
VideoConvertJob extends MediaJob
in package

Media Job used to convert videos uploaded to the wiki or group feeds to a common format (mp4)

Table of Contents

$controller  : object
If MediaJob was instantiated in the web app, the controller that instatiated it
$db  : object
Datasource used to do directory level file manipulations (delete or traverse)
$media_updater  : object
If the MediaJob was instantiated in a MediaUpdater, this is a reference to that updater
$name_server_does_client_tasks  : bool
Whether to run the job's client tasks on the name server in addition to prepareTasks and finishTasks
$name_server_does_client_tasks_only  : bool
Whether this MediaJob performs name server only tasks
$tasks  : array<string|int, mixed>
The most recently received from the name server tasks for this MediaJob
$video_convert_types  : array<string|int, mixed>
Supported file types of videos that we can convert to mp4.
__construct()  : mixed
Instiates the MediaJob with a reference to the object that instatiated it
checkPrerequisites()  : bool
Only run the VideoConvertJob if in distributed mode
concatenateVideos()  : mixed
Function to look through each video directory and call the function to concatenate split files.
convertVideo()  : mixed
Function to convert avi or mov file to mp4 format.
doTasks()  : mixed
Called from run() with conversion tasks from name server. If there are any mov or avi segmentconverts them mp4 This function would only be called by client media updaters.
execNameServer()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Executes a method on the name server's JobController.
finishTasks()  : mixed
Checks if video convert task is complete for a video. If so, moves movie segments to a converted folder, assembles the segments into a single video file, and moves the result to the desired place.
generateAssembleVideoFile()  : mixed
Function to look through all the converted video directories present in media and generate the assemble video files needed for concatenating the converted splitfiles.
getCurrentMachine()  : string
Returns a hash of the url of the current machine based on the value saved to self::current_machine_info_file by a machine statuses request
getJobName()  : string
Gets the class name (less namespace and the word Job ) of the current MediaJob
getTasks()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Handles the request to get the video file from the video directory for conversion. This selection is based upon if the file was taken previously or not. If it was then its timestamp is checked.
init()  : mixed
Sets up the datasource used for the video convert directories
mergeVideo()  : mixed
Concatenates split video files to generate one video file
moveVideoFoldersToConvertedDirectory()  : mixed
Function to look through all the video directories present in media.
nondistributedTasks()  : mixed
Tasks done by this job when run in nondistributed mode
prepareTasks()  : mixed
Check for videos to convert. If found split to a common size to send to client media updaters. (Run on name server)
putTasks()  : string
Handles request to upload the posted data (video file data) in correct location as per the request attributes such as folder name and file name.
run()  : mixed
Method executed by MediaUpdater to perform the MediaJob. This method shouldn't need to be overridden. Instead, the various callbacks it calls (listed in the class description) wshould be overridden.
splitVideo()  : mixed
Splits a video into small chunks of 5 minutes
splitVideos()  : mixed
Function to look through all the video directories present in media.
thumbFileFromVideo()  : mixed
Generates a thumbnail from a video file assuming FFMPEG



If MediaJob was instantiated in the web app, the controller that instatiated it

public object $controller


Datasource used to do directory level file manipulations (delete or traverse)

public object $db


If the MediaJob was instantiated in a MediaUpdater, this is a reference to that updater

public object $media_updater


Whether to run the job's client tasks on the name server in addition to prepareTasks and finishTasks

public bool $name_server_does_client_tasks


Whether this MediaJob performs name server only tasks

public bool $name_server_does_client_tasks_only


The most recently received from the name server tasks for this MediaJob

public array<string|int, mixed> $tasks


Supported file types of videos that we can convert to mp4.

public array<string|int, mixed> $video_convert_types = ["mov", "avi", "m2ts"]



Instiates the MediaJob with a reference to the object that instatiated it

public __construct([object $media_updater = null ][, object $controller = null ]) : mixed
$media_updater : object = null

a reference to the media updater that instatiated this object (if being run in MediaUpdater)

$controller : object = null

a reference to the controller that instantiated this object (if being run in the web app)

Return values


Only run the VideoConvertJob if in distributed mode

public checkPrerequisites() : bool
Return values

whether or not the prerequisites have been met for the job's tasks to be performed.


Function to look through each video directory and call the function to concatenate split files.

public concatenateVideos() : mixed
Return values


Function to convert avi or mov file to mp4 format.

public convertVideo(string $file_name) : mixed
$file_name : string

full path of the file.

Return values


Called from run() with conversion tasks from name server. If there are any mov or avi segmentconverts them mp4 This function would only be called by client media updaters.

public doTasks(array<string|int, mixed> $tasks) : mixed
$tasks : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values

the result of carrying out that processing


Executes a method on the name server's JobController.

public static execNameServer(string $command[, string $args = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

It will typically execute either getTask or putTask for a specific Mediajob or getUpdateProperties to find out the current MediaUpdater should be configured.

$command : string

the method to invoke on the name server

$args : string = null

additional arguments to be passed to the name server

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

data returned by the name server.


Checks if video convert task is complete for a video. If so, moves movie segments to a converted folder, assembles the segments into a single video file, and moves the result to the desired place.

public finishTasks() : mixed
Return values


Function to look through all the converted video directories present in media and generate the assemble video files needed for concatenating the converted splitfiles.

public generateAssembleVideoFile() : mixed
Return values


Returns a hash of the url of the current machine based on the value saved to self::current_machine_info_file by a machine statuses request

public static getCurrentMachine() : string
Return values

hash of current machine url


Gets the class name (less namespace and the word Job ) of the current MediaJob

public static getJobName() : string
Return values

name of the current job


Handles the request to get the video file from the video directory for conversion. This selection is based upon if the file was taken previously or not. If it was then its timestamp is checked.

public getTasks(int $machine_id[, array<string|int, mixed> $data = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Otherwise new file is sent for conversion along with its folder name.

$machine_id : int

not used

$data : array<string|int, mixed> = null

not used

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

an associate array with info on a file to convert


Sets up the datasource used for the video convert directories

public init() : mixed
Return values


Concatenates split video files to generate one video file

public mergeVideo(string $text_file_name, string $file_name, string $destination_directory) : mixed
$text_file_name : string

file path containing.the relative file. paths of the files to be concatenated

$file_name : string

name of video file to be given to output file.

$destination_directory : string

destination directory name where concatenated file would be produced

Return values


Function to look through all the video directories present in media.

public moveVideoFoldersToConvertedDirectory() : mixed

convert folder and move them to converted folders if all the split files. are converted and are present in video directory under converted.

Return values


Tasks done by this job when run in nondistributed mode

public nondistributedTasks() : mixed
Return values


Check for videos to convert. If found split to a common size to send to client media updaters. (Run on name server)

public prepareTasks() : mixed
Return values


Handles request to upload the posted data (video file data) in correct location as per the request attributes such as folder name and file name.

public putTasks(int $machine_id, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : string
$machine_id : int

id of machine doing the put

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

associative array about converted segment

Return values

message concerning success or non-success of upload


Method executed by MediaUpdater to perform the MediaJob. This method shouldn't need to be overridden. Instead, the various callbacks it calls (listed in the class description) wshould be overridden.

public run() : mixed
Return values


Splits a video into small chunks of 5 minutes

public splitVideo(string $file_path, mixed $file_name, string $destination_directory) : mixed
$file_path : string

full path of video file to be split

$file_name : mixed
$destination_directory : string

destination directory name where split files would be produced

Return values


Function to look through all the video directories present in media.

public splitVideos() : mixed

convert folder generated by group model and split the eligible files.

Return values


Generates a thumbnail from a video file assuming FFMPEG

public thumbFileFromVideo(string $video_name, string $thumb_name) : mixed
$video_name : string

full name and path of video file to make thumbnail from

$thumb_name : string

full name and path for thumbnail file

Return values


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