
MysqlManager extends PdoManager
in package

Mysql DatasourceManager

This is concrete class, implementing the abstract class DatasourceManager for the MySql DBMS. Method explanations are from the parent class. Originally, it was implemented using php mysql_ interface. In July, 2013, it was rewritten to use mysqli_ interface as the former interface was deprecated. This was a minimal rewrite and does not yet use the more advanced features of mysqli_


Chris Pollett

Table of Contents

Maximum number of connections to cache
$active_connections  : array<string|int, mixed>
Arrays used to manage dbms connections which have been made so they can be recycled
$connect_string  : string
String containing host info etc that was used to establish a DB connection
$connect_time  : int
The time at which the last attempt to connect to the database was made
$db_host  : string
The hostname of where the database is located
$db_name  : string
The name of the database on host we are connecting to
$db_password  : string
The password of the user to connect the dbms as
$db_user  : string
The user to connect to dbms as
$num_affected  : int
The number of rows affected by the last exec
$pdo  : resource
Used to hold the PDO database object
$query_log  : string
Used to store statistics about what queries have been run depending on the debug level
$special_quote  : string
Used when to quote column names of db names that contain a a keyword or special character
$to_upper_dbms  : mixed
If DBMS is one like postgres which lower cases table names that aren't in quotes that this field has the name of the database; otherwise, false.
$total_time  : int
Used to store the total time taken to execute queries
__construct()  : mixed
Sets up the query_log for query statistics
affectedRows()  : int
Returns the number of rows affected by the last sql statement
autoIncrement()  : string
Returns string for given DBMS CREATE TABLE equivalent to auto_increment (at least as far as Yioop requires).
beginTransaction()  : mixed
blobType()  : string
Used when creating databases to set what a blob is If the DBMS is Postgres, there is not BLOB type, only BYTEA
closeCursor()  : mixed
commit()  : mixed
connect()  : mixed
Connects to a database on a DBMS using data provided or from config.php
copyRecursive()  : mixed
Recursively copies a source directory to a destination directory
copyTable()  : mixed
Copies the contents of from_table in the first database into the to a to_table of suitable schema in a second database. It assumes the table exists in both databases, both have the same number of columns, etc.
disconnect()  : mixed
Closes connections to DBMS
escapeString()  : string
Used to escape strings before insertion in the database to avoid SQL injection
exec()  : mixed
Hook Method for execute(). Executes the sql command on the database
execute()  : mixed
Executes the supplied sql command on the database, depending on debug levels computes query statistics
fetchArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the next row from the provided result set
fileInfoRecursive()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns arrays of filesizes and file modifications times of files in a directory
insertID()  : string
Returns the ID generated by the last insert statement if table has an auto increment key column
insertIgnore()  : string
Used to convert a sql string that does an insert statement into a sql string where a duplicate insert is ignored
integerType()  : string
Used when creating databases to set what an integer is If the DBMS is sqlite, there is not BIGINT type, only INTEGER which can be 8 bytes
limitOffset()  : string
How a daabase can perform LIMIT OFFSET queries is not standardized between DBMS's. This method take a $start, a $num, and a $dbinfo and returns the string that would restrict a query to show $num many rows starting at $start. In the case that $num is not provided then it returns the string represent returning the first $start many rows. In the case that $dbinfo is not provided the current Yioop default database is used.
pageType()  : string
Used when creating databases to set what type should be used for wiki pages
serialType()  : string
Used to return the database column type for a column that can be used to do autoincrementing. Usually this will just be INTEGER, however, for Postgres is SERIAL.
setWorldPermissionsRecursive()  : mixed
Recursively chmod a directory to 0777
traverseDirectory()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Recursively traverse a directory structure and call a callback function
unlinkRecursive()  : mixed
Recursively delete a file or directory
updateConnectionCache()  : mixed
Caches current PDO connection. If cache full evicts last



Maximum number of connections to cache

public int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 20



Arrays used to manage dbms connections which have been made so they can be recycled

public static array<string|int, mixed> $active_connections = []


String containing host info etc that was used to establish a DB connection

public string $connect_string = ""


The time at which the last attempt to connect to the database was made

public int $connect_time = 0


The hostname of where the database is located

public string $db_host = ""


The name of the database on host we are connecting to

public string $db_name = ""


The password of the user to connect the dbms as

public string $db_password = ""


The user to connect to dbms as

public string $db_user = ""


The number of rows affected by the last exec

public int $num_affected = 0


Used to hold the PDO database object

public resource $pdo = null


Used to store statistics about what queries have been run depending on the debug level

public string $query_log


Used when to quote column names of db names that contain a a keyword or special character

public string $special_quote = "`"


If DBMS is one like postgres which lower cases table names that aren't in quotes that this field has the name of the database; otherwise, false.

public mixed $to_upper_dbms


Used to store the total time taken to execute queries

public int $total_time



Sets up the query_log for query statistics

public __construct() : mixed
Return values


Returns the number of rows affected by the last sql statement

public abstract affectedRows() : int
Return values

the number of rows affected by the last insert, update, delete


Returns string for given DBMS CREATE TABLE equivalent to auto_increment (at least as far as Yioop requires).

public autoIncrement(array<string|int, mixed> $dbinfo) : string
$dbinfo : array<string|int, mixed>

contains strings DBMS, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD

Return values

to achieve auto_increment function for the given DBMS


public abstract beginTransaction() : mixed
Return values


Used when creating databases to set what a blob is If the DBMS is Postgres, there is not BLOB type, only BYTEA

public blobType(array<string|int, mixed> $dbinfo) : string
$dbinfo : array<string|int, mixed>

containing fields for the current DBMS

Return values

to use for column type corresponding to a BLOB


public abstract closeCursor(mixed $result) : mixed
$result : mixed
Return values


Connects to a database on a DBMS using data provided or from config.php

public connect([string $db_host = CDB_HOST ][, string $db_user = CDB_USER ][, string $db_password = CDB_PASSWORD ][, string $db_name = CDB_NAME ]) : mixed
$db_host : string = CDB_HOST

the hostname of where the database is located (not used in all dbms's)

$db_user : string = CDB_USER

the user to connect as

$db_password : string = CDB_PASSWORD

the password of the user to connect as

$db_name : string = CDB_NAME

the name of the database on host we are connecting to

Return values

return false if not successful and some kind of connection object/identifier otherwise


Recursively copies a source directory to a destination directory

public copyRecursive(string $source_dir, string $destination_dir) : mixed

It would have been cool to use traverseDirectory to implement this, but it was a little bit too much of a stretch to shoehorn the code to match

$source_dir : string

the name of the source directory

$destination_dir : string

the name of the destination directory

Return values


Copies the contents of from_table in the first database into the to a to_table of suitable schema in a second database. It assumes the table exists in both databases, both have the same number of columns, etc.

public static copyTable(string $from_table, resource $from_dbm, resource $to_table, resource $to_dbm) : mixed
$from_table : string

name of the table to be copied from

$from_dbm : resource

database resource for the from table

$to_table : resource

name of the table to be copied to

$to_dbm : resource

database resource for the to table

Return values


Closes connections to DBMS

public abstract disconnect() : mixed
Return values


Used to escape strings before insertion in the database to avoid SQL injection

public abstract escapeString(string $str) : string
$str : string

string to escape

Return values

a string which is safe to insert into the db


Hook Method for execute(). Executes the sql command on the database

public abstract exec(string $sql[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : mixed

This method operates on either query or data manipulation statements

$sql : string

SQL statement to execute

$params : array<string|int, mixed> = []

bind_name => value values to interpolate into the $sql to be executes

Return values

false if query fails, resource or true otherwise


Executes the supplied sql command on the database, depending on debug levels computes query statistics

public execute(string $sql[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : mixed

This method operates either query or data manipulation statements

$sql : string

SQL statement to execute

$params : array<string|int, mixed> = []

bind_name => value values to interpolate into the $sql to be executes

Return values

false if query fails, resource or true otherwise


Returns the next row from the provided result set

public abstract fetchArray(resource $result) : array<string|int, mixed>
$result : resource

result set reference of a query

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the next row from the result set as an associative array in the form column_name => value


Returns arrays of filesizes and file modifications times of files in a directory

public fileInfoRecursive(string $dir[, bool $root_too = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

directory to get filesizes for

$root_too : bool = true

whether to have an entry for the whole directory too

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of fileinfo information for each file in the folder in question


Returns the ID generated by the last insert statement if table has an auto increment key column

public abstract insertID([string $table_name = "" ]) : string
$table_name : string = ""

of table of last insert

Return values

the ID of the insert


Used to convert a sql string that does an insert statement into a sql string where a duplicate insert is ignored

public insertIgnore(mixed $sql[, array<string|int, mixed> $dbinfo = null ]) : string
$sql : mixed
$dbinfo : array<string|int, mixed> = null

containing fields for the current DBMS (pdo for Postgres) and DB_HOST (DSN connection string to database)

Return values

what to use for insert ignore expression


Used when creating databases to set what an integer is If the DBMS is sqlite, there is not BIGINT type, only INTEGER which can be 8 bytes

public integerType(array<string|int, mixed> $dbinfo) : string
$dbinfo : array<string|int, mixed>

containing fields for the current DBMS

Return values

to use for column type corresponding to an 64bit int


How a daabase can perform LIMIT OFFSET queries is not standardized between DBMS's. This method take a $start, a $num, and a $dbinfo and returns the string that would restrict a query to show $num many rows starting at $start. In the case that $num is not provided then it returns the string represent returning the first $start many rows. In the case that $dbinfo is not provided the current Yioop default database is used.

public limitOffset(int $start[, int $num = -1 ][, array<string|int, mixed> $dbinfo = null ]) : string
$start : int

starting row to return from if ($num == -1, i.e., not supplied in the call) then this is is the number of rows desired

$num : int = -1

number of rows to return

$dbinfo : array<string|int, mixed> = null

containing fields for how to connect to a database

Return values

what to use for for LIMIT OFFSET query with input $limit and $num for the DBMS in question


Used when creating databases to set what type should be used for wiki pages

public pageType(array<string|int, mixed> $dbinfo) : string
$dbinfo : array<string|int, mixed>

containing fields for the current DBMS

Return values

to use for column type corresponding to wiki page


Used to return the database column type for a column that can be used to do autoincrementing. Usually this will just be INTEGER, however, for Postgres is SERIAL.

public serialType(array<string|int, mixed> $dbinfo) : string
$dbinfo : array<string|int, mixed>

containing fields for the current DBMS (pdo for Postgres) and DB_HOST (DSN connection string to database)

Return values

what to use for serial data type


Recursively chmod a directory to 0777

public setWorldPermissionsRecursive(string $dir[, bool $chmod_root_too = true ]) : mixed
$dir : string

Directory name

$chmod_root_too : bool = true

chmod specified top-level directory as well

Return values


Recursively traverse a directory structure and call a callback function

public traverseDirectory(string $dir, function $callback[, bool $root_too = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

Directory name

$callback : function

Function to call as traverse structure

$root_too : bool = true

whether to have an apply the callback to the whole directory as well

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

results computed by performing the traversal


Recursively delete a file or directory

public unlinkRecursive(string $dir[, bool $delete_root_too = true ]) : mixed
$dir : string

file or directory name

$delete_root_too : bool = true

Delete specified top directory as well

Return values


Caches current PDO connection. If cache full evicts last

public updateConnectionCache() : mixed
Return values


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