

Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums

A media job used to periodically calculate summary statistics about group, thread, page, and query impressions.
MediaJob class for sending out emails from a Yioop instance (either in response to account registrations or in response to group posts and similar activities)
A media job to download and index feeds from various search sources (RSS, HTML scraper, etc). Idea is that this job runs once an hour to get the latest news, movies, weather from those sources.
Base class for jobs to be carried out by a MediaUpdater process.
A media job to periodically download Podcasts and store them as resources of a Wiki Page
Recommendation Job recommends the trending threads as well as threads and groups which are relevant based on the users viewing history
A media job to compute trending terms from the feed search sources, and to generate a list of top feed items for the landing page for the different subsearches displlayed on the landing page.
Media Job used to convert videos uploaded to the wiki or group feeds to a common format (mp4)
A media job to add thumbnails and animated thumbnails for wiki page media resources that have just been viewed in the browser. This is detected by the method: GroupModel::getGroupPageResourceUrls which write a file GroupModel::NEEDS_THUMBS_DIR . L\crawlHash($folder) . ".txt" to with information about the folders needing thumbs.
A media job to periodically update descriptions of Wiki resources using Description Search Sources

Search results