
CrawlModel extends ParallelModel
in package

This is class is used to handle getting/setting crawl parameters, CRUD operations on current crawls, start, stop, status of crawls, getting cache files out of crawls, determining what is the default index to be used, marshalling/unmarshalling crawl mixes, and handling data from suggest-a-url forms


Chris Pollett

Table of Contents

Default maximum character length of a search summary
the minimum length of a description before we stop appending additional link doc summaries
$any_fields  : array<string|int, mixed>
These fields if present in $search_array (used by @see getRows() ), but with value "-1", will be skipped as part of the where clause but will be used for order by clause
$cache  : object
Cache object to be used if we are doing caching
$current_machine  : int
If known the id of the queue_server this belongs to
$db  : object
Reference to a DatasourceManager
$db_name  : string
Name of the search engine database
$edited_page_summaries  : array<string|int, mixed>
Associative array of page summaries which might be used to override default page summaries if set.
$index_name  : string
Stores the name of the current index archive to use to get search results from
$private_db  : object
Reference to a private DatasourceManager
$private_db_name  : string
Name of the private search engine database
$search_table_column_map  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to map between search crawl mix form variables and database columns
$suggest_url_file  : string
File to be used to store suggest-a-url form data
$web_site  : object
Reference to a WebSite object in use to serve pages (if any)
__construct()  : mixed
Sets up the database manager that will be used and name of the search engine database
aggregateCrawlList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
When @see getCrawlList() is used in a multi-queue server this method used to integrate the crawl lists received by the different machines
aggregateStalled()  : array<string|int, mixed>
When @see crawlStalled() is used in a multi-queue server this method used to integrate the stalled information received by the different machines
aggregateStatuses()  : array<string|int, mixed>
When @see crawlStatus() is used in a multi-queue server this method used to integrate the status information received by the different machines
appendSuggestSites()  : string
Add new distinct urls to those already saved in the suggest_url_file If the supplied url is not new or the file size exceeds MAX_SUGGEST_URL_FILE_SIZE then it is not added.
boldKeywords()  : string
Given a string, wraps in bold html tags a set of key words it contains.
clearCrawlCaches()  : mixed
Clears several memory and file caches related to crawls and networking.
clearQuerySavePoint()  : mixed
A save point is used to store to disk a sequence generation-doc-offset pairs of a particular mix query when doing an archive crawl of a crawl mix. This is used so that the mix can remember where it was the next time it is invoked by the web app on the machine in question.
clearSuggestSites()  : mixed
Resets the suggest_url_file to be the empty file
combinedCrawlInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
This method is used to reduce the number of network requests needed by the crawlStatus method of admin_controller. It returns an array containing the results of the @see crawlStalled
crawlStalled()  : bool
Determines if the length of time since any of the fetchers has spoken with any of the queue servers has exceeded CRAWL_TIMEOUT. If so, typically the caller of this method would do something such as officially stop the crawl.
crawlStatus()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns data about current crawl such as DESCRIPTION, TIMESTAMP, peak memory of various processes, most recent fetcher, most recent urls, urls seen, urls visited, etc.
createIfNecessaryDirectory()  : int
Creates a directory and sets it to world permission if it doesn't already exist
deleteCrawl()  : mixed
Deletes the crawl with the supplied timestamp if it exists. Also deletes any crawl mixes making use of this crawl
deleteCrawlMix()  : mixed
Deletes from the DB the crawl mix ans its associated components and fragments
deleteCrawlMixIteratorState()  : mixed
Deletes the archive iterator and savepoint files created during the process of iterating through a crawl mix.
execMachines()  : array<string|int, mixed>
This method is invoked by other ParallelModel (@see CrawlModel for examples) methods when they want to have their method performed on an array of other Yioop instances. The results returned can then be aggregated. The invocation sequence is crawlModelMethodA invokes execMachine with a list of urls of other Yioop instances. execMachine makes REST requests of those instances of the given command and optional arguments This request would be handled by a CrawlController which in turn calls crawlModelMethodA on the given Yioop instance, serializes the result and gives it back to execMachine and then back to the originally calling function.
fileGetContents()  : string
Either a wrapper for file_get_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, it reads it in using blocking I/O file_get_contents() and caches it before return its string contents.
filePutContents()  : mixed
Either a wrapper for file_put_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, writes $data to the persistent file with name $filename. Saves a copy in the RAM cache if there is a copy already there.
formatSinglePageResult()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Given a page summary, extracts snippets which are related to a set of search words. For each snippet, bold faces the search terms, and then creates a new summary array.
fromCallback()  : string
getChannel()  : int
Gets the channel of the crawl with the given timestamp
getCrawlItem()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a summary of a document based on its url, the active machines and the idnex we want to look up in.
getCrawlItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets summaries for a set of document by their url, or by group of 5-tuples of the form (machine, key, index, generation, offset).
getCrawlList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of all index archives of crawls that have been conducted
getCrawlMix()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the weighting component of the requested crawl mix
getCrawlMixTimestamp()  : mixed
Returns the timestamp associated with a mix name;
getCrawlSeedInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the crawl parameters that were used during a given crawl
getCurrentIndexDatabaseName()  : string
Gets the name (aka timestamp) of the current index archive to be used to handle search queries
getDbmsList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of all DBMS that work with the search engine
getDeltaFileInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns all the files in $dir or its subdirectories with modified times more recent than timestamp. The file which have in their path or name a string in the $excludes array will be exclude
getInfoTimestamp()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a description associated with a Web Crawl or Crawl Mix
getMixList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of all mixes of available crawls
getRows()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a range of rows which match the provided search criteria from $th provided table
getSeedInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the initial sites that a new crawl will start with along with crawl parameters such as crawl order, allowed and disallowed crawl sites
getSnippets()  : string
Given a string, extracts a snippets of text related to a given set of key words. For a given word a snippet is a window of characters to its left and right that is less than a maximum total number of characters.
getSuggestSites()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array of urls which were stored via the suggest-a-url form in suggest_view.php
getUserId()  : string
Get the user_id associated with a given username (In base class as used as an internal method in both signin and user models)
injectUrlsCurrentCrawl()  : mixed
Add the provided urls to the schedule directory of URLs that will be crawled
isCrawlMix()  : bool
Returns whether the supplied timestamp corresponds to a crawl mix
isMixOwner()  : bool
Returns whether there is a mix with the given $timestamp that $user_id owns. Currently mmix ownership is ignored and this is set to always return true;
isSingleLocalhost()  : bool
Used to determine if an action involves just one yioop instance on the current local machine or not
loginDbms()  : bool
Returns whether the provided dbms needs a login and password or not (sqlite or sqlite3)
lookupSummaryOffsetGeneration()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Determines the offset into the summaries WebArchiveBundle and generation of the provided url (or hash_url) so that the info:url (info:base64_hash_url) summary can be retrieved. This assumes of course that the info:url meta word has been stored.
networkGetCrawlItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
In a multiple queue server setting, gets summaries for a set of document by their url, or by group of 5-tuples of the form (machine, key, index, generation, offset). This makes an execMachines call to make a network request to the CrawlController's on each machine which in turn calls getCrawlItems (and thence nonNetworkGetCrawlItems) on each machine. The results are then sent back to networkGetCrawlItems and aggregated.
nonNetworkGetCrawlItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets summaries on a particular machine for a set of document by their url, or by group of 5-tuples of the form (machine, key, index, generation, offset) This may be used in either the single queue_server setting or it may be called indirectly by a particular machine's CrawlController as part of fufilling a network-based getCrawlItems request. $lookups contains items which are to be grouped (as came from same url or site with the same cache). So this function aggregates their descriptions.
postQueryCallback()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Called after getRows has retrieved all the rows that it would retrieve but before they are returned to give one last place where they could be further manipulated. For example, in MachineModel this callback is used to make parallel network calls to get the status of each machine returned by getRows. The default for this method is to leave the rows that would be returned unchanged
rowCallback()  : array<string|int, mixed>
searchArrayToWhereOrderClauses()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Creates the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses for a query of a Yioop table such as USERS, ROLE, GROUP, which have associated search web forms. Searches are case insensitive
selectCallback()  : string
Controls which columns and the names of those columns from the tables underlying the given model should be return from a getRows call.
sendStartCrawlMessage()  : mixed
Used to send a message to the queue servers to start a crawl
sendStopCrawlMessage()  : mixed
Used to send a message to the queue servers to stop a crawl
setCrawlMix()  : mixed
Stores in DB the supplied crawl mix object
setCrawlSeedInfo()  : mixed
Changes the crawl parameters of an existing crawl (can be while crawling) Not all fields are allowed to be updated
setCurrentIndexDatabaseName()  : mixed
Sets the IndexArchive that will be used for search results
setSeedInfo()  : mixed
Writes a crawl.ini file with the provided data to the user's WORK_DIRECTORY
startQueueServerFetchers()  : bool
Used to start QueueServers and Fetchers on current machine when it is detected that someone tried to start a crawl but hadn't started any queue servers or fetchers.
translateDb()  : mixed
Used to get the translation of a string_id stored in the database to the given locale.
whereCallback()  : string
Controls the WHERE clause of the SQL query that underlies the given model and should be used in a getRows call.



Default maximum character length of a search summary



public mixed MAX_SNIPPET_TITLE_LENGTH = 20


the minimum length of a description before we stop appending additional link doc summaries

public mixed MIN_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 100


public mixed MIN_SNIPPET_LENGTH = 100


public mixed SNIPPET_LENGTH_LEFT = 20


public mixed SNIPPET_LENGTH_RIGHT = 40


public mixed SNIPPET_TITLE_LENGTH = 20



These fields if present in $search_array (used by @see getRows() ), but with value "-1", will be skipped as part of the where clause but will be used for order by clause

public array<string|int, mixed> $any_fields = []


Cache object to be used if we are doing caching

public static object $cache


If known the id of the queue_server this belongs to

public int $current_machine


Reference to a DatasourceManager

public object $db


Name of the search engine database

public string $db_name


Associative array of page summaries which might be used to override default page summaries if set.

public array<string|int, mixed> $edited_page_summaries = null


Stores the name of the current index archive to use to get search results from

public string $index_name


Reference to a private DatasourceManager

public object $private_db


Name of the private search engine database

public string $private_db_name


Used to map between search crawl mix form variables and database columns

public array<string|int, mixed> $search_table_column_map = ["name" => "NAME", "owner_id" => "OWNER_ID"]


File to be used to store suggest-a-url form data

public string $suggest_url_file


Reference to a WebSite object in use to serve pages (if any)

public object $web_site



Sets up the database manager that will be used and name of the search engine database

public __construct([string $db_name = CDB_NAME ][, bool $connect = true ]) : mixed
$db_name : string = CDB_NAME

the name of the database for the search engine

$connect : bool = true

whether to connect to the database by default after making the datasource class

Return values


When @see getCrawlList() is used in a multi-queue server this method used to integrate the crawl lists received by the different machines

public aggregateCrawlList(array<string|int, mixed> $list_strings[, string $data_field = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$list_strings : array<string|int, mixed>

serialized crawl list data from different queue servers

$data_field : string = null

field of $list_strings to use for data

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of crawls and their meta data


When @see crawlStalled() is used in a multi-queue server this method used to integrate the stalled information received by the different machines

public aggregateStalled(array<string|int, mixed> $stall_statuses[, string $data_field = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$stall_statuses : array<string|int, mixed>

contains web encoded serialized data one one field of which has the boolean data concerning stalled statis

$data_field : string = null

field of $stall_statuses to use for data if null then each element of $stall_statuses is a web encoded serialized boolean

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


When @see crawlStatus() is used in a multi-queue server this method used to integrate the status information received by the different machines

public aggregateStatuses(array<string|int, mixed> $status_strings[, string $data_field = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$status_strings : array<string|int, mixed>
$data_field : string = null

field of $status_strings to use for data

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

associative array of DESCRIPTION, TIMESTAMP, peak memory of various processes, most recent fetcher, most recent urls, urls seen, urls visited, etc.


Add new distinct urls to those already saved in the suggest_url_file If the supplied url is not new or the file size exceeds MAX_SUGGEST_URL_FILE_SIZE then it is not added.

public appendSuggestSites(string $url) : string
$url : string

to add

Return values

true if the url was added or already existed in the file; false otherwise


Given a string, wraps in bold html tags a set of key words it contains.

public boldKeywords(string $text, array<string|int, mixed> $words) : string
$text : string

haystack string to look for the key words

$words : array<string|int, mixed>

an array of words to bold face

Return values

the resulting string after boldfacing has been applied


Clears several memory and file caches related to crawls and networking.

public clearCrawlCaches() : mixed
Return values


A save point is used to store to disk a sequence generation-doc-offset pairs of a particular mix query when doing an archive crawl of a crawl mix. This is used so that the mix can remember where it was the next time it is invoked by the web app on the machine in question.

public clearQuerySavePoint(int $save_timestamp[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : mixed

This function deletes such a save point associated with a timestamp

$save_timestamp : int

timestamp of save point to delete

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

machines on which to try to delete savepoint

Return values


Resets the suggest_url_file to be the empty file

public clearSuggestSites() : mixed
Return values


This method is used to reduce the number of network requests needed by the crawlStatus method of admin_controller. It returns an array containing the results of the @see crawlStalled

public combinedCrawlInfo([array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ][, bool $use_cache = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

$use_cache : bool = false

whether to try to use a cached version of the the crawl info or to always recompute it.


and @see getCrawlList methods

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

containing three components one for each of the three kinds of results listed above


Determines if the length of time since any of the fetchers has spoken with any of the queue servers has exceeded CRAWL_TIMEOUT. If so, typically the caller of this method would do something such as officially stop the crawl.

public crawlStalled([array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : bool
$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

Return values

whether the current crawl is stalled or not


Returns data about current crawl such as DESCRIPTION, TIMESTAMP, peak memory of various processes, most recent fetcher, most recent urls, urls seen, urls visited, etc.

public crawlStatus([array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers on which the crawl is being conducted

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

associative array of the said data


Creates a directory and sets it to world permission if it doesn't already exist

public createIfNecessaryDirectory(string $directory) : int
$directory : string

name of directory to create

Return values

-1 on failure, 0 if already existed, 1 if created


Deletes the crawl with the supplied timestamp if it exists. Also deletes any crawl mixes making use of this crawl

public deleteCrawl(string $timestamp[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : mixed
$timestamp : string

a Unix timestamp

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

Return values


Deletes from the DB the crawl mix ans its associated components and fragments

public deleteCrawlMix(int $timestamp) : mixed
$timestamp : int

of the mix to delete

Return values


Deletes the archive iterator and savepoint files created during the process of iterating through a crawl mix.

public deleteCrawlMixIteratorState(int $timestamp) : mixed
$timestamp : int

The timestamp of the crawl mix

Return values


This method is invoked by other ParallelModel (@see CrawlModel for examples) methods when they want to have their method performed on an array of other Yioop instances. The results returned can then be aggregated. The invocation sequence is crawlModelMethodA invokes execMachine with a list of urls of other Yioop instances. execMachine makes REST requests of those instances of the given command and optional arguments This request would be handled by a CrawlController which in turn calls crawlModelMethodA on the given Yioop instance, serializes the result and gives it back to execMachine and then back to the originally calling function.

public execMachines(string $command, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls[, string $arg = null ], int $num_machines[, bool $send_specs = false ][, int $fetcher_queue_server_ratio = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$command : string

the ParallelModel method to invoke on the remote Yioop instances

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed>

machines to invoke this command on

$arg : string = null

additional arguments to be passed to the remote machine

$num_machines : int

the integer to be used in calculating partition

$send_specs : bool = false

whether to send the queue_server, num fetcher info for given machine

$fetcher_queue_server_ratio : int = 1

maximum of the number 1 and the number of active fetchers running across all yioop instances currently divided by the number of queue servers

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a list of outputs from each machine that was called.


Either a wrapper for file_get_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, it reads it in using blocking I/O file_get_contents() and caches it before return its string contents.

public fileGetContents(string $filename[, bool $force_read = false ]) : string

Note this function assumes that only the web server is performing I/O with this file. filemtime() can be used to see if a file on disk has been changed and then you can use $force_read = true below to force re- reading the file into the cache

$filename : string

name of file to get contents of

$force_read : bool = false

whether to force the file to be read from persistent storage rather than the cache

Return values

contents of the file given by $filename


Either a wrapper for file_put_contents, or if a WebSite object is being used to serve pages, writes $data to the persistent file with name $filename. Saves a copy in the RAM cache if there is a copy already there.

public filePutContents(string $filename, string $data) : mixed
$filename : string

name of file to write to persistent storages

$data : string

string of data to store in file

Return values


Given a page summary, extracts snippets which are related to a set of search words. For each snippet, bold faces the search terms, and then creates a new summary array.

public formatSinglePageResult(array<string|int, mixed> $page[, array<string|int, mixed> $words = null ][, int $description_length = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$page : array<string|int, mixed>

a single search result summary

$words : array<string|int, mixed> = null

keywords (typically what was searched on)

$description_length : int = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH

length of the description

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

$page which has been snippified and bold faced



public fromCallback([mixed $args = null ]) : string
$args : mixed = null

any additional arguments which should be used to determine these tables (in this case none)

Return values

a comma separated list of tables suitable for a SQL query


Gets the channel of the crawl with the given timestamp

public getChannel(int $timestamp) : int
$timestamp : int

of crawl to get channel for

Return values

$channel used by that crawl


Get a summary of a document based on its url, the active machines and the idnex we want to look up in.

public getCrawlItem(string $url[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ][, string $index_name = "" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$url : string

of summary we are trying to look-up

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

$index_name : string = ""

timestamp of the index to do the lookup in

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

summary data of the matching document


Gets summaries for a set of document by their url, or by group of 5-tuples of the form (machine, key, index, generation, offset).

public getCrawlItems(string $lookups[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $exclude_fields = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $format_words = null ][, int $description_length = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

For Version >=3, indexes offset is the code "PDB" as a look up can done by the first four items.

$lookups : string

things whose summaries we are trying to look up

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

$exclude_fields : array<string|int, mixed> = []

an array of fields which might be int the crawlItem but which should be excluded from the result. This will make the result smaller and so hopefully faster to transmit

$format_words : array<string|int, mixed> = null

words which should be highlighted in search snippets returned

$description_length : int = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH

length of snippets to be returned for each search result

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of summary data for the matching documents


Gets a list of all index archives of crawls that have been conducted

public getCrawlList([bool $return_arc_bundles = false ][, bool $return_recrawls = false ][, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ][, bool $cache = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$return_arc_bundles : bool = false

whether index bundles used for indexing arc or other archive bundles should be included in the list

$return_recrawls : bool = false

whether index archive bundles generated as a result of recrawling should be included in the result

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

$cache : bool = false

whether to try to get/set the data to a cache file

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

available IndexArchiveBundle directories and their meta information this meta information includes the time of the crawl, its description, the number of pages downloaded, and the number of partitions used in storing the inverted index


Retrieves the weighting component of the requested crawl mix

public getCrawlMix(string $timestamp[, bool $just_components = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$timestamp : string

of the requested crawl mix

$just_components : bool = false

says whether to find the mix name or just the components array.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the crawls and their weights that make up the requested crawl mix.


Returns the timestamp associated with a mix name;

public getCrawlMixTimestamp(string $mix_name) : mixed
$mix_name : string

name to lookup

Return values

timestamp associated with name if exists false otherwise


Returns the crawl parameters that were used during a given crawl

public getCrawlSeedInfo(string $timestamp[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$timestamp : string

timestamp of the crawl to load the crawl parameters of

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the first sites to crawl during the next crawl restrict_by_url, allowed, disallowed_sites


Gets the name (aka timestamp) of the current index archive to be used to handle search queries

public getCurrentIndexDatabaseName() : string
Return values

the timestamp of the archive


Gets a list of all DBMS that work with the search engine

public getDbmsList() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Names of available data sources


Returns all the files in $dir or its subdirectories with modified times more recent than timestamp. The file which have in their path or name a string in the $excludes array will be exclude

public getDeltaFileInfo(string $dir, int $timestamp, array<string|int, mixed> $excludes) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

a directory to traverse

$timestamp : int

used to check modified times against

$excludes : array<string|int, mixed>

an array of path substrings tot exclude

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of file structs consisting of name, modified time and size.


Get a description associated with a Web Crawl or Crawl Mix

public getInfoTimestamp(int $timestamp[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$timestamp : int

of crawl or mix in question

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

associative array containing item DESCRIPTION


Gets a list of all mixes of available crawls

public getMixList(int $user_id[, bool $with_components = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$user_id : int

user that we are getting a list of mixes for We have disabled mix sharing so for now this is all mixes

$with_components : bool = false

if false then don't load the factors that make up the crawl mix, just load the name of the mixes and their timestamps; otherwise, if true loads everything

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of available crawls


Gets a range of rows which match the provided search criteria from $th provided table

public getRows(int $limit, int $num, int &$total[, array<string|int, mixed> $search_array = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $args = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int

starting row from the potential results to return

$num : int

number of rows after start row to return

$total : int

gets set with the total number of rows that can be returned by the given database query

$search_array : array<string|int, mixed> = []

each element of this is a quadruple name of a field, what comparison to perform, a value to check, and an order (ascending/descending) to sort by

$args : array<string|int, mixed> = null

additional values which may be used to get rows (what these are will typically depend on the subclass implementation)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the initial sites that a new crawl will start with along with crawl parameters such as crawl order, allowed and disallowed crawl sites

public getSeedInfo([bool $use_default = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$use_default : bool = false

whether or not to use the Yioop! default crawl.ini file rather than the one created by the user.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the first sites to crawl during the next crawl restrict_by_url, allowed, disallowed_sites


Given a string, extracts a snippets of text related to a given set of key words. For a given word a snippet is a window of characters to its left and right that is less than a maximum total number of characters.

public getSnippets(string $text, array<string|int, mixed> $words, string $description_length) : string

There is also a rule that a snippet should avoid ending in the middle of a word

$text : string

haystack to extract snippet from

$words : array<string|int, mixed>

keywords used to make look in haystack

$description_length : string

length of the description desired

Return values

a concatenation of the extracted snippets of each word


Returns an array of urls which were stored via the suggest-a-url form in suggest_view.php

public getSuggestSites() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

urls that have been suggested


Get the user_id associated with a given username (In base class as used as an internal method in both signin and user models)

public getUserId(string $username) : string
$username : string

the username to look up

Return values

the corresponding userid


Add the provided urls to the schedule directory of URLs that will be crawled

public injectUrlsCurrentCrawl(string $timestamp, array<string|int, mixed> $inject_urls[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : mixed
$timestamp : string

Unix timestamp of crawl to add to schedule of

$inject_urls : array<string|int, mixed>

urls to be added to the schedule of the active crawl

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

Return values


Returns whether the supplied timestamp corresponds to a crawl mix

public isCrawlMix(string $timestamp) : bool
$timestamp : string

of the requested crawl mix

Return values

true if it does; false otherwise


Returns whether there is a mix with the given $timestamp that $user_id owns. Currently mmix ownership is ignored and this is set to always return true;

public isMixOwner(string $timestamp, string $user_id) : bool
$timestamp : string

to see if exists

$user_id : string

id of would be owner

Return values

true if owner; false otherwise


Used to determine if an action involves just one yioop instance on the current local machine or not

public isSingleLocalhost(array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls[, string $index_timestamp = -1 ]) : bool
$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed>

urls of yioop instances to which the action applies

$index_timestamp : string = -1

if timestamp exists checks if the index has declared itself to be a no network index.

Return values

whether it involves a single local yioop instance (true) or not (false)


Returns whether the provided dbms needs a login and password or not (sqlite or sqlite3)

public loginDbms(string $dbms) : bool
$dbms : string

the name of a database management system

Return values

true if needs a login and password; false otherwise


Determines the offset into the summaries WebArchiveBundle and generation of the provided url (or hash_url) so that the info:url (info:base64_hash_url) summary can be retrieved. This assumes of course that the info:url meta word has been stored.

public lookupSummaryOffsetGeneration(string $url_or_key[, string $index_name = "" ][, bool $is_key = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$url_or_key : string

either info:base64_hash_url or just a url to lookup

$index_name : string = ""

index into which to do the lookup

$is_key : bool = false

whether the string is info:base64_hash_url or just a url

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

(offset, generation) into the web archive bundle


In a multiple queue server setting, gets summaries for a set of document by their url, or by group of 5-tuples of the form (machine, key, index, generation, offset). This makes an execMachines call to make a network request to the CrawlController's on each machine which in turn calls getCrawlItems (and thence nonNetworkGetCrawlItems) on each machine. The results are then sent back to networkGetCrawlItems and aggregated.

public networkGetCrawlItems(string $lookups, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls[, array<string|int, mixed> $exclude_fields = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $format_words = null ][, int $description_length = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$lookups : string

things whose summaries we are trying to look up

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed>

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

$exclude_fields : array<string|int, mixed> = []

an array of fields which might be int the crawlItem but which should be excluded from the result. This will make the result smaller and so hopefully faster to transmit

$format_words : array<string|int, mixed> = null

words which should be highlighted in search snippets returned

$description_length : int = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH

length of snippets to be returned for each search result

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of summary data for the matching documents


Gets summaries on a particular machine for a set of document by their url, or by group of 5-tuples of the form (machine, key, index, generation, offset) This may be used in either the single queue_server setting or it may be called indirectly by a particular machine's CrawlController as part of fufilling a network-based getCrawlItems request. $lookups contains items which are to be grouped (as came from same url or site with the same cache). So this function aggregates their descriptions.

public nonNetworkGetCrawlItems(string $lookups[, array<string|int, mixed> $exclude_fields = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $format_words = null ][, int $description_length = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$lookups : string

things whose summaries we are trying to look up

$exclude_fields : array<string|int, mixed> = []

an array of fields which might be in the crawlItem but which should be excluded from the result. This will make the result smaller and so hopefully faster to transmit

$format_words : array<string|int, mixed> = null

words which should be highlighted in search snippets returned

$description_length : int = self::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH

length of snippets to be returned for each search result

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of summary data for the matching documents


Called after getRows has retrieved all the rows that it would retrieve but before they are returned to give one last place where they could be further manipulated. For example, in MachineModel this callback is used to make parallel network calls to get the status of each machine returned by getRows. The default for this method is to leave the rows that would be returned unchanged

public postQueryCallback(array<string|int, mixed> $rows) : array<string|int, mixed>
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>

that have been calculated so far by getRows

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

$rows after this final manipulation



public rowCallback(array<string|int, mixed> $row, mixed $args) : array<string|int, mixed>
$row : array<string|int, mixed>

row as retrieved from database query

$args : mixed

additional arguments that might be used by this callback. In this case, should be a boolean flag that says whether or not to add information about the components of the crawl mix

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

$row after callback manipulation


Creates the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses for a query of a Yioop table such as USERS, ROLE, GROUP, which have associated search web forms. Searches are case insensitive

public searchArrayToWhereOrderClauses(array<string|int, mixed> $search_array[, array<string|int, mixed> $any_fields = ['status'] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$search_array : array<string|int, mixed>

each element of this is a quadruple name of a field, what comparison to perform, a value to check, and an order (ascending/descending) to sort by

$any_fields : array<string|int, mixed> = ['status']

these fields if present in search array but with value "-1" will be skipped as part of the where clause but will be used for order by clause

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

string for where clause, string for order by clause


Controls which columns and the names of those columns from the tables underlying the given model should be return from a getRows call.

public selectCallback([mixed $args = null ]) : string

This defaults to *, but in general will be overridden in subclasses of Model

$args : mixed = null

any additional arguments which should be used to determine the columns

Return values

a comma separated list of columns suitable for a SQL query


Used to send a message to the queue servers to start a crawl

public sendStartCrawlMessage(array<string|int, mixed> $crawl_params[, array<string|int, mixed> $seed_info = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ], int $num_fetchers[, int $fetcher_queue_server_ratio = 1 ]) : mixed
$crawl_params : array<string|int, mixed>

has info like the time of the crawl, whether starting a new crawl or resuming an old one, etc.

$seed_info : array<string|int, mixed> = null

what urls to crawl, etc as from the crawl.ini file

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

$num_fetchers : int

number of fetchers on machine to start. This parameter and $channel are used to start the daemons running on the machines if they aren't already running

$fetcher_queue_server_ratio : int = 1

maximum of the number 1 and the number of active fetchers running across all yioop instances currently divided by the number of queue servers

Return values


Used to send a message to the queue servers to stop a crawl

public sendStopCrawlMessage( $channel[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : mixed
$channel :

of crawl to stop

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

Return values


Stores in DB the supplied crawl mix object

public setCrawlMix(array<string|int, mixed> $mix) : mixed
$mix : array<string|int, mixed>

an associative array representing the crawl mix object

Return values


Changes the crawl parameters of an existing crawl (can be while crawling) Not all fields are allowed to be updated

public setCrawlSeedInfo(string $timestamp, array<string|int, mixed> $new_info[, array<string|int, mixed> $machine_urls = null ]) : mixed
$timestamp : string

timestamp of the crawl to change

$new_info : array<string|int, mixed>

the new parameters

$machine_urls : array<string|int, mixed> = null

an array of urls of yioop queue servers

Return values


Sets the IndexArchive that will be used for search results

public setCurrentIndexDatabaseName( $timestamp) : mixed
$timestamp :

the timestamp of the index archive. The timestamp is when the crawl was started. Currently, the timestamp appears as substring of the index archives directory name

Return values


Writes a crawl.ini file with the provided data to the user's WORK_DIRECTORY

public setSeedInfo(array<string|int, mixed> $info) : mixed
$info : array<string|int, mixed>

an array containing information about the crawl

Return values


Used to start QueueServers and Fetchers on current machine when it is detected that someone tried to start a crawl but hadn't started any queue servers or fetchers.

public startQueueServerFetchers(int $channel, int $num_fetchers) : bool
$channel : int

channel of crawl to start

$num_fetchers : int

the number of fetchers on the current machine

Return values

whether any processes were started


Used to get the translation of a string_id stored in the database to the given locale.

public translateDb(string $string_id, string $locale_tag) : mixed
$string_id : string

id to translate

$locale_tag : string

to translate to

Return values

translation if found, $string_id, otherwise


Controls the WHERE clause of the SQL query that underlies the given model and should be used in a getRows call.

public whereCallback([mixed $args = null ]) : string

This defaults to an empty WHERE clause.

$args : mixed = null

additional arguments that might be used to construct the WHERE clause.

Return values

a SQL WHERE clause


Search results