
IconProcessor extends ImageProcessor
in package

Used to create crawl summary information for BMP and ICO files


Chris Pollett

Table of Contents

$image_types  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array filetypes which should be considered images.
$indexed_file_types  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of file extensions which can be handled by the search engine, other extensions will be ignored.
$max_description_len  : int
Max number of chars to extract for description from a page to index.
$max_links_to_extract  : int
Maximum number of urls to extract from a single document
$mime_processor  : array<string|int, mixed>
Associative array of mime_type => (page processor name that can process that type) Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle
$plugin_instances  : array<string|int, mixed>
indexing_plugins which might be used with the current processor
$summarizer  : object
Stores the summarizer object used by this instance of page processor to be used in generating a summary
$summarizer_option  : string
Stores the name of the summarizer used for crawling.
$text_data  : bool
Whether the current processor is for text data (i.e., text, html, xml, etc) or for some other format (gif, png, etc)
__construct()  : mixed
Set-ups the any indexing plugins associated with this page processor
addWidthHeightNumImagesSummary()  : mixed
Determines width and height info of first image in icon file
addWidthHeightSummary()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Given an $image_string determines if possible its width and height then assigns the values into the CrawlConstants:WIDTH, CrawlConstants:HEIGHT fields of $summary
averageColor()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Computes the average RGBA pixel value over an image by resampling the image down to a 1x1 pixel image, then extracting its rgba value as a vector
createThumb()  : string
Used to create a thumbnail from an image object
getXmpData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Given an image try to extract and XMP info from it.
handle()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Method used to handle processing data for a web page. It makes a summary for the page (via the process() function which should be subclassed) as well as runs any plugins that are associated with the processors to create sub-documents
initializeIndexedFileTypes()  : mixed
Get processors for different file types. constructing them will populate the self::$indexed_file_types, self::$image_types, and self::$mime_processor arrays
isBlackAndWhite()  : bool
Checks if an image is Black and White (really gray scale) by sampling 200 points and check that for each point the rgb values are the same.
process()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Extract summary data from the image provided in $page together the url in $url where it was downloaded from
saveTempFile()  : mixed
Used to save a temporary file with the data downloaded for a url while carrying out image processing



Array filetypes which should be considered images.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $image_types = []

Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle


Array of file extensions which can be handled by the search engine, other extensions will be ignored.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $indexed_file_types = ["unknown"]

Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle


Max number of chars to extract for description from a page to index.

public static int $max_description_len

Only words in the description are indexed.

Maximum number of urls to extract from a single document

public static int $max_links_to_extract


Associative array of mime_type => (page processor name that can process that type) Sub-classes add to this array with the types they handle

public static array<string|int, mixed> $mime_processor = []


indexing_plugins which might be used with the current processor

public array<string|int, mixed> $plugin_instances


Stores the summarizer object used by this instance of page processor to be used in generating a summary

public object $summarizer


Stores the name of the summarizer used for crawling.

public string $summarizer_option



Whether the current processor is for text data (i.e., text, html, xml, etc) or for some other format (gif, png, etc)

public bool $text_data



Set-ups the any indexing plugins associated with this page processor

public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $plugins = [] ][, int $max_description_len = null ][, int $max_links_to_extract = null ][, string $summarizer_option = self::BASIC_SUMMARIZER ]) : mixed
$plugins : array<string|int, mixed> = []

an array of indexing plugins which might do further processing on the data handles by this page processor

$max_description_len : int = null

maximal length of a page summary

$max_links_to_extract : int = null

maximum number of links to extract from a single document

$summarizer_option : string = self::BASIC_SUMMARIZER


Return values


Determines width and height info of first image in icon file

public addWidthHeightNumImagesSummary(mixed &$summary, mixed $page) : mixed
$summary : mixed
$page : mixed
Return values


Given an $image_string determines if possible its width and height then assigns the values into the CrawlConstants:WIDTH, CrawlConstants:HEIGHT fields of $summary

public addWidthHeightSummary(array<string|int, mixed> &$summary, string $image_string) : array<string|int, mixed>
$summary : array<string|int, mixed>

to write the width and height into

$image_string : string

the image represented as a character string

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

summary information including a thumbnail and a description (where the description is just the url)


Computes the average RGBA pixel value over an image by resampling the image down to a 1x1 pixel image, then extracting its rgba value as a vector

public static averageColor(GdImage $image) : array<string|int, mixed>
$image : GdImage

object to calculate average color for

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a 4-tuple with components [red, green, blue, alpha]


Used to create a thumbnail from an image object

public static createThumb(object $image[, int $width = CTHUMB_DIM ][, int $height = CTHUMB_DIM ]) : string
$image : object

image object with image

$width : int = CTHUMB_DIM

= width in pixels of thumb if width is a negative value and height positive, then this dimension will be set to be proportional based on the input images width versus height

$height : int = CTHUMB_DIM

= height in pixels of thumb if height is a negative value and width positive, then this dimension will be set to be proportional based on the input images width versus height

Return values

of jpeg image if this string would have been non-blank empty string otherwise


Given an image try to extract and XMP info from it.

public getXmpData(string $image_string) : array<string|int, mixed>
$image_string : string

the image represented as a character string

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

XMP data converted from XML format to an array-like format


Method used to handle processing data for a web page. It makes a summary for the page (via the process() function which should be subclassed) as well as runs any plugins that are associated with the processors to create sub-documents

public handle(string $page, string $url) : array<string|int, mixed>
$page : string

string of a web document

$url : string

location the document came from

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a summary of (title, description,links, and content) of the information in $page also has a subdocs array containing any subdocuments returned from a plugin. A subdocuments might be things like recipes that appeared in a page or tweets, etc.


Get processors for different file types. constructing them will populate the self::$indexed_file_types, self::$image_types, and self::$mime_processor arrays

public static initializeIndexedFileTypes() : mixed
Return values


Checks if an image is Black and White (really gray scale) by sampling 200 points and check that for each point the rgb values are the same.

public static isBlackAndWhite(GdImage $image) : bool
$image : GdImage

object to check if black white

Return values

true if black and white


Extract summary data from the image provided in $page together the url in $url where it was downloaded from

public process(string $page, string $url) : array<string|int, mixed>
$page : string

the image represented as a character string

$url : string

the url where the image was downloaded from

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

summary information including a thumbnail and a description (where the description is just the url)


Used to save a temporary file with the data downloaded for a url while carrying out image processing

public saveTempFile(string $page, string $url, string $file_extension) : mixed
$page : string

contains data about an image that one needs to save

$url : string

where $page data came from

$file_extension : string

to be associated with the $page data

Return values


Search results