
HashTable extends StringArray
in package

Code used to manage a memory efficient hash table Weights for the queue must be flaots


Chris Pollett

Table of Contents

Flag for hash table lookup methods
If not specified in the constructor, this will be the number of operations between saves
Flag for hash table lookup methods
Flag for hash table lookup methods
Flag for hash table lookup methods
$count  : int
Number of items currently in the hash table
$data_size  : int
Size of each item in bytes to be stored
$deleted  : string
Holds \0\0 followed by an all \FF string of length $this->key_size -1 Used to indicate that a slot once held data but that data was deleted.
$filename  : string
Name of the file in which to store the PersistentStructure
$key_size  : int
The size in bytes for keys stored in the hash table
$null  : string
Holds an all \0 string used of length $this->key_size
$num_values  : int
Number of items to be stored in the StringArray
$save_frequency  : int
Number of operation between saves. If == -1 never save using checkSave
$string_array  : string
Character string used to store the packed data of the StringArray
$string_array_size  : int
Number of bytes of storage need by the string array
$unsaved_operations  : int
Number of operations since the last save
$value_size  : int
The size in bytes of values associated with values
__construct()  : mixed
Makes a persistently stored (i.e., on disk and ram) hash table using the supplied parameters
checkSave()  : mixed
Add one to the unsaved_operations count. If this goes above the save_frquency then save the PersistentStructure to secondary storage
delete()  : bool
Deletes the data associated with the provided key from the hash table
get()  : string
Looks up the ith item in the StringArray
getEntry()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the ith entry of the array for the hash table (no hashing here)
hash()  : int
Hashes the provided key to an index in the array of the hash table
insert()  : bool
Inserts the provided $key - $value pair into the hash table
load()  : object
Load a PersistentStructure from a file
lookup()  : mixed
Tries to lookup the key in the hash table either return the location where it was found or the value associated with the key.
lookupArray()  : mixed
Tries to lookup the key in the hash table either return the location where it was found or the value associated with the key.
printContents()  : mixed
Pretty prints the contents of the hash table viewed as an array.
put()  : mixed
Puts data into the ith item of the StringArray
save()  : mixed
Save the PersistentStructure to its filename This method is generic but super memory inefficient, so reimplement for subclasses is needed



Flag for hash table lookup methods

public mixed ALWAYS_RETURN_PROBE = 1


If not specified in the constructor, this will be the number of operations between saves

public int DEFAULT_SAVE_FREQUENCY = 50000


Flag for hash table lookup methods

public mixed RETURN_BOTH = -2


Flag for hash table lookup methods

public mixed RETURN_PROBE_ON_KEY_FOUND = 0


Flag for hash table lookup methods

public mixed RETURN_VALUE = -1



Number of items currently in the hash table

public int $count


Size of each item in bytes to be stored

public int $data_size


Holds \0\0 followed by an all \FF string of length $this->key_size -1 Used to indicate that a slot once held data but that data was deleted.

public string $deleted

Such a slot tells a lookup to keep going, but on an insert can be overwritten in the inserted key is not already in the table


Name of the file in which to store the PersistentStructure

public string $filename


The size in bytes for keys stored in the hash table

public int $key_size


Holds an all \0 string used of length $this->key_size

public string $null


Number of items to be stored in the StringArray

public int $num_values


Number of operation between saves. If == -1 never save using checkSave

public int $save_frequency


Character string used to store the packed data of the StringArray

public string $string_array


Number of bytes of storage need by the string array

public int $string_array_size


Number of operations since the last save

public int $unsaved_operations


The size in bytes of values associated with values

public int $value_size



Makes a persistently stored (i.e., on disk and ram) hash table using the supplied parameters

public __construct(string $fname, int $num_values, int $key_size, int $value_size[, int $save_frequency = self::DEFAULT_SAVE_FREQUENCY ]) : mixed
$fname : string

filename to use when storing the hash table to disk

$num_values : int

number of key value pairs the table can hold

$key_size : int

number of bytes to store a hash table key

$value_size : int

number of bytes to store a hash table value

$save_frequency : int = self::DEFAULT_SAVE_FREQUENCY

how many non read operation before saving to disk

Return values


Add one to the unsaved_operations count. If this goes above the save_frquency then save the PersistentStructure to secondary storage

public checkSave() : mixed
Return values


Deletes the data associated with the provided key from the hash table

public delete(string $key[, int $probe = false ]) : bool
$key : string

the key to delete the entry for

$probe : int = false

if the location in the hash table is already known to be $probe then this variable can be used to save a lookup

Return values

whether or not something was deleted


Looks up the ith item in the StringArray

public get(int $i) : string
$i : int

array index of item to look up

Return values

the looked-up item of length $this->data_size


Get the ith entry of the array for the hash table (no hashing here)

public getEntry(int $i) : array<string|int, mixed>
$i : int

an index of the hash table array

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the key value pair stored at this index


Hashes the provided key to an index in the array of the hash table

public hash(string $key) : int
$key : string

a key to hashed into the hash table

Return values

an index in the array of the hash table


Inserts the provided $key - $value pair into the hash table

public insert(string $key, string $value[, int $probe = false ]) : bool
$key : string

the key to use for the insert (will be needed for lookup)

$value : string

the value associated with $key

$probe : int = false

if the location in the hash table is already known to be $probe then this variable can be used to save a lookup

Return values

whether the insert was successful or not


Load a PersistentStructure from a file

public static load(string $fname) : object
$fname : string

the name of the file to load the PersistentStructure from

Return values

the PersistentStructure loaded


Tries to lookup the key in the hash table either return the location where it was found or the value associated with the key.

public lookup(string $key[, int $return_probe_value = self::RETURN_VALUE ]) : mixed
$key : string

key to look up in the hash table

$return_probe_value : int = self::RETURN_VALUE

one of self::ALWAYS_RETURN_PROBE, self::RETURN_PROBE_ON_KEY_FOUND, self::RETURN_VALUE, or self::BOTH. Here value means the value associated with the key and probe is either the location in the array where the key was found or the first location in the array where it was determined the key could not be found.

Return values

would be string if the value is being returned, an int if the probe is being returned, and false if the key is not found


Tries to lookup the key in the hash table either return the location where it was found or the value associated with the key.

public lookupArray(string $key, array<string|int, mixed> $null_array[, int $return_probe_value = self::RETURN_VALUE ]) : mixed

If the key is not at the initial probe value, linear search in the table is done. The values which cut-off the search are stored in $null_array. Using an array allows for flexibility since a deleted entry needs to be handled different when doing a lookup then when doing an insert.

$key : string

key to look up in the hash table

$null_array : array<string|int, mixed>

key values that would cut-off the search for key if the initial probe failed

$return_probe_value : int = self::RETURN_VALUE

one of self::ALWAYS_RETURN_PROBE, self::RETURN_PROBE_ON_KEY_FOUND, or self::RETURN_VALUE. Here value means the value associated with the key and probe is either the location in the array where the key was found or the first location in the array where it was determined the key could not be found.

Return values

would be string if the value is being returned, an int if the probe is being returned, and false if the key is not found


Pretty prints the contents of the hash table viewed as an array.

public printContents() : mixed
Return values


Puts data into the ith item of the StringArray

public put(int $i, string $data) : mixed
$i : int

array index of where to store data

$data : string

at least $this->data_size many bytes of data to store

Return values


Save the PersistentStructure to its filename This method is generic but super memory inefficient, so reimplement for subclasses is needed

public save() : mixed
Return values


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