
     * @param array $feeds list of feeds to download
     * @param int $age how many seconds old records should be ignored
     * @param boolean $test_mode if true then rather then update items in
     *  database, returns as a string the found feed items for the given feeds
     * @return mixed either true, or if $test_mode is true then the results
     *      as a string of downloading the feeds and extracting the feed items
    public function updateFoundItemsOneGo($feeds, $age = C\ONE_WEEK,
        $test_mode = false)
        $test_results = "";
        $log_function = function ($msg, $log_tag = "pre class='source-test'")
            use (&$test_results, $test_mode) {
            $close_tag = preg_split("/\s+/",$log_tag)[0];
            if ($test_mode) {
                $test_results .= "<$log_tag>$msg</$close_tag>\n";
            } else {
        //initialize xlink image folder
        $base_dir = C\APP_DIR . "/resources";
        if (!file_exists($base_dir)) {
            chmod($base_dir, 0777);
        $subfolder = L\crawlHash(
            'group' . C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID . C\AUTH_KEY);
        $prefix_folder = substr($subfolder, 0, 3);
        $subfolder = "t" . $subfolder;
        $date = date('Y-m-d');
        $sep = "";
        foreach ([$prefix_folder, $subfolder, $date]
            as $add_folder) {
            $base_dir .= "/$add_folder";
            if (!file_exists($base_dir)) {
                chmod($base_dir, 0777);
        // now get feed items
        $image_url = "feed://$date/";
        $feeds = FetchUrl::getPages($feeds, false, 0, null, "SOURCE_URL",
            CrawlConstants::PAGE, true, null, true);
        $db = $this->db;
        foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
            if (empty($feed[CrawlConstants::PAGE])) {
                $log_function("...No data in {$feed['NAME']} feed skipping.",
            $log_function("----Updating {$feed['NAME']}.", "h2");
            $log_function("...Checking encoding", "h3");
            L\convertUtf8IfNeeded($feed, CrawlConstants::PAGE,
                CrawlConstants::ENCODING, $log_function);
            if ($test_mode) {
                $log_function("...Downloaded Feed Data was:",
                $feed_contents = $feed[CrawlConstants::PAGE];
                if (in_array($feed['TYPE'], ['html', 'rss'])) {
                    $out_dom = L\getDomFromString($feed_contents);
                    $feed_contents =  $out_dom->saveHTML();
                    $feed_contents = "<textarea disabled='disabled'>" .
                        htmlentities($feed_contents) . "</textarea>";
                } else if ($feed['TYPE'] == 'json') {
                    $json_object = json_decode($feed_contents);
                    $feed_contents = json_encode($json_object,
                    $feed_contents = htmlentities($feed_contents);
                } else {
                    $feed_contents = htmlentities($feed_contents);
            $is_html = ($feed['TYPE'] == 'html') ? true : false;
            $is_json = ($feed['TYPE'] == 'json') ? true : false;
            $is_regex = ($feed['TYPE'] == 'regex') ? true : false;
            if (!$is_regex) {
                $log_function("Making dom object from feed.", "h3");
                $dom = new \DOMDocument();
            if ($is_json) {
                $json_decode = json_decode($feed[CrawlConstants::PAGE], true);
                $page = "<html><body>".
                    $this->convertJsonDecodeToTags($json_decode) .
                $is_html = true;
            } else if ($is_regex) {
                $page = $feed[CrawlConstants::PAGE];
            } else {
                //strip namespaces
                $page = preg_replace('@<(/?)(\w+\s*)\:@u', '<$1',
                if (empty($page)) {
                    $page = $feed[CrawlConstants::PAGE];
            if (isset($feed['IMAGE_XPATH']) && !$is_regex) {
                $feed['IMAGE_XPATH'] = preg_replace('@/(\s*\w+\s*)\:@u', '/',
                if (empty($feed['IMAGE_XPATH'])) {
                    $feed['IMAGE_XPATH'] = $feed['IMAGE_XPATH'];
            if ($is_html) {
                $substitutions = [
                    "@<script@" => "<hscript", "@</script@" => "</hscript"
                $page = preg_replace(array_keys($substitutions),
                    array_values($substitutions), $page);
            } else if (!$is_regex) {
                    We parse using loadHTML as less strict. loadHTML
                    auto-closes link tags immediately after open link
                    so to avoid this we replace link with xlink
                $substitutions = [
                    "@<link@" => "<slink", "@</link@" => "</slink",
                    "@pubDate@i" => "pubdate", "@&lt;@" => "<", "@&gt;@" => ">",
                    '@&ndash;|–@' => "--", '@&amp;#(\d+);@' => '&#$1;',
                    '@&amp;amp;@' => ' and ',
                    '@&lsquo;|‘|&rsquo;|’|&#(8216|8217);@u' =>  "'",
                    '@&#(8216|8217);@' =>  "'", '/&#8211;/' => '--',
                    '/&#(8220|8221);|“|”/' => '"',
                    '/&#8230;|…/' => '...', '/&hellip;/' => '...',
                    '@<description>\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\]\]>\s*<\/description>@' =>
                    '', '@<encoded>@' => "<description>",
                    '@</encoded>@' => "</description>",
                    "@<!\[CDATA\[(.+?)\]\]>@s" => '$1'
                $page = preg_replace(array_keys($substitutions),
                    array_values($substitutions), $page);
                // we also need a hack to make UTF-8 work correctly
                $dom = L\getDomFromString($page);
            $log_function("----...done. Extracting info about whole feed.",
            $lang = "";
            if (!in_array($feed['TYPE'], ['html', 'regex']) &&
                empty($feed["LANGUAGE"])) {
                $languages = $dom->getElementsByTagName('language');
                if ($languages && is_object($languages) &&
                    is_object($languages->item(0))) {
                    $lang = $languages->item(0)->textContent;
                    $db->execute($sql, [$lang, $feed['TIMESTAMP']]);
            } else if (!empty($feed["LANGUAGE"])) {
                $lang = $feed["LANGUAGE"];
            } else {
                $lang = C\DEFAULT_LOCALE;
            $log_function("----...Language is $lang. Getting " .
                "channel, finding nodes.", "h3");
            if ($is_html) {
                $query = $feed['CHANNEL_PATH'];
                $query = preg_replace("/script/u", "hscript", $query);
                $sub_dom = L\getTags($dom, $query);
                if (!$sub_dom) {
                    $log_function("----... Scraper couldn't parse channel".
                        " path so bailing on this feed.", "h3");
                } else {
                    $log_function("----...Channel scraped.", "h3");
                $query = $feed['ITEM_PATH'];
                $query = preg_replace("/script/u", "hscript", $query);
                $nodes = L\getTags($sub_dom[0], $query);
                $item_elements = ["title" => $feed['TITLE_PATH'],
                    "description" => $feed['DESCRIPTION_PATH'],
                    "link" => $feed['LINK_PATH']];
            } else if ($is_regex) {
                preg_match($feed['CHANNEL_PATH'], $page, $matches);
                if ($test_mode) {
                    $log_function("----Scraped channel is:", "h3");
                $channel = "";
                $nodes = [];
                if (!empty($matches[1])) {
                    if ($test_mode) {
                    $nodes = preg_split($feed['ITEM_PATH'], $matches[1]);
                if (empty($nodes)) {
                    $log_function("----... Scraper couldn't parse channel" .
                        " path so bailing on this feed.", "h3");
                $log_function("----...Items scraped from channel, " .
                    "getting info.", "h3");
                $item_elements = ["title" => $feed['TITLE_PATH'],
                    "description" => $feed['DESCRIPTION_PATH'],
                    "link" => $feed['LINK_PATH']];
            } else {
                $nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('item');
                // see above comment on why slink rather than link
                $item_elements = ["title" => "title",
                    "description" => "description", "link" =>"slink",
                    "guid" => "guid", "pubdate" => "pubdate"];
                if ($nodes->length == 0) {
                    // maybe we're dealing with atom rather than rss
                    $nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('entry');
                    $item_elements = [
                        "title" => "title",
                        "description" => ["summary", "content"],
                        "link" => "slink", "guid" => "id",
                        "pubdate" => "updated"];
            $log_function("----...done extracting info. Check for new feed ".
                "items in {$feed['NAME']}.", "h3");
            if ($test_mode) {
                $log_function("----...Found following items...", "h3");
                $log_function("<hr />");
            $num_added = 0;
            $num_seen = 0;
            $base_dir = C\APP_DIR . "/resources";
            $folder = L\crawlHash(
                'group' . C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID . C\AUTH_KEY);
            $prefix = substr($folder, 0, 3);
            foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                $item = [];
                $unique_fields = ['link'];
                foreach ($item_elements as $db_element => $feed_element) {
                    if (!$test_mode) {
                            "----still adding feed items to index.");
                    if ($db_element == "link" && substr($feed_element, 0, 4)
                        == "http") {
                        $unique_fields = ['title', 'description'];
                        $element_text = $feed_element;
                        $item[$db_element] = strip_tags($element_text);
                    if ($is_html) {
                        $tag_nodes = L\getTags($node, $feed_element);
                        if (!isset($tag_nodes[0])) {
                            $tag_node = null;
                        } else {
                            $tag_node = $tag_nodes[0];
                        $element_text = (is_object($tag_node)) ?
                            $tag_node->textContent: "";
                    } else if ($is_regex) {
                        preg_match($feed_element, $node, $matches);
                        $tag_node = null;
                        $element_text =
                            (empty($matches[1])) ? "" : $matches[1];
                    } else {
                        if (!is_array($feed_element)) {
                            $feed_element = [$feed_element];
                        foreach ($feed_element as $tag_name) {
                            $tag_node = $node->getElementsByTagName(
                            $element_text = (is_object($tag_node)) ?
                                $tag_node->nodeValue: "";
                            if ($element_text) {
                    if ($db_element == "link" && !empty($tag_node) &&
                        ($element_text == "" || ($is_html && !$is_json))) {
                        if ($is_html && !empty($tag_node->documentElement)) {
                            $element_text =
                        } else {
                            $element_text = $tag_node->getAttribute("href");
                        $element_text = UrlParser::canonicalLink($element_text,
                    if ($db_element == "link" && $tag_node && $is_json) {
                        $element_text = UrlParser::canonicalLink($element_text,
                    $item[$db_element] = strip_tags($element_text);
                $item['image_link'] = "";
                if (!empty($feed['IMAGE_XPATH'])) {
                    if ($feed['IMAGE_XPATH'][0]=="^") {
                        $is_channel_image = true;
                        $image_xpath = substr($feed['IMAGE_XPATH'], 1);
                    } else {
                        $is_channel_image = false;
                        $image_xpath = $feed['IMAGE_XPATH'];
                    if ($is_html) {
                        if ($is_channel_image) {
                            $dom_xpath = new \DOMXPath($sub_dom);
                        } else {
                            $dom_xpath = new \DOMXPath($node);
                        $image_nodes =
                        if ($image_nodes && $image_nodes->item(0)) {
                            $item['image_link'] =
                    } else if ($is_regex) {
                        preg_match($feed['IMAGE_XPATH'], $node, $matches);
                        $item['image_link'] = (empty($matches[1])) ? "" :
                    } else {
                        $dom_xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
                        if ($is_channel_image) {
                            $query = $image_xpath;
                        } else {
                            $query = $node->getNodePath() . $image_xpath;
                        $image_nodes = $dom_xpath->evaluate($query);
                        if ($image_nodes && $image_nodes->item(0)) {
                            $item['image_link'] =
                    if (!empty($item['image_link'])) {
                        $item['image_link'] = UrlParser::canonicalLink(
                            trim($item['image_link'], '"'),
                        $image_hash = L\crawlHash($item['image_link']);
                        $image_link = $item['image_link'];
                        if (!$test_mode) {
                            $item['image_link'] = $image_url . $image_hash;
                if (!empty($item['link']) && !empty($item['title']) &&
                    && $item['link'] == $item_elements['link']) {
                    $item['link'] .= "#" . L\crawlHash($item['title']);
                if ($test_mode) {
                    foreach ($item as $field_name => $field_value) {

                        if (is_array($field_value)) {
                            $log_function("<div><b>$field_name</b>: " .
                                print_r($field_value, true) . "</div>");
                        } else if (stristr($field_name, "link") !== false) {
                            $log_function("<div><b>$field_name</b>: <a href='" .
                        } else {
                            $log_function("<div><b>$field_name</b>: " .
                    $log_function("<hr />");
                    $did_add = true;
                } else {
                    $did_add = $this->addFeedItemIfNew($item, $feed['NAME'],
                        $lang, $age, $unique_fields);
                if ($did_add) {
                    if (!empty($item['image_link'])) {
                        $image_path = "$base_dir/$prefix/t$folder/".
                        $this->media_urls[] = [
                            self::FILE_NAME => $image_path,
                            self::THUMB_URL => $image_link];
            $log_function("----...added $num_added feed items of $num_seen ".
                "on rss page.\n Done Processing {$feed['NAME']}.");
        return ($test_mode) ? $test_results : true;
     * Helper method for addFoundItemsPartitionIndex(). Checks if the current
     * shard is full or not and adds items to it.
     * @param IndexShard $tmp_shard a temporary shard holding all necessary
     *  information
     * @param array $seen_sites of the sites and their corresponding hash
     * @param int $seen_url_count of how many sites have been seen before
     *  committing data to one shard
     * @return bool whether job executed to complete
    public function addFoundItemsPartition()
        L\crawlLog("----..adding items to IndexDocumentBundle");
        $items = $this->found_items;
        usort($items, function($i1, $i2) {
            $pub1 = (empty($i1['PUBDATE'])) ? time() :
            $pub2 = (empty($i2['PUBDATE'])) ? time() :
            if ($pub1 == $pub2) {
                return 0;
            return ($pub1 < $pub2) ? -1 : 1;
        $i = 0;
        $seen_url_count = 0;
        $index_archive = $this->getFeedBundle();
        $limit = C\NUM_DOCS_PER_PARTITION;
        foreach ($items as $item) {
                "----..have added %s items to new item store.", $i);
            if (!isset($item['SOURCE_NAME'])) {
            $raw_guid = L\unbase64Hash($item["GUID"]);
            $doc_id = L\crawlHash($item['LINK'], true) . $raw_guid .
                "f" . substr(L\crawlHash(UrlParser::getHost($item['LINK']) .
                "/", true), 1);
            $seen_url_count += 1;
            $summary = [];
            $summary[self::TITLE] = $item['TITLE'];
            $summary[self::DESCRIPTION] = $item['DESCRIPTION'];
            $summary[self::URL] = $item['LINK'];
            $summary[self::HASH] = $item['GUID'];
            $summary[self::SOURCE_NAME] = $item['SOURCE_NAME'];
            $summary[self::IMAGE_LINK] = $item['IMAGE_LINK'];
            $summary[self::PUBDATE] = $item['PUBDATE'];
            $page = [self::DOC_ID => $doc_id, self::SUMMARY => $summary,
                self::PAGE => ""];
            $seen_sites[] = $page;
            if ($seen_url_count > $limit) {
                L\crawlLog("----..found more than $limit items. ".
                    "Saving to bundle first.");
                $seen_url_count = 0;
        if (!empty($seen_sites)) {
            L\crawlLog("Adding " . count($seen_sites) ." pages and keys");
            $index_archive->addPagesAndSeenKeys($seen_sites, $seen_url_count);
        $this->found_items = [];
     * Adds $item to feed index bundle if it isn't already there
     * @param array $item data from a single feed item
     * @param string $source_name string name of the feed $item was found
     * on
     * @param string $lang locale-tag of the feed
     * @param int $age how many seconds old records should be ignored
     * @param array if $item['guid'] is not set then hash these fields to
     *      produce a unique identifier
     * @return bool whether an item was added
    public function addFeedItemIfNew($item, $source_name, $lang, $age,
        if (empty($item["link"]) || empty($item["title"]) ||
            strlen($item["link"]) > C\MAX_URL_LEN) {
            return false;
        $out_item = [];
        $out_item["TITLE"] = substr($item["title"], 0, C\TITLE_LEN);
        $out_item["DESCRIPTION"] = substr($item["description"] ?? "", 0,
        $out_item["LINK"] = $item["link"];
        if (empty($item["guid"])) {
            $hash_string = "";
            foreach ($unique_fields as $field) {
                $hash_string .= $item[$field];
            $out_item["GUID"] = L\crawlHash($hash_string);
        } else {
            $out_item["GUID"] = L\crawlHash($item["guid"]);
        if (!isset($item["image_link"]) ||
            strlen($item["image_link"]) > C\MAX_URL_LEN) {
            $out_item["IMAGE_LINK"] = "";
        } else {
            $out_item["IMAGE_LINK"] = $item["image_link"];
        if (!isset($item["pubdate"]) || $item["pubdate"] == "") {
            $out_item["PUBDATE"] = time();
        } else {
            $out_item["PUBDATE"] = strtotime($item["pubdate"]);
            if ($out_item["PUBDATE"] < 0) {
                $out_item["PUBDATE"] = time();
        if (time() - $out_item["PUBDATE"] > $age) {
            return false;
        $index_archive = $this->getFeedBundle();
        if ($index_archive->contains($out_item["GUID"])) {
            return false;
        $out_item['SOURCE_NAME'] = $source_name;
        $this->found_items[] = $out_item;
        return true;
     * Converts the results of an associative array coming from a
     * json_decode'd string to an HTML string where the json field
     * have become tags prefixed with "json". This can then be handled
     * in the rest of the feeds updater like an HTML feed.
     * @param array $json_decode associative array coming from a
     *  json_decode'd string
     * @return string result of converting array to an html string
    public function convertJsonDecodeToTags($json_decode)
        $out = "";
        if (is_array($json_decode)) {
            foreach ($json_decode as $key => $value) {
                $tag_name = $key;
                $attributes = "";
                if (is_int($tag_name)) {
                    $tag_name = "item";
                    $attributes = "data-number='$key'";
                /* this is to avoid name collisions with html tag names when
                   we convert json to html and dom it
                $out .= "\n<json$tag_name $attributes>\n";
                $out .= $this->convertJsonDecodeToTags($value);
                $out .= "\n</json$tag_name>\n";
        } else {
            $out = $json_decode;
        return $out;
     * Information about how to parse non-rss and atom feeds is stored in the
     * MEDIA_SOURCE table in the AUX_INFO column. When a feed is read from
     * this table this method is used to parse this column into additional
     * fields which are easier to use for manipulating feed data. Example feed
     * types for which this parsing is read are html, json and regex feeds.
     * In the case of an rss or atom feed this method assumes the AUX_INFO field
     * just contains an xpath expression for finding a feed_item's image, and
     * so just parses the AUX_INFO field into an IMAGE_XPATH field.
     * @param array &$feed associative array of data about one particular feed
    public static function parseFeedAuxInfo(&$feed)
        $aux_parts = explode("###",
                html_entity_decode($feed['AUX_INFO'], ENT_QUOTES));
        if (in_array($feed['TYPE'], ['html', 'json', 'regex'])) {
            list($feed['CHANNEL_PATH'], $feed['ITEM_PATH'],
            $feed['TITLE_PATH'], $feed['DESCRIPTION_PATH'],
            $feed['LINK_PATH']) = $aux_parts;
            $offset = 5;
        } elseif ($feed['TYPE'] == 'rss') {
            $offset = 0;
        $feed['IMAGE_XPATH'] = $aux_parts[$offset] ?? "";
        $feed['TRENDING_STOP_REGEX'] = $aux_parts[$offset + 1] ?? "";
        if ($feed['TYPE'] == 'json') {
            /* this is to avoid name collisions with html tag names when
               we convert json to html and dom it. The making of tags
               with the json prefix is done in convertJsonDecodeToTags.
               Here we are making our xpaths compatible with this
            foreach (['CHANNEL_PATH', 'ITEM_PATH',
                'IMAGE_XPATH'] as $component) {
                $xpath = $feed[$component];
                $xpath_parts = explode("/", $xpath);
                $num_parts = count($xpath_parts);
                for ($j = 0; $j < $num_parts; $j++) {
                    if ($xpath_parts[$j] != "") {
                        $xpath_parts[$j] = "json" . $xpath_parts[$j];
                $feed[$component] = implode("/", $xpath_parts);
     * Sets the value of $this->index_archive to point to
     * the FeedDocumentBundle associated to feeds on this instance of Yioop
    public function getFeedBundle()
        $dir = C\CRAWL_DIR . '/cache/' . self::feed_index_data_base_name;
        if (!file_exists($dir) || empty($this->index_archive)) {
            $info['DESCRIPTION'] = "feed";
            $this->index_archive = new FeedDocumentBundle($dir, $this->db,
                false, serialize($info), C\NUM_DOCS_PER_PARTITION);
        return $this->index_archive;