
in package

This class demonstrates a simple Stock Chat Bot using the Yioop ChatBot APIs for Yioop Discussion Groups.

To use this bot: (1) Move this file to some folder of a web server you have access to. Denote by some_url the url of this folder. If you point your browser at this folder you should see a message that begins with: There was a configuration issue with your query. (2) Under STOCK_URL below change the apikey value to your apikey value that you get from https://www.alphavantage.co/ (3) Create a new Yioop User. (4) Under Manage Accounts, click on the lock symbol next to Account Details (5) Check the Bot User check bot, click save. (6) Two form variables should appear: Bot Unique Token and Bot Callback URL. Fill in a value for Bot Unique Token that matches the value set for ACCESS_TOKEN in the code within the StockBot class. Fill in some_url (as defined in step (1)) for the value of Bot Callback URL (7) Add the the user you created in Yioop to the group that you would like the bot to service. Let the name of this user be user_name. (8) When logged into the user_name account you should now see a Bot Story activity in the activity side bar. Click on Bot Story. This activity lets you add patterns that tell your chat bot how to react when it sees various expressions. To demo your bot add the following three patterns: (a) Request Expression: What is your name? Trigger State: 0 Remote Message: Result State: 0 Response: Stockbot This first pattern just says if someone does a query of the form:


What is your name? your bot should respond with: Stockbot (b) Request Expression: What is the price of $stock? Trigger State: 0 Remote Message: getStockPrice,$stock Result State: 0 Response: $REMOTE_RESPONSE This second pattern will respond to queries of the form "What is the price of $stock?" For example, What is the price of Tesla? It will then use the Bot Callback url to make a request of this script where the remote_message variable is set to getStockPrice,$stock For example, in the case above, getStockPrice,Tesla The script below uses alphavantage's Api to get the price for the requested stock and generate a response that it sends back to the chatbot in a variable $REMOTE_RESPONSE which it then uses in its response. This might look like: The stock price of TSLA is 294.0900. (c) Request Expression: What is the symbol $name? Trigger State: 0 Remote Message: getSymbol,$stock Result State: 0 Response: $REMOTE_RESPONSE This last pattern will respond to queries of the form "What is the symbol of $name?" For example, What is the symbol of Tesla? It will then use the Bot Callback url to make a request of this script where the remote_message variable is set to getSymbol,$name For example, in the case above, getSymbol,Tesla The script below uses yahoo fincance's Api to get the symbol for the requested stock and generate a response that it sends back to the chatbot in a variable $REMOTE_RESPONSE which it then uses in its response. This might look like: TSLA. (9) Talk to your bot in yioop in this groups by commenting on an already existing thread with a message beginning with @user_name.

Table of Contents

ACCESS_TOKEN  = "3456"
Token given when setting up the bot in Yioop for callback requests This bots checks that a request from a Yioop Instance sends a timestamp as well as the hash of this timestamp with the bot_token and post data and that these match the expected values
STOCK_URL  = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY" . "&apikey=289TVF6Y8CH12BRD&interval=1min&symbol="
Url of site that this bot gets stock price from
SYMBOL_URL  = "http://d.yimg.com/autoc.finance.yahoo.com/autoc"
Url of site that this bot gets ticker symbol from
Number of seconds that the passed timestamp can differ from the current time on the WeatherBot machine.
checkBotToken()  : mixed
This method is used to check a request that it comes from a site that knows the bot_token in use by this StockBot.
getStockPrice()  : string
Get stock price information for a ticker symbol
getSymbol()  : string
Get ticker symbol for a company name
processRequest()  : mixed
This is the method called to get the StockBot to handle an incoming HTTP request, and echo a stock related message



Token given when setting up the bot in Yioop for callback requests This bots checks that a request from a Yioop Instance sends a timestamp as well as the hash of this timestamp with the bot_token and post data and that these match the expected values

public mixed ACCESS_TOKEN = "3456"


Url of site that this bot gets stock price from

public mixed STOCK_URL = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY" . "&apikey=289TVF6Y8CH12BRD&interval=1min&symbol="


Url of site that this bot gets ticker symbol from

public mixed SYMBOL_URL = "http://d.yimg.com/autoc.finance.yahoo.com/autoc"


Number of seconds that the passed timestamp can differ from the current time on the WeatherBot machine.

public mixed TIME_WINDOW = 60



This method is used to check a request that it comes from a site that knows the bot_token in use by this StockBot.

public checkBotToken() : mixed
Return values


Get stock price information for a ticker symbol

public getStockPrice(string $args) : string
$args : string

the value of $args[0] should be the name to get stock price for

Return values

stock price information


Get ticker symbol for a company name

public getSymbol(array<string|int, mixed> $args) : string
$args : array<string|int, mixed>

the value of $args[0] should be the company name to get ticker symbol for

Return values

ticker symbol


This is the method called to get the StockBot to handle an incoming HTTP request, and echo a stock related message

public processRequest() : mixed
Return values


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