
in package

Library of functions used to implement a simple file cache


Chris Pollett

Table of Contents

Maximum number of files in a bin
Total number of bins to cycle between
$cache_file  : string
File used to serve last cache request
$dir_name  : string
Folder name to use for this FileCache
$web_site  : object
Reference to WebSite object that the current code is running under
__construct()  : mixed
Creates the directory for the file cache, sets how frequently all items in the cache expire
checksum()  : int
Makes a 0 - self::NUMBER_OF_BINS value out of the provided key
clear()  : mixed
Deletes cache key value files and ram copies of key values stored in the this file cache
fileGetContents()  : string
Either a wrapper for file_get_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, it reads it in using blocking I/O file_get_contents() and caches it before return its string contents.
filePutContents()  : mixed
Either a wrapper for file_put_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, writes $data to the persistent file with name $filename. Saves a copy in the RAM cache if there is a copy already there.
get()  : mixed
Retrieve data associated with a key that has been put in the cache
set()  : mixed
Stores in the file cache a key-value pair
updateCache()  : mixed
Used to mark a cache item, and keep track of rounds according to the marker algorithm. This function determine if the cache is too full and if so eject an item.



Maximum number of files in a bin

public mixed MAX_FILES_IN_A_BIN = 5000


Total number of bins to cycle between

public mixed NUMBER_OF_BINS = 50



File used to serve last cache request

public string $cache_file


Folder name to use for this FileCache

public string $dir_name


Reference to WebSite object that the current code is running under

public object $web_site



Creates the directory for the file cache, sets how frequently all items in the cache expire

public __construct(string $dir_name[, mixed $web_site = null ]) : mixed
$dir_name : string

folder name of where to put the file cache

$web_site : mixed = null
Return values


Makes a 0 - self::NUMBER_OF_BINS value out of the provided key

public checksum(string $key) : int
$key : string

to convert to a random value between 0 - self::NUMBER_OF_BINS

Return values

value between 0 and self::NUMBER_OF_BINS


Deletes cache key value files and ram copies of key values stored in the this file cache

public clear() : mixed
Return values


Either a wrapper for file_get_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, it reads it in using blocking I/O file_get_contents() and caches it before return its string contents.

public fileGetContents(string $filename[, bool $force_read = false ]) : string

Note this function assumes that only the web server is performing I/O with this file. filemtime() can be used to see if a file on disk has been changed and then you can use $force_read = true below to force re- reading the file into the cache

$filename : string

name of file to get contents of

$force_read : bool = false

whether to force the file to be read from persistent storage rather than the cache

Return values

contents of the file given by $filename


Either a wrapper for file_put_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, writes $data to the persistent file with name $filename. Saves a copy in the RAM cache if there is a copy already there.

public filePutContents(string $filename, string $data) : mixed
$filename : string

name of file to write to persistent storages

$data : string

string of data to store in file

Return values


Retrieve data associated with a key that has been put in the cache

public get(string $key) : mixed
$key : string

the key to look up

Return values

the data associated with the key if it exists, false otherwise


Stores in the file cache a key-value pair

public set(string $key, mixed $value) : mixed
$key : string

to associate with value

$value : mixed

to store

Return values


Used to mark a cache item, and keep track of rounds according to the marker algorithm. This function determine if the cache is too full and if so eject an item.

protected updateCache(string $key) : mixed
$key : string

that was just read from or written to. Might need to be marked according to Marker algorithm

Return values


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