extends Controller
in package
Used to serve resources, css, or scripts such as images from APP_DIR
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- CrawlConstants
- Shared constants and enums used by components that are involved in the crawling process
Table of Contents
- $activities : array<string|int, mixed>
- These are the activities supported by this controller
- $activity_component : array<string|int, mixed>
- Associative array of activity => component activity is on, used by @see Controller::call method to actually invoke a given activity on a given component
- $component_activities : array<string|int, mixed>
- Associative array of $components activities for this controller Components are collections of activities (a little like traits) which can be reused.
- $component_instances : array<string|int, mixed>
- Array of instances of components used by this controller
- $model_instances : array<string|int, mixed>
- Array of instances of models used by this controller
- $plugin_instances : array<string|int, mixed>
- Array of instances of indexing_plugins used by this controller
- $view_instances : array<string|int, mixed>
- Array of instances of views used by this controller
- $web_site : WebSite
- Stores a reference to the web server when Yioop runs in CLI mode, it acts as request router in non-CLI mode.
- __construct() : mixed
- Sets up component activities, instance array, and plugins.
- addDifferentialPrivacy() : int
- Adds to an integer, $actual_value, epsilon-noise taken from an L_1 gaussian source to centered at $actual_value to get a epsilon private, integer value.
- call() : mixed
- Used to invoke an activity method of the current controller or one its components
- checkAndLogViewGetBaseFolder() : mixed
- Computes based on the request the folder that should be used to find a file during a resource get request. It also checks if user has access to the requested folder and file. Finally, if this is for a logged in user, it records the view in the user's session.
- checkCSRFTime() : bool
- Checks if the timestamp in $_REQUEST[$token_name] matches the timestamp of the last CSRF token accessed by this user for the kind of activity for which there might be a conflict.
- checkCSRFToken() : bool
- Checks if the form CSRF (cross-site request forgery preventing) token matches the given user and has not expired (1 hour till expires)
- checkRequest() : bool
- Checks the request if a request is for a valid activity and if it uses the correct authorization key
- checkUnmodifiedAndProcess() : bool
- Checks if a request is for a file that was cached and not size modified.
- clean() : string
- Used to clean strings that might be tainted as originate from the user
- component() : mixed
- Dynamic loader for Component objects which might live on the current Component
- convertArrayLines() : string
- Converts an array of lines of strings into a single string with proper newlines, each line having been trimmed and potentially cleaned
- convertStringCleanArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Cleans a string consisting of lines, typically of urls into an array of clean lines. This is used in handling data from the crawl options text areas. # is treated as a comment
- displayView() : mixed
- Send the provided view to output, drawing it with the given data variable, using the current locale for translation, and writing mode
- generateCSRFToken() : string
- Generates a cross site request forgery preventing token based on the provided user name, the current time and the hidden AUTH_KEY
- get() : mixed
- Gets the resource $_REQUEST['n'] from APP_DIR/$_REQUEST['f'] or WORK_DIRECTORY/$_REQUEST['f'] after cleaning
- getAccessModifiers() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array of the possible modifiers to the access to the activity in question.
- getCSRFTime() : int
- Used to return just the timestamp portion of the CSRF token
- getIndexingPluginList() : mixed
- Used to get a list of all available indexing plugins for this Yioop instance.
- getNameAndBaseFolder() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the file system folder where resources are stored making use of the n field for the name of the resource, its type, the sf field describing the desired subfolder and whether this is a request for a thumbnail or a object
- initializeAdFields() : mixed
- If external source advertisements are present in the output of this controller this function can be used to initialize the field variables used to write the appropriate Javascripts
- model() : mixed
- Dynamic loader for Model objects which might live on the current Controller
- pagingLogic() : mixed
- When an activity involves displaying tabular data (such as rows of users, groups, etc), this method might be called to set up $data fields for next, prev, and page links, it also makes the call to the model to get the row data sorted and restricted as desired. For some data sources, rather than directly make a call to the model to get the data it might be passed directly to this method.
- parsePageHeadVars() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Used to parse head meta variables out of a data string provided either from a wiki page or a static page. Meta data is stored in lines before the first occurrence of END_HEAD_VARS. Head variables are name=value pairs. An example of head variable might be: title = This web page's title Anything after a semi-colon on a line in the head section is treated as a comment
- parsePageHeadVarsView() : mixed
- Used to set up the head variables for and page_data of a wiki or static page associated with a view.
- plugin() : mixed
- Dynamic loader for Plugin objects which might live on the current Controller
- processRequest() : mixed
- Checks that the request seems to be coming from a legitimate fetcher or mirror server then determines which activity is being requested and calls the method for that activity.
- recordViewSession() : mixed
- Used to store in a session which media list items have been viewed so we can put an indicator by them when the media list is rendered
- redirectLocation() : mixed
- Method to perform a 301 redirect to $location in both under web server and CLI setting
- redirectWithMessage() : mixed
- Does a 301 redirect to the given location, sets a session variable to display a message when get there.
- requestError() : mixed
- Handles requests that result in errors to this controller
- serveRangeRequest() : mixed
- Code to handle HTTP range requests of resources. This allows HTTP pseudo-streaming of video. This code was inspired by:
- setupGraphicalCaptchaViewData() : mixed
- Sets up the graphical captcha view Draws the string for graphical captcha
- suggest() : mixed
- Used to get a keyword suggest trie. This sends additional header so will be decompressed on the fly
- syncList() : mixed
- Returns a list of syncable files and the modification times
- syncNotify() : mixed
- Used to notify a machine that another machine acting as a mirror is still alive. Data is stored in a txt file self::mirror_table_name
- view() : mixed
- Dynamic loader for View objects which might live on the current Controller
These are the activities supported by this controller
array<string|int, mixed>
= ["get", "syncList", "syncNotify", "suggest"]
Associative array of activity => component activity is on, used by @see Controller::call method to actually invoke a given activity on a given component
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Associative array of $components activities for this controller Components are collections of activities (a little like traits) which can be reused.
static array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Array of instances of components used by this controller
array<string|int, mixed>
Array of instances of models used by this controller
array<string|int, mixed>
Array of instances of indexing_plugins used by this controller
array<string|int, mixed>
Array of instances of views used by this controller
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Stores a reference to the web server when Yioop runs in CLI mode, it acts as request router in non-CLI mode.
In CLI, mode it is useful for caching files in RAM as they are read
Sets up component activities, instance array, and plugins.
__construct([WebSite $web_site = null ]) : mixed
- $web_site : WebSite = null
is the web server when Yioop runs in CLI mode, it acts as request router in non-CLI mode. In CLI, mode it is useful for caching files in RAM as they are read
Return values
mixed —addDifferentialPrivacy()
Adds to an integer, $actual_value, epsilon-noise taken from an L_1 gaussian source to centered at $actual_value to get a epsilon private, integer value.
addDifferentialPrivacy(int $actual_value) : int
- $actual_value : int
number want to make private
Return values
int —$fuzzy_value number after noise added
Used to invoke an activity method of the current controller or one its components
call(string $activity[, string $modifiers = [] ]) : mixed
- $activity : string
method to invoke
- $modifiers : string = []
access modifiers to executing this method
Return values
mixed —checkAndLogViewGetBaseFolder()
Computes based on the request the folder that should be used to find a file during a resource get request. It also checks if user has access to the requested folder and file. Finally, if this is for a logged in user, it records the view in the user's session.
checkAndLogViewGetBaseFolder([string $media_name = "" ][, bool $is_src_folder = false ]) : mixed
- $media_name : string = ""
being requested, only used for logging, not computing base folder
- $is_src_folder : bool = false
if the request is for a file in the src folder as a opposed to the work directory folder
Return values
mixed —either a string with the folder name in it or false if the user does not have access or that folder does not exist.
Checks if the timestamp in $_REQUEST[$token_name] matches the timestamp of the last CSRF token accessed by this user for the kind of activity for which there might be a conflict.
checkCSRFTime(string $token_name[, string $action = "" ]) : bool
This is to avoid accidental replays of postings etc if the back button used.
- $token_name : string
name of a $_REQUEST field used to hold a CSRF_TOKEN
- $action : string = ""
name of current action to check for conflicts
Return values
bool —whether a conflicting action has occurred.
Checks if the form CSRF (cross-site request forgery preventing) token matches the given user and has not expired (1 hour till expires)
checkCSRFToken(string $token_name, string $user_id[, bool $use_name_as_passed = false ]) : bool
- $token_name : string
attribute of $_REQUEST containing CSRFToken
- $user_id : string
user id of the user to check the token for
- $use_name_as_passed : bool = false
whether to use $token_name as the token (if true) or to use $_REQUEST[$token_name]
Return values
bool —whether the CSRF token was valid
Checks the request if a request is for a valid activity and if it uses the correct authorization key
checkRequest() : bool
Return values
bool —whether the request was valid or not
Checks if a request is for a file that was cached and not size modified.
checkUnmodifiedAndProcess(string $path, int $size) : bool
If so, processes and output 304 headers
- $path : string
file system path to file resource
- $size : int
size of file
Return values
bool —whether resource hasn't changed (true) or has (false)
Used to clean strings that might be tainted as originate from the user
clean(mixed $value, mixed $type[, mixed $default = null ]) : string
- $value : mixed
tainted data
- $type : mixed
type of data in value can be one of the following strings: bool, color, double, float, int, hash, or string, web-url; or it can be an array listing allowed values. If the latter, then if the value is not in the array the cleaned value will be first element of the array if $default is null
- $default : mixed = null
if $value is not set default value is returned, this isn't used much since if the error_reporting is E_ALL or -1 you would still get a Notice.
Return values
string —the clean input matching the type provided
Dynamic loader for Component objects which might live on the current Component
component(string $component) : mixed
- $component : string
name of model to return
Return values
mixed —convertArrayLines()
Converts an array of lines of strings into a single string with proper newlines, each line having been trimmed and potentially cleaned
convertArrayLines(array<string|int, mixed> $arr[, string $endline_string = "
" ][, bool $clean = false ]) : string
- $arr : array<string|int, mixed>
the array of lines to be process
- $endline_string : string = " "
what string should be used to indicate the end of a line
- $clean : bool = false
whether to clean each line
Return values
string —a concatenated string of cleaned lines
Cleans a string consisting of lines, typically of urls into an array of clean lines. This is used in handling data from the crawl options text areas. # is treated as a comment
convertStringCleanArray(string $str[, string $line_type = "url" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $str : string
contains the url data
- $line_type : string = "url"
does additional cleaning depending on the type of the lines. For instance, if is "url" then a line not beginning with a url scheme will have http:// prepended.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —$lines an array of clean lines
Send the provided view to output, drawing it with the given data variable, using the current locale for translation, and writing mode
displayView(string $view, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : mixed
- $view : string
the name of the view to draw
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
an array of values to use in drawing the view
Return values
mixed —generateCSRFToken()
Generates a cross site request forgery preventing token based on the provided user name, the current time and the hidden AUTH_KEY
generateCSRFToken(string $user) : string
- $user : string
username to use to generate token
Return values
string —a csrf token
Gets the resource $_REQUEST['n'] from APP_DIR/$_REQUEST['f'] or WORK_DIRECTORY/$_REQUEST['f'] after cleaning
get() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getAccessModifiers()
Returns an array of the possible modifiers to the access to the activity in question.
getAccessModifiers(string $activity) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $activity : string
method to get access modifier list for
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of string names => translated names of the access modifiers for the method in question (if any exist).
Used to return just the timestamp portion of the CSRF token
getCSRFTime(string $token_name) : int
- $token_name : string
name of a $_REQUEST field used to hold a CSRF_TOKEN
Return values
int —the timestamp portion of the CSRF_TOKEN
Used to get a list of all available indexing plugins for this Yioop instance.
getIndexingPluginList() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getNameAndBaseFolder()
Returns the file system folder where resources are stored making use of the n field for the name of the resource, its type, the sf field describing the desired subfolder and whether this is a request for a thumbnail or a object
getNameAndBaseFolder([bool $is_src_folder = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $is_src_folder : bool = false
should we look in the base directory (src folder) or work_directory to try to find the resource
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —ordered pair [path beneath base folder to file, basefolder]
If external source advertisements are present in the output of this controller this function can be used to initialize the field variables used to write the appropriate Javascripts
initializeAdFields(array<string|int, mixed> &$data[, bool $ads_off = false ]) : mixed
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
data to be used in drawing the view
- $ads_off : bool = false
whether or not ads are turned off so that this method should do nothing
Return values
mixed —model()
Dynamic loader for Model objects which might live on the current Controller
model(string $model) : mixed
- $model : string
name of model to return
Return values
mixed —pagingLogic()
When an activity involves displaying tabular data (such as rows of users, groups, etc), this method might be called to set up $data fields for next, prev, and page links, it also makes the call to the model to get the row data sorted and restricted as desired. For some data sources, rather than directly make a call to the model to get the data it might be passed directly to this method.
pagingLogic(array<string|int, mixed> &$data, mixed $field_or_model, string $output_field, int $default_show[, array<string|int, mixed> $search_array = [] ][, string $var_prefix = "" ][, array<string|int, mixed> $args = null ]) : mixed
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
used to send data to the view will be updated by this method with row and paging data
- $field_or_model : mixed
if an object, this is assumed to be a model and so the getRows method of this model is called to get row data, sorted and restricted according to $search_array; if a string then the row data is assumed to be in $data[$field_or_model] and pagingLogic itself does the sorting and restricting.
- $output_field : string
output rows for the view will be stored in $data[$output_field]
- $default_show : int
if not specified by $_REQUEST, then this will be used to determine the maximum number of rows that will be written to $data[$output_field]
- $search_array : array<string|int, mixed> = []
used to sort and restrict in the getRows call or the data from $data[$field_or_model]. Each element of this is a quadruple name of a field, what comparison to perform, a value to check, and an order (ascending/descending) to sort by
- $var_prefix : string = ""
if there are multiple uses of pagingLogic presented on the same view then $var_prefix can be prepended to to the $data field variables like num_show, start_row, end_row to distinguish between them
- $args : array<string|int, mixed> = null
additional arguments that are passed to getRows and in turn to selectCallback, fromCallback, and whereCallback that might provide user_id, etc to further control which rows are returned
Return values
mixed —parsePageHeadVars()
Used to parse head meta variables out of a data string provided either from a wiki page or a static page. Meta data is stored in lines before the first occurrence of END_HEAD_VARS. Head variables are name=value pairs. An example of head variable might be: title = This web page's title Anything after a semi-colon on a line in the head section is treated as a comment
parsePageHeadVars(string $page_data[, mixed $with_body = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $page_data : string
this is the actual content of a wiki or static page
- $with_body : mixed = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —the associative array of head variables or pair [head vars, page body]
Used to set up the head variables for and page_data of a wiki or static page associated with a view.
parsePageHeadVarsView(object $view, string $page_name, string $page_data) : mixed
- $view : object
View on which page data will be rendered
- $page_name : string
a string name/id to associate with page. For example, might have 404 for a page about 404 errors
- $page_data : string
this is the actual content of a wiki or static page
Return values
mixed —plugin()
Dynamic loader for Plugin objects which might live on the current Controller
plugin(string $plugin) : mixed
- $plugin : string
name of Plugin to return
Return values
mixed —processRequest()
Checks that the request seems to be coming from a legitimate fetcher or mirror server then determines which activity is being requested and calls the method for that activity.
processRequest() : mixed
Return values
mixed —recordViewSession()
Used to store in a session which media list items have been viewed so we can put an indicator by them when the media list is rendered
recordViewSession(int $page_id, string $sub_path, string $media_name) : mixed
- $page_id : int
the id of page with media list
- $sub_path : string
the resource folder on that page
- $media_name : string
item to store indiicator into session for
Return values
mixed —redirectLocation()
Method to perform a 301 redirect to $location in both under web server and CLI setting
redirectLocation(string $location) : mixed
- $location : string
url to redirect to
Return values
mixed —redirectWithMessage()
Does a 301 redirect to the given location, sets a session variable to display a message when get there.
redirectWithMessage(string $message[, string $copy_fields = false ][, bool $restart = false ][, bool $use_base_url = false ]) : mixed
- $message : string
message to write
- $copy_fields : string = false
$_REQUEST fields to copy for redirect
- $restart : bool = false
if yioop is being run as its own server rather than under apache whether to restart this server.
- $use_base_url : bool = false
set true if the base_url be included in the redirect
Return values
mixed —requestError()
Handles requests that result in errors to this controller
requestError() : mixed
Return values
mixed —serveRangeRequest()
Code to handle HTTP range requests of resources. This allows HTTP pseudo-streaming of video. This code was inspired by:
serveRangeRequest(string $file, int $size, int $start, int $end) : mixed
- $file : string
Name of file to serve range request for
- $size : int
size of the file in bytes
- $start : int
starting byte location want to serve
- $end : int
ending byte location want ot serve
Return values
mixed —setupGraphicalCaptchaViewData()
Sets up the graphical captcha view Draws the string for graphical captcha
setupGraphicalCaptchaViewData(array<string|int, mixed> &$data) : mixed
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
used by view to draw any dynamic content in this case we append a field "CAPTCHA_IMAGE" with a data url of the captcha to draw.
Return values
mixed —suggest()
Used to get a keyword suggest trie. This sends additional header so will be decompressed on the fly
suggest() : mixed
Return values
mixed —syncList()
Returns a list of syncable files and the modification times
syncList() : mixed
Return values
mixed —syncNotify()
Used to notify a machine that another machine acting as a mirror is still alive. Data is stored in a txt file self::mirror_table_name
syncNotify() : mixed
Return values
mixed —view()
Dynamic loader for View objects which might live on the current Controller
view(string $view) : mixed
- $view : string
name of view to return