
CompressedProcessor extends PageProcessor
in package

Used to create crawl summary information for a gz compressed file whose uncompressed form has a processor we index.


Chris Pollett

Table of Contents

$image_types  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array filetypes which should be considered images.
$indexed_file_types  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of file extensions which can be handled by the search engine, other extensions will be ignored.
$max_description_len  : int
Max number of chars to extract for description from a page to index.
$max_links_to_extract  : int
Maximum number of urls to extract from a single document
$mime_processor  : array<string|int, mixed>
Associative array of mime_type => (page processor name that can process that type) Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle
$plugin_instances  : array<string|int, mixed>
indexing_plugins which might be used with the current processor
$summarizer  : object
Stores the summarizer object used by this instance of page processor to be used in generating a summary
$summarizer_option  : string
Stores the name of the summarizer used for crawling.
$text_data  : bool
Whether the current processor is for text data (i.e., text, html, xml, etc) or for some other format (gif, png, etc)
__construct()  : mixed
Set-ups the any indexing plugins associated with this page processor
dom()  : object
Return a document object based on a string containing the contents of an XML page
handle()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Method used to handle processing data for a web page. It makes a summary for the page (via the process() function which should be subclassed) as well as runs any plugins that are associated with the processors to create sub-documents
initializeIndexedFileTypes()  : mixed
Get processors for different file types. constructing them will populate the self::$indexed_file_types, self::$image_types, and self::$mime_processor arrays
process()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to extract the title, description and links from a string consisting of compressed file of some known indexed_file_type



Array filetypes which should be considered images.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $image_types = []

Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle


Array of file extensions which can be handled by the search engine, other extensions will be ignored.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $indexed_file_types = ["unknown"]

Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle


Max number of chars to extract for description from a page to index.

public static int $max_description_len

Only words in the description are indexed.

Maximum number of urls to extract from a single document

public static int $max_links_to_extract


Associative array of mime_type => (page processor name that can process that type) Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle

public static array<string|int, mixed> $mime_processor = []


indexing_plugins which might be used with the current processor

public array<string|int, mixed> $plugin_instances


Stores the summarizer object used by this instance of page processor to be used in generating a summary

public object $summarizer


Stores the name of the summarizer used for crawling.

public string $summarizer_option



Whether the current processor is for text data (i.e., text, html, xml, etc) or for some other format (gif, png, etc)

public bool $text_data



Set-ups the any indexing plugins associated with this page processor

public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $plugins = [] ][, int $max_description_len = null ][, int $max_links_to_extract = null ][, string $summarizer_option = self::BASIC_SUMMARIZER ]) : mixed
$plugins : array<string|int, mixed> = []

an array of indexing plugins which might do further processing on the data handles by this page processor

$max_description_len : int = null

maximal length of a page summary

$max_links_to_extract : int = null

maximum number of links to extract from a single document

$summarizer_option : string = self::BASIC_SUMMARIZER


Return values


Return a document object based on a string containing the contents of an XML page

public static dom(string $page) : object
$page : string

a web page

Return values

document object


Method used to handle processing data for a web page. It makes a summary for the page (via the process() function which should be subclassed) as well as runs any plugins that are associated with the processors to create sub-documents

public handle(string $page, string $url) : array<string|int, mixed>
$page : string

string of a web document

$url : string

location the document came from

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a summary of (title, description,links, and content) of the information in $page also has a subdocs array containing any subdocuments returned from a plugin. A subdocuments might be things like recipes that appeared in a page or tweets, etc.


Get processors for different file types. constructing them will populate the self::$indexed_file_types, self::$image_types, and self::$mime_processor arrays

public static initializeIndexedFileTypes() : mixed
Return values


Used to extract the title, description and links from a string consisting of compressed file of some known indexed_file_type

public process(string $page, string $url) : array<string|int, mixed>
$page : string

web-page contents

$url : string

the url where the page contents came from, used to canonicalize relative links

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a summary of the contents of the page


Search results