in package
A single file, low dependency, pure PHP web server and web routing engine class.
This software can be used to route requests, and hence, serve as a micro framework for use under a traditional web server such as Apache, nginx, or lighttpd. It can also be used to serve web apps as a stand alone web server for apps created using its routing facility. As a standalone web server, it is web request event-driven, supporting asynchronous I/O for web traffic. It also supports timers for background events. Unlike similar PHP software, as a Web Server it instantiates traditional PHP superglobals like $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_FILES, etc and endeavors to make it easy to code apps in a rapid PHP style.
Table of Contents
- DATA = 1
- $base_path : string
- Used to determine portion of path to ignore when checking if a route matches against the current request.
- $immortal_stream_keys : array<string|int, mixed>
- Keys of stream that won't disappear (for example the server socket)
- $restart : bool
- Check if the current run of the website is after a restart
- $stop : bool
- Used to signal stopping the website
- $content_type : bool
- Whether the current response already has declared a Content-Type.
- $current_session : string
- Cookie name value of the currently active request's session
- $default_server_globals : array<string|int, mixed>
- Default values to write into $_SERVER before processing a connection request (in CLI mode)
- $file_cache : array<string|int, mixed>
- Used to cache in RAM files which have been read or written by the fileGetContents or filePutContents
- $header_data : string
- Holds the header portion so far of the HTTP response
- $http_methods : array<string|int, mixed>
- List of HTTP methods for which routes have been declared
- $in_streams : array<string|int, mixed>
- Array of all connection streams for which we are receiving data from client together with associated stream info
- $is_cli : bool
- Whether this object is being run from the command line with a listen() call or if it is being run under a web server and so only used for routing
- $is_secure : bool
- Whether https is being used
- $middle_wares : array<string|int, mixed>
- Middle ware callbacks to run when processing a request
- $out_streams : array<string|int, mixed>
- Array of all connection streams for which we are writing data to a client together with associated stream info
- $request_script : array<string|int, mixed>
- Filename of currently requested script
- $routes : array<string|int, mixed>
- Associative array http_method => array of how to handle paths for that method
- $session_configs : array<string|int, mixed>
- Default values used to set up session variables
- $session_queue : array<string|int, mixed>
- Keeps an ordering of currently actively sessions so if run out of memory know who to evict
- $sessions : array<string|int, mixed>
- Used to store session data in ram for all currently active sessions
- $timer_alarms : SplMinHeap
- Priority queue of which timers are about to go off
- $timers : array<string|int, mixed>
- Timer function callbacks that have been declared
- __call() : mixed
- Magic method __call is called whenever an unknown method is called for this class. In this case, we check if the method name corresponds to a lower case HTTP command. In which case, we check that the arguments are a two element array with a route and a callback function and add the appropriate route to a routing table.
- __construct() : mixed
- Sets the base path used for determining request routes. Sets precision for timed events and sets up timer heap and other field variables
- addRoute() : mixed
- Generic function for associating a function $callback to be called when a web request using $method method and with a uri matching $route occurs.
- clearFileCache() : mixed
- Deletes the files stored in the RAM FileCache
- clearTimer() : mixed
- Deletes a timer for the list of active timers. (@see setTimer)
- fileGetContents() : string
- Reads in the file $filename and returns its contents as a string.
- filePutContents() : int
- Writes $data to the persistent file with name $filename. Saves a copy in the RAM cache if there is a copy already there.
- getSessions() : mixed
- Used to export info (but not change) about running sessions
- header() : mixed
- Adds a new HTTP header to the list of header that will be sent with HTTP response. If the value of $header begins with HTTP/ then it is assumed that $header is the response message not a header. In this case, the value of $header will become the response message, replacing any existing messages if present. This function defaults to PHP's built-in header() function when this script is run from a non-CLI context.
- isCli() : bool
- Returns whether this class is being used from the command-line or in a web server/cgi setting
- listen() : mixed
- Starts an Atto Web Server listening at $address using the configuration values provided. It also has this server's event loop. As web requests come in $this->process is called to handle them. This input and output tcp streams used by this method are non-blocking. Detecting traffic is done using stream_select(). This maps to Unix-select calls, which seemed to be the most cross-platform compatible way to do things.
- middleware() : mixed
- Adds a middle ware callback that should be called before any processing on the request is done.
- mimeType() : string
- Returns the mime type of the provided file name if it can be determined.
- moveUploadedFile() : mixed
- Used to move a file that was uploaded from a form on the client to the desired location on the server. In non-CLI mode this calls PHP's built-in move_uploaded_file() function
- process() : mixed
- Cause all the current HTTP request to be processed according to the middleware callbacks and routes currently set on this WebSite object.
- processInternalRequest() : string
- Used to handle local web page/HTTP requests made from a running WebSite script back to itself. For example, if while processing a Website ROUTE, one wanted to do curl request for another local page.
- sessionStart() : mixed
- Starts a web session. This involves sending a HTTP cookie header with a unique value to identify the client. When this client returns the cookie, session data is looked up. When run in CLI mode session data is stored in RAM. When run under a different web server, this method defaults to PHP's built-in function session_start().
- setCookie() : mixed
- Sends an HTTP cookie header as part of the HTTP response. If this method is run from a non-CLI context then this function defaults to PHP's built-in function setcookie();
- setTimer() : int
- Sets up a repeating or one-time timer that calls $callback every or after $time seconds
- subsite() : mixed
- Used to add all the routes and callbacks of a WebSite object to the current WebSite object under paths matching $route.
- trigger() : bool
- Calls any callbacks associated with a given $method and $route provided that recursion in method route call is not detected.
- checkMatch() : bool
- Checks if a portion of a request uri path matches a Atto server route.
- cullDeadStreams() : mixed
- Used to close connections and remove from stream arrays streams that have not had traffic in the last CONNECTION_TIMEOUT seconds. The stream socket server is exempt from being culled, as are any streams whose ids are in $this->immortal_stream_keys.
- defaultErrorHandler() : mixed
- Outputs HTTP error response message in the case that no specific error handler was set
- getResponseData() : string
- Used by usual and internal requests to compute response string of the web server to the web client's request. In the case of internal requests, it is sometimes usesful to return just the body of the response without HTTP headers
- initializeBadRequestResponse() : mixed
- Used to set up PHP superglobals, $_GET, $_POST, etc in the case that a 400 BAD REQUEST response occurs.
- initRequestStream() : mixed
- Gets info about an incoming request stream and uses this to set up an initial stream context. This context is used to populate the $_SERVER variable when the request is later processed.
- parseRequest() : bool
- Takes the string $data recently read from the request stream with id $key, tacks that on to the previous received data. If this completes an HTTP request then the request headers and request are parsed
- processRequestStreams() : mixed
- Processes incoming streams with data. If the server has detected a new connection, then a stream is set-up. For other streams, request data is processed as it comes in. Once the request is complete, superglobals are set up and process() is used route the request which is output buffered. When this is complete, an output stream is instantiated to send this data asynchronously back to the browser.
- processResponseStreams() : mixed
- Used to send response data to out stream for which responses have not been written.
- processServerRequest() : mixed
- Used to process any timers for WebSite and used to check if the server has detected a new connection. In which case, a read stream is set-up.
- processTimers() : mixed
- Handles processing timers on this Atto Web Site. This method is called from the event loop in @see listen and checks to see if any callbacks associated with timers need to be called.
- setGlobals() : mixed
- Used to initialize the superglobals before process() is called when WebSite is run in CLI-mode. The values for the globals come from the request streams context which has request headers. If the request had CONTENT, for example, from posted form data, this is parsed and $_POST, and $_FILES superglobals set up.
- shutdownHttpStream() : mixed
- Closes stream with id $key and removes it from in_streams and outstreams arrays.
- shutdownHttpWriteStream() : mixed
- Removes a stream from outstream arrays. Since an HTTP connection can handle several requests from a single client, this method does not close the connection. It might be run after a request response pair, while waiting for the next request.
= 0
= 3
= 1
= 7
= 2
= 4
Used to determine portion of path to ignore when checking if a route matches against the current request.
Keys of stream that won't disappear (for example the server socket)
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Check if the current run of the website is after a restart
Used to signal stopping the website
Whether the current response already has declared a Content-Type.
If not, WebSite will default to adding a text/html header
Cookie name value of the currently active request's session
= ""
Default values to write into $_SERVER before processing a connection request (in CLI mode)
array<string|int, mixed>
Used to cache in RAM files which have been read or written by the fileGetContents or filePutContents
array<string|int, mixed>
= ['MARKED' => [], 'UNMARKED' => [], 'PATH' => []]
Holds the header portion so far of the HTTP response
List of HTTP methods for which routes have been declared
array<string|int, mixed>
Array of all connection streams for which we are receiving data from client together with associated stream info
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Whether this object is being run from the command line with a listen() call or if it is being run under a web server and so only used for routing
Whether https is being used
= false
Middle ware callbacks to run when processing a request
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Array of all connection streams for which we are writing data to a client together with associated stream info
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Filename of currently requested script
array<string|int, mixed>
Associative array http_method => array of how to handle paths for that method
array<string|int, mixed>
= ["CONNECT" => [], "DELETE" => [], "ERROR" => [], "GET" => [], "HEAD" => [], "OPTIONS" => [], "POST" => [], "PUT" => [], "TRACE" => []]
Default values used to set up session variables
array<string|int, mixed>
= ['cookie_lifetime' => '0', 'cookie_path' => '/', 'cookie_domain' => '', 'cookie_secure' => '', 'cookie_httponly' => '', 'name' => 'PHPSESSID', 'save_path' => '']
Keeps an ordering of currently actively sessions so if run out of memory know who to evict
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Used to store session data in ram for all currently active sessions
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Priority queue of which timers are about to go off
Timer function callbacks that have been declared
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Magic method __call is called whenever an unknown method is called for this class. In this case, we check if the method name corresponds to a lower case HTTP command. In which case, we check that the arguments are a two element array with a route and a callback function and add the appropriate route to a routing table.
__call(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> $route_callback) : mixed
- $method : string
HTTP command to add $route_callack for in routing table
- $route_callback : array<string|int, mixed>
a two element array consisting of a routing pattern and a callback function. In the route pattern
- acts as a wildcare. {var_name} in a path can be used to set up a $_GET field for the match. Example $routes: /foo match requests to /foo /foo*goo matches against paths like /foogoo /foodgoo /footsygoo /thread/{thread_num} would match /thread/5 and would set up a variable $_GET['thread_num'] = 5 as well as $_REQUEST['thread_num'] = 5 The second element of the $route_callback should be a callable function to be called in the event that the route pattern is matched
Return values
mixed —__construct()
Sets the base path used for determining request routes. Sets precision for timed events and sets up timer heap and other field variables
__construct([string $base_path = "" ]) : mixed
- $base_path : string = ""
used to determine portion of path to ignore when checking if a route matches against the current request. If it is left blank, then a base path will be computed using the $_SERVER script name variable.
Return values
mixed —addRoute()
Generic function for associating a function $callback to be called when a web request using $method method and with a uri matching $route occurs.
addRoute(string $method, string $route, callable $callback) : mixed
- $method : string
the name of a web request method for example, "GET"
- $route : string
request pattern to match
- $callback : callable
function to be called if the incoming request matches with $method and $route
Return values
mixed —clearFileCache()
Deletes the files stored in the RAM FileCache
clearFileCache() : mixed
Return values
mixed —clearTimer()
Deletes a timer for the list of active timers. (@see setTimer)
clearTimer(int $timer_id) : mixed
- $timer_id : int
the id of the timer to remove
Return values
mixed —fileGetContents()
Reads in the file $filename and returns its contents as a string.
fileGetContents(string $filename[, bool $force_read = false ]) : string
In non-CLI mode this method maps directly to PHP's built-in function file_get_contents(). In CLI mode, it checks if the file exists in its Marker Algorithm based RAM cache (Fiat et al 1991). If so, it directly returns it. Otherwise, it reads it in using blocking I/O file_get_contents() and caches it before return its string contents. Note this function assumes that only the web server is performing I/O with this file. filemtime() can be used to see if a file on disk has been changed and then you can use $force_read = true below to force re- reading the file into the cache
- $filename : string
name of file to get contents of
- $force_read : bool = false
whether to force the file to be read from persistent storage rather than the cache
Return values
string —contents of the file given by $filename
Writes $data to the persistent file with name $filename. Saves a copy in the RAM cache if there is a copy already there.
filePutContents(string $filename, string $data) : int
- $filename : string
name of file to write to persistent storages
- $data : string
string of data to store in file
Return values
int —number of bytes written
Used to export info (but not change) about running sessions
getSessions() : mixed
Return values
mixed —header()
Adds a new HTTP header to the list of header that will be sent with HTTP response. If the value of $header begins with HTTP/ then it is assumed that $header is the response message not a header. In this case, the value of $header will become the response message, replacing any existing messages if present. This function defaults to PHP's built-in header() function when this script is run from a non-CLI context.
header(string $header) : mixed
- $header : string
HTTP header or message to send with HTTP response
Return values
mixed —isCli()
Returns whether this class is being used from the command-line or in a web server/cgi setting
isCli() : bool
Return values
bool —whether the class is being run from the command line
Starts an Atto Web Server listening at $address using the configuration values provided. It also has this server's event loop. As web requests come in $this->process is called to handle them. This input and output tcp streams used by this method are non-blocking. Detecting traffic is done using stream_select(). This maps to Unix-select calls, which seemed to be the most cross-platform compatible way to do things.
listen(int $address[, mixed $config_array_or_ini_filename = false ]) : mixed
Streaming methods could be easily re-written to support libevent (doesn't work yet PHP7) or more modern event library
- $address : int
address and port to listen for web requests on
- $config_array_or_ini_filename : mixed = false
either an associative array of configuration parameters or the filename of a .ini with such parameters. Things that can be set are mainly fields that might typically show up in the $_SERVER superglobal. See the $default_server_globals variable below for some of them. The SERVER_CONTENT field can be set to an array of stream context field values and these can be used to configure the server to handle SSL/TLS (one of the examples in the examples folder.)
Return values
mixed —middleware()
Adds a middle ware callback that should be called before any processing on the request is done.
middleware(callable $callback) : mixed
- $callback : callable
function to be called before processing of request
Return values
mixed —mimeType()
Returns the mime type of the provided file name if it can be determined.
static mimeType(string $file_name[, bool $use_extension = false ]) : string
(This function is from the seekquarry/yioop project)
- $file_name : string
(name of file including path to figure out mime type for)
- $use_extension : bool = false
whether to just try to guess from the file extension rather than looking at the file
Return values
string —mime type or unknown if can't be determined
Used to move a file that was uploaded from a form on the client to the desired location on the server. In non-CLI mode this calls PHP's built-in move_uploaded_file() function
moveUploadedFile(string $filename, string $destination) : mixed
- $filename : string
tmp_name in $_FILES of the uploaded file
- $destination : string
where on server the file should be moved to
Return values
mixed —process()
Cause all the current HTTP request to be processed according to the middleware callbacks and routes currently set on this WebSite object.
process() : mixed
Return values
mixed —processInternalRequest()
Used to handle local web page/HTTP requests made from a running WebSite script back to itself. For example, if while processing a Website ROUTE, one wanted to do curl request for another local page.
processInternalRequest(string $url[, bool $include_headers = false ][, array<string|int, mixed> $post_data = null ]) : string
Since WebSite is is single-threaded, such a request would block until the current page was done processing, but as the current page depends on the blocked request, this would cause a deadlock. To avoid this WebSite's should check if a request is local, and if so, call processInternalRequest in lieu of making a real web request, using curl, sockets, etc.
- $url : string
local page url requested
- $include_headers : bool = false
whether to include HTTP response headers in the returned results as if it had be a real web request
- $post_data : array<string|int, mixed> = null
variables (if any) to be used in an internal HTTP POST request.
Return values
string —web page that WebSite would have reqsponded with if the request had been made as a usual web request.
Starts a web session. This involves sending a HTTP cookie header with a unique value to identify the client. When this client returns the cookie, session data is looked up. When run in CLI mode session data is stored in RAM. When run under a different web server, this method defaults to PHP's built-in function session_start().
sessionStart([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
field that can be set are mainly related to the session cookie: 'name' (for cookie name), 'cookie_path', 'cookie_lifetime' (in seconds from now), 'cookie_domain', 'cookie_secure', 'cookie_httponly'
Return values
mixed —setCookie()
Sends an HTTP cookie header as part of the HTTP response. If this method is run from a non-CLI context then this function defaults to PHP's built-in function setcookie();
setCookie(string $name[, string $value = "" ], int $expire[, string $path = "" ][, string $domain = "" ][, string $secure = false ][, bool $httponly = false ]) : mixed
Cookies returned from a particular client will appear in the $_COOKIE superglobal.
- $name : string
name of cookie
- $value : string = ""
value associated with cookie
- $expire : int
Unix timestamp for when the cookie expires
- $path : string = ""
request path associated with the cookie
- $domain : string = ""
request domain associated with the cookie
- $secure : string = false
whether the cookie should only be sent if HTTPS in use
- $httponly : bool = false
whether or not the cookie is available only over HTTP, and not available to client-side Javascript
Return values
mixed —setTimer()
Sets up a repeating or one-time timer that calls $callback every or after $time seconds
setTimer(float $time, callable $callback[, bool $repeating = true ]) : int
- $time : float
time in seconds (fractional seconds okay) after which $callback should be called. Or interval between calls if this is a repeating timer.
- $callback : callable
a function to be called after now + $time
- $repeating : bool = true
whether $callback should be called every $time seconds or just once.
Return values
int —an id for the timer that can be used to turn it off (@see clearTimer())
Used to add all the routes and callbacks of a WebSite object to the current WebSite object under paths matching $route.
subsite(string $route, WebSite $subsite) : mixed
- $route : string
request pattern to match
- $subsite : WebSite
WebSite object to add sub routes from
Return values
mixed —trigger()
Calls any callbacks associated with a given $method and $route provided that recursion in method route call is not detected.
trigger(string $method, string $route) : bool
- $method : string
the name of a web request method for example, "GET"
- $route : string
request pattern to match
Return values
bool —whether the $route was handled by any callback
Checks if a portion of a request uri path matches a Atto server route.
checkMatch(string $request_path, string $route) : bool
- $request_path : string
part of a path portion of a request uri
- $route : string
a route that might be handled by Atto Server
Return values
bool —whether the requested path matches the given route.
Used to close connections and remove from stream arrays streams that have not had traffic in the last CONNECTION_TIMEOUT seconds. The stream socket server is exempt from being culled, as are any streams whose ids are in $this->immortal_stream_keys.
cullDeadStreams() : mixed
Return values
mixed —defaultErrorHandler()
Outputs HTTP error response message in the case that no specific error handler was set
defaultErrorHandler([string $route = "" ]) : mixed
- $route : string = ""
the route of the error. Internally, when an HTTP error occurs it is usually given a route of the form /response code. For example, /404 for a NOT FOUND error.
Return values
mixed —getResponseData()
Used by usual and internal requests to compute response string of the web server to the web client's request. In the case of internal requests, it is sometimes usesful to return just the body of the response without HTTP headers
getResponseData([bool $include_headers = true ]) : string
- $include_headers : bool = true
whether to include HTTP headers at beginning of response
Return values
string —HTTP response to web client request
Used to set up PHP superglobals, $_GET, $_POST, etc in the case that a 400 BAD REQUEST response occurs.
initializeBadRequestResponse(int $key) : mixed
- $key : int
id of stream that bad request came from
Return values
mixed —initRequestStream()
Gets info about an incoming request stream and uses this to set up an initial stream context. This context is used to populate the $_SERVER variable when the request is later processed.
initRequestStream(mixed $key) : mixed
- $key : mixed
Return values
mixed —parseRequest()
Takes the string $data recently read from the request stream with id $key, tacks that on to the previous received data. If this completes an HTTP request then the request headers and request are parsed
parseRequest(int $key, string $data) : bool
- $key : int
id of request stream to process data for
- $data : string
from request stream
Return values
bool —whether the request is complete
Processes incoming streams with data. If the server has detected a new connection, then a stream is set-up. For other streams, request data is processed as it comes in. Once the request is complete, superglobals are set up and process() is used route the request which is output buffered. When this is complete, an output stream is instantiated to send this data asynchronously back to the browser.
processRequestStreams(resource $server, array<string|int, mixed> $in_streams_with_data) : mixed
- $server : resource
socket server used to listen for incoming connections
- $in_streams_with_data : array<string|int, mixed>
streams with request data to be processed.
Return values
mixed —processResponseStreams()
Used to send response data to out stream for which responses have not been written.
processResponseStreams(array<string|int, mixed> $out_streams_with_data) : mixed
- $out_streams_with_data : array<string|int, mixed>
rout streams that are ready to send more response data
Return values
mixed —processServerRequest()
Used to process any timers for WebSite and used to check if the server has detected a new connection. In which case, a read stream is set-up.
processServerRequest(resource $server) : mixed
- $server : resource
socket server used to listen for incoming connections
Return values
mixed —processTimers()
Handles processing timers on this Atto Web Site. This method is called from the event loop in @see listen and checks to see if any callbacks associated with timers need to be called.
processTimers() : mixed
Return values
mixed —setGlobals()
Used to initialize the superglobals before process() is called when WebSite is run in CLI-mode. The values for the globals come from the request streams context which has request headers. If the request had CONTENT, for example, from posted form data, this is parsed and $_POST, and $_FILES superglobals set up.
setGlobals(array<string|int, mixed> $context) : mixed
- $context : array<string|int, mixed>
associative array of information parsed from a web request. The content portion of the request is not yet parsed but headers are, each with a prefix field HTTP_ followed by name of the header. For example the value of a header with name Cookie should be in $context['HTTP_COOKIE']. The Content-Type and Content-Length header do no get the prefix, so should be as $context['CONTENT_TYPE'] and $context['CONTENT_LENGTH']. The request method, query_string, also appear with the HTTP_ prefix. Finally, the content of the request should be in $context['CONTENT'].
Return values
mixed —shutdownHttpStream()
Closes stream with id $key and removes it from in_streams and outstreams arrays.
shutdownHttpStream(int $key) : mixed
- $key : int
id of stream to delete
Return values
mixed —shutdownHttpWriteStream()
Removes a stream from outstream arrays. Since an HTTP connection can handle several requests from a single client, this method does not close the connection. It might be run after a request response pair, while waiting for the next request.
shutdownHttpWriteStream(int $key) : mixed
- $key : int
id of stream to remove from outstream arrays.